Bill Gates Says Rich Nations “Should Move to 100% Synthetic Beef” In Order to Fight Climate Change – “You Can Get Used to The Taste Difference”

The Globalist Cabal of elites wants you… to eat fake meat. And they are setting the table for dinner as we speak. In a recent interview discussing his recent book – “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster“ – billionaire Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who is currently the world’s fourth wealthiest individual, advocated for “rich countries” to fully switch to, what he calls, a “100% synthetic beef” diet that would consist entirely of lab-grown protein. The move, Gates explained, would supposedly aid in the fight against “climate change” by curbing greenhouse gasses that are produced when raising livestock… …Which is perfectly in line with the ol’ AOC argument of farting cows destroying the environment.
This elitest insanity of trying to reconfigure the entire human diet – that has been in place since humans discovered fire – with fake lab-grown substitutes is an ambitious and unprecedented one, to say the least. One of the main hold-ups of mass adoption has been getting the taste and texture of the fake substitutes close enough to the real thing where the difference is not noticeable, but this endeavor has failed miserably, leading to a massive drop-off in public acceptance after a brief upswing last year.
Gates also addressed this issue during the interview, laughably claiming that it’s possible to get used to the weird unnatural taste of synthetic beef, and, if you don’t, the scientists will make it taste better in the future. From Gates’ interview with Technology Review, via The Hill:

“I do think all rich countries should move to 100% synthetic beef,” Gates said when asked about how countries can help to reduce methane emissions when it comes to food production. “You can get used to the taste difference, and the claim is they’re going to make it taste even better over time.

The philanthropist and Microsoft co-founder told the outlet he is hopeful that a turn to plant-based proteins will help combat methane emissions produced by livestock.”

Impossible and Beyond have a road map, a quality road map and a cost road map, that makes them totally competitive,” Gates said, referring to popular plant-based meat companies. “As for scale today, they don’t represent 1% of the meat in the world, but they’re on their way.”

Gates told Technology Review that he acknowledges the alternative argument that getting rid of cows is viewed as an unpopular approach, but he said that the benefits of plant protein are worth a shift for some countries.

“Eventually, that green premium is modest enough that you can sort of change the [behavior of] people or use regulation to totally shift the demand,” Gates said. “So for meat in the middle-income-and-above countries, I do think it’s possible.”

Instead of eating meat, some of the world’s richest megalomaniacs are laying the groundwork for the masses, who they view as the serfs serving their whims, to consume a diet strictly made up of nutrient-depleted vegan lab-grown foods. When they mention “the new normal,” they are conditioning people to accept their future where they will “own nothing and be happy,” live in their pods, and live their new lives as insect-eaters, while the elites enjoy the spoils that are deemed too dangerous to the environment.

The only question is, will we stand like our forefathers and take back our freedom from the Globalist cabal before the crickets hit the table. Time to go eat a steak.

TFB Armorer’s Bench: Diagnosing and Assessing a Remington 1858


Remington 1858Welcome everyone to the TFB Armorer’s Bench! As mentioned in the little blurb, this series will focus on a lot of home armorer and gunsmith activities. In this article sponsored by Wheeler, Tipton, Caldwell, and Frankford Arsenal, I decided to take you along with me in diagnosing and accessing a Remington 1858 reproduction. This revolver showed up having severe issues […]

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Trump Now Leads by Double Digits in a State Biden Took in 2020

Donald Trump is currently polling ten points ahead of Joe Biden in Nevada, despite the Democrats taking the state in 2020.

According to a survey conducted by Blueprint Polling, Biden “is currently down by double digits in Nevada, a state he won handily in 2020. The COVID hangover, inflation in general, fuel prices and the confusion over Ukraine seem to be taking their toll.”

“As we have seen in other states, a large contingent of voters (almost one in four) are either undecided or expressing support for an unnamed third-party candidate—an obvious sign of dissatisfaction with likely options in the 2024 contest,” the polling firm’s report continued.

The pollsters also found that Trump is leading by a massive 19 percent with Hispanic voters, a demographic that the Democrats usually expect to win. According to the claimed official count, Biden won 50.1 percent of Nevada in 2020, while Trump received 47.7 percent of the vote. Newsweek reports, “the current Real Clear Politics average of national polls shows Trump with a lead of 3.7 points over Biden. On average, Trump beats Biden with the support of 45.6 percent of voters while Biden garners just 41.9 percent.” Trump has still not officially announced his candidacy, but has been teasing that he may have to win for a “third time.”

