Russian Ambassador to Italy Sergey Razov has filed a lawsuit against Italian newspaper La Stampa for allegedly publishing an article calling for the death of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The newspaper had run an op-ed titled “If killing the tyrant is the only option,” on March 22.
The article had argued that if all other means to end the war between Ukraine and Russia failed, someone killing the Russian president may be the only option left.
Razov accused the newspaper of “soliciting and condoning a crime.”
“Needless to say that this goes against the rules of journalism and morality,” Razov told reporters after he had filed the lawsuit, according to a report and translation from Reuters.
Massimo Giannini, the editor of La Stampa, has argued that the lawsuit and outrage are hypocritical due to Russia’s “own actions,” according to a translation.
“We do not take lessons from an illiberal regime that slaughters humanity and truth,” Massimo Giannini said, according to Reuters.
The editor also denies that the piece was calling for Putin’s assassination.
US Senator Lindsey Graham drew backlash earlier this month after he called for Putin to be murdered.
“Is there a Brutus in Russia? Is there a more successful Colonel Stauffenberg in the Russian military?” the South Carolina Republican tweeted.
Graham echoed his sentiments during an appearance on Fox News and has since doubled down saying that the late Senator John McCain would have had similar ideas.
“Yeah, I hope he will be taken out one way or the other,” Graham said during a press conference earlier this month. “I don’t care how they take him out. I don’t care if we send him to the Hague and try him. I just want him to go. Yes, I’m on record.”
“And if [the late Sen.] John McCain were here, he’d be saying the same thing, I think.”
Groups of scientists are currently developing ‘self-spreading vaccines’ that could infect others from vaccinated to unvaccinated people or between vaccinated to unvaccinated animals, according to National Geographic.
The experiment was designed to spread the vaccine to unvaccinated people in vaccinated person’s close proximity.
“The idea is that instead of a vaccine staying in one person’s body, the vaccine itself would infect them in such a way that they could pass on vaccination to others around them, much as they would otherwise pass on a disease. Scientists could vaccinate one person or animal in a community, and the vaccination would spread to those around them,” per Newsbreak.
According to the report, scientists are currently developing ‘contagious vaccines’ for Ebola, bovine tuberculosis, and Lassa fever, a viral disease spread by rats.
The scientists are also planning to expand their studies to other zoonotic diseases including rabies, West Nile virus, Lyme disease, and the plague.
The vaccines use cytomegalovirus (CMVs), a group that belongs to the herpes family. According to Mayo Clinic, once infected with the virus, your body retains the virus for life.
“CMV spreads from person to person through body fluids, such as blood, saliva, urine, semen, and breast milk. There is no cure, but there are medications that can help treat the symptoms.”
Imagine a cure that’s as contagious as the disease it fights—a vaccine that could replicate in a host’s body and spread to others nearby, quickly and easily protecting a whole population from microbial attacks. That’s the goal of several teams around the world who are reviving controversial research to develop self-spreading vaccines.
Researchers are currently developing self-spreading vaccines for Ebola, bovine tuberculosis, and Lassa fever, a viral disease spread by rats that causes upward of 300,000 infections annually in parts of West Africa. The approach could be expanded to target other zoonotic diseases, including rabies, West Nile virus, Lyme disease, and the plague.
Advocates for self-spreading vaccines say they could revolutionize public health by disrupting infectious disease spread among animals before a zoonotic spillover could occur—potentially preventing the next pandemic.
The Republican-supermajority Utah legislature has voted to override Governor Spencer Cox’s veto of a bill that would ban biological males from competing against women and girls in school sports.
The House voted 56-18 and the Senate voted 21-8 to override the veto.
Democrats in the House and Senate were each joined by two Republican lawmakers who opposed the bill.
“The bill, HB11, originally intended to create a commission charged with evaluating whether a transgender athlete could participate in a school sport — a compromise that avoided an outright ban. But during final hours of the legislative session earlier this month, the Legislature passed a last-minute amendment to the bill that banned transgender girls from participating in female school sports,” the Salt Lake Tribune reports.
The bill’s sponsor state Rep. Kera Birkeland, defended the bill amongst heated debate by pointing out that transgender stuents could still participate in co-ed sports.
