Republicans are looking to make several Red States even redder in 2022.
Three Democrat-held strongholds in Texas are in danger of turning to Republicans.
Two of the seats are held by U.S. Reps. Henry Cuellar of Laredo and Vicente Gonzalez of McAllen. The third one was vacated by Filemon Vela of Brownsville.
Fending off the Republican advance in South Texas this fall was already going to be a taller-than-usual order for Democrats. But few Democrats anticipated it would be this hard.
Thanks to a succession of self-inflicted choices, fallout from redistricting and some flat bizarre circumstances, Democrats are confronting a mind-numbing set of complications in their fight to hold on to three seats in South Texas. And national polling indicates Democrats have no room for error if they want to hold off a Republican challenge in a region that was once a historical Democratic stronghold.
“For Democrats, there may simply be too many fires to put out at once,” national political analyst David Wasserman, of the Cook Political Report, said to The Texas Tribune.
Texas is not the only place Democrats will have a problem with in 2022.
Recent polling shows Republicans leading the generic congressional ballot by 8 points. This means the red wave will be felt by Democrats all across the country — unless they steal it.
The 2020 midterm elections are now 207 days away, and Republicans have an 8-point lead in their bid to recapture control of Congress.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that, if the elections for Congress were held today, 47% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for the Republican candidate, while 39% would vote for the Democrat. Just five percent (5%) would vote for some other candidate, but another nine percent (9%) are not sure.
The Gateway Pundit reported in January information that shows Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos was more intimately involved in the creation of ballot drop boxes than was previously known. These drop boxes were part of the key to stealing the 2020 Election from President Trump and Vos was in on it.
TGP has reported on Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos before and his ties to the 2020 Election steal in his state and the lack of effort he has taken to get to the bottom of what happened. He’s promised the moon but hasn’t even provided moon pies.
Assembly Speaker Robin Vos, R-Rochester, has taken to blocking critics, including conservatives, on his official campaign Facebook page, a move that his office says is legal, citing guidance from the Legislature’s attorneys.
In 2019, a federal judge ruled against Vos and other Republicans in a lawsuit after they blocked a progressive group, One Wisconsin Now, from their official Twitter pages. In short: It is illegal for public officials on their public accounts to limit discourse by blocking others.
Vos’ office contends that it is legal to block members of the public from an official campaign’s social media pages, as an elected official’s office and his/her campaign are separate entities.
This is Biden’s military. The commander of 1st Lieutenant Mark Bashaw, who is facing court-martial for standing up against COVID mandates, sent Bashaw a packing list before his trial.
We reported on 1st Lieutenant Mark Bashaw’s case last week. One of the creepy Vindman twins is the staff judge advocate in the case. These twins were connected to the unconstitutional and treasonous coup against President Trump. Now one of these goons is overseeing the case against a soldier standing for his rights.
This morning we can report that the 1st Lieutenant’s commanding officer sent Bashaw a packing list. The list was not sent to Bashaw’s attorney. The list was sent before any trial. This is a very unprofessional act by a very corrupt military.
1st Lt. Mark Bashaw’s arraignment is “pending” on three specifications of “failure to obey lawful orders,” said Becca Nappi, a spokesperson for the installation.
Although other troops have faced discipline for failing to follow COVID-19 protocols, Bashaw is the first case in the Army referred to a court-martial for such incidents, Army spokeswoman Col. Cathy Wilkinson confirmed in a statement to Army Times.
Bashaw is the former headquarters company commander for the Army Public Health Center, which oversees occupational and environmental health initiatives for the service.
He’s charged with refusing an order to telework and showing up to Aberdeen Proving Ground “after failing to submit a negative COVID-19 test or [submit]” to a test, Nappi said. The installation requires that unvaccinated personnel submit a negative test result before entering their worksites, according to its website.
…The Army announced Wednesday that it is beginning involuntary discharge procedures for the approximately 3,500 active-duty troops who have declined the vaccine. Another 3,600 currently have pending requests for medical or religious exemptions for the shot.
Sending the 1st Lieutenant packing list and not his attorneys was abusive and not exactly ‘innocent until proven guilty’.
The head of the Catholic church strikes again. This time Pope Francis accused the west of racism on Good Friday during an interview with Italian television.
During the interview, Italian-based reporter Lorena Bianchetti asked Pope Francis if there’s “prejudice toward those war victims who flee from other parts of the world” or will refugees be “subdivided into the category of being an annoyance.”
