Hillary Clinton Repeatedly Denies Knowing Democrat Operative Linked to Inciting Violence at Trump Rallies (VIDEO)


Hillary Clinton repeatedly denied knowing Bob Creamer, the Democrat operative linked to inciting violence at Trump rallies in 2016.

A Project Veritas journalist confronted Hillary Clinton and asked her if she would pay the legal costs from a defamation suit related to Democracy Partners.

Clinton replied, “I don’t understand that. I don’t know Bob Creamer.”

Via Project Veritas:

TRENDING: FLASHBACK: Text Messages Reveal Joe Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR

Project Veritas has published video of former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton repeatedly denying knowledge of the story of a woman who was recently ordered to pay Project Veritas’ legal costs from a defamation suit stemming from a 2016 investigation the group Democracy Partners which organized on her behalf.

When asked if she would pay Teter’s legal costs, Clinton repeatedly denied knowing anything about Teter, Democracy Partners, or its former President Bob Creamer saying “I don’t understand that. I don’t know Bob Creamer.”

After Project Veritas published its investigation into Democracy Partners which revealed the group was responsible for inciting violence at Trump rallies, Creamer resigned, saying “I am unwilling to become a distraction to the important task of electing Hilary Clinton.” Creamer was featured in that investigation saying that Clinton’s campaign is aware of the group’s activities “through chain of command.”

When pressed further, Clinton declined to state if she would pay for Teter’s legal bills, including when approached by a separate Project Veritas reporter while leaving the National Action Network luncheon event where Clinton spoke.


Pete Buttigieg Says Prohibiting Classroom Instruction of Sex and Gender Identity in Kindergarten Classes Will “Kill Kids” (VIDEO)


Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg on Friday said Florida’s parental right bill will “kill kids.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis last month signed into law HB 1557, a measure that forbids instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity to children in grades pre-K through grade 3.

The legislation states that “classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.”

The groomers are angry they can’t discuss inappropriate sexual content with prepubescent children.

TRENDING: FLASHBACK: Text Messages Reveal Joe Biden and His Wife Colluded to Suppress HUNTER’S ACTIONS WITH A CERTAIN MINOR

Pete Buttigieg told “The View” co-host Ana Navarro that the anti-grooming bills are going to kill kids.


Safariland Adds Wolf Gray Holster Options


Safariland Adds Wolf Gray Holster OptionsSafariland has expanded their line of holsters to include certain Wolf Gray models. This is great news for fans of tactical goods who want the full head-to-toe CTSFO gray look. Safariland @ TFB: The NEW HyperX Tactical Vest From Safariland Armor SIG Sauer Now Offering Safariland M17 Holster As Used By US Military Safariland and […]

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Insurance CEO Warns Of Excess Mortality & VAIDS In The “Age of the Vaccine”


Attorney Todd Callender, CEO of a large insurance group, is warning that excess mortality of the fully “vaccinated” is now becoming not just statistical, but obvious.  All forms of diseases among those who have taken the COVID-19 “vaccines” are skyrocketing.

“I happen to be in the morbidity business,” Callender explained during the call. “I don’t think that it’s by coincidence, by the way, that Moderna has now just received licensure of their emergency use authorization HIV vaccine. So, they gave everybody AIDS, and here’s your salvation, another vaccine.”

What’s With All The HIV & AIDS Headlines in The MSM Lately?

Preliminary mortality data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) from 2021 shows an expected death count of 2,948,273. In actuality, there were 3,447,405 deaths, meaning there were 499,132 excess deaths for the year, according to a report by Natural News. 

At this rate, assuming the excess mortality rate continues on the current trajectory, everyone who got injected with the mRNA shots will be dead by 2025. This was also forecasted in the population reduction charts that have been posted on the Deagel website for many years. Before scrubbing the information, Deagel.com’s forecast for the U.S. population in 2025 is 100 million fewer people. For Germany during the same time period, there is expected to be 25 million fewer people. Since Deagel has been around since 2015, the Department of Defense (DoD) guy who runs it appears to have known since at least that far back that there was going to be a plandemic, and that many, if not all, of the people who got “vaccinated” for it, will soon die.

