Biden Covid Czar Ashish Jha: “The Pandemic Is Not Over” (VIDEO)


Joe Biden’s Covid czar Ashish Jha on Sunday said the pandemic is not over.

ABC’s “This Week” host George Stephanopoulos asked Dr. Jha, “Is Covid still a crisis?”

“The pandemic is not over, as much as we all wish it were. We’re in much better shape than we were but we’ve got to keep plugging away at managing this virus and getting it under better control,” Dr. Jha said.


TRENDING: An Easter Story – Beautiful Catherine from China and a Family’s Search for God

The Biden Regime will never let Covid go away.

Biden recently extended the federal travel mask mandate until May 3.

Dr. Fauci has been making the media rounds again telling Americans to brace for another spike in Covid cases.

Democrats in Philadelphia re-imposed the indoor mask mandate…just in time for the midterm elections.

President Trump Sends Special Easter Message to Radical Marxist NY Attorney General Letitia James


In November 2018 after her election as Attorney General of New York, Letitia James immediately began cursing and threatening President Donald Trump.

There is a nice compilation video of Ms. James exhibiting her personal hatred toward President Trump. She has pursued President Trump since that day not with facts but with the hatred and persistence of a committed Marxist.

Letitia still hasn’t found a crime against Trump or his family but is working feverishly to press charges against the former president anyway.

Joseph Stalin’s henchman Lavrently once famously said, “Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.”
That famous Marxist quote perfectly defines Letitia James and today’s Democrat party.

TRENDING: An Easter Story – Beautiful Catherine from China and a Family’s Search for God

Here is a video compilation of Letitia James obsessing over President Trump, via The Storm Has Arrived.

On Sunday President Trump graciously offered wicked Letitia James an Easter greeting.

“Happy Easter to the failed gubernatorial candidate and racist Attorney General Letitia James.”

Via The Storm Has Arrived.

Private Group Sues Philidelphia Mayor, Health Commissioner and Others for Reinstituting Insane COVID Mandates


A group in Pennsylvania is suing the mayor of Philadelphia and Health Commission-related individuals due to their recent actions to reinstate COVID mandates. 

ABC News reported last Monday on the city of Philidelphia’s actions to reinstate COVID mandates:

TRENDING: An Easter Story – Beautiful Catherine from China and a Family’s Search for God

In response to the latest actions, a group in Philadelphia is suing the city to stop the insane, unconstitutional, and non-science-based mandates.

In the filing the group of individuals from the city shares the following:

In a breathtaking Declaration, Dr. Cheryl Bettigole (the “Commissioner”) of the City of Philadelphia’s (“Philadelphia”) Department of Public Health (“PDPH”), usurped the power and authority of the General Assembly, Pennsylvania Department of Health, and the State Advisory
Health Board (“Acting Secretary”).

Specifically, the Commissioner publicly stated, “[i]n contrast to the metrics we [the PDPH] use, the CDC metrics are designed to be applicable throughout the country…” (emphasis added). As if that declaration weren’t enough, the Commissioner then went on to say, “[a]s the poorest big city in America, Philadelphia has a high rate of chronic conditions that are linked to poverty and, as a result, we have designed our metrics to be cautious.” Capping these incredible statements, the Commissioner then concluded that “[t]he current metrics are not set in stone; if we do not see a rise in hospitalizations with this rise in cases, we will revisit our metrics and make changes where indicated.”

Not only are the “current metrics” “not set in stone,” they are not set in Pennsylvania law and violate the statutory and regulatory scheme set forth in Pennsylvania for the Department of Health, including the State Advisory Health Board.

On April 18, 2022, Philadelphia businesses will once again be under Respondents’ self-invented authoritarian control. See e.g. Const. Art. 1, § 26, PA CONST Art. 1, § 26 (“[n]either the Commonwealth nor [the City of Philadelphia] shall deny to any person the enjoyment of any civil right, nor discriminate against any person in the exercise of any civil right”). Philadelphia’s authoritarian regime consists of: the Commissioner, Mayor James Kenney (the “Mayor”), and the PDPH. The authoritarian regime’s latest example of government overreach is overtly on display in the Commissioner’s April 14, 2022, “Emergency Order Temporarily Reinstating Masking Requirements in Certain Circumstances to Prevent the Spread of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19),” (hereinafter the “Emergency Order”).

