Bill Gates Trashes Detractors At TED Talk: It’s ‘Kind Of Weird’ That ‘Crazy People’ Are Protesting ‘Miracle’ Vaccines That ‘Saved Millions Of Lives’


As tech billionaire Bill Gates touted a billion dollar “pandemic prevention global government health “solution” during his keynote address at TED Talk this week, the depopulation advocate railed against his “crazy” disseminating “conspiracy theories” about COVID vaccines.

As the Gateway Pundit reported, thousands of outraged freedom activists surrounded the Vancouver Trade & Convention Center in Canada ahead of Gates’ appearance at the high-powered event demanding his arrest.

“ARREST BILL GATES!” – Roaring Massive ‘Super Protest’ Ascends Outside of TED Talk Ahead Of Gates’ Keynote Speech – Media Silent

Gates railed against the protesters during his speech, arguing the mass demonstration against him outside the convention center is and “somewhat ironic” because he has “saved tens of millions of lives.”

TRENDING: Here’s What Happened Yesterday When J6 Defendant Dustin Thompson Was Found Guilty in a DC Court

“The Gates Foundation is very involved in vaccines, the invention of new vaccines, funding vaccines,” Gates said. “So it’s somewhat ironic to have somebody turn around and say we’re using vaccines to kill people or to make money or we started the [Covid-19] pandemic.

“Or when we started during the pandemic, even some strange things — like that I somehow want to track, you know, the location of individuals — because I’m so deeply desirous of knowing where everyone is.”

Gates called the vehement public disdain against him “kind of weird,” adding “Does this turn into something where there’s constantly crazy people showing up?”

“Hopefully as the pandemic calms down, people are more rational about, ‘Hey, vaccines are a miracle and there’s a lot more we can do,’” he noted.

The tech mogul also introduced Global Epidemic Response and Mobilization or GERM, an idea to implement a global emergency-response approach, at the conference.

The GERM team, which would cost $1 billion a year, entails recruiting a team of 3,000 physicians, epidemiologists and policy experts to work with the World Health Organization. GERM Team would be focused solely on pandemic prevention and identifying new pathogens.

“Like firefighters, the GERM team would do drills. When we want to have a quick response, we want to make sure we have all the pieces there and can move very quickly. Practice is key,” Gates said. “We need to know if a lot of people show up with a new kind of cough.

“The mission is to stop outbreaks before they become pandemics,” he continued. “When COVID-19 struck, we were like Rome before it had fire buckets and firefighters.”

Gates comprehensively outlines what GERM entails and his experiences with combatting disease through the Gates Foundation in his new book, “How To Prevent the Next Pandemic, which was distributed at the conference,” Fast Company reports.

The ‘world’s most powerful doctor’, Gates previously declared that China did “great work” containing the coronavirus, before announcing that “sadly” Omicron is a “type of vaccine” and has “done a better job getting out to the world population than we have with vaccines.”

Mainstream media and fact-checkers insist claims that Gates is a eugenicist are premised on conspiracy theories while Google has declared ‘world’s most powerful doctor’.

But the 66-year-old business magnate has openly advocated for reducing population growth.

In a 2010 TED Talk presentation that has been widely circulated during the manufactured COVID-19 pandemic, Gates outlined plans to use vaccines to reduce the rate of global population growth and lower carbon emissions.

“The world today has 6.8 billion people,” Gates said during the talk. “That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15%.”

During a 2009 TED Talk, the Microsoft co-founder released a swarm of mosquitoes on an unsuspecting audience.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded grants to biotech company Oxitec to develop genetically modified mosquitoes. Gates claims the mutated mosquitos reduce the spread of malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases and heralded bioengineering of the insects as, “The Best Investment I’ve Ever Made.”

In April 2021, the Gates-Funded firm released approximately 150,000 genetically modified mosquitoes across Florida.

While Chinese residents are locked in their homes or thrown in COVID concentration camps amid the nation’s “zero COVID” policy, Gates has praised  China for its “great work” with containing the coronavirus.

Gates has also mocked anti-mask protesters, insisting that protesting having to wear a mask is akin to being against wearing pants.

