The Future of MONEY Pivots This Friday as Putin Sets Deadline For Dropping the Dollar, Requiring Rubles for Energy Exports


This article was originally published by Mike Adams at Natural News. 

 Regardless of what you think about Putin’s morals or ethics, he is a genius strategist whose intellect is vastly superior to Joe Biden’s. Putin’s latest move threatens the very future of the dollar (fiat) currency and may spell the beginning of the end for the dollar.

Beginning this Friday, Russia will only accept rubles, gold, or bitcoin as payment for energy exports to “unfriendly” countries. No dollars or euros will be accepted. And why should Putin accept dollars or euros anyway, given that the western financial system has told Putin he can no longer use dollars or euros to purchase anything.

As a result, Putin is demanding rubles, gold or bitcoin. And that means the Russian ruble is now backed by commodities exports, making it a currency backed by something real. If you buy rubles, in other words, you can trade those rubles for natural gas or oil.

As Natural News previously reported:

In a video posted to social media, Putin blasted the “theft” of Moscow’s resources and mocked the notion that first-world currency reserve holders are “reliable.”

“Let me reiterate, the whole global economy and trade have suffered a major blow, as did the trust in the U.S. dollar as the main reserve currency” of the world, the Russian leader says in a translated clip.

“The illegitimate freezing of some of the currency reserves of the Bank of Russia marks the end of the reliability of so-called first-class assets,” he added. “In fact, the U.S. and EU have defaulted on their obligations to Russia. Now everybody knows that financial reserves can simply be stolen.”

He added: “And many countries in the immediate future may begin — I am sure this is what will happen — to convert their paper and digital assets into raw reserves of raw materials” such as “land, food, gold, and other real assets.”

Astute economic analysts foresee a world coming soon which will once again be dominated by hard currencies like gold and silver, as well as other precious metals, in addition to physical assets like land and food because paper fiat currencies and ‘virtual’ currencies like bitcoin are not just increasingly unreliable, they can be — as Putin said — simply stolen from the owner as if they never really belonged to someone else.

If Putin enforces the new requirement this Friday, the future of money is instantly transformed… and the dollar no longer enjoys currency supremacy

The point in all this is that if Putin enforces his demand of accepting only rubles, gold or bitcoin for energy exports, the dollar instantly loses significant utility in the world. Those nations that wish to buy energy from Russia — which includes most European nations — will need to first buy rubles, then trade rubles for energy. This gives rubles instant commodities backing.

The dollar, meanwhile, is bring printed by the trillions and controlled by a cabal of criminal banksters and corrupt government officials who think money comes from nowhere. Every nation around the world must now be pondering the obvious question: Do you bet on dollars which are backed by nothing other than a bunch of pedophile lunatics and criminal hucksters that run America’s corrupt government and the clueless central bank? Or do you bet on rubles which are backed by gold, commodities, and energy that every country needs?

The answer becomes rather obvious. Rubles have a future; the dollar does not. At least not with current economic policies in place. This could change quickly if someone like Trump were to come back into office, but until that day comes, the dollar is being systematically destroyed. And with it, the future of America is being rapidly eroded by the day, ultimately leaving the American people impoverished. From there, the riots will be unstoppable.

Today’s Situation Update podcast covers all this in more detail:



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Kevin McCarthy Is a Complete Disaster – For the Sake of the Nation, He Must Step Down From GOP Leadership


Kevin McCarthy and his roommate, anti-Trumper Frank Luntz

Earlier this week Nancy Pelosi bought $2 million in Tesla stock. This was also at the same time Democrats were pushing their green energy spending.

The stock jumped 8% the next week and Tesla announced another stock split on Monday.

Those Pelosis sure know how to play the market!

TRENDING: JUST IN: Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Refers Criminal Action Against AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs For Election Crimes

Inflation is at a 40 year high.

Gas prices are STILL at their highest levels ever for the second week in a row.

Joe Biden nearly started a World War with nuclear Russia over the weekend and can’t complete a sentence.