“I often get asked the question of why so rushed. Why this process? Well, it’s simple. For almost two years, we tried to come up with other options,” Birkeland said during a rally ahead of the vote. “We could not get a compromise. So anyone who tells you there was a compromise. Why did you switch from the compromise? There was never a compromise. … You cannot compromise women’s liberties.”
Cox had said that he was vetoing the bill because wanted to protect “the integrity of women’s sports” while allowing transgender students to participate. He claimed that there are only four transgender students participating in girls’ sports in the state.
In his statement about the veto, the governor cited the suicide rates among people who are transgendered and wrote “I don’t understand what they are going through or why they feel the way they do. But I want them to live.”4
Republican lawmakers who supported the override held a rally on the Capitol steps prior to the vote and were met with protests.
“The bill includes a clause that if a lawsuit over the ban is taken to a Utah court and is found to be unconstitutional, the commission will take effect. Senate President Stuart Adams said litigation over the bill is expected,” the Tribune report added. “The Legislature also proposed and passed a bill that would indemnify high schools over legal costs if they’re sued over the legislation, addressing concerns that the ban would result in a costly legal battle at the expense of the Utah High School Activities Association, which represents nearly 160 high schools.”
The report explained, “that bill, HB3001, would appropriate a one-time $500,000 from the state’s General Fund for schools or local education agencies to cover legal costs.”
The American Civil Liberties Union of Utah has already promised to sue.
“We are deeply disappointed and saddened at today’s votes by the Utah Legislature to discriminate against transgender youth to exclude them from participating fully on sports teams,” the ACLU said in a statement. “Litigation to stop H.B. 11 from taking effect is now both necessary and inevitable to ensure Constitutional promises of equal protection to all Utahns.”
Shotgun ammunition can be quite costly to get your hands on. As great as shotguns can be, for the power that they offer, they can be expensive to maintain and to keep sufficiently loaded. Shotguns make use of shotgun shells of varying calibers, which contain small pellets that are fired out in a wide fan-like direction. These shells largely become useless once they have been used, so many choose to simply discard them after use.
With ammunition prices varying so wildly year by year, many are starting to take matters into their own hands, by making the most of every shotgun shell they have. Some even choose to manually reload their shotgun shells with new pellets to make use of materials that would otherwise be thrown away!
But is reloading a shotgun shell actually worth it? What kinds of benefits could it possibly have? These are questions that are often asked, especially as shotgun ammo prices continue to rise. If you’ve found yourself asking any of these questions, then you are in just the right place. Join us as we explore the benefits and potential drawbacks of refilling your own shotgun shells!
How Do You Refill Your Own Shotgun Shells?
Before you attempt to refill your own shotgun shells, you should be sure that you are comfortable and confident in your ability to do so. Reloading shells can be quite difficult and time-consuming, and if not done properly could lead to unimpressive or even dangerous results.
If you want to refill your own shells, then you should aim to have a guide handy or have someone that knows what they are doing accompany you, to advise you throughout the process. Guides can take the form of online articles or even loading manuals. Loading manuals are well trusted amongst shotgun enthusiasts, and can give you up-to-date information on what different shells can take, and the amount of each material you will need.
Once you have a trusted person or guide close to hand, you will need to get a hold of everything that you need. These include Shells, Primers, Powder, Wads, and a shotgun shell press.
Let’s go through each of these materials, to find out which ones suit you best, and how you can get a hold of them!
Shotgun Shells
Shotgun shells, obviously, are an important component in reloading shells! You may have a collection of your own leftover shells that you have accumulated over the course of using your shotgun, you can use these, provided they are still in good condition. You may also be able to get ahold of used shells from people you know, who may otherwise choose to throw them away.
And don’t forget to check your favorite ammunition depot, to see if they have a selection of leftover shells. If you are unsure whether or not a shell can safely be refilled, you should make sure to check the hull of the shell. The hull is another word for the case, the plastic part of the shell that is commonly colored red.
You may be able to find empty shotgun shells for free if you have your own, or you know someone with a set of them. If not, you may also be able to get a hold of them for free at your local ammunition depot, or if they charge, it will likely only be a small fee, as refilling shotgun shells requires specialist knowledge to refill!