The justification for this latest exercise of unfettered government action is based partially upon an indefinite suspension of Section 8-407 of the Philadelphia Home Rule Charter in the Mayor’s “Declaration of Extraordinary Circumstance: Suspending the Formal Regulatory Process for Regulations Concerning a Novel Coronavirus,” (hereinafter the “Emergency Declaration”) signed by the Mayor on March 11, 2020 – over two (2) years ago.

Amazingly, the Emergency Declaration is still in effect and apparently has no end date.
The indefiniteness of the Emergency Declaration is problematic in its own right; however, equally problematic is the continued promulgation of local municipal health agencies, like the PDPH, reliance upon the Disease Prevention and Control Law of 1955, 35 P.S. § 521.1, et seq., for the proposition that it allows them to institute mandatory masking requirements. That is simply not so. The General Assembly places unequivocal limitations on Philadelphia, notwithstanding its Home Rule Charter status, pursuant to the Disease Prevention and Control Law and “Limitations on municipal powers.”

Read the entire filing below:

PA Philly Covid Mandate Petition for Review Filed by Jim Hoft on Scribd

Louisiana Citizens Are Concerned with Windmill Project in the Works in the State’s Legislature


The Louisiana legislature is pushing forward with a windmill proposal that many locals have major concerns with. 

Local citizens are becoming aware of legislation in the works for offshore windmills in the state and they don’t like it.

House Bill 165 is currently pending in the Louisiana legislature. The bill is co-authored by Houma and Lafourche Representatives Joseph Orgeron and Jerome Zeringue. It appears the bill has already passed the House and has been referred to the Senate, where it will first be considered by the Senate Committee on Natural Resources. If it survives there, will move to a full vote in the Senate.

HB 165 is a monstrosity.

TRENDING: An Easter Story – Beautiful Catherine from China and a Family’s Search for God

It would allocate up to 25,000 acres of Louisiana offshore waters to be leased from the State by private, green energy companies to manufacture and build windmill turbines as an alternative to coal and natural gas production. The first red flag in the bill is that it removes all legislative oversight and places plenary authority in the State Mineral and Energy Board to award any lease if it deems, in its sole discretion, that the lease is in Louisiana’s best interest. Why would the bill vest this enormous power in any board while removing traditional legislative oversight and accountability? Any objective observer would necessarily be suspicious of such a provision.

The bill also removes the traditional requirement that a minimum dollar amount and minimum percentage of revenue to be produced be advertised by the board as a minimum requirement for granting the lease. No legislative oversight, and no requirement of minimal revenue creation. What could possibly go wrong here?

Another fatal flaw with HB 165 is that neither Zeringue nor Orgeron has apparently studied the history of similar misguided efforts to supply energy needs through the use of offshore wind turbines. If they had, they would know that offshore wind power is not even remotely viable in reliably providing even a small percentage of our energy needs in a consistent, cost effective and environmentally sustainable manner.

The article goes on to explain that other offshore windmills projects have not been very fruitful in producing energy.  They have been failures.  Projects in Rhode Island and Germany have been total failures.  The costs are huge and the fact that the wind turbines must be replaced every 15-20 years.

The costs, including energy costs, of developing wind turbines are high.  Also, where are these turbines made?  Are these made in China?  Why would US state governments want to support China?  Louisiana is full of energy with oil rigs in the Gulf.

Finally, it looks like one of the individuals behind the bill is involved in the business of the transportation of wind turbines to offshore locations.

It looks like the project proposed in Louisiana needs more work.  

Former Stripper Running For Congress Says She Aborted Her Baby To Give It A Better Life


Alexandra Hunt, 29, is running for the Democratic nomination for the Philadelphia-area congressional district and has been attempting to leverage her sordid past in order to gain an edge over her competition in the race.

As a young adult, Hunt chose to become a sex worker while she studied at the University of Richmond where she earned a degree in psychology and now has her eyes set on Congress. She also wants everyone to know that she never regretted her abortion.

