RINOs Celebrate Openly With Dems: Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowski Stay and Applaud Ketanji Jackson’s SCOTUS Confirmation as Republican Colleagues Walk Out in Disgust – (VIDEO)


On Thursday, the US Senate confirmed Ketanji Jackson in a razor-thin 53-47 vote. It’s official – the most radical Supreme Court Nominee in history made the cut.

And it’s all thanks to the help of 3 RINO Senators – Mitt Romney (R-UT), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Susan Collins (R-ME), who all broke ranks with Republicans to confirm Jackson’s seat on the highest court.

JUST IN: Senate Votes 53-47 to Confirm Radical Marxist Ketanji Brown Jackson to Supreme Court

Predictably, all three of these so-called ‘Republicans’ proved, yet again, that they are complete sellouts. However, Romney’s yes vote was especially inexcusable because he had previously voted against Jackson’s confirmation for a lower court.

TRENDING: HUGE BLOW TO FAKE NEWS AND FBI: Zero Guilty Verdicts in Case of Alleged Plot to Kidnap Leftist Governor Whitmer – Not Guilty Verdict for 2, Hung Jury on 2 Including Ring Leader!

How Romney went from voting no for a less important position to voting yes – after the confirmation hearings horror show, no less – is borderline indefensible. What tipped the scales? Was it Jackson’s pro-bono defense of America-hating terrorists? maybe her promotion of Marxist Critical Race Theory? How about that ghastly record with pedos and child porn offenders?

MUST SEE: Newly Released Court Transcripts Reveal Radical SCOTUS Pick Ketanji Brown Jackson Apologizing After Giving 3-month “Slap on the Wrist” to One “Egregious Offender”

Or was Romney simply just following his marching orders from the DC Swamp?

Whatever the reason, his constituents should definitely start asking him some questions about it, especially considering the exhibit he put on when Jackson was officially confirmed by the Senate on Friday.

In a shameless display of his traitorous nature, Romney remained on the Senate floor with his Democrat pals to cheer Jackson’s confirmation (and the weakening of the Supreme Court as we know it) as his Republican colleagues all walked out in disgust.

After all, it was thanks to Romney that the Democrats got their wishes. It’s only fitting he takes part in the celebration.


As Michael Knowles would say, “he is simply but a court jester in the kingdom of liberalism.” Romney’s sole purpose is to put Republicans in check while undermining their agenda.

Even though it looked like every other Republican left Romney to cheer on his own, he wasn’t the only sellout RINO to stick around.

Also remaining for the celebration was Lisa Murkowski, who indicated exactly where her allegiances lie with her seating choice, just in case there were any lingering suspicions about what side these RINO sellouts are truly on.

When these swamp creatures like Murkowski, Romney, and Collins show you their true colors, never forget it.

These RINOs have got to go.

Flashback: Joe Biden Blamed Trump For Whitmer Kidnapping Plot… That Ended in Zero Guilty Verdicts on Friday


The Governor Whitmer kidnapping case, which we now know was comprised of virtually all FBI agents and informants, ended in zero guilty verdicts on Friday in a huge blow to the FBI and DOJ.

Two defendants were found not guilty. There was a hung jury for two more including the alleged ring leader Adam Fox resulting in a mistrial.

In October 2020, the FBI announced during a press conference that it thwarted a plot by a so-called “right-wing militia” to kidnap and kill Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and overthrow the state government.

The FBI became aware of the plot through discussions on social media in early 2020, however they decided to pull the trigger a few weeks before the 2020 election and raid the homes of 6 men.

TRENDING: HUGE BLOW TO FAKE NEWS AND FBI: Zero Guilty Verdicts in Case of Alleged Plot to Kidnap Leftist Governor Whitmer – Not Guilty Verdict for 2, Hung Jury on 2 Including Ring Leader!

The FBI teed up the story for the Biden campaign with just weeks to go until Election Day.

Joe Biden attacked Trump and blamed him for the so-called plot to kidnap and kill Gretchen Whitmer in a speech in Michigan in October 2020.

