FOIA Request Unearths that Pfizer Planned to Hire 1,800 Employees to Deal with Reporting on Adverse Effects from COVID Vaccine


Pfizer hired 600 employees with a plan to hire a total of 1,800 employees when side effects from its COVID vaccine started showing up.  The employees were hired to address the flood in adverse effects reporting. 

Zerohedge shared a report Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times

Pfizer hired 600 employees in the months after its COVID-19 vaccine was authorized in the United States due to the “large increase” of reports of side effects linked to the vaccine, according to a document prepared by the company.

Pfizer has “taken a multiple actions to help alleviate the large increase of adverse event reports,” according to the document. “This includes significant technology enhancements, and process and workflow solutions, as well as increasing the number of data entry and case processing colleagues.”

TRENDING: “I Went There for You My Son” – J6 Political Prisoner Chris Quaglin Was Brutally Beaten in Jail and Denied Celiac-Safe Food – Here Is His Heartfelt Letter to His Son on His First Birthday — Please Donate

At the time when the document—from the first quarter of 2021—was sent to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Pfizer had onboarded about 600 extra full-time workers to deal with the jump.

“More are joining each month with an expected total of more than 1,800 additional resources by the end of June 2021,” Pfizer said.

In addition, Zerohedge reported:

The analysis of adverse event reports was previously disclosed to the health transparency group, but certain portions were redacted (pdf), including the number of workers Pfizer onboarded to deal with the jump in adverse event reports.

“We asked that the redactions on page 6 of this report be lifted and the FDA agreed without providing an explanation,” Aaron Siri, a lawyer representing the plaintiffs, told The Epoch Times in an email.

After the document was produced, the FDA determined that the three redactions on that page “could be lifted,” an FDA spokesperson told The Epoch Times via email.

The redactions had been made under (b) (4) of the Freedom of Information Act, which lets agencies “withhold trade secrets and commercial or financial information obtained from a person which is privileged or confidential.”

The unredacted version of the document also now shows that approximately 126 million doses of Pfizer were shipped around the world since the company received the first clearance, from U.S. regulators, on Dec. 1, 2020. The shipments took place through Feb. 28, 2021.

It was unclear how many of those doses had been administered as of that date.

As TGP reported previously, after the courts ordered Pfizer to release data on its COVID vaccine, documents showed over 1,200 vaccine deaths in the first 90 days after taking the vaccine.

Court Orders FDA To Comply With FOIA and Release Information On Pfizer Vaccine – First Batch of Documents Shows Over 1,200 Vaccine Deaths WITHIN FIRST 90 DAYS

TGP has reported many additional reports of deaths or injuries caused by the Pfizer vaccine.  The information to date does not look good for the Pfizer vaccine.

Surprise! Soros Is Reportedly Bankrolling Defund the Police Candidates for 2022 Election


As in years past, George Soros is funding candidates that American conservatives who love God and country would consider are for the destruction of America. 

Defunding the police is a political calling from the communist and fascist- left in their attempt to destroy this country.  They know America can more easily be taken over if crime is rampant.

Candidates that are for defunding the police are not the norm.  Even some Democrats want to hide away from Democrat candidates who want to defund the police.

But it comes as no surprise that George Soros and his family are backing ‘defund the police’ candidates.  FOX News reports:

TRENDING: “I Went There for You My Son” – J6 Political Prisoner Chris Quaglin Was Brutally Beaten in Jail and Denied Celiac-Safe Food – Here Is His Heartfelt Letter to His Son on His First Birthday — Please Donate

Liberal billionaire George Soros and his daughter, Andrea Soros Colombel, are bankrolling two entities that are supporting far-left politicians who back defunding the police, a Fox News Digital review of campaign finance records found.

The Soros money has flowed to a joint fundraising committee and a PAC attached to the efforts. The joint fundraising venture, called Lead the Way 2022, includes the Way to Lead PAC, Missouri Rep. Cori Bush’s campaign committee, and the campaigns of the 12 other progressive politicians attempting to enter Congress.

George Soros has long supported overhauling the criminal justice system. The financier has poured tens of millions into district attorney races and has dished out large sums to groups focused on police reform efforts, including financing a hub used by progressive activists pushing to dismantle the police.

Numerous defund the police candidates are being funded by Soros connected entities.  If someone hated America, they would do all they could to destroy it.  One way of destroying this country is to replace law and order with crime.  This can be done by getting rid of good American policemen and women.

We reported in January how Soros was funding millions in the midterms.   Now we know where it’s going.

