After Biden Sparks “Global Uproar” With Regime Change Comment, Blinken Awkwardly Tries To Walk It Back


This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday while on a visit to Jerusalem to meet with Israeli PM Naftali Bennett continued the White House’s efforts to try and clean up the mess unleashed by Joe Biden’s words from Warsaw the day prior where he issued statements tantamount to calling for regime change in Russia.

“I think the president, the White House, made the point last night that, quite simply, President Putin cannot be empowered to wage war or engage in aggression against Ukraine or anyone else,” Blinken said, clearly trying to greatly alter the plain meaning of the words Biden spoke.

Biden had concluded the televised Warsaw speech by bluntly saying of Putin (who he also had called a “butcher” in a separate statement to a reporter)… “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.” Within the very hour as headlines spread around the world that the US president called for regime change in Moscow, and none other than the deep state’s preferred mouthpiece, the Washington Post, said Biden “sparked a global uproar“, the White House desperately scrambled to walk it back.

A White House official tried to clarify to Bloomberg, “The President’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region. He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change.” But Biden appeared to be reading a carefully prepared written speech from the teleprompter.

Blinken’s Sunday explanation of Biden’s words continued:

“As you know, and as you have heard us say repeatedly, we do not have a strategy of regime change in Russia — or anywhere else, for that matter,” the US’ top diplomat said.

“As in any case, it’s up to the people of the country in question. It’s up to the Russians,” Blinken said.

Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov had hit back after Biden’s speech, stressing that it is not up to the White House or any country anywhere for that matter to decide who is in power in Russia. “​The president of Russia is elected by Russians,” Peskov said dismissively on Saturday.

Biden’s words also triggered an avalanche of commentary in the West from pundits warning that this kind of talk is dangerous given two nuclear-armed superpowers already appear headed toward a war-footing and possible direct clash over Ukraine. Further, the Russians have already warned that they could completely sever diplomatic ties over Biden’s prior “murderous dictator” and Putin is a “thug” comments.

Those fiery references weren’t absent from Biden’s Saturday speech, where he doubled down of this theme of “evil” Putin, saying, “A dictator bent on rebuilding an empire will never erase a people’s love for liberty.  Brutality will never grind down their will to be free.  Ukraine will never be a victory for Russia — for free people refuse to live in a world of hopelessness and darkness.”

Just prior to the Saturday Warsaw speech, an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal had urged, The President Should Avoid Public Speaking …at least when the topic is important.

Commenting on prior dangerous “gaffes” – the piece stated, “A good number of us will cling to the belief that the president was confused and didn’t understand what he was saying, which is all the more reason for him to avoid deviating from a prepared text in this perilous time.”

The question remains, was this a mere “gaffe”? Anti-war journalist Michael Tracey and others say no: “Biden’s call for regime change in Russia wasn’t some off-the-cuff “gaffe.” It was declared as the climax of a carefully choreographed, “legacy-defining” speech, in a deliberately chosen venue (Poland) where the call would be well-received.

And then this:



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Candidate For Wisconsin Attorney General Gets in Race to Address Election Issues and Destruction of Our Civil Liberties


Attorney Karen Mueller, the founder and general counsel for the Amos Center of Justice and Liberty has officially entered the race for Wisconsin Attorney General. 

Mueller shared with us that she really wasn’t planning on running but the current candidates are not addressing the big issues of the day, the 2020 Election issues and the COVID-related issues, so she felt she had to run.

We first heard of Karen after the 2020 Election when she was fighting for the people of Wisconsin and ultimately President Trump.  She filed a suit against the Wisconsin Election Commission and claimed the ballot drop boxes were unconstitutional.  In her suit, she uncovered the corruption in the Wisconsin Republican Party where the leadership was behind the election steal by promoting ballot drop boxes in the state.  The Wisconsin Supreme Court eventually dismissed her case even though Karen was right.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: What’s Going On In Wisconsin? Hillary Attorney Elias Provides Evidence that State GOP Leadership Agreed to Unconstitutional ‘Ballot Drop Boxes’

TRENDING: WATCH: Will Smith Rushes Oscar Stage And Socks Chris Rock In The Face For Insulting His Wife

On Saturday, Mueller shared in her announcement three reasons why she is running:

In the past four months she has received a shocking number of phone calls from families of patients in different hospitals around Wisconsin where they reported suspicious deaths or attempts to end the lives of their loved ones by medical providers.   Their loved ones had been previously denied potential life-saving medicines and instead were given dangerous drugs under a joint EUA which provided both financial incentives and immunity from liability to the hospital systems.  Patients were shortly thereafter put on ventilators and family members were encouraged or even coerced to sign DNR or “comfort care” documents before being allowed to see their loved ones, one last time.  It is suspected that the motives for these alleged homicides are twofold:  1) to prevent a safe and viable alternative treatment for Covid 19 from being revealed which would end the EUA on “vaccines” and thus would end immunity from liability for the “vaccines” and 2) to receive significant financial gains and rewards by getting people sick enough to need ventilators which earns hospitals from $60,000 to $100,000 extra dollars per ICU patient.  Attorney Mueller promised that if she was elected as Attorney General, she would open investigations into these alleged homicides and would charge and hold accountable those responsible for these deaths if these allegations were substantiated.

