Crazed and Biased DC Judge Goes Off on President Trump at Conclusion of His Kangaroo Court and Indictments of Jan 6er


No man or woman who loves his or her country, religion, God, family and President Donald Trump will get a fair trial in a DC court.  The nation knows that and today another sad and unjust verdict came out of another DC court. 

Judge Reggie Jackson oversaw a jury trial where the likelihood of an unbiased jury is all but impossible.  He was fine with this because he wants it that way.  Judge Jackson’s court indicted a man on six counts for his actions on Jan 6.  The Nazi’s have taken over DC.  The judge and his court are part of this corrupt and radically biased group.

A jury on Thursday convicted the Jan. 6 defendant Dustin Thompson on all six charges he faced — including felony obstruction of Congress — rejecting his effort to blame Donald Trump’s campaign of disinformation about the election results for his conduct…

…After the verdict, U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton tore into Trump for his efforts to dupe supporters into believing the election was stolen.

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

“I think our democracy is in trouble because, unfortunately, we have charlatans like our former president who doesn’t, in my view, really care about democracy but only about power,” Walton said.

But he reserved his harshest comments for Thompson, whom he described as “weak-minded” and part of a “gullible” throng of Trump backers who couldn’t separate his claims from reality. Walton ordered Thompson immediately detained, forgoing the typical release of defendants until their sentencing.

We’ve reported on radical judge Jackson before.  He forced former AG Bill Barr to turn over his Mueller report.  He also has been horrible in cases involving those who expressed their right to protest a corrupt election, asking one victim of his court, “When did you get your medical license?” – when the individual refused to wear a mask.

Americans will never receive a fair verdict in a DC court.  The individual above was convicted of obstructing Congress but how could this of happened when Congress shut down because of bomb threats before any riots ever occurred.  There was no Congressional session going on to be shut down.

IT WAS ALL A LIE: Congress Was Evacuated on Jan. 6 Due to Pipe Bomb Threat — Not Because of Trump Supporters Walking Halls

Please pray for the victims of Jan 6 this weekend.  We will bring them justice.

On Good Friday: A Statue of Jesus Christ Is Unveiled in Rome Based on the Historic Shroud of Turin – And He Is Magnificent


Today is Good Friday – When Jesus Christ died on the cross in Jerusalem.

A statue was unveiled in 2018 by the Museum of Popes of Jesus Christ based on the markings on the historic Shroud of Turin.

The Shroud of Turin is a linen cloth bearing the image of a man who appears to have suffered physical trauma in a manner consistent with crucifixion. It is kept in the royal chapel of the Cathedral of Saint John the Baptist in Turin, northern Italy and goes on display every 10 years. It is believed to be the burial cloth of Jesus Christ.

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

Scientists believe the image on the Shroud of Turin, thought to be the burial shroud of Jesus Christ, was created by an ultraviolet “flash of light.” However, this technology was not available prior to the 20th Century.

The new statue shows the wounds on the man in the shroud who is believed to be Jesus Christ.

The statue was constructed after more than two years of anatomical studies by sculptor Sergio Rodella.

Via Rome Reports:

The Shroud of Turin is a centuries-old piece of cloth believed to have been used to wrap Christ body when placed in the tomb. According to tradition, the cloth contains the imprint of Christ’s body.

After studying and constructing a statue of the man from the Shroud, sculptor Sergio Rodella, wrapped a copy of the cloth around the model to see if it accurately matches in its depiction of the man.

Ivan Marsura, Director of the Museum of Popes, says many other models hypothesizing the possible man from the Shroud have been more artistic than scientific.

According to Ivan, this new statue supports centuries of studies, and also may help to understand if the Shroud is a fake or a real relic.

Director of the Museum of Popes
“I can say that for the first time everything practically matches between the Shroud of Turin and this statue.”

The construction of this statue has even helped historians obtain new information about the man from the Shroud of Turin.

Director of the Museum of Popes
“The man of the shroud had semi-paralysis. The hole for the nails is not on the pulse, but on the hands.”

The statue was constructed after more than two years of anatomical studies. Three times Rodella was forced to demolish his model and rework it. This was to ensure the most accurate representation of the man from the Shroud.

Sergio first constructed an iron skeleton model and used virtual reconstruction with computer-aided design.

He even used negative photographs of the Shroud, mathematical grids and transparent paper to more precisely identify the wounds and scourges this man suffered.

This was first published on The Gateway Pundit in 2018.

New Poll Finds Biden Is Tanking Among Young Voters


A new poll has found that Biden is losing a massive amount of support from young voters.