Here is Pope Francis’ response according to a transcript from the Vatican:
Pope Francis: “It is true. Refugees are subdivided. There’s first class, second class, skin colour, [if] they come from a developed country [or] one that is not developed. We are racists, we are racists. And this is bad.The problem of the refugees is a problem that Jesus suffered too, because he was a migrant and a refugee in Egypt when he was a child, to escape death.”
“How many of them are suffering to escape death! There is an image of the flight into Egypt that a Piedmont artist executed. He sent it to me and I made holy cards from it. It shows Joseph with the baby who are fleeing. But Saint Joseph does not have a beard, no. He is Syrian, from today, with a baby, who is fleeing the war today. An anguished face that these people have, just like Jesus, forced to flee. And Jesus went through all these things, he is still there,” he added.
“On the cross, there are people from the countries of Africa at war, of the Middle East at war, of Latin America at war, of Asia at war. Several years ago I said that we are living a third world war in pieces. But we have not learned. I – I am a minister of the Lord and a sinner, chosen by the Lord, but a sinner nevertheless – when I went to Redipuglia in 2014 for the commemoration of the centenary, I saw and I wept. All I could do was weep. All the young men, all the boys. Then one day, I went to the cemetery in Anzio, and I saw those young men who landed in Anzio. All young! And I wept there yet again. I am moved to tears before this. I think it was two years ago when there was the commemoration of the landing in Normandy,” he continued.
As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, Pope Francis spoke out last month about Russia’s “slaughters and atrocities” in Ukraine. He called the invasion an unjustified “senseless massacre” and encouraged leaders to stop “this repugnant war.”
The Pope praised Joe Biden as a “Good Catholic” despite supporting abortion. He ignores the Biden family’s corruption in doing so as well. The Pope also is accused of being on the side of globalists and others pushing climate change and world depopulation.
According to a report from Breitbart, a memorandum circulating among the Catholic cardinals who will elect the next pope calls the Francis pontificate a “disaster” and a “catastrophe” while laying out essential tasks for the next successor to Saint Peter.
Since the fall semester began there have been six student deaths and one resident physician who have died at St. Louis University and Washington University in St. Louis.
At least four of the deaths were suicides. The rest have not been announced. One student was a swimmer, sailor and Eagle Scout from Kansas.
The universities are puzzled by the number of deaths this year.
Loss and grief have become commonplace on the campuses of two of St. Louis’ largest universities following numerous recent deaths, raising questions about the schools’ mental-health service programs.
Since classes began in the fall at Saint Louis University and Washington University, six students and a resident physician have died, four in the past two weeks. Of the seven deaths, four were suicides, while the cause of death in the other three cases have not been announced. (Both schools do not release cause of death information without consent from students’ families.)
An email to the SLU community from administrators on Friday mourned the suicide of undergraduate student Sean North.
North died on April 5, according to the email, shortly after emergency services transported him off campus. According to his obituary, North came to SLU from Leawood, Kansas, on a swimming scholarship, and was an avid sailor and an Eagle Scout.
“Right now, our focus is on wrapping his loved ones with support,” reads SLU’s email. “Know that we share this information so we can help each other heal. We cannot destigmatize death by suicide, ideation or mental-health needs more broadly if we cannot name them.”
Days before North’s death, a SLU graduate student died from undisclosed causes, the school’s president, Fred Pestello, announced in an April 6 email. And yesterday, Pestello and Vice President of Medical Affairs Christine Jacobs informed the SLU community of the passing of a resident physician, who died late Sunday evening. No further details were provided.
Very often if you are getting your food storage together as a prepper you will want to buy in bulk as this saves money. Now you may want to use some of the food straight away or you may just want to repackage the bulk bags into portions for rationing purposes.
Either way you want to make sure you repackage the food correctly and avoid it spoiling.
As soon as you open the bulk bag the food is exposed to the air and it will start the process of degrading unless you package it in the portions you need and seal it correctly in order to stop the process.
If you are buying food for long or short term storage the process of bulk food repackaging may look a little different. We will be looking at the repackaging of dry food items for this particular repackaging method.
What Type Of Dry Food Items Could You Buy In Bulk?
There are plenty of dry food items that you could buy in bulk for food storage but we will list a few examples to give you an idea of the possibilities:
Baking Powder/Soda
A common bulk package size for these dry food items is 25 pound bags and once you open them you will need to decide what portion sizes make the most sense to repackage these dry foods in.
Sometimes you may plan to use the food items in the short term and then the repackaging process will look slightly different to the long term solution.
