BIDEN’S AMERICA: Creepy Vindman Twin Is the Staff Judge Advocate in the Court-Martial of 1st Lieutenant Mark Bashaw over COVID Mandates


You just can’t make this stuff up.  In Biden’s America a creepy Vindman twin will oversee the court-martial of an American soldier who refused to comply with COVID-19 testing and masking requirements.

The Defender reports:

An Army lieutenant in Maryland is facing a court-martial for his refusal to comply with COVID-19 testing and masking requirements.

TRENDING: INCREDIBLE EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Capitol Police ALLOW Protesters to Enter Side Door – WILL BE USED IN COURT – “Dream Team” of Lawyers Including Alan Dershowitz Set to Defend January 6’ers

The case, United States v 1LT Mark C. Bashaw, will be heard on April 28 – 29 at the Army Public Health Center (APHC) at Aberdeen Proving Ground.

The defendant, 1st Lt. Mark Bashaw, is being charged under Article 92: Failure to Obey an Order.

The charges are threefold: failure to take a medical test, failure to wear a mask and failure to leave the workplace for telework.

Bashaw enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in January 2006. He has 16 years of active service and served tours in Japan, the Republic of Korea, Germany, Africa, the Middle East and Central America.

Bashaw enlisted as a private, was promoted to a senior non-commissioned officer, and ultimately received a direct commission to become an Army officer in 2019. This is a rare achievement in the military.

What we have uncovered is that one of the creepy Vindman twins connected to the coup to remove President Trump from office is involved in this case.   These brothers were in the White House and were used in the first fake impeachment of President Trump.  Rather than being punished for their actions of contempt for President Trump, one Vindman twin was reviewed for promotion.

Creepy Vindman Twin Is Being Considered for Military Promotion Despite Numerous Instances of Criticizing President Trump – Which Qualifies for Dishonorable Discharge

The other Vindman twin released a book where he admitted being the fake “whistleblower” in the fake impeachment.  However, this twin testified under oath that he was not the whistleblower.

HE LIED: Vindman Reveals in Memoir That He Was the Whistleblower in Trump Sham Impeachment — After He Testified Under Oath That He Wasn’t the Whisteblower

Twin Yevgeny Lindman is the staff judge advocate in the Bashaw case.

The case is currently open to the public.  Here is some information on time and day.

Biden’s world is a corrupt and upside-down world.

Shoot Like A Girl and Vortex Partner Up for Their 2022 Tour


Many of you will be familiar with Shoot Like A Girl. Shoot Like A Girl is a marketing company focused on getting more women into shooting and hunting sports and they’ve just announced a brand new partnership for their 2022 “Sea to Shining Sea” tour with Vortex Optics. Shoot Like A Girl and Vortex hope […]

Read More …

The post Shoot Like A Girl and Vortex Partner Up for Their 2022 Tour appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

If Production Stops Humanity Has Nothing To Eat “In 90 Days”


This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog under the title: The Earth Only Has A 3 Month Supply Of Food – If Production Stops Humanity Has Nothing To Eat “In 90 Days”

We are far closer to a potential global cataclysm than most people would dare to imagine.  Right now, leaders from all across the political spectrum are openly warning us that a worldwide food crisis is coming.  But when people in the western world hear of such warnings, most of them assume that it will just be something that affects poor people in Africa or Asia.

Unfortunately, that will not be the case this time around.  We truly are in unprecedented territory, and we are going to see things happen in the months ahead that once would have been absolutely unthinkable.

Global hunger had already been steadily rising for the past couple of years due to the COVID pandemic, and now a confluence of events here in 2022 threatens to create a true global nightmare.

At this moment, we are still eating food that was previously grown, but it is the food that will not be grown in the months ahead that will be the real problem.

Because the truth is that we do not have much of a buffer to work with at all.

David Friedberg is an “early Google executive who started the farming insurance company Climate Corporation”, and he just told the All-In podcast that the Earth operates on “a 90-day food supply”

“The whole planet Earth operates a 90-day food supply, that means that once we stop making food, humans run out of food in 90 days.”

It is estimated that approximately 7.9 billion people currently live on the planet, and feeding everyone is a real challenge even if everything goes perfectly.

