Joe Biden Will Drop Trump-Era Title 42 Border Restrictions May 23 – 170,000 Illegals Amass at Southern Border Ready to Storm into US


Joe Biden on Wednesday announced he is planning on dropping a Trump-era order blocking asylum seekers at the US border on May 23.

Title 42 was used by President Trump in 2020 to expel migrants seeking asylum during the Covid pandemic.

Get ready for a massive wave of migrants on top of the illegals flooding over the border.

Border Patrol agents encountered nearly 2 million illegals in 2021.

TRENDING: Steve Bannon DESTROYS Bill Barr: “We Don’t Care About Your Opinions – You’re a Stone-Cold Liar and We Got You on Two Massive Lies” (VIDEO)

Law enforcement has already encountered 1 million illegals in 2022 and we are barely 3 months into the year.

Reuters reported:

The United States is planning to end a COVID-era order blocking asylum seekers and other migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border by May 23, a U.S. official told Reuters, adding that the decision has not yet been finalized.

The sweeping, pandemic-related expulsion policy, known as Title 42, has effectively closed down the U.S. asylum system at the border with Mexico. Leading Democrats, medical experts and the United Nations have urged the United States to end it, but Republicans argue it will encourage more migrants to enter illegally.

Border crossing could triple once the asylum restrictions are lifted.

The Daily Mail reported:

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) were warned to prepare for illegal border crossings, which are already at record-high levels, to triple.

An ICE officer who received an alert told The Washington Times that agency employees usually handling enforcement within the country could be deployed to the southern border to help with Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

‘We are on a massive crash trajectory for the system,’ the officer said.

Department of Homeland Security (DHS) officials confirmed Tuesday that they are prepared for migrant flows to reach a ‘very high’ contingency of 18,000 people per day. This would equate to more than 500,000 each month.

Bruce Willis ‘Stepping Away’ From Acting Career Following Brain Disorder Diagnosis


Bruce Willis, 67, will be stepping away from acting following a brain disorder diagnosis.

The “Die Hard” actor was “diagnosed with aphasia, which is impacting his cognitive abilities,” his daughter, Rumer Willis said on Wednesday.

“To Bruce’s amazing supporters, as a family we wanted to share that our beloved Bruce has been experiencing some health issues and has recently been diagnosed with aphasia, which is impacting his cognitive abilities. As a result of this and with much consideration Bruce is stepping away from the career that has meant so much to him.” the statement read.

“This is a really challenging time for our family and we are so appreciative of your continued love, compassion and support. We are moving through this as a strong family unit, and wanted to bring his fans in because we know how much he means to you, as you do to him. As Bruce always says, “Live it up” and together we plan to do just that.”

TRENDING: Steve Bannon DESTROYS Bill Barr: “We Don’t Care About Your Opinions – You’re a Stone-Cold Liar and We Got You on Two Massive Lies” (VIDEO)

“I’m Not Sure Why I’m Doing it on Stage” – Biden Rolls Up His Sleeve, Gets ‘Second Booster’ Shot on Fake White House Set (VIDEO)


Joe Biden on Wednesday pivoted back to Covid after bungling comments on Putin and calling for regime change in Russia.

Biden nearly ignited WW III during his disastrous trip to Poland so his handlers are fiercely working to change course – so back to Covid it is!

Biden on Wednesday announced a one stop shop for all thing related to Covid.


TRENDING: Steve Bannon DESTROYS Bill Barr: “We Don’t Care About Your Opinions – You’re a Stone-Cold Liar and We Got You on Two Massive Lies” (VIDEO)

Then he rolled up his sleeve and got his ‘second booster shot’ on his fake White House set from the South Court Auditorium of the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.

“I’m not sure why I’m doing it on stage,” Biden said as he removed his suit jacket.



The FDA and CDC this week approved a second booster shot for people over the age of 50.

American Households Face $5,200 Biden Inflation Tax This Year – San Fran Fed Blames Historic Inflation Rate on Government Spending


Two big stories broke today on the inflation front.

As you are well aware, the US is seeing its highest inflation rate in 40 years with no end in sight. In response to the record inflation Democrats want to spend more money.

The current inflation rate stands at 7.9%

On Wednesday Bloomberg reported that the average American household will face a $5,200 inflation tax this year. This is devastating!

TRENDING: Steve Bannon DESTROYS Bill Barr: “We Don’t Care About Your Opinions – You’re a Stone-Cold Liar and We Got You on Two Massive Lies” (VIDEO)

The San Francisco Fed blames the current inflation rate on government spending.
Newsmax reported:

The San Francisco Federal Reserve on Monday issued a study suggesting that government spending bills passed during the Biden administration are contributing to current inflation.

“Fiscal support measures designed to counteract the severity of the pandemic’s economic effect may have contributed to this divergence by raising inflation about 3 percentage points by the end of 2021,” economists Òscar Jordà, Celeste Liu, Fernanda Nechio, and Fabián Rivera-Reyes from the study concluded.