Americans have lost their freedom of speech thanks to the Big Tech leftists.  Big Tech, Big Pharma and Big Government worked together to silence any opposing and truthful narrative during the COVID pandemic. The left is threatening to destroy our way of life.

Innocent Trump supporters are locked up in prison without trial for attending a rally or walking into the US Capitol on January 6th.

Democrats are pushing a radical lunatic who is soft on child porn traffickers to the Supreme Court.

The Marxists are destroying this nation. Conservatives and patriots are under constant assault.

Over the weekend, young Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) sat down for an interview where he discussed being invited to orgies by the DC elites.

Via The Storm Has Arrived:

Rep. Cawthorn turned them down.
No wonder the elites hate Madison Cawthorn. He won’t play with them.

After Rep. Cawthorn’s remarks, Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy called him in for a meeting. McCarthy then lambasted Cawthorn for daring to talk about the corruption and perversion in Washington DC.

McCarthy warned Rep. Madison Cawthorn that he needs to turn his life around or “there will be consequences.”

It is not clear what party Kevin McCarthy represents. But it is clear that he does not represent the majority of GOP voters as Rep. Cawthorn does. Rather than keeping the focus on the Pelosi-led House, McCarthy turned the focus on Rep. Cawthorn.

McCarthy is either corrupt or an idiot. He should step down —  or ‘there will be consequences.’

Republican voters and the Trump base have NO USE for RINOs and wimps today.

Kevin McCarthy must go. What an absolute disgrace.

FLASHBACK EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden’s “RUSSIAN BLACKMAIL PHOTOS” Revealed – Hunter with Russians at Hollywood Orgy REVISITED


(This article was first posted on October 27, 2000)

For years we heard the left claim Russia was holding blackmail information on Donald Trump. The left even suggested that there was a Russian ‘pee – pee’ tape. 

This was a complete lie. It was all made up. 

But the Russians certainly are holding blackmail tapes on Hunter Biden to use against a Biden administration.

TRENDING: JUST IN: Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Refers Criminal Action Against AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs For Election Crimes

We found the real blackmail photos.  This has nothing to do with President Trump.  But it does have everything to do with THE BIDENS.

Hunter Biden was certainly an addict and may still be.  He put himself in highly compromising situations as a result.  He was high or wasted much of the time and therefore very narcissistic and reckless.  This showed in the way Hunter treated women, his family, friends and drugs.

Hunter’s father Joe Biden used Hunter to put together deals around the world in a racketeering enterprise to increase the Biden family’s wealth.  This occurred throughout Joe’s 47 years in politics.  He’s now running for President.

But it seems the Biden family has a problem.  They were involved in numerous shady activities around the world and they are susceptible to compromise.  In addition, Hunter put his family in additional blackmail situations all by himself.  Because of his addiction, Hunter found himself in shady places with shady people and as a result, he put his family in additional security and legal compromising positions.

One such example was in October 2018 on Devlin Drive West Hollywood with some ‘friends’.  Hunter spent a night in this luxurious property with a group of girls and guys.  One member of the group was a girl by the name of Christina.  She has a California driver’s license.  She also spent some time with Hunter.

Christina has some friends.

But these aren’t ordinary friends, it appears they are Russians.  These guys hung out with Hunter Biden at the luxurious property in West Hollywood.

The problem with this vacation was that multiple compromising pictures were taken of him by some of these ‘friends’ and the acts were captured on the CCTV cameras. One such picture shows Hunter in what appears to be an orgy, in others he models naked.

An evaluation of one of the women in the above picture shows that she has some marking on her upper back. However, after the image was taken, someone covered it up with a black ellipse. We were able to uncover that under the black ellipse, there was a tattoo. This type of marking is similar to tattoos used to brand trafficked sex slaves.

We also know that at least one of the women at villa in West Hollywood was a Russian national who traveled to the US in 2017-2018 on a tourist visa.  We know this because we have a copy of her passport.

Also, Hunter took some shocking photos of himself.

In summary, Hunter Biden spent some time in 2018 with some Russians at a property in West Hollywood and engaged in perverted sexual activities.   These acts were likely taped and photographed.

