BIDEN ECONOMY: Producer Price Index (Another Measurement of Inflation) Reaches 11.2% – Surpassing It’s All-time High


This truly is Biden’s inflation.  Americans are getting hammered with inflation today and they know it.  Now the Producer Price Index reaches an all-time high (not good).

Today the Producer Price Index was reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics and it reached an all-time high again.

The Producer Price Index for final demand increased 1.4 percent in March, seasonally adjusted, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. This rise followed advances of 0.9 percent in February and 1.2 percent in January. (See table A.) On an unadjusted basis, final demand prices moved up 11.2 percent for the 12 months ended in March, the largest increase since 12-month data were first calculated in November 2010.

In January the Producer Price Index reached another all-time high.  Now that record has been broken.

TRENDING: “I’m Defending the Right to Express Your Views Under the First Amendment” – Alan Dershowitz Speaks Out in Defense of J6er He Is Representing who Was Waved in to US Capitol (VIDEO)

BIDEN’S ECONOMY: The Producer Price Index Measurement of Inflation Sets Record – All-Time Highest Increase Ever Reported

Yesterday the Consumer Price Index rose to 8.5%.  This was the highest rate in that index in 40 years.  Americans are getting killed with inflation.  No wonder Biden’s gang was trying to placate the masses on Monday before these results were released.  These numbers are horrible.

Psaki Blames Putin For High Inflation Rate: Tomorrow’s Inflation Reading is Expected to be “Extraordinarily Elevated” (VIDEO)

These numbers are horrible, but lying and blaming them on Putin in Ukraine is insane.  Americans aren’t buying it and it just makes Biden look worse.  What a horrible gang that is running this country.  First they destroy the economy and then they blame it on Putin and Russia.  Sick.

New Recondo FX Tactical Fixed-Blade from SOG Knives


New Recondo FX Tactical Fixed-Blade from SOG KnivesFolders are great to keep as everyday carry knives due to their discreet nature and convenient size. However, for those that have jobs that require heavier duty knives or need something to take with them out in the field, a fixed blade is always the way to go. SOG Knives has just introduced their new […]

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Dr. Peter McCullough: COVID vaccines have now killed more Americans than World War I


This article was originally published by Arsenio Toledo at Natural News under the title: VACCINE GENOCIDE: Dr. Peter McCullough says COVID vaccines have now killed more Americans than World War I

Epidemiologist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough warned that more Americans were killed by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine than some of the wars involving the United States.

McCullough made this claim while speaking at the COVID-19 Town Hall of OPTIMIST Bahamas on April 8.

OPTIMIST, which stands for Offering Preventing Therapeutic Interventional Medicines Increasing Safety and Trust, is an organization of doctors, other healthcare professionals, lawyers, and concerned individuals who do not want countries to rely on the “vaccine only” strategy for dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to its website, OPTIMIST does not want to be called “anti-vax.” The group added that its only goal is to educate the public about alternative preventative measures and treatment strategies for dealing with the coronavirus. This includes the potential use of banned treatments and therapeutics like ivermectin.

“Strategically targeting each phase of the COVID-19 disease (contraction, incubation, acute illness, and recovery) is vital,” wrote the organization on its website.

As evidence for his claim, McCullough used multiple scientific papers showing America’s accurate death count from the experimental and deadly COVID-19 vaccines. He argued that the actual death count is likely significantly higher than what is documented in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), the federal government’s program for collecting reports of injuries and deaths caused by all vaccines. (Related: Global pandemic of the vaccinated gets worse as more people take deadly shots.)

“[A paper] concluded that the upper bound of a confidence interval for death could be as high as 187,000 Americans losing their life after vaccination. It could be that bad,” he said.

For comparison, around 116,000 Americans died during World War I. The only other American wars that have more fatalities than the COVID-19 vaccine are World War II and the Civil War, where around 405,000 and 655,000 Americans died, respectively.

Citing data from the federal government’s VAERS program, McCullough explained how many of the severe adverse reactions to the vaccine originated in many parts and organs of the human body where COVID-19 vaccine particles were found.

“I can tell you, looking at this VAERS report with 12,000 Americans who have died, voluntarily after taking an injection, the COVID-19 vaccine is worse than a war,” he said. “It’s worse than most wars.”