The economists go on to note that while inflation is high in much of the world, for the United States, consumer prices have increased more than in similar countries. The authors contribute both the Rescue Plan and the CARES Act to inflation.

Farmers Warn About Rising Food Prices — One Way To Prepare


(Note: This is a reposting of this important message.)

American farmers are getting hit by higher costs of fertilizer, gas and everything else.

Now, they’re warning America that the result will be rising food prices.

Farmer Ben Neal talked to Laura Ingraham about how he’s “getting hit on every front on every expense possible” (transcript of highlights below):

TRENDING: Steve Bannon DESTROYS Bill Barr: “We Don’t Care About Your Opinions – You’re a Stone-Cold Liar and We Got You on Two Massive Lies” (VIDEO)

Here’s a transcript of the highlights:

“We’re getting hit on every front on every expense possible, from fertilizer to fuel to labor insurance, everything in between — our packing supplies. So we operate a small farm in Oklahoma. One hundred percent of our sales are farm-to-home delivery. And so we are driving across the state. And you know, the fuel costs are really painful for us … I would say our increases are roughly 25 to 30 percent, and I think that that will soon be reflected at the grocery stores. On top of what we’re already seeing, these fertilizer price increases haven’t really affected the grocery store prices yet. They will start coming this summer.”

Farmer Ben Riensche recently told Tucker Carlson:

“Soaring fertilizer prices are likely to bring spiked food prices. If you’re upset that gas is up a dollar or two a gallon, wait until your grocery bill is up $1,000.00 a month, and it might not just manifest itself in terms of price. It could be quantity as well. Empty Shelf syndrome may be starting.”

One way to prepare for coming food price increases is to stock up on long-lasting food.

A lot of people are already doing it.

According to one report, Costco has sold out of some of its emergency foods:

The good people at still have emergency food on hand (ordering through this link and the links below benefits Gateway Pundit).

Their food kits are packed with 2,000-plus calories a day and last a long time — some for as long as 30 years.

People have said about MyPatriotSupply:

— “I order Ready Hour meals from My Patriot Supply a couple of times a year, whenever I have the extra funds. The delivery is always fast and the packaging is consistently strong and easily storable. It gives me peace of mind to know I have months of dry food stored for an emergency.”

— “Best calories per dollar deal — Over 300 calories per dollar is amazing.”

— “I’m on a very low disability income. I wanted piece of mind knowing I have food in emergency. Whole I do have have some stuff I bought in store, knowing this will last fir 25 years is well worth it. And the different types of food sent, like strawberry cream of wheat cereal, and Mac and cheese. All what I like. I received my order in just a few days.”

Put them in a closet or back pantry — and worry less about what your family will need in an emergency.

When grocery bills skyrocket, you can use the lower-priced prepared food to soften the blow.

Millions of American families have already stocked up with — making it the largest preparedness company in the nation.

To see the latest specials at, click here.

New Range & Tool Bag from Bone-Dri Featuring Absorbits


New Moisture Range & Tool Bag from Bone-DriBone-Dri has been hard at work getting out brand new products for Spring 2022. A little while ago they released their new Gun and Ammo bag which is a universal pistol and ammunition case. Now Bone-Dri is proud to introduce their new Range and Tool Bag which features the same patented Absorbits material which pulls […]

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The post New Range & Tool Bag from Bone-Dri Featuring Absorbits appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

United Nations Warns Of “Food Crisis”


If you’ve been paying attention since the beginning of 2020, you knew a food crisis was coming. The media and ruling elites are just now beginning to warn that they are causing a “food crisis”, the worst of which has not been seen since WWII.

Of course, they are failing to blame the immense inflation on the fiat currency creation, and instead are resorting to blaming the conflict between Russia and Ukraine for the problem. The U.N. food chief warned Tuesday the war in Ukraine has created “a catastrophe on top of a catastrophe” and will have a global impact “beyond anything we’ve seen since World War II” because many of the Ukrainian farmers who produce a significant amount of the world’s wheat are now fighting Russians, according to a report by Time Magazine. 


David Beasley, executive director of the U.N. World Food Program, told the U.N. Security Council that already high food prices are skyrocketing. The war in Ukraine is turning “the breadbasket of the world to breadlines” for millions of its people, while devastating countries like Egypt which normally gets 85% of its grain from Ukraine, and Lebanon which got 81% in 2020, Beasley said.

Ukraine and Russia produce 30% of the world’s wheat supply, 20% of its corn, and 75%-80% of the sunflower seed oil. The World Food Program buys 50% of its grain from Ukraine, he said.

Russia is blaming the West’s sanctions for the food crisis. Russia’s U.N. ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia, retorted that the Russian military is “posing no threat to the freedom of civilian navigation.” He said that Russia has set up an 80 nautical-mile-long humanitarian corridor to allow foreign vessels to leave Ukrainian ports and that it is organizing humanitarian corridors every day within Ukraine to Russia and the West. “The real reasons why the global food market is facing serious turbulence are by no means in the actions of Russia, (but) rather in the unbridled sanctions hysteria that the West has unleashed against Russia without considering the population of the so-called Global South nor of its own citizens,” Nebenzia said.

