With Food Prices Soaring, Consider Locking In Today’s Prices With ‘Emergency Food’


The Biden Administration just announced that inflation is on the rise.

And many think Democrats are understating the real rise in food prices.

Watch this Maria Bartiromo report (transcript of highlights below):

TRENDING: INCREDIBLE EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Capitol Police ALLOW Protesters to Enter Side Door – WILL BE USED IN COURT – “Dream Team” of Lawyers Including Alan Dershowitz Set to Defend January 6’ers

Here’s a transcript of highlights:

Maria Bartiromo: “Food prices globally are at record highs.  The food price index jumped 13% from February to March. Jeff Flock is live in Philadelphia with more on this where we are expecting price hikes or even worse, Jeff, food shortages.”

Some people aren’t waiting for things to get worse.

They’re preparing for food price increases — and food shortages — by stocking up on long-lasting ’emergency food.’

According to one report, Costco has sold out of some of its so-called ’emergency foods’:

The good people at MyPatriotSupply.com still have emergency food on hand (ordering through this link and the links below benefits Gateway Pundit).

If you can afford it, buying prepared food now creates a buffer for when prices go higher.

With a stockpile of ’emergency food,’ you can use the lower-priced prepared food to soften the blow.

People are saying about MyPatriotSupply:

“Product sealed in very durable containers and standing by now for me. No regrets. Absolutely recommend!!”

“Best calories per dollar deal — Over 300 calories per dollar is amazing.”

“The battle to be self reliant is a hand most of the world has lost. Through this company and its outstanding quality we all can sleep easier knowing we are not 9 meals from anarchy.”

Millions of American families have already got their emergency food from MyPatriotSupply.com — making it the largest preparedness company in the nation.

Their food kits are packed with 2,000-plus calories a day and last a long time — some for as long as 30 years.

When you order buckets of long-lasting food, you can put them in a closet or back pantry — and worry less about what your family will need as food prices go higher.

Worst case, you’ve got enough food to last.

To see the latest specials at MyPatriotSupply.com, click here.

Comedian Gilbert Gottfried Dead at 67


Comedian Gilbert Gottfried has passed away at the age of 67 after battling a “long illness,” his family announced on Tuesday.

“We are heartbroken to announce the passing of out beloved Gilbert Gottfried after a long illness. In addition to being the most iconic voice in comedy, Gilbert was a wonderful husband, brother, friend and father to his two young children. Although today is a sad day for all of us, please keep laughing as loud as possible in Gilbert’s honor.

“Love, the Gottfried family.”

TRENDING: INCREDIBLE EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Capitol Police ALLOW Protesters to Enter Side Door – WILL BE USED IN COURT – “Dream Team” of Lawyers Including Alan Dershowitz Set to Defend January 6’ers

Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt Signs Bill Making Abortion at All Stages a Felony Into Law


Oklahoma Republican Governor Kevin Stitt signed a bill on Tuesday making abortion a felony into law except under certain conditions including medical emergency.

Earlier this month, Oklahoma lawmakers overwhelmingly voted to ban abortion and imprison doctors who perform the procedure.

Senate Bill 612 will have an exception for an abortion if it saves the expectant mother’s life. Doctors who perform abortions will be fined $100,000 and spend up to 10 years in prison.

Under this new law, cases of rape and incest do not provide exceptions.

TRENDING: INCREDIBLE EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Capitol Police ALLOW Protesters to Enter Side Door – WILL BE USED IN COURT – “Dream Team” of Lawyers Including Alan Dershowitz Set to Defend January 6’ers

“As governor, I represent all 4 million Oklahomans and they overwhelmingly support protecting life in the state of Oklahoma. We want Oklahoma to be the most pro-life state in the country. We want to outlaw abortion in the state of Oklahoma,” the governor said.

Washington Examiner reported:

The bill, SB 612, bans abortion at all stages, except for cases in which the mother’s life is at risk, and does not make exceptions for cases of rape and incest. Abortion providers who violate the new law are subject to a fine of up to $100,000 and 10 years in prison.

“We’re going to sign every piece of pro-life legislation that hits our desk,” Stitt said. “We want it clear that we want to choose life in Oklahoma. We don’t want to allow abortions in the state of Oklahoma right now.”

Stitt added that he and state Attorney General John O’Connor “know this bill will be challenged immediately by liberal activists from the coast who always seem to want to come in and dictate a mandate and challenge our way of life here in the state of Oklahoma.”

The bill first passed out of the Senate last year but was shelved temporarily. The House unexpectedly took it up for a vote earlier this month without debate or questions on the floor. It passed the House with a vote of 70 to 14.

“SB 612 is monumental for the unborn in OK. It is the strongest Pro-Life bill in the nation, and I was honored to author it and work with my colleagues in the legislature to get this bill passed,” said GOP state Sen. Nathan Dahm.