The primer refers to the small area towards the bottom of the shell that is made of metal. You can usually make it out by its golden color, which contrasts with the red color of the shell. This part is responsible for creating the initial ignition which is used to scatter the pellets. These often have a one-time use, due to their explosive nature, but they can occasionally be repurposed.
If you need new shell primers, then you can easily pick them up at your favorite ammunition depot. They come in a range of sizes, so make sure that they are suited to the size of the shells that you have. These primers come in bulk, with some boxes containing as few as 50 primers, and some containing upwards of 400 primers.
You should decide how many shells you plan to refill to work out which box to buy. Primers can vary massively in price, depending on how many you buy at one time, and the value of them at the time of purchase. However, primers will often always be less expensive in bulk than buying fully loaded shells that are pre-made.
The powder works in tandem with the primer to create the initial blast that sends the pellets flying. The powder is situated just above the primer, within the average shell, and is made to be highly explosive, to give the pellets the force they need to really travel.
When the powder burns, it quickly creates a gas that increases the pressure inside of the shell, which causes the pellets to fly out. Obviously, this is an essential component in making any shotgun shell work efficiently.
You can get a hold of your shotgun powder at your local gun store, where they will likely sell sets of it in bulk, so you can get a certain amount for a lower price. How much powder you need will depend on how many shells you plan to refill, so make sure to only buy the amount you need, as buying too much could become very expensive.
Make sure that you only buy high-quality powder, as, though it is the most important component, it is also potentially the most dangerous, since it has explosive properties.
Wads are used within shells to keep the pellets separated from the powder. This is important so as to give the pellets a consistent spread for every shot fired. The wad is a spring-like structure commonly made of biodegradable plastic, that helps to force the pellets out. The wad also keeps the explosive gas from leaking out, which would cause the pellets to shoot out inefficiently, which you definitely don’t want.
Unfortunately, you likely cannot get your hands on used wads, as they tend to be a single-use component. You will need to buy yours brand new. You will likely be able to find them at your nearest gun store, or via online retailers. They can often be bought in bulk, so decide ahead of time how many shells you want to reload, to ensure that you do not overspend for wads that you don’t need.
Shotgun Shell Press
This is a very important element in the shell reloading process, but you may not need to buy your own. Shotgun shell presses can be very expensive, due to the specialized components used within. Before you invest in one, you should decide on whether the investment is worthwhile.
Remember that reloading your own shells is a great way to save money that is spent on buying fully loaded shells, so you won’t want to buy your own shotgun shell press if you only plan to reload a few shells.
If you are certain that you will be reloading a high number of shells frequently, then it might be well worth purchasing one of these presses. If you plan to reload a lot of shells then you will easily recoup your potential losses in purchasing the press, thanks to the money you will save by reloading your own shells.
If you don’t have your own shotgun shell press, and you aren’t sure that it would be a worthwhile purchase for you, then it is worth looking to rent one, to make use of one at your local ammunition depot, or to use one belonging to a friend. This will save you a lot of money.
The press works to compress all of the essential components into the shell in a tight and compact form to ensure that the pellets can work at their best. It is an essential part of the reloading process, and it is highly recommended that you avoid reloading your own shells if you do not have access to this device, as you may create useless or potentially dangerous shells.
How Much Could You Save By Reloading Your Shotgun Shells?
So now that we know what components you will need in order to reload your shotgun shells, it’s worth taking a look at whether the potential price for each component could really save you more money than buying preloaded shells.
Each component varies in price quite wildly. The shells can cost a very low price when purchased brand new, and they can even be reused, which means that you can save a lot of money by purchasing used shells. You may even have saved your own used shells, which means that you won’t even have to spend a penny on shells to reload.
Components that could potentially be more expensive are such things as the wads, the primers, the powder, and the pellets. Many of these components can only be used once, and others are highly specialized for use in shotgun shells, which can increase their value. Their prices might also vary depending on how many of each you buy at one time.