Hal Turner has repeatedly warned that the Deagel report was up for a reason, and scrubbed for a reason. Perhaps the vaccine agenda is really as sinister as it appears. Maybe not, draw your own conclusions when presented with information.

“About one-third of Germany’s population remain unvaxxed,” Hal Turner explained. “Today’s population is 83 million, so Deagel’s report may be quite accurate. Deagel has always had the forecast at the year 2025,” Turner added. “The numbers may have fluctuated but the date never did.”

Callender explains that, basically, the jabbed now have vaccine-induced AIDS (VAIDS) and could succumb to a deadly cytokine storm (ADE) at any moment. That means any disease could manifest at any time that could be fatal. For some, this has already happened and they are now chronically ill or deceased. For the rest, well, time will certainly tell what becomes of them.



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More… One of Joe Biden’s Secret Service Agents Caught Up in Bribery Scandal with Fake DHS Agents


More details about the Secret Service bribery scandal are coming to light.

Apparently one of Joe Biden’s Secret Service Agents was involved in a bribery scheme that included two men posing as DHS agents.

As previously reported, federal prosecutors on Wednesday charged two men with posing as DHS agents, giving expensive gifts to Secret Service Agents.

A dozen FBI agents busted down the door of a luxury apartment in DC and arrested Arian Taherzadeh, 40, and Haider Ali, 36 on Wednesday night.

TRENDING: BEAUTIFUL! Student Confronts Fake News Purveyor Brian Stelter from CNN at Disinfo Conference AND IT’S GLORIOUS! (VIDEO)

Taherzadeh and Ali gave free apartments, iPhones, surveillance systems, drones and other tools to the Secret Service Agents.

Haider Ali

Arian Taherzadeh

Four Secret Service officers – including one assigned to protect the First Lady, were placed on leave as the feds investigate.

Haider Ali told witnesses he was connected to Pakistani intelligence.

“Both U.S. citizens accused of the bribery hold passports with visas to Iran and Pakistan.” RealClearPolitics reported.

Now this…

One of the Secret Service Agents caught up in this bribery scandal was assigned to Joe Biden’s detail.

RealClearPolitics reported:

More details are emerging about the four Secret Service employees entangled in an alleged bribery scheme carried out by two men accused of masquerading as Department of Homeland Security law enforcement agents.

RealClearPolitics has learned that another Secret Service special agent involved in the alleged bribery is assigned to President Biden’s detail, those agents who accompany the president nearly everywhere he goes and stand by his side during the most sensitive of discussions and private moments. A second Uniformed Division officer caught up in the bizarre scheme was assigned to protect Vice President Harris’s residence, according to sources familiar with the matter.

All four have been placed on administrative leave while an investigation takes place. RCP is not releasing their names because of privacy concerns. Usually, the Inspection Division and the Office of Professional Responsibility handle investigations into possible employee misconduct. U.S. Secret Service leaders decided that the bizarre and serious nature of the allegations requires a more specialized approach.

The agency’s “Insider Threat Division” is leading the investigation into whether the employees allowed themselves to be bribed, whether they knowingly took part in the possible scheme, and whether espionage was involved.

Hunter Laptop Computer Repairman Says No Way 450 Gigs of Additional Data Was Included on Hunter’s Laptop


Earlier this week it was reported that there are an additional 450 gigabytes of material on Hunter Biden’s laptop that have previously gone unreported.  However, on Thursday the computer repairman who was given the abandoned laptop says this isn’t so.

There were several news reports this week suggesting there is more on the Hunter laptop than was previously discovered.  However, this notion was refuted by the computer repairman who first looked at the laptop and who made a copy of it before handing it over to the FBI.

