Fusion Centers Target The Homeless, Substance Abusers, Protesters And More


This article was originally published by Mass Private I at Activist Post. 

A damning report on the Maine Information Analysis Center (MIAC), or fusion center, reveals just how intertwined corporate and government surveillance of the public has become.

Fusion centers are notoriously secretive about public surveillance and what little we know can be summed up thusly:

“official secrecy, moreover, cloaks fusion centers, so what little public information is available on a particular fusion center rarely provides much detail on its unique profile.”

The MIAC Shadow Report reveals how law enforcement goes out of their way to hide who’s actually in charge of public surveillance, and it is pre-occupied with people committing conventional crimes.

The report begins by revealing what many of us already knew or suspected: fusion centers have been and continue to surveil protesters and activists.

“Fusion centers are the nerve system of mass criminalization” the report warns. A major concern of the authors is how fusion centers use private corporations to conduct secret facial recognition and social media surveillance of “people of interest” and warns that self-governing fusion centers are fraught with peril.

Despite there being a statewide ban of using facial recognition to ID innocent people in Maine there is evidence MIAC uses data brokers to do an end-run around privacy bans.

“This legislation bans the use of the technology in most areas of government and strictly limits its use by law enforcement.9 In our review of BlueLeaks documents, we found documents that raise questions about the MIAC’s use of private data brokers and ability to analyze cell phone data. These systems, like the recently regulated facial recognition technology, also pose existential threats to privacy and other basic rights.”

The report also found that fusion centers are being used to surveil the homeless, including people with mental illnesses and substance abuse.

It appears that the majority of what fusion centers do is ID “suspicious people, people of interest, suspects, missing persons, and wanted people.”

“The majority of MIAC documents concern the sharing of criminal information. Two-thirds of the BlueLeaks documents definitely shared by the MIAC—939 of 1,382—are (1) requests to identify a suspect or a wanted person, locate a person of interest or missing person, or provide information about possible crimes or suspicious circumstances or (2) bulletins and reports on specific incidents, cases, or individuals considered relevant to law enforcement but not directly connected to a criminal investigation by a police agency in Maine.”

Supermarkets, gas stations, utility companies, universities, and hospitals receive daily “civil unrest” bulletins

The report reveals that fusion centers send daily intelligence (civil unrest) reports to 4,526 registered users in Maine. The reports focus on protests and political violence, lumping together subjects like “civil unrest,” “extremism,” and “terrorism.”

“This expansive list includes law enforcement officers and intelligence officials from across Maine, the New England Region, and across the country. It extends beyond law enforcement and intelligence to other government officials such as Department of Motor Vehicles personnel and school superintendents. The MIAC’s reach extends outside of the public sector. Many large corporations receive MIAC products, including Avangrid, Hannaford’s, ExxonMobile, and Bath Iron Works. Civil society organizations and nonprofits are also involved, such as universities, hospitals, and even special interest groups. The president of the Maine Chamber of Commerce, for example, is a registered user of the MIAC but, in contrast, there are no representatives from organized labor listed.”

The report also revealed that fusion centers are monitoring people who commit property crimes or shoplifting and sends daily reports to businesses.

“Private firms also access documents. The most prolific private sector reader of MIAC reports is the Auburn Mall. Auburn, along with neighboring Lewiston, are the twin cities of Maine. They are post-industrial mill towns, which have not yet been gentrified. They contain the four highest poverty census tracts in the state. The opioid epidemic has devastated this region. Mall security at the Auburn Mall mostly reads documents on persons who have been arrested for opioid use and shoplifting.”

The Maine Beacon warns that “counterterrorism has morphed into supercharged policing of drug, and property crimes,” and says “This is public-private surveillance.”

How easy is it for police officers to use fusion centers to secretly collect information on an innocent person?

MIAC, like fusion centers everywhere “can acquire and retain information that is unrelated to a specific criminal or public safety threat, as long as it determines that such information is useful.” As the report states, “the policy provides no definitions or standards for determining when information is useful in the administration of public safety.”

Let that sink in for a moment; fusion centers can basically spy on anyone, even if they are not a “public safety threat” as long as a police officer determines that the information they collect on a person is useful!

The report also revealed that fusion centers are “acquiring, retaining and sharing information about individuals and organizations based solely on their religious, political, or social views or activities.”

Fusion centers commonly send “situational awareness bulletins” to police departments about a person’s mental illness, saying these types of disclosures are common.

The report also reveals how police departments and the Rand Corporation create “strategic subject and HEAT lists” of anyone police think could commit a future crime[s].