Biden said Trump’s “liberate Michigan” tweet from April 2020 summoned the domestic terrorists.


It turns out the kidnapping plot was a total bust and full of FBI informants.

UPDATE: A Jaw-Dropping 769 Athletes have Collapsed While Competing Over The Past Year – “Avg. Age of Players Suffering Cardiac Arrest is JUST 23” – (VIDEO)


Over the past year-plus, athletes across the world have been dropping like flies as they compete in games. If they aren’t passed out cold, they are seen gripping their chests in agony, unable to breathe due to sudden cardiac events that hit in the heat of the competition.

This wave of heart issues is unprecedented, to say the least. Never before have we seen young, healthy, world-class athletes experiencing heart issues en masse like this. It has never happened, ever. Furthermore, the timing of this sweeping phenomenon could not be more relevant, coinciding perfectly with the rollout of the experimental Covid-19 vaccines.

In December nearly 300 athletes reportedly collapsed or suffered cardiac arrests after taking the COVID vaccines.

Report Shows Nearly 300 Athletes Worldwide Collapsed or Suffered Cardiac Arrests after Taking COVID Vaccine This Year – Many Died

TRENDING: HUGE BLOW TO FAKE NEWS AND FBI: Zero Guilty Verdicts in Case of Alleged Plot to Kidnap Leftist Governor Whitmer – Not Guilty Verdict for 2, Hung Jury on 2 Including Ring Leader!

But it gets worse.  Thanks to a new explosive report by OAN that pegs the number of affected athletes in the hundreds.

In all, their investigation found a jaw-dropping 769 men and women who collapsed with heart issues during competition over the past year (between March 2021 and March 2022).

Most shockingly, the average age of those who experienced full-blown cardiac arrest was just 23.

Considering the timing of this never-before-seen issue in healthy athletes, and the universal push for Covid jabs, all signs point to one culprit: the experimental vaccine.

After detailing two recent high-profile cases, in which two tennis players were forced to recuse themselves from last month’s Miami Open, OAN’s Pearson Sharp reviewed their shocking investigation and asked a few pressing questions that should be answered if you are still questioning what is driving these heart issues in young individuals:

“These are just two o more than 769 athletes who have collapsed during a game on the field over the last year. From March of 2021 to March of this year. The average age of the players suffering cardiac arrest is just 23-years-old.

How many 23-year-old athletes were collapsing and suffering heart attacks before this year? Do you know any 23-year-old people who had heart attacks before now? 

And these are just the ones we know about. How many have gone unreported? Nearly 800 athletes – young, fit people in the prime of life falling down on the field. In fact, 500% more soccer players in the EU are dropping dead from heart attacks than just one year ago.”

Just in case there is any lingering inclination to call this a coincidence, Sharp sets the record straight.

“Coincidence? When the Pfizer vaccine is known to cause heart inflamation? No. In fact, many doctors treating these players list their injuries and deaths as being directly caused by the vaccine…

This is not a coincidence – healthy teenagers dying after getting the Pfizer injection. Doctors warned the FDA before they released the experimental vaccine that it would ‘almost certainly cause terrible organ damage.’”

The only question left is: when do we see some accountability?


This investigative report by OAN should serve, at the very least, as a catalyst to begin looking into the severe damage the vaccines have been causing, particularly in young people. It has been obvious for a while that the jab does not even protect against the spread of Covid, yet, the fraudulent Biden Regime and Dr. Fauci recently approved a fourth dose, with a fifth likely coming very soon.

Continuing to push these vaccines with the information that is out there now (and has been for months) is beyond criminal.

Yet, here we are.

Friday Night Lights: DJI M2EA – Personal Thermal ISR Drone


Welcome back to another installment of Friday Night Lights. If you recall I did a review of DJI’s Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual (M2ED). It is an entry-level thermal drone. It works but it is not very good. It is not that useful for flying at night and the thermal is only 160×120 resolution. Well DJI has the Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced (M2EA) thermal drone and it is not only affordable but actually useful. Let’s check it out.

Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced (M2EA)

M2EA close up

M2EA thermal payload

The old Mavic 2 Enterprise Dual was a collaboration with FLIR and DJI. While the M2ED worked as a thermal drone, it is like saying the FLIR ONE is a thermal camera. While technically they both are, they are not very good. Well, now you can get the M2EA instead. It has a thermal sensor that DJI made themselves.  No FLIR parts here. It has a 640×512 thermal sensor! That is 16x bigger than the 160×120 sensor on the M2ED. The M2EA sensor suite also features a 48 MP visual camera. The M2ED only had a 12 MP camera.

The M2EA drone itself is virtually identical to the M2ED. In fact, I cannot discern a difference. It uses the same propellers, batteries and accessories. Flight times are similar. In some cases a minute or two apart from one another. The only real differences between the two is the price and performance of the sensor suite. The M2ED can be found for around $3,000-$3,500 since it is discontinued. The M2EA is relatively new and goes for $6,500.

Using The M2EA

The old M2ED was a collaboration with FLIR so it had some tools for thermal inspection use. The newer M2EA does not have these. Like isotherm. You can poke the image on the screen of your smartphone or smart controller and it will tell you the temperature. The M2EA photos and videos can be inputted into software on your computer to pull that information but it is not easy and not Mac-friendly. Another major difference is the loss of MSX mode. The M2ED would overlay the thermal image with the visual image to give you a fusion-like image. This is partly due to the low resolution of the thermal on the M2ED. But the M2EA has a great thermal camera that does not need to do this. So instead it does a split-screen or it just shows you the VIS camera or thermal camera.

Screencap of the M2EA smart controller using thermal only.

Screencap of the M2EA smart controller using VIS only.

Screencap of the M2EA smart controller solid screen

99% of the time I fly using the thermal camera rather than the vis camera, especially at night.

M2EA vis camera at night

M2EA thermal camera at night

What a difference.  With some editing, you can overlay the thermal image on top of the visual image.

Here are some video clips that came on another M2EA I helped acquire for a friend. The previous owner used it for hunting.


At SHOT Show last January I got these sample thermal targets from infraredID. Here they are next to an old FLIR thermal target. They work by reflecting the sky which is cooler than your target.

Thermal targets as seen by my AGM TM384 Micro thermal monocular.

I took the square target and placed it on the hood of my FJ Cruiser. Sure enough, the M2EA could easily see this 6″x6″ square.

Even at 100 yards above, you can still see the small thermal square. This would be easier with a larger thermal reflective sheet but it would be relatively easy to mark a vehicle to track it with the M2EA.

If you read my review of the BAE/Trijicon UTCXII, I had a video showing what looked like a cow 2k yards away. To confirm this, I sent my M2EA drone to look at the cow. I discovered there was a whole herd of cows on the other side of a hill.

Final Thoughts On The Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced

The Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced is the best option for an affordable thermal drone. They retail for $6,500. While that seems like a lot, the next best solution is $7k and up. As you can see from the footage I captured, the thermal sensor on the drone is very good. Good enough to fly at night without crashing and have the ability to identify objects of interest. The only downside is that you need to get close to something to really discern what it is and the digital zoom is not that great for the thermal.

I would like to connect a laser designator to help point out targets of interest but there are complications. Often I found myself flying but not really knowing where I was in relation to the image I saw on the screen. Especially if I was looking for a specific location or point of interest. For example, there was a coyote that we saw with the UTCXII that was 730 yards away. It would be great to fly a drone there to confirm without manually flying it. But also if I spot something with the drone how do I relay that information back to a hunter? I could use the GPS coordinates of the drone but that is not quick or easy.

Allegedly, the Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced can connect to ATAK. At the same time, you can have a laser range finder connected to ATAK. Perhaps you can designate a target with the laser and have the drone take that information and fly to the location you designated by GPS location? Imagine a hunter tags a possible target, but to confirm a positive ID you could send the drone to verify. This is all theoretical and something I will investigate further with my friends who have the tools to possibly make this happen. Stay tuned. For more information on the Mavic 2 Enterprise Advanced, check out DJI’s website.

via The Firearm Blog

Dr. Lee Merritt: We are in the Fourth Stage of the DNA WAR Against Humanity


This article was originally published by Ramon Tomey at Natural News. 

