Sergeant Thomas Robertson was fired for walking inside the US Capitol on Jan. 6
Another win for Satan.
Former Virginia Police Sergeant Thomas Robertson was found guilty on Monday of six bogus charges including “impeding law enforcement officers, obstructing an official proceeding, entering and remaining in restricted grounds, and tampering with evidence.”
A federal jury in Washington, D.C. returned guilty verdicts on all six counts facing Thomas Robertson, a former Virginia police sergeant who participated in the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riot.
The charges included impeding law enforcement officers, obstructing an official proceeding, entering and remaining in restricted grounds, and tampering with evidence.
Robertson’s trial took place last week, when jurors heard testimony describing his actions that day. One D.C. Metropolitan police officer described how he and another officer were struck by a stick being wielded by a man prosecutors said was Robertson.
About a month before the attack on the Capitol, Robertson called for “open armed rebellion” in a post online.
Meanwhile in the Democrat hellhole of Los Angeles…
The United States Postal Service stopped delivering mail to a Santa Monica, California neighborhood after multiple carriers were assaulted.
“Multiple carriers have been subjected to assaults and threats of assault from an individual who has not been located or apprehended. The safety of our employees and of the mail they deliver to you is our highest concern. Until we can ensure the safety of both, delivery services will remain suspended.” – a letter from USPS said to residents in Santa Monica.
The United States Postal Service is stopping mail service temporarily in one Santa Monica neighborhood after multiple mail carriers were assaulted, according to officials.
In the letter from USPS sent to neighbors in the 1300 block of 14th Street, officials said “the Postal Service does not enter into decisions to suspend service lightly.”
USPS did not elaborate on the assaults.
USPS says those who are affected by this mail service suspension can pick up mail at the USPS facility located at 1653 7th Street.
Anyone with questions can call 310-255-0446.
It’s unclear at this time when mail service will resume.
Greg Kottsick, a waterfowl hunter from South Dakota, spent last weekend picking up dead snow geese—but he wasn’t hunting. Kottsick and a group of buddies were cleaning up two lakes on the west side of Eureka that were littered with snow and blue geese, all dead or dying from what they suspected was avian flu. Based on recommendations from state fish and game officials, Kottsick and his buddies wore gloves, masks, and Tyvek suits.
“The lakes are right in town,” Kottsick says. “Cats and racoons were dragging carcasses up on the bank. Plus, people were concerned because we had some track and field events going on and there were sick geese near the field and park. It was pretty gruesome. People were worried about their dogs getting into them. So, we got a bunch of guys together to pick up as many as possible.”
By the end of the day, Kottsick and his buddies had picked up 462 dead birds and piled them in a front-end loader. They buried the waterfowl in a pit at a nearby farm. There were another 200-300 dead or dying geese that the volunteers couldn’t get to, Kottsick says.
As waterfowl species continue their spring migration, anecdotes like Kottsick’s are cropping up across the Central Flyway. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (commonly called “bird flu” or “avian flu”) has made headlines this year as it wreaks havoc on domestic poultry, but it’s also killing a substantial number of wild birds. Bird flu, which spreads through nasal secretions, saliva, and feces, is common in waterfowl, but it doesn’t usually result in notable mass die-offs of wild ducks and geese. This year seems different.
Cleaning up dead snow geese in Eureka, South Dakota. Greg Kottsick
Based on anecdotes and reports from the spring migration, it’s likely that this year’s strain of bird flu is deadlier for wild birds than it has been in previous years. These reports have hunters concerned and wildlife managers hustling to establish surveillance efforts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has set up a bird flu tracking page, but it’s clearly not capturing the bird deaths that hunters are seeing in the field. For example, the CDC tracker shows that there have been 593 detections in wild birds, but in McPherson County, South Dakota, where Kottsick and his buddies cleaned up 462 dead waterfowl, there have been zero recorded entries. The discrepancy is likely because hunters don’t report all the cases they find and because surveillance and reporting efforts are still being organized.
“This one feels a little different,” says Mike Brasher, a waterfowl scientist for Ducks Unlimited. “It feels like there’re higher mortality rates among wild birds, but I don’t know if we have the data to really back that up yet … We have to wait to see the data before we [talk about infection rates and mortality rates].”