Fusion Centers use TransUnion to secretly monitor people’s social media

“Documents received in response to FOAA requests provide evidence that the MIAC currently uses commercial databases as part of its investigations. For example, one heavily redacted record shows a TransUnion report on a redacted individual, which provides information on jobs, emails, usernames, aliases, and numerous social media profiles and internet sites.118 Another document traces a case that begins with a citizen report of “violent politically motivated rhetoric on Facebook” and leads immediately to a request to “begin to look into this individual” by a MIAC staffer. A case number and record are then created, and multiple reports are completed, including a “TLO (Comprehensive and Social Media)” report.”

The report proves that fusion centers are using data brokers to routinely collect highly sensitive personal information on people without a warrant.

“The TLO document also contains the report itself, which includes information on bankruptcies, liens, properties, corporate affiliations, and other information which is fully redacted and cannot be identified.”

“MIAC routinely monitors social media accounts and/or conducts background checks on individuals associated with lawful public protests, frequently citing a pretextual criminal offense (subjects may litter during the protest, for example) to justify the collection. MIAC then retains all the data collected even after finding no indication of a threat, hazard, or criminal activity.”

Last week The Intercept reported that the state of New York wants to spend millions to create a statewide fusion center-run social media surveillance network.

“New York’s governor, Kathy Hochul, unveiled details of her own policing initiatives to crack down on gun crime — but hardly anyone seemed to notice. Embedded within the dozen bills and hundreds of line items that make up her plan for next year’s state budget, Hochul’s administration has proposed tens of millions of dollars and several new initiatives to expand state policing and investigative power, including agencies’ ability to surveil New Yorkers and gather intelligence on people not yet suspected of breaking the law.”

According to the MIAC report, fusion centers can use a “possible threat, crime analysis” or essentially any reason to justify spying on a person’s social media accounts. Using fusion centers to ID and surveil homeless people and juveniles is horrifying, as “we do not know what happens to these individuals when they become subjects of the MIAC intelligence reports.”

As is typical of fusion center research, searching for “fusion centers and crime analysis” returned vague results, as evidenced by this gem from DHS’s Fusion Center Fact Sheet: “Fusion centers conduct analysis and facilitate information sharing, assisting law enforcement and homeland security partners in preventing, protecting against, and responding to crime and terrorism.”

The closest and most disturbing definition of ”fusion centers and crime analysis” can be found in the Bureau of Justice’s “Fusion Center Guidelines: Developing and Sharing Information and Intelligence in a New Era” report.

“The goal is to rapidly identify emerging threats; support multidisciplinary, proactive, and community-focused problem-solving activities; support predictive analysis capabilities; and improve the delivery of emergency and non-emergency services.” (page 13.)

What does that mean? It means fusion centers are guessing or predicting that someone could be a threat to the homeland or one of a possible 23 different types of violent extremists.

There is a disturbing link between fusion centers and mass incarceration.

“In addition to the previously discussed role of the MIAC in monitoring racial justice protests and the over-policing of the crimes of poverty, the MIAC records published with BlueLeaks include documents produced by the MIAC and ‘passed through’ from other agencies that concern unhoused people, undocumented people, and youths running away from home or the juvenile justice system.”

It is not hard to see how a person of color, a homeless person or a substance abuser could receive a harsher sentence simply because a fusion center has a secret file on them.

Now is the time to press our leaders and politicians to put an end to fusion centers, the need to keep them going has long since passed. (Twenty-one years and counting since 9/11.)

Allowing 79 fusion centers to use corporations and data brokers to collect massive amounts of personal information on anyone for any reason has and will continue to come at a high cost to our freedom.

Marxist Reset: Federal “Derogatory Geographic Names Task Force” (Yes, Really) Announces The US Will Rename 660 Mountains, Rivers, and landmarks to Remove “Racist” Language – More Surely to Come


For Marxism to take hold, everything that came before it must be burnt to the ground, according to the standards of today’s radical leftists. No matter the historical background, if it does not serve the purposes of the Great Reset’s dystopian agenda, it must be torn down to the ground. Even if it’s something as simple as a name.

This has been proven across the culture, from iconic food brands like Aunt Jemima, which is no more – to Sports, where the Cleveland Indians have gone the way of the dodo – across all areas, the illiberal left is on a crusade to cancel anything that poses any sort of threat to its narrative, usually by employing the standard “racist” ballyhooing.

Well, that’s exactly what has happened once again, however, this time, it’s on a much larger scale.

This past month, a recently created federal task force that solely focuses on “derogatory geographic names” announced that the US will be renaming a whopping 660 mountains, rivers, and other landmarks in order to remove all traces of “racist” language.

TRENDING: BEAUTIFUL! Student Confronts Fake News Purveyor Brian Stelter from CNN at Disinfo Conference AND IT’S GLORIOUS! (VIDEO)

The upcoming changes signify the first cuts that the Biden Regime will make at the behest of the newly formed task force, which is operating within the US Department of Interior (DOI) under the Secretary of DOI Deb Haaland.

