OUTRAGEOUS: DOJ Advertises for 80 More Attorneys to Assist with Jan 6 Political Showtrials – Deep State’s ‘Reichstag Fire’ Response


The Deep State and crooks taking over this country aren’t stepping back.  They’re stepping forward and destroying America’s laws, freedoms and legal system.

Not only are the judges in Washington DC totally corrupt, but the US Justice Department is as corrupt as ever as well.  This movement took off under Obama and now is in a freefall.

These two entities which were once the base and support protecting the citizens of this country from tyranny and injustice have become the monsters that American founders feared.

DC Judges like Amy Berman Jackson or Reggie Jackson don’t enforce the Constitution, they enforce their political wills.

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

But the DOJ is even worse.  Since Obama, the DOJ was taken over by the corrupt of the corrupt.  James Comey and Robert Mueller were the leaders and what crooks they are.  They assaulted our President of the United States, voted in by the people with the largest base in US history, President Donald Trump.  This went on for four years and still goes on today.  They are not letting up.  These crazed lunatic immoral people are going for more.

The crazed minority that claims to be the voice of the people will not stop.  They are acting like their role models, the Nazis in Germany.  According to the Holocaust Museum:

On February 27, 1933, the German parliament (Reichstag) building burned down. The Nazi leadership and its coalition partners used the fire to claim that Communists were planning a violent uprising. They claimed that emergency legislation was needed to prevent this. The resulting act, commonly known as the Reichstag Fire Decree, abolished a number of constitutional protections and paved the way for Nazi dictatorship.

The fire was started by the Nazis.

On November 3, 2020, the far left stole the 2020 Election from the most popular President in US history.  President Trump crushed Obama’s record for the most votes ever of 69 million, with 75 million votes.  But the election was awarded to the crooked and senile old man, Joe Biden.

After months of destruction across the country by Black Lives Matter and Antifa, Americans showed up to protest the obviously stolen results of the 2020 Election.  As a few thousand of the crowd of a million Americans marched to the Capitol on a very cold January 6th, some individuals in the crowd, many now believed to be Feds or contractors of the Feds, broke some windows, started riots and entered the Capitol.

This was Deep State’s Reichstag.  The crooks in DC claim that the riots were the worst events in US history – not the stolen election.  This is ignored.  After arresting individuals protesting that day, they have thrown many in jail – some now for over a year – in the American Gulag.  They’re being punished.

Now the DOJ is announcing that they want to hire more attorneys and help.  They need 80 more attorneys so they can punish the innocent.

Wake up America.  Nancy Pelosi, Liz Cheney and the DC complex is not good.  They are mirroring the criminal actions of the worst criminals in history.  Wake up. 

Top Democrat Nikki Fried Holds Rally in Florida to Take on Gov. Ron DeSantis – Only 10 People Show Up Including Staff


Nikki Fried is a top Florida Democrat.  Fried boasts of being the only statewide elected Democrat since 2012.  She is currently the Florida Agriculture Commissioner in the Sunshine State.

Nikki Fried is running running for Florida governor to take on Ron DeSantis.

On Friday Fried held a rally to discuss the recent 15-week abortion bill signed by Governor Ron DeSantis.
Only 10 people showed up — including staff!

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

Catturd2 responds.

SHOCKING: China COVID Tyranny and Takeover of Hong Kong Continues – Horrific Video of Police at Quarantine Camp (VIDEO)


China is not letting up on its COVID tyranny.  Many large cities like Guangzhou and Shanghai are now under tight constraints.  Hong Kong is being taken over.

COVID is still being used as a means to control.  In Hong Kong police are waiting by a mountain path to see if anyone comes by alone without wearing a mask.

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

In another instance, a woman was videotaped resisting going to a quarantine camp in China.

Here a leader in China is warning people to comply or China will end up like the US with multiple deaths.

Hong Kong is promoting National Security Education Day this month.

The student unions in Hong Kong universities are being forced to shut down. These entities were large and active in supporting human rights.

