POTD: Shotgun!


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Beau Biden Foundation Took in Millions of Dollars, But Spent a Fraction on Helping Abused Children – While Hunter Sat on Board


The Beau Biden Foundation took in millions of dollars in 2020 and only spent a fraction of the money on helping children – while Hunter Biden sat on the board.

The Beau Biden charity took in $3.9 million in 2020 and spent $544,961 toward helping abused children, the New York Post reported.

The rest of the money went to the Biden crime family and other Democrat cronies.

The New York Post reported:

TRENDING: Shocking Videos Allegedly Show Ukrainians Shooting And Torturing Russian POWs

The Delaware-based charity, which was started in honor of President Biden’s late son, got an infusion of $1.8 million from the Biden Foundation before that group shut down in 2020, according to the charities’ latest tax filings. The Biden Foundation was started by Joe Biden and his wife, Jill Biden, to champion “progress and prosperity for American families.”

The Beau Biden charity also took in $225,000 from entities tied to a top political donor and bundler to President Biden.

Despite the $2 million-plus windfall, the organization put only $544,961 in 2020 toward its stated purpose of protecting children from abuse, according to tax filings.

The charity spent a total of $932,865 that year, with a large chunk of it going to the six-figure salaries of Biden cronies who held executive jobs at the non-profit.

Patricia Dailey Lewis, who served as Delaware deputy attorney general under late AG Beau Biden, runs the non-profit and was paid $150,660 in 2020, including a $3,500 bonus.

Joshua Alcorn, a longtime Democratic operative and consultant on both Beau Biden’s and Joe Biden’s political campaigns, served as COO and was paid $131,437. He has since stepped down.

Biden’s troubled son, Hunter, served on the board of the Beau Biden charity in 2020 during the time The Post revealed the discovery of his infamous laptop, a device plastered with a sticker from the foundation. Biden’s daughter, Ashley, and Beau’s widow, Hallie Biden, were also on the board.

Read the full report from the New York Post here.

White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, Who Traveled with Biden to Europe, Tests Positive For Covid-19


Karine Jean-Pierre

White House Deputy Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tested positive for Covid on Sunday.

Karine Jean-Pierre traveled with Joe Biden to Europe last week.

“I last saw the President during a socially distanced meeting yesterday, and the President is not considered a close contact,” Karine Jean-Pierre said.

TRENDING: Shocking Videos Allegedly Show Ukrainians Shooting And Torturing Russian POWs

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki last week announced she tested positive for Covid – AGAIN, and was experiencing mild symptoms.

Psaki was unable to travel to Europe because of her Covid infection.

Psaki said she had two “socially distanced” meetings with Joe Biden on Monday.

Secretary of State Blinken Claims Biden Will “Counter Iran’s Aggressive Behavior” Yet Gives Iran Everything in a Deal Right After Iran Bombed US Troops


The AP released a garbage piece supporting the Biden Administration in its insane agreement with Iran. 

Biden will give the world’s number one terrorist state billions and everything it wants right after Iran just bombed the US.

This is not in the US’s best interest.  It is seditious and insane.

We reported only two weeks ago on the Biden-Obama Administration giving Iran everything it wants in a deal right after Iran bombed a US base in Iraq.

TRENDING: Shocking Videos Allegedly Show Ukrainians Shooting And Torturing Russian POWs

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Takes Credit for the Rocket Attack on US Base in Erbil, Iraq — 10 Days After Iran Asked Biden to Remove them from Terror List

Biden is giving Iran everything it wants in a deal that only helps Iran and pushes other Middle East nations away from the US and towards China and Russia.  There is nothing in Biden’s deal that is good for the US.

We’ve reported that Biden has Russia and China negotiating on behalf of the US in the deal which is as insane as having the Taliban protect US troops in Afghanistan.  The result of this was 13 dead US soldiers.

Biden Calls His Disastrous Withdrawal from Afghanistan that Resulted in 13 Dead US Service Members and Stranded Americans an “Extraordinary Success” (VIDEO)

The Iran deal is jaw-dropping according to experts and US Senators.  Biden’s deal with Iran shows he is an illegitimate President and the world knows it.  When President Trump was willing to stand up to Iran, the Middle East saw peace.  Now Saudi Arabia is going to Russia and China for protection and against the US.

