New TM1 Thermal Monocular from X-Vision Optics


New TM1 Thermal Monocular from X-Vision OpticsIf you haven’t used a thermal monocular yet you should at least try one. Thermal monoculars work both day and night and can be used for target and terrain observations more or less anywhere. X-Vision Optics now has a new thermal monocular called the TM1, which features a 400 x 300 thermal detector and a 1.7 […]

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Joe Biden’s America: SoCal Residents Drive to Tijuana For Cheaper Gas

Californians in San Diego are driving across the border into Mexico for cheaper gas. Gas prices in California are averaging $6 a gallon thanks to a combination of Joe Biden’s war on domestic energy production and high taxes in the Golden State. The gas prices in Tijuana cost an average of $3.96 a gallon – a whopping $2 a gallon cheaper than in California. Large banners at the Mexican gas stations advertising their cheap gas prices take a shot a Joe Biden’s America: “Cheaper than in the USA!” The Los Angeles Times reported:

Claudia Jessica Villarreal used to fill up her gray Nissan Pathfinder near her home in Chula Vista, Calif. Then Russia invaded Ukraine and gasoline prices went bonkers. The 54-year-old psychologist soon discovered a bargain.

A dozen miles south, just across the U.S.-Mexico border in Tijuana, regular gas sells for an average of $3.96 a gallon — nearly $2 less than in California.

She was in Tijuana on Wednesday to take her children to a doctor’s appointment, so it wasn’t a big deal to swing by the Santa Fe gas station on Salinas Boulevard to fill up. But she’s also been making special trips.

“I swear, I’ve been coming once a week,” she said. “I cross when I can.”

She can thank one man for the discount: Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

Now banners at Mexican gas stations in Tijuana flaunt their prices with signs like “Cheaper than in the U.S.A.!”

Although the lower prices have enticed Californians who live near the border and are willing to sit in traffic to get back and forth, the real beneficiaries have been Mexicans.

Mexico is a major oil producer, but with a shortage of refineries to turn it into fuel, it imports 80% of its gasoline from the United States.

JUST IN: Leftists TRIGGERED Over Five-Time MLB All-Star Manny Machado Rocking “Let’s Go Brandon” T-Shirt at Padres Spring Training


MLB superstar Manny Machado has received a lot of attention lately after donning a “let’s Go Brandon” T-shirt at Spring training in Arizona.

After his bold statement, the San Diego Padres third baseman and Dominican American went viral and received great support.

TRENDING: Joe Biden Tells US Servicemen in Poland, “Don’t Jump!” – Calls Declaration of Independence “Corny” (VIDEO)

He also triggered leftists as usual. Woke leftists want to keep politics out of sports unless it agrees with their agenda.

Machado, a potential Hall of Fame player, will likely be punished by the woke MLB and the fake news media for wearing this shirt.

Machado is starting his eleventh season in the majors with five All-star appearances under his belt.

Stand with Manny.

Chick-fil-A to Convert Used Cooking Oil into Renewable Transportation Fuel


The famous chicken restaurant chain Chick-fil-A, Inc. recently picked Darling Ingredients to turn its used cooking oil into ‘cleaner-burning renewable transportation fuel,’ according to a press release on Monday.

Darling Ingredients is a leading producer of renewable energy and the largest publicly-traded company turning food waste into sustainable products. The company will use its service brand DAR PRO Solutions to collect used cooking oil from all Chick-fil-A restaurants in the U.S. and Canada.

DAR PRO Solutions explained on their website how they process used cooking oil;

TRENDING: Joe Biden Tells US Servicemen in Poland, “Don’t Jump!” – Calls Declaration of Independence “Corny” (VIDEO)

Read the full news release from Darling Ingredients below:

Darling Ingredients Inc. (NYSE: DAR), the world’s leading company turning food waste into sustainable products and producer of renewable energy, today announced Chick-fil-A, Inc. has chosen Darling Ingredients to convert its used cooking oil into cleaner burning renewable transportation fuel. Darling Ingredients’ service brand DAR PRO Solutions, will collect used cooking oil from all Chick-fil-A restaurants in the U.S. and Canada.

“We admire Chick-fil-A’s commitment to reducing food waste and are proud to be part of a solution that keeps food waste out of our landfills while delivering a renewable fuel that reduces GHG emissions,” said Sandra Dudley, Darling Ingredients Executive Vice President, Renewables and U.S. Specialty Operations.

