Biden’s Covid Czar Says Extension of the Federal Mask Mandate on Airplanes is “Absolutely On the Table” (VIDEO)


The Biden Regime will likely extend the federal mask mandate for air travel in an effort to keep Covid fear going until the midterms.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Sunday was asked about Biden’s federal travel mask mandate that expires on April 18.

Psaki said Joe Biden is going to “wait and see” what the CDC recommends.

On Monday, Biden’s Covid Coordinator Dr. Ashish Jha said an extension of the federal mask mandate on airplanes is “absolutely on the table.”

TRENDING: MUST SEE: Engelbrecht and Phillips on the Charlie Kirk Show on 2020 Fraud and “2000 Mules” – Cross-State Ballot Traffickers ID’ed – Brian Kemp Implicated – 1155 Ballot Traffickers in PA (VIDEO)

Dr. Jha also pushed Congress to pass billions more in Covid funding because $6 trillion wasn’t enough.


Shanghai Locks Down Further As COVID Cases Surge


Mac Slavo
April 11th, 2022

Cases of COVID-19 are surging in fully locked down Shanghai. So far, this lockdown has done nothing to slow the spread of the virus, so the ruling class insists on locking down harder.

The major Chinese financial center of Shanghai extended restrictions on transportation on Tuesday after a day of intensive city-wide testing. The city had new Covid-19 cases surge to more than 13,000, with no end to the lockdown in sight anymore. Out of 26 million, 13,000 people “tested positive”.

According to a report by CNBC, the lockdown now covers more than 25 million people after restrictions in the city’s western districts were extended until further notice in what has become a testing ground for the government’s zero-tolerance “dynamic clearance” approach and its ability to contain the highly infectious Omicron variant.

“Currently, Shanghai’s epidemic prevention and control is at the most difficult and most critical stage,” said Wu Qianyu, an official with the municipal health commission, at a Tuesday briefing. “We must adhere to the general policy of dynamic clearance without hesitation, without wavering.”

Thousands of Shanghai residents have been locked up in rudimentary “central quarantine” facilities after testing positive, whether they are symptomatic or not. This Chinese model of lockdowns, forcing people into camps, and “quarantining” seems to be popular in places outside of China.

Although, Dr. Anthony Facui actually said he thinks Americans should “assess” their own COVID risk and live with the virus. “This is not going to be eradicated, and it’s not going to be eliminated,” Fauci told ABC’s “This Week.” “And what’s going to happen is that we’re going to see that each individual is going to have to make their calculation of the amount of risk that they want to take.”

This comes not long after he warned that Americans should expect more restrictions to stop the spread of COVID:

Fauci Warns Americans: Be Prepared For More COVID Restrictions

Did they finally get enough people to take the shots so they can release something else? Be ready for anything. They will not stop this charade until we start disobeying them out of power.



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“ARREST BILL GATES!” – Roaring Massive ‘Super Protest’ Ascends Outside of TED Talk Ahead Of Gates’ Keynote Speech – Media Silent


Thousands of outraged freedom activists surrounded the Vancouver Trade & Convention Center in Canada on Sunday demanding the arrest of Bill Gates ahead of the globalist billionaire’s keynote appearance at TED Talk where he has previously outlined plans for depopulation through the vaccines.

Opponents of COVID-19 mandates have been mobilizing for weeks to publicly shame the billionaire magnate who has religiously promoted experimental gene modification injections that have taken millions of lives around the globe and left others critically injured.


TRENDING: MUST SEE: Engelbrecht and Phillips on the Charlie Kirk Show on 2020 Fraud and “2000 Mules” – Cross-State Ballot Traffickers ID’ed – Brian Kemp Implicated – 1155 Ballot Traffickers in PA (VIDEO)

“According to various Facebook posts, convoys have been organized from Vancouver Island, the Okanagan, and possibly even Alberta,” reports.

Gates is hellbent on “modifying our DNA,” a demonstrator cautioned during a speech at the “Super Protest,” but, “He is not our God. He is not a doctor. It’s not a pandemic, it’s a pandemic. He’s not elected but he thinks he is more important than the government itself.”

Physicians also took the state at the demonstration against Gates.

“Any doctors who start to speak up against the mandates, who start to speak up about the media narrative, are paying a price,” Dr. Sofia Bayfield declared. “We are paying a price professionally. Psychologists are going after us. We are losing our hospital privileges.

“Many of our colleagues who are surgeons and radiologists — who work in hospitals have not worked since October. Shame. As we know, science is never settled. Even Albert Einstein said we have to debate. Science is always an ongoing debate. This is very important. The risk that we are taking in standing up is worth it. It is our moral obligation.”