McCullough added that “86 percent of the time the report is made by a doctor, a nurse or a healthcare professional who thinks the vaccine caused the problem. He is referring to a recent analysis of COVID-19 vaccine death reports submitted to VAERS.

The most recent analysis includes data released on VAERS on April 8 and is updated through April 1. According to the data, VAERS has received a total of 12,298 reports regarding COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths

If McCullough’s analysis of the recently published scientific papers is correct, this means VAERS has only recognized less than one-fifteenth of the actual number of deaths in the U.S. due to the COVID-19 vaccine.

Learn more about the COVID-19 vaccine casualties in America by reading the latest articles at

Watch Dr. Peter McCullough’s entire talk during the OPTIMIST Bahamas COVID-19 Town Hall below.



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“Extraordinary” – US Consumer Prices Soar At Fastest In Over 40 Years


Tyler Durden
April 13th, 2022

This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. 

Having warned the world to expect “extraordinarily elevated” levels of inflation due to “Putin’s Price Hike”, The White House is likely in shock this morning as headline CPI rose 1.2% in March (vs +1.2% MoM) which sent the headline CPI up a shocking 8.5% YoY (vs +8.4% YoY exp and +7.9% prior) – the highest since 1981.

Source: Bloomberg

The 1.2% MoM rise is the biggest since Sept 2005 and CPI has risen for 22 straight months, but we note that goods inflation actually fell on a MoM basis (while energy soared)…

Source: Bloomberg

However, Core CPI (ex food and energy) rose just 0.3% MoM (below the +0.5% expected) and was up 6.5% YoY (above Feb’s 6.4% but below the +6.6% exp).

The shelter index was by far the biggest factor in the increase, with a broad set of other indexes also contributing, including those for airline fares, household furnishings and operations, medical care, and motor vehicle insurance.

In contrast, the index for used cars and trucks fell 3.8 percent over the month.

A full breakdown of the top 5 subcomponents in the monthly increase is shown below.

On a year-over-year basis, the rise in prices was dominated by Energy and goods.

Source: Bloomberg

The cost of putting a roof over your head (unless you’re homeless in LA) continues to soar…

  • March Shelter inflation 5.0% Y/Y, up from 4.7% in Feb, and the highest since May 1991
  • March Rent inflation 4.44% Y/Y, up from 4.17% in Feb, and the highest since May 2007

A full heatmap of March inflation (more to follow in a subsequent post).

Bear in mind that after this March report, inflation expectations start to step down, with second-quarter CPI seen at 7.6% and 5.7% by year-end, according to a Bloomberg survey. According to at least 6 Wall Street banks, this was the peak of the inflation wave.

And finally, and perhaps most importantly for the average American who actually has to pay for ‘stuff’ every day with his (or her or zher) own money, real average hourly earnings fell for the 12th straight month…

Source: Bloomberg

This confirms NBC News’s recent poll that showed 62% of Americans saying their incomes cannot keep up with the rising cost of living.

Still, the good news is, we all know who to blame for this right?

The bottom line: No inter-meeting or 75bps rate hike as the CPI data isn’t as bad as it could have been.



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“I’m Defending the Right to Express Your Views Under the First Amendment” – Alan Dershowitz Speaks Out in Defense of J6er He Is Representing who Was Waved in to US Capitol (VIDEO)


A vast majority of the more than 800 January 6 political prisoners who were arrested following the protests in January 2021 were accused of walking into the US Capitol — something they had no idea was against the law especially since the police officers were waving them in.

Cara Castronuova posted video earlier Tuesday on The Gateway Pundit of nearly 250 patriotic Americans peacefully walking into the US Capitol on January 6th.
The video shows they were waved in by police. It is clear no violence or crime was committed by the people in this video.

As Cara reported, Harvard Constitutional Law Professor Alan Dershowitz is representing at least two of the men who were arrested for entering the US Capitol that day.  They were allowed in and are included in the video below.

TRENDING: Mike Cernovich on The War Room: Republican Voters Want ‘Human Rights Tribunals’ Against the Criminal Regime Who Is Killing the Nation and It’s People — NOT Kevin McCarthy (VIDEO)

Now, those same Americans are being hunted down by the Biden regime with the intent of destroying them and their families.

