image Arizona Republican Rep. Jake Hoffman is urging the public to pressure lawmakers to advance HB 2495, a bill aimed at barring public schools from indoctrinating and grooming students with “sexually explicit materials” at taxpayer expense. Hoffman crafted the measure after discovering books and other materials at school laden with sexual activity. Arizona congressman even uncovered drawings of children having sex or masturbating. HB 2495 would ban schools from disseminating any materials that depict “sexual conduct” including “acts of masturbation, homosexuality (and) sexual intercourse.”
While the measure exempts “classical literature” and “early American literature,” it requires parents to provide approval allowing their children to read the materials that contain sexually explicit content. Hoffman issued a statement calling on Americans to “HELP STOP SEXUAL GROOMING IN ARIZONA SCHOOLS” by sending an email “to every member of the Arizona Senate in less than 60 seconds” via the website Align Act. “Hofstra University researcher Charol Shakeshaft studied the prevalence of sexual abuse in the public school system. Here is what she found: “The physical sexual abuse of students in schools is likely more than 100 times the abuse by priests,’” the Arizona congressman warned. “WE CANNOT ALLOW THE SEXUALIZATION AND SEXUAL GROOMING OF ARIZONA CHILDREN.” image The legislation is currently awaiting a vote by Arizona Senate. It would then head to Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey for his signature. Democrats and LBGTQ activists are lobbying to scrap  HB 2495 arguing that the bill prohibits teachers from promoting homosexuality as a positive lifestyle. “What this bill does is once again try and erase the LGBTQ community from Arizona public schools under the guise of protecting children,” Rep. Daniel Herandez, D-Tucson warned in a scathing rebuke of the measure on Tuesday. “Children keep getting used as footballs for politics. “This is not an issue of homosexuality,” Hoffman shot back. “This is an issue of should sexually explicit materials which have been well documented in terms of medical science has an adverse effect on children, and whether or not it should be shown in K-12 classrooms.” Controversy surrounding HB 2495 comes amid a concentrated effort from the Biden administration to promote transgenderism in the classrooms.
“I want you to know that your President sees you –Joe, Kamala, Doug, our entire administration — sees you for who you are … deserving of dignity, respect, and support. But we know it’s hard when there are those out there who don’t see you, don’t respect you,” the illegitimate president declared in commemorating his administration’s “Transgender Day of Visibility” last week.
“We’re committed to advancing transgender equality in the classroom, in the playing field, at work, in our military in our housing and health care systems — everywhere. Simply everywhere,” Biden said.

Desperate Dems’ 2022 Plan: Pay People To Push Their Talking Points


Democrats are getting desperate.

A recent Quinnipiac poll found that Republicans have a four-point advantage over the Democrats as the midterms approach.

Another poll found Republicans leading by 11.

Democrats are trying to expand on a strategy they used in Georgia: pay people to tell their friends about politics.

TRENDING: LAWRENCE SELLIN: The Second American Civil War is Underway

Politico reported: 

A group of Democratic strategists is trying to spread a novel organizing tactic in this year’s election. Technically, it’s called “paid relational organizing,” but it boils down to this: paying people to talk to their friends about politics.

Democrats think it helped them win the Senate in 2020 — and are hoping the get-out-the-vote strategy will help limit the pain of a brutal 2022 election environment.

Conversations with friends, family members or neighbors are more likely to earn a voter’s support than chats with a stranger at their front door, which is the traditional way campaigns have run paid canvassing programs in the past. And an important test case for deploying the strategy at scale came out of the Georgia Senate runoffs in 2021 when now-Sen. Jon Ossoff’s (D-Ga.) campaign, flush with nearly unlimited cash but only two months to spend it, used a paid and volunteer relational program to get people talking to acquaintances instead of strangers about the election.

The next time a friend brings up Democrat talking points, ask them: “Are you getting paid?”