Brighteon.TV host Dr. Lee Merritt told Bob “The Plumber” Sisson that humanity is at the fourth stage of the DNA war involving the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines.

“Speaking [of] the great DNA war against humanity … basically, we’re in the fourth stage of the war. I don’t think we can vote ourselves out of this. We’re going to have to prepare, protect ourselves, and maybe fight our way out of this,” she said during the four-day Let’s Go Brandon Rally held in Brandon, Florida.

The “Merritt Medical Hour” host told Sisson: “Since 2015, I feel like I’ve been witnessing a slow-motion terrorist attack against the whole world and couldn’t stop this. The only reason I was awakened early is because the [AAPS] woke me up to what was happening and the crimes of organized medicine.” (Related: Dr. Lee Merritt warns: Forced vaccines are a Holocaust-level crime against humanity.)

The former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) wrote an op-ed back in 2015, which was published under her maiden name Lee Hieb. Her March 10, 2015 piece criticized the Obama administration’s National Adult Immunization Plan.

“You cannot scream for a ‘woman’s right to choose’ when it applies to abortion, but give her no right to choose what gets administered to her in a syringe. Let me be clear: Public health does not trump individual liberty. End of story,” she wrote at the time.

Both Sisson and Merritt cited conservative writer G. Edward Griffin as being instrumental in opening their eyes about vaccines. Sisson, host of “CLO2TV,” said Griffin’s book “A World Without Cancer” showed him how the Carnegie and Rockefeller families took over medical schools and dramatically altered the practice of medicine.

“I sort of began to wake up, but I didn’t really get serious until maybe when [former President Donald] Trump was running. I thought that we had made it once he got in [the White House]. But the swamp is deeper than we thought,” said Sisson. “[Griffin] was telling us what’s [going to] happen today, probably as early as the 1960s and 1970s.”

“Nobody that’s unvaccinated right now that I know is going to jump into the vaccinated group. The vaccinated group are already vaccinated, they can’t jump. They can just decide whether to have the fourth or fifth booster, I guess – but they can’t ‘un-vaccinate’ themselves as far as we know,” said Merritt.

“We’re in a situation where [it’s] kind of the calm before the storm. We’re seeing the dying, but we don’t have a sense of what they would say the ‘first derivative of dying.’ In other words, we don’t know how rapidly the death rate is changing.”

The “Merritt Medical Hour” host pointed to a “marked, unprecedented increase” in all-cause mortality caused by the COVID-19 vaccines, citing data from the U.S., the U.K., and Germany. “I can’t find numbers in Israel, but I’m sure they’re having big problems because they were the first people vaccinated,” she said. Merritt also mentioned stillbirths, miscarriages and infertility as some of the other issues linked to the shots.

“Instead of rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic, we need to be looking at data and preparing ourselves because [that will] tell us if we need to see the trend [and] where it goes. We can’t back up on this.”

According to Merritt, there are several ways to address the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the COVID-19 vaccines.

“We can deal with the spike protein, we know how to do that. Ivermectin, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, chelation, [intravenous] glutathione – there’s lots of things we can do.”

She then turned to Sisson and said “I think your thing is right up there,” in reference to chlorine dioxide, which the “CLO2TV” host is promoting.

Watch the conversation between Bob Sisson and Dr. Lee Merritt at the Let’s Go Brandon Rally in Florida below.



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BREAKING: Missouri Supreme Court Orders Kim Gardner to Turn Over Soros-Related Communications in False Case Against Gov. Eric Greitens


The Missouri Supreme Court ruled on Friday that far-left St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner must turn over communications with Soros operatives and Missouri political insiders related to her false case against former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens.

Former Governor Eric Greitens posted this tweet this afternoon.

TRENDING: HUGE BLOW TO FAKE NEWS AND FBI: Zero Guilty Verdicts in Case of Alleged Plot to Kidnap Leftist Governor Whitmer – Not Guilty Verdict for 2, Hung Jury on 2 Including Ring Leader!