TRENDING: Swamp Steps In? DOJ, SEC Launch “Joint Investigation” Targeting Elon Musk as He Attempts His ‘Hostile Takeover’ of Twitter: Reports

Her campaign platform, which is pro-drug use, also includes greater access to abortion, the decriminalization of prostitution, and other progressive promises to erode the backbone of American society. While her campaign advertises her as a youth soccer coach, once it was revealed that Hunt had spent time as a sex worker, the club she coached terminated her after she refused to stop promoting her past as virtuous.

In an op-ed for HuffPost, Hunt wrote that sex work is only viewed negatively because of “misogyny,” arguing that it’s actually an empowering profession that “allows women to own [their] sexuality…and use that to bring both money and power to level the playing field.”

Hunt, who became pregnant at 18, claims that because her “generation faces a lack of jobs, a lack of living wage, a housing crisis, an affordable housing crisis, a student debt crisis, the climate emergency, the prison-industrial complex” and other maladies, she chose to kill her unborn child. “I wanted to offer my child better,” she said.

On Wednesday, the former sex worker created an OnlyFans account in order to fund her campaign. OnlyFans, for the fortunate few who are unaware, is a web service that allows prostitutes, amateur models, and professional adult film participants to offer the sale of smut directly to their fans.

And while accepting sex workers as virtuous members of society is abhorrent in its own right, that isn’t good enough for Hunt. She earnestly believes that they must be accepted as teachers in schools as well.

Among other monstrous viewpoints expressed in Hunt’s writing, one can find advocacy for a high school teacher who was fired after it was revealed she had been using school computers to run a pornographic website. In another instance, Hunt defended a preschool teacher who was fired after she refused to quit doing porn. These are odd positions for someone to take when they claim that education is the cornerstone of their campaign.

The reality is that Hunt, like many young progressives, sees stigma of any kind as a negative influence on society. From personal responsibility to faithfulness in marriage to the virtue of monogamy—and even to the sanctity of life—each and every tradition is considered an evil that must be snuffed out. It doesn’t matter how many babies are terminated, how many girls are trafficked, or how many marriages are ruined. Every negative consequence is met with a dozen unrelated justifications.

After all, how did Hunt defend her decision to terminate her teenage pregnancy? She was worried about climate change.

An Easter Story – Beautiful Catherine from China and a Family’s Search for God


About 12 years ago my twin brother Joe, Contributing Editor at The Gateway Pundit, married a lovely, beautiful woman from China. Catherine moved here to the US from Shenzhen, China, and lived with Joe in the St. Louis area until they moved to Hong Kong where Joe served as an international corporate executive overseeing the audit function in Asia and the Pacific for a top 200 corporation.

But Catherine almost didn’t make it to America.

Catherine grew up in Hubei Province in a typical working-class home with her parents and an older brother. When Catherine was around 10-years-old she learned how to cook with her mother. The two would cook for the many guests who would regularly congregate at their home. It wasn’t until years later that she learned those friends who came to her home belonged to an underground Christian prayer group. They would meet at her home and read the Bible and pray.

Then at one point the authorities caught on to what was taking place at Catherine’s home. They arrested her father and an uncle. They brought her father to the police station and beat him hoping to force a confession on their illegal prayer meetings. Her father would not admit to the Bible meetings no matter how much he was pressured and beaten. Catherine’s uncle was not so lucky and was sent to prison for three years for praying.

TRENDING: Swamp Steps In? DOJ, SEC Launch “Joint Investigation” Targeting Elon Musk as He Attempts His ‘Hostile Takeover’ of Twitter: Reports

Above Catherine with her parents in Beijing across from Tiananmen Square and in front of Forbidden City. 

When Catherine met Joe and after they were married she almost did not make it out of China. During her screening, the authorities told her that her father had engaged in illegal activity several years earlier. The illegal acts on her father’s record were the Christian prayer meetings at their home when Catherine was a little girl. Somehow Catherine and her uncle were able to convince them to let her relocate to the US.

Since that time Catherine and Joe had a son, left Hong Kong, and relocated back to the States. Joe writes for The Gateway Pundit and hosts The Joe Hoft Show on Real Talk FM 93.3 FM.