Until researchers can a better handle on the size and scope of this outbreak, let’s take a look at what we do know about bird flu’s impact on wild birds and waterfowl hunting so far—and what we don’t know about virus.
How can I tell if a wild duck or goose has bird flu?
Many wild birds carry avian flu without showing any symptoms. But other infected birds can experience complete paralysis, swelling around the eyes, and twisting of the head and neck, according to the USDA.
While hunting in North Dakota last weekend, my buddy Todd Gifford and I found this sick snow goose that appeared to be dying of bird flu. As you can see in the video below, the goose is having spasms in its neck and appears unable to control its head. We saw several geese that had these same symptoms. Through our years of hunting, we’ve come across plenty of snow geese that have been crippled for one reason or another, but this was different. The birds that we suspected were dying of avian flu had no noticeable injuries whatsoever. They were unable to fly away or run and they were clearly struggling with coordination and mobility.
Will bird flu crash duck and goose populations?
Probably not, but it’s too early to tell.
“We’ll have infection rate information at some point over the coming year,” says Brasher. “The thing that seems to be different this year is its lethality to wild birds, based on what we’re seeing at this time. Typically, avian flu occurs in the background of waterfowl populations and we most often don’t see its effects. In terms of why we seem to be seeing something different this year, is because just like with the coronavirus, viruses mutate. There seems to be a fairly large number of mutations associated with this strain.”
According to the CDC reports, of the 593 detections recorded there were infections in 155 light geese (snows, blues, or Ross’), 126 mallards, and 27 Canadas. These are all species with relatively hardy populations. But there were also waterfowl killed by bird flu from more sensitive species, like wigeon (63 recorded) and pintails (four recorded). Even so, if mortality rates are low, it’s unlikely that biologists or hunters will notice population-level changes in waterfowl species.
Species that congregate in large, dense flocks are likely most susceptible. Shorebirds, gulls, and raptors have also been found with the virus.
Can bird flu infect people?
Yes, but for now it’s extremely rare. Here’s information straight from the CDC: “Human infections with bird flu viruses can happen when virus gets into a person’s eyes, nose or mouth, or is inhaled … Human infections with bird flu viruses have occurred most often after unprotected contact with infected birds or surfaces contaminated with bird flu viruses. However, some infections have been identified where direct contact with infected birds or their environment was not known to have occurred.”
So far, there have been zero recorded cases of humans being infected with avian flu in the U.S. according to the CDC tracking page.
Is it safe to clean and eat wild waterfowl?
Yes, but don’t handle or eat birds that are obviously sick. This is a good rule to live by even when avian flu isn’t rampant. Beyond that, the Animal Plant Health Inspection Service has the following recommendations:
Wear gloves when cleaning game birds.
Do not eat or drink while cleaning or handling game.
Avoid cross-contamination. Keep uncooked game in a separate container, away from cooked foods.
Poultry should reach an internal temperature of 165°F to kill disease organisms and parasites.
Dress game birds in the field whenever possible.
Can my hunting dog get bird flu?
The experts I spoke to said not to send your dog to retrieve birds that are obviously sick or found dead in the field. Just like not eating visibly sick birds, this is a good rule all the time. That said, based on the available research, it doesn’t seem like bird flu is a serious threat to hunting dogs. But it’s not impossible for a dog to contract avian flu, either.
“Avian influenza risk to dogs is very, very low but not zero,” Sarah Bailey, the assistant state veterinarian of the North Dakota Board of Animal Health, wrote in an email. “Dogs are more likely to get canine-specific influenza A from other canines and there are other common respiratory diseases (kennel cough, distemper, etc.) I would rule-out first if a hunting dog got sick.”
Major surveillance efforts are underway. Just like in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, mass testing is critical to understanding how widely the virus has spread, and how much of a threat it might be. Wildlife agencies know this well from previous years dealing with bird flu, and they’re hustling to ramp up testing.
“State agencies, federal agencies, and the National Flyway Council are all working on this,” says Brasher. “They’ve gone through this before. So, there is definitely a full-court press up and running. I’ve heard that they are trying to achieve surveillance sampling of wild birds in the tens of thousands over the next year or more. This is a priority for state and federal agencies right now. That’s out of joint concern for commercial poultry operations and wild birds.”