A Missouri Appeals Court upheld a previous judge’s ruling in January against Soros-funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner.

The court unanimously ruled Kim Gardner failed to file a timely response to reporter John Solomon from Just the News for information on her communications with political insiders and Soros operatives.

Kim Gardner already faces a misconduct probe for illicit conduct in her plot to take down popular Missouri Governor Eric Greitens.

A court last year found that Kim Gardner engaged in 62 acts of misconduct and 79 false representations in her prosecution of Eric Greitens.

BREAKING: Soros-Funded St Louis Prosecutor Kim Gardner Engaged in 62 Acts of Misconduct and 79 False Representations in Prosecution of Eric Greitens

On Friday the Missouri Supreme Court ordered Gardner to comply with the public records request to turn over her communications with Soros organizations.

Via Just the News:

The public records request sought documents related to Gardner’s fizzled 2018 prosecution of Greitens, who resigned from the governorship less than two years into his term.

The prosecutor accused Greitens of felony invasion of privacy for allegedly threatening to release a photo of his partially nude girlfriend if she talked about their affair. However, Gardner had to drop the case after admitting she lacked the alleged photo and facing the prospect of being called as a witness in the case by Greteins’ lawyers.

Initially, Gardner ignored the public records request and then claimed that the documents did not fall under the state’s Sunshine Law. Solomon’s suit alleged that Gardner’s refusal was a knowing violation of the law and sought release of the records, civil penalties and attorneys’ fees.

The state Supreme Court refused to hear Gardner’s final appeal on Thursday. On Friday, the court sent the case back to trial court, while ordering that her office produce the requested records within 30 days. The court also ordered that Solomon be paid attorney’s fees and costs for the appeal.

Biden Administration Threatens to “Hold States Accountable” for Passing Laws That Protect Children From Gender Surgery and Puberty Blockers – (VIDEO)


Over the past few months, several Republican states have taken a stand to protect children against the radical sexualization and indoctrination that is being forced on them, particularly in schools. Recently, this movement has enabled states, like Florida and Alabama, to enact laws that restore power away from the groomers and back to the parents, while outlawing the most insidious agendas of the left – such as gender reassignment surgery, puberty-blocking drugs, and talking about sex with 5-year-olds.

Many more states are rapidly following suit.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extenseively on the filthy books the left is pushing on little children.

AG Merrick Garland Called On the FBI to Stalk and Harass American Parents Because They Objected to This Porn Book in their School’s Library — (Warning on Content)

TRENDING: HUGE BLOW TO FAKE NEWS AND FBI: Zero Guilty Verdicts in Case of Alleged Plot to Kidnap Leftist Governor Whitmer – Not Guilty Verdict for 2, Hung Jury on 2 Including Ring Leader!

The new child protection laws have caused quite a stir among the groomer left, which has been in full-meltdown mode since the legislation passed. For several weeks now, unhinged activists and celebrities alike have been mindlessly repeating the word “gay” in order to virtue signal their opposition and affirm their support for sexualizing children.

But, its not just Hollywood and the sycophants in the media. The higher-ups have taken notice too, and, as of this week, the Biden Administration joined the crusade, vowing to punish the states who dare go against the Left’s child-grooming agenda.

On Thursday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki threatened that the Biden Regime will “hold states accountable” for using the democratic process to pass laws protecting children from irreversible gender transition procedures.

“[The Biden Administration] will not hold back,” Psaki warned.

Specifically targeting the recently passed laws in Alabama and Texas, Psaki slandered Republicans for engaging in what she called a “disturbing, cynical trend of attacking vulnerable transgender kids for purely partisan, political reasons.”

According to Psaki, Republicans are purposefully withholding “life-saving” treatments from these children. In other words, you’re a murderer if you oppose the radical sexualization and gender transformation of children.