Democrats’ Most Notable Donor – George Soros – Pours Another $125 Million Into Midterms

French Elections: Nationalist Candidate Marine Le Pen and Emanuel Macron will Move on to Second Round


French nationalist candidate Marine Le Pen and incumbent Emanuel Macron will face off in the second round of elections in the French presidential election.

Le Pen ran on immigration, borders, and lifting the burden on the working class. Macron spent the last month consumed by the Russian War on Ukraine.

Turnout was high in the rural areas.

TRENDING: “I Went There for You My Son” – J6 Political Prisoner Chris Quaglin Was Brutally Beaten in Jail and Denied Celiac-Safe Food – Here Is His Heartfelt Letter to His Son on His First Birthday — Please Donate

Macron was leading with 28.1 percent to Le Pen’s 23.3 percent.

As The Gateway Pundit reported earlier — Le Pen is surging on economic relief for the working class and common-sense immigration policies.

European Rennaissance reported:

Opinion polls point to the far-right’s Marine Le Pen as the main challenger to President Emmanuel Macron’s re-election, in a repeat of the 2017 match. Le Pen has shifted her campaign focus to purchasing power, the number one priority for French voters, without shedding far-right policies from her election programme. read more. Here are her main policy proposals:


* No income tax for those aged under 30

* VAT on energy at 5.5% from the current 20%. VAT at 0% for essential products such as pasta and diapers as long as inflation is one point higher than growth.

* No employer contributions on pay rises of up to 10%

* Early retirement at 60 for those who have worked 40 years. Increase low pensions

* Scrap inheritance tax for middle- and low-income families. No tax on donations of up to 100,000 euros per child or grandchild every ten years


* Only French citizens will have access to welfare benefits

* French nationals will be given preference in access to social housing and to jobs

* Stop family reunification

* Systematically deport undocumented migrants, foreigners convicted of crimes

* Withdraw residency for migrants that are out of work for more than a year

* Remove birthright citizenship

* Asylum requests to be processed outside of France

It’s just common sense. Hopefully, the far-left media will not be able to ruin this woman before the second round.

The Biggest Winner in Biden’s Iranian Nuclear Deal Besides Iran May Be Russia


The biggest winner in Biden’s Iran deal may end up being Russia.  

In mid-March TGP reported on the insanity of Biden using Russia and China to handle the Biden gang’s discussions with Iran.  This insanity was hard to swallow.

“It’s Jawdropping” Senator Johnson on China and Russia Negotiating for Biden Administration in a Deal with Iran

It looks like Biden did use Russia to negotiate with Iran because Russia appears to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of Biden’s Iran deal.  Not American companies, but Russian companies may make billions thanks to Biden’s insane work with Iran.

TRENDING: “I Went There for You My Son” – J6 Political Prisoner Chris Quaglin Was Brutally Beaten in Jail and Denied Celiac-Safe Food – Here Is His Heartfelt Letter to His Son on His First Birthday — Please Donate

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air reported:

Who benefits most from Joe Biden’s obsessive pursuit of a renewed JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran? Tehran’s mullahs, obviously, as well as the IRGC when Biden orders them removed from the State Department’s list of terrorist organizations. But coming in a close second will be Vladimir Putin and the Russian oligarchs that support him, as Adam Kredo outlines at the Washington Free Beacon this morning:

Several of Russia’s top state-controlled nuclear companies stand to gain billions of dollars in revenue as part of a new nuclear accord with Iran that will waive sanctions on these firms so that they can build up Tehran’s nuclear infrastructure, according to a U.S. government-authored document reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

Russia’s state-controlled Rosatom energy firm and at least four of its major subsidiaries will receive sanctions waivers under a new accord so that they can complete nuclear projects in Iran worth more than $10 billion, according to the 2019 document, which details all the Russian entities involved in these projects. …

With a new nuclear accord being finalized, the Biden administration has repeatedly guaranteed Russia that it will not face sanctions for its work on Iranian nuclear sites, even as Moscow faces a barrage of international penalties for its unprovoked war in Ukraine. Already, the Biden administration renewed a series of sanctions waivers to permit Russia’s nuclear work in Iran as part of a package of concessions meant to entice both countries into signing a new accord. These waivers were rescinded by the Trump administration in 2020 as part of its “maximum pressure” campaign on Iran.

