LAWRENCE SELLIN: The Democrat Party’s Jump to Socialism Is Fueling Their Destruction of America


Like a disease, quarantine the Democrat Party in its own dystopic enclaves

Decades ago, the United States stopped producing Americans, replacing them with “U.S. citizens,” who could exploit the country’s economic benefits without embracing its founding documents, culture, history and traditions.

One such example is Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal, an Indian immigrant who arrogantly rejects free speech, claiming he and the company he leads are “not to be bound by the First Amendment.”

On October 26, 2016, sensing the trajectory of the Democrat Party, I warned about the danger of electing Hillary Clinton as President.

TRENDING: Muslim Youths Attack Easter Week Processions in Spain — Pelt Christians with Rocks and Projectiles — Police Called In (VIDEO)

“I consider myself a patriot, someone who believes in the Constitution, the rule of law and representative government.

Under a President Hillary Clinton, none of those will any longer exist.

Electing Hillary will mean, quite literally, the end of the United States as it was originally designed.

The Constitution will be de facto obsolete; the rule of law will be arbitrarily applied dependent upon one’s financial status or political clout; and we will have a government driven by crony capitalism and political expediency, benefitting only the rich and powerful, and one conspicuous for corruption, fraudulent elections and pseudo-representation.

Under Hillary’s open borders policy, the United States of America will be neither United nor America. It will not be a melting pot, a nation guided by the notion of E Pluribus Unum, but a collection of simultaneous arguments, where the only thing we have in common is our differences.

It will mean a president, who is, without any doubt, hopelessly corrupt and a pathological liar.

It will mean that the organs of government will not be used to enforce the law, but to enforce the political whims of Hillary Clinton, courtesy of the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Internal Revenue Service.

Because, when blatant and outrageous lies are no longer sufficient to soothe the electorate into complacency, such a government must begin to curtail freedom and oppress the people in order to pursue its policies and remain in power.”

All of that has now been achieved with Joe Biden as the illegitimate occupant of the White House.

Its shredding of the Constitution and disregard for due process, are just symptoms of the Democrat Party’s abandonment of both democracy and sanity in its ruthless pursuit of permanent political power at any cost.

The modern Democrat Party is not without historical precedent. As Democrats continue their political march leftward, they have adopted the non-democratic tactics of the extreme left.

After the successful 1917 communist revolution in Russia, the political left widely believed that a violent proletarian revolt would sweep across Europe and, ultimately, North America. It did not.

As a result, Communist International began to investigate other ways to create the state of societal hopelessness and alienation necessary as a prerequisite for socialist revolution – in essence, to erode western democracy from within.

The single, most important organizational component of that effort was a Communist think tank called the Institute for Social Research, popularly known as the Frankfurt School.

The task of the Frankfurt School was first, to undermine the foundation of Western civilization that emphasized the uniqueness of the individual and, second, to determine new cultural forms that would increase the disaffection of and division among the population.

Just as in classical economic Marxism, certain groups like workers and peasants are a priori good, and other groups like the bourgeoisie and capital owners are evil, in Cultural Marxism, feminists, racial and ethnic minorities and those who define themselves according to sexual orientation are deemed good and “victims” of societal injustice. It logically follows, then, that white males and “privilege” and, by extension, Western civilization, are automatically and irredeemably malevolent.

The Democrat Party now promotes policies that undermine the United States as a sovereign nation, our Constitution, our culture, our traditions, all of what “America” has come to mean. Part of that effort is to weaken our ability to transmit to the next generation the values and traditions upon which the United States was built.

Thus, the need to import individuals with views like Parag Agrawal and the Biden-promoted invasion of illegal aliens with no understanding or commitment to Americanism beyond economic exploitation.

Aided by totalitarian Parag Agrawal and other Big Tech oligarchs, the Democrat Party’s assault on the First Amendment is meant to narrow the range of thought in order to make independent thinking literally impossible because there will be no words in which to express those thoughts. It is accomplished through the systematic destruction of language as “microaggressions” or endlessly repeating statements that are patently untrue, like the existence of more than two biological genders.

The widespread political intolerance promoted by the Democrats and their media allies is largely based on the essay “Repressive Tolerance” written in 1965 by Herbert Marcuse, an adherent of the Frankfurt School.