According to Smithsonian Magazine, Haaland and the DOI published a list of proposed names for the designated sites in a press release last month. The statement also announced the establishment of the 13-member “derogatory geographic names” task force that includes members from several different federal agencies.

The changes will completely eliminate the use of the word “squaw” – a highly common landmark name in the South West – in the naming of any place in the US. According to the task force, the term, which means “an Indigenous woman of North America,” per Merriam Webster, is a “derogatory” and racist term that should not be allowed in polite society.


From the DOI statement:

“The Department of the Interior today announced a list of candidate replacement names for more than 660 geographic features with the name “squaw,” which was officially declared a derogatory term as a result of Secretary’s Order 3404. The Department has initiated Tribal consultations and an opportunity for public comment to recommend and review proposed replacement names.

Secretary’s Order 3404 established the 13-member Derogatory Geographic Names Task Force, which includes representatives from the Department’s Bureau of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, National Park Service, Office of Diversity, Inclusion and Civil Rights, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation, and U.S. Geological Survey. The Department of Agriculture’s U.S. Forest Service is also a member. The Task Force’s first action was to finalize a decision to replace a full spelling of the derogatory term with “sq___” for all official related communications.”

As justification for the changes, Haaland unironically claimed that “words matter,” as she works to rewrite history to serve her woke and Marxist agenda.

According to her, the changes are “long overdue.”

From Haaland:

“Words matter, particularly in our work to make our nation’s public lands and waters accessible and welcoming to people of all backgrounds. Consideration of these replacements is a big step forward in our efforts to remove derogatory terms whose expiration dates are long overdue. Throughout this process, broad engagement with Tribes, stakeholders and the general public will help us advance our goals of equity and inclusion.”

For the next few weeks, Haaland and the task force will be reviewing submissions from Native American tribes and members of the public on proposed names for the sites. The full list of changes will be available online while the results are being processed and individuals will be able to submit suggestions and comments until April 25.

Once the submissions are cut off, the task force will submit “at least five” replacement names for final approval from the Board on Geographic Names, according to Smithsonian Magazine.

We’ve seen this before in history – whenever a country is conquered by an invading force.

“A Love Story The Biden Regime Will Not Destroy!” Politically Persecuted January 6th Couple Fights Back!! — Please Help Them Here…


*This article was sent to us by our trusted friends @j6patriotnews. Follow them on Telegram.

This story is more than a legal story about the January 6th politically persecuted. It is a beautiful love story of a couple who sticks together in the midst of adversity. They have their faith that compels them to decide every aspect of their lives. They consider their vow and obeying God more important than man, following in the footsteps of the great apostle Peter.

TRENDING: BEAUTIFUL! Student Confronts Fake News Purveyor Brian Stelter from CNN at Disinfo Conference AND IT’S GLORIOUS! (VIDEO)

But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.” — Acts 5:29

“Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate.” — Mark 10:9

Cynthia and Chris Price at their wedding ceremony.

** Please help the Prices afford proper legal counsel and send them prayers here.

On January 6, 2021, Chris and Cynthia Price drove to the Capitol in D.C. to support Donald Trump along with hundreds of thousands of other Americans. The allegations against them are no more than they peacefully entered the Capitol and within 3 minutes, began to return to where they entered. There is no allegation that they ever disobeyed an instruction from the many police officers that are pictured directly at the entrance in the criminal complaint. Chris and Cynthia are fully respectful of police officers.

For this alleged “criminal offense” this Patriot couple was aggressively pursued, their phone records and social media accounts were taken or disturbed. They were rounded up, handcuffed and shackled, and hauled away. While not in jail, they comply with rules that limit their travel while awaiting a trial. Their photos have been plastered across the internet, their good names smeared by local media, and their reputations left in tatters.

The Prices at a Rally.

Chris and Cynthia Price are the devoted parents of three sons. Their eldest serves in the military, and his brothers are still in school. They are a humble, quietly patriotic family with strong Christian values, who celebrate the fact that America was founded on the strength of the Judeo-Christian beliefs of our Founding Fathers. They believe in the sanctity of the Constitution of the United States of America. Chris and Cynthia continue to hold to their faith that God is in control, and that America will be restored to the Land of the Free.

In response to a question by their criminal court judge regarding the possible need for separate counsel, Chris talked about their marriage.

“Cynthia and I have been together 13 years married for 3 right here at St. Joseph Catholic Church. We believe in the sanctimony of marriage, where two become one. We have decided to move forward with this together as a married couple. We love each other very much, and there is no need for separate counsel. Thank you, your Honor.”