The removal of nuclear sanctions on Iran will hand Russia’s Rosatom a financial lifeline, even as the United States and European nations seek to isolate Moscow for its ongoing assault in Ukraine. Republicans and Democrats are sounding the alarm on these concessions, criticizing the Biden administration for undermining its own pressure campaign on Moscow to ensure that a nuclear deal is inked. Critics of the deal have in recent days seized on the carveouts for Russia following a series of Free Beacon reports outlining how sanctions relief would turn Iran into a “sanctions evasion hub” for Russian president Vladimir Putin.

“Russian state-owned firms stand to gain billions of dollars under a revived Iran nuclear deal and would be exempted from U.S. sanctions,” said Andrea Stricker, a veteran nuclear proliferation expert who has closely tracked Iran’s program as a research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies think tank. “Washington should be working to close every one of the Kremlin’s revenue streams, not letting Moscow enrich itself while it is committing mass atrocities.”

You can’t make this stuff up.  In the past, you didn’t see Democrats and RINOs in America giving the family farm to America’s enemies.  Under Biden, now we do.

Common Injuries During Natural Disasters

Natural disasters can strike at any time and while you may have enough time to escape being directly in a natural disaster this is not always the case. If you find yourself having survived a natural disaster you or your loved ones may have sustained injuries and you may need some help in treating them until help arrives. Different natural disasters can result in different injuries. The most important thing to remember in these emergency circumstances is that you should do your best to do basic first aid until professional help arrives. Trying to perform difficult professional treatments that you have only seen online can do more harm than good. We cover the most common natural disasters and the common injuries that can occur during these natural disasters and best to handle them.+


hurricane A hurricane is a severe storm with extreme winds over tropical or subtropical waters. They are usually classified as in categories from 1-5 depending on the storm’s severity. The higher the rating the more likely the hurricane will cause increased damage. Some common injuries or infections from hurricanes include: Injuries to limbs as well as cuts and wounds due to debris and falling items. Car accidents are also more likely due to high wind speeds. Treatment for these types of injuries include keeping wound area clean and out of any water where further infections can occur. Any suspected broken bones or fractures should be supported as best as possible. Other risks include: Water borne and mosquito borne infections are more likely after a hurricane. It is important to take measures to try and steer clear of these high risk areas as much as possible as this can worsen injuries especially if wounds get infected as a result.


Tornadoes Tornadoes are funnel shaped clouds that contain a vortex of high speed winds that extend from the sky all the way to the ground. Common in the Midwest, tornadoes are notorious for creating carnage by lifting up whole buildings and cars with the high speed winds and flinging the debris across a great area. Tornadoes are measured by the Enhanced Fujita Scale and the higher up the scale the more devastating damage the tornado will create. Some common injuries or infections from tornadoes include: Cuts, bruises, broken and fractured bones as well as open wounds all caused by debris being flung around and hitting into a person. With all of these injuries it is important to treat the injury with care and as hygienically as possible as many post – traumatic infections can occur due to incorrect first aid being administered. When it comes to cuts and bruises try to clean them and dress them as best as possible. Broken bones or fractures should be supported as best as possible with as little movement of the injured person as possible so as to not cause further injury. It is important to just do the basics until professional help arrives.


earthquakes An earthquake is a result of a release of energy within the earth’s crust which is caused by movement along a fault line which results in seismic waves which can cause devastation. The higher the magnitude of an earthquake the more destruction it will cause. This can cause falling objects within a household and even whole buildings to collapse in severe earthquakes. Some common injuries or infections from earthquakes include: Injuries due to heavy falling objects like cabinets or appliances. Injuries due to the collapse or partial collapse of buildings. Some of these types of injuries can include cuts, bruises, lacerations, broken or fractured bones and head injuries. When treating injuries due to earthquakes it is important to consider aftershocks which can occur after the main quake but can cause additional damage. When treating someone try to do so in an area that is as safe as possible to avoid further injury from the effects of aftershocks. As with treating cuts, bruises and lacerations in tornadoes or hurricanes it is important to keep the area clean and secure until help arrives. With a head injury, these can be complex. Try your best to keep the injured person awake and alert as best as possible until you can get them medical assistance.


blizzard Blizzards are extreme snow storms with very strong winds and limited visibility. Temperatures drop significantly and a large amount of snow falls very quickly over a period of at least 3 hours. The after effects of blizzards are often where injuries can come in as some people can get trapped in freezing circumstances for extended periods. Some common injuries or infections from blizzards include: Two common injuries related to the cold are frostbite and hypothermia. These are dangerous results of blizzards and it is important to treat these injuries correctly to ensure survival. With frostbite trying to rub the affected area to warm it will often cause more harm to the area resulting in a more severe injury. It is important to keep the injured person warm but not with added pressure on the area. For hypothermia if you attempt to warm an injured person too quickly you can actually cause more harm than good. Try to keep the person as stable as possible until help arrives. Other injuries are often related to car accidents from people that have tried to drive in the blizzard. Treat these injuries the same as with others where you do basic first aid until first responders arrive to treat the person properly.