This is very bad news for Democrats who depend on nearly monolithic voting from the 25 and under crowd.

It doesn’t even matter if these voters don’t become Republicans, all they have to do is stay home on election day.

That alone would do tremendous damage to Democrats.

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

The Hill reports:

Biden approval ratings decline most among younger generations: Gallup

President Biden’s approval rating among younger generations of Americans has declined, according to a new Gallup poll released Thursday.

The new poll found that Biden’s approval rating among millennials and Generation Z respondents had dropped nearly 20 points since the beginning of his presidency.

Thirty-nine percent of Generation Z respondents said they approve of the job Biden has done as president, a 21-point decline from 60 percent of respondents who approved of Biden’s handling of the job when he first took office.

Forty-one percent of millennial respondents said they approve of Biden’s job as president, a 19-point decline from 60 percent of respondents who approved of his job as president through the months of January and June 2021, his first months in the White House.

Along party lines, 30 percent of Generation Z respondents who identify as Democrats said they approve of Biden’s job as president, while 52 percent of independents and 18 percent of Republicans surveyed agreed, according to the poll.

Twenty-seven percent of millennial respondents who identify as Democrats approve of the job Biden has done as president, while 53 percent of independents and 20 percent of Republicans surveyed also approve of Biden’s job as president.

What did these young voters think Biden was going to do for them?

Just watch. Biden will do something like forgive a massive amount of student debt right before the midterms to boost turnout from these voters.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

Trump Appointed, Dem-Endorsed Prosecutor Deciding Whether To Seek Hunter Biden Indictment


David Weiss, a Trump-appointed U.S. prosecutor is currently weighing whether there is enough evidence to seek a federal grand jury indictment against Hunter Biden.

Breitbart reported:

Trump-appointed U.S. prosecutor David Weiss has been weighing whether there is sufficient evidence to indict Hunter Biden in relation to potential tax fraud, money laundering, and the violation of lobbying laws, according to CBS News.

Weiss, a twenty-year federal prosecutor, will have to determine if there is enough evidence to seek a federal grand jury indictment against Hunter Biden in an investigation that may end up including other members of the Biden family, such as Joe Biden’s brother James Biden, and potentially the president himself.

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

Weiss was endorsed by Democrat senators Tom Carper and Chris Coons — and is one of the only Trump-appointed U.S. Attorneys that are still in place since Biden took office.

CBS reported:

Then-President Donald Trump appointed Weiss to be U.S. Attorney in Delaware in 2018. He had been acting head of the office at the time and received the endorsements of Delaware’s U.S. Senators Tom Carper and Chris Coons, both Democrats.

Biden elected to keep Weiss in the position — one of the only Trump-appointed U.S. Attorneys to remain — because he understood the political risk of removing the prosecutor in the midst of an ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden’s attorney has not responded to requests for comment.

Weiss is the same prosecutor who put the Hunter investigation on pause in 2020. 

The New York Post reported at the time:

The top federal prosecutor in Delaware decided to pause a criminal investigation of Hunter Biden months before the 2020 election to prevent the public from learning about it, according to a report.

US Attorney David Weiss, appointed by former President Donald Trump, decided not to seek search warrants or issue grand jury subpoenas so as not to “alert the public to the existence of the case in the middle of a presidential election,” Politico reports.

The prosecutor’s office reportedly was torn over whether to continue its probe or pause it due to the election, and Weiss, who remains in his job leading the case, sided with those who wanted to wait.

Will Weiss do the right thing this time?

For the antidote to media bias, check out!

Far-Left Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo Lashes Out at Prosecutors After Two of Her Staffers Indicted in $11 Million ‘Vaccine Contract’ Investigation (VIDEO)


Harris County, Texas – Two of Judge Lina Hidalgo’s staffers were indicted this week after prosecutors expanded the investigation into an $11 million ‘vaccine outreach contract’ awarded to one of the judge’s political cronies.

Texas Rangers last month raided the office of Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo and executed a search warrant related to an $11 million ‘vaccine outreach contract’ awarded to one of the judge’s friends.

Recall, radical far-left judge Lina Hidalgo was one of the most aggressive Covid tyrants in Texas during the pandemic.

While she was threatening to jail and fine people for violating her Covid rules, she was secretly trying to award one of her political cronies an $11 million ‘vaccine outreach’ contract.

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

Hidalgo panicked and canceled the $11 million vaccine contract after questions were raised that it was with a one-person firm with no experience.