Regardless, neither of these is fully to blame, both only added fuel to an already burning fire. Food was getting scarce and prices were climbing noticeably a year ago, and much earlier than that for some in certain areas of the world.

Continue to prepare until you cannot prepare anymore. Get what you need because it sure looks like there will be a time in the near future, when you cannot anymore.



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“Rise of Authoritarianism from 2020-2022” The Gateway Pundit’s Jim and Joe Hoft’s Presentation at Regent University Conference (VIDEO)


On Tuesday, The Gateway Pundit’s Jim and Joe Hoft spoke at the “Globalism Rising Authoritarianism and the Demise of Civil Liberties” conference at Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Jim and Joe opened the conference with a timeline of “The Rise of Authoritarianism from 2020-2022” in the US and around the world from the start of the COVID pandemic to today.

We reviewed 28,365 Gateway Pundit articles for this report. We isolated over 200 articles for the final report. As you can see from the presentation that we posted below we started our timeline around the time we first heard about the China virus up to today.

TRENDING: Steve Bannon DESTROYS Bill Barr: “We Don’t Care About Your Opinions – You’re a Stone-Cold Liar and We Got You on Two Massive Lies” (VIDEO)

Here is a copy of our presentation.

“The Rise of Authoritarianism from 2020-2022” Jim and Joe Hoft for Regent University by Jim Hoft on Scribd

Throughout the world, individual liberties and freedom are being lost as authoritarianism rises.

On Tuesday, March 29, Hon. Michele Bachmann, Dean of the Robertson School of Government hosted The Rise of Global Government conference from noon until 5:00 PM Eastern.
The entire event ran live on the Globalism Rising webpage.

And here is our presentation from yesterday’s conference at Regent University at their Globalism Rising Conference.

Thanks to Dean Bachmann and her staff for making this possible.

It was an excellent event. You can view the entire conference at Regent University’s Globalism Rising webpage.

One Week to Stop the Wait: Silencer Shop Sees 6-Day eForm Approvals


One Week to Stop the Wait: Silencer Shop Sees 6-Day eForm ApprovalsOne of the biggest hurdles for most people when it comes to buying a suppressor (aside from the high upfront cost) is the fact that suppressors or other ATF Form 4 items usually take somewhere between 6-months to over a year to get back approved. For many, this means that their hard spent cash is […]

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The post One Week to Stop the Wait: Silencer Shop Sees 6-Day eForm Approvals appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

FEC Fines DNC and Hillary Clinton For Lying About Funding of Debunked Russia Dossier


The Federal Election Commission (FEC) fined the DNC and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for lying about funding the fake Russia dossier.

Recall, Hillary Clinton’s camp and the DNC were hit with two lawsuits back in 2017 and 2018.

An FEC complaint was filed in October 2017 against the Clinton campaign and the DNC for violating campaign finance law because they failed to disclose payments for the Russian Dossier.

In 2018, Hillary Clinton and the DNC were accused of using state chapters as strawmen to launder $84 million in an effort to evade campaign donation limits and the Federal Election Commission ignored complaints exposing this corruption.

TRENDING: Steve Bannon DESTROYS Bill Barr: “We Don’t Care About Your Opinions – You’re a Stone-Cold Liar and We Got You on Two Massive Lies” (VIDEO)

The FEC fined Clinton and said her campaign violated the rules because they failed to disclose payments funneled to Fusion GPS through DNC law firm Perkins Coie.

The Washington Examiner reported:

The Federal Election Commission has fined the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign for lying about the funding of the infamous, and discredited, Russian “dossier” used in a smear attempt against Donald Trump weeks before he shocked the world with his 2016 presidential victory.

The election agency said that Clinton and the DNC violated strict rules on describing expenditures of payments funneled to the opposition research firm Fusion GPS through their law firm.

A combined $1,024,407.97 was paid by the treasurers of the DNC and Clinton campaign to law firm Perkins Coie for Fusion GPS’s information, and the party and campaign hid the reason, claiming it was for legal services, not opposition research.

Instead, the DNC’s $849,407.97 and the Clinton campaign’s $175,000 covered Fusion GPS’s opposition research on the dossier, a basis for the so-called “Russia hoax” that dogged Trump’s first term.

The memo said that the Clinton campaign and DNC argued that they were correct in describing their payment as for “legal advice and services” because it was Perkins Coie that hired Fusion GPS. But the agency said the law is clear and was violated.

It added that neither the campaign nor the party conceded to lying but won’t contest the finding. “Solely for the purpose of settling this matter expeditiously and to avoid further legal costs, respondent[s] does not concede, but will not further contest the commission’s finding of probable cause to proceed” with the probe, said the FEC.

The FEC, in a memo to the Coolidge Reagan Foundation, which filed its complaint over three years ago, said it fined Clinton’s treasurer $8,000 and the DNC’s treasurer $105,000.

The memo, shared with Secrets, is to be made public in a month.