Two women at New Jersey’s only all-women’s prison have both fallen pregnant after having sex with a transgender inmate.
The pregnant women, who were not identified, are housed at the embattled Edna Mahan Correctional Facility, in Clinton, which New Jersey Governor announced plans to close last year.
Prison bosses said that in both instances, the sex was consensual.
It is unclear if the women had sex with the same transgender inmate, or if it was two different inmates. Edna Mahan houses 27 transgender prisoners, and over 800 women altogether. It is also unclear how far along the two inmates are, and whether they plan to continue with their respective pregnancies. An investigation has been launched.
The correctional facility began to house transgender women – including those have yet to undergo gender reassignment surgery – last year.
That came as part of a settlement following a lawsuit brought by a trans woman and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of New Jersey.
ACLU legal director Jeanne LoCicero defended on Tuesday the policy, saying it ensured the rights of trans prisoners were not violated.
‘Game of Thrones’ actor Joseph Gatt was arrested last week at his Los Angeles home for engaging in online sexually explicit communication with a minor across state lines, the LAPD said.
Gatt was released the same day on $5,000 bail, TMZ reported.
“On April 6, 2022, around 4:45 a.m., detectives from the Los Angeles Police Department’s Juvenile Division, Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force, served a residential search warrant at the home of Joseph Gatt in the area of 3rd Street and La Jolla, after they received information that Gatt had been engaged in online sexually explicit communication with a minor across state lines. He was subsequently arrested by detectives for an outstanding felony warrant for California Penal Code 288.3(a) – Contact with a Minor for Sexual Offense.” LAPD said in a newsroom release.
In “Game of Thrones,” Gatt played the role of Thenn Warg. He also has had roles in “Dumbo,” “Thor” and “Star Trek Into Darkness.” He has a small role in the upcoming DC film “Black Adam.” – Variety reported.
“I obviously want to address the absolutely horrifying and completely untrue allegations recently leveled against me,” the actor said. “They are 100% categorically wrong and reckless. I have confirmed errors and misleading information in today’s press release.”
He added, “I am fully cooperating with police and LAPD to get to the bottom of this. I look forward to clearing my good name.”
Using images to communicate news and stories has shaped the way we view the world and in our Photo Of The Day we get to see all sorts of firearms and soldiers. Here we have soldiers of Enhanced Forward Presence Battle Group Latvia as they participate in the exercise CRYSTAL ARROW 2021. Soldiers of Enhanced […]
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Project Veritas on Wednesday revealed the DOJ secretly spied on journalists’ Apple and Google accounts.
“Apple and Google have come forward to disclose that between November 2020 and March 2021, the Department of Justice issued nine secret subpoenas and warrants to them for the private information of Project Veritas journalists.” Project Veritas reported.
The DOJ also compelled Apple and Google to keep quiet about the spying.
The DOJ was able to access journalists’ browsing history, payment information and other personal information, James O’Keefe said.
Project Veritas filed a motion demanding the return of their property.
Recall, James O’Keefe last month revealed the Biden DOJ spied on Project Veritas journalists with sealed search warrants then concealed the communications from a federal judge.
Project Veritas obtained legal documents from Microsoft Corporation revealing the DOJ obtained an extension on two sealed search warrants after a federal judge denied the Department’s efforts to “unsupervised and unfettered access to privileged emails and contacts of eight PV journalists.”
According to O’Keefe, Judge Torres ruled that federal prosecutors must be supervised by a Special Master to protect the journalists’ First Amendment rights.
The documents obtained by Project Veritas prove the DOJ went behind Judge Torres’ back, ignored the order and tried to hide the fact that they obtained communications from PV journalists.
It turns out the DOJ also spied on the journalists’ Apple and Google accounts.
Project Veritas announced today that Apple and Google came forward and provided documents showing that President Biden’s Department of Justice issued nine secret subpoenas to them for multiple Project Veritas journalists’ private information.
The subpoenas and warrants even extended to the journalists’ security detail.
In addition to compelling Apple and Google not to disclose that the constitutionally-protected information of journalists was being surveilled by the highest levels of our government, the Department of Justice sought payment information, MAC addresses, browsing history and other personal information from multiple employees of Project Veritas.