Despite the fact that the whole world knows that the Iran deal is insane and self-defeating for the US, Biden-Obama is charging ahead.  The one thing the Biden gang has in its court no matter how insane their actions are is the corrupt fake news media.

The AP released a piece saying that the Biden gang is only putting together the Iran deal to protect the world from Iran which by all accounts is a bad joke.   The AP says in an article at Newsmax:

The Biden administration has been working to renew the 2015 nuclear deal, which placed curbs on Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for billions of dollars in sanctions relief. With support from Israel, the Trump administration withdrew from the deal in 2018, causing it to unravel.

Although Iran has since raced ahead with its nuclear program, Israel and Gulf Arab countries are deeply concerned about restoring the original deal. Israel fears it does not include enough safeguards to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. Both Israel and its Gulf allies also believe that relief from economic sanctions will allow Iran to step up its military activities across the region, including support for hostile militant groups.

Blinken said the U.S. believes that restoring the nuclear deal “is the best way to put Iran’s program back in the box it was in.” He added: “Our commitment to the core principle of Iran never acquiring a nuclear weapon is unwavering.”

He also vowed to cooperate with Israel to counter Iran’s “aggressive behavior” across the region.

President Trump was involved in four peace deals in the Middle East after putting curbs on Iran and sanctions.  For the AP to suggest that Iran was not racing ahead with its nuclear program after Obama’s insane deal with Iran, is a joke.  President Trump’s tough sanctions on Iran brought peace, this renewed deal brings Iran the atomic bomb.

 Biden should be removed from office if this deal goes through.  It is anti-American and goes against everything America stands for. 

WATCH: Fox News Host Says He is Hearing That Hunter Biden Will Be Indicted


Fox News host Jesse Watters is claiming to have a source saying that Hunter Biden will be indicted.

Watters added that he will probably be pardoned and that Joe Biden will not seek re-election.

“[W]e all see that Emperor Joe Biden has no clothes,” Watters said during Friday night’s episode of Jesse Waters Primetime. “Joe Biden isn’t perfect. Joe Biden is not making anybody happy. He is not delivering for Republicans or Democrats or anybody. And, his polling numbers are terrible. And, Democrats are about to get wiped out. And America knows it. So does the media. But, the media has too much pride to admit they were wrong. So, the cover-up continues.”

Watters then dropped the claim about Hunter Biden, though he did not indicate who his source was.

TRENDING: Shocking Videos Allegedly Show Ukrainians Shooting And Torturing Russian POWs

“We told you this week, his approval rating slipped to 34%,” Watters continued. “He is losing blacks, whites, Latinos. ‘Primetime’ is hearing that Hunter will be indicted. Biden will probably pardon this on and announce he is not running for reelection. So, who else is there to carry the torch? Could it be Kamala?”

Watch the latest video at foxnews.com

This month, the lawyer for an Arkansas woman who battled Hunter Biden for child support made a similar prediction, according to a report from the Western Journal.

“I expect him to be indicted,” attorney Clint Lancaster said. “Just based on what I saw in his financial records, I would be surprised if he’s not indicted.”

The report adds, “Last month, Roberts traveled to Delaware to testify to a federal grand jury. Lancaster said he had supplied ‘a significant amount of Hunter’s financial records’ to investigators in compliance with a subpoena. The records, he said, were from the child support case.”

Lancaster said he “saw a lot of information” that is “problematic” for Biden.

Biden’s Call For Regime Change in Russia Not on Teleprompter or Part of Prepared Remarks – Dementia Joe Just Blurted it Out and Almost Ignited WWIII


Apparently Joe Biden’s call for regime change in Russia over the weekend during his disastrous trip to Poland was not a part of his prepared remarks.

Joe Biden gave what the White House billed as a “major address” Saturday evening in Warsaw, Poland.

Biden closed his speech with what is either a policy change or a gaffe just like his comment on Friday to U.S. troops they were headed into Ukraine.

Biden said, “For God’s sake, this man [Putin] cannot remain in power.”

TRENDING: Shocking Videos Allegedly Show Ukrainians Shooting And Torturing Russian POWs

Biden’s handlers immediately went into clean up mode and ‘clarified’ Biden’s regime change remarks.