This brings us to today. This Easter holiday, after several months of preparation, Catherine Hoft was baptized Catholic. Catherine was baptized, confirmed and received her First Communion this weekend.

This took place just hours ago.

Now that Catherine is an American she does not have to worry about professing her faith in God. At least not yet. Americans still have the freedom to convert, to profess their faith, and most years, to practice their religion.

We have much to be grateful for this Easter.

Joe, Catherine and Dean at St. Patrick’s on Easter.

More… Italian Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano wrote Catherine and Joe a wonderful letter tonight in celebration of her Baptism and First Communion:

Russia Continues to Grind Down the Ukrainian Military and Fuel Resources

I try to monitor Western media as one measure of how Russia’s war with the West is progressing. It is again a case of the dog that did not bark. The breathless, wall-to-wall reports that dominated cable news during the first two weeks of Russia’s “Special Military Operation” are gone. Instead, the media is only giving spot updates wrapped in continued hysteria about the bad and evil the Russians. But it is not producing popular support in America for getting involved in another foreign war. Here are some of the latest headlines: REUTERS–Russia says its forces clear most of Mariupol, strike Kyiv suburb
  • Explosions hit Kyiv in north, Lviv in west
  • Ukraine says situation in Mariupol ‘very difficult’
  • Russia offers to spare lives of Mariupol defenders who lay down arms
FOX NEWS–Mariupol warns Russia is preparing to shut down city to ‘filter’ all men for forced service, labor
  • Advisor to the Mariupol city mayor warned Saturday that Russian troops are preparing to shut down the city by April 18 and will “filter” all men for forced service, labor or “isolation.”
  • “Occupiers report that on Monday they will not only finally close all entries and exits to the city for everyone, but will institute a ban on movement across all neighborhoods for a week. During this time, 100% of the city’s remaining male population will be “filtered’,” Petro Andriushchenko said in a Telegram post translated by Ukrainian news outlet Ukrayinska Pravda.
CNN–Russia orders Ukrainian forces in Mariupol to surrender by Sunday morning
  • Russia has demanded Ukrainian forces still fighting to defend the besieged city of Mariupol lay down their weapons. The apparent ultimatum comes as Russia continues its relentless and devastating attack on the southeastern city.
  • Russian state media Ria reported that “without exception” all “Ukrainian armed units and foreign mercenaries” must exit from 6:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Moscow time (same as local time) “without any weapons and ammunition,” citing the Russian Defense Ministry.
Meanwhile, U.S. intelligence (a true oxymoron) continues to demonstrate pure incompetence and stupidity. Consider this “headline” from CNN–US assesses Putin may increase efforts to interfere with US elections. Here is the analytical bottom-line:

A US official made clear the assessments were not based on direct intelligence.

“We do not have any direct intelligence that Russia is looking to target state, local, or election systems more directly than before, but we are certainly anticipating the possibility. We will continue to actively share any intelligence about increased threats with state and local officials as we receive it,” the official told CNN.

Got that? All they have is an opinion not based on one damn fact or piece of intelligence. The pathetic U.S. Intelligence Community does not understand Vladimir Putin but that does not stop them from offering up banalities like this:

The intelligence community has made understanding Putin’s mindset a priority since early in the invasion, sources familiar with internal deliberations told CNN. Raw assessments have pointed to his increasingly unpredictable behavior, and US officials believe Putin is more willing to consider taking risks due to his anger over Russia’s failures in Ukraine – something his advisers, who officials say have not been telling him the full truth, did not prepare him for.