Counties where bird flu has been recorded in wild birds, according to the CDC reporting page. CDC
How can hunters help contain bird flu?
There are two things hunters can do to help:
Report any sick birds we find.
Avoid accidentally spreading the virus.
When I returned home from my North Dakota trip, I reported the dead and dying snow geese we found to the state’s wildlife mortality reporting page. Many states have similar pages set up through their wildlife agencies. Just run a simple Google search for your own state and report sick and dead birds when you find them. Reporting sick and dead birds will help researchers track the virus and get an understanding of its prevalence.
When it comes to not spreading the disease, follow these guidelines from APHIS:
Keep a separate pair of shoes to wear only in your game cleaning area. If this is not possible, wear rubber footwear and clean and disinfect your shoes before entering or leaving the area.
Use dedicated tools for cleaning game, whether in the field or at home. Do not use those tools around poultry or pet birds.
Double-bag the offal and feathers. Tie the inner bag, take off your gloves, and leave them in the outer bag before tying it closed. Then wash your hands or use hand sanitizer.
Place the bag in a trash can that poultry and pet birds cannot access. Make sure the trash can is covered and children, pets, or other animals can’t get into it.
Wash all tools and hunting gear thoroughly.
Waterfowl experts say it’s critical to prevent spreading the virus from wild birds to domestic poultry. They also say that just like with other flu viruses, the spread tends to slow when the weather warms. Until then—and until more data is collected—hunters should remain cautious, but hopeful.
“We shouldn’t panic with this,” says Brasher. “We should take reasonable precautions and wait for the information to come in. We’ve learned a lot about this disease over the last decade-plus and we know that the greatest risk is to poultry operations, so that’s the area where we need to exercise the greatest caution.”
As for Kottsick and his buddies, they sat out this spring snow goose season. Kottsick says that after seeing all the carnage around Eureka, he wants to see how the virus plays out before harvesting wild waterfowl—or upland birds.
“God forbid that it gets into our pheasants,” he says.
Hello everyone and welcome back to another edition of The Rimfire Report! This ongoing series is all about the rimfire firearm world and its various guns, ammunition, sports, and more! Last week we talked about the hot new SIG Sauer P322 pistol. The P322 is quite an impressive specimen when it comes to .22LR pistols and […]
The agency that gutted the economy, threatened civil liberties, and destroyed medical ethics also KNEW that the vaccinated were more likely to contract COVID and spread it to their peers. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) knew this because their own employees were more likely to test positive for covid-19 and contract a “breakthrough case” if they were VACCINATED.
CDC workers more likely to contract COVID if fully vaccinated
On February 2, 2022, the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, seeking information on covid-19 infections within the CDC workforce. ICAN is stepping up and doing the critical investigative work that the public health agencies refuse to do. On March 28, 2022, the CDC turned over its in-house data on breakthrough infections, and ICAN issued a legal update on the matter.
It turns out that the fully vaccinated were getting sick, spreading spike proteins and putting the unvaccinated at risk throughout 2021. For example, fully vaccinated CDC employees made up 70 percent of COVID infections in August of 2021. The CDC reported 36 covid-19 positives that month, and among them, 25 cases were from the vaccinated. Likewise in July, there were 18 covid-19 positives, and ten of the cases were in the vaccinated.
ICAN reports: “Now, we don’t know the percent of CDC employees that were vaccinated as of August 2021, but if the CDC’s vaccination rate reflects that of adults in the United States, it was far less than 70%. But even if more than 70% of CDC employees were vaccinated, the fact that by the end of Summer 2021, 70% of its COVID-19 positive employees were vaccinated should have been a shocking figure and should have served as a wake-up call to the CDC about the failure of these vaccines to prevent infection.”
The vaccine efficacy studies did not measure real-world effectiveness. In the real world, any measurable benefits from the vaccine wore off rather quickly, rendering the experiment dangerous and destructive to society at large. According to the real-world data, the vaccinated turn out to be more susceptible within a few months. Even worse, the vaccinated can spread spike proteins through exosome secretions up to a month after vaccination, while needlessly spreading the bioweapon to the immunocompromised.