According to the TED Talk 2022 website, Gates will give a presentation outlining his book “How to Prevent the Next Pandemic” during his appearance at the high-powered four-day conference which concludes on April 14.

The Microsoft co-founder and depopulation globalist will also discuss “what it’s been like to become the subject of conspiracy theories.”

Mainstream media and fact-checkers insist claims that Gates is a eugenicist are premised on conspiracy theories, the 66-year-old business magnate has openly advocated for reducing population growth.

In a 2010 TED Talk presentation that has been widely circulated during the manufactured COVID-19 pandemic, Gates outlined plans to use vaccines to reduce the rate of global population growth and lower carbon emissions.

“The world today has 6.8 billion people,” Gates said during the talk. “That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15%.”

During a 2009 TED Talk, the Microsoft co-founder released a swarm of mosquitoes on an unsuspecting audience.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded grants to biotech company Oxitec to develop genetically modified mosquitoes. Gates claims the mutated mosquitos reduce the spread of malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases and heralded bioengineering of the insects as, “The Best Investment I’ve Ever Made.”

In April 2021, the Gates-Funded firm released approximately 150,000 of genetically modified mosquitoes across Florida.

As the Gateway Pundit has reported, freedom activists are also directing their ire against Elon Musk and climate change fraudster Al Gore who are slated to speak at TED Talk.


Musk, a new majority Twitter shareholder who has emerged as the richest person in the history of the world with an estimated $256bn fortune, is glorified by the mainstream as “The Most Badass CEO In America” and a pop-cultural icon.

But like Gates, the SpaceX CEO is endeavoring to spearhead a transhumanism evolution.

Musk’s brain chip firm, Neuralink, is currently recruiting for a “clinical trial director” to run tests on humans with brain chips or “brain hacking” technology. The brain chips would be “implanted flush with skull & charges wirelessly, so you look and feel totally normal,” Musk has disclosed.

Neurolink has already implanted artificial intelligence microchips in the brains of monkeys and pigs.

“Musk has previously claimed that Neuralink’s technology could eventually be used to augment humans, potentially enabling people to store and replay their memories like watching videos on computers,” Fortune reports.

Despite the massive turnout calling for the murderous gene modification peddler to be brought to justice, not a single mainstream media outlet covered the protest.

The Daily Beast, however, called attention to the peculiar number of speakers slated to speak at the conference with longstanding ties to Jeffery Epstein.

In an article published on Friday titled,This Year’s TED Conference Will Be a Mini Epstein Reunion ” the publication warns, “the sold-out event will also function as a reunion of sorts for the late sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s web of connections.”


The conference’s attendees and speakers include those “with alleged ties to Epstein including Bill Gates, former MIT Media Lab director Joi Ito (listed as a remote attendee), Elon Musk, Google founder Sergey Brin, computer scientist Danny Hillis, and former Gates adviser Boris Nikolic, who was named as a backup executor in Epstein’s last will and testament,” Daily Beast reports, highlighting the numerous meetings each speaker had with the slain child rapist.

BREAKING REPORT…True The Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips: US Intelligence Started Tracking Americans After 2020 Election…Geo Tracking Fence Was Set Up Around Capitol Before Jan 6 To Catch People Likely To Attend Trump Rally [VIDEO]


Yesterday, True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips spoke with Charlie Kirk on the Charlie Kirk Show to discuss the upcoming Dinesh D’Souza movie “2000 Mules,” which is based on the incredible work they did to find evidence of massive, widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election.

Gregg Phillips and True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht

100 Percent Fed Up reports – Engelbrecht explained how the dirty voter rolls, the mass-mail-in-voting campaign, and the outside influence of Mark Zuckerberg’s $400 + million that was used to fund the drop boxes used in primarily Democrat stronghold districts in the 2020 election. Phillips, who has been working with Englebrecht for years, told Kirk about how tips they received led them to look deeper into cities like Philadelphia, Atlanta, Detroit, Wisconsin, and Arizona.  “We started to put together this sort of pattern that each of the challenges that everybody seemed to be most up in arms about had some basic pieces that seemed to be the same,” Phillips said. He explained, “You had ballot collectors, people out knocking on doors to collect ballots. A set of collectors,  a collection point or a stash house for all the ballots, the bundling of the ballots and then the casting of those ballots by what we were calling mules in the drop boxes.” Phillips told Kirk, “This is a conspiracy. This is organized crime.”