If you choose to buy a large number of each component in bulk each time, while it may look expensive on the outside, it can save you a great deal of money, as bundles often significantly reduce the price of each individual component. You will likely only buy lots of components if you are planning on reloading a high yield of shells. If you are, then you will save a lot of money by putting the components together yourself. When you buy pre-loaded shells you are often paying slightly more for the labor that was involved in putting them together.
If you don’t plan to reload your own shells as often as you buy them, then you likely won’t save much money. In order to save money, you would need to completely replace pre-loaded shotguns with your self-reloaded shells, as buying a high number of components but then not using them fully would be a large waste of money.
How Do You Reload Shotgun Shells?
If you’ve decided that it would be worth your while to reload your own shotgun shells, then you’ll likely now be wondering how you actually go about doing it. Reloading your own shells can be quite difficult or time-consuming, especially if it is your first time doing it.
If you are reloading your own shells for the first time, you should have some kind of guide handy, to check that you are doing everything right at every step. It is also worth asking for assistance from someone you know who may have knowledge of reloading shells so that you can depend on their knowledge in case you encounter any trouble.
Let’s take a look at some of the important steps involved in reloading your shells, and how you can do it best, to get the most desired results.
Step One – Depriming Your Shells
The first thing that you will want to do is to deprime your shells. This involves separating the shell from the spent primer. You only need to follow this step if you are making use of used shells.
You may be able to remove the primer, by carefully coercing it out of the shell. Make sure to take care when doing this, as the primer can be very tightly packed in. You don’t want to end up damaging the reusable shell in the process. There are optional tools that you can purchase which are built to make separating the primer and the shell much easier. You may want to consider buying one of these tools if you plan to use reloaded shells from now on.
When depriming your shells, you may also need to resize the shells themselves. The shells may have become slightly deformed when previously fired, or they may become slightly deformed when removing the primer. All you need to do is ensure that the shell has a smooth shape with few imperfections or protrusions. This process can be done with certain shotgun shell presses, so check to see if the press you have at hand can help in this process.
Step Two – Add Your Components In Order
From here, you can begin to put together each shell component in the intended order. Start by adding your new primer to the shell. You may be able to carefully insert your new primer by using a little bit of force. You should feel it comfortably slide into position and lock itself in. Remember that your primer needs to hold in many of the extra components, so you want to make sure that it is snuggly sealed in. Be careful when inserting your primer, as they are a volatile component, and thus require some care. Some shotgun shell presses may be able to assist you in adding your new primer.
From here, it is time to add your powder. How much powder you need to add will depend on the size of your shells. This is a good time to break out your trusty reloading manual. This manual will have up-to-date information regarding how much powder should be in a shell, and can help you to find the value for any individual shell or shell type.
If you know the details of your shells, such as the original manufacturer, and the size of the shells, you may also be able to look online for the appropriate amount. However, results on the internet can vary, so you should be sure to properly verify whatever results you find before you follow them.
After you have added the appropriate amount of powder, it is time to insert the wad. The wad should comfortably slide in on top of the powder. You might notice that it is somewhat of a squeeze to get the wad into the shell, this is because the shell is made to tightly hug the wad so that the gasses from the powder do not leak out and impact the quality of the firing. Check to see if your shotgun shell press can assist in this step, as it can be quite difficult to get it perfect, and it can be easy to do it incorrectly.
Finally, all you need to do is to add your preferred projectile, whether it be pellets or a shot. A standard 12-gauge shell can hold up to 8 pellets at a time, and this amount decreases for smaller shells and increases for much larger shells. You should make sure to follow the recommended number of pellets for your shell, and avoid overfilling any of your shells, as this can be extremely dangerous, and could very well do irreversible damage to your shotgun.
Step Three – Close Up Your Shell
From here, you will want to seal up your newly reloaded shells. You should notice that spent shotgun shells, as well as brand new and unused shells, have a distinct star-shaped section towards the top, made up of small unique folds. These are designed to be folded down comfortably to keep all of the components contained. This section also requires no kind of sealant or glue to keep the shell closed, needing only to be folded. This is great for the efficiency of the shells, as it means that the pellets can easily be dispelled from the shell for maximum power when firing.
Closing up the top part of the shell is a process referred to as ‘crimping’, as it involves folding down the top securely. This process will usually be handled by the shotgun shell press, as it can apply the correct amount of pressure evenly, to ensure that the top is evenly closed without breaking or bending unusually.