Paul Calli, an attorney for Project Veritas, pointed out that the actions from the government were disproportionate, in addition to arguing the DOJ violated the Privacy Protection Act, the First and Fourth Amendments, and Common Law Reporter’s Privilege.
“By no reasonable measure can the wholesale seizure of newsgathering materials, attorney-client privileged communications, and irrelevant personal information be considered a proportional response to an alleged low-grade larceny, much less to a non-crime,” said Calli in Project Veritas’ motion filed in response to the disclosures from Microsoft.
The DOJ’s spying campaign represents the latest example of governmental misconduct in, what appears to be, a politically motivated investigation. President Biden’s Department of Justice has placed its crosshairs squarely on Project Veritas’ newsgathering activities pertaining to apparent allegations against then-candidate, Joe Biden, which were made by his daughter, Ashley Biden, in her diary.
President Donald Trump’s political action committee has sent $500,000 to a group working to defeat Georgia Governor Brian Kemp in the upcoming Republican primary.
Trump’s Save America PAC sent the massive contribution to the Get Georgia Right Super PAC at the end of March.
Get Georgia Right is a federal Super PAC organized to “make Georgia Red Again,” according to their website.
The Georgia gubernatorial primary takes place on May 24, and Trump has endorsed former Sen. David Perdue in his challenge against the incumbent.
Politico reports, “Since receiving the donation from Save America PAC on March 25, the anti-Kemp Get Georgia Right super PAC began running a TV ad saying that Kemp ‘dismissed concerns about voter fraud in the 2020 election.’ The ad argued that ‘if Kemp can’t beat voter fraud, he won’t beat [Democratic candidate] Stacey Abrams’ in the November general election.”
“President Trump has demonstrated a strong interest in making sure the truth emerges about what happened in Georgia. He has also stated that the best way to solve this problem is electing people who acknowledge it and are committed to improving election integrity,” Jessica Freese, a Get Georgia Right spokesperson, told the outlet.
A recent poll conducted by Emerson College found that Kemp has 43 percent of the support among the five Republican contenders, while Perdue is currently taking 32 percent.
During an appearance on John Frederick‘s conservative talk radio program earlier this month, Trump said that “it’s always hard to beat a sitting governor. It’s hard. It’s very hard to beat, because they have a lot of money behind them. You know, everybody is giving them money. But we will see what happens.”
Trump added, “it’s a shame. It’s a shame. Not easy to beat a sitting governor. Just remember that.”
The former president is clearly not giving up, however, judging by this recent donation.
Trump also held a rally in Commerce, Georgia, on March 26, in which he made his endorsement clear.
Perdue told Fox News, “only about half of Republicans in the state understood that I had Trump’s endorsement. He wanted to make sure he laid that down with no misunderstanding. So that was huge thing.”
Welcome to another Wheelgun Wednesday on TFB, where we cover anything and everything relating to revolvers. Over the last couple of years, I’ve taken a look at a lot of Smith & Wesson revolvers, but today, we’ll look at the Taurus 605 which is a very affordable five-shot .357 Magnum, snub-nose revolver. I’ve seen numerous […]
The world first started to hear about a novel coronavirus in early January 2020, with reports of alleged new pneumonia-like illness spreading across Wuhan, China. However, the world did not actually know of Covid-19 until February 2020, because it was not until the 11th of that month that the World Health Organisation officially named the novel coronavirus disease as Covid-19.
So with this being the official truth, why does United States Government data show that the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) awarded a contract on the 12th November 2019 to Labyrinth Global Health INC. for ‘COVID-19 Research’, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19?
The shocking findings, however, do not end there. The contract awarded in November 2019for ‘COVID-19 Research’ was not only instructed to take place in Ukraine, it was in fact part of a much larger contract for a ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’.
Perhaps explaining why Labyrinth Global Health has been collaborating with Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and Ernest Wolfe’s Metabiota since its formation in 2017.
The Government of the United States has a website called ‘USA Spending‘, an official open data source of federal spending information. According to the site as of 12th April 2021, the US Government has spent a mind-blowing $3.63 trillion “in response to COVID-19”. But that’s not the only information on Covid that can be found on the site.
