Prepper Items You Can Buy At Garage Sales

Garage sales are a great way to stock up on items at a more affordable price and this is true for preppers as well. As the saying goes one man’s trash is another man’s treasure so going to garage sales for some of your prepper items is a good idea to get your essentials. Since your prepper items will be sitting in wait until you need them you may not want to spend a fortune on new items that will sit gathering dust until disaster strikes. Second hand options from garage sales are a great alternative. These are some prepper items to look out for at garage sales that could help serve your survival needs.

Why Shop For Prepper Items At Garage Sales?

garage sale Garage sales are a great place to find items you may no longer find in stores but are still very useful for prepping needs. Often older items are built to last and you can pick up some good quality older goods that will last much longer than their brand new counterparts. In general garage sales will allow you to pay much less for items than at a thrift store or at a shop. The money is going to an individual and they will often accept much less for an item as they are not looking at it from a business point of view. Another aspect around price is also that it is often negotiable. When you are dealing with the owner of the garage sale you could look at making a deal for buying a larger amount of items to ensure you pay an overall lower price.

Prepper Items You Can Buy At A Garage Sale

Prepper Items You Can Buy At A Garage Sale There are a range of prepper items you could get at a garage sale and it will really depend on what’s for sale on the day. We will look at the prepper items you should look out for and some likely items that you could find people selling at a garage sale.


_cookware in garage sale

Cast Iron Pots And Pans

Cast iron cookware is useful to have in survival situations. You will often need to cook on alternative energy sources which may even include open flame and cast iron can handle the higher temperatures. Cast iron also tends to be more durable overall so getting them second hand will mean they will probably still be in a usable condition and will tend to hold for a longer period of time even through end times.

Barbeque Items And Accessories

Being able to cook outside could be a necessary requirement if disaster strikes and having portable barbeque items and accessories could really assist you. Often if people are downgrading their homes to an apartment they may get rid of all their barbeque equipment so you may find a full set that could help add to your post apocalyptic cookware items.

Manual Kitchen Utensils

We have become dependent on technology for so many things and this extends to kitchen tools. Garage sales can be a good place to find manual kitchen utensils that do not require electricity and will make cooking and baking much easier when SHTF. Things like grinders, graters, hand mixers and can openers can become invaluable for a prepper.

Survival Items

Survival Items in garage sale

Camping Gear

Many people buy camping gear with the hopes of using it but soon find they never get the time so they end up selling it at a garage sale. Camping gear is perfect for survival needs from tents for shelter purposes, to paracord that has multiple survival uses. You can also find camping stoves and utensils which can be useful for meal prep in a hurry. Camping gear translates in general to off grid which is ideal for survival purposes.

Medical Supplies

Things like old medical supplies from a relative that has passed away can often be found at a garage sale. You can pick up all sorts of home medical supplies that would be needed to treat a sick or fragile person. Including things like masks, gloves, alcohol wipes and syringes. You may also get things like unopened bandages and gauze as well as crutches and splints which could be useful for home medical treatment in emergency situations.

Emergency Items

Often people tend to overstock certain emergency items and they will then sell the oversupply at a garage sale. Things like flashlights, first aid kits, radios, candles can all be found. Even things like partially used candles have a purpose where they can be melted down and made into bigger candles. These are all acceptable second hand items that will be useful in an emergency. Just remember batteries may need to be added or replaced for certain emergency supplies.


DIY will be essential if SHTF and picking up some quality second hand tools will make maintenance so much easier. You can find general manual tools useful for DIY and maintenance like hammers, screwdrivers, pliers and spanners. There can also be gardening tools which will be handy to add to your emergency store. Rakes, garden shears, spades all will be helpful to have on hand for survival purposes and not just general gardening needs.

Storage Buckets

These little gems have plenty of uses for the survivalist and they are one of the items that people would prefer to get rid of. You can get various sizes of buckets at a garage sale and they can be used for storage of a number of things like food items or gardening items to protect them from the elements and keep them in one place. You may even be able to negotiate some storage buckets for free if you are buying enough other items.

Hunting Gear & Knives

Hunting gear is a definite survival essential if you aim to be self-sufficient. You often find people will sell the older hunting equipment when they get new items to not be oversupplied. Quality knives can also be found at a garage sale which are very useful for a range of survival needs from DIY, to cooking, to hunting. A good knife can go a long way.

Final Thoughts

Garage sales can really reveal some diamonds in the rough to add to your emergency store and you can save a lot of money by going this route to get these items. There are often quality older items you may not find anywhere else that will make useful additions to your survival tool kit. One thing is certain you should definitely keep your survival items in mind the next time you come across a garage sale: you never know what you might find.