The persecuted couple before January 6th on a hike.

Legal fees have been a burden and will accumulate through a trial, making it difficult for this family to make ends meet.

“The legal costs for defending ourselves are straining our limited finances,” said Cynthia Price on her GiveSendGo page. “I’ve started this page to raise money to help with legal costs and making ends meet. Please consider helping our family I have never done anything like this before but feel the Holy Spirit is urging me to reach out for help. We are placing everything in God’s hands and believe He will cause everything to work together for good. Please keep us in your prayers. We are praying for everyone else who is going through this and for the protection of our country. We are incredibly grateful for your help and your continued prayers! Thanks so much, and God bless you.”

Please read Cynthia’s statement/account on her GiveSendGo page. You can help the Prices afford proper legal counsel and send them prayers here.

And please pray for Chris and Cynthia and all of those Americans persecuted by their government today.

FLASHBACK: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR


(The Gateway Pundit first published this article on October 28, 2020 – a week before the 2020 Election.)

Yesterday we reported on former VP Joe Biden who snapped at a reporter who dared to ask him about his son Hunter.  But VP Biden can’t get out of this one.

Biden did not let WYOU reporter Andy Mehalshick get through his question before snapping during an event on Saturday.

“Questions and controversy continue today about Hunter Biden, your son,” Mehalshick began.

TRENDING: BEAUTIFUL! Student Confronts Fake News Purveyor Brian Stelter from CNN at Disinfo Conference AND IT’S GLORIOUS! (VIDEO)

“There is no controversy,” he interjected. “That’s all a lie.”

“It’s a flat lie because the president has nothing else to run on.” Biden said.

Biden does not want you to believe your own eyes.

Of course, Biden is the one who is lying, as leaked emails have revealed deep levels of corruption and homemade porn of his son smoking crack with prostitutes is all over the internet.

But today we have more – much more…

Hunter Biden sent the following text to a family friend where he shares that someone is accusing him of being sexually inappropriate around her daughter.  This is why Hunter claims he is not allowed to be alone with that person:

In another text message from Hunter to a family friend, Hunter shares that his mother, Jill Biden, propagates the claims that Hunter is sexually inappropriate around the children and VP Joe Biden is aware as well:

In a text message sent to Hunter Biden from his Uncle Jim Biden, former Vice President Joe Biden’s brother, Uncle Jim shares that both he and former VP Joe Biden are upset with accusations of impropriety but they don’t believe them.  Jim and Joe Biden want to discuss with Hunter so they can all get their stories straight:

In an email to colleague and fellow board member on Burisma, the now felon Devon Archer, Hunter explains how he is not allowed to be around a certain person without his father, Joe Biden, being there:

And a fifth text message shows Hunter explaining to a certain person that her mom told former VP Joe Biden that she would call the police if Hunter tried to see that person:

These texts paint a horrible picture of what is going on behind the scenes in the Biden family.

What the hell was going on in the Biden household?  If a minor was involved, why did no one contact the police?  Why was this hidden from the public?  Was this because it would tarnish Joe’s political image?  Most importantly, is the child safe now?

VP Biden, this is no lie.  It’s not coming from President Trump.  This is not Russian disinformation.  It’s coming from your nuclear family. 

As an officer of the court, why didn’t you address this horrible and potentially criminal situation within your family?

Hunter Biden’s “Laptop from Hell” Paged at a Major US Airport (VIDEO)


Hunter Biden’s ‘laptop from hell’ is all over the news lately.  The laptop was Joe Biden’s son’s laptop that was left at a computer repair shop and never picked up.  Now it is seemingly everywhere.

Hunter Biden left his laptop at a computer repairman’s house a year before the 2020 Election.  He never stopped by to pick it up.  The FBI eventually came to get the laptop but not before the computer store owner made a copy of the laptop’s contents.

Since then Hunter’s laptop has been shared across the country and world.  Horrible pictures, videos, and millions of corrupt acts are documented on the laptop.  After digging into the Hunter laptop you know that the Bidens were involved in millions in corrupt pay-to-play transactions around the world.  You also know that the Biden family was as sick as can be.

FLASHBACK: Text Messages Show VP Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR

TRENDING: BEAUTIFUL! Student Confronts Fake News Purveyor Brian Stelter from CNN at Disinfo Conference AND IT’S GLORIOUS! (VIDEO)

A tweet from a couple of days ago shared the ‘laptop from hell’ being paged at West Palm Beach Airport in Florida.

Justice Michael Gableman Joins War Room Discusses the Zuckerbucks Infiltration of the 2020 Election and Tianna Epps-Johnson from the CTCL


As more and more information is discovered and released on the planning and coordination of the great election theft of 2020.