As a result of this event, the Bidens became the likely targets of blackmail.  Unlike the fake pee-pee images which were alleged in the Steele dossier and the Russia collusion farce the Bidens truly do have a never-ending list of problems that should disqualify them from ever holding public office again.

Russia Mythology Dominates the U.S. Media


My brother-in-law sent me the following CNBC piece of “journalism” which paints a dire picture of Russia’s “failure” in Ukraine.

TRENDING: JUST IN: Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Refers Criminal Action Against AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs For Election Crimes

It is laughably devoid of facts, but hey, that is what passes for journalism anymore in the West. I am old enough to remember the good old days (i.e., Soviet Pravda) when we Americans could chortle heartily at the spin coming out of Moscow. Well, I have now lived to see almost the entire establishment media outdoing Pravda in terms of flat-out lying to its audience.

The CNBC piece insists that “Moscow is facing unintended consequences of its aggression in Ukraine, ranging from high casualties among its troops to economic ruin for years to come.” Before delving into the 5 CNBC points, I want to comment on the talking point that Putin expected a “quick victory” and that the failure to conquer Ukraine in four weeks is a disaster for him.

This is ridiculous and is Western propaganda. There is not one statement from Putin or any of the Russian Generals promising a lightning war and a quick victory. Putin was very clear in the objectives of this military campaign–De-Nazify and De-Militarize Ukraine. Period. No deadline was ever announced. I have noted in previous posts that Russia’s progress in Ukraine outshines what the Nazis did in Operation Barbarossa. It took the Nazis seven weeks to reach the outskirts of Kiev and another seven weeks to quell the resistance in 1941. Russia has moved farther and faster in four and a half weeks.

And if speed of conquest is the metric, why did the United States fail to pacify Afghanistan after 20 years? People living in glass houses should not throw stones.

Now to CNBC’s 5 points:

1) Russian casualties are high Russia has been coy about releasing statistics on its losses, but one Russian Defense Ministry official said Friday that 1,351 Russian soldiers had died in the war so far, and that 3,825 were injured. Ukraine’s authorities claim that more than 15,000 Russian soldiers have been killed in the conflict, while a senior NATO official last week estimated that between 8,000 and 15,000 have been killed.

If this were true, where are the pictures of miles of wrecked tanks and armored personnel carriers? Where are the pictures of the thousands of Russian casualties? What is preventing western reporters from going forward with the supposedly invincible Ukrainian units to film the carnage they are inflicting on the hapless Russian conscripts? If you tell me your house is guarded by a Rottweiler but I hear no barking and see no doggie turds, I will question whether you really have a dog.

One other point that I made in my last post, but it bears repeating. If Russian units suffered high casualties then those units would no longer be combat effective. The correct military decision is to withdraw the unit (or units) and replace them with fresh reserves. That has not happened. The nurses, doctors and support staff at Russian field hospitals would be talking and word would leak out.

One final observation–the NATO official “estimated.” Estimated? The U.S. and the U.K. have signed. They can intercept communications. Are we to believe that the Russian’s opsec is so magnificent that not a word of actual data has leaked out about their casualties? Russia is good, but not that good. If the West had actual hard intel the Biden Administration would be shouting it from the rooftops. That is not happening either.

2) Ukrainians now loathe Russia One of the likely consequences of this war is that many Ukrainians will harbor an abiding animosity toward Russia, particularly after the bombing of homes and civilian infrastructure — including a children’s hospital and maternity ward in Mariupol, as well as a theater where families were seeking shelter. These are widely seen as war crimes by the international community. Russia claims it has not targeted civilians. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy summed up the mood in the country in early March when he stated that “we will not forgive, we will not forget, we will punish everyone who committed atrocities in this war on our land,” before adding that “there will be no quiet place on this Earth except the grave.”

Volodomyr Zelensky is reportedly more unpopular in Ukraine than Joe Biden in the United States. The Statista Research poll in October only “28 percent of the Ukrainian population approved of the activities of Volodymyr Zelensky as the president of the country. The approval rating saw a decrease in recent months. Furthermore, Volodymyr Zelensky was trusted by over 31 percent of Ukrainians in March 2021.” One of the main reasons for Zelensky’s flagging political fortunes was his failure to follow thru on his campaign promise to seek peace with Russia. I have not seen any new polls. CNBC is just repeating Western wishful thinking.