Hidden within the ‘Award Search’ are details on a contract awarded by the Department of Defense to a company named ‘Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp‘, which is allegedly “a global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company specializing in infrastructure development”.
The contract was awarded on September 20th, 2012, and is described as “Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services”. Obviously, this is very vague and most likely of little interest to anyone who happens to stumble across it. But there is something contained deep within the details that should be of interest to anyone and everyone.
The ‘Award History’ for the contract contains a tab for ‘Sub-Awards’ detailing the recipients, action date, amount, and a very brief description for 115 Sub-Award transactions. Most of the Sub-Awards are extremely mundane for things such as “laboratory equipment for Kyiv”, or “office furniture for Kyiv”.
Click to enlarge
But there is one Sub-Award that stands out among the rest, and it is was awarded to Labyrinth Global Health INC for “SME Manuscript Documentation and COVID-19 Research”.
An award for Covid-19 research isn’t exactly shocking when the world is allegedly in the grip of a Covid-19 pandemic, but considering the fact the sub-contract was awarded 12th November 2019, at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19, the award for Covid-19 research should come as a shock to everyone.
But the shock doesn’t end there, because the place the contact for Covid-19 research was instructed to take place was Ukraine, as was the entire contract awarded by the DOD to Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp.
The contract details found on the ‘USA Spending’ site actually reveal that the specific DOD department that awarded the contact was the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). The contract was awarded 20th September 2012, and concluded on 13th October 2020.
Whilst the details are vague, the US Government site also reveals that $21.7 million of the $116.6 million contract was spent on a ‘Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’.
Why did the Department of Defense pay a company that is allegedly “a global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company specializing in infrastructure development”, to help implement a “Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine’?
And why did both the DOD and said the company then pay Labyrinth Global Health INC to carry out COVID-19 research in Ukraine at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19?
Founded in 2017, Labyrinth Global Health is allegedly a “women-owned small business with deep expertise and a proven track record supporting initiatives for scientific and medical advancement.”
They describe themselves as “a multicultural and international organization with offices in four countries and a team of experts with diverse backgrounds and competencies, including microbiology, virology, global health, emerging infectious disease nursing, medical anthropology, field epidemiology, clinical research, and health information systems.”
One of those offices just happens to be located in Kyiv, Ukraine, which the company dubs “a gateway to Eastern Europe”.
The leadership team of Labyrinth Global consists of Karen Saylors, Ph.D. who is the Chief Executive Officer; Mary Guttieri, PHS who is the Chief Science Officer; and Murat Tartan who is the Chief Financial Officer.
Karen Saylors, Ph.D., who co-founded Labyrinth Global Health, has allegedly worked in the international public health field for over a decade and has spent many years living in Africa establishing global surveillance networks, “working with partners to improve Global Health policy on infectious disease detection, response, and control”.
At Labyrinth, Dr. Saylors specializes in studies that aim to understand and mitigate the biological and behavioral risks of disease transmission. Dr. Saylors worked with Oxford University Clinical Trials Network in Vietnam on zoonotic disease surveillance research and continues to coordinate with regional partners on emerging outbreaks in animal and human populations.
But who are the partners that Dr. Karen Saylors and Labyrinth Global Health choose to work with? They are none other than the ‘Eco-Health Alliance’ and ‘Metabiota’.
Dr. Karen Saylors, Eco-Health Alliance, and Metabiota worked together on the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) ‘PREDICT’ program from 2009, while Labyrinth Global Health worked alongside EHA and Metabiota on the PREDICT program in 2017.
Launched in 2009 and funded by USAID, PREDICT was an early warning system for new and emerging diseases in 21 countries. It was led by the University of California’s (“UC”) Davis One Health Institute and core partners included EcoHealth Alliance (“EHA”), Metabiota, Wildlife Conservation Society, and Smithsonian Institution, and as we’ve just revealed; Labyrinth Global Health. PREDICT was a forerunner of the more ambitious Global Virome Project.