Thousands of Hong Kongers have fled the country to the UK to start new lives.

B&T USA Introduces 16-inch SPC9 Carbine


B&T USA Introduces 16-inch SPC9 CarbineBack in January B&T USA announced the arrival of the SPC9 – Special Purpose Carbine, well now they’ve introduced a 16-inch barrel version. The new SPC9-16 is aimed primarily at the PCC competitor market while also offering a barrel which can get the best out of 9x19mm in all other situations and doesn’t need a brace. B&T […]

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The Israel Guys: “This is the Only Country in the World that is Becoming More Conservative”


As we approach Easter Sunday and Jewish Passover, Arabs rioted on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem after the second Friday Prayer of Ramadan following calls by their leaders to wage “Jihad”. Last Saturday, the grave of the Patriarch Joseph in Biblical Shechem was desecrated by an Arab mob. The Israeli Defence Force moved into Arab Nablus to secure the Holy Site.

The commander of the Samaria Brigade, Col. Roi Zweig-Lavi, issued the following order to his soldiers at the start of the operation: “Today we are embarking on an operation to repair the destruction of Joseph’s tomb. In this place, the land was promised to our forefather Abraham, as it is said, ‘To your seed I shall give this land.’”

At the same time, the borders to Israel are finally open again after two years of excessive Covid lockdowns. This Easter, many faithful Christians are wondering whether this would be a good time to volunteer in Israel. “Radical conservative” Christian organization HaYovel is again seeking volunteers.

“Israel is the only country in the world that is becoming more conservative”, says HaYovel spokesman Josh Waller.  “I don’t think conservatives around the world are award of what’s happening”, Waller says. “65% of Israelis aged 18 to 24 voted conservative. That stat in America would be the opposite.” Only 17% of young people in Israel voted liberal, Waller said.

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

“The Israel Guys” Josh and Caleb write on their website:

While the mainstream media stays true to their normal course of downplaying violence in the Holy Land, Israel has seen the worst string of terror attacks since the end of the 2nd Intifada nearly twenty years ago. If you follow the mainstream networks, you may have seen headlines such as “Arab Gunmen Kill…..” or “Palestinian Militants Shoot…..”. They want you to believe that the murders that take place in Israel are part of an ongoing war instead of what they truly are: anti-semitism at its worst. 

There have been near daily terrorist attacks in Israel over the last two weeks. These attacks left 11 innocent people dead, including an Arab Christian Israeli policeman, who bravely took down the terrorist who attacked him before succumbing to his wounds. 

One of the reasons that these attacks have been more successful in claiming lives is because several of the recent attacks were shootings. While stone throwings, stabbings and car rammings are horrendous, they still sometimes give those they are attempting to kill enough distance to escape. Terrorists armed with illegal guns however, give little warning or time to get away. Another reason is that many of these attacks are what is known as “lone wolf” attacks. In other words, the perpetrator does not tell anyone about his plans or operate within a group or organization. No one has any intimation of what he is about to do. This makes it much more difficult for Israeli intelligence to stop such attacks. 

A terrorist who was just released from serving a prison sentence for direct affiliation with ISIS began an attack in Beersheva last week by ramming and stabbing civilians. Before he was shot dead by an armed bus driver, he had killed four people. 

A shooting in Hadera followed, in which two people were killed. Both of these attacks were committed by Arab Israeli citizens. 

Then, an illegal Palestinian Arab crossed the fence separting Samaria from the rest of Israel this past Tuesday, and went on a shooting rampage in Bnei Brak, a suburb of Tel Aviv. Five people were left dead. 

We recently released a video about the gaps in the security fence at the Green Line in Samaria, documenting the thousands of Arabs who illegally cross into Israel nearly every day. You can watch the full story here. Little did we know that an Arab would soon use the breaches in this fence to go on a murderous rampage in a large Israeli city. 

Unfortunately, today marks the first day of a time period every year when Israel ramps up security across the country. Ramadan begins on April 1st and ends May 1st. Normally, this is a time when Israel sees an uptick in violence across the country. With the worst attacks in 20 years happening in the time frame just leading up to Ramadan, we should pray that Israel is kept safe in the coming weeks. 