Unfortunately, global conditions have been much less than perfect for the past couple of years, and Friedberg says that the new global energy crisis has pushed the cost of key fertilizer components to levels that are absolutely insane

“The price of nitrogen has gone from $200 to $1,000, the price in potassium has gone from $200 to $700, and the price of phosphorus has gone from $250 to $700. So now it is so expensive to grow a crop, that a lot of farmers around the world are pulling acres out of production. So they’re going to grow less this year than they would have otherwise because it is so expensive and they can not access fertilizer,” he explained. “Food supplies are going to go down and it is going to be catastrophic.”

Many farmers all over the world will try to grow food without fertilizer this year, but that will result in a whole lot less food being grown.

In one of his latest videos, Chris Martenson compared rice plants that were grown with phosphorus to rice plants that were not given any phosphorus.

I was absolutely blown away by the difference.

As global food production drops precipitously, there simply will not be enough food for everyone in the months ahead.

Of course, the wealthy nations will buy up what is available, driving up prices in the process, and the poorer nations will be left out in the cold.

In fact, this is already starting to happen.  In March, the global price of food rose at the fastest monthly pace ever recorded

March’s food price index from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) printed 159.3 points in March, up 19.15 points from February, when it had already reached record highs. The index was up 33.6% from the same time last year.

The March rise in food prices is a stunning 12.64% MoM – almost double the previous record monthly surge…

If you are looking for “red flags”, you just found one.

Food riots have already begun in some parts of the globe.  For example, you can see a clip from the rioting in Peru right here.

In the months ahead, it is only going to get worse.

Thanks to the war in Ukraine, the price of wheat was up almost 20 percent last month alone…

The war has helped push cereal prices up 17% over the past month with the closure of ports throttling wheat and maize exports from Ukraine. Russian exports have also been slowed by financial and shipping problems.

World wheat prices soared by 19.7% during March, while maize prices posted a 19.1% month-on-month increase, hitting a record high along with those of barley and sorghum.

As I have discussed previously, Russia and Ukraine normally export enormous amounts of food to the rest of the planet.

But that won’t be the case this year.

Sadly, it is being projected that corn production in Ukraine will be cut by more than half in 2022…

Ukraine is one of the world’s top exporters of corn, sunflower oil, and wheat. Disruptions stemming from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine have stoked fears the war-torn country could experience a 50% decline in crop output this year, according to Bloomberg.

Forecast data from ag expert UkrAgroConsult show Ukraine’s corn output could be as low as 19 million tons, about half of last year’s 41 million tons.

And the Ukrainians have already announced that they won’t be exporting any of their production at all this year because they need it to feed their own population during the war.

Here in the United States, the bird flu pandemic continues to escalate, and as a result, the price of eggs has more than doubled in recent weeks…

A deadly and highly infectious avian flu is forcing US farmers to kill millions of egg-laying hens, reducing the country’s egg supply and driving up prices.

On Thursday, retailers paid between $2.80 and $2.89 for a dozen large grade A white eggs in the Midwest, according to the USDA’s daily Midwest regional egg report. That’s more than double the roughly $1.25 they cost in March, according to data compiled by Brian Earnest, lead protein industry analyst at Cobank, which provides financial services to agribusiness.

That is extremely alarming.

So what is going to happen if this pandemic continues to wipe out millions of chickens every month?

Meanwhile, certain shortages that have been simmering for a long time are now reaching critical levels.  For example, Walgreens has announced that it is going to start rationing baby formula…

A national shortage of baby formula brought on by pandemic-related supply-chain issues has forced US retailers such as Walgreens to ration the all-important product.

The company – the second-largest pharmacy store chain in the United States behind CVS – said Friday that amid the supply-chain crunch, it is limiting customers to three infant and toddler formula product purchases at a time, at its 9,021 US locations.

This wasn’t supposed to happen.

According to the optimists, things were supposed to be getting back to normal by this point.

But instead, things are getting even worse.

According to the Daily Mail, “29 percent of all top-selling formulas are out of stock at stores across the nation” right now.

Unfortunately, this is just the beginning.

Everyone agrees that the global food crisis is going to intensify in the months ahead, and David Friedberg is trying to warn us about what could happen if widespread panic sets in…

“I don’t know about death, there will be famine. Famine is to be short of calories. There will be strategic reserves released, but it won’t be enough. We won’t have enough. The way supply chains are set up, there will not be enough,” he said. “As you know with any market, when there is scarcity, people come in and buy at a faster pace. So this is a market dynamic. It is not like people are physically hoarding loaves of bread, but commodity traders, countries, strategic reserves start buying up what they can get to prepare for the famine… prices go even higher and it kicks other people out of the market. The whole thing gets ugly fast.”