Items You Will Need For Bulk Food Repackaging
1 x 5-gallon food grade bucket for each 25-pound bag including bucket lids for each bucket
Mylar Bags and/or
1-gallon Plastic zip storage bags
Oxygen absorbers
A level or straight edge (just longer than your bag length)
These are the items you will need for short term and/or long term bulk food repackaging but it is useful to have all of them on hand so you have both options available.
Short Term Food Storage (6 Months or Less)
If you know you will use your dry food item within the next 6 months then the best option for repackaging would be:
Divide the dry item for example quinoa into 6 equal portions (1 per month) – This is just a suggestion you should portion this as it suits your needs best.
Use the plastic zip storage bags for short term storage
Try to get as much air out of the packet as possible when repackaging
Layer your zip lock bags in one 5 gallon bucket and seal the lid
The separation into the individual bags makes it easier to use over time as the rest of the food will not be impacted when you remove the one bag for use. Pests and oxygen will not affect the balance of the bucket and there won’t be any mess.
Oxygen absorbers are not needed if the food will be used fairly quickly; within the 6 month period
If you think you may not use it within the 6 months it would be useful to add a 300cc oxygen absorber to each bag for extra longevity.
Long Term Food Storage (12 Months or More)
Due to the added length of time the food will be kept for there is an additional step that will need to be taken for the repackaging process. If you repackage your food items correctly many of them can last for 10 years and longer (depending on the food item).
Long term storage would more than likely be your goal as a prepper for your long term food store. You will need a slightly different method for added freshness for long term storage.
If you know you will only use your dry food item after 12 months or more the then the best option for repackaging would be:
The same above general process should apply for long term storage but instead of the plastic storage bags you should use mylar bags.
Mylar bags come in a variety of sizes so you should decide on your ration portions that you want to use so you can use the appropriate size mylar bag. 5 gallon bags are most commonly used for bulk storage. However you should possibly consider smaller sizes if you feel the storage will be accessed more regularly.
Oxygen absorbers are essential for long term storage. Depending on the size of mylar bag you decide to use you need to use the appropriate amount of oxygen absorbers. As a guide 1x 300-600cc absorber per 1 gallon bag and 1 x 2000-3000cc absorber for a 5 gallon bag.
It does not matter if the oxygen absorber is on the top or bottom of the food. It will still perform its function of removing the oxygen and prevent the food from breaking down.
Meals In A Jar
Sometimes you may be doing meal planning ahead of time and want to use the bulk packaged food to put together meals in a jar. This is a popular technique for preppers as it allows you to have your meals portioned ahead of time and can help keep your inventory and rationing on track.
You can also use mylar bags instead of jars for this meal in a jar idea as it can often seal your food items more securely and keep them fresher for longer.
Tips For Using Mylar
Mylar can be effective as a long term food storage solution but only if you use this product correctly. These are some top tips for using mylar bags:
Practice creating your mylar bags until you feel comfortable creating high quality bags capable of long term storage.
Avoid creases as much as possible. Creases are a danger zone where air can creep in.
Working on a solid surface makes the process much easier.
Final Thoughts
Bulk food repackaging is a necessity if you want to be able to portion your bulk food bags into usable portions for short term or long term storage. If you use the correct items and method you can ensure your food can remain as fresh as when you bought it. Some plastic or mylar bags with oxygen absorbers will ensure you can have manageable rations that are easy to use whenever you need them.
Via SHTFPreparedness
Since COVID-19 hit the globe in 2019/2020 we have all become very aware of terms like outbreak, epidemic and the eventual pandemic. Before this we all knew of epidemics as something we learnt about in theory or something that happened in a far off place.
One thing is certain: being prepared for an epidemic can certainly make navigating and surviving it a lot easier. After our joint experience through a pandemic I think we have all taken some valuable tips that we would apply to any potential future epidemics we may encounter.
What Is The Difference Between An Outbreak, Epidemic And Pandemic?
We have all heard the terms but you may not understand what each of them really mean. An outbreak is a sudden increase in a disease in a particular location. This is usually an initial smaller area like a state or province within a country.
An epidemic is a large outbreak which affects a larger area like multiple provinces or states or perhaps even a whole country. A pandemic is when an epidemic becomes global. These days with the ease of access between countries with the various modes of transport this means an epidemic can become a pandemic very quickly as we witnessed with COVID-19.
What Could An Epidemic Mean For Everyday Life?
In order to control an outbreak and prevent an epidemic from becoming a pandemic the government will likely implement rules and restrictions to try and stop or slow down the spread of the disease. This will often restrict your movement and prevent you from living your life as you did before.