Two of Hidalgo’s staffers were indicted this week after Texas Rangers obtained a new search warrant and requested the Google accounts of Lina Hidalgo and 6 of her senior staffers.

Hidalgo lashed out at county prosecutors during an interview with ABC 13, calling the charges ‘partisan politics.’

“At best, this is going forward with a fundamental misunderstanding of the facts and at worst, it is the weaponization of the criminal justice system for political purposes so I’m not going to play into that,” Hidalgo whined to ABC13 on Wednesday. “My staffers are hardworking people. They work day and night for the people of Harris County and we’ve got work to do, like this catalytic converter issue or like childhood education, homelessness, huge wins.”

ABC 13 reported:

In her first on-camera comments about the indictment of two current and one former staffer, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo attacked county prosecutors for weaponizing the system with a “flimsy” case.

Alex Triantaphyllis, who is Hidalgo’s current chief of staff but was her deputy chief of staff at the time the allegations took place; Aaron Dunn, then a senior advisor for public safety and emergency management at the county; and Wallis Nader, who is Hidalgo’s deputy policy director, were indicted Monday. Each one of them was indicted on one count of misuse of official information and one count of tampering with a government record.

Investigators allege Triantaphyllis, Dunn and Nader steered a nearly $11 million COVID-19 vaccine outreach contract to a small Houston-based firm and shared proposal documents with the company before they were made public.

Search warrants include text messages and emails between Triantaphyllis, Dunn and Nader about the contract before it was awarded, but Hidalgo’s legal team has said the snippets of messages in the warrants doesn’t offer the full picture.

“The facts just don’t add up as they’re being presented,” Hidalgo said during her interview. “It’s the middle of an election year and I think it’s very clear that the motivations around this are just to harm me politically and it’s very sad to see the criminal justice system used that way.”

When ABC 13 reporter Steve Campion asked Hidalgo, who still hasn’t been charged, if she’s afraid she will be indicted, she said, “No. I mean, look, I don’t know how far this is going to go and it’s very easy when you present one-sided facts to the grand jury. Everybody knows a grand jury can indict a ham sandwich if that’s all they see.”


Former Clinton Pollster Sends Warning To Biden – Re-Election “Virtual Impossibility” At Such Low Approval


Joe Biden just got more bad news.

Former Clinton advisor and pollster Mark Penn issued a warning to Biden over his approval rating.

Penn said Biden’s re-election would be a “virtual impossibility” if his approval stays this low.

Partial Transcript via Fox News:

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

These are spectacularly low [approval] numbers. To really get down to it, only a third being favorable and in the 20s on independents, of course makes [Biden’s] reelection a virtual impossibility. The administration has got to pivot or this is going to be a tornado of a midterms if these numbers continue to hold up. And frankly, they’ve had month after month here to do something to turn around on inflation, on immigration, on Ukraine, on crime. And they just haven’t done it. They have done small little incremental changes. They need big changes to change some big numbers.

Watch the full clip here:

Watch the latest video at

This comes after a new Quinnipiac poll found Joe Biden’s approval at only 33% – another new low.

The Gateway Pundit reported:

Joe Biden’s latest approval numbers are a COMPLETE DISASTER for the Marxist Democrats and their lackeys in Big Tech and the fake news mainstream media.

With their open borders, millions of illegals flooding the country, massive, record inflation, complete lawlessness in the Democrat-run cities, and the collapse of fake news media, the Biden regime and Democrats are in deep, deep trouble.

Just 33% of Americans now approve of Joe Biden’s job performance according to Quinnipiac Polling, an organization that is typically a cheerleader for Democrats. It must be really, really bad.

Biden’s current average approval in Real Clear Politics is 40.4%. 

For the antidote to media bias, check out!

Middle Eastern Immigrant Living in Ireland Suspected of Murdering Two Gay Men – One Victim Beheaded and Mutilated


one of the murder victims; photo credit: The

A Middle Eastern immigrant living in Ireland was arrested earlier this week for murdering two gay men in Sligo.

The unidentified murder suspect reportedly met the two gay men on Grindr, a gay dating app, and he was planning to kill more victims.

One victim was found in his home beheaded and his body was mutilated.

The other victim had similar injuries.

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

Gardai (national police service of the Republic of Ireland) believe the murder suspect may have been inspired by “religious zeal.”

The reported:

Gardai believe the man suspected of murdering two men in Sligo was planning to kill more victims in the coming days.

The suspect was working his way through a list of men whom he had befriended on a gay dating app when arrested by gardai investigating the murders of two men found at separate locations in Sligo.

