South Carolina Senate Passes Legislation that Bans Covid-19 Vaccine Requirements


The South Carolina Senate passed a bill on Wednesday prohibiting businesses from refusing to serve unvaccinated people and preventing government employees, first responders, and students from taking the Covid-19 shot.

South Carolina Senate passed the bill with 29-12 votes. Not a single Democrat in the Senate voted for the revised bill, according to the State report.

Last December, SC Republican House leaders voted to ban Covid-19 vaccines for state and local government employees, contractors, and public school students.

AP reported:

TRENDING: LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Holds Another MASSIVE Rally in Selma, North Carolina — Estimated Start Time 7 PM ET

The Senate approved the bill 29-12 on Wednesday. Senators made changes to a House bill which that chamber passed in December, meaning the proposal returns to the House to see if it accepts those changes.

Senators initially put in a large unemployment tax penalty for private businesses that fired unvaccinated workers. But instead they compromised to allow fired workers to collect unemployment benefits, retroactive to the last nine months.

Opponents of the Republican-backed bill questioned why a group that typically says government shouldn’t tell businesses what to do is taking up this fight.

Supporters of the bill said they were trying to protect the choice of people who don’t want to take the COVID-19 vaccine.

The proposal bans state and local governments and public schools from requiring vaccines for their employers, contractors or students and also says first responders can’t be fired for refusing a COVID-19 shot.

The House can either agree to the Senate’s changes, sending the bill to Gov. Henry McMaster’s desk, or insist on its version of the bill, meaning a small group of House members and senators will have to work on a compromise between the two versions.

Back in August last year, South Carolina Republican Gov. Henry McMaster urged people to get vaccinated against Covid-19. He believed the vaccines are highly effective against the Covid-19. He also said that wearing masks should be a personal choice and will not be state-mandated, State reported.

New Jersey Schools to Teach First and Second Graders About “Gender Identity” and “Climate Change” in Fall


A new curriculum in New Jersey’s public schools will include lessons related to gender identity and climate change this fall.

Starting this fall, first and second graders in  New Jersey’s public schools will be taught about gender identity and climate change according to the curriculum provided to parents in the Westfield school district.

Daily Mail reported:

First-graders in New Jersey will be learning about gender identity with new sex education curriculum which includes a lesson that teaches children they can have ‘boy parts’ but ‘feel like’ a girl.

TRENDING: LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Holds Another MASSIVE Rally in Selma, North Carolina — Estimated Start Time 7 PM ET

The new lessons, which are part of a broader, K-12 health and sex education curriculum adopted by the New Jersey Board of Education, are alarming some parents, Asbury Park Press first reported.

One of the 30-minute lesson plans, called ‘Pink, Blue and Purple,’ teaches the students to define ‘gender, gender identity and gender role stereotypes.’

Another lesson plan, this one for second-graders called ‘Understanding Our Bodies,’ tells teachers to instruct students that ‘being a boy or a girl doesn’t have to mean you have those parts, there are some body parts that mostly just girls have and some parts that mostly just boys have.’

‘Most people have a vulva and a vagina or a penis and testicles, but some people’s bodies can be different,’ the plan states. ‘Your body is exactly what is right for you.’

The new state sex education guidelines, which go into effect in September, were handed out to parents at the Westfield Board of Education meeting in February, and included instructions for teachers to tell students that their gender identity is up to them.

‘You might feel like you’re a boy even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are ”girl” parts,’ the lesson plan states.

‘You might feel like you’re a girl even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are ”boy” parts. And you might not feel like you’re a boy or a girl, but you’re a little bit of both. No matter how you feel, you’re perfectly normal!’

The second graders will also be taught about climate change and how it affects the health of individuals, plants, and animals, Blaze reported.

As The Gateway Pundit reported last Monday, a New Jersey public middle school forced 12-year-olds to learn about transgender hormone therapy without parental consent. The children were forced to watch a video about a woman who began injecting testosterone 10 years ago.