“At Chick-fil-A, we are committed to caring – and that includes caring for others through our food and caring for our planet,” said Rodney Bullard, vice president of corporate social responsibility for Chick-fil-A, Inc. “Our innovative partnership with DAR PRO Solutions helps us be responsible stewards of the resources at our restaurants and allows us to support the future of renewable transportation fuel – all while positively influencing the communities we serve.”

Each year, Darling Ingredients turns hundreds of millions of pounds of used cooking oil into renewable diesel through its Diamond Green Diesel venture. Diamond Green Diesel is estimated to produce more than 700 million gallons of renewable diesel in 2022. The finished renewable fuel can reduce greenhouse gasses by up to 85 percent.

Child Porn Criminal Sentenced to 3 Months by Soft on Pedos Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson Says He Was Angry at Her Until Fellow Kiddie Porn Convicts Told Him They Got 5 Years in Prison


Wesley Hawkins, the child porn criminal sentence to just three months in prison by Biden Supreme Court nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, told the Washington Post that he was angry with her for being sent to prison at all until fellow first time child porn convicts told him they had received sentences of five or six years in prison. Hawkins says he ended up feeling sympathy for Jackson that she had to sentence him for a crime he committed when he was just getting started in life. Hawkins is now 27, he was 18 when arrested and 19 when he was sentenced by Jackson.


Perhaps most surprising, Hawkins said, was that he found himself feeling sympathy for the judge he had once been angry with for sending him to prison.

“I wasn’t very happy that she gave me three months, though after reflection when I was in jail, I was hearing from other people who said it was their first time arrested and they got five years, six years.

TRENDING: Joe Biden Tells US Servicemen in Poland, “Don’t Jump!” – Calls Declaration of Independence “Corny” (VIDEO)

“I feel that she chose to take into consideration the fact that I was just getting started [in life] and she knew this was going to hold me back for years to come regardless,” he said, “so she didn’t really want to add on to that.”

Hawkins says he did not reoffend as has been reported, but that he was caught searching online for non-pornographic photos of undergae teen boys and was pulled back in to a halfway house.

Hawkins acknowledged that he had been in a “dark” place six years after his release from prison, having lost a job at a retail store. He did not dispute a probation petition — sealed in his case but described to The Post — that in 2019, he had searched for non-pornographic material and images of males 13- to 16-years-old, prompting Jackson to send him to the halfway house.

“As it clearly states in [my court file] it was not because I reoffended, it was not because I had done anything even illegal,” Hawkins told The Post. “According to the treatment I was in, they felt I was at a high risk of reoffending.”

Videos of Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) questioning Jackson and reading her own words on the Hawkins case back to her at this week’s confirmation hearing:

California Hunters Push Back on Wild Pig Bill They Say Is a “Slippery Slope” to an Anti-Hunting Agenda


California Sen. Bill Dodd (D-Napa) introduced legislation in January that aims to help control the state’s rapidly growing wild pig population. Senate Bill 856 would make it easier to kill wild hogs by reclassifying them as “exotic species” instead of game animals, which would allow the state to lift remaining hunting restrictions and do away with its permit system. It would also prohibit anyone from releasing a hog on public or private land within the state.

“Unfortunately, swelling numbers of wild pigs have become a major scourge on California wildlands, endangering sensitive habitats, farms, and other animals,” Dodd said when he introduced the bill on Jan. 19. “My bill will increase opportunities to hunt them and do so more economically so that we may bring our pig population under control.”

On its surface, the legislation seems to promote hog hunting by making it cheaper and easier to take pigs year-round. So why are some hunters lining up to oppose it?

According to a letter signed by 11 different pro-hunting and conservation groups in the state, they say the bill would diminish hunting opportunities and negatively impact the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s ability to manage wild pigs. These groups also worry that SB 856 would reduce the amount of revenue deposited into the agency’s Big Game Management Account, and would open the door for future legislation that could chip away at hunting rights in the state.   

Fewer Opportunities, Less Funding

CDFW already allows the year-round hunting of wild pigs with no bag limit. The statewide population is estimated between 200,000 and 400,000 wild pigs, and looking at the state’s most recent Wild Pig Take Report, hunters filled less than 4,000 hog tags during the 2020-21 season.