Fred Bauer, in his article “The Left and ‘Discriminating Tolerance,’” captures Marcuse’s inverted logic and identifies the origin of the political intolerance presently practiced throughout the United States:

“Marcuse argued that, because of the radical repressiveness of Western society, a tolerance for all viewpoints actually contributed to social oppression. A pervasive network of assumptions and biases implicitly privileges the viewpoint of the powerful, so that seemingly ‘equal’ presentations of opposite opinions actually end up benefiting the viewpoint of the powerful. In the light of this situation, Marcuse made a rather cunning inversion (one that has been aped countless times since by cultural organs across the United States): The fact that society is so radically unequal means that we should be intolerant and repressive in the name of tolerance and liberty.”

Marcuse provided the basis for Critical Race Theory and the Equity agenda now being forced upon every American institution.

The inevitable outcome of Democrat policies adopted from the Frankfurt School is the cataclysmic decline of society, a dystopia, the only condition in which a totalitarian, one-party state can exist.

The policies of the Democrat Party are meant to be destructive. Let Democrats live in the dystopia they create. We don’t have to.

The State of New California is attempting to separate itself from Democrat Party malfeasance. It is an example worth emulating throughout the country.

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a retired U.S. Army Reserve colonel and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. He had a civilian career in international business and medical research. Dr. Sellin is the author of Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution. His email address is [email protected].

Could Red Wolves Actually Improve Deer Populations and Hunting in the Southeast?


Reintroduced red wolf packs in the Southeast could lead to better deer hunting, and more coveys of quail—at least, that’s what one group of researchers hopes to prove.

Ron Sutherland, a wildlife biologist born and raised in North Carolina, spends most of his life talking about and advocating for red wolves. His motive is obvious: to see red wolves sustainably managed in a slice of their original home range. He wants red wolves reintroduced largely because they are a natural part of the ecosystem, but also because, he says, research is starting to show they can actually benefit the area’s native species.

Why? In large part because red wolves require larger home ranges than coyotes, and enough wolves will push nonnative coyotes to the fringes. Also, red wolves commonly prey upon mid-sized predators like raccoons and opossums.

Sutherland, unsurprisingly, has his fair share of skeptics. And venom toward red wolves is bubbling up anew after a federal judge recently ordered biologists to open pens and release captive-born red wolves back on the landscape in two wildlife refuges in North Carolina.

Ten red wolves will join another eight or so genetically pure collared red wolves who already live there, bringing the sum total of red wolves living in the wild to between 20 and 25, depending on how recently one has been shot or hit by a car and if estimates of wolves without collars are accurate. Red wolves are the most endangered wolf in the world and they’re at real risk of extinction in the wild. Again.

This time biologists and wildlife managers hope the long-term result of the reintroduction effort will be different. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service assembled a massive recovery team made of state, federal, county and tribal representatives as well as biologists, researchers, landowners, locals, and nonprofits. A federal program created a cost share for local landowners interested in improving habitat for wildlife on their land—aptly named Prey for the Pack. But still, there’s plenty of contention around the impact that red wolves have on local wildlife.

Can Red Wolves Help Native Wildlife?

Since 2015, Sutherland and a team at Wildlands Network, a small conservation nonprofit, have been recording hundreds of thousands of images from trail cameras to see how much wildlife exists in areas where red wolves roam.

He’s still sifting through all of the information, but what he can say is that “we’re seeing deer at all the sites where we see wolves.”

At a minimum, researchers say, more red wolves likely won’t hurt deer populations. For proof, they say look no further than historical patterns when red wolves numbered around 120 and deer populations were at their highest peaks in the last 50 years.

red wolf howling
A captive red wolf howling. USFWS

In 1976, hunters killed 2,263 whitetail deer in the five counties where red wolves were eventually reintroduced. In 2012, at the height of the red wolf population, hunters killed 7,491 deer in those same counties, a 231 percent increase. By 2020, that number seemed to mirror the decline in wolf numbers, dropping 31 percent to 5,174 deer. In short, as wolf numbers increased from the late ‘80s until the late 2000s, so did whitetail deer populations. Then as wolf numbers decreased, so did whitetail deer. You won’t see wildlife managers drawing a direct line of causation between the historical rise in wolf numbers and the rise in deer numbers, but on the other hand, it’s hard to argue against the correlation.