SILENCER SATURDAY #221: Rugged Razor556 – Reduced Blowback AR-15 Suppressor


SILENCER SATURDAY #221: Rugged Razor556 - Reduced Blowback AR-15 SuppressorGood afternoon everyone and welcome back to TFB’s Silencer Saturday brought to you by Yankee Hill Machine, manufacturers of the YHM R9 suppressor. Last week we got our hands on the SIG SLX556 QD rifle suppressors (yes, full auto testing is still coming). Today we spend some time with the brand new Rugged Razor556 reduced […]

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DEVASTATING! President Trump Lays Out the Voter Fraud in Georgia from 2020 Election during Commerce, GA Speech (VIDEO)


President Trump spoke tonight in Commerce, Georgia to a crowd of thousands.

105,000 people were watching RSBN Rumble live before Trump even hit the stage… That number grew to 175,000 when Trump took the stage!

President Trump spelled out the numerous ways Democrats with the help of RINO Republicans stole the 2020 election in the state of Georgia.

This was devastating!

TRENDING: LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Speaks to HUGE Crowd in Commerce, Georgia – Via RSBN at 6:55 PM ET — 105,000 WATCHING ONLINE!

New Polling Shows That Almost 1/4 of DEMOCRAT Voters Believe Biden Would Not Be President Today if The Media Had Fully Reported About Hunter’s ‘Laptop from Hell’


Following the New York Times’ recent acknowledgment that the infamous Hunter Biden laptop is actually 100% legit, new polling released this week by Rasmussen Reports shows that a growing number of Democrat voters are waking up to the fact that the 2020 election was, at the very least, rigged, if not outright stolen.

In other words, the narrative is crumbling – it’s impossible to hide the fact that Biden is an illegitimate and incompetent president.

According to the poll from March 24th, nearly a quarter of registered Democrat voters now believe that Joe would not be president today if the media had done their jobs and fully reported the story about Hunter’s laptop when the contents were released in the lead up to the 2020 election.

Not only that, but the new numbers show a growing percentage of Democrats are taking the laptop issue more seriously than they did in the past, with close to 2/3 saying that they are now following the laptop story closely and almost half saying that ‘the big man’ (Joe) was not only aware of his son’s corrupt business dealings but was likely involved and profited off of the schemes.

TRENDING: LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Speaks to HUGE Crowd in Commerce, Georgia – Via RSBN at 6:55 PM ET — 105,000 WATCHING ONLINE!

Even though some are still not convinced of foul play by the Biden Crime Family, the large numbers who are waking up are surely a staggering and worrisome sight for the establishment left.

In all, 1,000 Democrats were asked four questions regarding the Biden laptop story. The results, via Rasmussen, are as follows:

1* How closely have you followed news reports about President Joe Biden’s son Hunter?

  • 60% of Democrats answered they are following the Hunter laptop story closely.

2* The New York Times has recently admitted that emails about Hunter Biden’s business dealings in foreign countries found on a laptop computer the president’s son abandoned in a Delaware computer repair shop were authentic. How important is the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop?

  • 47% of Democrats said the Hunter laptop story is important

3* How likely is it that Joe Biden was consulted about and perhaps profited from his son Hunter’s overseas business deals including at least one involving a company in mainland China?

  • 41% say Joe Biden likely consulted on and/or profited from Hunter’s shady business deals

4* If the media had fully reported the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop before the 2020 election, how likely is it that Joe Biden would have been elected president?

  • 23% say Joe Biden would not be President today if Hunter’s laptop was honestly reported by the media when it emerged.

As Rasmussen Reports points out, there has been a complete media blackout on these new poll results. I guess the media and the Dems aren’t ready to throw a quarter of their supporters under the bus, as they have with the right, labeling them as “white-nationalist extremists” over their views of a rigged election.

As for Republicans, they too are seeing a growing number of respondents who are taking the Biden Crime Family corruption more seriously, with over 75% of them saying that the laptop is a “very important” story to follow, which is up from previous polls. A whopping 73% of them believe Joe was involved and/or profited off of Hunter’s foreign money grabs.

The majority of independents are trending towards republicans on this issue with 46% believing that the story is very important, but, somehow, 51% of them answered that Biden likely profited himself off of the corruption. Apparently, there is a small percentage of unaffiliated voters who are fine with Biden selling out US interests to make a quick buck, according to Rasmussen.

From Rasmussen:

“Sixty-nine percent (69%) of voters say they have closely followed news reports about Hunter Biden, including 37% who have Very Closely followed news about the president’s son. Significantly more Republicans (51%) than Democrats (26%) have Very Closely followed news about Hunter Biden, as have 34% of voters not affiliated with either major party.

Seventy-five percent (75%) of Republicans, 26% of Democrats and 46% of unaffiliated voters believe the story about Hunter Biden’s laptop is Very Important. 