Via SHTFPreparedness

Victor Davis Hanson: If Republicans Retake Power, Will They Play By The Democrats’ New Rules?


The Democrats have been incredibly nasty over the last several years.

They impeached Trump twice, launched countless investigations, leaked information to the media and worse.

Conservative scholar Victor Davis Hanson is wondering if Republicans will return the favor if and when they retake power.

He writes at American Greatness:

TRENDING: Heartless Biden Regime to Rip Newborn Baby from Single Mom and January 6th Protester Felicia Konold – Feds Insist ‘She’ Is a ‘Proud Boy’ – Please Donate

The Debasement of Our Professional and Political Classes

The left-wing professional and political classes bequeathed a number of new protocols during the Trump derangement years. And it will be interesting to watch whether the Republicans abide by them in November should they take back the House and perhaps the Senate—and the presidency in 2024 as well.

Will they follow the New Testament’s turn-the-other-cheek forbearance, or go for Old Testament style eye-for-an-eye retribution?

What Are the New Rules?

Will Republican magnanimity suffice to shame the Democrats to be more professional in the future? Or will tit-for-tat deterrent reciprocity alone ensure a return to norms? Specifically, will Biden be impeached Trump-style, after losing the House in November? Say, to give just one possible example, for deliberately not enforcing and, indeed, undermining U.S. immigration law?

Will Speaker Kevin McCarthy, in Pelosi-fashion, start yanking troublesome radical Democrats off House committees?

Will a conservative Robert Mueller-like “wise man” head a $40 million, 22 month-long special counsel investigation of the Biden-family influence-selling syndicate—arrayed with a “dream-team,” “all-star,” and “hunter-killer” right-wing lawyers to ferret out “Big Guy” and “Mr. Ten Percent” quid pro quo profiteering?

Would a Republican-led House set up a special committee to investigate the racketeering and “conspiracies” across state lines that led to a near “coup” and “insurrection” marked by “the riots of 2020?” Would such watchdogs offer up criminal referrals for all those responsible for attacking a federal courthouse and torching a police precinct or for setting an historic church afire? Or causing $2 billion of damage, over 30 deaths, and 1,500 law enforcement officer injuries—while carving out illegal no-go zones in major downtowns?

You should probably read the whole thing.

Hanson makes so many great points here.

You know what they say about payback.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

Saudi TV Mocks Joe Biden and ‘First Lady’ Kamala Harris (VIDEO)


Saudi TV mocked Joe Biden and ‘First Lady’ Kamala Harris this week.

The comedy sketch accurately depicted Joe Biden as a feeble old man with dementia.

At the end of his speech Biden falls back in Kamala Harris’ arms after suddenly falling asleep.

God help us.

TRENDING: Heartless Biden Regime to Rip Newborn Baby from Single Mom and January 6th Protester Felicia Konold – Feds Insist ‘She’ Is a ‘Proud Boy’ – Please Donate


Naomi Wolf Fires a Warning Shot: A Resounding Defeat of Biden at Midterms Will Not Be Allowed, Look for an Impending Emergency to Unfold (VIDEO)


Naomi Wolf warned the Tucker Carlson audience on Monday to beware of an unfolding emergency in the weeks ahead to help Joe Biden and Democrats in the upcoming election.

Watch for more Fauci lockdowns from the t

Naomi Wolf: 2020 was the story. It launched a narrative. The narrative is you can restrain billions of people, lock them in their homes, inject them against their will, mask them against their will, destroy their economies, suppress all their human rights, but if the narrative said COVID, that was the plausible deniability that you weren’t an outright fascistic tyrant… And you’re right to worry about the midterms. Given the history of totalitarianism, there’s no reason to believe the midterms that will deliver a resounding defeat to the Biden administration are going to be allowed to unfold without an emergency. And if that emergency keeps us all at home, all the better.

Via Tucker Carlson:

TRENDING: Heartless Biden Regime to Rip Newborn Baby from Single Mom and January 6th Protester Felicia Konold – Feds Insist ‘She’ Is a ‘Proud Boy’ – Please Donate

Former Trump Attorney John Eastman Pushes for Decertification of Wisconsin Election Following Recent Discoveries of Extensive Fraud


Former Trump attorney John Eastman with former Trump attorney and New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani

In recent weeks we discovered the following about the 2020 presidential election in Wisconsin:

** Operatives stuffed 957,077 new registrations into the state voter rolls in the 10 months preceding the election, or 29% of the total vote.
** There was 100% turnout in nursing homes in Zuckerberg-funded Wisconsin cities – they stole the votes from seniors.
** The voter rolls were deliberately not cleaned in the state with millions of extra names.
** The state election commission charged Republicans $12,500 for data requests but Democrats were given similar data requests for free.
** 7% of the ballots were illegally trafficked – over 137,000 votes!
** At least 107 ballot traffickers were identified in the state.

