EXCLUSIVE: Eric Greitens Discusses How Karl Rove and McConnell Related-RINO’s Attacked Him and His Family


Eric Greitens was candid in his interview on the Joe Hoft Show where he discussed recent developments in the actions by RINOs Karl Rove and Mitch McConnell who will do anything to prevent real America-loving conservatives in the Senate. 

On Tuesday, Eric Greitens’s attorney was in Washington DC announcing that he filed four subpoenas to obtain phone records detailing when Sheena Greitens’s corresponded with Karl Rove, warning the candidate’s ex-wife was exploited by Rove who persuaded her into committing perjury.

Karl Rove and others asked Sheena to claim that she purposefully and willfully put her sons in jeopardy by never sharing any of this alleged information with the mediator, the judge, any law enforcement officer, medical professional, teacher, or school official of any kind.

RINO operative Karl Rove admitted to journalist John Solomon that he worked with Sheena for months to create a problem for the former Governor in his campaign for the US Senate.

TRENDING: JUST IN: Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Refers Criminal Action Against AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs For Election Crimes

Now Rove could face criminal charges for suborning perjury, along with Catherine Linkul.  Linkul is the VP of strategy for a DC-insider firm run by Mitch McConnell’s key lieutenant, Phil Cox. Linkul is also Sheena Greitens’ sister, and Sheena Greitens said in a tweet that she gave these accusations to her immediate family.  Suspiciously, the allegations in Greitens’ false exhibit were notarized in Washington, D.C., just blocks from the office of McConnell’s Lieutenant.

We described the situation in the article below:

DEFINITIVE PROOF: Attorneys Reveal Karl Rove Conspired with Sheena Greitens To Contrive FALSE ACCUSATIONS Against Eric Greitens

Eric Greitens was on The Joe Hoft Show and he described how a group of RINOs that included Karl Rove and some individuals close to Senator Mitch McConnell, got together and encouraged Greiten’s ex-wife to make false allegations against the former governor.  The problem is the allegations were in direct opposition to her prior statements.

Greitens shares:

While I was on spring break with my boys for eight straight days doing dad stuff, having fun, these RINOs were meeting in Washington DC.  There they got together.  They pulled together a whole series of nasty smears and false accusations, attacking me as a dad.  And then what they did was distribute all of those to the press, and again they did it with what looks like one of Mitch McConnell’s key lieutenant’s offices.  They sent out all of these nasty smears.

And you know what Joe?  They thought that we wouldn’t fight back.  They thought that we wouldn’t pursue the truth, but we have.

For anyone who has gone through a divorce, it is usually a very difficult time.  For Karl Rove and individuals connected with McConnell to take advantage of Eric Greiten’s ex in an effort to derail his campaign, because he likes President Trump, is just simply despicable and disgusting.

Those involved in this effort to smear Eric Greitens are disgusting.  They are low down and show that they don’t care who they hurt as they attack those who love America.

Watch the entire interview below:

Will Russia’s Invasion in Ukraine Destroy the US Dollar or Will Biden Do It All by Himself?


We’ve reported for months how Biden is doing all he can to destroy the US dollar.  The implications are devastating and most Americans have no idea what is going on.  Now it looks like Russia’s actions in Ukraine may destroy the dollar as well. 

The US dollar is the world’s currency.  This creates demand for the dollar and allows the US to use the dollar as a tool in manipulating nations into acting the way the US wants.  This is being destroyed under Biden and it has major implications.

The county in the world that owns the currency, is the country in power.  This is why globalists must destroy the dollar rather than allow it to continue as the world’s currency.  Joe Biden has been doing all he can to destroy the dollar through insane actions at home and abroad.  Biden is spending like a mad man while encouraging countries like Saudi Arabia, Russia and China to go to a different currency.

We first reported on this last year when we saw the Saudis begin to talk to Russia about trading oil with them outside of the dollar.  For decades the Saudis have traded oil in dollars.  In turn, the US protected the Saudis and provided them with military weapons.

TRENDING: JUST IN: Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Refers Criminal Action Against AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs For Election Crimes

But Biden opened up talks with Iran again and the implications are that the Saudis and other nations will move away from relations with the US as a result.