This brings up an important hypothetical… If people did not shoot up with a poorly-designed product that sickens and spreads infection, then many of the covid-19 positives in the unvaccinated might never have existed in the first place.
The rate of infection for the vaccinated could be even higher than reported
The rate of infection in the vaccinated could be much higher than what the CDC reports. According to the CDC, “persons who have been vaccinated are possibly less likely to get tested.” How many vaccinated people were sickened by the vaccine and later contracted COVID, but were not required to test and register the data? On the other hand, the unvaccinated were routinely profiled and subjugated, forced to take covid-19 tests to go to work and participate in society. The propensity for positives (and false positives) was always going to be higher in the unvaccinated, so it’s appalling that the breakthrough case rate was so high in the CDC’s own vaccinated workforce!
Were disparate testing protocols also utilized in the clinical trials? Over half of vaccinated persons came down with symptoms in clinical trials, even though their COVID positivity rate was lower (than the unvaccinated) at the precise time when they were tested. Why were these symptoms of poisoning ignored in the clinical trials and not factored in as a serious risk? Why did the CDC refuse to provide proper informed consent? The clinical trials did not accurately measure covid-19 cases in the vaccinated months later, because the vaccine was rushed to market. Yet, the CDC now has to admit that the vaccine’s “efficacy” wanes in a couple of months, putting the population at risk of new variants.
At a presentation at Washington University, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky admitted she originally learned about vaccine efficacy from CNN. However, these lock-down-pushing CNN reports were based on a Pfizer press release, which deceptively claimed that the vaccine was 95 percent effective. The CDC crafted policies linking lockdowns to vaccine uptake. The CDC illegally mandated a faulty product onto the population, threatening people’s livelihoods in the process. Pfizer, CNN, Fauci, and the CDC all lied about vaccine efficacy for over a year, as their own workforce was damaged and sickened by the vaccine, one failed dose after another.
There’s Little Time Left Before the REAL DISASTER occurs!
The 174 Year Old State of WI Added 29% of Their Entire Voting Population in Only 10 Months.
29% Of Wisconsin’s Entire Voting Population Was Added in 10 Months of 2020
In the 174 year old State of Wisconsin, 29% of their entire voting population was added to their voter rolls in only 10 months. Almost a third of their entire voting population was added in the months leading up to the 2020 election. No one has been arrested or prosecuted. In fact, most who received the 80+ investigative subpoenas didn’t comply. They will face no repercussions because WI Speaker Robin Vos feels the investigation should close down at the end of April.
According the 2021 Legislative Audit Bureau report (pg. 20), WEC collected 957,977 new voter registrations between 1/1 and 11/3 of 2020. About half of those registered online. WEC also reported they had 3,306,906 active registered voters as of January 1st, 2020. These 957k new registrations in 2020 represent a massive 28.97% increase over that active voting population. The Zuckerberg disguised Get Out the Vote effort was collecting an average 21,800 new registrations every single week. These are astronomical numbers for Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin Special Counsel investigating election fraud is headed by Michael Gableman. He’s asking people to contact Robin Vos’s office and request the investigation continue. He provided contact information of 608-266-9171 and [email protected]. Be courteous, but courageous. Demand they extend the contract at least 6 months. Ask they provide substantial funding this time. Mr. Gableman was purposely hobbled with a measly initial budget of $600k.
Professor David Clements hosted a stunning presentation “Election Fraud by Cruise Control“. Data specialist Draza Smith and software engineer Jeff O’Donnell show rampant election irregularities. After a year of this type analysis, they now provide 8 steps on “How to Steal an Election” (at 55min, 50secs). They believe these are the most likely steps used to steal the 2020 election The first and last steps require voter registration manipulation. Step #1: Inflate the voter rolls as high as the population. Step #8: Clean up the voter rolls as much as possible while no one is looking.
It’s no mystery voter rolls are stuffed and purged around elections. Most election jurisdictions provide voter data once a month which is scrubbed in between. There’s no way to learn of the massive changes made in those weeks between releases. Most State’s don’t offer and won’t allow you to request or purchase voter files for a specific date. You can’t get voter files for each of the 15 days leading up to the election, or the 15 after. You can’t get a voter file specific to election day, or for each day ballot counting was conducted. Until voter information is provided affordably and frequently to the public, we will have registration fraud.
