Mark Your Calendar: Gateway Pundit’s Jim and Joe Hoft to Speak at “Globalism Rising” Conference at Regent University Tuesday March, 29 from Noon to 5 PM


Throughout the world, individual liberties and freedom are being lost as authoritarianism rises. Learn what’s at stake and how to live in these unprecedented times.

On Tuesday, March 29, Hon. Michele Bachmann, Dean of the Robertson School of Government will host The Rise of Global Government conference from noon until 5:00 PM Eastern.
The entire event will air on the Globalism Rising webpage.

The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft and Joe Hoft will present a timeline on the rising authoritarianism over the past two years at the conference. You won’t want to miss this!

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TRENDING: HUGE: GOP Donor Confidante Goes Public — Accuses Karl Rove as Man Behind Disgusting Hit Piece on Missouri Senate Candidate Eric Greitens

Globalism Rising: Authoritarianism and the Demise of Civil Liberties


March 29, 2022 / Noon – 5:00 pm ET

Speakers and Schedule – As of March 10, 2022

12:00 – 1:00 pm – Jim and Joe Hoft (Live in Studio)
The Hoft brothers publish the top conservative website, The Gateway Pundit, publishing 30-40 articles daily.
Topic: Sharing from their archive of information, outline the Rise of Authoritarianism over the past 2 years.

1:00 – 2:15 pm – Leo Hohmann and Dr. Michael Rectenwald (Live in Studio)
Topic: Each will discuss the World Economic Forum (WEF) and then have a back-and-forth conversation about the WEF.

2:15 – 2:35 pm – Sen. Rand Paul (Live via Zoom)
Topic: From the Senator’s perspective, present the Rise of Global Authoritarianism in the United States.

2:35 – 2:55 pm – Leo Hohmann and Dr. Michael Rectenwald (Live in Studio)
Topic: Return for reactions and Q&A.

2:55 – 3:55 pm – Dr. Ed Hindson, Dean Emeritus, School of Divinity, Liberty University (Live via Zoom)
Topic: What does the Bible say about the Rise of Global Authoritarianism and governance, or does it speak to Global Authoritarianism? From a Biblical perspective and using Scriptural references, parallel Scripture to the events occurring in our world today.

3:55 – 5:00 pm – Bill Federer (Pre-recorded)
Topic: The rise and history of socialism, fascism, and communism. How Government Authoritarian removes the authority of individuals and gives it to a centralized government.

Mark your calendars! This will be an amazing event.

Priorities: Joe Biden Flies to Rzeszow Near Ukrainian Border – But Refuses to Visit Open US Southern Border with Mexico as a QUARTER OF A MILLION Illegals Storm Across Border This Month


Joe Biden flew into Rzeszów, Poland on Friday about 80 kilometers from the Ukrainian border.

This was Joe Biden’s first trip to the border since 2021 — and it was in Ukraine.

TRENDING: HUGE: GOP Donor Confidante Goes Public — Accuses Karl Rove as Man Behind Disgusting Hit Piece on Missouri Senate Candidate Eric Greitens

Joe Biden refuses to visit the open US southern border with Mexico.
The US is expecting a quarter of a million illegals to cross into the US this month!

There is something terribly wrong with this scenario.

It should be clear to everyone at this point that their goal is to destroy America.

Demonic Northern Ireland Politicians Dance As ‘Safe Zone’ Ban On Prayers At Abortion Clinics Becomes Law


Green Party’s Clare Bailey is ecstatic. Her bill, the first of its kind “anywhere in both the UK and Ireland” will effectively ban the act of prayer outside abortion clinics as well as any other last-chance effort to convince women to carry their pregnancies to term.

Bailey, the leader of the Green Party of Northern Ireland, has been pushing for her Abortion Services Safe Access Zones Bill since 2016. The legislation, which now only requires a procedural rubberstamp from the queen, will make an effort to persuade women to forgo the life-terminating procedure a violation of the law—even if such effort comes in the form of offering to help, or, through prayer, is directed at God.

Celebrating the bill’s success, members of the Northern Ireland Assembly danced, screamed, and hugged each other in exuberance.

TRENDING: HUGE: GOP Donor Confidante Goes Public — Accuses Karl Rove as Man Behind Disgusting Hit Piece on Missouri Senate Candidate Eric Greitens

Not everyone in Assembly was happy, however.  James Allister, a British Unionist member, spoke despondently about what it meant for the morals of society to not only accept the practice of abortion but also prevent any attempt to dissuade women from undergoing it.

“A woman’s womb should be the safest possible place for the unborn,” he said. “Yet, with abortion, it is the most dangerous place for the unborn, because it is there, in the womb, that, consciously, deliberately and by choice, death is visited on the unborn.”

According to the final revisions of the legislation, a constable will be authorized to warn, order the removal of, or use the necessary force to remove violators in the “safe zone.”