Biden-Obama Are Killing the Petro Dollar and the US Economy By Aligning with Iran While Helping Russia Immensely

This movement away from the dollar could be devastating to the US economy.   Now due to Biden’s actions, Russia is mandating that countries it sells its gas to must trade in Russian rubles.

The US Dollar is in Great Peril – Biden’s Actions Are Destroying It – The World Is De-Dollarizing – Will Have Major Implications for All Americans

Today the Rebel Capitalist notes that the bigger prize than Ukraine for the Russians may be collapsing of the US dollar.  Putin’s actions and Biden’s responses to date may end up in this result.

POTD: Precision Rifle Competition with 22LR


Precision Rifle CompetitionThe goal of TFB’s Photo Of The Day is to give your eyes something worth watching, and your brain something to think about every day. Over the years we have shown firearms from North to South, East to West in almost any imaginable situation and climate. Today we’re going to tempt you with some interesting rimfire […]

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The post POTD: Precision Rifle Competition with 22LR appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

TFB Review: The Slick-Sided CZ P10 M Micro Compact Pistol


The CZ P10 M pistol was released in Europe in 2019, then in the US in 2020. The US market was polarized and seems to be one of those concepts that people either love or hate. What’s so controversial about the CZ P10 M, you ask? It really comes down to the omission of one […]

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The post TFB Review: The Slick-Sided CZ P10 M Micro Compact Pistol appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

The Ruble, The Dollar And The Price Of Gold – Who Is Really Winning The Economic Chess Game?


This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog. 

Russia has just made some moves that are going to change the global financial system forever.  When the conflict in Ukraine originally erupted, the U.S. immediately attempted to crash the value of Russia’s currency.

Those attempts were successful for a few days, but now the value of the ruble relative to the U.S. dollar is almost all the way back to where it was before the start of the war.  This has absolutely stunned many experts, because they thought that U.S. sanctions would absolutely cripple Russia.  So what happened?  Well, it turns out that the Russians have made some very savvy moves that have turned the tables on the Biden administration.

For one thing, Russia has started to demand payment in rubles when it sells natural gas to non-friendly nations.  A lot of countries in western Europe are quite upset about this, but they really have no choice, because they are exceedingly dependent on Russian gas.  So from this point forward, western powers are actually going to be forced to help prop up the value of the ruble

Russia wants “unfriendly countries” to pay for Russian natural gas in rubles. That’s a new directive from President Vladimir Putin as he attempts to leverage his country’s in-demand resources to counter a barrage of Western sanctions.

“I have decided to implement … a series of measures to switch payments — we’ll start with that — for our natural gas supplies to so-called unfriendly countries into Russian rubles,” Putin said in a televised government meeting, adding that trust in the dollar and euro had been “compromised” by the West’s seizure of Russian assets.

Secondly, the Russians have decided that U.S. dollars will no longer be accepted as payment for anything that they sell to other nations.  Pavel Zavalny, the head of the Russian parliament, says that U.S. currency “has lost all interest for us”

Much more interesting was Zavalny’s main point, even though it has been mostly overlooked. If other countries want to buy oil, gas, other resources or anything else from Russia, he said, “let them pay either in hard currency, and this is gold for us, or pay as it is convenient for us, this is the national currency.”

In other words, Russia is happy to accept your national currency — yuan, lira, ringgits or whatever — or rubles, or “hard currency,” and for them that no longer means U.S. dollars, it means gold.

“The dollar ceases to be a means of payment for us, it has lost all interest for us,” Zavalny added, calling the greenback no better than “candy wrappers.”

This is huge, but it isn’t being discussed much by the corporate media in the United States.

The Russians aren’t just saying that they do not recognize U.S. dollars as the reserve currency of the world any longer.

That would be bad enough.

At this point, they are actually saying that they will no longer accept U.S. dollars as a form of payment at all.


Thirdly, the central bank in Russia has fixed the value of the ruble to the price of gold for at least the next three months

The Russian central bank will restart buying gold from banks and will pay a fixed price of 5000 roubles ($52) per gramme between March 28 and June 30, the bank said on Friday.