You may not be able to access all the shops and resources you could previously. Basically your day to day life will look very different and you will not have all the usual freedoms you did before.
How Can You Prepare For An Epidemic?
As a survivalist you would already likely be ready for any form of disaster to strike including an epidemic. You want to make sure you are able to hunker down at home for as long as possible with all the essentials to not be impacted by lack of access to resources and also avoid contact with outside people where you could be exposed to the disease.
What Can You Have On Hand To Be Ready For An Epidemic?
Food And Water
Ensure you have a good food store that can last you for at least 2 weeks to ensure you can still eat comfortably without sacrificing on your nutrition should supply chains be interrupted and you cannot get your usual food items as planned on short notice. Ensure you have a sufficient amount of bottled water on hand should you experience water supply interruptions as it will take longer to fix such issues in an epidemic.
First Aid Items And Medication
Keep a well stocked first aid kit on hand to be able to treat any basic injuries that a family member may have. Include items like disinfectant, bandages, gauze, safety pins and tweezers to name a few.
Also keep basic medications on hand that can be used to treat common illnesses like colds and flu as well as any gastrointestinal illnesses as you may not be able to access these items easily and if you are not well you may not be able to leave your home to get this type of medication.
If possible, always try and keep extra prescription medication on hand to ensure you have an uninterrupted supply.
Sufficient Clothing And Household Items
If an epidemic is declared and the government imposes restrictions certain items may be classified as non essential so it may not be possible to get things like clothing or household goods. Make sure you have a good wardrobe for all seasons so that you can remain appropriately dressed.
If you have something in your house that has broken, try to replace it as quickly as possible so that you do not have to go without during the epidemic.
Protecting Yourself During An Epidemic
An epidemic is all about a disease and the restrictions are only one aspect to get around. The main thing you want to avoid or protect yourself from is the disease itself. Here are some of the top tips to keep yourself safe in an epidemic.
Avoid Contact With Potentially Infected People
Depending on the severity of the disease and its symptoms you may be able to come into contact with infected people fairly easily. For example if the disease has a long incubation period it can take a while for symptoms to show. If the disease symptoms do take a while to show you need to treat everyone as infected to protect yourself. Avoid contact with people outside your household as much as possible.
Use Personal Protective Equipment When Going Outside Your Household
Use items like gloves and a face mask or shield to protect yourself when you leave your house. This should protect you from airborne and contact diseases as much as possible. Ensure that you handle your equipment safely and dispose of it properly to ensure you are not exposed when removing these items.
Maintain Impeccable Hygiene Practices
Ensure your wash and sanitize your hands regularly to ensure you remain disease free as far as possible. Keep a good distance away from other people to avoid potentially getting infected if you are out in public.
Do Not Forget About Your Mental Health
If your daily life has been interrupted this can be stressful for you and may cause you to be depressed or anxious as a result. Cutting off unnecessary contact with outside people can also cause you to be mentally affected by feelings of isolation and loneliness.
Technology has helped us connect but it is no substitute for human connection especially if it is for any period of time. Between worrying about trying to make your new normal work and also not getting sick the stress can get you down. Make sure you do something to take care of your mental health daily whatever that looks like for you. Exercise and spending some time outdoors (if possible) are positive options.
Keeping Your Immune System Strong
Take vitamins and minerals to keep your immune system as strong as possible. Try and make sure your diet is healthy and keep yourself well nourished. The better care you take of yourself the stronger your immune system is and if you do get sick you will be able to recover much quicker.
Final Thoughts
Epidemics can really turn your life upside down and knowing how to best prepare for one can ultimately help you survive it. With these epidemic survival tips you can make sure you stay ahead of your preparation and that you have the best possible ways to protect yourself.
Via SHTFPreparedness
Joe Biden’s approval numbers have evaporated in the course of just a year.
Yet as low as he is in the polls now, he could still drop lower.
If inflation keeps rising and the situation at the border continues to worsen, so will Biden’s polls.
Byron York of the Washington Examiner spoke to some seasoned pollsters and they offered no good news for Biden.
From the Washington Examiner:
I asked three sharp Republican pollsters and political consultants: David Winston, Curt Anderson, and Dave Carney. The takeaway from all three is that it appears the majority coalition that elected Biden has fallen apart. And that is terrible news for both the president and his party.