We have been warned over and over again that this was coming, and now it is here.

You may have noticed that my articles have been longer than usual lately, and that is because there is so much more information that I need to share with you each day.

We truly are entering a full-blown planetary emergency, and I am trying to do my best to sound the alarm.

Unfortunately, most of the population is still not taking this crisis seriously.

So many people out there are fully convinced that they will always be able to rely on the system, and a lot of them will continue to believe that even as the system literally collapses all around them.

***It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***

About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available on  In addition to my new book, I have written five other books that are available on including  “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”“Get Prepared Now”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned)  When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending digital copies as gifts through Amazon to family and friends.  Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream, and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial, or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and anyway that you can share these articles with others is a great help.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior today.

Reading the Psyops Tea Leaves in Ukraine – Americans are Focused on Challenges at Home


If you are looking for sound military analysis of the situation on the ground in Ukraine set aside an hour or so and watch Gonzalo Lira’s interview of Scott Ritter. Scott has the best grasp of the military strategy and tactics at play in the Donbas.

I want to focus on the Ukrainian’s attempt to stage horrific attacks to gin up Western hatred of Russia. This has been the most “effective” component of Ukraine’s failing effort to fight Russia. But I put “effective” in quotes because the propaganda pushed about Bucha and the missile attack on Kramatorsk has not compelled NATO to intervene with ground and air forces inside Ukraine. The big show of sending tanks, outdated air defense systems and weapons to Ukraine is not changing the tactical situation on the ground. It just makes us feel better.

Unless NATO adopts the suicidal tactic of entering the battle on the ground, the United States and NATO will watch helplessly over the coming weeks (and possibly months) as the Ukrainian military capability bleeds out. At the same time, Ukraine’s economic situation will grow worse. What do I mean? Scarce fuel, limited hospital care and food shortages. The only avenue for imports and exports is over the western border with Poland. Assuming that some imports and exports could find their way over that border, it represents only a fraction of what Ukraine moved through its southern ports on the Black Sea. Normal life in Ukraine is kaput.

TRENDING: Heartless Biden Regime to Rip Newborn Baby from Single Mom and January 6th Protester Felicia Konold – Feds Insist ‘She’ Is a ‘Proud Boy’ – Please Donate

Scott Ritter correctly observes that the Ukrainian army pinned down in the east (i.e. Donbas) are entrenched in underground bunkers. While this offers the Ukrainian soldiers some measure of protection, it also means that these soldiers are not mobile and lack the armor and other motorized vehicles to mount a counter-offensive. In fact, any column of trucks or tanks is highly vulnerable to attack from Russian air assets, artillery and cruise missiles and would likely be quickly eradicated.

While the political class in Washington is engorged with desire to ratchet up support for Ukraine and take stronger action, the majority of the American public is not demanding action. Yes, there is sadness and anger about the suffering of the Ukrainian people, but the American public is not lining up to join a new war in a distant country. Instead, inflation, illegal immigrants flooding across the southern border and rising crime in urban areas is their worry and focus. In short, the propaganda war is failing.

I am both amused and sickened by the spectacle of the pundit Generals populating the cable news channels. They offer a harsh, delusional criticism of Russia’s lack of progress on the ground in Ukraine without conceding their own failures to pacify Iraq and Afghanistan. Notwithstanding an 800 billion dollar defense budget, the U.S. military failed to defeat the Taliban and failed to secure Iraq. Spending lots of money does not guarantee military success. And the good Lord knows we spent a ton. To what end?

I would hope that our nation will engage in some serious reflection and re-think the failed policies we have pursued for forty years. For example, sanctions do not work. If severe economic sanctions sufficed to cause regime change Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Iraq and Syria failed to understand that message. Imposing sanctions may play well politically in the States, but they have not worked to produce the political changes U.S. politicians hoped would occur.

The sanctions the United States have imposed on Russia have exposed the limits of U.S. power. The once almighty dollar’s dominance in the international economy is now in question. Russia did not curl up in a fetal position and die. It is forging new economic ties with the two largest countries in the world–China and India. We cannot ignore the new emerging economic order that is likely to constrain severely the ability of the United States to throw its weight around on the world stage.