Former Wisconsin Justice Michael Gableman, the Wisconsin Special Counsel, went on with Steve Bannon oon The War Room Thursday afternoon.  During their conversation, Gableman brought up Tianna Epps-Johnson an Obama Foundation Fellow, and the executive director of the Center for technology and Civic Life (CTCL), the bagman nonprofit for the roughly $ .5 billion (that we know of) in Zuckerbucks distributed all across the U.S. last year.

TRENDING: BEAUTIFUL! Student Confronts Fake News Purveyor Brian Stelter from CNN at Disinfo Conference AND IT’S GLORIOUS! (VIDEO)

The Gateway Pundit reported on Tianna Epps-Johnson and the CTCL earlier.

This information comes from a previous Gateway Pundit report.

There is something very troubling in that almost all of the nonprofit players in the Democrat Party’s efforts to end the Maricopa County, Arizona audit have ties to an entity no one has ever heard of, the National Task Force on Election Crises.

This group appears to be chaired by none other than James Baker, Former FBI General Counsel to the disgraced FBI Director James Comey.

Baker describes himself as ” Director of National Security and Cybersecurity, R Street Institute; Former FBI General Counsel.”

The mission of the task force is:

The mission of the nonpartisan National Task Force on Election Crises is to ensure a free and fair 2020 general election by recommending responses to a range of potential election crises.

There are no listed members from the Protect Democracy Project on the Task Force simply because:

The Task Force was convened by Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan nonprofit organization. Protect Democracy’s staff supports the work of the Task Force, and in doing so has drawn on assistance from Jenner & Block, the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law, the Democracy & Rule of Law Clinic at Harvard Law School, and the William & Mary Election Law Society.

J. Christian Adams had this to say about this Task Force in an April 30, 2020 article in PJMedia:

One Potemkin outfit is the self-styled National Task Force on Election Crises. In reality, the group is the usual collection of far-left race activists, liberal law professors, vendor grifters sprinkled in with one or two non-crazies to give the organization a whiff of not-entirely-nuts. It is designed to appear bipartisan but in action, it is the opposite……Not only does this largely leftist task force represent phony bipartisanship, but it also uses that misleading brand to place hit-and-run pieces in conservative media.

Go ahead have a look at the membership list of this ultra-secretive, covert operation, a quiet little “Task Force” hidden deep within the operations of a 501(c)(3) charitable, tax-exempt, “nonpartisan” nonprofit called the Protect Democracy Project.

This National Task Force on Election Integrity is all over the left-wing efforts to stop the audit in Maricopa County currently going on.

Secretary of State Katie Hobbs’ three observers reported recently according to UncoverDC, are:

  • Ryan Macias, “the former acting director of certification and testing for the U.S. election assistance commission. Macias certified Arizona’s voting machines
  • Jennifer Morrell, “an election consultant with Protect Democracy”
  • Liz Howard, “an attorney with the Brennan Center for Justice”

According to the membership list of this Task Force, Ryan Macias is listed as “Ryan Macias, Former Acting Director of Testing and Certification, U.S. Election Assistance Commission.”

Jennifer Morrell is listed as a member, not as an affiliate of Protect Democracy, but as a “Partner, Elections Group.”

Liz Howard is not listed as a member of the Task Force, however, three of her associates at the Brennan Center are. They are:

  • Elizabeth Goitein, Co-Director, Liberty and National Security Program, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law
  • Lawrence Norden, Director, Election Reform Program, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law
  • Wendy Weiser, Vice President and Director, Democracy Program, Brennan Center for Justice at NYU School of Law

Howard signed the April 13 letter to President Fann, along with Ryan Macias, Mark Lindeman of Verified Voting and Paige Alexander of The Carter Center and the April 22 letter again to President Fann, along with 19 other nonprofits, computer scientists and, again, Ryan Macias.

Therefore, ALL of Secretary of State Hobbs’ observers to the Arizona Senate’s forensic audit – 100% of them – not only have connections to these recent nonprofit threat letters, but they are also all affiliated with the National Task Force on Election Crises, with two of them being actually listed as members.

Did Hobbs vet her three observer candidates? How did she even come upon their names?  Who pushed the individuals’ names her way?

Hobbs lobbed this task force into this forensic audit process – the first one of its kind in the history of our country – and for that, given her position as Chief Election Official for the state of Arizona, she should resign immediately or be recalled.

The people of Maricopa County and Arizona who fought so hard for this audit deserve so much better than this partisan Democrat hack pretending to be an impartial Secretary of State. She obeyed orders from on high and used weaponized nonprofits blessed by both the national Democratic machine and by this partisan National Task Force on Election Crises.