One easy and fast solution would be to force jurisdictions to provide voter files for every day residents can vote. If voting starts 3 weeks before election day, then a voter file must be created for each and every one of those days leading up to election day. Voter files would also be created every day after the election until all ballots are counted and verified. This would be done for both primary and general elections. Only then could the public fully analyze what registration changes are made. But the left has been fighting ferociously to prevent registration transparency.
Gateway Pundit recently highlighted the FPEIS Fractal Voter Registry. This software project collects and displays registration anomalies across many States. One pilot project will analyze voter registration changes on a daily basis in a few States as the 2022 election approaches. Unfortunately, these are not the troubling States that have impeded election investigations and those with massive indications of fraud. Politicians and officials in these type States won’t allow election staff to work with transparency projects.
GP also provided insight into Sarah Whitt who ran the WI voter registration system for 14 years. Working out of Madison, she left WEC in the middle of 2019 to join ERIC. This non-profit’s stated goal is to provide lists to their member States and mandate they solicit those eligible residents to register to vote. Shortly after Sarah Whit joined ERIC, the formation of the Zuckerberg Chan initiative with CTCL and CEIR started to take shape. Then came the explosion of nearly one million new 2020 voter registrations in Wisconsin.
Joe Biden on Monday delivered remarks on gun violence from the Rose Garden.
Biden announced a new rule to regulate ‘ghost guns’ and nominated Steve Dettelbach to be ATF director.
“Today, the United States Department of Justice is making it illegal for a business to manufacture one of these kits without a serial number. Illegal. Illegal for a licensed gun dealer to sell them without a background check,” said Biden.
Biden called for gun control and demanded universal background checks.
“We need Congress to pass universal background checks, and I know it’s controversial but I got it done once — ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines,” Biden said.
Biden picked up a ‘ghost gun’ to showcase how easy it is to assemble a “Buy-Build-Shoot” pistol kit.
“It’s not hard to put together with a little hand drill at home. It doesn’t take very long. Anyone can order it in the mail — Anyone,” said Biden.
“A felon, a terrorist and a domestic abuser go from one gun kit to a gun in less than 30 minutes,” he added.
“If you buy a couch you have to assemble, it’s still a couch. If you order a package like this one over here that includes that parts that you need and directs the assembly of a functioning firearm, you bought a gun,” he said.
Terrorists and criminals can easily buy fully assembled firearms as well, so there’s that.
Biden looked so uncomfortable holding the gun parts.
Daniel Harris was one of those accused of plotting to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. He was found not guilty of all four counts against him last week.
We reported on Friday that Daniel Harris was found “not guilty” of four charges against him in the plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer.
It looks like similar to the Russia collusion sham and the Jan 6 sham, this entire sham was created by the Feds.
The Governor Whitmer kidnapping case, which we now know was comprised of virtually all FBI agents and informants, took a devastating hit in August. Michael Hills, an attorney for Brandon Caserta, one of the six defendants, produced text messages showing an FBI field agent telling an informant to lie, frame an innocent man and delete text messages.
This is why federal prosecutors were refusing to hand over text messages and laptops from FBI informants in the Whitmer kidnapping case. The FBI actually hatched the plot. paid for the plot, ran the plot, and set up the innocent men in their immoral scheme.
The FBI’s top informant behind the kidnapping scam was later arrested after he beat his wife following a swingers party.
But the court did not allow the defendants to release all of their information.
Even far-left Buzzfeed reported on how the defendants were prevented from sharing the entire truth in the case:
The split verdict calls into question the Justice Department’s strategy, and beyond that, its entire approach to combating domestic extremism. Defense attorneys in the case, along with observers from across the political spectrum, have argued the FBI’s efforts to make the case, which involved at least a dozen confidential informants, went beyond legitimate law enforcement and into outright entrapment..
…But the most striking thing about the closely watched 15-day trial might be what the jury never got to see.