Final Thoughts

While injuries can result from any type of natural disaster we have only covered a few here. Other natural disasters can include floods, heatwaves and wildfires. The most important thing to remember when treating an injury after a natural disaster is that you are not a professional and the main goal is to keep the injured person comfortable and their injury as contained and stable as possible until help arrives. Trying to do more than you are capable of will often result in a more severe injury or in extreme cases even death. Natural disasters can strike at any time and now you have some basic knowledge on how to manage the resulting injuries to give you peace of mind. Read Other Related Articles:
via SHTFPreparedness

Fauci Says “We May Need” to Start Wearing Masks Indoors Again (VIDEO)


Dr. Fauci on Sunday said we may need to start wearing masks indoors again if Covid cases continue to rise.

Fauci, AKA, Dr. Death, warned the US is likely to see a fall COVID-19 surge.

Just in time for the midterms.

Fauci also said we may need to start wearing masks indoors again.

TRENDING: “I Went There for You My Son” – J6 Political Prisoner Chris Quaglin Was Brutally Beaten in Jail and Denied Celiac-Safe Food – Here Is His Heartfelt Letter to His Son on His First Birthday — Please Donate

Interestingly, Dr. Fauci said it’s up to the individual to determine what they’re level of risk is before saying we may need to revert to ‘being more careful.’

“We may need to revert to being more careful and having more utilizations of masks indoors,” Fauci told ABC’s Jon Karl when asked about a potential uptick in Covid cases.


Exclusive: Jack Posobiec Says Current Suspension From Twitter is Retaliation for Exposing Disney Employee Group


Conservative Jack Posobiec was temporarily suspended from Twitter today after he shared links to buy T-shirts and stickers emblazoned with a Disney logo reading “Boycott Groomers.”

This was too much for Twitter leftists. Evidently the slogan “boycott groomers” is against company policy or something?

Jack is one of the remaining Twitter users who continues to make a difference in the political landscape and drive narrative. Jack Posobiec has over one million followers.

We reached out to Jack and he provided the following comment calling the suspension retaliation for his reporting:

TRENDING: “I Went There for You My Son” – J6 Political Prisoner Chris Quaglin Was Brutally Beaten in Jail and Denied Celiac-Safe Food – Here Is His Heartfelt Letter to His Son on His First Birthday — Please Donate

“Elon Musk recently commented that corporations dictate policy on Twitter through ad dollars, so it comes as no surprise Twitter will censor you for criticizing one of the largest media companies in the world. This is clear retaliation for me leaking the internal employee forums at Disney showing many of their workers support the Florida anti-grooming bill.”

Jack Posobiec is the latest in a long list of conservatives who have been censored, blacklisted, shadow-banned and banned by Twitter.

Twitter will eventually ban his account if he does not conform.

President Trump, The Gateway Pundit, James O’Keefe, Alex Jones, ALX, Carpe Donktum, Laura Loomer, Owen Shroyer, Joe Hoft, and thousands of other conservatives have already been banned or silenced on the platform.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams Tests Positive For Covid-19 After Attending Super Spreader Event in DC


New York City Mayor Eric Adams, the vegan psychopath who fought to keep only toddlers masked, and exempted only athletes from his vaccine mandate, tested positive for Covid-19.

A maskless Mayor Adams attended the Gridiron Club dinner in DC last Saturday which turned into a super-spreader event – more than 65 attendees have tested positive for Covid.

ABC News reported:

New York City Mayor Eric Adams tested positive for COVID-19 on Sunday, his 100th day in office, according to a spokesperson.

TRENDING: “I Went There for You My Son” – J6 Political Prisoner Chris Quaglin Was Brutally Beaten in Jail and Denied Celiac-Safe Food – Here Is His Heartfelt Letter to His Son on His First Birthday — Please Donate

The first-term Democrat woke up with a raspy voice Sunday and took a PCR test that came back positive, spokesperson Fabien Levy said in a statement. Earlier Sunday, Levy had tweeted that Adams had taken a rapid test that came back negative but took the additional test out of an abundance of caution.