On Tuesday night Professor Alan Dershowitz joined Greg Kelly to discuss the lawsuits against these patriotic Americans.  Dershowitz had this to say about the defendant he is representing,

Alan Dershowitz:  “He had a First Amendment right to protest the election and he was welcomed into the Capitol.  The policemen are seen in the videotape welcoming him in.  It’s not a crime to be welcomed into the crime after you’ve been waved in.  He didn’t hurt anybody.  He left when he was told to leave.  And there’s been a case that’s been decided just last week which suggests that if those facts are true, there is no crime…

… If they apply the same standards that they apply to protesters in the west– , Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and others who burned buildings, blocked access to the courts, and did real damage, none of these cases would be brought.  And you can’t have a double standard.  You can’t have one rule for the left and one rule for the right.  One rule for Democrats and one rule for Republicans.  The First Amendment doesn’t permit that.

EXCLUSIVE: Far-Left George Soros-Backed Media Matters Claims to Be a Nonprofit But Acts Like a Biased Far-Left Hit Machine


Media Matters is a far-left organization that labels itself as a non-profit but works as a far-left hit machine.  It has connections to George Soros and its purpose appears to be to harm conservative Americans and take them out of business.   But there is much more to this sketchy entity.

In 2019 Forbes discussed the various distinctions between non-profits:

The United States Internal Revenue Code (IRS) states that nonprofits are generally referred to as “501(c)” organizations. There are more than 30 types of nonprofits under that code that qualify for exemption of some form from federal income taxes. The two most basic types are 501(c)(3) charitable organizations and 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations. There are key distinctions between the two types of entities.

• The 501(c)(3) nonprofits (also known as “charitable organizations”) are what we often think of. They are the charities those in need reach out to for help, and the public supports them with tax-deductible donations.

TRENDING: Mike Cernovich on The War Room: Republican Voters Want ‘Human Rights Tribunals’ Against the Criminal Regime Who Is Killing the Nation and It’s People — NOT Kevin McCarthy (VIDEO)

These 501(c)(3) nonprofits are prohibited from “participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office.”

• The 501(c)(4) organizations account for social welfare, civic leagues and local associations. These organizations promote community welfare, education, charitable or recreational goals.

Since the Supreme Court’s Citizens United v. FEC decision, “social welfare” organizations have become a popular means for electoral involvement, often because of the privacy afforded to financial supporters.

Because “social welfare” groups may engage in limited political activity, contributions are not tax-deductible. And while (c)(4) organizations have become a popular method for campaign activity, politics cannot be the entity’s primary purpose.

Impermissible political activity by nonprofits carries risk on multiple levels. Not only could an entity’s tax-exempt status be jeopardized, but conduct that constitutes an impermissible campaign contribution may carry civil and criminal liability.

Per the regulation, in addition to what’s noted above the following also applies:

On the other hand, voter education or registration activities with evidence of bias that (a) would favor one candidate over another; (b) oppose a candidate in some manner; or (c) have the effect of favoring a candidate or group of candidates, will constitute prohibited participation or intervention.

The first obvious question mark about Media Matters is that according to Media Bias Fact Check Media Matters is a 501(c)(3) with a ‘high-rated far-left bias’.  Aren’t these same biases non-compliant with the regulation for non-profit status?

Media Matters is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization funded through donations and sponsors. According to Sourcewatch, they are funded by wealthy liberals. According to the right-leaning Influence Watch, “Media Matters was founded with $2 million in funding from wealthy progressives funneled through the Tides Foundation with additional funding from and the New Democrat Network. The left-of-center donor group known as Democracy Alliance endorsed the group in 2004, resulting in donations. In 2010, George Soros gave the group $1 million. MMA has also received substantial funding from labor unions, most notably the National Education Association (NEA).” Finally, they are affiliated with the American Bridge 21st Century Super PAC.

In 2021 the IRS was notified of actions by Media Matters that were outside of the IRS code.  The Federalist reported:

The Iowa-based conservative watchdog group Patriots Foundation filed a new complaint with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Monday against Media Matters for America (MMFA) arguing the tax-exempt group has violated its agency agreement with illegal electioneering.

Founded in 2004, the leftist non-profit was given 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status under IRS code which prohibits explicit campaign activity on behalf of any candidate or candidate’s party. In a supplemental complaint added to an existing referral over last year’s election, however, the Patriots Foundation argues the group’s interference in the California recall race violates IRS terms for tax exemption.