In other words, there is no shortage of hogs to kill in California. But hunters in the state are still concerned that SB 856 would take away a very specific type of hunting opportunity: hunting preserves.

“A person shall not engage in, sponsor, or assist in the operation of a contained hunting preserve…within this state,” the bill reads. It goes on to define a hunting preserve as “any tract of land on which a fence or other apparatus is used to prevent the free roaming of swine that are to be hunted and not used solely for domestic swine production.”

Pro-hunting groups like California Waterfowl and the California Rifle and Pistol Association argue that these high-fence hog operations are important to the state’s hunting culture because they provide opportunities for young, elderly, and disabled hunters. Outlawing these operations would be a huge loss for these groups that are “physically unable to handle traditional hunts,” the opposition’s letter states.

Another major concern of theirs is related to funding. Current regulations require hunters to purchase a wild pig tag for every hog they kill, and these tags cost $25 for residents and $85 for non-residents. But SB 856 would abolish this permit system and replace it with an annual “wild pig validation,” which would only cost residents $15 and would allow them to harvest as many wild pigs as they like during the license year.

This all sounds like a pretty good deal for hunters, and it’s one of Sen. Dodd’s major selling points to the hunting community: kill more hogs for less money. But when you consider the fact that the money from these tags goes directly into the state’s Big Game Management Account—which funds programs benefitting big game species, along with land acquisitions that expand public hunting opportunities—it suddenly sounds like a rotten deal for California’s wildlife and sportsmen.

wild pig tag sales
CDFW typically issues between 45,000 and 65,000 wild pig tags on an annual basis. Graph courtesy of CDFW

Revisiting the state’s Wild Pig Take Report, it shows that a total of 53,923 wild pig tags were issued during the 2020-21 hunting season. The report doesn’t specify how many of those tags went to non-residents, but even if we assume that all of them were issued to residents at a cost of $25 per tag, that conservative estimate comes out to more than $1.3 million. Do hunters really want to undercut this funding source just to save a few bucks on tags? Add back the current, higher cost of non-resident pig tags, and you get an even larger sum.

Taking these management concerns one step further, the groups bring up the fact that SB 856 would require CDFW to prepare a wild pig management plan no later than Jan. 1, 2024. And they say this mandate could only be accomplished to the detriment of other big game species.

“This would not provide DFW with adequate time to prepare a comprehensive, effective plan,” opponents of the bill argue in the letter. “And [it would] seriously compromise the ability of DFW staff to compete critically needed management plans for bears, wild sheep, deer, and bobcats that are currently in progress.”

Gateway to a Broader Anti-Hunting Agenda

California hunters also feel uneasy about SB 856 because the state’s political climate has made them wary of any hunting-related legislation. It’s no secret that hunting traditions are under attack in the Golden State. The continued push to outlaw black bear hunting in the state is a prime example.

And circling back to the hunting preserves that are being targeted by the bill, the hunters who oppose SB 856 worry that its passage could open the door to a broader anti-hunting agenda. If high-fence hog-hunting operations are outlawed, they argue, this could set a dangerous precedent wherein legislators could target other operations such as privately-owned lakes and pheasant hunting clubs.

“For us, this is a ‘slippery slope,’” the letter reads, “as we can easily see planted upland game bird hunts next on the list.”

two pig hunters CDFW
In a state where hunting traditions are constantly under attack, any and all legislation related to hunting is suspect. CDFW

Howl for Wildlife, a non-profit organization that advocates for hunting rights in California, also brings up the fact that SB 856 is no different from AB 2805. That bill was introduced by a Republican representative in February 2018 and it died in committee later that year.

Charles Whitwam, the founder of Howl for Wildlife, claimed in a recent podcast that the state’s hunting community helped defeat AB 2805 after learning that some of the language in the bill was crafted by none other than Jennifer Fearing, a well-known anti-hunting and animal rights lobbyist.

“The proposed legislation from Senator Dodd was copied verbatim from the 2018 wild pig bill, which was originally supported in part by anti-hunters who wanted to eliminate hunting opportunity on private property,” according to Howl’s website. “Some feel we need the anti-hunting orgs’ support to play politics with these bills, [but] the end goal of anti-hunting groups is to end all hunting, in case we’ve lost sight.”