The suspect, who is originally from the Middle East but is a naturalised Irish citizen living in Sligo, was arrested by an armed response team.

Detectives had identified him from CCTV footage taken close to one of his victims’ homes. Analysis of data and phone traffic shows he was in communication with the two victims shortly before they died.

The body of the first victim Aidan Moffitt, 42, was found inside his home in Cartron Heights on Monday night after his friends had failed to reach him. Moffitt had been beheaded, having sustained horrific injuries. His body was also mutilated.

On Tuesday night gardai received a 999 call from someone who had found the body of Michael Snee, 58. The nature of his injuries led gardai to believe they were dealing with the same person who had killed Moffitt.

Read the full report from The Times here.

HUGE: Professor Wins $400,000 From University That Harassed Him Over Pronoun Use

In January 2018, Professor Nicholas Meriwether at Shawnee State University responded to a male student’s question by saying “Yes, sir.” The student then approached him and told Meriwether that he was transgender and wanted to be referred to him as a woman. When Meriwether didn’t agree, the student complained to the university. From The Alliance For Defending Freedom:

The student then filed a complaint with the university, which launched a formal investigation. Meriwether offered to call the student by first or last name, but the student insisted that Meriwether use pronouns and titles consistent with the student’s gender identity. University officials ultimately rejected any compromise that would allow Meriwether to speak according to his conscience and sincerely held religious beliefs. Instead, they formally charged him, saying “he effectively created a hostile environment” for the student simply by declining to use the feminine pronouns demanded by the student. Later, they placed a written warning in his personnel file and threatened “further corrective actions” unless he articulates the university’s ideological message.

Merriweather has officially won the legal battle against the university. The university must now pay Meriwether $400,000 to settle the lawsuit. Meriwether will also now not be forced to use anyone’s preferred pronouns. The Epoch Times reported:

A public university in Ohio has agreed to pay $400,000 to end a three-year legal battle in its failed attempt to force a philosophy professor to call students by their preferred pronouns.

As part of the agreement (pdf) announced Thursday, Shawnee State University will pay $400,000 in damages and attorney’s fees to settle the federal lawsuit with Nicholas Meriwether, a professor at its humanities department.

In addition, the university acknowledges Meriwether’s right to choose when to use, or avoid using, titles or pronouns when referring to or addressing students, and pledges to never force him to use anyone’s preferred pronouns, including when a student requests pronouns that don’t align with his or her biological sex.

A great win for common sense!

Chris Wallace Having Meltdowns Over Terrible CNN+ Launch – Wants Chris Cuomo’s Old Time Slot On CNN


CNN+ has become a complete failure.

It has gotten so bad that CNN is already considering cutting their investment in it after dreadful numbers.

From Axios:

Investment and projections for CNN+ are expected to be cut dramatically in response to a low adoption rate, two sources tell Axios.

TRENDING: EXCLUSIVE: Jan. 6 Political Prisoner Was Going to See His Family for 1st Time on His Birthday After 15 Mos. in Prison — Then Biden Regime Moved Him Right Before Family Visit (AUDIO)

By the numbers: The news giant was initially planning to invest around $1 billion in the service over the next four years.

Hundreds of millions of dollars are expected to be cut from that original investment total.

To date, around $300 million has been spent on the subscription service, which includes a sizable marketing investment.

The new company’s leadership team still has yet to decide the ultimate fate of CNN+. CNN’s new boss, Chris Licht, will start May 1.

Chris Wallace, who left Fox News for CNN, is not happy about it.

According to Jon Nicosia, Wallace is having “daily meltdowns” and threatening to quit unless he gets a CNN show.

He is reportedly trying to get Chris Cuomo’s old time slot.

This isn’t the first time it has been reported that Wallace is not happy at CNN.

Wallace also threw a fit after then CNN President Jeff Zucker resigned.

Report: New CNN Employee Chris Wallace Having Meltdown Over Zucker Resignation

How long will Chris Wallace be at CNN?

For the antidote to media bias, check out!

POTD: The Purdey US Centenary Gun


The Purdey US Centenary Gun (1)Today’s Photo Of The Day is a set of pictures of a special James Purdey & Sons shotgun dubbed the US Centenary Gun. This shotgun was created in commemoration of the 100th anniversary of Athol Purdey’s first sales trip to the United States of America. This special Purdey gun was unveiled in January of the current year, […]

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The post POTD: The Purdey US Centenary Gun appeared first on The Firearm Blog.