There are too many photographs to keep records of, but there can never be too many good ones. Here we try to collect the best ones and share them, under our tag Photo Of The Day. Above you can see 1st Lt. Michael Singer from the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), as he executes the […]
Welcome to TFB Podcast Roundup 39! I hope everyone’s Easter was nice and peaceful and you could get out to the range to blow away some peeps (the candy not people)! Since moving back to Tennessee I’ve been trying my hardest to improve my skills across the board when it comes to firearms handling and […]
This is what happens when corrupt politicians steal the White House. The American people have no idea who is running the show and what is going on. Americans know that the Bidens were involved in Ukraine in financial deals in the past so what now is going into Biden’s pockets?
We know that Hunter Biden was on the Board of a Ukrainian company along with his friend connected to John Kerry. They made millions being on this Board knowing nothing about oil and gas and were not able to speak the local language. When a local prosecutor began looking into the arrangement, Joe Biden had the prosecutor removed. Then he bragged about it a few years later.
Well “son of a bitch”, now Biden is back in the business of sending billions to Ukraine. After his previous corruption in the country, how can any American trust that the dollars Biden is awarding to Ukraine will ever get there? This is a serious question.
In March, Biden and Congress arranged for nearly $16 billion for Ukraine. This was at first $10 billion along with an additional $6 billion. We have no idea if this ever made it over there or not.
Now there are reports that Biden has provided another $3 billion to Ukraine. This is reportedly in military aid.
Vowing to “stand with Ukraine,” President Joe Biden and his administration have committed nearly $2.6 billion in U.S. military aid to Ukraine since Russia’s invasion Feb. 24, supplying a range of weapons for Ukraine’s defense against Russian aggression.
The latest round, $800 million, was authorized Wednesday. Since August, nearly $2.8 billion has been specifically allocated for military assistance, but the White House said the total amount of aid is closer to $3.2 billion since Biden took office. That would include money from a $13.6 budget bill Biden signed in March that contained money to arm Ukrainians.
There’s also been indirect assistance to allies such as a Patriot missile system the United States repositioned to Slovakia after its government agreed to supply an S-300 air defense system to Ukraine.
“We won’t be able to advertise every piece of security we give because our allies and partners are supplying to Ukraine through us,” Biden said last week, “but advanced weapons and ammunition are flowing in every single day.”
Based on the numbers reported to date there is somewhere near $20 billion going to Ukraine. But does anyone really trust the Bidens enough to believe that this money is all making its way to Ukraine or is there another 10% to the big guy?
Hello and welcome back to another edition of The Rimfire Report! This weekly series is all about the rimfire firearm world and its various firearms, sports, ammunition, and trends. Last week we talked about the oddball Magnum Research Mountain Eagle 22LR pistol. The Mountain Eagle is an interesting piece and kind of blends in the best of […]
FILE PHOTO: A vial labeled “Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine” is seen in this illustration taken January 16, 2022. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/Illustration/File Photo
The “experts” and mainstream media puppets are blaming Americans for their distrust in the “vaccine” designed to prevent COVID-19. After moving the goalposts once again, those towing the rulers’ line have said the “vaccines” are “not meant to prevent all COVID infections,” and we need to readjust our expectations.
As reported in an article by USA Today, Denny Mitchell couldn’t believe he tested positive for the coronavirus in January. The 45-year-old from Houston never left the house without his mask, he avoided indoor dining at all costs, and most important, he was fully vaccinated. But he still got sick.
While breakthrough infections now dominate Minnesota’s outbreak — accounting for about two-thirds of recent cases and deaths and more than half of hospitalizations — health officials say vaccines are still effective and worth it, according to a report by Twin Cities Pioneer Press.
The data is not looking good for the “vaccines” and those who have taken them. Yet the ruling class and the mainstream media are continuing with the propaganda designed to attempt to convince people to get injected. We also knew these shots were never going to stop at two or three or even four.
It has never been unusual to hear of someone getting COVID-19 even though they’re fully vaccinated and boosted. Somehow, these people all got their shots assuming the master would never lie to them and that they wouldn’t get COVID if they just obeyed and complied with their masters’ edicts.
Of course, the blame is now on the “barrage of variants” that quickly emerged, some of which, like omicron, were more transmissible and better able to evade the vaccines.
Health experts had a hard time communicating the shifting reality to the public, said Andy Pekosz, a virologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Medicine.
By April 2021, the number of infections in vaccinated people was so common that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stopped tracking them, according to USA Today. But some studies suggest these so-called breakthrough infections already were on the rise.
As you may recall, ten days ago I warned that rail carriers were declaring “force majeure” and halting shipments of grain to dairy herds and other cow herds across America. In that announcement, I also warned that this was an engineered collapse of the food supply, where rail carriers were essentially being ordered to drop certain loads in order to maximize the coming wave of food scarcity and famine.