Especially when Israel’s borders are now open to tourists after two years of being closed, should Christians be hesitant about visiting the Holy Land, and especially Judea and Samaria, sometimes known as the “West Bank”? With the recent uptick in violence, isn’t visiting now even more dangerous than ever? 

A couple of points to consider if you’re thinking of coming to Israel. All three of the recent terrorist attacks that happened in the last several weeks have taken place in what is known as “Israel proper”. This means that none of them were inside Judea and Samaria. 

Another point is that on a physical level, Israel’s security will be at its highest over the next several months, not only because of Ramadan, but also because of the recent increase in violence. 

For Christians looking to visit Israel however, there are other things to consider. There is no safer place to be than in the center of God’s will. If God wants you to be in Israel this year, don’t cancel your plans because of security concerns. Another reason is that violent terrorists are more emboldened when the world, the media and others encourage them in their extremism and/or stay silent. When the world sees Christians returning to Israel, they will realize that they cannot intimidate the Jewish nation. AND Israel will know that millions of people all over the world stand unconditionally with them, especially during times like these. 

I was just recently in Chicago, and I can tell you that I feel much safer in Israel than in the windy city. Statistically speaking, the most dangerous part of your trip to Israel will be the drive to your nearest airport to get on a plane. 

Now is the time to come to Israel. They need our prayers, our support and our physical backing more than ever as the world continues to stand against them. 

Let us pray for healing for those who have been injured in the recent terrorist attacks and comfort for the families of those who were killed. 

Pulsar PSP-V Adapter – Attach your Thermal to Picatinny


Pulsar PSP-V AdapterAt the recent IWA exhibition in Germany, Pulsar showed a new setup to attach their thermal front attachments to red dots and riflescopes with the help of an adapter. The product launch is now upon us and is called the PSP-V adapter. It is designed to mount the Proton and Krypton FXG50 thermal imaging attachments […]

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WATCH: Cop Tackles Unarmed Man, Gets on His Back, Executes Him With a Bullet to the Back of the Head


This article was originally published by Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project. 

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is your trigger warning. If you are still “backing” the teeth of your own oppression, you will not like this article.  Rulers are only as strong as those willing to violence to enforce the will of said rulers.

On April 4, an unnamed officer with the Grand Rapids police department initiated a traffic stop on 26-year-old Congolese refugee Patrick Lyoya. Moments later, Lyoya would be dead from a bullet wound to the back of his head — put there by the police officer — over a minor traffic violation.

Lyoya’s death is an example of how the system targets the poor and minorities with excessive traffic fees and fines for non-compliance. Lyoya had a suspended license and he knew that the officer who pulled him over that day was going to likely take him to jail for it. So, he tried to get away.

Because it is the police officer’s job to kidnap and cage people over victimless crimes like suspended licenses, Lyoya was not allowed to walk away. Instead, the officer escalated violence against the unarmed, non-violent man.

The nightmare for Lyoya’s two children and his parents started on that fateful day and they had to wait until Wednesday to watch how it unfolded. It is one of the most disturbing videos we’ve seen.

According to the Grand Rapids police department, the officer had initiated a traffic stop because the license plate on Lyoya’s car did not match the car in the system.

During the stop, Lyoya exits the vehicle before the officer asks for his driver’s license and tells him to get back in the car. At that moment, Lyoya decided to flee. At this point, the officer gave chase before tackling Lyoya and initiating a struggle on the ground.

At no point during the struggle did Lyoya attempt to punch or otherwise injure the officer. He merely tried to get away and defend himself from the officer’s attack.

When the officer pulls out his taser, Lyoya grabs it to stop the officer from deploying it.

“Stop!” the officer yells. “Let go of the Taser!”

The officer stays on Lyoya’s back for around 90 seconds before he then pulls out his pistol, puts it to the back of Lyoya’s head, and fires. Lyoya would not survive the execution-style gunshot to the back of his head.