3) Economic ruin The international community was accused of being slow and ineffective when Russia annexed Crimea from Ukraine in 2014. This time, it upped the ante when Russia’s full-scale invasion began, with Western democracies imposing wide-ranging sanctions on key Russian sectors, businesses and individuals connected to the Kremlin or who support the invasion. As a result, the Russian economy is expected to fall into a deep recession this year. The Institute of International Finance predicts Russia’s economy will contract by as much as 15% in 2022 because of the war. It also predicted a decline of 3% in 2023 and warned in a note last week that the war “will wipe out fifteen years of economic growth.”

More delusional wishful thinking from the West. Russia is self-sufficient. It is not dependent on foreign imports to fuel its economy. The World outside of Russia needs Russian exports–wheat, fertilizer, gas, oil, aluminum, neon and palladium, just to mention a few. Whatever damage Russia suffers from the sanctions will pale in comparison to the economic wound the United States and Europe have inflicted on themselves by their desperate effort to sanction Russia. Russia, China, India and Saudi Arabia have made it quite clear that they are no longer willing to genuflect before the once almighty petro-dollar.

4) Europe is dropping Russian energy The war has also accelerated Europe’s transition away from Russian energy imports, putting a large dent in the revenue the country gets from its oil and gas business.”? It has also made the $11 billion Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline — designed to bring more Russian gas to Europe (and which the United States, Poland and Ukraine warned would increase the region’s energy insecurity) — redundant, perhaps for good.

Good luck with that cowboys. Their is no magic fountain of oil and gas to fill the cars and heat the homes of the Europeans. They might be able to work out a long term solution but the economic damage those economies will endure if they stop buying Russian oil and gas will be enormous.

5) Russia has united the West During Putin’s 22 years or so in power, he has systematically and repeatedly tried to weaken and undermine the West, whether it has been interference in democratic processes in the U.S. (with the 2016 election) and Europe (with the funding of right-wing political groups) or serious incidents such as the alleged use of nerve agents against his personal and political enemies.

I call this the Titanic fantasy. Yes, the Europeans and the Americans will politely step aside and encourage all women and children to get into the lifeboats. There will be no panic and the Western leaders will patiently and cheerfully sip scotch and smoke cigars as the ship is sinking under the weight of economic chaos. If you believe that I have a bridge to sell you.

REPORT: Registered Republican Voters Now Outnumber Democrats In Florida By Over 100,000


Few states in the union are turning bright red as quickly as Florida.

Registered Republicans now outnumber Democrats by more than 100,000 which gives Republican candidates a significant advantage.

It certainly doesn’t hurt that Florida has a strong Republican governor like Ron DeSantis.

FOX News reports:

TRENDING: JUST IN: Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Refers Criminal Action Against AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs For Election Crimes

Florida’s registered Republican voters outnumber Democrats by over 100K for first time

A red wave is brewing in Florida as registered Republican voters now outnumber Democrats by over 100,000 for the first time in the state’s history, according to data obtained by Fox News Digital.

At the end of 2021, Florida GOP’s voter registration numbers officially overtook the state Democratic Party, giving Republicans the lead in a state steadily shifting red.

Now, Republicans in Florida outnumber Democrats for the first time by over 100,000 voters, in both new registrants and party switches, according to internal numbers from Gov. Ron DeSantis’ re-election campaign exclusively obtained by Fox News Digital.

A spokesperson for DeSantis’ campaign told Fox News Digital that the surge in Republican voters broke 101,000 as of Tuesday morning.

“There’s no beating around the fact this historic gain is because of Governor Ron DeSantis,” Florida Republican Party executive director Helen Aguirre Ferré said in a statement to Fox News Digital. “Florida voters are appreciative of the palpable sense of freedom he has created in our state.”