As part of Howl’s campaign to defeat the bill, the organization has an online portal that makes it easy to provide comment on the legislation. Just shy of 3,000 people have sent in comments as of Thursday, March 24, and this campaign will likely intensify as SB 856 moves forward. The bill cleared the Senate Natural Resources and Water Committee by a 7-0 vote on March 10, and it is now headed to the Senate’s Appropriations Committee.

Michigan DNR Will Collect 24 Million Walleye Eggs from the Muskegon River to Support Local Rivers and Lakes


The Michigan Department of Natural Resources is electrofishing the Muskegon River to collect walleye eggs and milt for hatchery use. Many of the state’s rivers and lakes, including Lake Michigan, depend on the Muskegon’s walleye egg production to maintain healthy stocks of the popular gamefish.

The Muskegon River’s spring walleye run is typically around 40,000 to 50,000 fish, and the DNR plans to strip milt and eggs from roughly 350 adult walleyes. Most of these fish will be returned to the river, but several dozen will be kept for fish health analysis by Michigan State University.

“This adult population consists of mostly stocked fish,” DNR fisheries technician supervisor Ed Pearce explained in a recent press release. “The Muskegon River has the largest run of walleye in the Lake Michigan watershed south of Green Bay.”

The agency plans to collect around 24 million eggs from the Muskegon. These eggs will be fertilized and reared as fry in hatchery ponds until they reach fingerling size (1.5 to 2.5 inches). From there, they will be stocked in lakes and rivers throughout the Lower Peninsula from late spring through the summer.

Read Next: Crappie Anglers Weigh in Record-Breaking Stringers (Including a 4.26-Pounder) During Grenada Lake Tournament

The DNR began electrofishing this week and will continue through early April. Actual egg/milt collection days depends on water temperature, weather conditions, and the presence of ripe walleyes, according to the agency. They will concentrate their efforts between Croton Dam and the Muskegon’s Pine Street access, but if additional eggs and milt are needed, they will continue downstream to the access site at Thornapple Street.

State fisheries officials request that anglers and others avoid electrofishing activities for safety reasons. All wading anglers are asked to exit the water when biologists are working an area. This is for their own protection, and it helps ensure the most efficient collection process.

“I Love My Boys – I’m Going to Protect Them from Cowards Like Rove and McConnell” – Eric Greitens Releases Statement after Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove Exposed as Masterminds Behind Latest Disgusting Smear


St. Louis, MO – We now know that Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove are the masterminds behind the latest unfounded and disgusting attacks on former Missouri governor and Navy SEAL Eric Greitens. In an explosive new report from Breitbart News, swamp creature Karl Rove—a McConnell acolyte— admitted he had prior knowledge of contents within an affidavit filed by Greitens’ ex-wife two weeks ago, according to a prominent political donor who confirmed that on the record. This information undercuts the ex-wife’s statement released earlier this week that states she did not discuss contents of her affidavit with anyone besides her lawyer before filing on Monday.  While Greitens was with his boys for an eight-day vacation, his ex-wife was in Washington, D.C., and wrote, notarized, and had her allegations distributed to the press from D.C.

“I love my boys.  I’m a great Dad.  Anyone who has seen with my kids knows it, and most importantly, my boys know it. And I’m going to protect them from these cowards like Rove and McConnell,” Governor Eric Greitens said. “This sad, disgusting attempt to hurt my children and exploit my ex-wife for political gain is sadly normal operating procedure for RINOs and establishment swamp creatures.  Unfortunately for them, their lies have already been proven false.”

“I’m proud to have been the first US Senate candidate in the country to say that when I’m elected, I’m voting Against Mitch McConnell.  It’s time for new, America First Leadership.  Rove and McConnell are clearly desperate, to have launched such a sloppy attack, full of lies, all exposed within a few days.  They want to stop me and the America First movement led by President Trump, because true patriots represent a threat to their entire cabal. We’re taking our country back, and they can’t stop us.”