South Dakota Attorney General Impeached Over 2020 Car Crash in Which He Killed a Pedestrian


South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg (R) was impeached by the state House on Tuesday over a 2020 car accident in which he killed a pedestrian.

The state House voted 36-31 to impeach Ravnsborg during a special session for the first time in the state’s history.

According to reports, Ravnsborg was driving home from a Republican dinner in September 2020 when he struck and killed a pedestrian who was walking on the highway’s shoulder.

Ravnsborg told a 911 dispatcher that he thought he struck a deer when he ran over 55-year-old Joseph Boever.

TRENDING: INCREDIBLE EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Capitol Police ALLOW Protesters to Enter Side Door – WILL BE USED IN COURT – “Dream Team” of Lawyers Including Alan Dershowitz Set to Defend January 6’ers

However, when he returned to the scene the next day, he discovered Boever’s dead body on the side of the road.

The Star Tribune reported:

The South Dakota House on Tuesday impeached state Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg over a 2020 fatal crash in which he initially told authorities he thought he had struck a deer or another large animal.

Ravnsborg will at least temporarily be removed from office pending the historic Senate trial, where it takes a two-thirds majority to convict on impeachment charges.

Ravnsborg pleaded no contest last year to a pair of traffic misdemeanors in the crash, including making an illegal lane change. He has cast Joseph Boever’s death as a tragic accident.

In its 36-31 vote, the House rejected the recommendation of a GOP-backed majority report from a special investigative committee and sided with Noem, who has argued that Ravnsborg lied to investigators. Democrats also had pushed for impeachment, arguing that he was not “forthcoming” to law enforcement officers and had abused the power of his office.

Ravnsborg, who took office in 2019, initially told aides and a 911 dispatcher he did not know what he hit on a rural highway as he was returning home from a Republican dinner in September 2020. He went back to the scene the next day and found the body of 55-year-old Boever, who had been walking on the highway’s shoulder.

The Highway Patrol concluded that Ravnsborg’s car crossed completely onto the highway shoulder before hitting Boever, and criminal investigators said later that they didn’t believe some of Ravnsborg’s statements.

Jason Ravnsborg has physically left the office according to a spox for the Attorney General.

There will be a trial in the senate.

Poacher Steals Skull, Antler from Carcass of Famous Bull Elk in Rocky Mountain National Park


Rangers at Rocky Mountain National Park are trying to get to the bottom of a poaching incident involving a famous bull elk known locally as “Kahuna.” The bull’s carcass was located by wildlife photographers in March, and while the National Park Service still believes that the animal died from natural causes, the agency is now investigating the illegal removal of the bull’s skull and antler from within park boundaries.

According to the NPS, the skull and one remaining antler were removed from the carcass sometime between March 20 and 22. Officials indicated that the bull had already shed the other antler prior to its death.

“The elk’s remains should be allowed to return to the earth in Rocky Mountain National Park, where he brought much joy to thousands of park visitors over many years,” the agency said in a recent news release.

The bull—also known by other nicknames, including Bruno, Big Thirds, and Incredibull—was one of the most widely recognized and photographed animals in the history of the park, and his death made national headlines last month. His massive rack and dominating presence helped him stand out from the rest of the bulls in the park and he was well-known among wildlife photographers and other park visitors.

A post from Good Bull Outdoors showing the antler and carcass of the bull known as “Kahuna.”

“The King has fallen!” wildlife photographer Andrew Sanders wrote in an Instagram post after the bull was found dead last month. “Debatably the most photographed bull in the country has laid to rest. [sic] The bull has given so many the shot of a lifetime and will always be remembered as one of the greatest bull elk to wander these parts. As a confirmed lion kill, he went out fighting till the end.”

After the announcement of Kahuna’s death, the NPS indicated that the bull had appeared underweight at the beginning of February, and that he was likely injured at some point during last year’s rut.

Sanders and fellow wildlife photographers at Good Bull Outdoors were apparently the first to report the death of the bull in March. They had been actively tracking the elk before he died and had apparently lost tabs on him when a winter storm hit the park on March 7. When they found the carcass, they reported finding mountain lion tracks nearby. Good Bull Outdoors also took the time to measure the bull’s rack, and according to those measurements, it scored an estimated 426 6/8 inches.

“[And] that’s after two years of declining antler size!” Good Bull Outdoors added in its Facebook post. “I can only imagine what he must have scored at his peak in 2019. 450? Maybe 460? More?”

The NPS is asking anyone with knowledge of the poaching incident to contact the park immediately by calling their tip line (970-586-1393) or by filling out a form online. The penalty for the illegal removal includes a fine of up to $5,000 and up to six months in prison.

The feature image was used with permission by photographer Dawn Wilson.

New Finnish LYNX TD21 Straight Pull Rifle


Finnish LYNX TD21 Straight Pull Rifle (1)Finnish Lynx Rifles are known for their straight-pull bolt action rifle design. The company has recently announced the next generation of their rifle dubbed Lynx TD21. Compared to the previous generation of Lynx rifles (TD15), the new Lynx TD21 is lighter and features a larger ejection port, fluted bolt, redesigned bolt release lever and trigger guard. […]

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Former FDA Official: The FDA Is “Purposely Hiding Facts” About COVID Vaccine Side Effects


Mac Slavo
April 12th, 2022

David Gortler, the former senior adviser to the FDA commissioner for drug safety said that the Food and Drug Administration is “purposely hiding facts” about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 mRNA shots.

Gortler was an FDA medical officer before being appointed by the Donald Trump White House as senior adviser to the FDA commissioner for drug safety, FDA science policy, and FDA regulatory affairs. He previously served as a professor of pharmacology and biotechnology at the Yale University School of Medicine, where he also served at Yale’s Bioethicist Center.

“It’s pretty clear today there are both safety and efficacy problems with vaccines and boosters,” in a column for the Federalist.  Gortler, who is also a pharmacologist, pharmacist, and an FDA and health policy fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center said that the FDA, the Centers for Disease Control, Pfizer, and Moderna have all known from the beginning about myocarditis and pericarditis risks from the mRNA vaccines.

While there are also many other adverse events reported in the tracking system run by the FDA and the CDC, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), no formal warnings have been made to Americans, such as labeling and letters to warn physicians, pharmacists, or the American public, said Gortler. –LifeSiteNews

“Why? One reasonable explanation is because it would counter the narrative that endless vaccines and boosters is your patriotic duty,” Gortler wrote. “But since Covid-19 vaccinations were mandated by the White House for all workers until the Supreme Court took action (they are still mandated for health-care professionals), and the fact that Pfizer and Moderna still have a federally granted liability shield, the duty of safety monitoring must fall under the auspices of the FDA.”

He said FDA officials “are still pushing a potentially risky vaccine by purposely hiding facts from the public.”



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Missouri Group that Recommended No Punishment for Soros-Backed DA Is Full of Radical University Leftists


Yesterday the Missouri Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel (OCDC) recommended no penalties for Soros-backed St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardener despite Gardner having committed 62 different acts of misconduct.  Only a group of far-left attorneys could have recommended this result. 

Despite having committed numerous acts of misconduct in the state of Missouri, on Monday we reported that the OCDC recommended no penalty for Kim Gardner.  Anyone else would have likely lost their license for multiple acts of misconduct, but not this one.

SOROS-FUNDED CIRCUIT ATTORNEY WALKS! Kim Gardner Faces NO CONSEQUENCES After She Admits to Wrongdoing in Greitens Case — Records Show 62 Acts of Misconduct

A court last year found that Kim Gardner engaged in 62 acts of misconduct and 79 false representations in her prosecution of Eric Greitens.

TRENDING: INCREDIBLE EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Capitol Police ALLOW Protesters to Enter Side Door – WILL BE USED IN COURT – “Dream Team” of Lawyers Including Alan Dershowitz Set to Defend January 6’ers

Kim Gardner already faces a misconduct probe for illicit conduct in her plot to take down popular Missouri Governor Eric Greitens.

But none of this mattered to the OCDC. The Missouri  OCDC received 1,709 complaints in 2020, per its latest report.  Only half of these complaints were investigated (855).  Of this here are the results of the investigations.  Only 9 lawyers in 2020 were disbarred (less than 1%).

It appears that the Missouri OCDC is lax on its rulings involving its fellow attorneys.  This results in corrupt politicians being able to commit 62 acts of misconduct and nothing being done.  Add the Missouri OCDC to the list of corrupt institutions in this country.  This is pathetic.

Dr. Peter Navarro: Inflation Today Under Biden is as Bad Now as It Was at the End of Stagflation in the 1970s (VIDEO)


Inflation blew past 8% to 8.5% annually in March. It was the highest inflation rate since 1981.

Dr. Peter Navarro later went on the War Room and warned that this number today was as bad as the peak of stagflation in the 1980s.

TRENDING: INCREDIBLE EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Capitol Police ALLOW Protesters to Enter Side Door – WILL BE USED IN COURT – “Dream Team” of Lawyers Including Alan Dershowitz Set to Defend January 6’ers

Dr. Peter Navarro: It’s as bad now in the Biden regime at the beginning as it was at the peak and the end of the stagflation in the 70s.

Cabot Eggerling Bespoke Pair of 1911 Pistols


Cabot Eggerling Bespoke 1911 Pistols (1)Cabot Guns have been using Damascus steel in many of their projects and each of them is unique making it extremely hard to rank them. Cabot’s Damascus steel pistols are really works of art and which one is the best is quite subjective. But when the artist himself names his new creation the best, it […]

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