“They say [red wolves are] a detriment to the deer population, but show me where that is happening,” Art Beyer, a former red wolf biologist with the Fish and Wildlife Service told the Virginia Pilot in 2014. “I don’t see that happening. This is where you’ve got farmers shooting deer in their fields because they’re eating their crops.”

Joseph Hinton, a senior research scientist with the Wolf Conservation Center who has studied red wolves and coyotes for over 20 years, points to the fact that red wolves have a much larger home range than coyotes, and when red wolves pair up, they will kick coyotes out of the area.

“If you eliminate a wolf pack, that opens up the territory. How many coyote packs can fit in there? We usually see two to three,” Hinton says. “A coyote home range size is 20 to 25 square kilometers and a red wolf is about 70 square kilometers and some will have 140 square kilometers. If you wipe out a wolf pack, more coyote packs will take up that space.”

Established red wolves theoretically means fewer coyotes, which means an overall fewer number of predators targeting game species.

Plus, there are plenty of deer to go around, says Joe Landino, a landowner and hunter in Hyde County. Landino moved to the area 60 years ago to manage 300,000 acres of land for a pulp and paper company. Over the years he’s managed forests and farms and spent most of his life outside. He doesn’t have issues with red wolves.

“We have more deer now than before the red wolf showed up. I have landowner friends of mine saying red wolves have devastated the deer population. That’s a bunch of baloney. You can shoot five deer here legally and the season runs October 15 to January 31. Basically, you can kill all the deer you want,” Landino says. “When I came here 60 years ago, a deer that weighed 100 pounds was as a big as you’d see, but since we developed farmland, we have pretty nice deer and lots of them.”

Sutherland also has cameras at one of the rare sites where bobwhite quail are surviving. That area also happens to fall within the Alligator National Wildlife Refuge, where red wolves have been stable the longest.

During surveys, “the numbers of calling quail roosters were off the charts,” Sutherland says. “More were calling at once than we could write down.”

The reason quail thrive there, he says, is because red wolves either scare away or kill quail nest predators like raccoons and opossums.

Landowner Skepticism

Even though Landino doesn’t mind red wolves, he also doesn’t think wild red wolves will survive long term. It’s just not red wolf country anymore, he says.

Jennifer Skvarla, a landowner in Beauford County, says she used to see red wolves on her land, and they never caused her issues. She now hears the coyotes constantly, and wonders if red wolves can return, and if they may help displace the number of coyotes in the area.

Greg Comstock, on the other hand, says red wolves have no place in the region and offer no benefit to people or wildlife. He runs a bear hunting club in Hyde County.

“Red wolves are the last thing we need in this area,” he says. “The coyotes are taking over now and we can’t hunt coyotes because if you shoot the wrong thing you’re in trouble.”

He believes far more red wolves and red wolf hybrids live on the landscape than the Fish and Wildlife Service admits. He also worries the deer hunting is suffering. He says that he and other hunters and landowners don’t have enough information from the Fish and Wildlife Service.

red wolf collared
A radio collared red wolf in the wild. R. Nordsven/USFWS

And there’s no doubt that red wolves will eat deer, but predator-prey dynamics are infinitely complicated. For example, there are a variety of studies about the impacts that predators have on whitetails in the Southeast—and many of them seem to conflict. A 2012 radio collar study published in the Journal of Wildlife Management found that coyotes were likely responsible for 80 percent of fawn mortalities within the South Carolina study group. A 2016 University of Georgia research paper that examines deer predation in the southeast states that: “It is unlikely that predators limit population growth of highly productive deer herds with relatively low natural mortality. Unfortunately, in some studies, 70 to 100 percent of fawns died each year of natural causes including predation. In these situations, predation likely is limiting population growth and reducing the percentage of the herd available for hunting.”

But then there’s the 2019 study, also published in the Journal of Wildlife Management, which found that eastern coyote colonization actually didn’t have negative impacts on regional deer populations in any regions of the East.  

“Coyotes moved in as the new top predator of the East, but they aren’t nearly as effective deer hunters as wolves, so there’s been a lot of controversy about whether these medium-sized predators can really limit deer populations at large scales,” Roland Kays, a wildlife biologist and co-author of the study told when the paper was published.

For a landowner like Comstock, the math around wolves and coyotes is much simpler: more predators equal more problems.

“I don’t think there’s a place for [red wolves] here,” Comstock says.

A History of Red Wolves … and Coyotes

Red wolves were declared extinct in the wild in 1980. They’re the only wolf native exclusively to the U.S., originally ranging from Pennsylvania and New Jersey down to Florida and south Texas. A coordinated campaign in the late 1800s and early 1900s resulted in the near-eradication of the 45-80 pound wolf. By 1972, only a small number remained in isolated pockets of southeast Texas and southwest Louisiana, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.  

Federal officials placed the red wolf on the endangered species list in 1967, and between 1973 and 1980 rounded up the remaining red wolves they could find, winnowed them down to select for pure genetics, placed the remaining 14 in zoos and captive breeding facilities, and declared the species extinct in the wild.

And there the red wolves stayed, in dozens of facilities across the country, where their numbers climbed to the 200s. The Fish and Wildlife Service began releasing them in 1987 on the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge in eastern North Carolina as part of a “nonessential experimental population,” which means the rules for accidental death of an endangered species are a little less stringent.

eastern coyote
Eastern coyotes can look very similar to red wolves and can hybridize with wolves. Steve Thompson/USFWS

The reintroduction efforts seemed to work. A female birthed the first litter of pups in the wild in 1988, and by 2012, wildlife managers estimated about 120 red wolves lived across hundreds of thousands of acres in portions of five counties. But like all programs to reintroduce controversial species to a landscape, it got complicated.

Many of the issues center less around red wolves than coyotes.

Eastern coyotes, which are generally a bit bigger than their western counterparts at around 20-35 pounds, originally lived north of red wolf range in Canada. But in the absence of red wolves, they began making their way south and east, Hinton says.

“You had core populations of red wolves and eastern wolves, and once those were knocked out, it opened up the area to [coyote] colonizing,” Hinton says.

When red wolves were reintroduced, the presence of coyotes meant landowners in the area were dealing with two kinds of predators that looked, at least from a distance, pretty similar. As red wolf numbers increased, so did accidental shootings. But likely so did intentional shootings that were played off as cases of mistaken identity.

“Gunshot mortality is the leading cause of death for red wolves,” says Joe Madison, Red Wolf Recovery Program Manager for the Fish and Wildlife Service. “The second leading cause is vehicle strikes. When you factor in other smaller issues like poisoning, human caused mortality has a pretty substantial impact on the red wolf population. A red wolf in the wild that dies of natural causes averages around 9 years old. When you factor in human caused mortality, it’s around 4 years old.”

Environmental groups filed lawsuits, the state pushed back, and eventually reached a settlement in the five counties that stopped a short-lived nighttime coyote hunting season to prevent accidental red wolf deaths. The settlement also allowed coyote hunting on private land in those five counties with a permit, but prohibited it with narrow exceptions on public land.

These new regulations did not sit well with many landowners. Some said the Fish and Wildlife Service was dictating how they operate their own private land. Others said red wolves and coyotes were decimating wild game populations. Many said pure red wolves didn’t exist—that they were all a coyote-wolf hybrid. As uproar over red wolves increased, their numbers decreased.

That also meant red wolves that couldn’t find a suitable mate began to hybridize with coyotes, Hinton says.

“Red wolves don’t tolerate coyotes unless they have to,” Hinton says. “If a solitary male can’t find a mate, it will breed with a coyote, but if there are other red wolves around, they will preferentially partner with red wolves.”

Since 2000, the Fish and Wildlife Service had been working to prevent hybridization by capturing male and female coyotes, sterilizing them, and releasing them back on the landscape. This strategy has also been criticized by hunters and landowners.

Then in 2015, locals had had enough. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission passed two resolutions, one asking the Fish and Wildlife Service to end the experimental reintroduction project and the other requesting the Service to round up the remaining red wolves.

“The Wildlife Commission cited 64 unauthorized releases of red wolves on private lands in what the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service had intended to be done on federal public land as one of the reasons to recapture the red wolves and offspring that were unauthorized releases,” reads the Commission’s resolution.

The Fish and Wildlife Service announced in 2018 that it would create a new experimental rule for managing red wolves that would dramatically shrink the active recovery area and largely stopped reintroducing the species into the wild.

Then in 2019, the National Academy of Sciences declared red wolves its own distinct species, and in 2021 a federal judge ordered that the Service create a plan to release more wolves.

Is Red Wolf Recovery Realistic?

So, can a species with fewer than 20 individuals in the wild overcome the possibility of hybridization and the societal headwinds to even partially recover?

Sutherland says yes. And so does Madison, the Fish and Wildlife Service program manager in North Carolina.

red wolf
Releasing a red wolf into the wild. Art Beyer/USFWS

“I’m not an optimist by nature, and this is not an easy task, but I believe it’s possible and possible in North Carolina,” Madison says. “You can feel the tide turning… We have a lot of support from a lot of folks, and it’s hard to not be at least a little optimistic about it.”

The Fish and Wildlife Service also touts a new program called Prey for the Pack, which pays private landowners to make habitat improvements.

“Joining the Prey for the Pack program has been the best single decision I’ve made since buying my hunting property,” says landowner Nick Glasgow in a news release about the program. “Habitat improvements have not only strengthened an endangered species’ chance of survival but increased the deer and bear numbers using my property.” 

Sutherland hopes to have his research finalized and ready for publication by the end of the summer. His goal is to use science to show red wolves’ positive impact on wildlife. At the same time, Fish and Wildlife Service officials will continue working with a team of dozens of locals to come up with a plan for the animals’ future.

“We’re trying to be more open with the community about red wolves and where they are and what we’re doing,” Madison says. “The road is long. There’s eight known individuals, but there’s some good energy getting put into it now.”

6 Tips to Mentally Prepare for SHTF Situations: End of the World Preparation

To mentally prepare for whatever may come your way is very vital. It means having a plan in place for any potential SHTF situation. Mental preparation can help ease stress and anxiety. It can improve your mental health. And It can also help ensure that you are ready for anything that comes your way.

How to Mentally Prepare for Any SHTF Situation

Calm and Happy Female EMS Professional Paramedic Mentally Prepares in Ambulance Vehicle | How to Mentally Prepare for Any SHTF Situation To mentally prepare for the worst is something that all preppers do. By having a plan and being ready for anything, we can reduce the amount of stress and anxiety that comes with the possibility of any SHTF situation.  Knowing that we have planned what we need to survive allows us to let go of some of the fear and panic that can come with shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and conflicts in our everyday life. As preppers, we tend to view catastrophes and tragedies through different eyes. 
  • First, we’re preparing ourselves should anything like what we see out there happen to us where we are.
  • Second, the anxiety about these events motivates us to prepare. 
Preparing is a bit of a coping strategy for many – just as insurance is an investment in peace of mind. We hope we never need our prepared trauma kits, but it will mean the difference to us or someone else the minute we do.  Having it allows us to let go of the stress and anxiety of the horrific things that could occur – if something worse happens, we’re ready. We can acknowledge that we have what we need to deal with anything that has it bad. But what if we feel our preps are never enough?  Anxiety can be a huge hindrance when it comes to SHTF planning. It can put us in panic and release stress hormones that can ramp us up even more frantic. But, by acknowledging that we have what we need to deal with in any situation, we can let go of some of that anxiety and focus on what’s important. In this blog post, let’s examine the common anxieties that go hand in hand with prepping. And I’ll give you tips on how to mentally prepare so you can accomplish your prepping goals without feeling overwhelmed or crippled by anxiety.

6 SHTF Skills to Mentally Prepare for Any SHTF Situation

Concerned serious man lost in thoughts in front of laptop | 6 SHTF Skills to Mentally Prepare for Any SHTF Situation
  1. Stay focused and Steadily plot along to the larger goal of self-sufficiency and independence from a system destined to fail.
  2. Do not let your anxiety become so overwhelming that it cripples your forward progress.
  3. Take the time to appreciate what you have accomplished and are in place.
  4. Take the time to breathe slowly and avoid herd mentality.
  5. Prepare for what you reasonably will face, turning crippling anxiety into motivating pressure.
  6. Remember that some anxiety is good – it helps us do good and work faster.

Beware of Herd Mentality

man against a wall and light by a single light | Beware of Herd Mentality Social learning is one of the things that exacerbate our anxiety.  We witness other people panic buying and suppose that there must be a disaster on the horizon. But this may not always be the case, and the panic buying will cause a pandemic.

Toilet Paper Shortage 2021

Toilet paper shortage coronavirus panic buying man hoarding carrying many rolls | Toilet Paper Shortage 2021 Consider the COVID 19 Toilet Paper shortage. Other people – stockpiling – influenced panic buying more than any proximity to real danger. After all, the Shortage of wood pulp was not on the list of Covid symptoms. But we still see the herd of people snapping up the inventory – and we reflect on our supply and wonder if we shouldn’t just grab a little extra toilet paper, food, hand sanitizer, cleaning products, or whatever else while we can. The panic-buying leads to empty shelves, supply shortages, and the feeling that the problem is more significant than it is. We function as a herd but don’t have to live in a herd mentality.  Most prepared people explain what brought them to prepping and how they managed through a disaster – often begin with – everybody was panicking; I was doing this or I had that, so I wasn’t worried. When you see everyone running away from something, you bet – that we are in a herd mentality – we join stampedes even before knowing what we’re running from – instinctively doing this because it’s survival behavior. Prepping allows us to go beyond much of this herd thinking. If we know that the storm is coming from the gathering clouds – it is wise to apply the wisdom of – what happens with gathering clouds – and get on higher ground. When we look at the world and are stricken with anxiety because we see so many people unaware of the same threats we perceive, it is wise to shed our herd mentality. We plan our preps and security. So run with the herd when you have to – but understand why you are running. And do not let the anxiety of the herd change your course!

End of The World Preparation: How to Prepare for the End of the World

asteroid impact, sunset over sea | End of The World Preparation: How to Prepare for the End of the World Spoiler Alert: You won’t be able to prepare for the world’s future. It probably won’t matter what preps you have or your efforts when the apocalypse occurs or some other great global catastrophe. For example, if a comet hits a planet and creates an extinction-level event, it will not matter how many beans and ramen you stored in your bug-out cave.

Focus on what is most likely to happen to you.

Man having panic attack outdoors | Focus on what is most likely to happen to you. Don’t spend all your time prepping for some massive collapse or disaster – when the disaster most likely to occur is more local to you.

Don’t focus on Extinction-Level Events.

Tsunami wave apocalyptic water view urban flood Storm | Don't focus on Extinction-Level Events. An extinction-level event is referred to as such because it leads to extinction. It is the process of a species family or other groups of animals or plants becoming extinct, finished, done, and zeroed out. Given this information, don’t expect a mass extinction event or prepare for armageddon for your reasons. It will just fill you with unendurable dread. Yes, something like this could happen. But it will not likely matter what you have on your shelves to alleviate anxiety. In your preparation, concentrate on the most probable disasters you’ll face. An Icelandic volcano erupted and released enough ashes into the atmosphere to shut off sunlight in Europe in 536 CE. Byzantine historian Procopius (who witnessed it) described it as the sun giving forth its light without brightness like the moon – this lasted for 18 months. Pestilence raged in the form of the Justinian plague – which would later come again and be called the bubonic plague. It was arguably one of the worst periods to be alive in recorded history. No sun, no food, and a deadly unknown disease have resulted in the devastation of entire civilizations. There have also been conventional wars. It was terrible if you were a Roman! However, things probably weren’t too bad for you if you lived somewhere else. Even major global events don’t always spell Romans’ end of the world a decade later. Things got back to normal even though its government collapsed. Don’t over-prepare for some imaginary collapse or calamity when the disaster that will most certainly occur is closer to you.
  • If you live in a storm-prone region, prepare for the worst storm before considering unlikely possibilities.
  • If you live in the countryside, you won’t have to worry about civil unrest as your city relatives will need to do so.
If a nationwide power outage occurs every ten years for the last three decades – it would be far more essential for you to prepare for a tragedy than any other spectacular but less probable event.

TFB Weekly Web Deals 4: Rimfire Pistols and Rifles


TFB Weekly Web Deals 4: Rimfire Pistols and RiflesWelcome to TFB Weekly Web Deals 4! Regular readers of TFB will know that rimfire guns are some of my favorite firearms. There are many reasons why rimfire guns happen to be some of my favorites but in short, it mostly boils down to them being inexpensive to train with. Rimfire guns are also quite […]

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Dozens Of Cases Of Mysterious Hepatitis Cases Crop Up In US, Europe


Tyler Durden
April 18th, 2022

This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. 

In what appears to be the latest medical threat bamboozling doctors in the US and Europe, public health officials in Europe and the US are investigating dozens of puzzling cases of severe hepatitis in young children.

The viruses that typically cause the illness – hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E – have been ruled out in the cases in question, leaving doctors searching for the culprit, per NBC News.

And in several cases, the illness has been so severe that the children needed a liver transplant. Fortunately, no deaths have been reported (at least, not yet).

The World Health Organization (WHO)  said Friday said that it was investigating 74 cases of “severe acute hepatitis” in children under age 13 in the UK and Northern Ireland. Three cases were also reported in Spain, the WHO said. It’s not clear when symptoms for most of the children began, but of the first 10 identified in the UK, nine got sick in March and one in January 2022.

Dr. Wes Stubblefield, district medical officer for the Alabama Department of Public Health, said that all of the children he had seen with the mysterious illness were otherwise healthy. So far, doctors have been unable to find an “obvious link” between the children.

With all forms of common hepatitis ruled out, the current leading theory is that a different virus, called adenovirus type 41, is likely responsible, however, doctors said this set of symptoms is very unusual.

The CDC is working with the Alabama Department of Public Health to investigate the cases and is reaching out to other state health departments to see if other cases exist.



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A Week Before France Election, Globalists at EU Accuse Marine Le Pen and Her Father of Embezzling $650,000


The tactics are the same around the world.  The globalists accuse nationalist candidates of wrongdoing at the most important times.

Last week Marine Le Pen was looking at being the new President of France.  Le Pen did so well in the recent election that she won a seat in a two-person runoff against the current President, Emmanuel Macron.

TGP reported on this on April 10th.

French Elections: Nationalist Candidate Marine Le Pen and Emanuel Macron will Move on to Second Round

TRENDING: Biden Covid Czar Ashish Jha: “The Pandemic Is Not Over” (VIDEO)

The race in France was very close, but since no candidate won more than 50% of the vote, the top two candidates go to a runoff.

The globalists must be worried.  Like others in the past, the globalists will do anything for power.  They have to have it, they need it.

In the 2016 Election in the US, Hillary accused President Trump of having connections to the Russians.  It was all made up.  We know this now.  At the time Hillary’s team was actually going to the FBI and CIA and embedding garbage stories and data on this matter.  After President Trump won the election he was hounded by this false story his entire term up and to this day.

Now the globalists are doing the same thing in France.  Only a week before the France election, Marine Le Pen is being accused of crimes she utterly refutes.

The Daily Mail reports:

Would-be President of France Marine Le Pen was tonight at the centre of a major criminal fraud enquiry – after she and senior colleagues were accused of stealing more than half-a-million pounds from the European Union.

EU investigators have accused Le Pen, 53, and her own father Jean-Marie Le Pen, 93, of embezzling some €620,000 (£513,000) on behalf of their party, the far-Right National Rally.

The allegations were made public on Sunday – exactly a week before Ms Le Pen goes head-to-head against Emmanuel Macron to choose France’s new president.

‘Marine Le Pen is dismayed,’ said her lawyer, Rodolphe Bosselut, who said the timing of the release appeared to be deeply political.

Mr Bosselut accused Olaf, the EU’s anti-fraud agency, of dragging up ‘old facts that are more than ten years old’.

He added: ‘Marine Le Pen contests this. She contests it without having had access to the details of the accusations. It’s a manipulation, and unfortunately, I’m not surprised.’

It followed Mediapart, the Paris-based investigative news outlet, publishing the 116-page Olaf report into the fraud claims.

We’ll have to see if this bogus tactic still works for those who demand power. 

Muslim Youths Attack Easter Week Processions in Spain — Pelt Christians with Rocks and Projectiles — Police Called In (VIDEO)


Easter procession in Grenada, Spain (screengrab)

A group of Muslim migrants from a local shelter pelted Christians with rocks and projectiles at an Easter procession in Granada, Spain during Holy Week.

This is not the first time this has happened. On Palm Sunday, a group of North Africans had tried to attack the Easter procession in El Vendrell (Tarragona).

Here is video of the attack in Tarragona.

TRENDING: Biden Covid Czar Ashish Jha: “The Pandemic Is Not Over” (VIDEO) reported:

A group of unaccompanied minor refugees from the Bermúdez de Castro hostel in Granada disrupted the Catholic procession in the early hours of Holy Thursday morning (…) Fortunately, the quick intervention of the police prevented serious incidents.

Total outrage in Granada. The procession had been on the road for about an hour and a half, and as it went down the Cuesta del Chapiz, a large number of objects began to rain down on those present. All of these projectiles came from the migrant shelter mentioned above, as several sources confirmed.

The president of Vox Granada, Onofre Miralles, condemned the events through his networks: “Yesterday I had the honour of accompanying the procession. I was informed that objects were thrown at the procession from the reception centre for underage migrants. They are directed against our culture and our tradition. I demand action on the part of the Region of Andalusia”.

This is the umpteenth attack on a Catholic procession during Holy Week. It is not the first incident and unfortunately it will not be the last. Last Sunday, a group of North Africans had tried to attack the Easter procession in El Vendrell (Tarragona).

State-Run Comedy: Stale SNL Runs Hit Piece on Trump and Elon Musk as Failed President Joe Biden’s Approval Hit Historic Lows


State-Run Comedy: SNL takes another hit on Trump as Joe Biden’s administration swirls the sewer drain.

Saturday night Live ran a hit piece on President Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene this week. They also mocked Elon Musk since he is challenging Twitter to be more open and promote free speech. Can’t have that!

Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s approval numbers rank as the lowest of all-time. Inflation is the highest of all time. And gas prices are through the roof.

Joe Biden is officially the least popular president in history.

TRENDING: An Easter Story – Beautiful Catherine from China and a Family’s Search for God

The real joke is SNL’s bias. It’s so gross and obvious its funny.

Seminary Student Dies While Reenacting Passion Of Jesus

Sule Ambrose, 25, hoped to become a priest and was taking part in a performance of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ when he suddenly collapsed.

The cause of Ambrose’s collapse has not been determined but one witness, according to the Nigerian newspaper Vanguard, says that a witness to the incident said he collapse and began to bleed. Spectators assumed that the incident was part of the performance and it was not until after some time that Ambrose was rushed to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead. Ambrose had been studying at the Clariantian University of Nigeria seeking a degree in philosophy. “Initially when it happened we thought it was a joke, and that it was part of the drama, it was when he could not get up that was when we knew it was a serious matter and he was rushed to the hospital,” Clariantian University student Michael Eluwa told Vanguard. Fox News reports:

During Ambrose’s performance in the play, he collapsed and was taken to a nearby hospital where he was pronounced dead.

One person at the university said that people thought Ambrose was joking when he collapsed, thinking it was part of the drama, according to Vanguard, a Nigerian news outlet.

“Initially when it happened we thought it was a joke, and that it was part of the drama, it was when he could not get up that was when we knew it was a serious matter and he was rushed to hospital,” the person said.

Administrators at the university have suspended all Easter activities as a result of the incident, according to the report.

The school is located in southeastern Nigeria.

Violent Riots Erupt in Sweden After Politician Threatened to Soak Quran in Pig’s Blood and Light it On Fire


Violent riots have been ongoing in Sweden for several days after a right-wing politician said he was going to burn the Quran and soak it in “pork blood.”

At least 16 police officers have already been injured and four police vehicles were set on fire, according to a report from the BBC.

TRENDING: An Easter Story – Beautiful Catherine from China and a Family’s Search for God

The political party, Stram Kurs, which translates to “Hard Line,” had intended to conduct the demonstration in Landskrona on Thursday, but it was moved to Malmo after rioters began lighting cars of fire and engaging in violence.

“Local police said in a statement that they fired warning shots after coming under attack and three people were apparently hit by ricochets,” BBC reports.

The riots continued through the weekend.

Led by Danish-Swedish Rasmus Paludan, the group was planning to hold another demonstration in Norrköping on Sunday.

Stram Kurs had received permission from police to hold their anti-Islam demonstrations — which is considered protected free speech in the nation.

“We live in a democratic society and one of the most important tasks of the police is to ensure that people can use their constitutionally protected rights to demonstrate and express their opinions,” Sweden’s National Police Chief Anders Thornberg said in a statement about the riots. “The police do not get to choose who has this right, but must always intervene in case of violation.”

Thornberg also said that the rioters had shown an “indifference” to the lives of police officers, adding: “We have seen violent riots before. But this is something else.”

At least 17 rioters had been arrested as of Sunday.

BBC noted that Paludan was jailed for a month in 2020 for “crimes” including “racism” in Denmark and has attempted to plan similar burnings of the Quran in other European countries, including France and Belgium.