On Thursday, Governor Greitens stated on a Missouri radio show: “We have a joint custody plan. We’ve had it for two years.  In that plan, the boys spend the majority of their free time with me—they’re with me all summer, they’re with me all Thanksgiving break, they’re with me all spring break, winter break, and they’re with me every holiday weekend—Memorial Day weekend, Columbus Day weekend, President’s Day, Labor Day weekend, etc. every holiday weekend. That’s in addition to the time that I spend with them in Texas on weekends and school days. Now, ask yourself and ask all of your listeners, use your own judgment, if any of this were remotely true—if there was even a shred of truth to these false allegations from supposedly four years ago—would my ex-wife and the mediator and the court all have decided that the best thing for those boys, my beautiful boys, is to spend the majority of their free time with their dad? It makes no sense.”

It is no coincidence these disgusting attacks came on the very week of the bombshell news that not only has Governor Greitens been completely exonerated of previous Soros-funded allegations, but that they were part of a criminal conspiracy. Breitbart News reported that “the former FBI agent, William Tisaby, who a George Soros-funded local prosecutor hired to investigate then-Gov. Greitens just this week cut a plea deal after facing seven felony counts including fabricating evidence and perjury. The actual prosecutor, Kim Gardner, faces an ethics complaint of her own and could possibly lose her law license or be disbarred at an upcoming April hearing for her alleged misconduct in the case.”

Read excerpts of the explosive reporting by Breitbart News below exposing the RINO’s who were behind this sloppy attack, which was uncovered almost immediately.

EXCERPTS: Donor Confidante Says Karl Rove Had Prior Knowledge of Eric Greitens’s Ex-Wife’s Allegations Before Filing

Breitbart News

By Matthew Boyle

GOP establishment consultant Karl Rove had prior knowledge of contents of a now-public filing that Sheena Greitens, the ex-wife of former Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens, filed in a dispute over the parenting structure for their two boys, a top confidante of GOP mega-donors told Breitbart News exclusively.

This revelation gained additional significance because Sheena Greitens released a press statement on Tuesday evening which said, in part, that she did not discuss the contents of her affidavit before filing it in court with anyone other than her attorney—and only after she filed it did she tell close family members. But if that were true, then how could Karl Rove have known?

Then there’s this: Sheena Greitens’ sister works for not one, but three different political consulting firms run by a top ally of Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell. McConnell has a clear vested interest in seeing Eric Greitens’ U.S. Senate campaign fail, as Greitens has very prominently called for the removal of McConnell as the GOP leader in the U.S. Senate.

The timing of this filing is also significant in that it comes just as previous allegations against Greitens began to completely crumble. The former FBI agent, William Tisaby, who a George Soros-funded local prosecutor hired to investigate then-Gov. Greitens just this week cut a plea deal after facing seven felony counts including fabricating evidence and perjury. The actual prosecutor, Kim Gardner, faces an ethics complaint of her own and could possibly lose her law license or be disbarred at an upcoming April hearing for her alleged misconduct in the case. That comes after an ethics commission in Missouri cleared Greitens himself of wrongdoing previously, leading the front-running U.S. Senate candidate to claim he has “total exoneration” on the now discredited previous charges. So that all begs the question of why new allegations would surface now, who might be connected to or trying to politically benefit from them, and who may be using them to their advantage in the contentious primary that could set the tone for the future of the Republican Party nationally.

Eric Greitens, for his part, is not going down without a fight. “They are completely false allegations,” he said on a local radio program on Thursday morning. “And let’s point out that what a coincidence that on the very week, the very week when William Tisaby pleads guilty, on the very week when we are going to be fully exonerated and everyone is going to see this entire criminal conspiracy that Soros funded come crashing down, on that very week they release another series of terrible, false allegations. It isn’t just me saying that they’re false. Anyone with any common sense knows that they’re false. I’ll tell you what we know now, here’s what we know now. Last week, while I was on spring break with my boys for eight days, and we’re having a great time—we’re hiking and biking and climbing and playing—while that was happening, that document was being produced, notarized, and distributed to the press in Washington, DC. We also now know, a story should come out in the next 24 to 48 hours, showing exactly who the political operatives were who were working on that story and exactly who the political operatives were who it was handed to.”

It is possible that other candidates in the U.S. Senate primary also had prior knowledge of the then-forthcoming Sheena Greitens filing as early as last Friday. On a talk radio show in Missouri on Tuesday, former State Sen. John Lamping said that last Friday at a Lincoln Day dinner one of the candidates told him things were about to get nasty for Greitens.