Disturbing Video: China Is Taking Cats for Extermination Due to COVID — Dogs Too


Disturbing video.
China is taking cats from their owner for extermination. The cats are collected in bags and hauled off for extermination.

This video is going viral on social media. It is not clear when it was filmed but there are numerous reports out of China killing pets, some abandoned, due to COVID.

TRENDING: LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Holds Another MASSIVE Rally in Selma, North Carolina — Estimated Start Time 7 PM ET

Dogs too.

In 2021 there were reports of China killing pet cats and dogs due to the COVID virus. Now, in 2022, authorities started killing pets again.

The Western liberals are silent.

More video.

“We Have Some Bad RINOs Too – We Have Some Sick, Sick, Sick People” – Trump at NC Rally (VIDEO)


Near the end of his speech, President Trump poked the RINOs who are destroying America, “We Had Some Bad RINOs Take Away from Us- Some Sick, Sick, Sick People.”

Boy, aint that the truth! Without RINOs Ketanji Brown Jackson would be a judge, Democrats would not be targeting and jailing conservatives with their criminal Jan. 6 committee, patriotic Americans would not be rotting in jails today who did not even walk into the US Capitol on January 6.

And the RINOs led by Mitch McConnell and Karl Rove are targeting MAGA candidates in the primaries. How awful. They don’t represent their voters. They don’t represent their base.

Trump was easy on the RINOs tonight.

TRENDING: LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Holds Another MASSIVE Rally in Selma, North Carolina — Estimated Start Time 7 PM ET

Dinesh D’Souza Releases Movie Poster for “2000 Mules” on 2020 Election Fraud — Premiere Dates Announced — May 2 thru May 7


“They thought we’d never find out. They were wrong.”

Dinesh D’Sousa released the poster tonight for his upcoming movie “2000 Mules.”

The premiere week is May 2-May 7.

In late January film producer Dinesh D’Souza released the trailer for his upcoming movie “2000 Mules.”

TRENDING: LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Holds Another MASSIVE Rally in Selma, North Carolina — Estimated Start Time 7 PM ET

True the Vote has been working with Dinesh D’Souza to create this bombshell movie that uses footage and tracking data they obtained of ballot boxes in key states across America used to steal the election in 2020.

In early January The Gateway Pundit reported to our readers that our organization signed a legal agreement to hand over exclusive video from a major battleground state to True the Vote for their ballot trafficking investigation in the 2020 election.

The Gateway Pundit shared never before seen ballot dropbox surveillance video, 24 Terabytes of footage, with the election integrity group in their ongoing investigation.

Special thanks to Patty McMurray at 100 Percent Fed Up for her assistance in this agreement.

From our earlier report
On Sunday Turning Point USA Founder and President Charlie Kirk was in St. Louis and joined Joe Hoft from The Gateway Pundit and Real Talk 93.3 to discuss the 2020 election and related topics.

During the interview, Charlie Kirk says he spent time with Dinesh D’Souza the producer of “2000 Mules.” Charlie then dropped this bomb.

Charlie Kirk: You have the surveillance video that Dinesh is using in his upcoming movie where people are coming out of the car with piles of ballots. Illegal. You cannot do that in Georgia. Stuffing them into ballot boxes funded by Mark Zuckerberg… Coming night after night after night, the same guys. They’re wearing latex gloves on camera, after they put the ballots in the drop boxes they take off the latex gloves because they don’t want fingerprints on the ballots and they take pictures of every ballot. And you’ll see this video footage. I had a six-hour meeting with Dinesh D’Souza and I saw all the evidence for myself. I was really skeptical at first and we dove into it. And I was blown away at how the sophisticated technology they used to be able to track these people using cellphone technology because your cellphone is letting off a ping every 3 to 5 seconds. You can go buy those pings off of certain geographic areas… They saw that some of these mules would visit these drop boxes every night. And then go to Stacey Abrams’ headquarters and then go back to the drop boxes.

