Survival with Ray Mears – Official ITV trailer The official trailer for Ray Mears’ first ITV television series ‘Survival with Ray Mears’, originally broadcast in early 2010. In this series, Ray sets himself the ultimate challenge: to track the world’s top predators. Ray uses his expert tracking skills and extensive wildlife knowledge to follow the leopard in Namibia, the bear in British Colombia, and the wolf in Central Idaho. The entire series is available on DVD from Woodlore Limited.

Wild Britain with Ray Mears – Tracking deer in the Forest of Dean Ray Mears tracking Fallow Deer in the Forest of Dean in Gloucestershire; taken from the 2010 ITV series “Wild Britain with Ray Mears”.

Woodlore’s Arctic Experience with Lars Falt & Ray Mears Scenes from Woodlore’s Arctic Experience expedition, led by Ray Mears and Lars Falt in Northern Sweden. Photography by Joppe Ranta, with additional images by Hamish Morton, Mark Poulsen and Dan Hume.

Ray Mears – Choosing and using an axe, Bushcraft Survival Ray Mears explains the differences and key uses of the three most popular Gransfors Bruks Axes – the Scandinavian Axe, Small Forest Axe and Wildlife Hatchet Axe. This clip comes from the DVD extras of Ray Mears Bushcraft Survival Series 2.

Ray Mears – How to sharpen a knife in the field, Bushcraft Survival

Ray Mears shows his preferred method of sharpening a knife when in the field, using a Fallkniven DC4 whetstone. This clip comes from the DVD extras of Ray Mears Bushcraft Survival Series 2.

Ray Mears – How to sharpen a knife at camp, Bushcraft Survival Ray Mears shows his preferred method of sharpening a knife at camp, using a series of bench stones. This clip comes from the DVD extras of Ray Mears Bushcraft Survival Series 1.

Ray Mears – How to sharpen an axe at camp, Bushcraft Survival Ray Mears shows his preferred method of sharpening an axe at camp, using a series of bench stones. This clip comes from the DVD extras of Ray Mears Bushcraft Survival Series 2.

Ray Mears – How to split wood with a saw, Bushcraft Survival Ray Mears shows us how to split wood using only a Bahco Laplander Folding Saw. This clip comes from the DVD extras of Ray Mears Bushcraft Survival Series 2.

Ray Mears – How to make natural cordage from nettles, Bushcraft Survival Ray Mears shows how to make natural cordage using only the common nettle plant. This clip was taken from the DVD extras of Ray Mears Bushcraft Survival Series 1.

Ray Mears – How to make a simple pot hanger, Wild Food Ray Mears demonstrates a simple method of creating a quick and easy pot hanger when cooking outdoors. This clip was taken from the DVD extras of Ray Mears Wild Food.