“It’s interesting, I had a chance on Friday night to speak to all of the candidates,” Lamping said on 97.1 Talk FM. “One of them—I asked them all how it’s going and you know what they thought of the campaign so far. One of them said to me ‘well, it’s about to get real, real soon.’”

Lamping continued by saying he thinks every other candidate against Greitens was aware this was coming. “There’s no coincidence this was released yesterday at 10 o’clock Monday morning—I think all the campaigns were made aware of this coming out,” Lamping said. “You saw a pretty well-coordinated effort. Vicky [Hartzler] did a video pretty much right away in response to this news. This is ‘welcome to the campaign season, we’re four months out.’ Sadly, we’re probably not going to talk too much about issues but we’re going to focus on very personal issues like this.”

Not only did Rove have prior knowledge of the forthcoming accusations, the donor confidante said, but he offered that if the confidante would travel to Texas, Rove could set it up so the confidante could hear directly from her.

The confidante, Steve Hantler, confirmed the account on the record to Breitbart News when asked about it on Tuesday. Hantler is a well-known figure behind the scenes in the GOP donor community, and his credibility is clear. He rarely speaks on record with news outlets but is frequently involved in helping top conservative candidates and causes as well as serving as a go-between with GOP donors and candidates and groups.

Between 10 and 14 days before Sheena Greitens filed her complaint with the Boone County court in Missouri, Rove was on a call with Hantler in which Hantler says Rove explicitly stated that Eric Greitens’s ex-wife “is going to,” before the primary election, “make a statement or release something.”

Hantler has known Rove for decades—dating back to the 1990s—and describes Rove a close friend. He spoke to Breitbart News about this after the story came out earlier this week. He also told Greitens’ campaign for U.S. Senate about the call with Rove contemporaneously and before the filing was made, sources familiar with the matter told Breitbart News.

Hantler said in response to Rove during this phone call that he would call Sheena and ask her if it is true, and Rove replied “well, she won’t talk to you.”

“But, if you want to talk to her, I can set it up—fly down to Austin and the two of you will be able to talk,” Rove said, according to Hantler.

Rove does not deny that the call in question took place, but he does deny Hantler’s account of the call. In a written statement to Breitbart News, Rove said he did not have prior knowledge of the Sheena Greitens filing—and claimed that the account from Hantler, who is a supporter of Eric Greitens, should not be believed. Rove also argues it is “patently absurd” he would set up a meeting between Sheena Greitens and Hantler given Hantler’s political support for her ex-husband.

After she and Eric divorced, Sheena Greitens moved to Austin, Texas—where Rove coincidentally also lives—as she is an associate professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin. Rove also teaches there and sources familiar with the matter say the two of them have interacted during the past year plus at the school and in other capacities.

Despite living in Austin, Texas, Sheena Greitens also apparently spent the week leading up to the filing of the document in Washington, DC, where her sister lives and works. The actual affidavit was, interestingly, notarized in the nation’s capital, not in the Texas capital. During this timeframe, for what it’s worth, Eric Greitens actually had their kids with him for over a week for spring break as part of the custody sharing agreement that Eric and Sheena had previously made. Eric Greitens made this point to back up his case on that local radio interview on Thursday morning where he said his ex-wife’s new allegations were “provably false” because he said they are “co-parents” and have had a years-long agreement to that effect.

“We have a joint custody plan,” Eric Greitens said. “In that plan, the boys spend the majority of their time with me—they’re with me all summer, they’re with me all Thanksgiving, they’re with me all spring break, and they’re with me every holiday weekend—Memorial Day weekend, Columbus Day weekend, President’s Day, every holiday weekend. That’s in addition to the time that I spend with them in Texas on school days. Now, ask yourself and ask all of your listeners, use your own judgment, if any of this were remotely true—if there was even a shred of truth to it—would my ex-wife and the mediator and the court all have decided that the best thing for those boys, my beautiful boys, is to spend the majority of their free time with their dad? It makes no sense.”

In addition to all of the above, there is another interesting fact about this whole development: Sheena’s sister Catherine Linkul now has a plum gig for a political consulting firm run by a close ally of Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell. Linkul is the vice president of strategy for P2 Pathway Public Affairs. That firm is run by a man named Phil Cox, who currently serves on the board of McConnell’s Super PAC, the Senate Leadership Fund. Cox has other deep ties to McConnell including having been regularly quoted by media outlets backing up the Senate GOP leader.