It is time for the American people to put their own house in order. Rather than chase shiny objects in foreign lands, we should be rebuilding our infrastructure, securing our borders, reforming our justice system so that all Americans are treated equally and fairly, and demanding that the children who are imprisoned in dysfunctional urban centers are actually given a chance to be properly educated. Worrying about the welfare of Ukraine is insane when our own abode is on fire and rotted through with corrupt politicians who go to Washington and become wealthy. Those who insist we are still the most free country in the world should ask the political prisoners being held in American jails for daring to protest a stolen election what they think.

“We’re Well on Our Way to Statehood” – Paul Preston on Using the West Virginia Model to Create the State of “New California”


The state of New California is in the works and has been for some time.  This effort uses the West Virginia model of statehood and the US Constitution believes it’s well on its way to statehood. 

The people of California have had enough.  They don’t want to be part of the corrupt mess created by corrupt and unconstitutional politicians in California.  So they decided to create their own state using West Virginia’s model for statehood.

New California is more than a dream – it’s in the works. Below is the people’s notice that the current state is in default and a new state is in the works.

Default April 11 2022 State of New California by Jim Hoft on Scribd

TRENDING: Heartless Biden Regime to Rip Newborn Baby from Single Mom and January 6th Protester Felicia Konold – Feds Insist ‘She’ Is a ‘Proud Boy’ – Please Donate

See the website for much more here.

Paul Preston, who is one of many behind New California, was on the Joe Hoft Show yesterday at Real Talk 93.3 and he shared the following:

Well, we’re making the new state of California, in fact, we’re well on the way to statehood.  Actually, we have been doing this now for about 5 years solid, 6 years – 7 years with the research and so on.  And, we’ve amassed 56 of the 58 counties, either whole or in part of them, to become part of this, our charter for New California state.  And right now we have a very, very vibrant group that’s out there.  We’re growing.  We’re continuing to grow.

We’ve been sort of running silent, running deep, but we’ve managed to really have some outstanding accomplishments that have built a great history for the new state of California.  We’ve had 9 constitutional conventions.  We’re going to be going into the 10th constitutional convention coming up here in June.  We did invite the President to be our keynote speaker.  That’s still up in the air but still the idea that we can do something like that.  And also, we’ve created our own legislature.  We’ve been passing our own resolutions…

…We offer hope.  We offer liberty and all the things we think we’ve always had in California.  You know quite frankly the whole nation is on the hook right now.  And we’re an originalist constitutionalist group and we’re following the Constitution as its provided in Article 4 Section 3 of the Constitution.

We’re following the model to statehood that West Virginia left behind…

Listen to more of Monday’s discussion below:

Steve Malzberg: When Chuck Todd Asked If Biden Is Done with Victories This Year Liberals Snapped


Guest post by Steve Malzberg

Last Thursday the United States Senate confirmed Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to the U.S. Supreme Court, as she became the first black female to earn that honor. A day later Joe Biden and company held a ceremony on the White House lawn in celebration of the historic event.

When it was over, MSNBC’s Chuck Todd weighed in by praising the speech given by the Justice-in-waiting at the event, calling the confirmation vote, “A major victory for the Democratic Party.” But it was what he said next that set the left off. “But what if it’s the last of the calendar year?” he asked, later adding,” “Democratic priorities are, at best, on pause… or at worse, dead.” The Meet the Press host was asking a legitimate question about the prospects for any major legislation getting passed prior to the November midterms, where Dems are expected to face a reckoning.

While there were many outraged reactions to choose from on Twitter, where Chuck Todd was trending for what he had said, one, in particular, caught my eye. It was posted by Joan Walsh of The Nation, a former cable news talking head.

TRENDING: Heartless Biden Regime to Rip Newborn Baby from Single Mom and January 6th Protester Felicia Konold – Feds Insist ‘She’ Is a ‘Proud Boy’ – Please Donate

“WTF” she asked, while claiming that she had tried really hard not to join “the pile-on” against Chuck Todd.

And I responded to Joan Walsh’s “WTF” with a series of my own tweets:

#4-Imagine if @chucktodd had told his viewers about #JoeBiden’s remarks on “Indian-Americans” and Seven-Elevens.

There was also a sixth tweet in response to Joan Walsh, you can see it here:

Chuck Todd and the rest of the “disinformation media”, (and it is important not to call them fake news anymore, but properly tag THEM with DISINFORMATION, which as the left will tell you every single day, is a threat to our democracy) have never put Biden’s Ketanji Brown Jackson nomination in perspective. To do so would be to reveal Biden’s long history of racist comments and actions.