The USAID describes PREDICT as having made “significant contributions to strengthening global surveillance and laboratory diagnostic capabilities for both known and newly discovered viruses within several important virus groups, such as filoviruses (including ebolaviruses), influenza viruses, paramyxoviruses, and coronaviruses“.
Here’s one of the many studies published by Eco Health Alliance, Metabiota, and Labyrinth Global Health proving the connection –
PREDICT partnered with the non-profit Eco Health Alliance (EHA) to carry out its 9-year effort to catalog hundreds of thousands of biological samples, “including over 10,000 bats.” A PREDICT-funded 2015 study on “diversity of coronavirus in bats” also included Peter Daszak, president of EHA, among its participants.
Eco Health Alliance is listed as a partner of the Wuhan Institute of Virology (“WIV”) on archived pages of its website and was mentioned as one of the institute’s “strategic partners” by the WIV’s Deputy Director-General in 2018.
Notably, the relationship between the WIV and the American Biodefense establishment was advanced by EHA policy advisor, David R. Franz, former commander at the US bioweapons lab at Fort Detrick.
WIV’s Dr. Shi Zhengli, a.k.a. “Batwoman,” had also worked with EHA’s Daszak on bat-related studies. As far back as 2005, Daszak and Zhengli were conducting research on SARS-like coronaviruses in bats. Several PREDICT-funded studies on SARS-like coronaviruses and Swine Flu count with both Zhengli’s and Daszak’s contributions. Perhaps the most noteworthy of these is a 2015 PREDICT and NIH-funded study she co-authored entitled: ‘A SARS-like cluster of circulating bat coronaviruses shows potential for human emergence’.
Meanwhile, Nathan Wolfe is the founder of Metabiota and the non-profit Global Viral. He spent over eight years conducting biomedical research in both sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. Unsurprisingly, Wolfe is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader. More notably, since 2008 he had been a member of DARPA’s DSRC, Defence Science Research Council until it was disbanded.
All of these people and organizations have been working for at least the last decade studying coronaviruses and helping to set up Biolabs in Ukraine. All using US Department of Defense funds to do so. You can read much more about this here, here, and here.
Putting the Biolabs in Ukraine to one side, for now, let’s return to the subject of Covid-19. If the US Government was funding Covid-19 research before Covid-19 was publicly known to exist then this suggests they either knew Covid-19 existed naturally, or they were involved in constructing this virus in a lab.
But if the contract evidence isn’t enough for you to come to this conclusion (it should be), then perhaps coupling it with evidence that the US National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and Moderna had a coronavirus candidate in December 2019 will be.
A confidentiality agreement which can be viewed here, states that providers ‘Moderna’ alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases’ (NIAID) agreed to transfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.
The material transfer agreement was signed the December 12th, 2019 by Ralph Baric, Ph.D., at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and then signed by Jacqueline Quay, Director of Licensing and Innovation Support at the University of North Carolina on December 16th, 2019.
The agreement was also signed by two representatives of the NIAID, one of whom was Amy F. Petrik Ph.D., a technology transfer specialist who signed the agreement on December 12th, 2019 at 8:05 am. The other signatory was Barney Graham MD Ph.D., an investigator for the NIAID, however, this signature was not dated.
The final signatories on the agreement were Sunny Himansu, Moderna’s Investigator, and Shaun Ryan, Moderna’s Deputy General Counsel. Both signatures were made on December 17th, 2019.
All of these signatures were made prior to any knowledge of the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus. It wasn’t until December 31st, 2019 that the World Health Organisation (WHO) became aware of an alleged cluster of viral pneumonia cases in Wuhan, China. But even at this point, they had not determined that an alleged new coronavirus was to blame, instead stating the pneumonia was of “unknown cause”.
All of this requires much further research to fit all of the pieces of the puzzle together, but here’s what we definitely know so far –
A novel coronavirus emerged in Wuhan in December 2019.
The world did not get to hear about this novel coronavirus until early January 2020.
The world did not know this novel coronavirus was called Covid-19 until February 2020, when the World Health Organization officially named it so.
The US Department of Defense awarded a contract for Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services to Black & Veatch Special Projects Corp‘, which is allegedly “a global engineering, procurement, consulting and construction company specializing in infrastructure development”.