High profile police brutality attorney, Ben Crump is representing the family and released a statement on Wednesday demanding the officer be terminated, arrested, and prosecuted for what he called the use of excessive force and the “violent killing of Patrick Lyoya.”

“The video clearly shows that this was an unnecessary, excessive, and fatal use of force against an unarmed Black man who was confused by the encounter and terrified for his life,” Crump said. “It should be noted that Patrick never used violence against this officer even though the officer used violence against him in several instances for what was a misdemeanor traffic stop.”

Michigan state police spokeswoman Lt. Michelle Robinson told Detroit Free Press that their office is going to be handling the investigation.

“This is going to be one of our top priorities so that we have the investigation completed in a timely manner,” Robinson said.

For now, the officer involved is on paid administrative leave and has not been charged.

Residents have protested since the day Lyoya was killed with many of them noting that this is a pattern with the GRPD.

“We’re going on three years, we have went to every single commission meeting, protested, marched, and did petitions telling these city officials numerous times that GRPD is on a power trip, and if they don’t start holding them accountable, another Black person was going to be killed at the hands of the police,” one public commenter said, according to the Press.

Lyoya arrived in the United States as a child with his five brothers and sisters. His family was fleeing violence in the Congo and had sought a better and safer life in the States. Unfortunately, and in a twist of tragic irony, thanks to the American police state, their quest for a safer and better life has come to a violent and bloody end.



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EXCLUSIVE: Man Who Discovered Ballot Trafficking Operation In Yuma County Handed Evidence To Attorney General Brnovich BEFORE 2020 General Election: “They Could Have Stopped This.” (AUDIO)


Two men in Yuma County, Arizona, Gary Snyder and David Lara, busted a local ballot trafficking operation using undercover cameras during the 2020 Primary Election.

Lara and Snyder recorded and photographed ballot traffickers stuffing ballot boxes on the day of the August 4th, 2020, Primary Election.

The evidence was presented to the Arizona Attorney General, resulting in a guilty plea by Alma Yadira Juarez. Guillermina Fuentes, who serves on the San Luis School District Board, faces four felony charges. Juarez admitted to prosecutors that Fuentes, 65 gave her the ballots.

The Gateway Pundit reported on this case back in March.

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

Guilty Plea Entered In Arizona Ballot Harvesting Case Exposed By Local Residents

This evidence was presented to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich in August 2020, before the stolen 2020 election, but he chose to do nothing about it. “They could have stopped this,” said David.

David Lara, Gary Snyder, and whistleblowers from Yuma County will be featured in Dinesh D’Souza’s upcoming documentary, 2000 Mules.  The movie is set to expose the nationwide ballot trafficking operation that stole the 2020 Presidential Election from Donald Trump.

The Gateway Pundit spoke to Lara for an exclusive interview on the ballot “cartel” that has stolen elections in Arizona for decades. David said he has been investigating the professional criminal organization for 22 years!

David Lara:  I didn’t want to be seen because these people know me very well. And I told him [Gary Snyder] what he was going to witness, what he was going to see. He was going to see the handling of ballots, people walking in with 2, 3, 5, 10, or different amounts. He was going to see the ballot harvesting. He was going to see what was happening, how they’re trickled into the polls. So I told him to very, very carefully watch, watch what was going to happen, how it was going to happen, and to take as many pictures and videos as possible. Now, I’m not going to get very detailed into this because this case is still open, and we still have until May 12, which hopefully it will be over by then. At about eight o’clock in the morning that day. I wasn’t there. Of course, that’s when I stepped away. He started to send me videos and pictures of what was happening, which was no surprise to me, but it was to him since it was his first election.

Immediately I notified the county recorder of what was happening, and throughout the day, I was sending evidence, videos, and pictures of what was happening throughout the day at the polls. Now, San Luis has two polling places, which is the cultural center and the library. They’re not too far apart. The library, which is controlled by the county, is a county property. The cameras were on in the parking lot, surveillance cameras. And that’s where also the Dropbox is at. The cultural center belongs to the city. The city gave the order to turn off all cameras in the parking lot, so that’s where you would see most of what was caught on camera. The evidence was submitted to the County, and the County then forwarded it to the Attorney General.