Adams has no other symptoms but has canceled all public events for the week and will be taking antiviral medications and working remotely, Levy said.

According to Adams’ spox, the Mayor cancelled all public events for the week.

Adams will be taking “anti-viral meds” according his spox.

Strategic Relocation: Move to the Freedom of Idaho and Montana!


(Note: This is a sponsored post from Thank you for your support!)

Rampant crime, moral decay, defunded police, 1st and 2nd amendment attacks, over taxation, hyperinflation, stock market and currency collapse, medical tyranny, engineered wars and the totality of the coming ‘Great Reset’ are just a few of the reasons to flee the sanctuary cities and blue states. Is it time to seek a place to raise your family in the freedom of Idaho or Montana or own a bug-out property for the coming hard times? We think so!

As fathers, husbands, mothers and wives we all have a moral responsibility to our loved ones to protect them.

The only way to remove yourself from the control of the elite is to own a rural property where you have your own source of water (private well), sustainable back-up power, the ability to grow food, raise a few animals and barter. A true ‘safe space’ to teach your children about the ways of our forefathers and their moral truths about the dangers of government.

TRENDING: “I Went There for You My Son” – J6 Political Prisoner Chris Quaglin Was Brutally Beaten in Jail and Denied Celiac-Safe Food – Here Is His Heartfelt Letter to His Son on His First Birthday — Please Donate

Looking for a large private tract of land in Montana to build your dream home and bunker complex? Our affiliate Flee the City Real Estate has just the property! Majestic Meadows consists of over 180 acres of virgin forest, grassy meadows, multiple springs, rocky bluffs and a fresh year-round stream and the property is surrounded on all sides by National Forest for ultimate privacy. This majestic land is located far from major cities in Northwest Montana off a paved county road and school bus route for easy access but behind a bridge spanning a 460-foot gorge to provide the ultimate in grid-down defensibility. Yes, there is high speed Starlink internet so you can run your business and home school the children all from the safety of your new family homestead.  The Majestic Meadows property is for sale only to those clients that have a deep respect and reverence for the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Inquire for more information and pricing at

Flee the City is a firm dedicated to helping clients acquire and develop rural property into sustainable homesteads in Idaho and Montana through consulting, real estate and advanced architectural design services. Properties are normally located well away from major population centers based on core client criteria and feature year-round abundant water sources, on and off grid with alternative backup power, sustainable food production assets, high-speed communications and of course, confidential defensive infrastructure.

Client homesteads range from 5 acres to hundreds (and even thousands) of acres depending upon budget and specific requirements. Existing homes can be retrofitted with sustainable equipment upon request and new construction homes are designed by our Secure Life Homes staff to meet a client’s threat mitigation parameters set forth after consulting with our team of special operations personnel.

What does it cost to Flee the City to Idaho or Montana? Minimum budgets for clients start at $300,000 and go into the millions, of course. For us we believe there is no better asset to put your money into to protect from hyperinflation than property in a free state. Build a legacy for your children before it’s too late!

Flee the City is a multi-faceted firm for those that understand that history favors the prepared. Hope is not a plan, ever. Lead your family to safety, they are counting on you.

Please visit for more information and to book a free consulting appointment!

Flee the City Real Estate is licensed in Idaho and Montana and is a fair housing firm.

President Trump Endorses Dr. Oz in Pennsylvania Senate Race


President Donald Trump endorsed Dr. Mehmet Oz on Saturday night in the Pennsylvania Senate race.

President Trump: “The Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has a tremendous opportunity to Save America by electing the brilliant and well-known Dr. Mehmet Oz for the United States Senate… I believe that Mehmet Oz will be the one most able to win the General Election against a Radical Left Democrat looking to do unthinkable harm to our Country,”

Liz Harrington posted the endorsement on Telegram.

TRENDING: “I Went There for You My Son” – J6 Political Prisoner Chris Quaglin Was Brutally Beaten in Jail and Denied Celiac-Safe Food – Here Is His Heartfelt Letter to His Son on His First Birthday — Please Donate

Dr. Oz was a staunch critic of Dr. Tony Fauci during the pandemic and early on promoted hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for the virus. New York Governor Cuomo later shut down his study on the drug before they were completed.

Dr. Oz challenged Fauci to a debate in February.

President Trump had earlier endorsed Sean Parnell who later dropped from the race.

Dr. Oz is currently in a tight primary race with Dave McCormick a former hedge fund manager.