That contract involved a Biological threat reduction program in Ukraine.
As part of this larger contract, another contract was awarded to Labyrinth Global Health for ‘COVID-19 Research’ on 12th November 2019.
This was awarded at least one month before the alleged emergence of the novel coronavirus, and three months before it was officially dubbed Covid-19.
Labyrinth Global Health works alongside the ‘Eco-Health Alliance’, and ‘Metabiota’, and participated in the USAID PREDICT program. All of these people and organizations have been working for at least the past decade studying coronaviruses and helping to set up Biolabs in Ukraine. All using US Department of Defense funds to do so.
Information found here points to Eco Health Alliance having a hand in creating the Covid-19 virus.
Information found here points to Moderna having a hand in creating the Covid-19 virus.
‘Moderna’, alongside the ‘National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) agreed to transfer ‘mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates’ developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna, to recipients ‘The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’ on the 12th December 2019.
What does all this point to? That’s for you to ponder and decide. But we promise you there is much more to come on the above…
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday said illegal aliens are free to travel throughout the United States once they cross over the border.
A reporter asked Psaki about the first bus of illegals that just arrived in DC from Texas.
The first bus containing dozens of illegal immigrants arrived in Washington, D.C on Wednesday, dropping them off blocks away from the U.S Capitol one week after Governor Abbott’s announcement.
Governor Abbott held a press conference last week concerning Texas’ border security efforts in response to the Biden admin’s decision to drop Title 42 at the border on May 23.
Texas will begin to use charter buses to ship illegal immigrants to Washington, D.C., as part of Abbott’s strategy for the overwhelming influx of illegal immigrants.
Psaki said they’re ‘migrants’ who have been processed by CBP so they’re free to travel throughout the country (with their free smartphones).
Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano was on Canale Italia TV and he shared his observations on what is going on in this world.
Below are some of the Archbishop’s key observations.
About the church and political leadership today:
We are facing a global coup that involves both civil society and the Church. Both are infiltrated and controlled by characters who use their power and the authority that derives from it, not for the purposes of the institutions they govern, but in order to destroy them. This crisis of authority must be denounced, because the action of those who have reached the highest levels of leadership both of nations and of the Church is a subversive and criminal act.
When asked about the efforts to create a global religion and whether it is homicide or suicide for the Holy church, Vigano shared:
Both. On the one hand, the corrupt part of the Hierarchy – which for the sake of brevity I call the deep church – since it is subservient to Satan, hates the Church as the Mystical Body of Christ and intends to kill Her, just as happened to the Church’s Head. But we know that just as Christ is risen, so His Mystical Body will also be resurrected after Her Passion. So yes: those who serve the Devil carry out a murderous operation, however crazy and doomed to failure.
When asked about the consequences he has incurred in standing up to the New World Order, Vigano shared:
Already after my revelations about the scandals of then Cardinal McCarrick, I had to take care of my safety. My statements about the pandemic farce, which I remember began in May 2020, at the time earned me insults and verbal lynchings, accusations of undue interference or that I was promoting conspiracy theories. There have also been those who have said that it was not I who wrote my statements; it was even insinuated that I was suffering from psychosis and “delirium of interpretation,” or even possessed by the devil. Not to mention the the accusations following my pronouncement on the Russian-Ukrainian crisis, a few days ago…
I have been amazed that these often over-the-top attacks also come in part from circles of Catholic conservatism and the so-called political right. In many cases, those whom I would have considered as allies – in opposing first the pandemic farce and then the war provocation – have shown that they side with the adversary, to the point of recognizing the effectiveness and moral lawfulness of the so-called vaccines or presenting Zelensky as an innocent victim of Putin’s expansionist aims. The reality is quite different, and denying it or concealing it to support one’s own theses or to obey one’s masters will serve no purpose other than to make the condemnation of the guilty and their accomplices even more just and motivated.
In any case, I thank God and Our Lady that I am in good health, and for the protection they have granted me so far.
Here is the TV interview for those of you who would like to watch it in Italian.
Here is the full transcript of the interview with Archbishop Vigano on Canale TV in English.