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Dem Switches To GOP Are Surging In Pennsylvania


Republicans are making huge voter registration gains in Pennsylvania.

For every one Republican that has switched to the Democrat party four Democrats have switched to the Republican party.

The Washington Examiner reported:

Former Democrats converting to the Republican Party are surging in Pennsylvania, with four times the number of former Democrats registering as Republicans as vice versa in the battleground state.

TRENDING: LAWRENCE SELLIN: The Second American Civil War is Underway

The latest data from Pennsylvania’s State Department showed that four Democrats have switched to the Republican Party for every one Republican who did the opposite this year. With several contentious statewide elections, including a Senate race that could determine control of the chamber, the gains signal widespread dissatisfaction with President Joe Biden and the broader Democratic agenda. The rate of conversion is the highest anywhere in the country in at least the last 10 years, Reuters reported this week.

Democrats are beginning to lose ground in Philadelphia County.

This comes as Joe Biden’s approval sinks lower and lower.

His average approval in Real Clear Politics is currently 41.3%.

For the antidote to media bias, check out!

Pete Buttigieg: Kids Will Be Killed if Teachers Aren’t Allowed to Teach About Sex, Gender


Leftists have made plenty of outlandish allegations about the state of Florida’s new Parental Rights in Education law. White House Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s suggestion on Friday may be one of the craziest.

Buttigieg appeared on ABC’s “The View,” and co-host Anna Navaro wasted no time addressing the Florida law, which Democrats have incorrectly called a “Don’t Say Gay” bill.

“Your husband, Chasten [Buttigieg] is a teacher, and he’s been a vocal critic of what’s going on in my state of Florida with the so-called ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law, which he says will kill kids,” Navarro said. “Do you agree?”

TRENDING: LAWRENCE SELLIN: The Second American Civil War is Underway

After Navarro went on for a bit about how this law could be offensive to Pete Buttigieg since he is gay, he responded to her question.

“Yeah, he’s right, and I think every law ought to be judged for the effect it’s going to have on real people in real life,” Buttigieg said.

In other words, Buttigieg said he agrees that this law in Florida will “kill kids.”

This is ridiculous on many levels. First, it is a blatant attempt by Buttigieg to convince Americans that this law is an attack on children.

In reality, the opposite is true: This law is designed specifically to protect children.

According to Fox News, the bill does not prohibit teachers from “saying gay.” Instead, it stops them from instructing children in kindergarten through third grade about “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” of any kind.

There is a strong argument to be made that children who are between five and nine years of age should not be learning about these subjects in any capacity.

But if parents maintain their children should learn about sex at such a young age, that is a conversation that should take place directly between parents and their children.

It should not be controversial to say teachers have no business instructing children under the age of 10 about sex.

Second, the suggestion that children will become suicidal if they do not learn about sex at five years old is ridiculous. Children are hardly even old enough to dress themselves at that age; they are certainly not old enough to decide if they want to change gender identities.

Many children go through a transition period in which they learn more about who they are in the world, and that period does not need to be tarnished by leftists forcing twisted ideas into their minds.

It seems unlikely a child under the age of 10 would bring up sexual orientation or gender identity on his own without first hearing the terms from someone else, but it is possible.

Even in that case, such a serious conversation should be reserved for parents to have with their own children. Teachers have no place in it.

Finally, the suggestion that Chasten Buttigieg is some sort of expert on respecting and caring for children could not be further from the truth. This is the same man who can be seen indoctrinating children in the documentary “Mayor Pete.”

Ridiculous behavior like this is likely to cause confusion and mental strife for children, and that is exactly why Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill preventing it in schools.

Buttigieg’s argument against this law is completely backward. If anything is going to mentally harm children, it’s his husband’s woke nonesense, not a bill protecting them from it.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

WOAH: DeSantis Raises Over $100 Million For Re-election Campaign


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) is the number one fundraiser in all of state politics.

He amassed over $100 million for re-election in 2022.