According to Axios and Washington Post, Biden’s last line calling for Putin to be taken out was not on his teleprompter.

So Dementia Joe just blurted it out and escalated tensions with a nuclear power for no good reason.

Axios reported:

Saturday’s Warsaw address was billed as one of the signature speeches of President Biden’s term — perhaps bigger than a State of the Union. Then after a Reaganesque call for “a brighter future rooted in democracy,” as a literal last line before his farewell, Biden ad-libbed:

What he’s saying: “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”

Wait, what?! The U.S. wants to take out Putin? Is calling for regime change?

  • Some variation of Biden’s jab instantly led every major news site in the world, starting with CNN, where many world capitals were getting the news: “BIDEN: PUTIN CANNOT REMAIN IN POWER.”

Why it matters: The takeaway from a 27-minute speech of massive consequence — on the world stage, a border away from Russian missile strikes in a war zone — was derailed by a taunt.

  • A top official confirmed for Axios that the line wasn’t on Biden’s teleprompter or in his text.

12-Year-Old Child Fatally Shoots Teen Cousin and Herself at Birthday Party During Livestream


St. Louis, MO – Two cousins were livestreaming at a birthday party Friday night when one fatally shot the other before turning the gun on herself.

Kuaron Harvey, 14, and Paris Harvey, 12, were on Instagram live when the younger child shot her teenage cousin dead, then shot herself.

The two children were both shot in the head and pronounced dead at the scene.

St. Louis police called it a murder-suicide, however, the family insists it was a freak accident.

TRENDING: Shocking Videos Allegedly Show Ukrainians Shooting And Torturing Russian POWs

“It was no murder. It wasn’t a suicide,” said Shinise Harvey, 35, Paris’ mother, according to the St. Louis Dispatch. “It was a freak accident. It happened.” She did not watch the video herself but family members who did described it to her, she said. They were “trying to be too hip,” she said.

It is unclear where the gun came from.

The St. Louis Dispatch reported:

A family party at a downtown apartment turned tragic, and now family members are coping with the deaths of two young cousins after police said one of them, a girl, 12, shot the other, a boy, 14, and then herself.

The incident happened around 2 a.m. Friday at South 10th and Spruce streets at the Cupples Station Loft Apartments. Family members had rented the downtown apartment to celebrate March birthdays.

Police have yet to announce the results of their investigation. The incident was initially listed by police as a murder-suicide.

Family members said Kuaron and Paris were in a bathroom at the apartment alone, making a video in the mirror.

After Kuaron was shot, the video shows the girl reaching for the gun, and it may have accidentally gone off again, they said. Both children were shot in the head, family members said.

Massive Crowd at President Trump’s Rally in Georgia Last Night Doesn’t Break the President’s Record


President Trump held a huge rally last night in Georgia, but it didn’t break the Trump Rally record since the 2020 Election. 

The Mainstream Media won’t report it but President Trump held a massive rally last night in Georgia.  According to his statement:

Massive crowd last night in Georgia even despite the cold weather, the enthusiasm was unbelievable. David Perdue, running against horrendous Governor Brian Kemp, who let the Election be Rigged and Stolen, is seeing a very big surge. Will be interesting, but why would anybody want to vote for somebody who unnecessarily allowed a really bad and unfair consent decree, but wouldn’t allow a special session as requested by the State Senate. Kemp is a disaster for Georgia.

TRENDING: Shocking Videos Allegedly Show Ukrainians Shooting And Torturing Russian POWs

However, this huge rally isn’t the record for Trump rallies since the (stolen) 2020 Election.  The record was set in Texas.  President Trump shares:

We had a massive crowd last night in Georgia, but as usual, the Fake News Media absolutely refuses to show it. People are estimating 25,000 to 35,000 people, but our record so far is Texas with 87,000 people with 50,000 being turned away. This is really fun!

The leftwing liars want Americans to believe no one is going to these events.  The media won’t show it and Democrats on social media project lies that no one was there.  Compare this picture to the picture above of the real event in Georgia.  Democrats will lie, cheat and steal for power.  That’s all they do.

Liberals can’t stand the truth.  As Americans see who Biden is, the country is running towards President Trump.  After Biden’s Iran deal, he will be lucky not to be removed from office for aiding and abetting our enemies. Liberals like Biden are disgusting anti-Americans.  They hate America and the truth. 