Joan Walsh’s media buddies, including Chuck Todd, hid it all during the 2020 election campaign. They also hid Biden’s trouble with the truth, and his history of plagiarism, not to mention the Hunter Biden story.

So my message to Ms. Walsh is stop the sanctimonious “WTF” nonsense.

It just shows the intolerance of the left, and their attempts at silencing anyone, even on their own side, who might, in their view, step the slightest bit out of line.

Steve Malzberg is a talk show host and can be followed on twitter, Instagram and FB @stevemtalk

VIDEO: Greg Kelly Compares Dr. Oz to President Trump


Popular Newsmax host Greg Kelly on Monday told his audience he thought President Trump’s endorsement of Dr. Oz over the weekend was “the right thing to do.”

Kelly compared Dr. Oz to President Donald Trump.

Greg Kelly:  I know some Republicans in the Jeb Bush side of the party who don’t like this endorsement of Dr. Oz.  “Dr. Oz!  Dr. Oz is friends with Oprah.  Oprah likes Obama and that’s not right.”  And then, let’s see, “I heard Dr. Oz in 2009 and I don’t think he’s conservative.”   Well all of this stuff about Dr. Oz reminded me of the complaints I was hearing from the Jeb! Bush wing of the Republican party back in 2015.

Greg Kelly then played clips of President Trump on Hillary and abortion from his earlier years. Kelly went on to say that President Trump went on to be the most pro-life president in US history.

TRENDING: Heartless Biden Regime to Rip Newborn Baby from Single Mom and January 6th Protester Felicia Konold – Feds Insist ‘She’ Is a ‘Proud Boy’ – Please Donate

He’s right.

Is Deep State Behind Efforts to Release Bogus Hunter Biden Laptop Pics to Use Against Those Who Reported Honestly on the Laptop from Hell?


Recent reports that there is more information on the Hunter Biden laptop may be an effort by Deep State to target anyone who previously reported on the laptop and attach made-up crimes to these individuals. 

Numerous individuals have reported on the shocking information on the Hunter laptop.  Along with The Gateway Pundit are reporters at the New York Post, The Daily Mail, and more.  We reported the week before the 2020 Election many shady and disgusting family secrets that were found on the laptop.  One of the sickest stories we posted was the fact that Hunter set up a pornhub account and shared pictures of himself and a family member on the site.

HUGE BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Has a PornHub Account Where He Uploaded His Personal Porn – Including with Family Member

The laptop was obtained by computer repairman John Paul Mac Isaac.  From him, the laptop took on a life of its own.  The FBI obtained the original laptop but recently shared that they did not know where it was.  The Head of cyber at the FBI claims he doesn’t know where it’s at.

TRENDING: Heartless Biden Regime to Rip Newborn Baby from Single Mom and January 6th Protester Felicia Konold – Feds Insist ‘She’ Is a ‘Proud Boy’ – Please Donate

FBI Cyber Chief Says He Doesn’t Know Where Hunter Biden’s Laptop From Hell Is (VIDEO)

In addition, reports from the other side of the globe assert that lots more data was found on the laptop.  We reported on this less than a week ago.  These reports claim that 450 GB of deleted content from the Hunter Biden laptop was found. This allegedly includes 80,000 images/videos and more than 120,000 archived emails.

However, John Paul Mac Isaac says this cannot be the case.  He shared the following on Newsmax.

In addition, we’ve reported that other experts agree with Isaac and claim that there is no way that 450 gig of data could be located on the Hunter Biden laptop.  It’s impossible. One expert explained it this way:

Due to the condition and stability of HB’s liquid damaged MacBook Pro, John Paul MacIsaac was unable to preform a block recovery or a true clone of the drive. Instead, he performed a manual data copy from the intermittently powering off laptop. He was successful in recovering the contents of the user’s home folder, a total of around 220GB of data off the 256GB non-removable SSD…

…On August 28 2020, John Paul MacIsaac overnighted a 500 GB external SSD drive with a copy of the HB laptop image to Rudy Giuliani’s office. At the time of shipment, Giuliani’s drive was about 60% full (300 GB/500 GB)…

…[A claim that] an additional 450 GB [of data was found] from the copy of the laptop drive is false because a copy based on a drive that originated from John Paul MacIsaac’s image didn’t have this amount of storage capacity in the first place.

It is technically impossible to recover 450 GB of erased data from a 256 GB drive source.