What truth is being held from Putin? The success in Mariupol? The successful missile strikes peppering key military and fuel sites across the breadth of Ukraine? Despite U.S. and NATO stubbornly insisting that the Russian military is a clown show incapable of fighting competently, you only need to note that Russian military units, missiles and aircraft are moving freely around Ukraine. Take a look at the following video that shows a Russian field kitchen and laundry. Maybe this is just a sophisticated piece of propaganda, but if it is legit then it shows a capability not widely available in the U.S. Army. We have become accustomed to setting up static bases, mess halls and laundromats overseas that hire 3rd world folk to cook our food and wash our dirty underwear. Take note of what the Russian soldiers do when they enter the mess trailer (they remove their cover and hang it on a wall). This is not a picture of untrained conscripts grudgingly being thrown into battle. Russian media sites are now filled with videos of thousands of Ukrainian military personnel surrendering and leaving behind large caches of NATO supplied weapons. There also are photos of the passports of two U.S. citizens who were part of Ukrainian units fighting the Russians. It is not clear if these men are captured or dead. The Russians claim they have captured a large number of Western mercenaries in Mariupol and their fate is not sunny. Because the Russians do not consider them legitimate combatants they will not be treated according to the Geneva Convention. (Sounds like the Russians are going to treat them like the despicable U.S. Department of Justice has treated the so-called January 6th insurrectionists.) Unlike Ukraine, Russia does not seem to have a problem sending more vehicles to the fight: Video
Russia Ships BM-21 Grad Reinforcements to the Front
Here is video of Russian truck and tank columns moving around Kharkov. Where are the videos of the Ukrainian forces attacking and destroying these columns? Do you doubt for a minute that Ukraine would be sharing such material widely if it existed? That is the dog that is not barking. Russia is surrounding and ready to destroy the fragmented Ukrainian Army. Unlike Mariupol, most of these battles will be in open country where the Ukrainians will have little protection from drones, bombers and artillery. Tanks and troops will do the clean up once strong points are eliminated. Finally, take a look at the British assessment of the situation on the ground in Ukraine.
Pay attention to the gold and black shaded areas. These are the locations where the Ukrainian Army in the east is located and where Russia will attempt to encircle and destroy. Unless Ukraine is able to send columns of tanks and trucks to the east to resupply the beleaguered forces, the Ukrainian Army may be eliminated by the end of May.

This Is How They Steal: Remote Scanners Track Orange County Ballots at Drop Boxes. Why Not Just Collect Daily?


Orange County CA will be attaching tech devices to 9 of their most heavily used drop boxes for the June elections. This OC pilot program is an effort to remotely know the number of ballots inside those boxes. The device is a glorified padlock that includes a scanner, cellular modem, and batteries. The first thing you might wonder is why? If OC is collecting ballots on regular or daily basis, why do they need to know the quantities remotely? The simple answer is….they don’t.

Here’s how it works. A “BoxLock” device the size of a hockey puck is attached to the front of the drop box. Voters who registered for “OC Ballot Express” tracking can walk up to the box, push the button, scan their envelopes bar code, then drop it in the box. Using a cellular modem, the device sends data back to BoxLock in Atlanta. The voter then receives a text message telling them what they already know….they just put a ballot in that box. Wow!

But that isn’t entirely true. BoxLock only knows if a bar code was scanned. It doesn’t know if an envelope went inside the box. Also, many voters will not sign up for “OC Ballot Express” because it demands their cell phone number. Those who signed up and scanned their envelope are the only ones counted. Some might deposit first and forget the scan. Some might scan but not deposit their envelope. The bottom line is this. BoxLock will only know the number of scans, not the actual number of ballots inside the box.

TRENDING: Swamp Steps In? DOJ, SEC Launch “Joint Investigation” Targeting Elon Musk as He Attempts His ‘Hostile Takeover’ of Twitter: Reports

To view the status of these boxes, staff at the OC Registrar of Voters must have internet access, a browser, or possibly use unsecure cell phones. They must login to the BoxLock software, which could be in Atlanta, or an unknown cloud server location. Staff can then view the scan numbers for each box. This approach adds and exposes another layer of election information over the internet. Fraudsters might gain access to this info as election day approaches. It will help them decide which precincts and boxes are best to stuff, and by how much, so they won’t be flagged for excessive voters.

The word “election day” is almost entirely erased from California. Their elections have become more like glorified survey’s taken over 29 days. According to the CA SOS, ballot boxes must be emptied every 96 hours at the least. In those 10 day before the election, this drops to 48 hours. Orange has about 115 boxes across the county. It shouldn’t be that hard to empty the boxes at least once a day. Some elections empty them every few hours. OC drop boxes are massive in size, so overfilling shouldn’t be a concern.