But you won’t hear about this on CNN or MSNBC.

This is a move that could potentially change everything.

Once upon a time, the value of the U.S. dollar was tied to gold, and that helped the U.S. dollar become the dominant currency on the entire planet.

But then Nixon took us off the gold standard in the early 1970s, and things have gone haywire ever since.

Now Russia has linked the value of the ruble to the price of gold, and many believe that this is really going to shake things up

“I am reminded of what the U.S. did in the middle of the Great Depression. For the next 40 years, gold’s price was pegged to the U.S. dollar at $35. There is a precedent for this. It leads me to believe that Russia’s intention would be for the value of the ruble to be linked directly to the value of gold,” Gainesville Coins precious metals expert Everett Millman told Kitco News. “Setting a fixed price for rubles per gram of gold seems to be the intention. That’s pretty important when it comes to how Russia could seek funding and manage its central bank financing outside of the U.S. dollar system.”

Others believe that this move will create great instability in the global financial system.

For example, Tom Luongo is warning that the following could soon happen

  • 1: At $1550 per ounce the first order effect here is that is implies a RUB/USD rate of around 75. Incentivizing those holding RUB to continue and those needing them to bid up the price from current levels.
  • 2: This creates a positive incentive loop to bring the ruble back to pre-war levels.  Then after that market effects take over as ruble demand becomes structural, based on Russia’s trade balance.
  • 3: Once that happens and the RUB/USD falls below 75, then the USD price of gold rises structurally draining the paper gold markets and collapsing the financial system based on leveraged/hypothecated gold.  Now we’re into the arb. phase @Lukegromen postulated w/ 1000bbls/oz.

Time will tell if Luongo is right or if he is wrong.

But without a doubt, things have not played out the way that Biden administration officials were hoping.

They had hoped that U.S. sanctions would crush the ruble, the Russian financial system, and the entire Russian economy.

Instead, the Russians have been able to successfully prop up the value of the ruble and have made moves that directly threaten the dominance of the U.S. dollar.

No matter what happens with the ceasefire talks, I expect the United States and Russia to continue this economic conflict for the foreseeable future.

Ultimately, that will be bad for both of our nations.

And as history has shown, economic conflicts have a way of becoming shooting wars way too often.  Needless to say, we definitely do not want a shooting war with Russia.

Leaders on both sides should be attempting to find ways to achieve peace and fix the tremendous damage that has already been done.

Unfortunately, everyone seems to want to continue to escalate matters, and that should deeply alarm all of us.

***It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***

About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available on Amazon.com.  In addition to my new book, I have written five other books that are available on Amazon.com including  “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”“Get Prepared Now”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned)  When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending digital copies as gifts through Amazon to family and friends.  Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream, and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial, or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and anyway that you can share these articles with others is a great help.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior today.



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McCarthy Tells Madison Cawthorn He Needs to Turn His Life Around Or There Will be Consequences For His Cocaine and Orgy Allegations


GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) had a stern talk with freshman Madison Cawthorn over his cocaine and orgy allegations.

“I mean the sexual perversion that goes on in Washington. I mean being kind of a young guy in Washington and the average age is probably 60 or 70. And I look at a lot of these people and you know, a lot of them that I, you know, that I looked up to through my life. I’ve always paid attention to politics and then all of the sudden I get invited to like, hey we’re going to have some kind of sexual get-together at one of our homes. You should come by… What did you just ask me to do? And then you realize they’re asking you to come to an orgy,” Cawthorn said on

“Or the fact that you know there’s some of the people leading on the movement to try and remove addiction in our country. And of doing cocaine right in front of you,” the freshman Rep. added.

McCarthy threatened Madison Cawthorn and said there will be consequences if he doesn’t turn his life around.

TRENDING: TOTALLY UNHINGED: Day After FEC Fines Hillary’s 2016 Campaign for Lying About Creating and Funding the Fake Trump-Russia Conspiracy — She Tweets Out a NEW Trump-Russia Conspiracy

According to reports, Cawthorn told McCarthy that his orgy and cocaine allegations were ‘exaggerated/untrue.’

The Gateway Pundit reached out to Congressman Cawthorn for comment and will update this article if one is provided.