Actions that will be considered in violation of the law include influencing women seeking abortion directly or indirectly, impeding access, recording audio or video of women who are within the safe zone, or harassment. Due to the incredibly broad array of actions that might indirectly influence a woman within the safe zone, actions such as prayer for the end of abortion or for the souls of the unborn would be in violation of this law.

Those who violate the law will be fined up to £1,000.

Those who refuse to vacate the premises or resist enforcement of the law will receive a summary conviction and fine not exceeding £5,000.

Joe Manchin Announces He Intends to Vote to Confirm Radical Supreme Court Nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson


Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) announced Friday that he intends to vote to confirm the nomination of radical Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson.

Manchin posted his announcement to Twitter, “After meeting with Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, considering her record, and closely monitoring her testimony and questioning before the Senate Judiciary Committee this week, I have determined I intend to vote for her nomination to serve on the Supreme Court. My full statement:”

Manchin says he “closely monitor(ed)” Jackson’s confirmation hearing this week but does not comment on Jackson defending her soft on child porn criminals record or her not being able to say what a woman is.

TRENDING: HUGE: GOP Donor Confidante Goes Public — Accuses Karl Rove as Man Behind Disgusting Hit Piece on Missouri Senate Candidate Eric Greitens

Manchin does not sit on the Senate Judiciary Committee, so he won’t get to vote on Jackson until her nomination reaches the Senate floor. The evenly divided Judiciary Committee (11-11) is set to vote on April 4 with an expected vote in the full Senate by April 8, giving time for Manchin to change his mind as more is revealed about Jackson’s radical record (doubtful, but possible as Manchin’s statement says, “I intend to vote for her nomination”, not ‘I will.’)

A tie vote in the committee would require a majority vote by the full Senate to bring Jackson’s nomination out of committee. Kamala Harris would be able to vote to break a tie in the 50-50 Senate.

Minority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced his opposition to Jackson on Thursday, sending an early signal to Republicans on opposition to Jackson’s confirmation.

A Real Life Spy Gun: The B&T Station Six Review


In this episode, James Reeves reviews the modern Welrod pistol, the B&T Station Six. The Station Six is truly a real-life spy gun and a modernized take on the integrally suppressed Welrod pistol from the World War II era. This Swiss 9mm bolt-action pistol with removable integral suppressor could be one of the quietest guns […]

Read More …

The post A Real Life Spy Gun: The B&T Station Six Review appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

Republican Darrell Issa Sends Notice to White House, Big Tech and Intel Community to Keep All Records Related to Hunter’s Laptop from Hell


Republican leader Darrell Issa submitted document preservation notices to members of the Intelligence Community who claimed Hunter Biden’s laptop was from Russia and not from hell.

Breitbart reported Thursday evening that the Republicans in Congress are preparing for winning the US House and after doing so, investigating the coverup of the Hunter Biden laptop from hell.

Rep. Issa is demanding former DNI boss James Clapper, former CIA boss Micheal Hayden, former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, former CIA head John Brennan, former top CIA aide Nick Shapiro, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain, White House Communications Director Kate Bedingfield, Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Meta Communications Director Andy Stone, former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, and current Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal all preserve documents relating to their involvement in suppressing the New York Post’s bombshell exposé on the Hunter Biden laptop in the lead up to the 2020 presidential election, according to letters obtained exclusively by Breitbart News.

TRENDING: HUGE: GOP Donor Confidante Goes Public — Accuses Karl Rove as Man Behind Disgusting Hit Piece on Missouri Senate Candidate Eric Greitens

In October 2020 right before the November Election, we received information from the laptop from hell.  We were the first to provide this information and it was disgusting.  We showed numerous items including that the Biden’s were covering up for Hunter for actions he took with a family member.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR

This was just scratching the surface of what was on Hunter’s laptop from hell.  We were attacked by Big Tech for this with at least one Twitter account censored and taken down.

Hunter Biden’s Wife Vacations at Ipanema Beach in Brazil with Six Secret Service Agents in Tow – In Town for Orphaned Starfish Benefit


Hunter Biden’s wife of two years Melissa Cohen decided to get away for a little R&R this week at Ipanema Beach in Brazil.

The young mother, traveling alone, took some me-time on the beach and splashed in the surf with her six tax-payer-funded security guards in tow.

While the rest of the country is struggling to make ends meet under Joe Biden’s record inflation, the Biden family is taking private vacations to exotic beaches in South America.

We can all feel good about that.

TRENDING: HUGE: GOP Donor Confidante Goes Public — Accuses Karl Rove as Man Behind Disgusting Hit Piece on Missouri Senate Candidate Eric Greitens

Here she is on the beach this week.

The Daily Mail reported:

Hunter Biden’s wife Melissa Cohen was spotted going for a swim on a beach in Brazil while her husband is thousands of miles away facing a grand jury probe into his murky finances and business deals. spotted the 35-year-old on Wednesday at the famous Ipanema Beach in Rio de Janeiro flaunting her toned body in a small bikini.