“On that Drive, There Was More than Enough Evidence of Wrongdoing in the Ukraine Under the Previous [Obama] Administration” – Exclusive with John Paul Mac Isaac – Computer Repairman Who Handled Hunter Biden’s Laptop


John Paul Mac Isaac’s life changed late in the day, 10 minutes before close when Hunter Biden stumbled into his computer repair shop and dropped off a laptop for repair.  Mac Isaac’s ended up with the laptop – the laptop from hell. 

John Paul Mac Isaac joined The Joe Hoft Show on the Real Talk Radio Network on Friday afternoon in St. Louis.  Mac Isaac’s life turned upside down a couple of years ago when about 10 minutes before closing on April 12, 2019, Hunter Biden stumbled into his shop.  Isaacs said he was not in great shape.

Hunter had three MacBook pro laptops with water damage.  One was destroyed beyond repair and he gave that back to Hunter.  The other required a keyboard that he loaned to Hunter.  He never got that one back.  The third laptop Hunter left with Mac Isaacs to fix.

This third laptop had problems with power where it would shut off periodically so Mac Isaacs took some time to download the data from that machine.  During this download process, Mac Isaac began to notice lots of porn and lots of financial information.

TRENDING: Here’s What Happened Yesterday When J6 Defendant Dustin Thompson Was Found Guilty in a DC Court

Eventually, he completed his task but Hunter never showed up, even after repeated calls.  Sometime later Mac Isaacs reached out to his father in New Mexica and had him reach out to the FBI.  The FBI out East eventually did stop by and grab the laptop but he knew they were never going to do anything with it.

What I had seen on that drive, there was more than enough evidence of wrong doing in the Ukraine under the previous [Obama] Administration that merited a phone call…

When the FBI exited his shop, Mac Isaac said he cracked a joke and the FBI Agent turned and said:

Nothing ever happens to people who don’t talk about these kind of things.  I saw that as a thinly veiled threat so I made zero effort to talk to the FBI after that point.  I did get a phone call from that same agent about two weeks later before Christmas asking if anybody had come in representing Hunter requesting the equipment. And he seemed actually kinda surprised so by this time I was nervous that the FBI’s agenda no longer [was] concerned with my safety and concerned about getting that laptop back to the previous owner.

Obviously, when that impeachment trial happened and that laptop was no longer to be seen, I knew I was in trouble because if the FBI wasn’t going to submit that as evidence, then it’s probably at the bottom of the river.  What does that mean?  What’s going to happen to me?

Eventually, Mac Isaac got a copy of the drive to Rudy Giuliani, President Trump’s attorney.

I figured my days were numbered so I stepped out of the shadows and I traded my fear for courage and I reached out to Rudy Giuliani’s office…

…I know a couple articles came out on The Gateway Pundit that were fundimental in defending my actions.  Especially a time when I was being labeled a Russia spy, a stooge for Putin, a hacker.  The Gateway Pundit did step up and I believe was the first publication out there to say something positive about me.  I’m grateful for that.

When asked about recent reports that there is 450 gig of data that has been found on the laptop, Mac Isaac says that there was no way in hell you could get 450 gig on the laptop.

If there is another laptop, then he needs to be honest with that because my laptop was acquired lawfully… [this] muddies the water.

Watch the entire interview below.

Here’s What Happened Yesterday When J6 Defendant Dustin Thompson Was Found Guilty in a DC Court


Special Collaboration with #Corrine IRL

Dustin Thompson and the coatrack he took from inside the US Capitol.

January 6 protester Dustin Thompson was found guilty on Thursday of a felony and several misdemeanors.

After Dustin Thompson’s guilty verdict was read, he was removed from the courtroom in shackles, with little objection from his attorney. It wasn’t expected that he’d be ordered detained like this before sentencing.

As two older security guards removed his belt, ring, and personal items from his pockets, Judge Reggie Walton said in a harsh tone that Thompson was “weak-minded.”

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

How could this have been prevented?

American Gulag had an observer inside the room this week. Here is what we saw.

  • Thompson appeared emotionally uninvolved. The jury needed an opportunity to see him as a fellow human being.

He initially admitted feeling depressed for an extended period. As the trial went on, he stared blankly out at the jury. The entire time, Thompson was distanced from his attorney Samuel Shamansky. He did not confer with him or ask him any questions. The only time Shamansky and Thompson appeared together was during the verdict reading-in which Thompson’s face was expressionless again.