EXCLUSIVE: Russia Sold Its Stake in Uranium One Shortly Before Invading Ukraine – The Same Company Clintons Helped Turn Over to Russians


We knew before the 2016 Election that the Clintons made a lot of money in the sale of US uranium, owned by Uranium One, to Russia.  

As previously reported, the FBI had evidence that Russian nuclear industry officials were involved in bribery, kickbacks, extortion and money laundering in order to benefit Vladimir Putin prior to Obama admin handing over 20% of America’s Uranium to Russia, according to a devastating report by John Solomon via The Hill.

Who was right in the middle of it all? HILLARY CLINTON. MILLIONS of dollars flowed to the Clinton Foundation as our Uranium rights were sold to Russia while she was Secretary of State.

The Uranium One deal was covered up by the mainstream media as they do with all corruption related to the Democrat Party.  But eventually, word got out and we were reporting on the many connections to the sale of Uranium One.

DEEP STATE SWAMP: Comey, Mueller, Rosenstein, Are Linked to Clinton Uranium One Deal – MOST CORRUPT OFFICIALS EVER!

TRENDING: Shocking Videos Allegedly Show Ukrainians Shooting And Torturing Russian POWs

Later in November of 2018, a whistleblower came to the US government with information on Uranium One.  This individual tied information from the sale of Uranium One to Russia with the Clintons and other top Democrat politicians.

In late November, this individual’s house was raided by sixteen FBI agents who spent six hours at his place looking for information related to Uranium One.  After this, we never heard anything further from the whistleblower.

Sixteen FBI Agents Raid Home of Clinton Foundation, Uranium One Whistleblower

Today we’ve uncovered that Russia sold its stake in Uranium One in November 2021 shortly before Russia invaded Ukraine.  According to Russia’s state-owned energy company, Rosatom, Russia sold its stake in Uranium One in November 2021.

Uranium One has entered into an agreement with the American company Uranium Energy Corp. for the sale of all of the shares of its subsidiary, Uranium One Americas, Inc. (Uranium One Americas).

The assets of Uranium One Americas are situated in Wyoming, and include seven uranium projects in the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and five in the Great Divide Basin. The total purchase price is comprised of $112 million in cash and the replacement (with certain corresponding payments to Uranium One) of $19 million in reclamation bonding.

The sale is carried out within the framework of the strategy of Uranium One to optimize the portfolio of uranium mining assets, aimed at increasing economic efficiency. The closing of the sale is subject to certain regulatory approvals.

It looks like the Russians knew the US would take back their stake in Uranium One after their invasion of Ukraine so they sold their piece in the company before the US took it over.

Hat tip Bob Bishop

Review: Phantom Hill CTF-1 Infrared Laser and Illuminator

If you’ve ever tried wearing modern night vision goggles, you’ll understand why they’re often described as a superpower. Although it’s not quite as impressive as flying like a speeding bullet or lifting a semi truck, the ability to see clearly, identify targets, and shoot accurately in a nearly-pitch-black environment feels like an unfair advantage. However, like most superpowers, night vision comes with some inherent drawbacks. It requires a substantial amount of gear — for starters, you’ll need a helmet, shroud, mount, and goggles or a monocular. The cost for these items adds up quickly and can easily exceed $5,000 or $10,000, and that’s before you consider common accessories like helmet-mounted lights, strobes, battery packs, and ear protection. Refer to OFFGRID Issue 43 for several in-depth articles explaining the basics of helmets and night vision systems. Once you’ve done your research and chosen a night vision setup, the next item you’ll need is a weapon-mounted infrared (IR) laser and illuminator.

The Challenges of Traditional Lights, Lasers, and Illuminators

Above: OFFGRID editor Tom Marshall wrote about two rifles he configured with traditional light/laser/illuminator setups. The first, seen here, features a Steiner DBAL-I2 IR laser flanked by a SureFire Scout light with Vampire head that can switch between IR and white light settings. Since IR light isn’t visible to the naked eye, an IR laser and illuminator acts as a light source and aiming point that only you (and anyone else in the area wearing NVGs) can see. Typically, this will be paired with a separate weapon-mounted white light, which can be used in low-light and transitional environments where night vision isn’t required. If you’re thinking that this sounds expensive, you’re not wrong. It’s easy to spend another $1,500 or more on a multi-function IR laser/illuminator unit such as a Steiner DBAL or L3-Harris ATPIAL-C, plus $300 or more on a quality white light.