Both before and during the trial, prosecutors went to extraordinary lengths to exclude evidence and witnesses that might undermine their arguments, while winning the right to bring in almost anything favorable to their own side. As a result, defense attorneys were largely reduced to nibbling at the edges of the government’s case in hopes of instilling doubt in the jurors’ minds, and to making claims about official misconduct with vanishingly few pieces of evidence to support them.
The entire case was a sham and Daniel Harris’s case is an example of this. After five of his witnesses refused to testify at his trial, Harris decided to take the stand himself, “telling jurors repeatedly that he “absolutely” did not plot to kidnap Gov. Gretchen Whitmer in the summer of 2020 when he was a member of the Wolverine Watchmen militia.”
Harris also testified about some of the most explosive testimony during trial: that he and a co-defendant built explosives as part of their alleged kidnapping plot.
Harris admitted that he helped build an explosive device and set it off, but played it off as a benign effort, one that involved blowing up a balloon in an oven with his co-defendant Barry Croft – man he described as a “stoner pirate” who was “kind of a wacknut.”
“I was putting BB’s and a little bit of gunpowder into this balloon, and we were going to blow up a stove,” Harris testified. “We put it in a stove. We lit the fuse and we ran.”
The device failed to detonate Harris testified, so they built a second bomb — this time, another man added tape on it. They put it back in the oven.
“Did anything happen?” his lawyer asked him.
“No,” Harris responded.
Harris also refuted trial testimony that he and his co-defendants were plotting to blow up a bridge to slow down law enforcement after the kidnapping.
“I didn’t even know about a bridge, nobody told me,” Harris said.
Harris spent two hours on the stand, denying numerous allegations that FBI agents, informants and two of his co-defendants made against him during the last two weeks, including a claim that he agreed to kidnap the governor while on a hike with two others. That’s what co-defendant Kaleb Franks told the jury last week, with the defense lawyer referring to the hiking group as “The Three Musketeers.”
“I’m not French. I would not call myself a Three Musketeer,” Harris testified, saying he “absolutely” did not agree to kidnap the governor during a hike.
The Yahoo article even notes that his arrest was a setup.
Harris also testified about his October 2020 arrest, when he and his co-defendants were set up in an FBI sting outside an Ypsilanti warehouse. Prosecutors allege the defendants went there to place a down payment on explosives, and to pick up other gear.
It was the first time Harris had ever been arrested, he told the jury, noting he thought he was going to Ypsilanti to meet a Watchmen known as ‘Red,’ who was really an undercover informant.
“I thought we were going to B-dubs to meet Red. I was told that he had free beer for us,” Harris testified.
“You didn’t go to B-dubs that night?” his lawyer asked.
“Nope,” Harris answered. “I’ve been craving it ever since.”
A new bill proposed by California assemblywoman Cristina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens) would mandate a four-day work week – 32 hours max – for companies with more than 500 employees.
Under AB-2932, the new work week would be 8 hours per day, 4 days a week and companies would have to pay overtime for employees who work more than 32 hours a week.
Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia argued that people will be more productive and will have a better work-life balance with a four-day work week.
Critics of the bill say it would cost businesses a lot of money and stunt job growth.
The ruling class is warning that more COVID variants are coming. At this point when bird flu is being hyped by the mainstream media, will we get a bird flu/COVID hybrid?
It looks like the push to get people panicked and convinced to take some shots is slowly ramping up again. They say they don’t need people panicked, they need them “vaccinated.”
So far, variants XE, XD, XF, and XM have been detected.
“Early-day estimates indicate a community growth rate advantage of 10 percent as compared to BA.2, however, this finding requires further confirmation,” WHO said about the XE variant. According to the global health body, until significant differences in characteristics are detected, such as severity and transmission, XE will continue to be classified as part of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus.
We are also being told that the bird flu is killing off flocks (they are being killed by draconian humans) and that it can jump to humans. So what will they tell us if there’s a release of a weaponized bird flu? That it jumped to humans? That it combined with COVID?
All we really know is that the “vaccines” have degraded the immune systems of those naive enough to fall for the propaganda and get injected, and their bodies will have a hard time fighting off anything, let alone a weaponized virus. Could this be part of why the “vaccines” are destroying immune systems? To make something else more destructive once it’s released?