It seemed odd Thompson could not provide a reason for attending the rally. In addition, he could not describe why he stole a coat rack or bulletproof vest. None of his family, friends, or community members attended the trial. There was only one day in which a lone, impeccable dressed woman accompanied him from the courtroom to the outside area-showing no emotion either.

The only emotion our team witnessed was a feigned cry when Thompson was taken away in shackles. He looked at an individual in the front row as though begging for help.

Here is footage of Thompson outside the courthouse. He offered to speak with our team again after the trial but did not have the opportunity.

  • Thompson’s defense attorney, Samuel Shamansky, implicated his client, calling him a “rioter” and “insurrectionist.”

When discussing the allegedly stolen coat rack, he also asked: “How does it feel to commit a crime?” This leads the jury to believe a crime has happened. He could have allowed them the opportunity to deliberate and decide for themselves.

The defense called no witnesses. Sarah Thompson was listed in court documents as a witness but did not take the stand.

Shamansky talked to prosecutors William Dreher and Angela Buckner in a friendly manner throughout the day. After Thompson was removed from the courtroom, Shamansky continued to fraternize with them in the jury room. This is not typical practice.

  • Despite the requirement judges remaining impartial, Judge Reggie Walton used this trial as a forum to express hatred for President Donald Trump.

As the defense played Trump’s speech before the jury, he spoke words of disdain for President Trump and Rudy Giuliani. He did not stop.

“Anyone who follows Trump is weak-minded. Thompson is a flight risk,” Walton continued, as Thompson was shackled and taken from the courtroom.

  • It was as though he saw Thompson and President Trump as the same person.

Judge Walton, “Trump is a charlatan who caused an insurgency. He is tearing America apart. That’s the reason why our country is falling apart. I am proud of the jury for doing this.”

Walton continued lavishly praising the jury, and went into the jury room to sit with them and over 10 prosecutors who were present. He told the group about his personal experiences teaching law in Africa.

“I’m showing [the African people] how we have the best judicial system. I don’t want to see Trump ruin it,” he said.

It seemed odd Judge Walton would take such generous time out of his busy schedule to interact with jurors this way. The day before, he instructed the jury to deliberate quickly and reach a verdict so he could leave the courtroom precisely at 5 o’clock. Judge Walton expressed eagerness to take Friday and Monday off for Easter. Security noted he was the only judge looking to clear his calendar that day.

It is important for citizens to recognize the jury is responsible for judging not only a defendant’s actions- but the judge’s as well. If the jury sees unethical or unprofessional behavior on the part of the judge or the prosecutors, they can decide to acquit the defendant.

Prosecutors William Dreher and Angela Buckner did not leave immediately after this trial either. Here is footage of prosecutors placing a supposed piece of evidence into a vehicle following the trial. (No chain of custody was shown to the jury to assure them this was an actual piece of evidence found on Thompson’s property by authorities.)

After Dreher’s response here, prosecutors did not leave the building. They chose to remain inside for an additional 45 minutes. It seemed like they did not want to interact with a lone member of the media following this case outside.

‘Doesn’t Fit the Narrative’: Analysis Confirms Mainstream News Outlets BURY the Race of Murderers if They Are Black – Race is 7X More Likely to be Mentioned if they are White


It has been apparent for quite some time now that the legacy news media is clearly no longer in the business of providing accurate information to the public. Instead, the supposed ‘arbiters of truth’ have thrown journalistic ethics to the wayside in favor of pushing the approved narrative and dutifully serving the elitist agenda.

In other words, long gone are the days of honest reporting based on the principles of the First Amendment. The once-trusted fourth estate, which serves as the final check between the elite power structure and the people, has completely sold out on its responsibilities and is effectively running a state-sponsored propaganda campaign at all times.

One of the most glaring examples of this journalistic dereliction has been repeatedly demonstrated over the past few months in the wake of multiple horrific and jaw-dropping attacks by self-pronounced black supremacists. Rather than reporting honestly about the crimes, the Fake News worked systematically to cover up the key details of the offenders and memory hole their heinous attacks because they don’t fit the narrative.