Linkul also, according to her LinkedIn page, has since 2018 served as Vice President of two other political firms—GuidePost Strategies and 50 State. Both of those firms, according to their websites, are also run by Cox—and the GuidePost Strategies website boasts of his closeness to McConnell. Before linking up with McConnell’s allies, Linkul previously worked on Greitens’s successful 2016 gubernatorial campaign—aiding her sister’s then-husband in winning the governor’s mansion in the first place.

Rove’s connections to this whole storyline directly connect McConnell to it as well given their deep and years-long relationship. Rove’s protege Scott Jennings in 2013 launched a pro-McConnell Super PAC called “Kentuckians For Strong Leadership” to back McConnell in the 2014 U.S. Senate race. In 2016, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, a McConnell-allied nonprofit called One Nation received millions of dollars in donations from a Rove-linked group called Crossroads GPS.

Biden Tells US Troops in Poland They’re Going to Ukraine (Video)


Joe Biden spoke to troops with the 82nd Airborne in Poland Friday, telling them what to expect to see when they go to Ukraine. Biden also appears to have let slip that some troops have already been in Ukraine. The White House later clarified there has been no change in U.S. policy about not sending troops to Ukraine. Who to believe, Biden or his handlers?

“The Ukrainian people, Ukrainian people have a lot of backbone, they have a lot of guts. And I’m sure you’re observing it. And I don’t mean just the military which is, we’ve been training since back when they uh, Russia moved into the southeast, southeast um, Ukraine. But also the average citizen. Look at how they’re stepping up. Look at how they’re stepping up. And you’re gonna see when you’re there, and some of you have been there, you’re gonna see, you’re gonna see women, young people standing, standing in the middle, in front of damn tank just, just saying, “I’m not leaving, I’m holding my ground.” They’re incredible. But they take a lot of inspiration from us. And you know, woman who just died, the secretary of State used to have an expression, she said, “we are the essential nation.” It sounds like a bit of uh, hyperbole but the truth of the matter is you are the organizational principle around which the rest of the world, the free world is moving.” Transcribed by TGP.

Note: In addition to not remembering her name, Biden misquoted the late Secretary of State Madeleine Albright. She said in 1998, “Let me say that we are doing everything possible so that American men and women in uniform do not have to go out there again. It is the threat of the use of force and our line-up there that is going to put force behind the diplomacy. But if we have to use force, it is because we are America; we are the indispensable nation. We stand tall and we see further than other countries into the future, and we see the danger here to all of us. I know that the American men and women in uniform are always prepared to sacrifice for freedom, democracy and the American way of life.”

TRENDING: Joe Biden Tells US Servicemen in Poland, “Don’t Jump!” – Calls Declaration of Independence “Corny” (VIDEO)

Shorter version:

The White House clarified: “UPDATE: A @WhiteHouse spokesperson tells me: “The President has been clear we are not sending U.S. troops to Ukraine and there is no change in that position.”

Biden Tells US Troops They’re Fighting for Democracy Like in the US Where Democrats Jail the Opposition, Stifle Free Speech and Stuff Ballot Boxes


Joe Biden flew into Rzeszów, Poland on Friday about 80 kilometers from the Ukrainian border.

This was Joe Biden’s first trip to the border since 2021 —- and it was in Ukraine.

Biden met with US paratroopers in Poland and told them the US is fighting for democracy like we have here in the United States where they use the justice system to target and harass opposition leaders, they hold political prisoners a mile from the White House, and they stuff the ballot boxes with fraudulent votes.

TRENDING: Joe Biden Tells US Servicemen in Poland, “Don’t Jump!” – Calls Declaration of Independence “Corny” (VIDEO)

There are currently over 40 political prisoners held without a trial or human rights a mile from the White House.

The “Justice” department continues to target its political enemiespatriotic, God-fearing Americans.

And there were over 137,000 ballots trafficked at the ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin in the 2020 election.

Unapproved “Free speech” is stifled, censored and punished by the elites.

This is the democracy our leaders are fighting for.

And watch your back when you are deployed. Joe Biden has a habit of leaving thousands of Americans behind.