Above: Tom Marshall’s second rifle features a Holosun IR laser/illuminator and a white light that incorporates parts from Cloud Defensive and Valhalla Tactical. A pair of remote switches allow activation of each device. As if that’s not enough, you’ll still have to figure out how to mount your white light and IR laser/illuminator onto your rifle. Depending on each device’s positioning and how much rail space you have to work with, you may need to add remote switches and route their wires carefully to keep your setup organized. That’s another rabbit hole full of multi-function switches, mounting adapters, and wire-routing accessories that add to the total cost of your setup. Once you’ve spent the time and money to configure a rifle with a traditional light/laser/illuminator setup, the results are certainly rewarding. But for newcomers to the world of night vision, this cost and complexity can be discouraging. It has often left us wondering why there isn’t a simpler and more affordable “turn-key” option on the market — Phantom Hill set out to provide exactly that.

Phantom Hill CTF-1: An All-in-One Solution

You probably haven’t heard of Phantom Hill — neither had we — but that doesn’t mean it’s a newcomer to this market. Phantom Hill has spent the last 14 years designing night vision equipment behind the scenes for some of the biggest players in the industry: Ops-Core, Gentex, S&S Precision, Princeton Tec, and Crye Precision, to name a few. Only recently did the company decide to launch its first product under its own brand name. The Phantom Hill CTF-1 is described as “a simple tool at a fair price that can be put to immediate use without the need for additional components.” The MSRP for this unit is $799, a price that’s roughly half that of the multi-function IR laser/illuminators we mentioned earlier, not to mention the extra cost of a separate white light. This caught our attention, so we requested a sample to review shortly after it was released in late 2021.

Above: Our sample is marked as serial number 12, indicating just how “hot off the press” it was.

Design and Functionality

The CTF-1 covers all three of the most important functions — white light, infrared laser, and infrared illuminator — in a single compact unit.

Above: We mounted the CTF-1 on this Aero Precision EPC 9mm AR pistol, which will be featured in a separate article soon. It features parts from Arbor Arms, Arisaka Defense, JK Armament, Primary Arms, RISE Armament, Strike Industries. (Photo by Nate Gerhart) At its core is a metal housing with an unusual-looking raw finish. This characteristic comes from its Direct Metal Laser Sintered (DMLS) aluminum construction. DMLS is a 3D-printing technique that uses a laser to sinter (i.e. heat and condense) metal powder into a solid structure. This technology allowed Phantom Hill to move quickly from a prototype phase to a production-ready design, while avoiding expensive tooling or molds that would drive up production costs. Phantom Hill says the rough sintered finish has a secondary advantage — it reduces the IR reflectivity of the unit, therefore making it less visible to other NV-equipped personnel. The housing has an integrated Rail Grabber that locks onto a Picatinny rail using a single cross-bolt with a Torx head. We found this mounting system to be very secure. It fit three ARs we tried it on, but we suspect that its tight contours around the top rail may make it incompatible with certain large-diameter handguards. Compatibility with non-AR platforms will be hit or miss at best.

The Phantom Hill CTF-1 uses a symmetrical design with a white light on one side and an IR illuminator on the other. The white LED produces 380 lumens of neutral 5700K light and projects it in a soft flood pattern. This is ideal for close-quarters use and room-clearing, since it offers a wide angle of visibility, but it doesn’t have the power or throw necessary for long-range shots outdoors. If you’ve used a Streamlight TLR-7 pistol light, it’s comparable to that. As for the IR illuminator, its beam pattern is essentially the same as the white LED. For those who like the technical details, it features an 850nm wavelength and 1120 mW/sr output; for the rest of us, it appears roughly as bright under a set of NV tubes as the white light looks to the naked eye. The IR illuminator activates simultaneously with the 850nm IR laser, which is centered directly over the bore of the weapon. We won’t say that all IR lasers are created equal, but civilian-legal Class 1 IR lasers are limited by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (yes, the FDA regulates lasers) to a maximum output less than 0.70mW. As a result, most high-quality civilian-legal IR lasers will be calibrated to just below this limit, and will appear similarly bright under normal use.