“MMFA has, from inception, operated as a thinly veiled partisan political organization supporting Democratic candidates for office and engaging in other improper activities,” the group wrote, outlining four parameters groups must follow in order to maintain their 501(c)(3) status with the IRS. They include avoidance of unnecessary references to any election; avoidance of unnecessary references to individuals’ candidacies; objective, factual analysis of candidates when they are referenced; and avoidance of candidate characterizations which may endorse or oppose them in the race. In a Media Matters article headlined, “Larry Elder is running to be California governor. Here’s just some of his toxic record as a radio host and right-wing pundit,” the Patriots Foundation explained, “each of these assurances have been abandoned.”

According to the article, Media Matters was also called out in 2016 with its bias toward the Hillary campaign.  Check out any time at any day and look for non-biased reporting in any of the articles that it presents.  You’ll be very lucky if you find any non-biased reports at all.

The second most obvious question about Media Matters is why is it that this firm that spends all day long monitoring and critically assessing conservative politicians and entities, can not timely file its tax returns with authorities.  Media Matters is behind in filing its tax returns with many states.

Per a review of New York’s charities database, Media Matters for America hasn’t filed its tax return with the state since the 2019 year-end.

The third item of contention with Media Matters is that it filed for and received COVID-19 funds through PPP loans. 

Although COVID probably had no effect on its business and might have even helped it, Media Matters applied for and received $1.2 million from the US government.  We learned from this that if there is money available, Media Matters – the nonprofit – is going for it.

However, according to the SBA, nonprofits are not eligible to qualify for a PPP loans.

Charitable, religious, or other non-profit or eleemosynary institutions, government-owned corporations, consumer and marketing cooperatives, and churches and organizations promoting religious objectives are not eligible.

There is much more to this obviously biased entity that claims to be a non-biased nonprofit and that benefits from tax benefits that only non-profits receive.  Much more.  

Brace yourself for our upcoming report.  

WE WEAR THIS AS A BADGE OF HONOR: Rolling Stone Lists TGP’s Jim Hoft and American Gulag as Top Donors to Jan 6 Political Prisoners in Weird Hit Piece


For some sick reason, Teddy Wilson at Rolling Stone magazine believes the nearly 800 protesters on January 6 who were arrested on trumped-up charges do not deserve capable legal representation.

Rolling Stone published an article attacking the January 6th defendants this week and targeting the Americans who donated to help these people gain capable representation in court.

A vast majority of the J6ers who were arrested were accused of walking into the US Capitol — something they had no idea was against the law, especially since the police officers were waving them in.

Cara Castronuova posted a video of nearly 250 patriotic Americans peacefully walking into the US Capitol on January 6.

TRENDING: Mike Cernovich on The War Room: Republican Voters Want ‘Human Rights Tribunals’ Against the Criminal Regime Who Is Killing the Nation and It’s People — NOT Kevin McCarthy (VIDEO)

The video shows they were waved in by police. It is clear no violence or crime was committed by the people in this video.

Now, those same Americans are being hunted down by the Biden regime with the intent of destroying them and their families.

Today Rolling Stone noted more than 100 crowdfunding campaigns have been created to solicit donations to help pay their legal bills.

Rolling Stone then reports that The Gateway Pundit founder and editor-in-chief Jim Hoft contributed at least $33,000 in donations to over two dozen political prisoners.

The Gateway Pundit’s sister website raised over $108,000 for the J6er political prisoners.

Thanks to you, our readers, the Gateway Pundit also raised hundreds of thousands for fundraising campaign for numerous January 6 prisoners and their families.

Rolling Stone‘s obvious intent of this hit piece is to shame us. But they are wrong. We wear this as a badge of honor.

The Gateway Pundit organization and family are very proud funders of the January 6 political prisoners. Our hearts go out to these prisoners and their families.

** Please continue to donate to the AmericanGulag and the families of the January 6 political prisoners here.

Thank you so very much!

Rolling Stone reported:

Jim Hoft, the founder and editor-in-chief of right-wing conspiracy news site Gateway Pundit, has made at least $33,000 in donations to the crowdfunding campaigns of two dozen defendants — more than any other single donor. These donations include $7,000 to a campaign for Jeremy Brown, a member of the Oath Keepers, and $3,000 to the campaign for Felicia Konold, who is affiliated with the Proud Boys.