From Psaki:

Instead of focusing on critical ‘kitchen-table’ issues like the economy, COVID, or addressing the country’s mental health crisis, Republican lawmakers are currently debating legislation that… would target trans youth with tactics that threatens to put pediatricians in prison if they provide medically necessary, life-saving healthcare for the kids they serve.”

Keep in mind – this is the spokesperson for the leader of the free world. For Psaki to make this equation – with the flip side being what it is – it’s especially sickening.

Continuing along the same lines, Psaki then makes a more direct assertion, accusing Republicans of committing physical “harm” when they enact laws that protect children from the Left’s radical agenda.

Unbelievably, she even equates the democratically passed legislation as “government overreach,” which is especially rich, seeing as how the Biden Regime and Pelosi’s goons are politically persecuting Americans and unconstitutionally holding citizens in the DC Gulag.

Psaki continued:

Just like the extreme government overreach we’ve seen in Texas, where politicians have sent state officials into the homes of loving parents to investigate them for abuse – just to harass and intimidate the LGBTQI+ community – today’s vote in Alabama will only serve to harm kids.”

To solve for Republicans using the levers of Democracy to their advantage for once, Psaki explained that the Federal Government, and the Biden White House specifically, would be cracking down on states that enact laws protecting children in order to hold them accountable.

Psaki explained:

“President Biden has committed in both words and actions to fight for all Americans and will not hesitate to hold these states accountable.”

Really? Accountability? This is the regime that is covering up Fauci’s horror show and is run by the Biden Crime Family…

These people have absolutely no shame.

Watch, (beginning at 2:27):

Psaki did not clarify how the Administration plans to take action against states that pass these laws and did not provide any justification for the potential punishments.

Suspect Arrested in Connection with Sacramento Shooting Served Reduced Sentence Because of New California Law


Smiley Martin

Police arrested a second suspect on Tuesday in connection to the mass shooting that took place early Sunday morning in downtown Sacramento as the bars emptied out.

27-year-old Smiley Martin was arrested and charged with possession of a firearm by a prohibited person and possession of a machine gun.

26-year-old Dandrae Martin (brother of Smiley Martin) was taken into custody on Monday as a “related suspect” and was charged with assault and illegal firearm possession.

TRENDING: HUGE BLOW TO FAKE NEWS AND FBI: Zero Guilty Verdicts in Case of Alleged Plot to Kidnap Leftist Governor Whitmer – Not Guilty Verdict for 2, Hung Jury on 2 Including Ring Leader!

Six people died and 12 others were injured in the massacre.

The six people who died were identified by the Sacramento Coroner’s Office:

  • Johntaya Alexander, 21
  • Melinda Davis, 57
  • Sergio Harris, 38
  • Joshua Hoye-Lucchesi, 32
  • Yamile Martinez-Andrade, 21
  • Devazia Turner, 29

Smiley Martin only served a fraction of his 10-year prison sentence due to a new California law that reduced the punishment for felonies.

Martin was released early from prison in February and was arrested again on Tuesday in connection with the mass shooting in Sacramento.

According to police no suspects arrested in connection with Sunday’s shooting has been charged with homicide yet.

AP reported:

A suspect arrested in connection with last weekend’s mass shooting outside bars in Sacramento served less than half his 10-year sentence because of voter-approved changes to state law that lessened the punishment for his felony convictions and provided a chance for earlier release.

Smiley Allen Martin was freed in February after serving time for punching a girlfriend, dragging her from her home by her hair and whipping her with a belt, according to court and prison records.

Those count as nonviolent offenses under California law, which considers only about two dozen crimes to be violent felonies — such as murder, rape, arson and kidnapping.

Martin, 27, was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of possession of a firearm by a prohibited person and possession of a machine gun. He is among the 12 people wounded during Sunday’s shooting, which killed six others.

January 6 Committee Selectively Leaks Don Jr’s Texts with Mark Meadows to CNN


The January 6 committee selectively leaked Don Jr.’s text messages with Trump’s Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to CNN.

The text messages are completely benign and everything Don Jr says is well within his First Amendment right.

“We have operational control Total leverage,” a message from Don Jr. to Mark Meadows reads. “Moral High Ground POTUS must start 2nd term now.”