Attorney Mueller secondly explained that the high number of Covid-related “vaccine” deaths and injuries were also alleged homicides that needed to be investigated as potential murders since these shots were given without any actual legal informed consent.  A callous disregard was shown for the lives and rights of the people who were given these “frankenshots,” a term first coined by Professor Francis Boyle of Chicago law school who wrote the federal “Bioweapon Anti-terrorism Act of 1989.  He believes that a genocide is now in process as people have been forced to take these shots by employers and schools with no true understanding or appreciation of the risk of death or serious bodily harm to their employees or students, due to the coordinated suppression and intentional rejection of the Truth by medical providers, government agencies, private non-profits, and media outlets.

Thirdly, Attorney Mueller stated that the massive number of deaths by these two causes discussed above would not have occurred in this state and this country had the 2020 Presidential election not been stolen through fraud and election law violation.  Since President Trump neither favored the withholding of safe-alternative treatments for Covid-19 nor sought mandatory “vaccine” shots it was only by installing the Biden Administration that this horrifying murder conspiracy could unfold right before the eyes of American Citizens.   Attorney Mueller announced that it is imperative that voting, and election frauds be investigated and prosecuted, in order to restore the trust of the Wisconsin voters in their election system and to protect citizens from further deadly “healthcare” policies and “vaccine” mandates.

Finally, she asserted that Wisconsin legislators can and should decertify the 10 electoral votes because of the multiple election violations as a “matter of law” and the frauds which vitiate and annul the wrongful decision.  There is nothing in the constitution that prevents a state legislature from exercising its plenary powers.  The governor’s signature is NOT required on any such decertification resolution because the constitutional power to make the election laws regarding electoral votes rests with the state legislatures, alone. Therefore, the decision as to whether decertification is possible and how, also rests with each state’s legislature.   The Wisconsin legislators violated their oaths of office when they certified the electoral votes knowing that there were already many reports of fraud and illegalities.  Decertification by the state legislator would allow legislators to renew and restore their oaths to uphold the state and federal constitutions.

Here is Karen’s full announcement:

WI Karen Mueller AG Announcement by Jim Hoft on Scribd

Karen knows the difference between right and wrong and she’s courageous enough to take a stand. 

WATCH: Will Smith Holds Court and Dances to His Own Songs at Oscar Party After Chris Rock Opted Not to File Police Report


Actor Will Smith was filmed partying and dancing to his own songs at an Oscar Party after comedian Chris Rock opted not to file a police report.

Clutching his Oscar and smiling from ear to ear, Smith sang along to his own songs including “Summertime,” “Miami,” and “Gettin’ Jiggy Wit it.”

TRENDING: WATCH: Will Smith Rushes Oscar Stage And Socks Chris Rock In The Face For Insulting His Wife

“Smith seemed unbothered by the drama that happened on the Oscar stage earlier Sunday evening, when he slapped comedian Chris Rock for joking about his wife’s shaved head. Pinkett Smith has talked about her hair loss due to alopecia,” according to a report from the Hollywood Reporter. “Smith entered the party with not only his wife, but also children Willow, Trey and Jaden as well as other friends. Once inside, he was embraced by the likes of Lupita Nyong’o, Lena Waithe and Trevor Noah, who gave Smith a long hug as he talked in his ear.”

“It’s been a beautiful night,” Smith told The Hollywood Reporter.

The Los Angeles Police Department said that Chris Rock declined to file a police report after being slapped by Smith on the Oscar stage.

In a statement about the incident, the LAPD said that if Rock wants to file a report at a later date, he can.

“LAPD investigative entities are aware of an incident between two individuals during the Academy Awards program. The incident involved one individual slapping another. The individual involved has declined to file a police report. If the involved party desires a police report at a later date, LAPD will be available to complete an investigative report,” the statement said.

The comedian was presenting the award for best documentary and picking on members of the audience, as comedians often do. He said that he couldn’t wait to see Pinkett Smith star in “G.I. Jane 2,” referencing Demi Moore’s shaved head for the 1997 film. Rock was poking fun at Pinkett Smith’s hair cut — a shaved head due to her battle with alopecia.