By directing people away from the U.S. Postal boxes, election jurisdictions are bypassing one of the most powerful deterrents to mail-in ballot fraud. Using a USPS blue box to aid in the commission of a crime is a Federal felony. Severe penalties can be levied. Also, Federal law enforcement including the US Postal Inspector can investigate. The DNC knows private made ballot box’s have none of these ramifications. It’s why they push them relentlessly.

BoxLock’s technology is solid for use on shipping containers, deliveries, and remote access. But it doesn’t fit for elections or resolve one single ballot stuffing issue. They can’t capture video or images of voters. They can’t insure only one ballot per voter is inserted, or appropriate numbers per law. They have no way to scan every ballot that enters the box, and so on. To make matters worse, their mobile apps, the administration applications, and the back-end infrastructure were all built by someone else, a company called Digital Scientists.

What’s most amazing is the announcement of this OC pilot program. Media organizations repeated almost verbatim the same talking points. It’s safe, more secure, transparency, creates trust, voter confidence, and so on. KTLA Ch.5 News in Los Angeles provided a short video praising the technology. The press agent for OC simulates scanning the ballot but doesn’t actually activate the scanner (button). Media asked no hard questions.

Garrett Fahy from the OC Republican National Lawyers Association called the drop box scanners “a promising development for voters…encourages lawful participation, increases confidence….transparency…greater trust in our elections.” Did the DNC write these comments for Fahy? This pilot doesn’t prevent one iota of election fraud. Fahy needs to review recent True The Vote cell ping testimony and GP interviews.

Software engineer Mark Cook has interviewed election officials across the country in the last few years. At 7:15 of this video he explains “Election systems are so complicated they are nearly impossible to understand. Election officials don’t understand the very systems they use to do their jobs. And this is frightening to them. So they have to lean on vendors.” Most patriots want less election technology, not more. What is OC doing here?

Swamp Steps In? DOJ, SEC Launch “Joint Investigation” Targeting Elon Musk as He Attempts His ‘Hostile Takeover’ of Twitter: Reports


Elon Musk isn’t one to back down from a challenge, and he is proving that fact yet again in his ongoing attempt to purchase Twitter outright in a bid to restore freedom of speech to the internet. However, his bold move caused the establishment to put a target on his back. As of this week, both Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) have reportedly opened new investigations into the billionaire Tesla founder, according to reports.

Curious timing.

Earlier this week, Fox Business Senior Correspondent Charlie Gasparino broke the news of Biden’s alphabet agencies’ turning their sights on Musk in an appearance on ‘Cavuto: Coast to Coast.’ The longtime legal expert explained that as of right now, it is unclear what Musk has done that warrants the federal probes, but the Twitter takeover likely has a lot to do with it.

Gasparino pointed out that Musk has “stirred up a regulatory hornet’s nest” and the SEC is scrutinizing every little detail of his recent stock trades, looking to nab him on some small technicality.

From Gasparino:

“Both the DOJ and the SEC are clearly scrutinizing this entire matter. Now, we’re getting this from lawyers… they’re clearly monitoring and scrutinizing this entire issue – whether he filed the right forms, whether there’s a stock manipulation case here, whether he’s making public statements that he probably shouldn’t make… What we do know is that he’s stirred up a regulatory hornets’ nest. DOJ, SEC, I’m getting this from lawyers who deal with them.”

Gasparino followed up with more details in a tweet on Thursday:

“[Elon Musk] offers to buy the rest of [Twitter] a legal source tells [Fox Business] [SEC] and [DOJ] have launched what he described as a ‘joint investigation’ into a myriad of Musk regulatory issues primarily involving [Tesla}.”

Musk has gone toe to toe with the SEC in the past, calling it out publicly for filing a complaint against him after he tweeted about taking Tesla private in 2018. At that time, Musk fired back at the federal agency, saying that the action against him was “unjustified” and rejected any claims of wrongdoing completely.

Nevertheless, Musk eventually settled with the SEC, with both him and his company each paying a fine of $20 million in addition to some restrictions surrounding his public statements and his stepping down as the CEO of Tesla.

But this isn’t the same SEC or DOJ, and it isn’t the same type of dissent. This new “joint investigation” is that much more concerning if it takes place. Musk is taking a stand the establishment just can’t afford to let succeed.