Just The News reported:

According to the most recent campaign finance reports made to the Florida Secretary of State, the governor received $109,869,159 in total contributions and spent $13,706,657 between January 1, 2021 and December 31, 2021. DeSantis is running for re-election in 2022.

TRENDING: LAWRENCE SELLIN: The Second American Civil War is Underway

Things are so bad for Democrats that The Democratic Governors Association is not making any financial contributions to candidates attempting to unseat DeSantis.

Politico reported:

Commotion — The Democratic Governors Association is not planning on making any major financial contributions to help Democrats try to unset the Republican incumbent and potential presidential contender.

Bad moon rising — There are several reasons for this, reports POLITICO’s Matt Dixon, including the need to protect Democratic incumbents in other states, but it adds to the foreboding that now hangs over the race and steepens the uphill battle for candidates Nikki Fried, Charlie Crist and Annette Taddeo. Earlier this week, we outlined many of the reasons DeSantis was already viewed as unbeatable even though the election is a year away.

How big will the red wave be in 2022?

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James & Hop vs. The CDR (a “Budget” WWSD Rifle)


In this episode of TFBTV, James and Hop Reeves take on the CDR Rifle, a collaborative effort made by KE Arms, Karl Kasarda and Ian McCollum of InRangeTV and Forgotten Weapons and Brownells, Inc. The CDR is pitched as a “budget” version of the WWSD (What Would Stoner Do) rifle, an ultra-lightweight AR-15. At just […]

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The post James & Hop vs. The CDR (a “Budget” WWSD Rifle) appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

“Preemptively Took Out A Hit Piece” — Energy Author Fought The Washington Post And Won


In late March, the Washington Post was planning on releasing a hit piece targeting Alex Epstein, the author of the upcoming book Fossil Future: Why Global Human Flourishing Requires More Oil, Coal, and Natural Gas–Not Less.

The crux of the hit piece was taking something Alex Epstein had written at the age of 18 and attempting to frame it as racist.

Instead of backing down, Alex Epstein went on offense.

Here is the entire takedown of the hit piece.

TRENDING: HUGE BLOW TO FAKE NEWS AND FBI: Zero Guilty Verdicts in Case of Alleged Plot to Kidnap Leftist Governor Whitmer – Not Guilty Verdict for 2, Hung Jury on 2 Including Ring Leader!


Days later the hit piece never came out and Epstein pointed out the author had written multiple other stories.

Finally, the article came out — but the “racist” attacks were gone.

Scott Adams released a short video explaining how amazing a feat this was:

Adams also pointed out that there has been a boomerang effect on The Washington Post and they are now being forced to defend themselves.

If you’d like to support Alex Epstein, pre-order a copy of “Fossil Future” from your favorite bookstore. 

MASSIVE Protests Against Communist President as Inflation Surges and Food Shortages Hit Peru — Protesters Hurl Rocks at Police Buses, Loot Milk Truck


TENS OF THOUSANDS took to the streets to protest Communist President Pedro Castillo as inflation soars and food shortages hit Peru.

Residents in Barrio Chino looted a milk truck this week.

TRENDING: HUGE BLOW TO FAKE NEWS AND FBI: Zero Guilty Verdicts in Case of Alleged Plot to Kidnap Leftist Governor Whitmer – Not Guilty Verdict for 2, Hung Jury on 2 Including Ring Leader!

The people hurled rocks at police buses.

The country declared a state of emergency.

A state of emergency was declared as farm workers and truckers protested increasing fuel and fertilizer prices.
Times Now News reported:

Peru on Thursday declared a one-month state of emergency on all its highways in a bid to clear road blocks set up by truckers protesting against price increases. The measure allows for the army to be deployed to clear the blockades, while also suspending certain constitutional rights such as freedom of movement and assembly.