Smith could be seen initially laughing at the jab, but Pinkett Smith looked enraged — and moments later Smith was on the stage b-tch slapping Rock on live television.

The actor was not removed from the venue over the assault and minutes later was given the award for best actor.

During his acceptance speech, Smith tearfully apologized to the Academy and his fellow nominees, but notably did not apologize to Rock.

“I want to be an ambassador of that kind of love and care and concern. I want to apologize to the Academy, I want to apologize to all my fellow nominees. This is a beautiful moment and I’m not crying for winning an award,” Smith said through tears. “It’s not about winning an award for me; it’s about being able to shine a light on all the people … and the entire cast and crew of King Richard and Venus and Serena and the entire Williams family. Art imitates life. I look like the crazy father, just like they said about Richard Williams! But, love will make you do crazy things.”

TFB Weekley Web Deals 1: A Grab Bag of Spring Firearms Deals


TFB Weekley Web Deals 1: A Grab Bag of Spring Firearms DealsWelcome to TFB Weekly Web Deals 1! Spring has finally arrived along with all of its associated unpredictable weather but generally, springtime means it’s time to get back out on the range! This week we’re taking a look at some of our favorite online retailers including Brownells, GunMagWarehouse, and of course one of my favorites, […]

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NEW BRN-180 Classic Stock From Brownells


NEW BRN-180 Classic Stock From BrownellsBrownells has (at long last) released the Classic Stock for the BRN-180 family of firearms. It mimics the look of the original AR-180 stock for fans of the traditional design. BRN-180 @ TFB: TFB Review: Brownells BRN-180 Gen 2 Upper Brownells Introduces BRN-180 Gen2 Uppers and Adds a .300 Blackout Version [SHOT 2022] An AR-180 AK? Brownells […]

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“Thank You Will Smith!” – Radical Democrat Ayanna Pressley Cheers Will Smith’s Violent Assault at Academy Awards Over a Joke


As Cassandra Fairbanks reported earlier — Will Smith rushed the Oscar stage and decked comedian Chris Rock in the face for making a joke about his wife.

Smith then went back and sat down and screamed profanities at Rock on the stage. That was uncomfortable.

WATCH: Will Smith Rushes Oscar Stage And Socks Chris Rock In The Face For Insulting His Wife

Here’s the video again.

TRENDING: WATCH: Will Smith Rushes Oscar Stage And Socks Chris Rock In The Face For Insulting His Wife

This was an assault caught on national TV.

Will Smith later won the Oscar for best actor and was given a standing ovation.
In any other business, he would have been escorted from the premises by police and charged with assault.

It was appalling behavior and a new low from the people who gave us Harvey Weinstein.

Of course, not everyone was upset with the violent assault they just witnessed.

Democrat Ayanna Pressley from Massachusetts cheered the public assault.

Pressley, a member of the Marxist squad in Congress, believes you have the right to smack the hell out of someone who cracks a joke about your appearance.

She tweeted this out last night.

They want to bring us back to the days of mob justice and public beatings. And then lecture us on decency.

Pressley deleted the tweet hours later after one of her cohorts told her it might make Democrats look bad.

Touching Thank You Letter to Our Readers From Political Prisoner at DC Gitmo! “Gateway Pundit Readers- THANK YOU FOR NOT FORGETTING US!!”


We first published a heartbreaking letter from Political Prisoner Jonathan Mellis last September. Mellis had sent us a detailed letter from solitary confinement aka “The Hole” documenting his painful experience at DC Gitmo. Mellis’ letter was the first of its kind published from a documented American political prisoner to the public.

Please help Jonathan Mellis here.

Jonathan Mellis, Prisoner #376907, DC Gitmo

TRENDING: WATCH: Will Smith Rushes Oscar Stage And Socks Chris Rock In The Face For Insulting His Wife

Since then Mellis has helped his fellow inmates at DC Gitmo carefully write their own letters/testimonies and get them to us at The Gateway Pundit and our readers. It has become incredibly important to these men and women to get their stories out there and plead with the world not to forget them. We share these stories that you won’t find find anywhere else. Because of the support of their fellow American citizens, some of these men have been able to raise the funds to obtain private legal counsel and fire their crazy leftist public defenders.

We regularly publish these letters for their historical value and to document the torture and unjust treatment these men are suffering under The Biden Regime. Their constitutional rights of due process and equal justice under the law have been desecrated by The Department of Injustice and it is of vital importance that other Americans are aware of what is happening.

Help Jonathan Mellis afford a trail attorney and send prayers here.