The mother-of-one appeared to enjoy the waves solo in her yellow top and navy blue -patterned bottoms, but several Secret Service agents were nearby at all times, costing US taxpayers thousands.

South African-born Melissa is in town for the Orphaned Starfish Foundation’s benefit for the LGBTQ+ community, orphans, indigenous children and victims of trafficking and abuse. She is the guest of honor at Thursday night’s event.

Melissa is traveling with a heavy entourage of six SUVS, six Secret Service agents and was spotted being escorted by seven Brazilian federal officers.

Featured image from Daily Mail

Kansas Senate Passes Bill to Authorize the Prescriptions of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and Child Vaccine Exempt


Senate Sub. for HB 2280, as amended, concerns prescribing and dispensing of drugs for off-label use and religious exemptions for childhood vaccines, the bill stated.

The Senate worked on a host of bills into the early morning hours in a marathon session. The off-label drug bill, HB 2280, passed 21-16 shortly before 1:30 a.m.

“Thousands of Kansans and hundreds of thousands of Americans have died because of this propaganda that shut down early treatment,” said Sen. Mark Steffen, R-Hutchinson. “I fully believe that this passage of this bill through the Senate will gain national attention and help be a very important part of getting the care to the people who need it.”

The bill would allow doctors to prescribe ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and any other FDA-approved drug that isn’t a controlled substance for an off-label use to prevent or treat COVID-19.

It further requires pharmacists to fill the prescriptions, removing their professional discretion to refuse to fill a prescription, unless they find a reason other than the connection to COVID-19.

“With this provision, a doctor can write a prescription for abortion medication under the guise of COVID, and the pharmacist must fill it,” said Cindy Holscher, D-Overland Park, who opposed the bill.

Another piece protects doctors from board of healing arts investigations connected to the pandemic, prohibiting any “recommendation, prescription, use or opinion” on COVID-19 treatments from being considered unprofessional conduct.

The bill also expands existing religious exemptions for childhood wellness vaccines at schools and day cares. It effectively creates a new exemption where any parent can claim a moral or ethical exemption to any youth vaccinations.

California is Being Destroyed with Horrible Laws – The Unity Project and Others Are Fighting for Freedom for the People of California


California is being destroyed by insane, radical mandates.  Fortunately, there are courageous heroes who are standing up to the abuse.  

California is being destroyed by bad laws and bad politicians.  The Unity Project is led by well-known doctors and business and civic leaders who are standing up against the insane laws coming down in California.

The group brought together all the groups to fight vaccine mandates in the state.

We are a group of concerned families, business leaders, and other professionals that recently joined together to launch The Unity Project to aid a unified movement against forced Covid-19 child vaccines, via unification efforts, resourcing, and the need to amplify the best strategies of the most effective groups already doing tremendous work in this space.

TRENDING: HUGE: GOP Donor Confidante Goes Public — Accuses Karl Rove as Man Behind Disgusting Hit Piece on Missouri Senate Candidate Eric Greitens

The Unity Project stands against the following:

Forcing children as young as five-years-old to effectively become human shields, assuming vaccine-injury-risk despite having statistically zero risk of COVID-19 to those who are healthy, just so adults with comorbidities can feel safer — what kind of a society does that?  At no time in history have we put children in harm’s way to protect adults.

Stripping risk/benefit discretion from parents with a novel vaccine for children, which, if healthy, are at statistically greater risk of the seasonal flu than Covid-19.

Illogical, unscientific, top-down, one-size-fits-all carte blanche mandates for healthy children that directly contradict the current body of evidence and data.

Dr. Malone and other well respected doctors and medical experts are involved in the project.

This group of doctors and professionals joined together to stand up to the abuse.

Here is a sample of bad Senate and Assembly Bills that are human rights violations.

SB866 – Minors age 12 and older minor “may consent to their medical care and treatment without the consent of a parent or guardian.”

SB1390 – Defines that individuals who have opinions that the State considers harmful due to disinformation or misinformation can be prosecuted. Law addresses “medicine or vaccinations, false or misleading information regarding elections, and conspiracy theories.”

SB1464  – “Authorizes each sheriff to enforce all orders of the State Department of Public Health or of the local health officer (unelected officials).

AB1993 – “This bill would require an employer to require each person who is an employee or independent contractor, and who is eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, to show proof to the employer, or an authorized agent thereof, that the person has been vaccinated against COVID-19.” In other words, no current COVID-19 vaccine no job.

AB2098 – Medical Board can discipline physicians deemed misinformation regarding COVID-19. In other words, strip their license.

SB871 – Bans students from public and private schools that have not been fully immunized against COVID-19.

Below is a discussion of what the politicians in California are proposing.

Hat tip Bob Bishop

Bushcraft – Scouting a New Location with my Dog – New Shelter Build – LEAD UP TO OVERNIGHT CAMP.

Its been a while since a good old fashioned bushcraft day in the woods with my dog, so here it is! Tripper and I go scouting for a new location to build a new shelter…while out there we prepare and lead up to an overnight camp. Hope you enjoy