Engelbrecht and Phillips explained how easy it is for third parties to track individuals by using their unique device ID to track them. “To get your devices’ unique device ID, pretend you’re making a phone call and type in *#06#” Englebrecht explained. Phillips explained that 300,000+ apps and 27,000 apps collect your location based on a signal your cell phone emits. The location data is so accurate that the cell phone user can be found within an 18-inch radius of their phone, including the elevation of the user, “so are we on the first floor? Are we on the second floor? Where are we?’ Phillips asked as an example of how precisely a user can be tracked. “We all give permission to these apps to collect these signals,” Phillips explained. “When you sign into the app, and you say, ‘Yeah, I agree,’ you give those signals to everyone.  Data brokers will sell signals for cell phones to individuals or groups who pay them for the data.

Once True the Vote paid a whopping $2 million of privately raised funds for the data, they took it to highly sophisticated data centers across America to discover what happened in the 2020 election. It has taken “12 people, 16 hours a day for 15 months to process the data,” Phillips explained. True the Vote has access to several very high-powered computers. “Most of the work is done in Plano, TX, and the rest is done in the high-performance computing center on the campus of Starkville, Tennessee,” Phillips told Charlie Kirk.

TRENDING: MUST SEE: Engelbrecht and Phillips on the Charlie Kirk Show on 2020 Fraud and “2000 Mules” – Cross-State Ballot Traffickers ID’ed – Brian Kemp Implicated – 1155 Ballot Traffickers in PA (VIDEO)

The discussion took a chilling turn when the trio began to discuss January 6th and how the intelligence community used the same geo-fencing technology to find and arrest January 6 protesters inside and outside the Capitol building.

“The January 6th event was on a Tuesday. The next day, they had allegedly already identified some of the people, convened a grand jury, and then issued arrest warrants in a matter of 72 hours,” Phillips said. Engelbrecht interrupted, “It’s not possible.”

“So, did they have the fence of the pings ready to go? Is that what you’re saying?” Kirk asked.

“They had the actual devices ready to go,” Phillips said. “That’s our supposition. There’s no other way to have done it,” Englelbrecht added.

Phillips then dropped a bombshell, “We believe they were tracking people all the way back into the latter part of the election, certainly into November and early December.” Kirk asked, “So, people who would be likely to go to that event? Is that correct?” Phillips responded, “Yes.” Engelbrecht elaborated, “And people meeting that profile. And they [US intelligence] were tuned up and ready.”

But then, probably the night before, they’d be able to say, ‘Hey, 200,000 of our profiles are in town.’ Right? So they’d be like, ‘They’re around. We weren’t wrong.’”

Watch the incredible video here:

The Gateway Pundit and 100 Percent Fed Up will be reporting in more detail on the theft of the 2020 election using mail-in-voting, drop boxes, and other shocking ways in the coming weeks and months.

Here’s the trailer of the movie that will be released in the first week of May:

Early this morning, Dinesh D’Souza clarified that the title of his movie underestimates the number of mules whom they have identified that were part of the crime syndicate…Buckle up America…the road is about to get very bumpy.

2000 Mules movie release information:

THEATER SPECIAL EVENTS: On two days, Monday, May 2 and Wednesday, May 4, we are renting 250 theaters around the country which will show the movie at the 7 pm showing. You will be able to purchase tickets for these showings from a link that will be posted on the 2000Mules website. This is a LIMITED theatrical release so there will be certain places that aren’t showing the movie in theaters.

VIRTUAL PREMIERE: On Friday, May 6 we are having a virtual premiere. This is a very exciting way for you to buy tickets and log into a live event out of a studio in Las Vegas. This virtual premiere will include exclusive content with President Trump, the screening of the movie, and a live Q & A with me and leading figures in the movie. Additionally, for a higher price, around 300 VIPs will be able to attend this event in person. (Your weekend in Vegas including the live premiere—it might be time to make some plans!)

DIGITAL DOWNLOADS: On Saturday, May 7 you will be able to stream the film from two platforms, and Rumble/Locals.

Details for all of this will be on the website which launches soon.

We’re very excited about this movie. 2000Mules exposes the widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome.

So get ready!

Dinesh D’Souza Director and Producer 2000 Mules

The Tide Is Turning – Like Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Real – Americans Know the 2020 Election Was Stolen from President Trump


The 2020 Election was stolen.  Big Media, Big Tech, the corrupt Democrat Party, and corrupt RINOs in the Republican Party can no longer hide it.  Americans know the 2020 Election was stolen.

We’ve been writing about this crime since the morning of November 4th – the day after the stolen election.  Overnight multiple states changed hands after President Trump was winning them all.  In multiple states, we saw hundreds of thousands of Biden-only ballots get counted and the leads change from that point forward.  We labeled this the Drop and Roll.