John Paul Mac Isaac claims that there 300 gigs of data on a 500 gig drive.  There was no way that 450 gigs could be on the laptop because there was no more room.

TRENDING: BEAUTIFUL! Student Confronts Fake News Purveyor Brian Stelter from CNN at Disinfo Conference AND IT’S GLORIOUS! (VIDEO)

Another expert explained it this way:

It is technically impossible to recover 450 GB of erased data from a 500 GB drive with only 200 GB free. When you delete a file from a computer, you are telling the OS to forget the location of that file on the drive, but the file is still there. It is possible to recover a deleted file as long as the OS hasn’t written new data over the file’s previous location. If 450 GB of data was un-deleted from the drive, that would leave 250 GB of data recovered beyond the original 500 GB drive capacity. The newly discovered 450 GB of data combined with the existing original 300 GB data would require the original copy of the drive to be at least 750 GB.  The drive only had 500 GB.

Isaac says the data doesn’t line up.  Simple math would tell us he is right. 

Illinois House Bill Will Order Gas Stations to Post Pritzker Propaganda Sign in Window that Is a Complete Lie or Face $500 Fine per Day


Why are all Democrats fascists and tyrants?

Illinois Governor Pritzker, who is well known for his COVID hypocrisy and brutal restrictions.,   Now the totalitarian governor is trying to pass a measure that requires gas stations to post a sign that states that Pritzker has suspended an increase of the gas tax.

Gas stations would be fined $500 a day if they do not cooperate. This is nothing more than campaign fraud during an election year.

This is not only unconstitutional but it is completely false.  Pritzker and lawmakers doubled the state gas tax from 19 cents to 38 cents a gallon back in 2019.  There are automatic bake-in tax increases included in that law.  Pritzker announced earlier that he is delaying the next automatic tax increase on the gas tax that he already doubled.  This is how Democrats roll today.  They know they can say anything because the mainstream media will always promote their lies.

TRENDING: BEAUTIFUL! Student Confronts Fake News Purveyor Brian Stelter from CNN at Disinfo Conference AND IT’S GLORIOUS! (VIDEO)

Illinois Policy Org reported:

A new measure would require gas stations to post a sign reminding customers the automatic gas tax hike is delayed. Retailers without the sign would be fined $500 per day, but they are pushing back against what amounts to a political ad.

Illinois lawmakers are considering forcing gas stations to post a 4-inch by 8-inch, boldly lettered sign on gas pumps highlighting Gov. J.B. Pritzker’s temporary suspension of the upcoming automatic gas tax hike.

Failing to comply would come with $500-a-day fines.

Nope, says Josh Sharp of the Illinois Fuel and Retail Association.

“This industry won’t be forced into offering free election year advertising for the Governor. Ordering businesses to take part in speech that is compelled by the government under the threat of fines and criminal penalties is unwise and unconstitutional,” said Sharp, who threatened a lawsuit unless the language is removed.

The gas pump signs are part of an amendment to House Bill 1497, which contains state lawmakers’ budget proposals and Pritzker’s temporary tax cuts. Pritzker is pushing a six-month delay in the automatic state gas tax increase – a measure passed in 2019 when Pritzker and lawmakers doubled the state gas tax from 19 cents to 38 cents a gallon and included automatic annual increases so lawmakers would no longer be forced to take public votes on the unpopular tax hikes.

Suspending the penny increase has been roundly criticized as an election-year gimmick that offers no real relief.

Coming Soon: The New Pulsfire UBF Underbarrel Flamethrower


Coming Soon: The New Pulsfire UBF (Underbarrel Flamethrower)To quote the late British author Sir Terence David John Pratchett, “Sometimes it is better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness.” I have no idea if he had something like the new Pulsefire UBF in mind when he said that but it’s here anyway. Exothermic Technologies is proud to introduce to you their new […]

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Swedish ISIS Hostage Relives Her Captivity and Shares How She Begged ISIS to Free American Kayla Mueller Who Was Eventually Killed


A Swedish woman, Frida Saide, who was captured by ISIS and eventually released shared her experience as a captive and her concerns for fellow prisoner Kayla Mueller (above).  Eventually, ISIS killed Mueller despite Saide’s pleas for her release. 