“Unemployment is lower than the national average, our schools are open, there are no lockdowns, and there are no masks. Voters recognize the governor is a champion for families and businesses alike,” Aguirre Ferré continued. “Our voter registration numbers are impressive, but a 363,000 net change? That is unprecedented.”

Is it safe to call Florida a red state now?

This is a major win for the GOP.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

This Is Weird? After a Year-and-a-Half of Media Blackouts and Denials Suddenly ABC, NBC, and CNN Report Honestly on Hunter Biden Laptop


Sadly the US mainstream media pumps out more fake news today than Pravda.

In 2020 the fake news mainstream media ALL reported that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian propaganda.  51 top intelligence officials signed a letter saying Hunter Biden’s letter was Russian disinformation. Joe Biden lied about his son’s laptop during a debate. The media lied about it as Russian disinformation to save Joe Biden.

TRENDING: JUST IN: Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Refers Criminal Action Against AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs For Election Crimes

It was a ridiculous lie and anyone with any amount of curiosity knew it.

But suddenly the mainstream media has been directed to report on Hunter Biden’s laptop from hell that contains evidence of orgies, drug use, prostitution, foreign dealings, Biden family corruption, and warnings to keep Hunter away from underage girls.

He’s certainly a chip off the ol’ block.

But now all of the sudden the fake news is reporting on Hunter Biden and the serious investigation against him.

ABC News today-

CBS News-

And even CNN is reporting on the news-

This is weird.
Whenever the fake news mainstream media reports honestly you know that something is going on behind the scenes?
So what is behind the sudden blip of honest reporting?

Pennsylvania Judge Orders Five Democrat School Board Members Immediately Removed Over Mask Mandate


A judge in Pennsylvania ordered to immediately remove from office the five school board members in Chester County school district who voted to make masks mandatory at the beginning of the school year.

In February, the parents filed a petition asking the Chester County Court of Common Pleas to remove the five Democratic school board members because they had voted to make masks mandatory in the school district last August 2021, according to a report from WHYY media.

“Once the Supreme Court declared that was unconstitutional … we implored our school board, we asked and asked and begged and pleaded and made comments to lift the mask mandate, and they refused,” parent petitioner Rosica said.

“When they refused, that is when we made the decision to file the petition,” she added.

TRENDING: JUST IN: Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Refers Criminal Action Against AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs For Election Crimes

More from WHYY:

A monthslong dispute over masks in a Chester County school district culminated Tuesday in a judge ordering all five Democrats on the school board to be immediately removed from office.

After Pennsylvania’s state of emergency first ended in June 2021, the board opted to continue requiring masks. It stood by that decision while the state reimposed a school mask mandate, and for two months after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court declared that mandate unconstitutional in December.

In his order that the five Democratic members of the board be “removed from office,” Judge William Mahon wrote that his decision came after there was “no response” to the petition by the school district or its counsel.

In the motion to reconsider filed with the court, a copy of which WHYY obtained Wednesday, the attorneys argued that the deadline for a response was actually April 4 and disputed the timeline used, which was based on the March 15 filing date of the petition to remove the school board members. The lawyers argue that the Pennsylvania statute in question gives the school directors no more than 20 days to respond. The motion asks that the court vacate the order, reinstate the school board directors, and allow the respondents until April 4 to file a written response to the petition.

District leaders and the apparently ousted school board members did not respond to requests for comment.

However, in a letter sent out to district parents Tuesday night, Superintendent Robert Sokolowski attempted to downplay any concern that the judge-ordered ousting of the board members would stick.

“The decision states that the removal of the board members named in the petition was a ‘procedural result’ and does not address any of the allegations made in the complaint. Special counsel to the district is in the process of preparing a substantive response on behalf of those school board members named in the petition,” Sokolowski said.

He acknowledged that he didn’t have all the answers but would remain “committed” to education throughout the process. Sokolowski concluded by saying that due to the ongoing nature of the situation, he would be not able to provide any additional comment for the time being.

Judge Mahon gave both parties to the case — Rosica and the district — seven days to submit their recommendations for replacement board members. He will make the final determination about who is appointed.