These nonprofits – the Protect Democracy Project from D.C. and the Brennan Center from NYC – are not even from Arizona yet people affiliated with them are being utilized to take down an Arizona county audit!

The 45+ person membership of the National Task Force on Election Crises includes no fewer than three representatives of the Brennan Center, as noted, a senior advisor with Verified Voting, Pamela Smith, The Carter Center, and such nonprofit giants in the Democratic “election integrity” field as the League of Women Voters, Common Cause and All Voting is Local – a project of the LCCHR’s Education Fund.

There are, notably, two media representatives, a former associate editor of the Washington Post and a director of R&D, Jigsaw (Google).

Incredibly, there is one very important director of a nonprofit who is a member of this Task Force who should be explicitly named: Tiana Epps-Johnson, an Obama Foundation Fellow and the executive director of the Center for technology and Civic Life (CTCL), the bagman nonprofit for the roughly $ .5 billion (that we know of) in Zuckerbucks distributed all across the U.S. last year, especially to swing states including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

Maricopa County itself alone received $3 million in Zuckerbucks.

HUGE: Maricopa County Was Given $3 Million of ‘Zuckerbucks’ Before Election But No One Knows Who Received It and What It Was Used For!

Among all the members of this covert operation, the National Task Force on Election Crises, whose name do we see?

We see that Trojan Horse, RSM Election Solutions’ owner, Ryan Macias.

Except on this Task Force Macias’ affiliation is listed as “ Former Acting Director of Testing and Certification, U.S. Election Assistance Commission.”

Ryan Macias revealed his true colors by being a member of this ‘task force’.

He reserved the other affiliation, the RSM Election Solutions LLC one, for the two letters sent, respectively, to the four audit teams and the president of the Arizona Senate, Karen Fann. They’re small potatoes compared to a national Task Force with Jim Baker on it.

Well, this RSM Election Solutions owner, Ryan Macias lied once, that we know of – he pretended he was a reporter – so lying, being disingenuous, making stuff up on the fly, hiding his background, when asked, appear to come easy to this guy.

AZ Audit Director: Shady Democrat Operative Ryan Macias Misrepresented Himself as Media to Get on Audit Floor – GOT CAUGHT! (VIDEO)

Ryan Macias now needs to disclose to the President of the Arizona Senate, Karen Fann, and to the people of Maricopa County and Arizona, his role with James Baker’s and the Protect Democracy Project’s covert National Task Force on Election Crises.

Ryan Macias’ LLC has a motto: “Resiliency in the election infrastructure = Securing election technology + Mitigating risk to the democratic process.

It looks like Macias and other members of the National Task Force on Election Crises have inserted themselves into the Maricopa Audit process in an attempt to shut it down.

This appears to be the real purpose of this Task Force, hidden deep inside of the Protect Democracy Project’s operations.  Shut down any efforts to perform an unbiased audit of the 2020 election and come up with an accurate count of results based on the audit findings.  This is why they are in Maricopa County, Arizona.

Prepper Items You Can Buy At Walmart


If you are like most people you probably shop at Walmart fairly regularly. They have pretty much everything you could need all under one roof and prepper items are no exception.

Preppers can stock up on a range of essentials at Walmart from replenishing your food store to basic survival supplies you will find exactly what you need.

Some categories of survival and prepper items at Walmart include:

  • General Survival Supplies
  • Tools
  • Food Items
  • Hygiene and Sanitation Products

We go into further detail on what you can get in each category at Walmart to stock up on as a prepper.

See just how versatile Walmart is and how you can manage to really get a full range of prepper items without having to go from shop to shop.

General Survival Supplies at Walmart


General Survival Supplies at Walmart

You can pick up some quality survival supplies at Walmart. One section you can find the bulk of your key items is in the camping section.

You can find some Walmart brand items as well as some well known quality brands for your survival supplies.

Water Containers

Safe water storage is essential and having a quality water container that is well sealed will keep your water safely stored and ready for drinking when you need it.

Water Filters

Safe drinking water is a must and you can find some great water filters at Walmart which will ensure you are able to utilize most water sources that you manage to find and make the water safe to consume or use.

LED Lanterns

LED Lanterns that are battery powered are an essential part of a prepper’s kit. Should you be without electricity you can still make sure your rooms are well lit with these lanterns.


An essential for their portability, flashlights are important to get around when there is no natural light or power. Walmart has some cheap and quality options for these so you have a selection.

Magnesium Fire Starter

Being able to make and maintain fire is an important survival skill. The magnesium fire starter at Walmart will ensure you are able to start a fire every time with quick hot burning magnesium shavings.


Walmart sells a number of types of matches, but waterproof matches or ones that come in a weather resistant case are the best kind for a survival kit.

Rope and Paracord

Find different types of rope and paracord. Various materials and thicknesses are good for different applications.