It was several weeks where the Attorney General called me over the phone. We’ve never met in person, just over the phone, and he asked me questions as to how much I knew about the ballot harvesting. Exactly how it worked, who was involved, who’s been doing it, how they’ve been doing it. And I gave him all the information. I gave him all the information, 22 years worth of information, and I explained that ballot harvesting is very intricate and it is a professional criminal organization. These are not amateurs. These are people that have been doing it for many, many years. It is well structured, and it is like I’ve said before, Rudy Giuliani would have been perfect for this investigation because it mirrors the mafia, the Italian mafia in New York. It has ranks. It has different levels of infrastructure. They have different levels of authority, and it trickles all the way up to the top, and when I say all the way to the top, I’m talking about state and federal levels. The grassroots, which are the people that I call, it’s like a trail, you could say. They will pick up the ballots, and then they’ll pass it on to the next person who has a greater amount of ballots and so forth. And the reason they do this is in case somebody gets caught, then they’re caught with a small amount of ballots, which makes it an amount that would not sway the election either way. So, they’re very precise, and that’s why I’ve always said this is a cartel. This is run exactly the way cartels and drug dealers distribute drugs in a community.

Now, this information when it was handed over to the Attorney General, and like I said, I spent several months actually going back and forth with them. The Attorney General did not file the charges until December. The question that I had with the Attorney General was, why did they wait until after the general election? Their response was, we wanted to compare the fraud in the primary compared to the fraud in the General, which tells me that they could have stopped this. They could have stopped the theft, at least in the state of Arizona, and I really think Trump would not have lost because out of San Luis, just a small community in San Luis: 40,000. You have an easy minimum of 2,000 harvested ballots fraudulent ballots that can be proven. I mean, there’s more than that.

Mark Brnovich recently released a report on his 2020 election investigation where he stated that individuals will be prosecuted for various 2020 election crimes. Still, he failed to mention any crimes committed by the Arizona ballot cartel. Dinesh D’Souza’s upcoming documentary, 2000 Mules, will expose this election-changing evidence.

BREAKING: Arizona Attorney General Releases Maricopa County 2020 Election Interim Report – Individuals To Be Prosecuted For Election Fraud

Mark Brnovich was handed this evidence before the 2020 General Election. Why did Mark Brnovich allow the election to be stolen?

Contact Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich to demand immediate arrests.

Jan. 6 Protester Dustin Thompson Convicted of Stealing Coatrack and Bottle of Bourbon from US Capitol – Committed No Violence — Is Looking at 20 Years in Prison


There’s a Marxist takeover in our country.
Dustin Thompson stole a coatrack from the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

He was found guilty of stealing a coatrack and remaining in a restricted building, the People’s House, on January 6th.

Now he’s looking at up to 20 years in prison.

Dustin Thompson and the coatrack he took from inside the US Capitol.

A DC jury found Dustin Thompson guilty of “felony obstruction” and five misdemeanors on Thursday. He now faces up to 20 years in prison. Ketanji Brown Jackson lets pedos out after three years — This guy gets 20 for stealing a coatrack. Seem fair?

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

Newsweek reported:

Capitol rioter Dustin Thompson, 38, could face 20 years in prison after being convicted by a jury in Washington, D.C., on Thursday. Thompson was captured in surveillance images taken inside the Capitol while carrying a coat rack and a bottle of bourbon that he had stolen from the Senate Parliamentarian’s Office, according to Law & Crime.

Wow! Biden Finishes Speech Then Turns to Shake Hands with Air – Then Gets Lost on Stage (VIDEO)


Elections have consequences.
Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.

Joe Biden finished his speech yesterday then turned to shake hands with air.

Then he got lost and started walking aimlessly around the stage.

This clown and the godless Marxists are destroying the country today.

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Enough already.