“Surprised and Concerned”: Poison Control Issues Nationwide “Toxic” Warning About Covid-19 Rapid Antigen Tests – Kit Includes Poisonous “Liquid Substance” Used Commonly in “Pest Control” – (VIDEO)


For months, there have been many people sounding the alarm over the at-home Covid-19 rapid test, saying that the kits include toxic substances that pose health risks – something that has been widely condemned by the establishment as a wild conspiracy theory.

Well, just like with most everything else these days, the difference between wild right wing conspiracy and fact simply comes down to a matter of time.

Now, even public health officials can’t ignore the dangers posed by these tests.

Last month, the Gateway Pundit reported that Ohio and Texas issued a warning after seeing an increase in reports related to sodium azide poisoning, a chemical found in test kits after Biden promised to give 500 million Covid test kits to Americans.

TRENDING: TOTALLY UNHINGED: Day After FEC Fines Hillary’s 2016 Campaign for Lying About Creating and Funding the Fake Trump-Russia Conspiracy — She Tweets Out a NEW Trump-Russia Conspiracy

The poisonous substance in these test kits is called Sodium Azide, which has a “high” acute toxicity and can be fatal to humans in cases of overexposure, according to Stanford Medical. The presence of this toxic substance was apparently only found by Poison Control researchers after the winter wave of Omicron, which saw many Americans testing at home with the kits.

Following this uptick in at-home testing, according to WHIO TV7, drug and poison centers across the country experienced a large increase in cases involving Sodium Azide, which prompted the Ohio Poison Control to issue their warning.

The liquid Sodium Azide is located within the extraction tube inside the kits and the substance is colorless tasteless and odorless.

Cincinnati Children’s Hospital toxicologist Dr. Sheila Goertemoeller, who is a member of the Ohio Poison Control Center, spoke with WHIO7 about the agency’s decision to issue the nationwide warning. She explained that the other 54 Poison Centers in America have seen a similar upswing in Sodium Azide poisonings, amounting to “more than a couple hundred” across the country as of late.

Goertemoeller also admitted that her colleagues were “surprised” and “concerned” that such a highly toxic substance is being used in the test kits.

Nearly 60 million people have already received a free at-home Covid test from the Biden administration, most of which were passed out this winter, according to WHIO7 News.

From WHO7:

“Ohio poison control centers are sounding the alarm surrounding a liquid substance called Sodium Azide found in some at home testing covid testing kits that could be toxic to children as well as adults if used incorrectly.

‘Our toxicology community has been both surprised that this was the ingredient in some of the kits, and also concerned. We have seen exposure in all age groups,’  [Goertemoeller said.]

‘We are one of 55 poison control centers and nationwide other poison centers have been reporting a similar finding and there have been more than a couple of hundred exposures nationwide to Sodium Azide in test kits,’ [Goertemoeller explained.]

As WHIO7 points out, there have even been some adults who end up using the toxic liquid to swab the inside of their nose because they did not follow the instructions on the package, so if you have these kits at home, use caution – or better yet, throw them away.


Due to the presence of the toxic chemical, doctors are now advising parents to keep the kits out of reach of children. In addition, when testing children for Covid at home, it’s recommended that parents make sure they are supervised in order to avoid any adverse side effects from exposure to the substance.

The main side effects of exposure to Sodium Azide include lowered blood pressure, headache, hypothermia, and in the case of serious overexposure, convulsions, and death. Ingestion of 100 to 200 mg in humans may result in headache, respiratory distress, and diarrhea, according to Stanford Medical.

Say What? Biden Demands Congress Approve More Covid Funding Now Because “We are Not Going to Have Enough Money to Purchase” New Vaccines Later (VIDEO)


Now that Joe Biden has proven himself to be nothing short of a dangerous liability after his disastrous trip to Eastern Europe last week, his handlers are pivoting back to COVID in an attempt to memory hole Joe’s complete incompetence.

On Wednesday, Joe Biden received his fourth dose of the experimental vaccine and spoke to reporters afterward to advocate for Congress to approve more COVID funding immediately in order to prepare for “new variants” that could arise in the future.