Camp Stove

There are a range of types of camp stoves at Walmart. Some options run on 1-pound propane bottles while other options may be able to run on multiple fuel sources.

Tools For Preppers At Walmart


Tools For Preppers At Walmart

As a prepper you should be comfortable with DIY and have the necessary tools available to do any maintenance or projects. Walmart should have most of the tools you would need.

Hand Tools

Walmart carries a variety of power and hand tools. Some of the items they sell are of good quality but certain items may not handle regular use.

Below are some tools that you could find at Walmart

  • Hammer
  • Screwdriver Set
  • Socket and Ratchet Sets
  • Box Wrenches
  • Adjustable Wrench
  • Tape Measure
  • Vice Grips
  • Wood Saw
  • Hack Saw
  • Hatchet

Bungee Cords

Bungee cords in a variety of sizes are always useful for preppers. You can find them in either the home improvement or automotive section.

Zip Ties and Duct Tape

The home improvement section is where you can find these items. Zip ties and duct tape have multiple maintenance and DIY uses. Pick up a variety of sizes and colors of each.


The versatility of tarps means they have numerous uses for preppers. Find several sizes at Walmart that will allow you even more functionality.

Gas Cans

Gas cans can be found in the automotive section and are useful for holding all types of fuel securely. These are always a good thing to have on hand as a pepper.

5-Gallon Buckets

5-gallon buckets have numerous uses for preppers. Storage is a main use but they can be used for a number of other things as well. Find various types of these at Walmart.

Prepper Food Choices at Walmart


Prepper Food Choices at Walmart

Most Walmart’s will have a grocery section which is a great place as a prepper to stock up both short term and long term food storage options. Walmart also has cookware and other related items that can be useful for preppers.

Canned Foods

Canned goods can last between 3-5 years if they are low-acid foods so they are a good pantry staple to have. You can find canned soups, vegetables, fruits, and meats.


There are many rice options at Walmart. It is important to remember that brown rice has a higher nutritional value but white rice will last much longer.


Walmart’s grocery section contains a wide variety of canned and dried beans. Dried beans are good for long term storage as they can last indefinitely if stored correctly.


Honey never expires so it is a great long term food option. Honey has a good nutritional and barter value for preppers due to its longevity.


The drug section is a good place to pick up some multivitamins. These are good to have especially if you are rationing where you may not be getting your necessary nutritional values.

Mountain House Meals

In the sporting goods section you could find a few different types of Mountain House meals. Some stores have desserts and 72-hour emergency packs. These are good ready made meal solutions for when disaster strikes.

Prepper Hygiene And Sanitation Choices At Walmart


Prepper Hygiene And Sanitation Choices At Walmart

Sanitation items are often left off the list for preppers but it is important to remember that you need to stay clean and hygienic in order to maintain good health.

Many of these products do not expire either making them ideal to store for a rainy day.

Toilet Paper

One sanitation item that always seems to fly off the shelves during a disaster is toilet paper. Walmart has a good selection so be sure to stock up so you don’t get caught without.


This is an essential to maintain good hygiene which is important to maintain good health. You will find a variety of soaps that you can add to your stockpile.

Hand Sanitizer

As we have learnt recently due to the COVID-19 pandemic hand sanitizer is a good way to maintain your health by keeping germs at bay. There are plenty of size options to keep you stocked in all areas.


Bleach is useful for preppers to have as it can kill most germs and keep your areas well sanitized. This will allow you to maintain good health as well.

Feminine Products

Something all women of child bearing age will need but many preppers forget to stock. You can find all types of feminine products that you can add to your store at Walmart.

Final Thoughts

Walmart really is a one stop shop and these items are only a drop in the ocean compared to what is truly available. There are further items like medical supplies, communication items and safety and security supplies that Walmart will stock.

Basically if you need a prepper item you will more than likely find an option at Walmart. Do not discount this store as an option for your prepper needs; you never know what you may find.


via SHTFPreparedness

Green Energy Company Pleads Guilty After Their Wind Farms KILL 150 Bald Eagles

A green energy company has pleaded guilty after it was discovered that 150 Bald Eagles have been killed by their wind farms. The Bald Eagle is the symbol of America and they are a protected species. Killing them is a serious crime. Do you remember a few years ago when Trump suggested that this could happen and people on the left scoffed at him? FOX Business reports:

Wind energy company kills 150 bald eagles in US, pleads guilty

A subsidiary of one of the largest U.S. providers of renewable energy pleaded guilty to criminal charges and was ordered to pay over $8 million in fines and restitution after at least 150 bald eagles were killed at its wind farms in eight states, federal prosecutors said Wednesday.