“His Gateway Pundit articles about fraudulent votes or other problems with the election were a commonly referenced ‘source’ leading into the insurrection that helped to stir up Trump’s base and likely helped make some people feel like some version of corrective action was required,” Cooter says.

Gateway Pundit has continued to publish unfounded conspiracy theories, including the alleged involvement of Antifa and undercover federal agents. Hoft did not respond to a request for comment from Rolling Stone.

American Gulag, a website operated by Hoft that claims to provide “sunshine and publicity to the scores of political prisoners wrongfully imprisoned as a result of the protest on January 6th,” has raised more than $106,000 on GiveSendGo. The campaign page claims that any funding “raised over and above the amount needed for our investigations will be applied to legal fees and other expenses incurred.”

“Regardless of whether Hoft himself genuinely believed the election was ‘stolen,’ he and Trump had a symbiotic relationship. Supporting Trump and efforts to keep him in office was consistent with Hoft’s brand,” Cooter says. “Trump, in turn, reportedly read the Pundit and boosted Hoft’s reputation among his supporters. Trump remaining in office likely would have been beneficial to Hoft’s bottom line and potentially to his ability to remain present on more mainstream platforms like Twitter.”

Study Finds Florida Handled COVID Lockdowns Better Than New York And California

Think back to the worst days of the COVID-19 pandemic, when states were locking down and asking people to stay home.

Our national media immediately politicized the situation.

They held up New York Governor Andrew Cuomo as a hero and did the same to a lesser extent with California Governor Gavin Newsom.

Meanwhile, Florida Governor Rod DeSantis was treated like a grandma-killer.

Now, months later, a study has found that Florida handled the situation better.

FOX News reports:

California, New York handled COVID-19 lockdowns the worst, Florida among the best, a new study shows

A new study has graded states by how well they handled the coronavirus pandemic and its subsequent restrictions and lockdowns, showing a stark contrast between liberal and conservative states.

The Committee To Unleash Prosperity study compared state performance on metrics including the economy, education, and mortality from the virus, and examined how states and their respective governments handled the pandemic response.

“Shutting down their economies and schools was by far the biggest mistake governors and state officials made during COVID, particularly in blue states,” Steve Moore, co-founder of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, told Fox News Digital. “We hope the results of this study will persuade governors not to close schools and businesses the next time we have a new virus variant.”

New York, California, New Jersey and Illinois were among the worst in dealing with the coronavirus, performing “poorly on every measure,” the report said.

While some liberals are advocating going back to mask mandates and lockdowns, Ron DeSantis is still standing up for the rights of people in Florida.

All you have to do is look at where people are moving. Florida is pretty hot right now.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

Apocalypse Survival Tips


There are plenty of apocalypse scenarios and how it may come about. There is however one certainty; life as we know it currently would be over. Being able to turn on your lights or tap for instant electricity and water would likely be over.

Having access to electronics and the internet would possibly come to an end as well. Things would be blown back to the dark ages and self sufficiency would be the order of the day if you want to survive.

There are things to consider that go beyond the basic preparedness strategies like having a well stocked bug out bag or your basic emergency kits that local governments recommend. We have some top apocalypse survival tips that can put you ahead of the rest and give you a true chance at surviving the apocalypse.

Becoming As Self-Sufficient As Possible

rural area

This goes into a few different areas but making sure you do not rely on outside sources for your essentials is a top tip. From growing your own food, to homesteading with animals you want to make sure you can take care of your family’s basic needs.

Find A Great Piece Of Land In A Rural Area To Set Up Your Home Base

If you can find a good rural location you will be away from the busy city areas which will likely become warzones and completely overcrowded as people panic to try and scavenge to survive. A rural area provides you with plenty of space and privacy to set up your new life.

Find an area that will be suitable for farming basic fruit and vegetables native to your area that will be able to sustain your family long term. The increased area could also allow you the space to homestead with animals.

Try To Learn Helpful Skills Now That Could Serve You In The Apocalypse

If you decide to take up a hobby make sure it is something that could really help you should the apocalypse hit. Becoming an expert at DIY when it comes to maintenance could serve you well. Learning how to do canning could assist in safe food storage and enable you to make the most of your food and really get it to last.