Please see Jonathan’s touching letter thanking The Gateway Pundit readers below.

Dear Gateway Pundit Readers,

In late January 2022 I had been locked up almost a full year. I was sitting in my cell on solitary confinement 22 hours per day. Being a Jan 6 detainee in the DC jail all I know is that the mainstream media lies about me and smears my character. The outside world is brainwashed to hate me and the jail administration is happy to torture me in lonely, heartless, and violent ways.

It was at this desperate and spiritually exhausted moment in my life that I started receiving thousands and thousands of Christmas cards and letters postmarked from late December. I read EVERY ONE, but I can’t read them fast enough. I’m drowning in love and prayers. Lol. Thanks to Jim Hoft and the amazing Gateway Pundit readers I have been shaken with love. Jim Hoft is a great Patriot. I admire him and I admire his dedication to truth and light. It has been one of the great honors of my life to work with Jim, Cara Castronuova, and the inspirational Kelly Wilde in getting the Jan 6ers stories published. By allowing us to get the Jan 6ers letters to the public and allowing the great readers of Gateway Pundit to help support our legal funds, Jim has given Americans all over the country hope in the goodness of our citizens. Jim Hoft is a great man. I look forward to one day repaying his kindness.

We have all heard about the Jan 6er, Matthew Perna, who tragically committed suicide recently. This hurts our Patriot brothers very much. It is a wake up call to all of us. Personally it wakes me up to the sad realization that hopelessness and desperation are ever present and powerful. Matthew Perna was a good, decent man. He was a positive and productive American. He helped people all over the world. But the mainstream media and the DOJ have NO MERCY for Trump supporters. They destroyed him with lies and hatred. Now he is dead and they still don’t care. Good Americans do care. I pray for him and his family. #IamMatthew

I pray that you all will remember Matthew Perna, just as you remember us political prisoners. Most of us are just regular guys caught up in something bigger than ourselves. We stand against bigotry and hatred, and we love our neighbors. I pray that our righteous movement continues to root out evil and corruption in every corner. We must always be able to hold our head high knowing that truth and light is on our side, but it takes courage.

In the immortal words of Thomas Paine, “It is the duty of every man, as far as his ability extends, to detect and expose delusion and error. But nature has not given to everyone a talent for the purpose; and among those whom such a talent is given, there is often a want of disposition, or of the courage to do it.”

God bless you Jim and God bless the Gateway Pundit readers. Thank you for all the love and support. Thank you for giving me strength. Thank you for not forgetting us. You have touched my heart and soul. I am praying for America every day. There is still hope with good Americans like you out there.

Strength and Honor,
Jon Gennaro Mellis
Prisoner #376907

*Please help Jonathan Mellis and send prayers here

Jonathan Mellis when he was a free man, before his imprisonment as a political prisoner at DC Gitmo.

Please help Jonathan Mellis afford a trail attorney and send prayers here.


Cara Castronuova

Cara Castronuova is a co-Founder of C.A.P.P. (Citizens Against Political Persecution and The People’s January 6th Commission. She is an Activist, Investigative Journalist, 2-Time Boxing Champion, Celebrity Fitness Trainer and Television Personality. You can watch her on Newsmax at 10PM EST every Saturday night on “Wiseguys”. You can follow her on & Twitter or Instagram  @CaraCastronuova. She is currently banned on Fakebook & suing them for defamation of character.  You can contact her via the C.A.P.P. website at or if you have any tips or would like to volunteer. Phil 4:13.

TFB Weekley Web Deals 1: A Grab Bag of Spring Firearms Deals


TFB Weekley Web Deals 1: A Grab Bag of Spring Firearms DealsWelcome to TFB Weekly Web Deals 1! Spring has finally arrived along with all of its associated unpredictable weather but generally, springtime means it’s time to get back out on the range! This week we’re taking a look at some of our favorite online retailers including Brownells, GunMagWarehouse, and of course one of my favorites, […]

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Strange. Violent Actor Will Smith Smacked Chris Rock in the Mouth for Joking About His Wife’s Hair – But Laughed at Joke About Wife’s Open Marriage (VIDEO)


Last night actor Will Smith committed an assault on national TV.

The Hollywood actor jumped up on stage and smacked Chris Rock in the mouth after a joke about his wife’s hair.

Then he sat down and screamed at the Oscar’s host, “Keep my wife’s name out of your f***ing mouth!”

This was a new low for the Hollywood degenerates.  The crowd was mostly stunned. The national audience was in shock.

TRENDING: WATCH: Will Smith Rushes Oscar Stage And Socks Chris Rock In The Face For Insulting His Wife

For some reason, Will Smith did not have the same reaction when “comedian” Regina Hall joked about Will Smith’s open marriage.