These shocking results were never explained.

TRENDING: MUST SEE: Engelbrecht and Phillips on the Charlie Kirk Show on 2020 Fraud and “2000 Mules” – Cross-State Ballot Traffickers ID’ed – Brian Kemp Implicated – 1155 Ballot Traffickers in PA (VIDEO)

We saw ballots pulled out from under tables election night after poll watchers were sent home in Georgia.  We found vans dropping off ballots at 4 am in Michigan under the building where counting was taking place.  TGP requested this video which wasn’t provided until after Biden’s inauguration.

EXCLUSIVE: Suspicious Vehicle Seen Escorting Late Night Biden Ballot Van at TCF Center on Election Night (VIDEO)

Now we see evidence of 2000 mules dropping off multiple ballots at drop boxes in swing states.  This is part of the upcoming production by Dinesh D’Souza.

However, every article and every mention of the 2020 Election Steal in the legacy media and even in conservative media since November 4, 2020, has been edited with wording suggesting the stolen election was a lie.

Today’s example was in Mediaite when reporting on the campaign video of Alabama Governor Ivey, Mediaite responded by sharing this:

Ivey’s ad produced no evidence to back up her assertions, though they echo Trump’s countless claims the election was corrupted by mass fraud and rigged against him. Those claims have been repeatedly rejected by the courts and by Trump’s former attorney general, Bill Barr.

We’ve heard this since November 4th.  This is a lie.  There’s ample evidence that the 2020 Election was stolen from President Trump.  Just like Hunter Biden’s laptop was not a lie.  The election steal is not a lie as well.

No matter how hard the corrupt Big Media, Big Tech, Democrat Party, RINOs and others try to cover it up, the truth is now in the open.

America now knows without a doubt that the 2020 Election was stolen.

WDS 2022: The Small Arms of South Korea


WDS 2022: The Small Arms of South KoreaAt the World Defense Show exhibition that was held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in March of this year, there were a lot of companies that you would expect to see in the Middle Eastern defense expo. Usually, it is companies from Eastern Europe, UAE, USA, Africa, but in this case, one of the best small […]

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The post WDS 2022: The Small Arms of South Korea appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

StL Circuit Attorney Kim Gardener Faces Disciplinary Hearing Monday Morning – Crooked Soros-Funded Attorney May Lose Law License


It’s going to be another rough day for crooked Soros-funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner.

The Missouri Supreme Court ruled on Friday that far-left St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner must turn over communications with Soros operatives and Missouri political insiders related to her false case against former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens.

Former Governor Eric Greitens posted this tweet this afternoon.

TRENDING: MUST SEE: Engelbrecht and Phillips on the Charlie Kirk Show on 2020 Fraud and “2000 Mules” – Cross-State Ballot Traffickers ID’ed – Brian Kemp Implicated – 1155 Ballot Traffickers in PA (VIDEO)

A Missouri Appeals Court upheld a previous judge’s ruling in January against Soros-funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner.

The court unanimously ruled Kim Gardner failed to file a timely response to reporter John Solomon from Just the News for information on her communications with political insiders and Soros operatives.

Kim Gardner already faces a misconduct probe for illicit conduct in her plot to take down popular Missouri Governor Eric Greitens.

A court last year found that Kim Gardner engaged in 62 acts of misconduct and 79 false representations in her prosecution of Eric Greitens.

On Monday morning Kim Gardner will face a disciplinary hearing to see if she keeps her law license.

KSDK reported:

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner faces a disciplinary hearing Monday over how she handled the 2018 investigation into Former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens.

Monday’s hearing is before the Missouri Office of Disciplinary Counsel. Gardner is accused of concealing evidence that might have helped Greitens in the case. Greitens ultimately resigned as governor.

The panel will recommend to the Missouri Supreme Court whether Gardner should lose her law license — and her job as prosecutor — or face other discipline as a result of alleged misconduct during the Greitens probe.

OUTSTANDING! Alabama Governor Kay Ivey Shares the Greatest Campaign Ad of the Season and the Far-Left Goes Crazy (VIDEO)


Alabama Governor Kay Ivey dropped the most accurate and succinct campaign ad to date.  She’s starting the 2022 election off with fire. 

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey shared what she has done for Alabama and what she will continue to do – protect the election process from being stolen like President Trump’s election was stolen in 2020.

Governor Ivey shares:

The fake news, Big Tech and blue state liberals stole the election from President Trump.”