Activation is simple, with two textured rubber buttons on top of the unit. Each corresponds to its side of the housing; the left “VIS” button activates the white light, and the right “IR” button activates the IR illuminator and IR laser. Both are momentary-only, so you’ll need to press and hold to keep the power on. Unlike many multi-function laser units, the CTF-1 does not have a visible laser built in. This keeps cost and complexity down, but also means you’ll only be able to zero the laser under night vision. If both activation buttons are pressed and held for 3 seconds, the unit goes into zeroing mode, and the IR laser turns on continuously. It can then be adjusted via elevation and windage hex screws to match the weapon’s point of impact. Thankfully, its centered alignment meant we didn’t have to do much adjustment after mounting it on our Aero Precision EPC 9mm AR.

The CTF-1 is powered by two CR123 batteries, each sealed behind separate weatherproof caps at the back of the housing. Phantom Hill says the caps have a taper-fit design to make it easier to reinstall them in the dark. Maximum run time is advertised at 3 hours.

Impressions at the Range

We tested the Phantom Hill CTF-1 IR laser and illuminator side-by-side against an AN/PEQ-15, which is the full-power military-spec version of an L3-Harris ATPIAL-C. The full-power PEQ-15 is not available on the civilian market, but a new ATPIAL-C will run you approximately $1,350 — that’s $550 more than the CTF-1. It doesn’t include a white light, so factor in a few hundred more for that if you don’t already have one.

Above: This image, taken through an AGM Global Vision white phosphor PVS-14, shows the CTF-1 IR laser and illuminator aimed at a berm approximately 25 yards away. The only ambient lighting was some dim moonlight. 

Above: These photos show the CTF-1 beam next to a PEQ-15 in “low” mode (left photo) and “high” mode (right photo). With the PEQ-15 on its civilian-legal “low” setting, the lasers appear identical, as we expected. The CTF’s illuminator appears far brighter than the PEQ’s, but the PEQ’s adjustable focus lens produces a much more concentrated beam with a hard edge. At distances closer than 100 yards, we’d give the CTF-1 an advantage, especially in enclosed spaces. Beyond 100 yards, the PEQ’s concentrated beam is superior. With the PEQ-15 on the “high” setting, it definitely outperforms the CTF-1, especially considering its ability to adjust the beam focus for varying distances. The laser is also noticeably brighter, drawing a line that highlights dust particles in the air. However, this output mode is not accessible to commercial ATPIAL-C units. Full-power PEQ-15s are only available to the military and law enforcement agencies, so it’s not a fair comparison. We included it as a point of reference, since the CTF-1 still performed surprisingly well in comparison.

Closing Thoughts

There are a few drawbacks to the CTF-1. The centered laser makes it impossible to mount backup iron sights in front of the unit or use it on anything with a fixed front sight. The housing is tightly-contoured around the rail, which may make the unit incompatible with certain handguards (e.g. integrally-suppressed guns). The activation buttons are placed close together with identical size and texture, so despite the small ridge between them, it’s relatively easy to fat-finger the wrong one. And the lack of a visible laser makes zeroing more of a challenge. That said, the Phantom Hill CTF-1 offers impressive value at $800, and absolutely fulfills its stated goal of serving as “a simple tool at a fair price that can be put to immediate use.” We found that it works especially well for short weapons with limited handguard real estate, since there’s no need for a separate white light, switches, or cable routing. The wide beam pattern for IR and VIS outputs also lends itself to these applications. Whether you’re just getting started in the world of night vision or you’re looking for a more convenient way to convert one of your ARs for NV use, the CTF-1 is an appealing option, and we’re glad to see this market becoming more diverse.

We’ll leave you with a piece of good news. Phantom Hill has announced a second product called the CTF-2, which will feature an updated 3-button activation system and compatibility with SureFire-style light and illuminator heads (e.g. a SureFire Scout light and a B.E. Meyers KIJI illuminator). Phantom Hill expects to launch this product around mid-2022. For more information on the Phantom Hill CTF-1 and future Phantom Hill products, go to phantomhill.design or follow @phantomhill.design on Instagram.
The post Review: Phantom Hill CTF-1 Infrared Laser and Illuminator appeared first on RECOIL OFFGRID.