All of these revelations point to a fraudulent election. Joe Biden “won” the state by 20,682 votes. There were three times that amount of votes stolen from nursing home residents in the state.

Recently, brilliant Trump Attorney John Eastman pushed for decertification in the state.

TRENDING: Heartless Biden Regime to Rip Newborn Baby from Single Mom and January 6th Protester Felicia Konold – Feds Insist ‘She’ Is a ‘Proud Boy’ – Please Donate

Via ABC News and The Palmieri Report:

On March 16, Eastman and others spent nearly two hours behind closed doors pressuring Republican Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos to nullify the 2020 election and reclaim the electors awarded to Biden, the sources said…

…Eastman in the meeting urged Vos to decertify the election, sources familiar with the meeting said. According to Jefferson Davis, a Wisconsin activist pushing to reverse Biden’s victory who was also in the meeting, Trump’s former lawyer pushed Vos to start “reclaiming the electors” and move forward with “either a do over or having a new slate of electors seated that would declare someone else the winner.”

When reached for comment, Eastman said in a statement to ABC News, “By explicit request from Speaker Vos, that meeting was confidential, so I am not able to make any comment.”

Rand Paul Wants to Know if Pelosi Used Monoclonal Antibodies After Biden Regime Blocked Treatment for Public Use (VIDEO)


Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) wants to know if Speaker Pelosi used monoclonal antibodies to treat her Covid-19 infection after the Biden Regime blocked treatment for public use.

Fully vaccinated and boosted Nancy Pelosi tested positive for COVID-19 last Thursday.

‘Typhoid Pelosi’ hugged Biden and kissed Barack Obama’s hand during a bill signing ceremony yet the White House claimed she didn’t have close contact with Biden.

Pelosi slithered into isolation and disappeared from the public eye.

TRENDING: Heartless Biden Regime to Rip Newborn Baby from Single Mom and January 6th Protester Felicia Konold – Feds Insist ‘She’ Is a ‘Proud Boy’ – Please Donate

Meanwhile, Senator Rand Paul wants to know if Pelosi received monoclonal antibodies while Joe Biden blocks the effective treatment from the peasants.


POTD: FAMAS in the 35e Régiment d’Infanterie


Fusil d’Assaut de la Manufacture d’Armes de Saint-ÉtienneThe FAMAS – or “Fusil d’Assaut de la Manufacture d’Armes de Saint-Étienne” will remain in service for at least the next decade, but it is going to be phased out by the Heckler & Koch HK416F eventually. In our Photo Of The Day, we get another good look at it. – Initial Military Training of […]

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TFB Podcast Roundup 38: Practicality and Gunfighting


TFB Podcast Roundup 38: Practicality and GunfightingWelcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 38! Some recent news has got a lot of people inside the firearms world talking about concealed carry more intently. Most of you here are probably of the same mindset as I am in that going armed in a discreet manner everywhere you go is probably a good idea. However, […]

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The post TFB Podcast Roundup 38: Practicality and Gunfighting appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

Exclusive: Here Is the Statement from John Paul Mac Isaac on Recent Hunter Biden Laptop Reports that Was Rejected by a Media Distribution System from Being Sent Out


John Paul Mac Issac, the owner of the computer repair shop where Hunter Biden abandoned his now infamous laptop, is addressing the news reports about an additional 450GB of information existing relating to Hunter Biden. 

The mainstream media and Democrats have spent years claiming that the contents of the hard drive from Hunter Biden’s laptop were “lies and Russian disinformation.” Now, they are magically verifying the contents and legitimacy of both the laptop and it’s contents. Bill Maher recently unpacked the recent about face, saying that the Democrats and media squashed it because it “didn’t fit their narrative.”

“The Left Wing Media Buried the Story Because It Wasn’t Part of Their Narrative – That’s Why People Don’t Trust the Mainstream Media” – Bill Maher on Hunter Biden Scandal (VIDEO)

Americans are now learning of the potential existence of an additional 450GB hard drive tied to President Biden’s son, which is cause for concern for John Paul Mac Issac, who turned over the initial hard drive to the authorities 

TRENDING: Heartless Biden Regime to Rip Newborn Baby from Single Mom and January 6th Protester Felicia Konold – Feds Insist ‘She’ Is a ‘Proud Boy’ – Please Donate

Recent news reports have claimed that 450GB of uninvestigated or released materials relating to Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” have been obtained and will soon be released online. However, John Paul Mac Issac, the man who had the original 256GB hard drive from Biden’s abandoned laptop, is calling for extreme caution and full vetting of this new material.  