The decree, published in the official newspaper, said “the police will keep control of internal order, with help from the armed forces.” Hundreds of truckers and farm workers have been blocking roads throughout the country since Monday to protest rising fuel and fertilizer prices.

Clashes between protesters and police in Ica some 300 kilometers (185 miles) south of Lima left one farm worker dead and 15 people injured, mostly police officers. Tensions had been building all week with President Pedro Castillo’s imposition of a 24-hour curfew in Lima on Tuesday backfiring and having to be called off six hours early.

GOOD NEWS: Georgia Judge Orders Fulton County to “Provide Additional Layer of Security” for 2020 Election Records in Senator Perdue Case


Former Senator David Perdue was given a win as a Georgia judge ordered the state’s most populous county to maintain 2020 Election records.

In December 2021, former Senator and the current gubernatorial candidate, David Perdue, sued Fulton County, Georgia for the fraudulent election results in that county in the 2020 Election.

BREAKING BIG: Former Senator David Perdue Sues Fulton County for “Absentee Ballots…Scanned Multiple Times” and “16,000 Ballots” Not Counted in 2020 Election

Liz Harrington went through Senator Perdue’s suit and noted multiple accusations of fraud in the 2020 Election in the county.  As a result of the results that were counted in the county, Senator Perdue lost his seat in the election.

TRENDING: HUGE BLOW TO FAKE NEWS AND FBI: Zero Guilty Verdicts in Case of Alleged Plot to Kidnap Leftist Governor Whitmer – Not Guilty Verdict for 2, Hung Jury on 2 Including Ring Leader!

“They Counted Batches of Ballots Multiple Times … with No Poll Watchers Present – All of which Violated Georgia Law” – Liz Harrington on David Perdue’s Explosive Fulton County Lawsuit

This evening it was reported that a judge has ruled that Fulton County should provide additional layers of security for the 2020 Election records.

John Solomon at Just the News writes:

Georgia judge has issued an extraordinary ruling in requiring the state’s largest county to provide an “additional layer of security” for 2020 election records, handing former GOP Sen. David Perdue and 2022 gubernatorial candidate a major victory in his court-related, election-integrity efforts.

“Petitioners have asked that the court enter an order preserving  the voting records at issue in this litigation,” reads the three-page decision Thursday by Judge Robert McBurney, of the Superior Court of Fulton County, Atlanta Judicial Circuit.

“The Clerk of Superior Court of Fulton County is the current custodian of those records; she is statutorily obligated to maintain the records for at least two years (a period which extends to November 2022, if not beyond)…

…The suit names as respondents Fulton County Elections Director Richard Barron “in his individual capacity, et al.”

Biden’s America: Crime Up 44% in NY City, Up 36% in Chicago in 2022 — One in Six Americans or Family Members a Victim of Crime


Crime is up 44% in New York City this year and 36% in Chicago — both Democrat-controlled cities.

One in six Americans or their family members were victims of crime in the past 12 months.

Never forget that Democrats believe “defunding the police” is a good idea.

TRENDING: HUGE BLOW TO FAKE NEWS AND FBI: Zero Guilty Verdicts in Case of Alleged Plot to Kidnap Leftist Governor Whitmer – Not Guilty Verdict for 2, Hung Jury on 2 Including Ring Leader!

Tippin Sights reported:

Gut-wrenching crime has been a staple diet in America. Generally speaking, crime in the U.S. increased during the pandemic across the nation.

The trend in 2022 is pointing up, and crime statistics are shocking.

New York City received 29,608 crime complaints in 2022, up from 20,543 in the same period in 2021, a 44% increase. Many New Yorkers are afraid to take the subway.

Chicago had 12,665 complaints in 2022, up from 9,339 in the same period in 2021, a 36% increase. 2021 was the deadliest year in a quarter-century and one of the most violent years…

…In a Golden/TIPP Poll conducted in early March, one in six Americans (16.6%) or their family members has been victims of crime in the past twelve months.

Never forget–