It is unclear where the threat came from.A bomb threat at the Alexandria campus of @NOVAcommcollege where @FLOTUS teaches classes on Tuesdays prevented the first lady from going to school, @MichaelLaRosa46 tells @CNN:
— Kate Bennett (@KateBennett_DC) March 29, 2022
Bomb Threat at School Where Jill Biden Works Prevents FLOTUS From Teaching Classes
SICK: NBC Doctors Photo Of ‘Transgender’ Swimmer ‘Lia’ Thomas to Make the NCAA Champ Look More Feminine (PHOTO)
“Transgender” biological male swimmer Lia (William) Thomas recently became NCAA champion in the women’s 500 freestyle at the NCAA swimming championships.
It was a rigged match-up.
He is considerably larger than his female opponents.
The Gateway Pundit reported that Thomas’ real female teammates have been exposed to his male genitalia in the women’s locker room. He is also attracted to females.
After William stole the competition and championship title, UPenn decided to shut down comments on their Instagram congratulations post. The ‘second-place winner’ was flooded with congratulations “to the real winner” comments.
The leftist establishment needed to do something to prevent the truth about Thomas’ win from coming out.
So, they photoshopped images of Thomas to make him look more feminine.
The New York Post reported,
An image of controversial transgender swimmer Lia Thomas that aired on The Today Show was manipulated to make her appear more feminine, experts said.
“The edited image has definitely undergone some sort of softening and smoothing effect,” Jonathan Gallegos, a former White House director of digital content for President Trump, told The Post. “It’s clear this job was not done by a professional. This level of skin smoothing is a hallmark sign of an amateur job.”
“Wow. That’s really bad,” said a photographer who wished to remain anonymous for fear of reprisals from trans activists.
The allegedly doctored image of Thomas ran on The Today Show and posted to Twitter on March 17. The touched-up photo removed facial lines, skin discolorations, notable red impressions on her face caused by goggles, and blurred the adam’s apple. The show later ran the original photo — warts and all — in a clip posted to Twitter on March 18.
If Lia Thomas is a woman, what’s there to hide?
Via Today Show
“They Are the Liars, They Are the Cheaters, and They Are the Ones Who Are Destroying Our Country” – President Trump on Radical Left Democrats
President Trump released another statement last night, this one focused on the lying, cheating and America destroying Democrats.
President Trump released a statement on the radical left Democrats and their “Unselect Committee” which is ignoring the mountains of evidence of a stolen 2020 Election and instead is focused on punishing those who want free and fair elections in the US.
The President shared:
So the Radical Left Democrats in Congress and the Unselect Committee continue to seek the destruction of lives of very good people, but have no interest in going after the criminals and thugs who cheated like mad dogs on the 2020 Presidential Election. All the evidence is in and conclusive, but they, and the Fake News Media, refuse to look at or report it. They call it the Big Lie, but the Big Lie is the exact opposite—they are the liars, they are the cheaters, and they are the ones who are destroying our Country at the Voting Booths, the Borders, the Gas Stations, with our Military, our Vets, Foreign Relations, and everywhere else!
President Trump is right. There are mountains of evidence showing the 2020 Election was rigged. The Democrats and RINOs just don’t want to look at it. They don’t care.
Report: Former Google CEO Indirectly Paid Salaries In White House Office — Played “Extraordinary” Role
Mark Zuckerberg’s foundation played a huge role in the 2020 election.
Now, we find another Big Tech CEO used his foundation to influence Biden’s White House.
Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt’s charity foundation indirectly paid the salaries of two White House employees – this included the current chief of staff Marc Aidinoff, who is one of the most powerful officials in the office.
In total, at least a dozen employees of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy are former associates of Schmidt.
As President Joe Biden granted his science office unprecedented access and power, one outside adviser to that office has attained what staffers describe as an unusual level of influence.
A foundation controlled by Eric Schmidt, the multi-billionaire former CEO of Google, has played an extraordinary, albeit private, role in shaping the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy over the past year.
More than a dozen officials in the 140-person White House office have been associates of Schmidt’s, including some current and former Schmidt employees, according to interviews with current and former staff members and internal emails obtained by POLITICO.
Schmidt maintained a close relationship with the president’s former science adviser, Eric Lander, and other Biden appointees. And his charity arm, Schmidt Futures, indirectly paid the salaries of two science-office employees, including, for six weeks, that of the current chief of staff, Marc Aidinoff, who is now one of the most senior officials in the office following Lander’s resignation in February. The chief innovation officer at Schmidt Futures, OSTP alum Tom Kalil, also remained on Schmidt’s payroll while working as an unpaid consultant at the science office for four months last year until he left the post following ethics complaints.
When will the GOP stand up to Big Tech oligarchs?
For the antidote to media bias, check out!