The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh sums up the media bias, and the ridiculous conclusion the media continues to push in the face of reality:

TRENDING: Here’s What Happened Yesterday When J6 Defendant Dustin Thompson Was Found Guilty in a DC Court

“The subway suspect is a black supremacist. The Waukesha killer is a black supremacist. The guy who tried to assassinate a mayoral candidate is a black supremacist. The man who murdered a capitol police officer was a black supremacist. In summary, white supremacy is the problem.”

On one hand, the media pushes gun control because of mass shootings and decries white supremacy as the ‘greatest threat facing America.’ On the other, they bury some of the most atrocious crimes in order to protect that narrative. It doesn’t even need to be said what would happen if the shoe was on the other foot – wall-to-wall news coverage. The media would not have allowed you to forget it if the Waukesha attack was carried out by a white supremacist.

Until now, this extreme bias has been trivialized by the media’s supporters as another wild conspiracy because it cannot be quantified – aka. no one will do the work – but, thanks to a new analysis by the Washington Free Beacon that shows an extreme shift in how newsrooms cover crimes after the George Floyd incident, we can finally start to understand how widespread this issue is.

Spurred by the media’s response to the horrific NYC Subway shooting this week, the Free Beacon Analysys on hundreds of news articles over the past two years found that media outlets downplay or fail to mention race much more often if the offender is non-white.

Following the subway attack, neither The New York Times nor Reuters mentioned the race of Frank James in their lengthy coverage despite his readily apparent and extreme views. Furthermore, the Washington Post only mentioned James’ race towards the end of their longwinded analysis.

Once again, this concerning pattern of biased reporting shines through.

From the Free Beacon:

“Media critics on the right say that the conspicuous omission of James’s race from these news reports illustrates a trend among prestige papers, which deemphasize or omit the race of non-white criminals while playing up the race of white offenders. But is it a real pattern?

Yes. A Washington Free Beacon review of hundreds of articles published by major papers over a span of two years finds that papers downplay the race of non-white offenders, mentioning their race much later in articles than they do for white offenders. These papers are also three to four times more likely to mention an offender’s race at all if he is white, a disparity that grew in the wake of George Floyd’s death in 2020 and the protests that followed…

…The data suggest an alarming editorial trend in which major papers routinely omit information from news reports, presenting readers with a skewed picture of who does and doesn’t commit crime. These editorial choices are part and parcel with the “racial reckoning” that swept newsrooms in the wake of Floyd’s murder, which saw journalists dramatically overhauling crime coverage to emphasize the view that the criminal justice system is racist at the root—perhaps at the expense of honesty about individual offenders’ crimes.”

As the Free Beacon points out, the change in reporting has been getting progressively worse ever since the George Floyd incident. Before that, there was still a major difference in the way news outlets covered criminal activity, but it was not nearly as pronounced as it is now.

As of now, if the offender is white, their race will be reported nearly 7x more often than if they are black.

From the Free Beacon:

“This disparity widened following George Floyd’s murder. Before May of 2020, papers were roughly twice as likely to mention the race of a white (13 percent of stories) versus a black perpetrator (7 percent). After May of 2020, the numbers were 28 percent and 4 percent, a ratio of seven to one. Even omitting the above-mentioned stories, papers still mentioned race in 23 percent of stories about white killers post-Floyd, a six-to-one ratio.”

The analysis also found that even when an offender’s race is reported there is a major difference in how that piece of information is delivered to the reader. For whites, if their race is mentioned in the coverage it will typically appear at the beginning of the article; however, if the offender is black, it will be mentioned at the end.

The disparity isn’t close either – Half of the articles that identify white offenders include the information in the first 15% of the article. Whereas, 50% of black offenders are identified in the final 40% of the article.

And that’s just if the race is mentioned at all. When looking at whether or not race was identified, the study found that whites would be identified 23% of the time, compared to just 6% of the time if they are black.

From the Free Beacon:

“Doing so permits an estimate of how often journalists highlight an offender’s race—or don’t. Again, the skew is startling: White offenders’ race was mentioned in roughly 1 out of every 4 articles, compared with 1 in 17 articles about a black offender and 1 in 33 articles about a Hispanic offender.