We previously reported last week about Mac Issac’s concerns that he shared during an interview. He is now expanding his thoughts on the alleged new hard drive, speaking exclusively to The Gateway Pundit.

Hunter Laptop Computer Repairman Says No Way 450 Gigs of Additional Data Was Included on Hunter’s Laptop…UPDATE

“In 2019, Hunter Biden brought 3 damaged laptops into “The Mac Shop”, the repair shop I owned in Delaware, to recover data. Hunter left with 2 of the laptops and the 3rd laptop remained while I attempted to salvage data off of his non-removable SSD. 

In order to recover data from the laptop, I had to move files and folders by hand as the laptop would only stay on intermittently. Each time the laptop would shut down, I would reopen it and be forced to view the file contents to verify the recovery; contents I found deeply disturbing. 

When Hunter Biden did not return to pick up the third laptop, I attempted to hand it over to the authorities. Eventually, the FBI collected the laptop but seemingly failed to act on its contents. Eventually, I was able to contact Rudy Giuliani’s office and mailed them a copy. 

Recent news reports suggest that 450GB of new data has been unearthed from the original hard drive. I can say definitively that this data did not come from the laptop I had in my possession. It would be technologically impossible for 450 gigs of data to come from the original laptop’s 256 gig hard drive. 

I cannot comment on the authenticity of the newly released data. There are numerous laptops out there and an iCloud Drive that likely holds information for which I am not privy. It is possible that the newly released files were obtained from one of those other sources,” explained Mac Issac.  

Mac Issac is reasonably worried that the FBI will again refuse to investigate evidence related to Hunter and the Biden Crime Family’s decades long history of corruption, both internationally and domestically. He is now demanding a thorough “independent and closely supervised” investigation into the new data. Without a review by law enforcement, with special protections to make sure the process is not politically influenced, Mac Issac is worried that the media will again ignore the corruption or use new unverified information as a way to discredit the evidence he exposed in 2019 that is now accepted as legitimate.

“With the media finally acknowledging the authenticity of the laptop and contents of the drive, I am fearful that the newly discovered information has not been properly authenticated to confirm its validity – as the hard drive in my possession has. Proper vetting and investigation of this data is necessary, as not give those who would like to discredit and debunk the Hunter Biden laptop a way to claim the information is manufactured, faked, or altered. 

For the sake of preserving the integrity of our country and presenting the truth to the American people, I hope any newly released information is fully authenticated.  The only entity capable of corroborating the data is the FBI as they have been in possession of the original laptop since December 9th 2019,” concluded Mac Issac.  

While Mr. Mac Issac is completely correct about the FBI needing to investigate all matters related to the “laptop from hell” and it’s alleged counterpart, we won’t hold our breath.

A press release featuring Mac Issac’s above statements through a distribution system was recently rejected and forbidden from being sent, which tell us that tech oligarchs are still working the coverup for Team Biden.

“Paranoid Imagination” – Abigail Disney Attacks Parents Who Support Anti-Grooming Bills (VIDEO)


Walt Disney heiress Abigail Disney this weekend said Florida’s anti-grooming bill is “ridiculous” and argued it is an attempt to take us backwards.

“If you were to erase every reference to gayness and gay people from the planet, which is sort of what the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill feels like, will children not become gay? Do they need to be recruited and groomed, or are people just gay?” Abigail Disney said to CNN’s resident potato Brian Stelter.

“It’s an attempt to push history backwards, and it denies the fact that everyone — conservative or not, has a gay friend or transgender family member,” she said.

“Disney seems like the biggest target because it’s so woven into families,” she said. “So if you can create this idea that somebody’s in there trying to indoctrinate your child, my goodness, the paranoid imagination can run circles with that.”

TRENDING: Heartless Biden Regime to Rip Newborn Baby from Single Mom and January 6th Protester Felicia Konold – Feds Insist ‘She’ Is a ‘Proud Boy’ – Please Donate

Video via Grabien News:

Paranoid imagination?

Disney executives admitted they add “queerness” to children’s programming.

Executive producer Latoya Raveneau said her team implemented a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” and is regularly “adding queerness” to children’s programming.

“I was just wherever I could just basically adding queerness…if you see anything queer in the show… no one would stop me,” Ms. Raveneau admitted.

Fox News host Tucker Carlson Friday night exposed, a far-left organization that has infiltrated schools and is disseminating “deeply disturbing” pornographic content to schoolchildren.

The video below, which is geared toward prepubescent children and teens, is so graphic that Twitter put a ‘warning’ on the tweet.

VIDEO (click on tweet to watch video):