Now, devastating news from CF Industries — one of the largest fertilizer producers in the world — confirms the engineered food collapse plan is being expanded to include fertilizer shipments.
According to an April 14th announcement from CF Industries, Union Pacific is halting the delivery of fertilizer shipments right in the middle of peak planting season for farmers. CF Industries warns that, “railroad-mandated shipping reductions [will] result in nitrogen fertilizer shipment delays during the spring application season and that it [will] be unable to accept new rail sales involving Union Pacific for the foreseeable future.”
Even more alarmingly, CF Industries warns that “it is one of only 30 companies to face these restrictions.”
This means that Union Pacific is essentially dropping fertilizer shipments and grain shipments all across America. Put another way, America’s food infrastructure is being deliberately shut down.
The implications of this are nothing short of catastrophic. It affects not just fertilizer but also DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid) which is necessary for all tractors, transportation trucks, construction equipment, and other machinery that use diesel engines. As CF Industries explains:
CF Industries ships to customers via Union Pacific rail lines primarily from its Donaldsonville Complex in Louisiana and its Port Neal Complex in Iowa. The rail lines serve key agricultural areas such as Iowa, Illinois, Kansas, Nebraska, Texas, and California. Products that will be affected include nitrogen fertilizers such as urea and urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) as well as diesel exhaust fluid (DEF), an emissions control product required for diesel trucks. CF Industries is the largest producer of urea, UAN, and DEF in North America, and its Donaldsonville Complex is the largest single production facility for the products in North America.
Without DEF, you can’t run tractors. And to the “Green New Deal” lunatics who think that halting all diesel engines will magically make the world green (while they absurdly try to suck all the CO2 out of the atmosphere, which will kill all plants, by the way), you’re about to experience the starvation, chaos, and violence that comes from shutting down agriculture. Good luck to all.
Spring crops will FAIL across North America if they don’t get nitrogen
This engineered halting of fertilizer shipments appears to be timed to severely disrupt spring planting across North America. This is consistent with what we have all observed with Joe Biden’s deliberate shutdown of America’s energy infrastructure which began on day one of Biden’s fake “presidency” when he signed a stack of executive orders shutting down energy pipelines.
From that very first day, Joe Biden and his handlers (Obama) have been meticulously deconstructing America’s food and energy infrastructure, causing shortages and price inflation. Yet as prices and scarcity, both continue to worsen, Jen Psaki says it’s all “Putin’s fault” as a convenient cover story.
The truth is that fake president Joe Biden is trying to plunge America into mass starvation, food riots, and chaos. The shutting down of energy, food, and fertilizer transportation is just one small part of this nefarious plan.
CF Industries president Tony Will reveals how fertilizer is being selectively targeted:
“The timing of this action by Union Pacific could not come at a worse time for farmers,” said Tony Will, president, and chief executive officer, CF Industries Holdings, Inc. “Not only will fertilizer be delayed by these shipping restrictions, but additional fertilizer needed to complete spring applications may be unable to reach farmers at all. By placing this arbitrary restriction on just a handful of shippers, Union Pacific is jeopardizing farmers’ harvests and increasing the cost of food for consumers.”
In the understatement of the year, CF Industries also points out that without nitrogen fertilizer, crop yields “will be lower,” saying:
The application of nitrogen fertilizer is critical to maximizing crop yields. If farmers are unable to secure all the nitrogen fertilizer that they require in the current season because of supply chain disruptions such as rail shipping restrictions, the Company expects yield will be lower. This will likely extend the timeline to replenish global grains stocks.
In truth, without nitrogen fertilizer, crop yields will be nothing short of catastrophic.
Perhaps that’s why China has been buying up all the grain supplies around the world, stockpiling like mad in anticipation of a global food collapse that’s being engineered.
A perfect storm of black swan events spell FOOD DOOM on a global scale
If 2020 – 2021 was the “covid” chapter of global collapse, 2022 – 2023 is going to be the “famine” chapter. A convergence of black swan events is spelling out the absolute certainty of global food scarcity and mass famine. Some of those events include:
The unleashing of economic sanctions against Russia, halting Russia’s ability to export fertilizer and food crops such as wheat.
The Grand Solar Minimum sun cycle is producing lower levels of solar radiation that will reach the surface of the Earth for the next several years, leading to global crop failures (and, historically, the fall of nations and empires).
Unbounded money printing by the Federal Reserve, leading to rapid devaluation/collapse of the value of the dollar vs. food.
US government programs that are paying farmers to destroy crops, deliberately contribute to food scarcity.
Skyrocketing diesel fuel prices, which raise the cost of inputs for farming because farms run on diesel equipment. Transportation of crops is also carried out by diesel trucks.
Climate change lunatics are trying to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, which will starve food crops and devastate global yields since CO2 is the key nutrient that plants need to grow (even more than they need nitrogen).
The upshot of all this is abundantly clear:
Accelerating food inflation. Food prices will, without question, double by the end of 2022 and may actually go much higher. Food prices will almost certainly double again in 2023.
As food prices skyrocket, food riots will break out worldwide. This has already begun in Sri Lanka, Peru, and other nations, and it will only spread globally.
Later in 2022, food riots will break out in the USA, first appearing in Democrat-run “blue” cities and then spreading.
In 2023, we are certain to see food rationing and price controls both demanded and enforced by governments around the world, including the US government.
Widespread food insecurity will lead to global uprisings and revolutions. Nations will fall. Sri Lanka is already in default on its dollar bonds and facing the toppling of its political leadership, and we’re not even out of April yet.
In response to the rising chaos, governments will declare national emergencies and roll out police state controls to try to control the masses. China’s brutal lockdown of 25+ million people in Shanghai is an early preview of things to come on a global scale.
Most importantly, people who do not have alternative sources of food will likely starve. This means you either need to store food or learn how to grow food. Ideally, you’ll have capabilities in both categories. This is what’s going to keep you alive.
I understand there are some people who, when faced with this bad news, resort to saying things like, “I can’t handle any more bad news. I choose to pretend that the food supply will be fine.” To those people, I would beg you to reconsider your stance, because you can’t pretend to be not starving when you are starving. The food scarcity will shock people back to reality if they’ve been living in a delusional dream world. (There’s no such thing as transstarvationism, just like there’s no such thing as transgenderism. You can’t actually change your gender, and you can’t actually live without eating.)
Anyone who chooses to ignore this engineered food collapse will likely starve.
Some interviews and podcasts you need to hear
For starters, listen to my recent interview with Ben Davidson, an expert on space weather who warns about the effects of solar cycles on crops:
David DuByne’s interview was also extremely informative, where he covered the effects of the Grand Solar Minimum on crop yields, warning about famine cycles throughout history:
I don’t have a recent interview with him, but the Ice Age Farmer is also offering excellent analysis of the food scarcity situation. In an interview from last year, he warned that “engineered food scarcity” was being implemented to starve the world:
Reporters in the White House Press Briefing room are not required to mask up.
However, Psaki said people on planes, where the cabin’s air gets filtered through a HEPA system, should still wear masks.
Fox News reporter confronted Psaki about this double standard and she responded with a snarky remark.
“Why is it that we can sit here in the White House briefing room with no masks but people can’t sit in an airplane cabin with no masks?” Doocy asked Psaki.
“Well Peter, I’m not a doctor. You’re not a doctor, that I’m aware of,” Psaki retorted.
Iceland – The world’s largest carbon removal facility designed to fight global warming suffered a major setback after an Arctic blast froze the machinery and forced the company to make modifications.
The Climeworks “Orca” plant east of Reykjavik, Iceland is now running behind schedule after the machinery froze due to frigid temperatures.
Orca was built in 2021 and “hailed by Iceland’s prime minister Katrin Jakobsdottir as a “milestone in the fight against climate change”” – the NewScientist reported.
The world’s largest carbon removal plant located to the east of Reykjavik, Iceland, has frozen, putting its operations behind schedule.
Climeworks, the company behind the ambitious plant named ‘Orca’, had set out to capture 4,000 metric tons of CO2 every year directly from the air – a process known as direct air capture or DAC.
By the end of the decade, in fact, the project’s capacity is expected to reach as much as 1 million tons of carbon dioxide.
However, as it became apparent, the plant was not equipped to handle the harsh weather conditions in Iceland and some of the machinery froze.
Climeworks was thus forced to urgently make modifications, which will inevitably be a bump in the road towards the company’s carbon removal goals in Iceland.
The Orca plant was officially launched in September 2021 and was even praised by the country’s prime minister Katrin Jakobsdottir and dubbed a ‘milestone’ in the global battle against the climate crisis.
Furthermore, the DAC facility runs on power from geothermal energy sources, meaning it is as sustainable as can be.
** Mark your Calendar — Set your iPhone for 4 PM ET Tuesday**
On Tuesday The Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft and Patty McMurray from 100% FedUp will interview Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, the investigative team behind the ballot trafficking investigation into the 2020 presidential election.
Catherine Engelbrecht is the founder of True the Vote, an election integrity project launched in 2009. Gregg Phillips is the senior adviser with Get Georgia Right PAC. Gregg has been in conservative politics for 40 years, working with committees, parties, campaigns and election intelligence operations. He has built political apps including GROUND, ARC and IV3. Gregg was also a founder and Managing Partner of the pro-Gingrich SuperPac, Winning Our Future, and election intelligence company, OPSEC Group. Gregg is currently working with Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote in their historic investigation of Democrat ballot trafficking in the 2020 election.
The two investigators have been working with Dinesh D’Souza on his latest movie project “2000 Mules” that will be released early next month. The movie will uncover the massive ballot trafficking operation in several states during the 2020 election.