This effect is driven in part by a handful of major news stories involving white perpetrators, though the attention paid to these stories is also an editorial choice. But even after omitting reports about white offenders Kyle Rittenhouse, Derek Chauvin, and the killers of Ahmaud Arbery, the race of white offenders is mentioned in 16 percent of cases, two to three times the rate at which the race of black offenders is mentioned.”

While the rampant bias for the political agenda may have been obvious to those who were paying attention, it is still nice to finally have some numbers to quantify the issue once and for all.

POTD: Marine Corps Marksmanship Championship Practice


Marine Corps MarksmanshipThe hungriest beast of them all on this blog is our Photo Of The Day. It consumes hundreds of images every month, and it has been doing so for over 8 years with no intention of stopping. Here we have U.S. Marine Corps Sgt. John Glomba in a shooting position you don’t see too often. […]

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TFB Review: Sharps Bros Livewire AR-15 Build w/ Brazilian Cherry Wood


sharps brosWhen it comes to modern sporting rifles or AR-15s, long gone are the days of humdrum, predictable configurations. Manufacturers are crafting complete rifles that are more gnarly than ever and if you are savvy enough, you too can build a rifle that will turn heads at the firing line. You simply need a bit of […]

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Elon Musk Considers Bringing in Partners on Twitter Bid After Company Adopts ‘Poison Pill’


Elon Musk considers bringing in partners on his Twitter bid as the tech giant announced it adopted a ‘poison pill’ measure to prevent the billionaire CEO from taking over the company.

Elon Musk offered to acquire the remaining Twitter shares he doesn’t own for $54.20 per share – and the board refused to hold a vote.

The ‘poison pill’ “preserves the right for Twitter shareholders other than Musk to acquire more shares of the company at a relatively inexpensive price, effectively diluting Musk’s stake.” – CNN reported.

“The Rights Plan will reduce the likelihood that any entity, person or group gains control of Twitter through open market accumulation without paying all shareholders an appropriate control premium or without providing the Board sufficient time to make informed judgments and take actions that are in the best interests of shareholders,” Twitter said in a statement.

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

How is that is even legal?

Elon Musk appears to be upping the ante by bringing in partners on his Twitter bid.

The New York Post reported:

Elon Musk is speaking to investors who could partner with him on a bid for Twitter, sources close to the matter told The Post.

A new plan that includes partners could be announced within days, those sources said.

One possibility, the sources said: teaming with private-equity firm Silver Lake Partners, which was planning to co-invest with him in 2018 when he was considering taking Tesla private.

Silver Lake’s Co-CEO Egon Durban is a Twitter board member and led Musk’s deal team during the 2018 failed effort to take Tesla private, sources said. Silver Lake declined to comment.

Whether Musk would present Twitter with an entirely new offer — perhaps raising his current bid — or whether new partners would simply go in on a purchase with him isn’t clear. A Musk spokesperson declined to comment.

Friday Night Lights: Villain Weapon Systems Gen 2 DBAL D2 LSD Diffuser


Friday Night Lights: Villain Weapon Systems Gen 2 DBAL D2 LSD DiffuserFriday night is upon us once again. In today’s Friday Night Lights we will take a look at a clever little upgrade for a Steiner DBAL D2 and SPIR illuminator. Last fall, Villain Weapon Systems announced their LSD (light shaping diffuser) for the DBAL D2. It was a simple yet effective upgrade for the DBAL […]

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Study Finds Unsafe Levels of Uranium in American Public Water Systems


This article was originally published by Mary Villareal at Natural News. 

Public water systems serving 290 million people in the United States per year were found to have high concentrations of uranium, a radioactive chemical that occurs naturally in soil, rock, and water.

Researchers at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health found that 63.1 percent of community water systems (CWS) compliance monitoring records showed detectable concentrations of uranium and that 2.1 percent of CWSs with available uranium data had 2000-11 average concentrations above the maximum contaminant levels.

“Despite relatively frequent detections and relatively high concentrations compared with other metals in our study, uranium has been underappreciated in the literature as a public drinking water contaminant of concern,” the researchers said.

The study, which aimed to estimate metal concentrations among CWS across the country, identified sociodemographic subgroups serviced by CWS that reported high levels of metal concentration and characterized metal mixture profiles in CWSs nationwide.