When you delete a file from a computer, you are telling the OS to forget the location of that file on the drive, but the file is still there. It is possible to recover a deleted file as long as the OS hasn’t written new data over the file’s previous location. If 450 GB of data was un-deleted from the drive, that would leave 250 GB of data recovered beyond the original 500 GB drive capacity. The newly discovered 450 GB of data combined with the existing original 300 GB data would require the original copy of the drive to be at least 750 GB. The backup drive only had 500 GB.

There appears to be a real possibility that the effort to claim additional information has been found on Hunter’s laptop will include some sick child porn or something similar.  Because it is illegal to distribute this type of garbage, the FBI will get involved and investigate everyone who had any contact with Hunter’s laptop to date in an effort to charge them with handling or distributing child porn.

The list of individuals who have had access to data on Hunter Biden’s laptop is extensive.  It not only includes the publishers and reporters named above, but it also includes Rudi Giuliani and others who received the data.

Of note is that the data on Hunter’s laptop to date does not include pictures of child porn, that we have seen.  The laptop does have texts referring to Hunter’s actions with a minor.  There are also pictures of at least one minor on the laptop, but these pictures alone would not be considered child porn.  Any information to date showing Hunter with children was not found on the laptop and may have been inserted on the Net to muddy up the water.

An additional important note to date is that the individuals who have seen and possessed Hunter Biden’s laptop to date are not part of the Big Media establishment.  They all are conservatives who are seeking the truth.  Targeting those who saw or possessed Hunter’s laptop would be another attack on courageous Americans seeking the truth.

This all sounds like something the Deep State would do.

How Much Do Cinder Blocks Weigh? Average Weight By Size

Concrete cinder blocks are one of the most common, durable, and cost-effective building materials. They’re used for everything from garage construction to making raised beds in your garden, and no matter who you are, they will come in useful for something. They have a range of versatile uses, though their primary use is walls, which include both interior and exterior structural walls, partition, retaining, and basement walls. The only challenge that stands between you and using cinder blocks is their weight. For construction, the heavy weight of cinder blocks is a benefit, but it can pose a few challenges – will your floors support their weight? How many can your truck take? In this article, I will examine the average weight of different cinder block sizes.

Average Weight of 3 Common Cinder Block Sizes

Cinder Blocks Cinder blocks (also known as breeze blocks in the UK) began being used ardently with advancements of block machinery around the start of the 20th century. Innovations in production in the Portland cement industry, as well as good marketing and exposure at the 1904 St. Louis Purchase Exposition, lead to their increased popularity and use. Concrete masonry units (represented by CMA in short form), are made of a mixture of cement, sand, and water. Cinder blocks are special, as they use industrial and household waste (cold ciders/ash from fires) as their filler component, in the place of sand. Today, if ash isn’t available, volcanic pumice might be used in its place. This makes cider blocks lighter than non-aggregate concrete masonry units, though they are still of considerable heft. Cinder blocks are hollow and rectangular, with the hollow part often used for metal reinforcement, or additional concrete for higher resistance. When investigating the weight of different cinder block sizes, we have to use the qualifier ‘average’, as it is nigh impossible to find a precise, consistent weight for all cinder blocks, even if they are the same dimensions. Stores that specialize in masonry products might stock different weights of bricks to Lowe’s or Home Depot, despite them being the same size. Despite masonry standards, these differences could be attributed to the quantity and quality of materials going into the production, natural deviations in density, different end styles, etc. Professional builders will often use a diverse away of cinder blocks in construction, but the average homeowner, homesteader, prepper, or DIYer only really needs to know about the three most common blocks – 8’’ x 2’’ x 16’’, 8’’ x 4’’ x 16’’ and the most common 8’’ x 8’’ x 16’’ hollow blocks.

8’’ x 2’’ x 16’’ Cinder Block Standard Weight

These small, flat building blocks, from paving slabs for pathways, to use as decorative capstone over other hollow cinder blocks underneath. Online, masonry stores and home improvement shops list the average weight as 16 pounds (7.26 kg), though there is wiggle room, with around 2.5 pounds potential standard difference from this average weight.

8’’ x 4’’ x 16’’ Cinder Block Standard Weight

These blocks are halfway between the 8’’ x 2’’ x 16’’, and the most common cinder block, 8’’ x 8’’ x 16’’. They’re a solid block, which can make them difficult to transport, as they are dense and compact, in addition to lacking angles for easy lifting (as the larger block has), and cannot be easily slid about (as the smaller block can). The average 8’’ x 4’’ x 16’’ cinder block weighs 33 pounds (or 15 kg). Again, there is wiggle room for this, and differences between manufacturers, materials, and styles of block can affect the weight. Most standard 8’’ x 4’’ x 16’’ cinder blocks fall between the 30 to 34.5 pounds mark.

8’’ x 8’’ x 16’’ Cinder Block Standard Weight

This is the most common kind of cinder block, as is most likely to spring to mind when you think of cinder blocks. This concrete block is hollow, with two structural holes down the middle, so that structures can be reinforced with materials like concrete or metal rods, or rebar. Leaving the center of the block hollow cuts the weight of the block, so it isn’t much heavier than the 8’’ x 4’’ x 16’’ block (that is half the height). The average 8’’ x 8’’ x 16’’ cinder block weighs about 36 pounds on average (or 16.33 kg), though they are generally listed as falling in the range of 35 to 38 pounds.

Complete List of Cinder Block Weights

Cinder Blocks As you have already read, the three most common types of cinder blocks are by no means the only ones in the masonry market. Depending on your project, you might be wanting some of the more uncommon seizes, regardless of whatever you need, there will be a cinder block that suits your requirements. If you can’t find something at the big box stores or local hardware stores, then specialist masonry stores or landscaping businesses will be able to order it in for you, just make sure you phone ahead!
Cinder Block Sizing (H x W x L in inches) Average weight (pounds/kilograms)
2 x 4 x 8 block (solid) 5 pounds/ 2.27 kg
8 x 8 x 8 block (hollow half block) 23 pounds/10.43 kg
2 x 8 x 16 (solid) 16 pounds/7.26 kg
4 x 8 x 16 (solid) 33 pounds/15 kg
4 x 8 x 16 (hollow) 24 pounds/10.89 kg
6 x 8 x 16 (hollow) 30 pounds/13.6 kg
6 x 8 x 16 (solid) 56 pounds /25.4 kg
8 x 8 x 16 (hollow) 47 pounds/ 21.32 kg
10 x 8 x 16 (hollow) 46 pounds/20.87 kg
12 x 8 x 8 (hollow) 31 pounds/14.06 kg
12 x 8 x 16 (hollow) 58 pounds/26.3 kg
Overall, these sizes of cinder blocks are available and can be useful for specific products. If you require a specific type of concrete masonry unit, it might be useful to go to a store that specializes in concrete products. They might even give you a better deal, or even have options for delivery, saving you time, effort, money, and even potentially wear and tear on your vehicle. Note – this complete list may not actually be complete, depending on when and where you are reading this article from. There are different types of cinder blocks available in different regions, and new blocks are always being put on the market.

Projects with Cinder Blocks

Cinder blocks really are one of the best building blocks for home and DIY projects. They are low cost, come in a convenient range of sizes, fire-resistant, fairly durable, and easy to get your hands on – meaning they are a totally invaluable resource for anyone who fancies themselves as a bit handy with construction. Preppers can use cinder blocks to build below ground food storage, retaining walls, raised beds, oven/stoves, protection from gunfire, bunkers or fallout shelters, and flood control.

Cinder Block FAQs

What is the difference between metric and imperial blocks?

Concrete blocks are manufactured to two standard sets of measurements – metric (mm) and imperial (inches). Globally, the industry has manufactured blocks to metric standards since 1979, but America has stayed with the imperial system. There are equivalent sizes across these two standards – although they don’t line up exactly, potentially as they’re made in different factories. When two equivalent blocks are measured, the metric unit is slightly smaller than its imperial equivalent, by around 6.9 mm or ⅛’’ in all directions. This means that a metric block could be used to replace an imperial block (by thickening the mortar), but the inverse cannot be done.

What are the benefits of using masonry blocks over poured concrete?

Traditionally, using concrete blocks rather than poured concrete leads to a faster construction time, especially when time taken to cure poured concrete is taken into account. Additionally, the top surfact of a block wall or construction is smooth, whereas poured concrete settles in their forms, meaning they aren’t as even. Finally, things constricted using blocks are more flexible, as they can be fitted around any shape of door or window without having to create an awkwardly shaped form/mold for the wet concrete.
Via SHTFPreparedness

Prepper Items You Can Buy At Garage Sales

Garage sales are a great way to stock up on items at a more affordable price and this is true for preppers as well. As the saying goes one man’s trash is another man’s treasure so going to garage sales for some of your prepper items is a good idea to get your essentials. Since your prepper items will be sitting in wait until you need them you may not want to spend a fortune on new items that will sit gathering dust until disaster strikes. Second hand options from garage sales are a great alternative. These are some prepper items to look out for at garage sales that could help serve your survival needs.