CNN reported:

TRENDING: HUGE BLOW TO FAKE NEWS AND FBI: Zero Guilty Verdicts in Case of Alleged Plot to Kidnap Leftist Governor Whitmer – Not Guilty Verdict for 2, Hung Jury on 2 Including Ring Leader!

Two days after the 2020 presidential election, as votes were still being tallied, Donald Trump’s eldest son texted then-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows that “we have operational control” to ensure his father would get a second term, with Republican majorities in the US Senate and swing state legislatures, CNN has learned.

In the text, which has not been previously reported, Donald Trump Jr. lays out ideas for keeping his father in power by subverting the Electoral College process, according to the message reviewed by CNN. The text is among records obtained by the House select committee investigating January 6, 2021.

“It’s very simple,” Trump Jr. texted to Meadows on November 5, adding later in the same missive: “We have multiple paths We control them all.”

In a statement to CNN, Trump Jr.’s lawyer Alan S. Futerfas said, “After the election, Don received numerous messages from supporters and others. Given the date, this message likely originated from someone else and was forwarded.”

This isn’t the first time Pelosi’s unconstitutional Jan. 6 Committee has released private text messages to the public.

The January 6 Committee previously leaked Ginni Thomas’ text exchanges with Mark Meadows to the Washington Post as her husband, Justice Clarence Thomas was hospitalized with an infection.

In December, Liz Cheney read Mark Meadows’ private text messages with Fox News hosts out loud.

Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar Refuses to Answer Question on Whether Saying There are Only Two Sexes Considered as “Health Misinformation”


Minnesota Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar declined to answer a question on Friday during DisInfo 2022 Conference whether the senator’s recent bill banning “health misinformation” on social media will include a ban on saying there are two sexes—male and female.

Senator Amy Klobuchar sat on a panel to talk about “Taming the Wild, Wild Web” with the former Democratic governor of Massachusetts, Deval Patrick, and a moderator from The New York Times.

UChicago student, Evita Duffy, co-founder and managing editor of Thinker Chicago asked the democratic senator whether saying there are only two sexes can be considered “health misinformation” and should be banned on social media platforms.

“You introduced the bill that you talked about today that would punish social media companies like Facebook and Twitter for having health misinformation on their platforms. And I’m going to ask you if I were to say that there are only two sexes, male and female. Would that be considered misinformation that you think should be, banned speech on social media platforms?” Duffy questioned.

TRENDING: HUGE BLOW TO FAKE NEWS AND FBI: Zero Guilty Verdicts in Case of Alleged Plot to Kidnap Leftist Governor Whitmer – Not Guilty Verdict for 2, Hung Jury on 2 Including Ring Leader!

Klobuchar just laughed at the question and refused to answer saying, “Okay, I’m not going to get into what misinformation.”

“First of all, I think the bill you’re talking about is different than the one we have mostly been talking about. So I want to make that clear. We’ve been talking about the competition bill. But there is another bill that I have on vaccine misinformation. It is that specific in a public health crisis,” Klobuchar argued.

After she singlehandedly destroyed the leftist senator, Duffy revealed on her social media account that one of the event organizers came up and tried to take the mic away from her.

Klobuchar introduced a bill last year that aims to hold tech companies accountable for allowing “misinformation” that conflicts with leftist propaganda about vaccines and other health issues to spread online.

DisInfo2022 is a three-day conference that talks about disinformation and the erosion of democracy held at the University of Chicago.

Last Thursday, another college student from UChicago destroyed Stelter and CNN with a list of fake news stories the channel pushed on the American public for the past five years. The list included the Russia-Collusion hoax, the Jussie Smollett hoax, the Nick Sandmann smears, and the Hunter Biden laptop denial.

“They pushed the Russian collusion hoax. They pushed the Jussie Smollett hoax. They smeared Justice Cavanaugh as a rapist, and they also smeared Nick Sandmann as a white supremacist. And yes, they dismissed the Hunter Biden laptop affair as pure Russian disinformation,” Phillips narrated. Watch the full clip here.