According to Biden, if US lawmakers don’t approve billions more in taxpayer funds, America apparently won’t have the money to purchase vaccines or develop new ones when the next wave hits.

Yes… really. The so-called leader of the most prosperous nation in history says we will run out of money for ‘healthcare,’ and soon. But hey, let’s send another couple billion to Ukraine to fund the Globalist proxy war against Russia. No issues with finding the money for that cause.

TRENDING: TOTALLY UNHINGED: Day After FEC Fines Hillary’s 2016 Campaign for Lying About Creating and Funding the Fake Trump-Russia Conspiracy — She Tweets Out a NEW Trump-Russia Conspiracy

We are not a serious country with this current criminal cabal in charge.

From Biden:

If we need a different vaccine for the future to combat a new variant, we are not going to have enough money to purchase it.”

Considering the shellacking the US dollar is currently taking, in addition to the skyrocketing inflation, Biden’s warning could be more than a gaffe, as we are used to seeing. Did he just say the quiet part out loud?

Instead of sending pallets of cash around the world to fund the Globalist’s twisted agenda, how about taking care of the people at home and upholding the oath of office? But that’s simply too much to ask for this fraudulent regime.


Just last week, Biden came out and said that food shortages are coming and they’re going to “be real.” So his comments on Wednesday seem to fall in line.

Joe Biden: Expect “Real” Food Shortages in Europe and the United States (VIDEO)

After we finally emerged from “Biden’s Winter of sickness and death,” we ended up in Biden’s Springtime of famine and depression.

Stolen elections have consequences.

Wheelgun Wednesday: President Ulysses S. Grant’s Remington New Model Army Revolvers


Every time Rock Island Auction Company publishes a catalog of a Premier Auction, the first thing this author does is sort the list of lots in descending order of estimated high price and without an exception, the lot with the highest estimated price is always something amazing and incredible – either an extremely rare specimen […]

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JUST IN: Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Refers Criminal Action Against AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs For Election Crimes


The Arizona Attorney General has referred criminal action against Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs to the Cochise County Attorney, Brian McIntyre.

In a letter sent Tuesday, Attorney General Mark Brnovich delegated his powers to enforce criminal action against crooked Katie Hobbs for shutting down the online candidate petition portal and intentionally violating the law.

McIntyre needs to lock her up!

Arizona law states,

the secretary of state shall provide a system for qualified electors to sign a nomination petition … for [candidates for statewide and legislative offices] by way of a secure internet portal.

TRENDING: TOTALLY UNHINGED: Day After FEC Fines Hillary’s 2016 Campaign for Lying About Creating and Funding the Fake Trump-Russia Conspiracy — She Tweets Out a NEW Trump-Russia Conspiracy

On January 18th, The Attorney General’s office issued the following warning to the Secretary of State:

a public officer upon whom a duty is imposed by Title 16, who knowingly fails or refuses to perform that duty in the manner prescribed by law or knowingly acts in violation of any provision of such law, is guilty of either a class 6 felony or class 3 misdemeanor. A.R.S. §§ 16-1009, -1010.

The Attorney General is required to enforce the provisions of Title 16 through civil and criminal actions in any election for members of the legislature. A.R.S. § 16-1021.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Brnovich threatened to jail Katie Hobbs for this election law violation, and Hobbs then sued Brnovich requesting injunctive relief. The Judge denied her request for protection if she decided to break the law.

Judge Denies Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs’ Request To Block Arizona AG Brnovich From Potentially Prosecuting Election Law Violations

Katie Hobbs did not back down from disenfranchising voters. Earlier this month, Hobbs closed the online petition portal for certain candidates in violation of the law.

Only candidates for statewide office, like herself, can now use the online petition portal.

Yesterday, The Attorney General sent the following letter to County Attorney Brian McIntyre:

Hobbs was warned by Brnovich months ago, and she chose to proceed with this elections law violation.

Katie Hobbs belongs in prison.

Contact Attorney General Mark Brnovich to demand arrests for the stolen 2020 election.

Contact Cochise County Attorney Brian McIntyre and demand Katie Hobbs’ arrest before she can steal another election.

Contact Cochise County Attorney Brian McIntyre