Will Smith laughed at that joke about their open marriage.

What a warped culture. Good grief.

Via Brobible:

Regina Hall made sure to sneak in an awkward joke about Will Smith and Jada Pinkett-Smith’s marriage during The Oscars.

The Smith’s open marriage came to light last year when Jada’s relationship with singer August Alsina went public.

Will would later confirm that his marriage with Jada was “unconventional.”

Via GQ.

“Jada never believed in conventional marriage.… Jada had family members that had an unconventional relationship. So she grew up in a way that was very different than how I grew up. There were significant endless discussions about, what is relational perfection? What is the perfect way to interact as a couple? And for the large part of our relationship, monogamy was what we chose, not thinking of monogamy as the only relational perfection,”

“We have given each other trust and freedom, with the belief that everybody has to find their own way. And marriage for us can’t be a prison. And I don’t suggest our road for anybody. I don’t suggest this road for anybody. But the experiences that the freedoms that we’ve given one another and the unconditional support, to me, is the highest definition of love,”

During a segment in the Oscars, Hall began selecting single actors from the crowd so that she could perform a “random Covid test” on them. Hall went on to single out the married Will Smith from the crowd and joked that Jada had given her permission to do so.

‘Will Smith, you’re married and but you’re on the list and it looks like Jada approved you, so get up on here”

Biden’s Secretary of State Blinken has Family Ties with George Soros

Above left to right: George Soros, Sali Berish, Tony Blinken

Biden’s Secretary of State Tony Blinken has ties to George Soros through his parents.  Now Blinken is being brought before an international court for his actions with Albania. 

Secretary of State Tony Blinken is a total disaster.  His actions in Afghanistan to turn over the protection of US troops in the country to the Taliban and hand over $84 billion in arms and military equipment and airplanes was the worst surrender in US history.  It is the worst because it wasn’t necessary.  It was a total disaster. Now we are expecting a horrible deal with Iran worked out by Blinken that could not be worse.  The worst deal in US history is coming perhaps this week.  It too is run by Blinken. The Southern border is a mess.  The US is getting itself into a mess in Ukraine thanks to Blinken.  How could Blinken be so terrible?  The reason is that it appears intentional.  There really is no other explanation. We have found some information on why Blinken is the worst Secretary of State ever… his parents are close to George Soros. President Trump’s former Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy, Richard Grenell, penned an article in November of 2021 that was published by the ACLJ.  This story begins with a tweet from Blinken. There was no reason for this act by Blinken.  Also, Berisha is known as a man who stood up against communism in the former communist country.  Berisha fought back. It turns out Blinken’s parents are supporters of George Soros’s Open Society.  Grenell writes:

Berisha has slammed the actions by the State Department as the work of radical Left billionaire George Soros and his Open Society, an organization that claims to promote transparency and human rights in the Balkans. The ACLJ and our international affiliate, the European Centre for Law and Justice (ECLJ), have been exposing Soros’s outsized, radical – and what some might call corrupt – influence on the world stage.

Berisha’s claims regarding Secretary Blinken and Soros should not be dismissed so quickly. The U.S. Secretary of State’s parents, Vera and Donald Blinken, have repeatedly donated to Open Society, even creating a permanent endowment at a European-based data archive that carries their name – The Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives.

Congressman Lee Zeldin (NY-1), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, recently confronted Secretary Blinken on his sudden sanctioning of Berisha. Secretary Blinken conveyed little confidence when asked for justification, stating “I don’t have anything to share.” While Blinken offered platitudes of follow-up for the Committee, no such information, or evidence, has been submitted. The circle-back saga continues.

At present, the only evidence we know of is Berisha’s staunch opposition to Soros’s political interference, which Mr. Berisha has decried as circumventing the rule of law and informal influence over the entire Balkans region. Mr. Berisha himself in 2017 called on major governments to investigate Soros’s role in regional politics and went so far as to encourage others to declare Soros “non-grata.”

Secretary Blinken now faces a new challenge to his authority in the form of international courts. Last week, the Correctional Tribunal of Paris announced that it would hear Berisha and his claim that Blinken has defamed his reputation by declaring him persona non-grata.

And Berisha has a point. These U.S. travel sanctions that Blinken has used against Berisha are typically a move reserved for some of the world’s most blatant, evidence-backed violations of international norms and human rights, including that of the likes of Russian oligarchs. Yet Berisha has been a friend to the U.S. and has even been hosted by both Presidents Bush.

We’ll see what happens from this.  What is sure is that Blinken is a total disaster unless your parents are close to George Soros and you want to destroy the US.