Seventy-three percent (73%) of Republicans, 23% of Democrats and 51% of unaffiliated voters believe it is Very Likely that Joe Biden was consulted about and perhaps profited from his son’s foreign business deals.”

BOOM! Trump Mocks John Kerry: Ocean Will Rise 1/100th of 1% in the Next 300 F*cking Years!


President Trump was in peak form during his speech tonight in Commerce, Georgia.

At one point he pointed out the massive election fraud in the state in the 2020 election.

Trump also targeted Democrats and Biden’s Green Energy Czar John Kerry. As US gas prices continue to rise to all-time record highs John Kerry continues to fly around the world to important meetings on private jets to discuss the importance of green energy policies for the West — as China and India get a complete pass.

Trump roasted John Kerry saying, “You have people like John Kerry worrying about “The Climate!” The climate! Oh, I heard that the other day. Here we are, guys threatening us. He’s worried about the ocean will rise 1/100th of 1% in the next 300 f*cking year.”

TRENDING: LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Speaks to HUGE Crowd in Commerce, Georgia – Via RSBN at 6:55 PM ET — 105,000 WATCHING ONLINE!

The audience roared!

Nobody likes a lecturing idiot like John Kerry.

Rumble(“play”, {“video”:”vw1j3d”,”div”:”rumble_vw1j3d”});</script>

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Appoints First Openly Transgender Judge to Bench


Andi Mudryk

California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) on Friday appointed an openly transgender judge to the bench.

“Governor Gavin Newsom today announced eight judicial appointments, including Andi Mudryk – the first openly transgender individual appointed to the bench in California – who will serve as a Judge on the Sacramento County Superior Court.” – the governor’s office announced on Friday.

“I’m humbled, honored and I’m thrilled,” Mudryk told The Times. “I’m grateful to Gov. Newsom for creating a vision of California for all.”

AP reported:

TRENDING: LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Speaks to HUGE Crowd in Commerce, Georgia – Via RSBN at 6:55 PM ET — 105,000 WATCHING ONLINE!

A disability rights advocate will become the second openly transgender person to serve as a California judge after being appointed Friday by Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Andi Mudryk, 58, chief deputy director at the Department of Rehabilitation, will serve on the Sacramento County Superior Court.

“Andi Mudryk is a great appointment and will be a wonderful judge,” Kolakowski tweeted. “I’m glad to finally have a trans colleague on the bench in California.”

Mudryk has the distinction of being the first transgender person appointed to the California bench.

Mudryk, who has brittle bone disease, previously served as chief counsel at the Department of Rehabilitation and held various positions at several disability legal rights organizations.

POTD: Snipers & Mortars on Island of Hawaii


Island of Hawaii sniperHave you taken your vitamins today? As you know vitamins have several important functions for your body. Some say they are almost as important as a daily dose of TFB’s Photo Of The Day, and we agree of course. So here’s another dose of important pictures, but instead of magnesium, iron, calcium and Omega 3, […]

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The post POTD: Snipers & Mortars on Island of Hawaii appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

New Zealand: Massey University’s Queer Fat Studies Lecturer and ‘Fatlicious Feminist’ Dies Suddenly in Her Sleep at 42


New Zealand – Dr. Cat Pausé, a Massey University ‘fat studies’ lecturer died suddenly in her sleep this weekend.

Cat Pausé’s work focused on the impacts of “fat stigma” and made it her life’s mission to spread ‘body positivity’ and health at every size.

Dr. Pausé, 42, described herself and her mission in her Twitter bio: “Fatlicious. Feminist. Glorifying obesity since ’09. Tearing down white supremacy w/my fat fingers. Friend of Marilyn pod. Sociology, Public Health, Fat Studies”

TRENDING: LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Speaks to HUGE Crowd in Commerce, Georgia – Via RSBN at 6:55 PM ET — 105,000 WATCHING ONLINE! reported:

Cat Pause,​ an academic whose research explored the impacts of “fat stigma”, has died.

A fat studies researcher, Pause’s work focused on the wellbeing of overweight people and “the effects of spoiled identities” on their health.

Pause spoke to Stuff in January about the discrimination fat people face in their everyday lives, especially in regard to healthcare. Moral panic over obesity levels perpetuate this.

“Everyone has anti-fat attitudes. We find them in kids as young as three. We’re not born hating fat people, we’re not born finding fat people disgusting, or that fat people are lazy or lacking discipline or willpower,” Pause said.

“We learned these attitudes, we can absolutely unlearn them.”

Labour MP Deborah Russell and others reacted to Dr. Pausé’s sudden death.