Ukraine seeks security guarantees ‘stronger than NATO’s,’ outlines other terms for peace deal with Russia
Ukraine is seeking security guarantees that are stronger than NATO’s Article 5, David Arakhamia, the leader of President Volodymyr Zelensky’s faction in the parliament and head of the Ukrainian delegation during the ongoing peace negotiations with Russia, said on March 29. Arakhamia was speaking following a round of peace talks with Russia held in Istanbul earlier on that day.
NATO’s Article 5 commits each member state to consider an armed attack against one member state to be an armed attack against them all.
“We insist that this should be an agreement on security guarantees signed and ratified (by parliaments) to avoid repeating the mistake of the Budapest Memorandum,” Arakhamia said.
Under the non-binding 1994 Budapest Memorandum, Russia, the U.S. and the U.K. pledged not to use military force against Ukraine in exchange for it renouncing the nuclear weapons it had obtained from the Soviet Union. Russia violated the memorandum by invading Ukraine in 2014-2022 but the guarantor countries failed to protect Ukraine.
Under the guarantees proposed by Ukraine on March 29, guarantor countries must consult each other within three days after the beginning of military aggression or hybrid war, Arakhamia said. After that, these countries must provide aid to Ukraine by sending troops, supplying weapons and protecting the sky, he added.
Such guarantor countries may include the U.S., the U.K., China, Russia, France, Turkey, Germany, Canada, Italy, Poland, and Israel. Other countries will also be able to join, Arakhamia said. These guarantees should also help Ukraine join the European Union.
Mykhailo Podolyak, an aide to Zelensky’s chief of staff, said the Ukrainian government will sign an agreement on security guarantees only if it’s ratified by a nationwide referendum. A referendum can only be held after Russian troops withdraw from the country, said Fedir Venislavsky, Zelensky’s representative at the Constitutional Court.
According to Podolyak, Ukraine had also proposed holding negotiations with Russia within 15 years on the status of Crimea, which has been occupied by Russia since 2014. The status of Russian-occupied territories in Luhansk and Donetsk oblasts is proposed to be determined during direct negotiations between Zelensky and Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, Podolyak added.
Meanwhile, Vladimir Medinsky, head of the Russian delegation and an aide to Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, called the negotiations with Ukraine “constructive.” He said that Russia had decided to reduce its military activities in the direction of Kyiv and Cherhnihiv in northern Ukraine as a result of the talks. However, the announcement came as Ukraine’s forces continue to successfully push Russian troops back in the north.
Medinsky also said that Russia doesn’t object to Ukraine’s potential accession to the European Union.
It is not yet clear when the next round of talks will be held. Podolyak said that the date will be set after Russia reacts to Ukraine’s proposals.
New Remington Premier TSS and Magnum Turkey Loads
We are coming up fast on the spring 2022 turkey season and Remington is here to give the hardcore turkey hunters out there the best they have to offer. Remington ammunition has just announced the addition of new tungsten and high-velocity loads with their new Magnum Turkey High Velocity and Premier TSS shotgun ammunition. This […]
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New Study Shows More People Under 65 Died from Alcohol-Related Causes in 2020 Than of COVID
This article was originally published by Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project.
“The Science,” we have been told since March 2020, is the rigorous set of guidelines that must be “followed” with unquestioning obedience in order to reduce the spread, flatten the curve, return to normal, get our freedom back, end the lockdowns, or any other arbitrary carrot placed on the stick (yes they literally said this) that is wielded by the tyrant class.
If you don’t follow “The Science” you are a science-denying buffoon who wants grandma to die, doesn’t care about the children, are an alt-right Trump humper, a white supremacist, extremist, and most likely a domestic terrorist.
“Don’t wear a mask!” “Wear a mask!” “Wear two masks!” Wear three masks!” “Cloth masks don’t work!” “Only N95s will protect you!”
“If you’re vaccinated you can’t get covid.” “Vaccines are 100% effective at stopping covid.” “Vaccines are 96% effective.”
“Vaccines are 70% effective.” “Vaccines no longer effective after six months.” “Boosters are our only way out of covid.” “It is a pandemic of the unvaccinated.” “You now need a fourth booster!”
“The Science,” as our readers know has been a shifting goal post since day one and has had almost nothing to do with actual science at all. When the pro-mandate psychopaths changed an arbitrary dictate, we are told that the virus has changed, not “The Science.”
One thing about science and data, however, is that it is very difficult to hide the truth because unlike politicians and corrupt “experts,” the numbers do not lie. Recent findings, according to research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, show that more people under the age of 65 died from alcohol-related causes than of covid.
All thanks to “The Science(TM).”
Approximately 74,408 Americans ages 16 to 64 died of alcohol-related causes, compared to 74,075 individuals under 65 who died of COVID, according to the data. What’s more, the second number continues to decrease as the CDC and others actually examine “with and from covid” deaths and adjust the final count.
As the NY Times reports, during the pandemic, binge drinking increased, as did emergency room visits for alcohol withdrawal. But the new report found that the number of alcohol-related deaths, including from liver disease and accidents, soared, rising to 99,017 in 2020, up from 78,927 the previous year — an increase of 25 percent in the number of deaths in one year.
“The assumption is that there were lots of people who were in recovery and had reduced access to support that spring and relapsed,” said Aaron White, the report’s first author, and a senior scientific adviser at the alcohol abuse institute.
“Stress is the primary factor in relapse, and there is no question there was a big increase in self-reported stress, and big increases in anxiety and depression, and planet-wide uncertainty about what was coming next,” he said. “That’s a lot of pressure on people who are trying to maintain recovery.”
While stress from the pandemic was certainly demanding, the government and media’s amplification of it was far greater. Couple the 24/7 constant fear-mongering from the media with the unscientific lockdowns by the state which put millions of people out of work and the establishment created the perfect storm.
As the media and government attempt to claim this is some new phenomenon, the record will show that there was an entire body of science pointing these things out as they were unfolding in real time. Sadly, however, those doctors and scientists were banned from social media, had their licenses revoked, and were silenced into oblivion as the problem they tried to stop, got worse.
The Free Thought Project was reporting on this since the beginning in regard to overdoses which soared to historically deadly rates. In 2020, as California was shutting down outdoor parks and outlawed outdoor kissing, residents turned to drugs and alcohol to cope with their new tyrannical world. By December 2020, 360 percent more people had died from overdose than died from covid.
It wasn’t just California either. a year later, we would find that the number one killer of all Americans aged 18-45 was not covid-19 but overdose.
Perhaps the worst part about this was that it was mostly preventable — had the authoritarians not seized control of the narrative and shut down all discussion other than their own.
It’s not just alcohol and overdoses either. Have we forgotten that politicians, all claiming to “follow the science,” locked us down, destroyed the economy, decimated the middle class through inflation, forcibly medicated us, and muzzled our children over the last two years?
Where is the accountability for the folks who advocated these things? Are we to forget about the two weeks to flatten the curve that turned into rampant police brutality for non-compliance, tens of thousands of closed businesses, vaccine passports, and record child suicides?
As the lockdown tyrants slowly shift their narrative in an overt attempt to move from the wrong side of history to the right side, we must remind them that it is too late. They are no longer relevant and their censorship, quack science, and tyranny will never be forgotten.
Tucker Carlson: It’s Time to Invoke the 25th Amendment Before Joe Biden Ignites World War III
Joe Biden flew to Europe over the weekend and nearly started World War III — several times.
Biden’s gaffes on US troops in Ukraine, on Ukrainian troops being trained by US troops in Poland, on replacing Vladimir Putin in Russia… ALL nearly brought the US and NATO into direct war with Russia.
The US already started a financial war to ruin the Russian economy but this was not enough for Joe Biden.
Several times his administration had to step in and correct Joe Biden in gaffe after gaffe. And, of course, as the public watches in amazement, the fake news has yet to notice President Biden’s worsening dementia.
The man is dangerous. The regime is dangerous. And we’re not just talking about Vlad Putin here.
Tucker Carlson last night called on Congress to invoke the 25th Amendment before Joe Biden destroys the US economy, US borders, and gets us into a nuclear war with Russia.
Tucker Carlson: “If ever there was a time to invoke the 25th Amendment, it’s now. As Joe Biden himself put it, “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”
Progressives Build Shadow Online Powerhouse – Can Be Activated At Election Time
The Real Voices Media network has been serving social media users apolitical and non-ideological content to build up big social media followings.
This seemingly apolitical network is actually part of a plan by progressives to help them come election time.
When activated, this network will be used to boost the Democrats.
Progressive strategists have quietly built a massive network of social media communities in political battleground states that can activate ahead of elections and policy fights, Axios has learned.
Why it matters: The network, operating under the name Real Voices Media, uses apolitical, to build up audiences. It then leverages the crowd on behalf of clients in what experts say is a potent persuasion strategy. President Biden and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer are beneficiaries.
What’s happening: Facebook and Instagram users in Michigan started seeing ads last month promoting stories by a new news site, the Main Street Sentinel.
The aggregated content — from both news sources and the White House itself — touched on skyrocketing gas prices and broader price inflation, blaming corporate price gouging and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and mirroring lines from the Biden administration.
It is unclear who is behind the network. The publisher behind it, Star Spangled Media LLC, was formed only last month in New York.
They have spent over $500,000 on paid posts for Instagram and Facebook since 2019.
During the 2020 election, the accounts were used for voter registration and turnout ads.
Imagine the media reaction if conservatives did something like this!
For the antidote to media bias, check out!
Weatherby Expands Element Lineup with New Element Turkey Shotgun
Arriving just in time for the spring turkey hunting season is the latest expansion of the Wetherby Element lineup. Based on the original and time-proven inertia recoil system that the Element uses, the Element Turkey Shotgun adds factory-equipped extended chokes, ventilated and rubberized grips, and a full set of shims for adjusting the drop and […]
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