“While there are a lot of groups that have become more disapproving of Biden’s job performance, Independents are at a remarkable level of disapproval,” Winston said in an email exchange. “In The Economist/YouGov survey (April 9-12), Independents disapproved by a 30-60 margin; the Politico/Morning Consult survey (April 8-11) was a similar 30-62; and the Quinnipiac survey (April 7-011) was 26-56. So among a group Biden won by 13 points in 2020, after Clinton lost them by four in 2016, his disapproval is 30 points or more higher than his approval. This means the majority coalition that elected him is now not in place. Regaining it will be difficult, given his current poor job approval performances on the economy and other issues.”
Carney and Anderson had different thoughts on whether Biden has hit the bottom, or nearly so, or can plunge further. “There is no limit or floor to a president’s approval rating, but historically, Nixon’s 24 percent in January 1974 seems like the practical floor for a modern-day president,” Carney said in another email exchange. “Biden has the potential to sink into the high 20s before the midterm elections, considering inflation will be raging by then.
If Biden leads his party into the midterms with an approval rating in the 20s, there’s no telling how bad the outcome could be for Democrats.In terms of modern political analysis, we would be in uncharted waters.
Cross posted from American Lookout.
Another day, another NFL player in trouble with the law.
Dallas Cowboys cornerback Kelvin Joseph is a person of interest in a murder investigation related to a drive-by shooting that took place outside of a bar in Dallas last month.
Joseph’s attorney Barry Sorrels said his client was a passenger inside the vehicle that fired into the group of men, however the NFL player did not shoot the gun.
According to WFAA, Kelvin Joseph’s name surfaced after Dallas PD released surveillance footage showing a brawl between two groups of men outside of a club on Greenville Avenue shortly before 2 am on March 18.
Dallas Cowboys cornerback Kelvin Joseph is being sought as a “person of interest” in connection with a Dallas area homicide that occurred on March 18, sources have told Yahoo Sports.
The Dallas Police Department is seeking an interview with Joseph, after he appeared to be in surveillance footage near the scene of the shooting death of 20-year old Cameron Ray. Homicide investigators released multiple pieces of footage to Fox 4 News in Dallas earlier this week, asking viewers to identify any individuals they might recognize. The footage featured a group of men that appeared to include Joseph entering and standing inside a nightclub, as well as a fight that occurred with the same group outside the establishment. Shortly after that altercation, surveillance shows Ray and others walking to nearby cars, when a dark-colored SUV speeds by firing gunshots. Ray was struck and died later at a local hospital.
A source told Yahoo Sports the Cowboys became aware of Joseph being a person of interest in the investigation Thursday and have encouraged his cooperation with investigators. Cowboys security is also reviewing Joseph’s potential involvement in the altercation outside the nightclub and expect to be cooperating fully with investigators.
After the surveillance video was released by the Dallas Police Department, people recognized Kelvin Joseph’s gaudy necklace (screenshot below) with the letters “YKDV.”
YKDV Bossman Fat happens to be Kelvin Joseph’s rap name – YKDV stands for “You Know Da Vibe” according to WFAA
WFAA caught up with Kelvin Joseph after he met with his lawyers.
In a message with a twofold purpose, India’s Defense Minister Rajnath Singh addressed the Indian-American community of San Francisco by both warning China and rebuking Biden’s attempt to influence their foreign policy.
In an implicit criticism of Biden’s handling of the conflict in Ukraine, Singh made clear the diplomatic stance of Prime Minister Modi. India, he explained, “does not believe in a diplomacy of a zero-sum game,” and will pursue friendly relations with any other nation bilaterally.
“If India has a good relationship with one country,” Singh explained, “it does not mean that its relationship with any other country will deteriorate.”
In other words, India will continue treating Russia the same that it has always done and expects the Biden administration to back off on its attempts to pressure Modi’s regime to do otherwise.
U.S. officials have been highly critical of Modi’s decision to continue purchasing Russian oil at discount prices, and President Biden recently asked Modi not to accelerate purchases. After that call, White House officials indicated that they could not rely on India to “stand with them in fully condemning Putin.” Singh has confirmed their suspicions: India will not economically castrate itself to please Biden and his interventionist agenda. Instead, they will continue developing trade relations that benefit the Indian people regardless of how establishment figures in Washington feel.
Turning to China, Singh addressed the growing threat to India’s east, where clashes between Chinese and Indian troops have left soldiers dead on both sides.
“I cannot say openly what [Indian soldiers] did and what decisions we took. But I can definitely say that a message has gone to China that India will not spare anyone if India is harmed,” he said.
Since 2020, a standoff between the two BRICS members has been fraught with tension as both contest ownership of the Ladakh region. That year, two significant clashes left 20 Indian soldiers dead and an undisclosed number of Chinese troops. But, Singh has now implied that China received the worst of it.