Practicing skills when you have the luxury of time and it is not your family’s lives depending on you succeeding will allow you to adequately develop them to become proficient by the time you need to use them for survival.

Resourcefulness Is The Name Of The Game

Tripod Water Filter

You need to be able to find essential items without just going to the store. Knowing how to manage in nature and the wilderness will be key in the apocalypse in order to survive. Repurposing items is important as well if you are unable to find exactly what you are looking for.

You need to be able to use what is at your disposal for the intended purpose you were looking for.

Purifying Water Is Easier Than You Think

In general unless you are in a desert or drought ridden region there will be a number of natural water sources you can access. From collecting rainwater to using water from a spring or creek this water can be made safe to drink in a number of ways.

As a prepper you may have the usual portable methods to purify water like water purification straws and water purification additives but these will not last indefinitely. For a more sustainable option you can use a solar water purifier and maximize your use of natural renewable resources like the sun.

Repurpose Items That You Have Found Or Scavenged

The usual items you are used to having to make your life easier will no longer be around in the apocalypse. You will need to use certain things for multiple uses and use substitutes or repurposed items for others. An example is finding some soda cans, there are a number of options for repurposing soda cans that can better serve you in the apocalypse like making a DIY knife or portable storage container or makeshift canteen.

There are plenty of purposes for most things if you just have a bit of imagination.

Knowledge Is Power

Knowledge Is Power

The internet is currently our biggest source of knowledge and information. Without this many people will be completely lost. We need it to learn how to do things, we need it to store information like passwords and phone numbers.

We are very dependent on technology and if you are prepared to handle things without it you can really be ahead of the crowd.

Put Together A Prepper Journal Before The Apocalypse

A prepper notebook is ideal to store essential information like your plans for bugging in or buggin out, routes to get out of your area safely and details on skills for survival how-to that you may not have access to otherwise.

Basically you customize your prepper journal to include everything you would need in the apocalypse. This is a vital information source that the average person would not have access to and would really give you an edge to be able to survive.

Form An Alliance With Other Survivors That You Trust

There is safety in numbers and besides the safety aspect there is also the fact that more people equals a bigger knowledge and skills base. If you can find other survivors that you are willing to form an alliance with you can really increase your chances of survival.

With more people in your camp you will be able to build your own community that will be able to increase your self-sufficiency and keep your new home protected.

Final Thoughts

The apocalypse does not necessarily mean the end of the world in its entirety and if you find yourself one of the survivors you will want to make sure that you have valuable tips like these to increase your chances of survival.

These are not the run of the mill things that the average person would know. These are the types of tips that encourage you to think outside of the box and enable you to be self-sufficient and resourceful beyond the rest of the population and give you the edge to both survive and thrive.

via SHTFPreparedness

Good Guy With Gun Saves Mother From Home-invading Conman Dressed As Nurse


A Houston man used deadly force against a home invader who broke into his mother’s residence while disguised as a nurse. 

When the invader failed to trick the elderly woman into letting him inside, he forced his way into the home while the victim called her son for help.

Arriving just as the man breached the front door, the son of the 65-year-old retiree opened fire on the criminal. Houston police quickly determined that the shooting was defensive and that the house appeared to be chosen at random from a neighborhood with a high number of elderly residents, but an investigation is still underway.

The invader died at the scene from his wounds.

TRENDING: A Bird Just Sh*t on Biden While He Was Talking About Inflation in Iowa (VIDEO)

“It doesn’t look like there’s any relation at all,” HPD Lt. J.P. Horelica told KHOU. “It was just a random thing.”

Conservative circles often make the argument that the only thing capable of stopping a bad guy with a gun is a good guy equally armed. Unfortunately, despite the facts being on their side, they also often fail to provide the data supporting the claim.

That may be changing soon.

Estimates vary widely, but even some of the most liberal surveys indicate that defensive gun use in the United States occurs over 100,000 times per year and perhaps as many as 3 million times. That number is likely rising.

With liberals nationwide demanding that police forces be defunded, we’re now seeing an emerging trend where citizens are forced to take matters into their own hands. Local news reports out of Philadelphia indicate that, if defensive gun use continues on its current course, the city will see a 500 percent increase in citizens defending themselves with firearms since just last year.