Elon Musk on Purchasing Twitter: “This is not a Way to Make Money – To Have a Public Platform that Is Maximally Trusted and Inclusive Is Important to Future of Civilization”

Big tech, the legacy media, politicians in the DC swamp, and elites alike have resoundingly condemned Musk’s crusade because the success of their radical anti-American agenda relies completely on silencing the truths that contradict the approved narratives. Twitter itself is even jeopardizing its own financial prospects and betraying its shareholders in a desperate attempt to fend off the hostile takeover bid. Capitalists don’t turn down a free $10 billion dollars, which is what Musk offered over Twitter’s market value – radical ideologues focused on controlling people’s thoughts for the sake of their dystopian agenda do.

Without the ability for mass censorship of dissenting thoughts, which is what Twitter provides in excess, the propaganda would not have the same effect. The unhinged meltdown to condemn free speech by media elitists has exposed exactly how radical they truly are.

In just one example, the progressive activists at the LA Times  said it  outright: Musk buying the left’s most effective censorship tool would create “more freedom” and “less democracy.” ‘Democracy’ in this case means the (il)liberal world order, of course.

As Revolver News put it last week, “the world’s richest man might be on the cusp of launching a global crusade to restore freedom of speech” – so, naturally, the Biden regime and the sycophants in the media can’t just sit around and let it happen.

New IG Report Reveals Biden Regime Wasted $17 Million on UNUSED Hotel Rooms Meant for Illegals and ICE Contractors


Illegal immigrants flooding across the US border in Del Rio in 2021 – screengrab

In yet another brutal indictment of the Biden Administration’s handling of the Southern Border, the Inspector General of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released a new report this week detailing several procedural violations and millions of wasted taxpayer dollars through border operations by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials and contractors.

Following the $80 million-plus contract that the Biden administration awarded to the non-profit group Endeavors to provide hotel room lodging for illegal immigrants, the IG report found a lack of “justification” given for the exorbitant amount of money being allocated, leading to millions in wasted dollars. In all, a whopping $17 million was wasted on empty rooms in six hotels between April and June 2021.

The decision to award Endeavors the housing contract for illegals was also criticized at the time because the Biden administration subverted the traditional selection process and allowed the non-profit to secure the contract without opening it up to any competition, also called a no-bid contract. In other words, this relationship has been shady since the beginning.

Although the amount is fairly modest when compared to the recently passed trillion-plus-dollar spending package, or even the 3 billion that’s been sent to Ukraine so far, the complete waste of millions in taxpayer dollars is a notable issue. The fact that over 3 million illegals that we know of have crossed the border since Biden took office  and the subsequent overcrowding in ICE facilities, should suggest that there would be no vacancies in any of the hotel rooms. How did almost 1/4th of the money end up being spent on nothing?

From the IG report:

“ICE did not adequately justify the need for the sole source contract to house migrant families and spent approximately $17 million for hotel space and services at six hotels that went largely unused between April and June 2021. ICE’s sole source contract with Endeavors resulted in millions of dollars being spent on unused hotel space.”

In addition to the misuse of funds and the lack of justification for awarding so much, the report also concluded that ICE officials and their contractors committed repeated violations of Covid-19 protocols, so much so that the IG stated ICE was “putting [the] outside public at risk” with their careless handling of illegal aliens, proving, once again, the covid measures aren’t about saving lives or protecting people – it’s about power and control

In short, the report found that just about every procedure across the board was not being followed properly.

The IG Report continues:

“In addition, Endeavors did not meet new healthcare protocols or ensure proper COVID-19 testing for families. For example, families were not tested by ICE for COVID-19 prior to being transported to hotels and were not always tested by Endeavors staff upon arrival at or departure from hotels, putting migrant families and the outside population at risk of contracting COVID-19. Further, Endeavors did not follow required ICE standards to ensure the proper care for housing migrant families while such families were residing in its facilities.”

Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin broke the news and published a copy of the IG report in a tweet on Saturday. A link to the full report can be found here.

NEW: DHS IG report finds ICE spent $17 million on a no-bid contract to house migrants in hotels that went largely unused last spring, wasting millions of $. IG found ICE & the vendor also failed to adequately COVID test migrants, “putting outside population at risk.’”