Why Shop For Prepper Items At Garage Sales?

garage sale Garage sales are a great place to find items you may no longer find in stores but are still very useful for prepping needs. Often older items are built to last and you can pick up some good quality older goods that will last much longer than their brand new counterparts. In general garage sales will allow you to pay much less for items than at a thrift store or at a shop. The money is going to an individual and they will often accept much less for an item as they are not looking at it from a business point of view. Another aspect around price is also that it is often negotiable. When you are dealing with the owner of the garage sale you could look at making a deal for buying a larger amount of items to ensure you pay an overall lower price.

Prepper Items You Can Buy At A Garage Sale

Prepper Items You Can Buy At A Garage Sale There are a range of prepper items you could get at a garage sale and it will really depend on what’s for sale on the day. We will look at the prepper items you should look out for and some likely items that you could find people selling at a garage sale.


_cookware in garage sale

Cast Iron Pots And Pans

Cast iron cookware is useful to have in survival situations. You will often need to cook on alternative energy sources which may even include open flame and cast iron can handle the higher temperatures. Cast iron also tends to be more durable overall so getting them second hand will mean they will probably still be in a usable condition and will tend to hold for a longer period of time even through end times.

Barbeque Items And Accessories

Being able to cook outside could be a necessary requirement if disaster strikes and having portable barbeque items and accessories could really assist you. Often if people are downgrading their homes to an apartment they may get rid of all their barbeque equipment so you may find a full set that could help add to your post apocalyptic cookware items.

Manual Kitchen Utensils

We have become dependent on technology for so many things and this extends to kitchen tools. Garage sales can be a good place to find manual kitchen utensils that do not require electricity and will make cooking and baking much easier when SHTF. Things like grinders, graters, hand mixers and can openers can become invaluable for a prepper.

Survival Items

Survival Items in garage sale

Camping Gear

Many people buy camping gear with the hopes of using it but soon find they never get the time so they end up selling it at a garage sale. Camping gear is perfect for survival needs from tents for shelter purposes, to paracord that has multiple survival uses. You can also find camping stoves and utensils which can be useful for meal prep in a hurry. Camping gear translates in general to off grid which is ideal for survival purposes.

Medical Supplies

Things like old medical supplies from a relative that has passed away can often be found at a garage sale. You can pick up all sorts of home medical supplies that would be needed to treat a sick or fragile person. Including things like masks, gloves, alcohol wipes and syringes. You may also get things like unopened bandages and gauze as well as crutches and splints which could be useful for home medical treatment in emergency situations.

Emergency Items

Often people tend to overstock certain emergency items and they will then sell the oversupply at a garage sale. Things like flashlights, first aid kits, radios, candles can all be found. Even things like partially used candles have a purpose where they can be melted down and made into bigger candles. These are all acceptable second hand items that will be useful in an emergency. Just remember batteries may need to be added or replaced for certain emergency supplies.


DIY will be essential if SHTF and picking up some quality second hand tools will make maintenance so much easier. You can find general manual tools useful for DIY and maintenance like hammers, screwdrivers, pliers and spanners. There can also be gardening tools which will be handy to add to your emergency store. Rakes, garden shears, spades all will be helpful to have on hand for survival purposes and not just general gardening needs.

Storage Buckets

These little gems have plenty of uses for the survivalist and they are one of the items that people would prefer to get rid of. You can get various sizes of buckets at a garage sale and they can be used for storage of a number of things like food items or gardening items to protect them from the elements and keep them in one place. You may even be able to negotiate some storage buckets for free if you are buying enough other items.

Hunting Gear & Knives

Hunting gear is a definite survival essential if you aim to be self-sufficient. You often find people will sell the older hunting equipment when they get new items to not be oversupplied. Quality knives can also be found at a garage sale which are very useful for a range of survival needs from DIY, to cooking, to hunting. A good knife can go a long way.

Final Thoughts

Garage sales can really reveal some diamonds in the rough to add to your emergency store and you can save a lot of money by going this route to get these items. There are often quality older items you may not find anywhere else that will make useful additions to your survival tool kit. One thing is certain you should definitely keep your survival items in mind the next time you come across a garage sale: you never know what you might find.

Via SHTFPreparedness