Read more here.

Kamala Harris Delivers Crazy Word Salad During Bilateral Meeting with Jamaican Prime Minister (VIDEO)


What did we just watch?

Kamala Harris on Wednesday met with Jamaican Prime Minister Andrew Holness at the Vice President’s Ceremonial Office.

TRENDING: JUST IN: Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Refers Criminal Action Against AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs For Election Crimes

Kamala Harris delivered another word salad during her bilateral meeting with the Jamaican Prime Minister.

“For Jamaica, one of the issues that has been presented as an issue that is economic in the way its impact has been the pandemic. So to that end we are announcing today also that we will assist Jamaica in Covid recovery by assisting in terms of the recovery efforts in Jamaica that have been essential to I believe what is necessary to strengthen not only the issue of public health but also the economy,” Harris said.

Kamala Harris has mastered the art of saying a lot while saying nothing at all.


Wisconsin Judge Orders Vos Held in Contempt Over Election Records


Judge Valerie Bailey Rihn

Dane County Judge Valerie Bailey-Rihn ordered Speaker Robin Vos to turn over emails he kept on the 2020 election investigation. Retired Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman released his findings last week. During his opening testimony, Justice Gableman listed a series of unlawful acts that took place during the 2020 presidential election. Justice Gableman then called for the decertification of the 2020 presidential election results in the state.

Democrats are trying desperately to deflect attention away from the results on the audit and focus instead on attacking the integrity of Retired Justice Gableman and Speaker Robin Vos. Democrats can’t defend the illegal acts discovered during the investigation.

American Oversight is a far left group founded in 2017 to harass President Trump and Republican officials. They like to lie about being bipartisan.

On Wednesday Judge Bailey-Rihn ordered that Speaker Vos be held in contempt for not turning over his emails and text messages to the court.

TRENDING: JUST IN: Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Refers Criminal Action Against AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs For Election Crimes reported:

A judge on Wednesday has ordered that Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos be held in contempt for failing to produce emails and text messages related to the investigation he ordered into the 2020 presidential election.

Dane County Judge Valerie Bailey-Rihn, who last week told the Rochester Republican that her patience was wearing thin, found that Vos had violated the open records law by failing to turn over documents sought by the liberal watchdog group American Oversight.

Bailey-Rihn wrote that Vos and the state Assembly, “after hearing and notice, have chosen to willfully violate a court order and are held in contempt.”

She told Vos and the Assembly to turn over records within 14 days and to pay $1,000 per day if they fail to do that. They will also have to pay some of American Oversight’s legal bills, the judge said.

Trump Releases Statement After FEC Fines Hillary Clinton, DNC For Lying About Funding of Fake Russia Dossier


President Trump released a statement after the FEC fined Hillary Clinton and the DNC for lying about funding the fake Russia dossier.

The FEC fined Clinton and said her campaign violated the rules because they failed to disclose payments funneled to Fusion GPS through DNC law firm Perkins Coie.

Hillary Clinton got a light slap on the wrist for her crimes.

If a Republican paid more than $1 million for a fake dossier and gave it to the FBI/CIA to spy on a political opponent, they would be jailed.

TRENDING: JUST IN: Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich Refers Criminal Action Against AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs For Election Crimes

“The FEC, in a memo to the Coolidge Reagan Foundation, which filed its complaint over three years ago, said it fined Clinton’s treasurer $8,000 and the DNC’s treasurer $105,000.” the Washington Examiner reported.

Trump slammed Hillary Clinton in a statement on Wednesday.

“This was done to create, as I have stated many times, and is now confirmed, a hoax funded by the DNC and the Clinton Campaign,” Trump said in a statement. “This corruption is only beginning to be revealed, is un-American, and must never be allowed to happen again. Where do I go to get my reputation back?”

President Trump filed a federal RICO suit in Miami, Florida last Thursday against Hillary Clinton and others over the Russia collusion hoax orchestrated by the Clinton campaign in 2016 to undermine Trump’s candidacy and derail his presidency.

Trump is asking for punitive damages of expenses and losses of more than $24 million.