NextEra Energy subsidiary ESI Energy was also sentenced to five years probation after being charged with three counts of violating the Migratory Bird Treaty Act during a court appearance in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The charges arose from the deaths of nine bald eagles at three wind farms in Wyoming and New Mexico.

In addition to those deaths, the company acknowledged the deaths of golden and bald eagles at 50 wind farms affiliated with ESI and NextEra since 2012, prosecutors said. Birds were killed in eight states: Wyoming, California, New Mexico, North Dakota, Colorado, Michigan, Arizona and Illinois.

NextEra, based in Juno Beach, Florida, bills itself as the world’s largest utility company by market value. It has more than 100 wind farms in the U.S. and Canada and also generates natural gas, nuclear and solar power.

This is perfect sarcasm: Once again, Trump was right. Cross posted from American Lookout.

Marjorie Taylor Greene Reports Jimmy Kimmel “Joke” to Capitol Police After He “Jokes” about Assaulting the Female Republican Representative


On Tuesday Jimmy Kimmel “joked” with his audience that someone should smack Marjorie Taylor Greene in the face, Will Smith style, for not supporting Ketanji Brown Jackson.

Democrats thought this was funny.

This should not be a surprise, Kimmel has a long history of misogynistic behavior.

ABC Cancels Roseanne for Tweet But Jimmy Kimmel Runs Racist Skit and Has Young Women Fondle His Junk — And That’s OK

On Thursday Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene reported Jimmy Kimmel to the Capitol Police.

TRENDING: BEAUTIFUL! Student Confronts Fake News Purveyor Brian Stelter from CNN at Disinfo Conference AND IT’S GLORIOUS! (VIDEO)

Deadline.com reported:

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene says she has filed a complaint against Jimmy Kimmel with the Capitol Police over a joke, and she apparently isn’t kidding.

The Georgia Republican tweeted a clip of Kimmel from the late-night host’s Tuesday monologue on Jimmy Kimmel Live! in which the comic said of Greene, “This woman, Klan mom, is especially upset with the three Republican senators who said they’ll vote yes on Ketanji Brown Jackson, who’s nominated for the Supreme Court. She tweeted, ‘Murkowski, Collins, and Romney are pro-pedophile. They just voted for KBJ.’ Wow, where is Will Smith when you really need him?”

Greene’s tweet included her written message, “@ABC, this threat of violence against me by @jimmykimmel has been filed with the @CapitolPolice.”

Last night, Kimmel responded with a tweet of his own, retweeting Greene’s tweet and writing, “Officer? I would like to report a joke.”

“Typhoid Nancy”: Tucker Carlson ROASTS Triple-Jabbed Nancy Pelosi for Claiming ‘Vaccines Work as Intended’ After Testing Positive for Covid – (VIDEO)


On Thursday, Democrat Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi tested positive for Covid-19.

Pelosi is fully vaccinated and recently received her booster dose, but, as has been proven repeatedly, the experimental vaccine does little to nothing in protecting against the virus.

82-Year-Old Nancy Pelosi Tests Positive for COVID – Was With Joe Biden Yesterday

Over the past few days, the DC Swamp has been “pummeled” by a wave of Covid that has seen several other prominent officials also contract the virus, according to Politico.

TRENDING: BEAUTIFUL! Student Confronts Fake News Purveyor Brian Stelter from CNN at Disinfo Conference AND IT’S GLORIOUS! (VIDEO)

The uptick in cases follows several large gatherings that were held in Washington over the past week.

Pelosi, in particular, tested positive just one day after the DC Swamp gathered to sign the postal reform bill –  an event attended by both the current President, Joe Biden, and his puppetmaster, Barack Obama.

Despite being full-vaxxed and boosted, a spokesperson for Pelosi issued a statement crediting the vaccine with protecting her from the virus, and, of course, urged people to take their booster.

Because what better time to promote the jab’s efficacy than when it fails. That’s sCiEnCe for ya.

Unable to let the ridiculousness of Pelosi’s jab propaganda slide, Tucker Carlson absolutely blasted the House Speaker on Thursday for putting out such an asinine claim.

“In a statement, Pelosi’s spokesman explained that the vaccine is working ‘very effectively,’ Carlson said with sarcastic emphasis. Quote: ‘The Speaker is fully vaccinated and boosted, and is thankful for the robust protection.’”

“Except for the fact that she’s now infected again. It’s too great,” Carlson said with a laugh.

As Tucker also points out, Pelosi was very ‘hands on’ when she was at the event with Biden and Obama, which, he mocked, had sparked “fears of a super-spreader event” in the nation’s capital.

“On Tuesday, Pelosi was in the White House… kissing Barack Obama’s Hand… she rubbed it against her face, or licked it,” Carlson said with a shudder.