TRENDING: MUST SEE: Engelbrecht and Phillips on the Charlie Kirk Show on 2020 Fraud and “2000 Mules” – Cross-State Ballot Traffickers ID’ed – Brian Kemp Implicated – 1155 Ballot Traffickers in PA (VIDEO)

“But here in Alabama, we are making sure that never happens,” she continues. “We have not, and will not, send absentee ballots to everyone and their brother. We banned corrupt curbside voting, and our results will always be audited. I’m Kay Ivey. The Left is probably offended. So be it. As long as I’m governor, we’re going to protect your vote.”

See full video below:

The far-left is freaking out.  Their relentless lies about the election are imploding.  You can feel it and see it.

Mediaite responded by sharing this:

Ivey’s ad produced no evidence to back up her assertions, though they echo Trump’s countless claims the election was corrupted by mass fraud and rigged against him. Those claims have been repeatedly rejected by the courts and by Trump’s former attorney general, Bill Barr.

The mainstream media are in a panic.  So are the crooks who stole the 2020 Election.  Courageous Americans like Ivey are destroying their lies that this was the most secure election ever. 

TFB Weekly Web Deals 3: Micro Compact Madness


TFB Weekly Web Deals 3: Micro Compact MadnessWelcome to TFB Weekly Web Deals 3! Last week we showcased some deals from Aero Precision on their various components for AR-15 rifles. This week we’re checking out some deals on the hottest new trend in the concealed carry world – micro compact 9mm pistols. Micro compacts offer concealed carriers the capacity of older compact […]

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The post TFB Weekly Web Deals 3: Micro Compact Madness appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

China’s “Breathtaking” Nuclear Expansion Confirmed – Beijing Officials Cite Fear Of US-Led Regime Change


This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. 

Image source: Global Times

The Chinese government has greatly “accelerated” its nuclear weapons program due to a revised threat assessment of risk posed by the United States, according to a new in-depth Wall Street Journal report that cites both Chinese and US officials. It follows a Pentagon assessment from last year which laid out Beijing’s drive to “modernize, diversify and expand” its nuclear arsenal.

The fresh WSJ investigative report appears to confirm the prior US military assessment that China seeks to expand “land, sea and air-based nuclear delivery platforms” while establishing the more necessary infrastructure to support it.

While its nuclear goals predate Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the war which kicked off on Feb.24 is believed to have given greater impetus to the belief China needs a stronger deterrent arsenal. Specifically, the report underscores that “Chinese leaders see a stronger nuclear arsenal as a way to deter the U.S. from getting directly involved in a potential conflict over Taiwan.”

Satellite imagery cited in the report additionally appears to confirm accelerating work on over 100 suspected new missile silos in remote desert regions of Western China. While some of this has been the subject of much Western reporting and speculation over the past number of months, based also on open source satellite analysis, the weekend WSJ report has some bombshell and alarming lines such as the following, which says the Chinese Communist government leadership fears covert Washington regime change efforts down the road:

The people close to the Chinese leadership said China’s increased focus on nuclear weapons is also driven by fears Washington might seek to topple Beijing’s Communist government following a more hawkish turn in U.S. policy toward China under the Trump and Biden administrations.

American military officials and security analysts are concerned China’s nuclear acceleration could mean it would be willing to make a surprise nuclear strike. The people close to the Chinese leadership said Beijing is committed to not using nuclear weapons first.

However, while China does have an official ‘no first use’ nuclear policy doctrine, the United States does not and has even been long resistant to it over years of activist lobbying of both Democrat and Republican administrations.

The precise numbers of China’s nuclear warheads are not known, but it’s generally understood to be far behind that of the United States, likely by a magnitude of multiple thousands. One official cited in the report, described as “close to the leadership” in Beijing, said: “China’s inferior nuclear capability could only lead to growing US pressure on China.”

And further, on the way the Ukraine crisis has impacted China’s thinking – remembering too that Washington has of late piled on the pressure warning Beijing to cease any and all support to Moscow – the WSJ describes the following:

Nervous international reaction to Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s call for his nuclear forces to be put on alert following his invasion of Ukraine has offered Chinese officials a real-world lesson about the strategic value of nuclear weapons. So did Ukraine’s decision in 1994 to turn over the nuclear weapons left in the country after the breakup of the Soviet Union in return for security assurances from the U.S. and Russia.

Watching the tense situation continue to unfold, one former Chinese military officer was cited in the report as saying, “Ukraine lost its nuclear deterrence in the past and that’s why it got into a situation like this” – again which has only served to reinforce China’s worries over its nuclear preparedness.

Last week the head of U.S. Strategic Command, Adm. Charles Richard, warned US lawmakers over the “breathtaking expansion of strategic and nuclear capabilities” which he said translates to the PLA military being able to “execute any possible nuclear employment strategy.”



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