If any of the shells have imperfections towards their tops, such as small cracks, or missing parts of the crimp section, then they should be discarded, and should not be reused, as they will not fire properly, and will likely be dangerous.
This is the final step of the process, and now you have your own freshly reloaded shells! Make sure to check them each after you have reloaded them, just as a final check to ensure that they meet your standards before you use them.
What Benefits Are There For Reloading Your Own Shotgun Shells?
Reloading your own shotgun shells can be useful in a wide number of ways. The first benefit that reloading your own shells has is its ability to save you money. Reusing shells and just buying the components individually saves you the cost of pre-loaded shells, which cost more thanks to the labor involved in constructing them.
Reloading your own shotgun shells can also be highly rewarding. Seeing shells that you personally put together operating at maximum efficiency is extremely satisfying, and will have you wanting to reload all of your own shells! You can also adjust certain parameters when reloading your shells, to create unique effects that you might find useful. However, before you attempt to adjust any of the steps or components used in reloading the shells, you should be sure that you have the right knowledge and that you are confident in what you are doing, to avoid a potential accident. It is always recommended to follow reloading guidelines wherever possible.
In a world that values environmental friendliness and the reuse of resources, reloading shotgun shells is also the right thing to do. Reusing spent shells is environmentally conscious, and makes use of plastics that would otherwise be considered ‘single-use’. As well as this, by producing shells yourself, you also reduce the need for factory production of pre-loaded shotgun shells, which helps to significantly reduce carbon emissions.
To Conclude
Reloading shotgun shells is an incredibly efficient way to make use of disposable shells that would otherwise be sent to rot away in landfills, as well as to save you a massive amount of money.
Reloading your shells Can be incredibly rewarding, thanks to the involved process that helps you to gain a much richer understanding of the inner workings of your shotgun. It is also rewarding when you see the final results of your efforts; the completed shells, and how they look and feel when they are fired.
As you can clearly now see, there are so many benefits associated with reloading shotgun shells, which makes it a highly recommended alternative to paying loads for fresh and pre-loaded shells. However, it can have some drawbacks, especially if you are inexperienced with reloading. When you first start reloading your own shells, you may notice that you receive unsatisfactory results, which are usually caused by inexperience, or improper care for materials.
As well as this, if you are only reloading a few shells, but still buying a large number of pre-loaded shells, then it is unlikely that you will save much money at all. In order to save the most money, you should aim to give it your all, which can be daunting to those reloading for the first time, or with little experience.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many times can I reload a shotgun shell?
Shotgun shells can be reused quite a few times before needing to be disposed of. Shotgun shells are purpose-built to deal with high temperatures and explosive materials, so they can be used multiple times.
However, you should be sure not to push a shell too far. If a shell starts to look worn out, or you notice cracks or other problems, you should dispose of it, as it may be risky to the health of your gun if it is reused. You should aim to stop reusing a shell after around seven uses, in order to prevent unexpected accidents.
Is a higher grain bullet better?
Higher grain bullets refer to bullets that contain more powder, or that can contain more pellets. They can be considered better than lower grain bullets, as they offer more power, and more spread, thanks to the increased pellet count.
However, though such bullets can offer more power, if there’s no actual need for that power, such as if you are shooting a close-range target, then having more spread and more power is entirely useless, and would be considered a pretty significant waste of your money.
via SHTFPreparedness
The Biden Administration and its handlers have to address yet another Biden blunder from today’s remarks in Poland. Joe Biden’s statement indicating the US would use chemical weapons in Ukraine, was addressed later by the Biden regime.
White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan said the U.S. has “no intention” of using chemical weapons, after President Biden said his administration would respond “in kind” if Russia uses such a weapon in Ukraine.
Sullivan was asked Friday what Biden meant by “in kind.”
Sullivan said that meant “we’ll respond accordingly” and that Russia would pay a “severe price.”
“We will collect the form and nature of our response based on the nature of the action Russia takes,” Sullivan said. “And we’ll do so in coordination with our allies.”
“And I won’t go beyond that other than to say the United States has no intention of using chemical weapons, period, under any circumstances,” Sullivan maintained.