** Joe Hoft’s video interview with Charlie Kirk is here.

This is a huge development that implicates the Democrat Party directly and Stacey Abrams in particular in the ballot trafficking operations in the state of Georgia.

We later confirmed from a second source that a second Democrat office in the state of Georgia was also used as a stop for the dozens of ballot traffickers in the state.

Later this afternoon we reached out to True the Vote founder and president Catherine Engelbrecht who is spearheading this investigation.  Catherine told us,

“We cannot confirm anything about organization names right now by advice of counsel.  But we can confirm that two of the addresses were among a data set of those we reviewed.”

The movie will be out in May.

Democrats must be very worried tonight.

Voting in France is on Sunday: NO Mail-in Ballots, NO Dirty Voting Machines, Only Paper Ballots and EVERYONE Must Show a Voter ID


Democrats could never make it in France.
They can’t cheat.

Voting in the French presidential election is Sunday. There are NO mail-in ballots. There are no dirty voting machines. Only paper ballots are used. And EVERYONE must show a voter ID.

Every democracy has voter ID laws — except the US where Democrats fight these laws. Why is that? Do they really think blacks so beneath them that they can’t get a free ID? Or are they cheating? And why are RINOs afraid to stand up to this simple way to prevent voter fraud.

TRENDING: LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Holds Another MASSIVE Rally in Selma, North Carolina — Estimated Start Time 7 PM ET

The ballots are counted by hand and the winner is announced by the end of the day.

ABC News reported:

French voters in Sunday’s presidential election will use the same system that’s been used for generations: paper ballots that are cast in person and counted by hand. Despite periodic calls for more flexibility or modernization, France doesn’t do mail-in voting, early voting or use voting machines en masse like the United States. President Emmanuel Macron is the clear front-runner, though an unprecedented proportion of people say they are unsure who they will vote for or whether they will vote at all.

Voters must be at least 18 years old. About 48.7 million French are registered on the electoral rolls of the place where they live.

Voters make their choices in a booth, with the curtains closed, then place their ballot in an envelope that is then put into a transparent ballot box. They must show photo identification and sign a document, next to their name, to complete the process.

BIDEN ECONOMY: Now 2nd Major Bank Agrees with TGP Warnings of a Biden Recession


TGP first reported of a pending recession in the works in March.  Now two major banks are warning of a likely recession as well. 

In early March after initial numbers for February’s GDP were released, TGP warned of a pending recession in the works.

BIDEN ECONOMY: Leading Independent Economic Indicators Show GDP Is Contracting – US in Early Stages of Recession

Then in early April, we saw more of the same.  The US GDP was lower in February than it was in October.  A pending recession was increasingly likely.

TRENDING: LIVE-STREAM VIDEO: President Trump Holds Another MASSIVE Rally in Selma, North Carolina — Estimated Start Time 7 PM ET

BIDEN ECONOMY: US GDP is Contracting – Data Continues to Show US Is Heading into a Biden Recession

A day after TGP’s second warning of a recession, Deutsche Bank reported the potential that a recession was in the works.  Now only three days later, an expert from Bank of America is warning of a recession in the US.

A Bank of America analyst warned that the U.S. economy is deteriorating fast and could push the country into a recession just three days after Deutsche Bank predicted the fall to come in 2023 as the Federal Reserve tightens interest rates to tame surging inflation.

BofA chief investment strategist Michael Hartnett wrote in a note to clients: ”Inflation shock’ worsening, ‘rates shock’ just beginning, ‘recession shock’ coming.’

He added that in this context cash, volatility, commodities and cryptocurrencies could outperform bonds and stocks, a typical precursor to an economic recession.