Daily Mail reports:

A Swedish aid worker who was held hostage in northern relived some of her darkest moments Thursday as she testified against one of her captors, El Shafee Elsheikh, a former British national who is accused of leading a kidnapping plot that resulted in the deaths of four Americans.

Nothing in her captivity nightmare horrified Frida Saide more than the day she was released in March 2014, when she pleaded with her captors to release Kayla Mueller, a 26-year-old American with whom she had shared a room for weeks.

TRENDING: BEAUTIFUL! Student Confronts Fake News Purveyor Brian Stelter from CNN at Disinfo Conference AND IT’S GLORIOUS! (VIDEO)

Taking the stand at a federal courtroom in Alexandria, Virginia, Saide said the hostage-takers, a notoriously sadistic bunch captives dubbed the Beatles because of their British accents, told her she and her companions would need to raise the ransom to free Mueller.

Otherwise, they told her, Mueller would be tormented and die.’We sleep at night,’ Saide said they taunted her. ‘Will you be able to sleep at night, knowing that you have abandoned your friend?’The two-week trial has detailed the gruesome brutality inflicted on more than two dozen Western hostages held captive by the Islamic State roughly a decade ago, specifically the killings of US aid workers Mueller and Peter Kassig and journalists James Foley and Steven Sotloff. Kassig, Foley, and Sotloff were beheaded by terrorists in videos distributed across the world in 2014.

Mueller was raped and tortured by Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi before she was killed in 2015.

Kayla Mueller’s parents described their anguish and disgust with the Obama gang as they tried to get their daughter out of ISIS captivity.  It wasn’t until President Trump came along that they felt that they were heard.  Unfortunately, it was too late.  Their daughter was gone.

President Trump didn’t forget Kayla, however.  When it was time to take out the ISIS leader, Kayla’s parents were informed of the event.  They shared, “If Donald Trump was President when Kayla was captured, she’d be here today.”

Here is the Muellers’ presentation at the 2020 RNC.  It was so moving to watch.  It was difficult not to cry.  God bless this family.

More Lawlessness… Todd Bensman: Biden Regime Is Running a Mass Asylum Fraud Rubber Stamp Operation on the US Border (VIDEO)


The Biden regime is handing out asylum to illegal aliens as they cross over the border in a massive asylum fraud rubber stamp operation. There is no investigation. They do not even know who these people are since they all ditch their IDs in the bushes before they cross into the US.

The Biden regime is killing America.

This is purposeful.

Todd Bensman joined Steve Bannon on Friday on The War Room to discuss this new policy implemented by the rogue Biden regime. Joe’s handlers are intent on destroying this country.

TRENDING: BEAUTIFUL! Student Confronts Fake News Purveyor Brian Stelter from CNN at Disinfo Conference AND IT’S GLORIOUS! (VIDEO)

Todd Bensman: In my opinion, this is a mass asylum fraud rubber stamp operation. They are handing the authority to grant asylum to front-line regular asylum officers. You can see them say, “Oh my God, they’re getting persecuted back in Honduras.” And they can stamp asylum right there or within a month or so they can stamp out asylum and you’re in. The reason why this is an asylum fraud mill is because all of the persecution stories are bogus. You’re not able to verify. There’s no requirement to verify any of it. And so in order to clear the backlog and legalize everybody so there’s not a lot of illegals running around the country you’ll just have a whole lot of asylum fraudsters running around.

And, of course, these asylum fraudsters will be entitled to more US taxpayer dollars when they come in.

This is pure lawlessness.