Pressed further, Sullivan responded saying: “I will just say, with respect to any use of weapons of mass destruction — nuclear, chemical, biological — Russia would pay a severe price.”
The Biden gang is spending all its time cleaning up for the many blunders Joe Biden made on his trip to Europe. They must be wondering if it was a good idea for him to fly that far from his Delaware home.
Although the Mainstream Media won’t report it, Biden has made numerous blunders on this trip. He said that “sanctions never deter” but this was in total contrast to what he has said before.
Biden told Europe that sanctions “never deter” but this is not what he said in the past. It’s not what his administration has said in the past.
Rabid Democrats are now calling on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from any cases related to January 6 because his wife Virginia “Ginni” Thomas exercised her First Amendment rights to friends in private texts regarding the 2020 election.
Recall, the January 6 Committee on Thursday leaked Ginni Thomas’ text exchanges with Mark Meadows to the Washington Post as her husband was hospitalized with an infection.
The text messages exchanged between Ginni Thomas and Trump’s former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows are uneventful.
The media however is having a feeding frenzy over Ginni Thomas’ benign text messages that are completely covered by the First Amendment.
Many Democrat lawmakers are now calling on Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from January 6 cases because his wife sent text messages to Mark Meadows encouraging him to fight for Trump and expose the election fraud.
NBC News reported:
Democrats on Friday called on Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas to recuse himself from cases related to Jan. 6 after it was revealed that his wife had texted then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows urging him to challenge Donald Trump’s election loss.
Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., said that in light of reports of the text messages traded between Ginni Thomas and Meadows after the 2020 election, “Justice Thomas’ conduct on the Supreme Court looks increasingly corrupt.”
“Justice Thomas participated in cases related to Donald Trump’s efforts to rig and then overturn the 2020 election, while his wife was pushing to do the same,” Wyden said. He added that Justice Thomas should recuse himself from “any case related to the January 6th investigation, and should Donald Trump run again, any case related to the 2024 election.” A recusal that broad would be unprecedented, particularly in light of the large number of ongoing criminal and civil cases related to the riot.
Trump Attorney Alina Habba joined Grant Stinchfield on Newsmax TV on Friday night.
President Trump filed a federal RICO suit in Miami, Florida Thursday against Hillary Clinton and others over the Russia collusion hoax orchestrated by the Clinton campaign in 2016 to undermine Trump’s candidacy and derail his presidency.
Alina joined Grant Stinchfield to discuss the lawsuit against several FBI and DOJ officials who spied on his campaign and administration. The FBI used phony documents from the Hillary Clinton campaign to spy on President Trump and launch a Special Counsel against the former president in an attempted coup. The Democrat operatives failed in their mission and now President Trump is going on the offense.
The Plaintiff, Donald J. Trump, by and through his undersigned counsel, hereby serves his suit against the Defendants, Hillary R. Clinton, HFACC, Inc., the Democratic National Committee, DNC Services Corporation, Perkins Coie, LLC, Michael Sussmann, Marc Elias, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Charles Halliday Dolan, Jr., Jake Sullivan, John Podesta, Robert E. Mook, Phillipe Reines, Fusion GPS, Glenn Simpson, Peter Fritsch, Nellie Ohr, Bruce Ohr, Orbis Business Intelligence, Ltd., Christopher Steele, Igor Danchenko, Neustar, Inc., Rodney Joffe, James Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Kevin Clinesmith, Andrew McCabe, John Does 1 through 10 (said names being fictious and unknown persons), and ABC Corporations 1 through 10.
On Friday Attorney Alina Habba announced there are more lawsuits to come.
Grant Stinchfield: So does it stop here with this lawsuit or is there more to come from you, the legal team and President Trump?
Attorney Alina Habba: There’s more to come. There’s more to come. There’s more to come soon. I am so proud to be working to right some wrongs that have been done to a really great president. History will serve him so well… You’ll see. I’ll be back on your show next week. We have another suit that will be filed shortly. And anybody who’s going to try to make up malicious stories about this president… is going to be sued. We cannot stand back and allow that behavior.
A Maryland judge tossed out the state’s abusive Democrat gerrymandered congressional map on Friday.