For the study, the researchers looked at six-year review records of metals such as uranium, arsenic, antimony, beryllium, barium, thallium, mercury, selenium, chromium, and cadmium that have been compiled by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

The review also checked whether the average concentrations of these metals exceeded the standards set by the EPA, with the research team going through 13 million records from 139,000 public water systems that serve 290 million people per year.

The study pointed out that uranium is an important risk factor for the development of chronic diseases, even at low concentrations. Previous studies have already associated exposure to uranium with medical conditions, such as lung cancer, kidney damage, hypertension, and cardiovascular diseases.

Uranium itself becomes part of water by leaching from rocks and soil. It is also released by processing plants, which push the element into the water. Prolonged exposure to uranium can lead to toxic effects, such as the inflammation of the kidneys and changes in the composition of urine.

Moreover, it is also capable of decaying into other radioactive substances like radon, which causes cancer among those who have been exposed to it for too long. When contaminated, drinking water can also result in the deformity of bones and the liver.

Geographically, the highest concentrations of uranium were found in the Southwest and Central Midwest regions, with high-uranium systems likely to be serving semi-urban and predominantly Hispanic communities. The researchers say this likely represents ongoing regulatory failures to protect the marginalized communities and ensure safe drinking water for them.

Research also found that there are high levels of other contaminants such as lead, which is more likely to affect neighborhoods with higher poverty rates.

The consistent association between high metal concentrations in CWS services among semi-urban, Hispanic communities is also an indication that disparities in concentrations are due to the failure of regulatory policies than geology. Hispanic and Latino populations tend to show increased mortality due to cardiovascular, kidney, liver disease and diabetes.

Anne Nigra, one of the authors of the study, said additional regulatory policies, compliance enforcement and improved infrastructure are necessary to reduce such disparities in CWS metal concentrations served by public water systems with elevated metal concentrations.

Uranium poisoning also tends to affect those who work in industries that use or collect uranium, such as certain kinds of mining. However, little is known about the possible threats posed by uranium in drinking water.

Previous research suggested that about four percent of private wells in the U.S. similarly contain higher-than-allowed levels of uranium, but nationwide estimates of uranium contamination in public drinking water systems, which provide water to 90 percent of the country were found first by the Columbia research.

“Such interventions and policies should specifically protect the most highly exposed communities to advance environmental justice and protect public health,” said Nigra.

Follow for more stories about toxic chemicals and elements in the U.S. water system.

Watch the video below for more information about uranium in water and how this could affect the health of people who consume it.



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CDC’s Crackdown on Opioid Pain Medications Is Abysmal Failure – Didn’t Fix the Crisis and Americans are Suffering with Severe Pain


The CDC attempted to address the opioid problem in the US five years ago by curtailing the prescription of opioids.  The result was that deaths are as high as ever and people with chronic pain are suffering. 

Many people have had severe pain or know someone who does.  Back pain is something that can spring up at almost anytime for some people and when it does, it can be debilitating.  Some people cannot move or get out of bed when the pain strikes.

Others, like veterans, suffer every day.  They know pain and feel it as a result of severe injuries earlier in their lives.  However, these people have been suffering severely for the past few years.

The CDC’s attempt to address the opioid crisis is a total failure.

TRENDING: “None of Them Should Be in Jail. They Should All Be Out On Bail…It Is an American Gulag” – Judge Napolitano on the DOJ’s and Court’s Actions with January 6ers

Five years after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention initiated a crackdown on opioid pain medications, experts have concluded the policy has been a miserable failure. Overdose deaths have gone up, not down, and now, courts are starting to recognize the arguments used to justify the crackdown are largely bogus.

“So these numbers, they just push these false numbers and now you have courts of law calling them out,” said Dr. Dan Laird.

As a Las Vegas physician, Laird has a unique vantage point from which to evaluate the great opioid crackdown.  Laird is a pain management doctor and an attorney who represented patients who suffered pain after being denied legal medications.

Of the 50 million Americans plagued by chronic pain, about 20 million depend on prescription opioids to try and lead somewhat normal lives. Since 2016, those millions have suffered immensely because of a war on legal pain meds.

“Chronic pain patients are basically in a fight for their lives,” Laird said. “They’ve been under attack for several years now with this. Anti-opioid sentiment and sort of the over-reaction to the opioid crisis.”

Here is an interview with attorney and pain management doctor Laird: