Heart Attack Rates Are Skyrocketing, And The Media Is Blaming Everything Other Than COVID Vaccines


This article was originally published by Ethan Huff at Natural News. 

The establishment is running into serious problems trying to explain away the skyrocketing rates of cardiovascular events that are occurring ever since Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “vaccines” were unleashed on the world.

Corporate-controlled media outlets, including some “conservative” ones, are blaming everything from fluctuating weather patterns and daylight savings time to watching too much television and even having too much sex.

Suddenly, all the normal things that people have been doing forever are magically causing otherwise healthy (or so they seem) people to suffer a heart attack or stroke, even though this never happened prior to Operation Warp Speed.

“The ‘experts/priests’ who worship and respect the Science©, and interpret it like Nostradamus reading tea leaves, want to assure the peasants that the unprecedented increase in heart attacks, even in young people who historically don’t suffer from them has nothing to do with the ‘vaccines’ produced by the same pharmaceutical entities that coincidentally fund their research work,” the Daily Bell reported.

“Obviously, no conflict of interest affects the Science© overlords’ judgment because they exist in a moral class above the petty fallible humans they oversee.”

On its website, the American Heart Association (AHA) reveals the following, which the lying propaganda press refuses to even acknowledge let alone report on: “We conclude that the mRNA vaccines dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.”

This seems pretty self-explanatory, but the establishment does not approve. In fact, it is going out of its way to try to deflect from the truth by blaming exercise and skipping breakfast for the massive uptick in heart events that we are now seeing.

“The principle at play here is akin to a legal concept called ‘plausible deniability,’” the Bell‘s Ben Bartee wrote.

“Most often, plausible deniability refers to members of high-ranking governments or similarly large, complex entities creating, through various machinations, a mirage of ignorance to protect themselves from liability for criminal or unethical behavior that they actually sanctioned.”

The corporate-controlled media is doing the exact same thing by presenting an array of ridiculous and highly unlikely scenarios to try to explain away all of the COVID jab injuries and deaths that are spreading like a virus among the “fully vaccinated.”

“If the corporate media can offer an array of alternative explanations for the precipitous spike in heart attacks, cancers, etc., then determining for certain that an individual owes their debilitating health condition to the ‘vaccines’ becomes virtually impossible – it could’ve been almost literally anything else!” Bartee added.

The stakes are high, and those who perpetrated the plandemic know their days are numbered. The more that gets revealed, the harder they try to deflect from the truth, even if their deflections are painfully and obviously fake.

Oftentimes, “conspiracy theories” start out being mocked, only to later be accepted once it becomes obvious that they are conspiracy facts. But the establishment has no other choice but to double and triple down in defense of the lie, otherwise, the whole thing collapses on them.

Another lie that is crumbling is the false claim that mRNA “vaccines” do not trigger permanent changes to human DNA. It turns out that they do.

“The obvious takeaway is that none of the ‘information’ the corporate media presents is intended to inform, but rather to craft and then insert into the public psyche a deliberate narrative to absolve powerful actors of guilt,” Bartee said.



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CDC Tells Johnson & Johnson Recipients to Get 2 mRNA Shots For Greater Protection Against Covid


The CDC is now telling Johnson & Johnson Covid vaccine recipients to get two mRNA jabs for greater protection against the China virus.

The Washington Post reported:

The nearly 17 million Americans who received the one-shot Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine are less protected against serious illness and hospitalizations than those who got the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna shots, according to federal data released Tuesday.

The latest data suggest Johnson & Johnson recipients should get a booster with one of the messenger RNA vaccines, if they haven’t already done so — and even consider a second messenger RNA booster for the greatest protection. The data come from a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report that analyzed the results of mix-and-match vaccine-and-booster combinations during a four-month period when the highly transmissible omicron variant was dominant.

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Even combining a Johnson & Johnson vaccine with a booster of either Johnson & Johnson, or one of the two messenger RNA vaccines, wasn’t as strong as three shots of the messenger RNA vaccines in preventing emergency room visits or hospitalizations, according to the report.

Coincidentally, shortly after the CDC released this report on the J&J vaccine, they authorized another Covid-19 booster shot of the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 vaccines for people 50 and older and certain immunocompromised individuals.

That means four doses of the mRNA vaccine in less than 2-years.

Is this the beginning of annual Covid shots?

Biden After Signing Emmett Till Antilynching Act: “No Federal Law, No Federal Law Expressly Prohibited Lynching Until Today” (VIDEO)


Joe Biden on Tuesday signed the Emmett Till Antilynching Act, making lynching a federal hate crime.

“The bill is named after Till, a 14-year-old Black teenager from Chicago who was abducted, tortured and shot in the head in 1955 after a white woman, Carolyn Bryant Donham, said he whistled at her and touched her in a Mississippi store.” NBC News reported.

Biden delivered remarks after signing the Emmett Till Antilynching Act.

“No federal law, no federal law, expressly prohibited lynching—none—until today,” Biden said.

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“Beyond the Pale For ANY Civilized Society to Consider” – Newly Introduced California Abortion Bill Could Legalize Infanticide For Several Weeks After Birth


How far down does the slippery slope go?

A newly proposed bill in the California State Legislature could expand the ghastly practice of abortion to include infanticide – the killing of a newborn child – for several weeks, months, or even years after a child is born.

According to the pro-life group ‘Right to Life League,’ CA Assembly Bill 2223 “literally decriminalizes infanticide” by eliminating civil and criminal penalties for abortion up to, and past, the point of birth. The bill specifically includes the term “perinatal death” under the definition of abortion, which would allow for fully-developed, already-born babies to be snuffed out at the will of their mothers for a still-undefined amount of time.

TRENDING: LIVE STREAM VIDEO: TGP’s Jim and Joe Hoft at “Globalism Rising” Conference from Noon til 5 PM ET — TGP Presents at Noon

We all know how extreme the liberal bastion of California is already; however, AB 2223 takes things to a whole new level. This is pure evil.

From the text of AB 2223:

“[A] person shall not be subject to civil or criminal liability or penalty, or otherwise deprived of their rights, based on their actions or omissions with respect to their pregnancy or actual, potential, or alleged pregnancy outcome, including miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion, or perinatal death.”

Last month, radical California lawmakers introduced a bevy of extreme pro-abortion proposals, including AB 2223, in an effort to uphold Governor Gavin Newsom’s promise to make California a “sanctuary” state for killing unborn children.

AB 2223 includes the most radical language of all the proposals, and clearly exposes the true colors of the radical pro-abortion lobby, according to Thomas More Society Special Counsel Charles LiMandri.

The proposed bill explicitly allows for the “brutal murder” of newborn babies for weeks, months, or potentially years, LiMandri said, pointing out that the Federal Government defines ‘perinatal’ as “up to 24 months” following birth.

LiMandri explained to LifeSite News in an email earlier this week:

[AB 2223] exposes the false narrative that the abortion lobby has been peddling for over half a century:  That no one knows when life begins, and babies in their mothers’ wombs feel no pain. No sane person can deny that a newborn infant is a fully developed human being, one that is capable of feeling intense pain. Yet, by including ‘perinatal’ in its provisions, [the bill] would authorize the brutal murder of these infants even after they are born.

[Citing PubMed.gov] The perinatal period, broadly defined, encompasses the time frame from … 18 to 24 months after the birth of the child.

Hence, [AB 2223] leaves one to ask: ‘What kind of depraved monsters would justify the killing of innocent and helpless children between one week and two years after their birth?”

In closing, LiMandri sums the issue up perfectly, saying this ghastly proposal “is beyond the pale for any civilized society to even consider, and must be aggressively opposed by all people of conscience who value human life.”

WATCH: Disney Executive Producer Admits She Regularly ‘Adds Queerness’ to Children’s Programming


Here it is…

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis on Monday signed into law HB 1557, a measure that forbids instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity to children in grades pre-K through grade 3.

The legislation states that “classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”

Disney lashed out at DeSantis and vowed to fight the new law in court.

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“Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts…” Disney said.

Journalist Christopher Rufo obtained video from inside Disney’s meeting about Florida’s new parental rights bill.

Executive producer Latoya Raveneau said her team implemented a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” and is regularly “adding queerness” to children’s programming.

“I was just wherever I could just basically adding queerness…if you see anything queer in the show… no one would stop me,” Ms. Raveneau admitted.


Christopher Rufo posted another clip of Disney corporate president Karey Burke saying she supports have LGBTQ characters in her stories.

Karey Burke said all of her children are queer and transgender so she supports Disney shows having as many LGBTQ characters as possible.


Earlier this month 108 people were arrested in a human trafficking sting operation in central Florida.

According to Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, 4 Disney employees were among the people arrested in the sting.

What is going on over at Disney?

Otis Technology’s New EarShield Ranger Earmuff Lineup


Otis Technology's New EarShield Ranger Earmuff LineupWhen it comes to personal protection items, having a lot of versatility and options to choose from is always great. While the first thing that may come to mind when you hear the name Otis Technology is firearms cleaning products, Otis has now joined the ear protection industry with three brand new pairs of hearing […]

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Hawke Optics Reflex Sight Wide View with Circle Dot Reticle


Hawke Optics - Reflex Sight Wide View Circle DotHawke Optics has a new Reflex Sight Wide View with Circle Dot reticle. While the sight will work for almost any firearm, Hawke recommends that you use it on your shotgun and pattern it so that the dot is on the center mass of the target – a Turkey for instance – and you’ve got […]

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Food and Gas Rationing?


Mac Slavo
March 29th, 2022

Even mainstream media outlets are reporting that food and gasoline rationing could be possible. We are not going to escape the cost of sanctions, as Biden himself said, so prepare now before things worsen.

We began warning that this was incoming back in 2020 when the lockdowns got the ball rolling. Everything that has happened since then has only helped shove the lack of food into overdrive.

Food Shortages Becoming As Obvious As The Higher Prices

And now, it’s not just food, but fuel to transport the food as well.  Russell Hardy, chief executive of Vitol, the oil trader, says Europe is about to reap the whirlwind of its “systemic shortfall” of diesel fuel. About half of European diesel imports come from sanctions-hit Russia, according to The Financial Times

“Gas Stations Will Run Dry”: Catastrophic Scenario For Diesel Emerging According To World’s Biggest Energy Traders

The economic fallout is beginning to get hard not to notice. Sanctions and other supply-chain disruptions have sent consumer prices surging across the world as oil and other commodity prices have spiked. Soaring gas and diesel prices are also adding to the cost of food, heightening fears that the world is on the brink of a hunger crisis.

Some European governments are preparing citizens for sacrifices. If Russia retaliates against its enemies by shutting off the pipelines that supply a majority of Germany’s natural gas, wider energy shutdowns are likely. Priorities next winter would be decided “politically”, according to the German economy minister. Meanwhile, Ireland is resorting to “wartime tillage” incentives to grow crops that could ease a potential food supply crunch. –The Financial Times

The problems persist and the rationing of everything from food to fuel is likely in the coming year. Especially considering what can be noticed as higher prices for food and fuel in the United States and other parts of the Northern hemisphere, could result in an actual famine for those in the southern hemisphere.

Be aware and remain prepared. Stock up when you can. It won’t take much more strain on the already delicate food supply chain to demolish it for good. Rationing and forcing compliance with certain things in exchange for food or fuel is a possibility too. Be in a position to say no to the rulers, but of helping your fellow human beings who cannot or did not prepare.



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Panic Buying In Shanghai As People Once Again Forced Into Lockdown


Mac Slavo
March 29th, 2022

The ruling class in China’s large city of Shanghai has decided to forego the lockdown of the entire city, resorting to only locking down half of the slaves at a time. However, that did not stop the panic buying after these lockdowns were announced.

New Approach To Lockdowns: Shanghai Begins Locking Down Half The City At A Time

China reported 6,886 domestic Covid cases nationwide on Tuesday, with more than 4,400 of them detected in Shanghai, now the center of the country’s worst Covid-19 outbreak since the early days of the pandemic. But in a city of about 25 million people, 4,400 people getting the sniffles is not a big deal, unless you need to keep the fear of a virus alive and well.

The grocery store shelves have been emptied of all goods as the rulers announced the lockdown. Shanghai is China’s financial capital. The city’s airports, railway stations, and international shipping ports remain operational, while key manufacturers are allowed to resume production after a brief halt, state media reported.

“After being unable to grab any groceries this morning, I went back to sleep, and all I dreamt about was buying food at the supermarket,” one user wrote on China’s Twitter-like Weibo platform.

“I’d never have thought that society today would be worried over buying groceries.” –First Post

Panic buying is not new to this particular lockdown. We all remember when the unprepared panicked in the United States and bought every last roll of toilet paper available. This is just one more bit of evidence that we should all at minimum be prepared for the rulers to panic the lemming living in the U.S.


Prepare while you still can. Things are continuing to compound into major problems. If the last few years have taught us anything, it should have taught us to have extra necessities on hand.



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NEW: Harness On Orlando Ride Still Locked After 14-Year-Old Boy’s Fatal Fall, Officials Say


Florida – A teen boy tragically died after falling from a ride at Orlando’s ICON Park last Thursday night as his parents watched in horror.

14-year-old Tyre Sampson was transported to the hospital after falling out of the Free Fall ride, which is the world’s tallest freestanding tower at 430 feet, Fox 35 Orlando reported.

Tyre Sampson, Facebook photos

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office confirmed the boy died at the hospital.

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At first it was believed the boy’s harness wasn’t properly secured, however, officials are now saying the harness was still locked after the ride came to a stop.

The teen boy, a football player who reportedly weighed well over 300 pounds, slipped out of his seat and plunged to his death.

The family attorney said the ride’s guide states a maximum weight of 287 pounds is allowed and wants to know why Tyre Sampson wasn’t stopped by the operators, the New York Post reported.

More from the New York Post:

The harness on the seat of a Missouri teen who died after falling from a Florida amusement park ride was still locked after the ride came to a stop, staffers told authorities.

Tyre Samson, 14, perished after he somehow slipped out of his seat on the 430-foot FreeFall ride during its 75-mph descent and plunged to the ground at ICON park, according to an accident report obtained by CNN.

“Harness was still in a down and locked position when the ride stopped,” three employees told the Fair Rides division of the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Service.

But Samson’s family — represented by attorney Benjamin Crump — are still asking if the teen, who weighed well over 300 pounds, should ever have been allowed on the ride in the first place.

“Be careful when seeing if large guests fit into the seats,” a manual for the attraction states. “Check that they fit within the contours of the seat and the bracket fits properly. If this is not so — Do not let this person ride.”

A video of the boy falling from the ride was posted to social media, however The Gateway Pundit has decided to post an edited version showing moments leading up to the tragic accident.