“The limitation of the undue extension of power by any branch of government must be exercised to ensure that the will of the people is heard, no matter under which political placard those governing reside,” Judge Lynne Battaglia, a senior judge serving on the Anne Arundel County Circuit Court, wrote in her opinion, according to Politico. “The 2021 Congressional Plan is unconstitutional, and subverts the will of those governed.”
The abusive congressional map was approved after the Democrat-controlled Maryland state legislature overrode a veto of Republican Governor Larry Hogan.
“The new districts — which were drawn by the Democratic-dominated legislature and passed over the veto of Republican Gov. Larry Hogan — could result in an 8-0 sweep for Democrats in the state in blue-leaning years. Seven districts in the state are solidly Democratic, while the lone Republican-held district in Maryland, the Eastern Shore seat currently occupied by GOP Rep. Andy Harris, was converted from a Republican vote sink into a hypercompetitive district. President Joe Biden carried the new version by less than a percentage point in 2020.” Politico reported.
Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, who filed a lawsuit on behalf of 12 registered Maryland voters who objected to the abusive map, celebrated their big win on Friday.
Judicial Watch announced today that the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County ruled in favor of Judicial Watch’s challenge to Maryland’s congressional redistricting plan. In its ruling the court permanently barred Maryland’s use of its current plan.
Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit on behalf of 12 registered Maryland voters who object to Maryland’s 2021 congressional redistricting plan on the grounds that it is a partisan gerrymander that diminishes their rights to participate in free, fair elections for the U.S. Congress on an equal basis with other Maryland voters, in violation of the Maryland Constitution (Parrott et al. v Lamone et al. (No. C-02-CV-21-001773)). The trial also included plaintiffs from a separate lawsuit.
After conducting a trial last week in Annapolis, MD, the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel County ruled today:
With regard to Article 7 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights … the Plaintiffs, based upon the evidence adduced at trial, proved that the 2021 Plan was drawn with “partisanship as predominant intent, to the exclusion of traditional redistricting criteria” … by the party in power, to suppress the voice of Republican voters. The right for all [to] political participation in Congressional elections … was violated by the 2021 Plan …
As result, this Court will enter declaratory judgment in favor of the Plaintiffs, declaring the 2021 Plan unconstitutional, and permanently enjoining its operation, and giving the General Assembly an opportunity to develop a new Congressional Plan that is constitutional. A separate declaratory judgment will be entered as of today’s date.
“This key court victory against abusive partisan gerrymandering by Democrats in Maryland could set a national precedent,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
You can support Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch by clicking here.
If the Chinese Communists were running the White House would things be any different than they are today?
Today the Biden White House released accolades for a woman who praised Osama bin Laden and China’s Chairman Mao’s Great Leap Foward.
FOX News reports:
The White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI) posted a celebration of Women’s History Month Friday honoring activist Yuri Kochiyama, who was a public admirer of terrorist Usama bin Laden.
Kochiyama was a Japanese-American activist for communism and racial equality during the 20th century. Kochiyama’s career as an activist was a controversial and volatile one. A victim of violent U.S. discrimination and an early voice for racial harmony, she also championed Chairman Mao’s Great Leap Forward and was an advocate for terrorists.
The WHAANHPI honored Kochiyama’s “political and civil rights” work but backed away from mentioning her support for bin Laden.
“I consider Usama bin Laden as one of the people that I admire. To me, he is in the category of Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Patrice Lumumba, Fidel Castro,” Kochiyama said after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. “I thank Islam for bin Laden. America’s greed, aggressiveness and self-righteous arrogance must be stopped. War and weaponry must be abolished.”
Think about it. We now have a White House that is praising an individual who backed China’s Mao and Osama bin Laden. One killed an estimated 65 million of his own countrymen and the other killed 3,000 Americans on 9-11.
This is outrageous. Every day it becomes more clear that this White House and the Democrat Party hate their country.
Welcome back for another run of our Photo Of The Day. We’re always on the lookout for the best firearms-related images out there, with the goal to give your eyes something worth watching every day. Today we have a suppressed AS Val and some other photos from the Indra 2018 exercise between India and Russia. The sight […]