Texas-based Primary Arms Optics is announcing two new scopes for their GLx line of optics – the GLx 1-6x24mm FFP Rifle Scope and the GLx 4-16x50mm FFP Rifle Scope with the ACSS Athena BPR MIL Reticle. The GLx 1-6x24mm comes with two reticle options with either built-in ballistic drop compensation for the 5.56, .308, 5.45, and similar […]
The Today Show on NBC aired a report Friday that highlights double digit inflation for lunch items that workers are confronting as they return to their offices as the pandemic wanes. To make matters even worse, the report notes that making lunch at home is also more expensive with an inflation rate of nearly ten percent. Either way the report adds, wages are not keeping up with inflation so workers are falling further behind. One woman interviewed said she has resorted to eating toast for lunch or dinner.
Wraps are up 18 percent, sandwiches up 14 percent, tacos up 12 percent, salads up 11 percent and burgers up 8 percent. Groceries are up 8.6 percent.
You got a raise last year or switched jobs to get one. Congratulations! You’re one of the many Americans who saw their paychecks get bigger. Unfortunately, unless your wages or salary grew much higher than the national average of 4.5 percent last year, inflation likely canceled it out. That means that while you might be making more money, you can buy less stuff with it.
That’s bad news for you, but it’s also probably bad news for your boss. Employers are struggling to retain and attract workers amid the Great Resignation, a broad term to describe the past couple of years, when workers have been quick to leave for better pay or greener pastures. If inflation continues apace, we could be trapped in a cycle of rising wages only to see those gains wiped out by inflation. If inflation calms down, as economists expect, the situation could lead to much-needed real wage gains for American workers.
For now, inflation is again at a 40-year high, with prices on average 7.9 percent higher than they were a year ago. That figure takes into account a whole basket of goods and services, so it will affect people differently based on what they purchase, but as a whole, price increases outpaced typical wage growth. Price hikes were especially high for things like fuel, food, and rent and grew even faster than that average. Inflation is only expected to get worse as gas prices rise significantly due to Russia’s war in Ukraine.
The AGM Global Vision Fuzion handheld thermal and optical bi-spectrum monoculars are equipped with a high sensitivity thermal detector and an ultra-low light optical detector. Combined with a display and eyepiece, the Fuzion model line can quickly detect hiding objects even under extreme environments such as smoke, fog, rain, snow, etc. The use can be […]
The Supreme Court announced Friday that Associate Justice Clarence Thomas, 73, has been released from Sibley Memorial Hospital in Washington, D.C., where he was admitted a week ago for an infection.
Thomas is the target of a scorched earth campaign by liberals to get him off the court by accusing his wife Ginni of improper activism on issues before the court–the most recent being accusations involving her text message conversations with Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows urging him to fight the stolen 2020 presidential election.
Ginni Thomas’ text massages were leaked by the House January 6 committee to reporters Bob Woodward with the Washington Post and Robert Costa with CBS News.
CBS News, “BREAKING: Copies of text messages obtained by CBS News and The Washington Post reveal Ginni Thomas, Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife, exchanged texts with former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows about efforts to overturn the 2020 election.”
Liberal activists are pushing to remove Thomas from the bench or at a minimum to recuse himself from cases.
Occupy Democrats, “BREAKING: Justice Clarence Thomas is discharged from the hospital right into the mouth of a growing controversy over his wife Ginni’s attempts to overthrow the 2020 election and illegally reinstall Trump into power. RT IF YOU THINK JUSTICE THOMAS MUST RESIGN!”
Activist Ricky Davila, “Sedition spouse Clarence Thomas has been discharged from hospital a week later. He needs to resign and his domestic terrorist wife Ginni needs to be sent to jail.”
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) called on Thomas to recuse himself from cases involving the January 6 investigation and the 2024 election should President Trump run again.
“It’s going to take some time to adjust gas supply chains and infrastructure that were built for the last decade so we’re going to have to make sure the families in Europe can get through this winter and the next while we’re building an infrastructure for a diversified, resilient and clean energy future,” Biden said.
Meanwhile Americans are suffering from soaring gas prices.
But Biden said the pain at the pump is good because it’s an “opportunity” to “double down on our own clean energy goals.”
This morning CNN reported that US officials expect 240,000-340,000 illegals to storm across the open US southern border this month! A QUARTER OF A MILLION ILLEGALS IN ONE MONTH!
Border officials are expecting 8,000 apprehensions a day!
Biden and Kamala have COMPLETELY opened to the US border to anyone who can walk across, get carried across, or can roll across the open border in the US.
Steve Bannon went off on the news telling Hispanic voters, “These demon Democrats are out to destroy you and your family!”
Steve Bannon: This is an invasion. Hey, you notice Joe Biden he’s over there today in the Ukraine-Polish border. You aint seen him down there in the Rio Grande Valley. You haven’t seen him at the southern border he’d be booed like crazy. In all of his lies and misrepresentations, this is the first article of impeachment on this guy. He has initiated and exacerbated an invasion of our border of our beloved country. And he’s over there sending another billion for 100,000 refugees… They won’t come and face the reality of what they’ve done to this nation.
…Biden go to south Texas. Don’t send Kamala Harris. She’s a disaster and a joke. And a new book says she wet herself when you gave her that assignment. She didn’t want it… You come! We need the President of the United States. The folks down there deserve you to come down there and face them. That’s what the working class demands. Every Hispanic who can hear my voice if you vote for these demon Democrats they’re out to destroy you and your family. Don’t take my word for it. Go down to Del Rio, Texas!
In this episode, James Reeves reviews the modern Welrod pistol, the B&T Station Six. The Station Six is truly a real-life spy gun and a modernized take on the integrally suppressed Welrod pistol from the World War II era. This Swiss 9mm bolt-action pistol with removable integral suppressor could be one of the quietest guns […]
Crossman is probably most well known for its fun backyard plinking air rifles and BB guns but now they have released the first airgun specifically designed for newer PCP hunters. The new Crossman Icon PCP bolt-action air rifle is capable of delivering velocities of up to 1,000 fps and will come in .22 and .177 caliber […]
Rimfire PRS is a rapidly growing sport in the United States and organizations like the Mid Atlantic Rimfire Series are also feeling the accelerated growth. A while back you guys will remember that I wrote a Rimfire Report article on the eastern-coast-based competition which had a good mix of new, old, and younger shooters who were […]