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday signaled it will likely start culling assets from its $9 trillion balance sheet at its meeting in early May and will do so at nearly twice the pace it did in its previous ‘quantitative tightening’ exercise as it confronts inflation rates running at a four-decade high hitting nearly 8 percent.

A large majority of investors also expect the central bank to hike its key interest rate by 50 basis point.

Deutsche, the first major bank to offer the negative forecast on Tuesday, said the recession will be ‘moderate,’ but it would serve as yet another blow to already struggling Americans, CNBC reported.

‘The US economy is expected to take a major hit from the extra Fed tightening by late next year and early 2024,’ the bank’s economists said in a note to clients.

It’s clear that Joe Biden has no idea what is going on.  Whoever is leading him also has no idea what’s going on and the people in his administration have no idea what’s going on.  They destroyed America’s energy independence.  The most logical reason for this is because American politicians are bribed or blackmailed or both.  The three Bs.

Biden’s foreign policy is even worse.  China and the World Economic Forum want a weak and compliant United States and Biden is doing everything he can to give them that.

With high energy costs, supplies not available for almost all products, and inflation at a 40-year high, it’s no wonder the US is facing recession.

POTD: German Bundeswehr On Skis


Bundeswehr On SkisAre you a good skier? Are you a good skier and a good shooter? If not, you will find plenty of inspiration in today’s Photo Of The Day where we have pictures of German Bundeswehr soldiers skiing and shooting. I would advise you to start with a normal rifle or carbine before you start training […]

Read More …

The post POTD: German Bundeswehr On Skis appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

EPIC! Popular MAGA Conservative Madison Cawthorn STANDS UP from Wheelchair at Selma, NC Trump Rally – Finishes His Speech (VIDEO)


Trump-supporting Representative Madison Cawthorn spoke today at the Trump Rally in Selma, North Carolina.

Cawthorn has paralyzed from the waist down in a car accident eight years ago in Florida. Since that time he has been in a wheelchair.

During his speech today Madison Cawthorn stood up from his chair and finished his speech. It was a remarkable moment. Madison then promised to investigate Dr. Tony Fauci for his crimes and impeach Joe Biden for his dereliction of duty. The crowd loved it!

When his speech was over he moved back to his chair and sat down by himself.

TRENDING: LAWRENCE SELLIN: The Second American Civil War is Underway

This was a special moment for a special young man.

Texas Woman Charged With Murder For Self-Induced Abortion


A Texas woman has been arrested and charged with murder for performing a “self-induced abortion.”

Lizelle Herrera, 26, was arrested by the Starr County Sheriff’s Office on Thursday.

The sheriff’s office said that Herrera “intentionally and knowingly cause the death of an individual by self-induced abortion,” but it is not currently clear if she aborted her own baby or assisted someone else.

“Herrera was arrested and served with an indictment on the charge of murder after Herrera did then and there intentionally and knowingly cause the death of an individual by self-induced abortion,” sheriff’s major Carlos Delgado told the Guardian.

TRENDING: LAWRENCE SELLIN: The Second American Civil War is Underway

Delgado said that he will not be releasing any more information until Monday as the case is still under investigation.

Abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected, usually around six weeks, are banned in Texas. It is also illegal to order abortion pills by mail in the state.

“A study released in March showed that from September to December, nearly 1,400 Texans a month were going to neighboring states for abortions. The study from the University of Texas at Austin’s Texas Policy Evaluation Project collected data from 34 of 44 open clinics in Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico and Oklahoma,” Fox 8 reports.

The report added that “another study led by a University of Texas researcher found an increase in the number of Texans requesting abortion pills from the overseas nonprofit Aid Access. The study, published in the medical journal JAMA Network Open, found that during the first week of September, requests per day jumped to about 138 compared to a previous average of 11. Over the subsequent weeks in September, requests averaged 37 a day. Then, through December, the average was 30 per day. Researchers noted they didn’t know if all requests resulted in abortions.”

Herrera was released on Saturday after posting a $500 thousand bond.