Omicron Sub-Variant Now The Most Dominate Strain In The U.S.


Mac Slavo
April 20th, 2022

But BA.2.12.1, along with another version of omicron, called BA.2.12, is said to be responsible for the recent spike in Covid cases seen in upstate New York, the State Department of Health said last week.

State health officials estimated the latest variant to be 23 to 27 percent more transmissible than BA.2, which itself was more transmissible than the original omicron variant. However, there’s currently no evidence to suggest that BA.2.12.1 causes more severe disease, according to a report by NBC News.

John Moore, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Weill Cornell Medical College, in Manhattan, said scientists should expect to see continued increases in the transmissibility of the virus as it continues to mutate.

The speed at which BA.2.12.1 is outpacing BA.2 is roughly as fast as BA.2 outcompeted its cousin BA.1, according to Trevor Bedford, an epidemiologist and genomic scientist at the University of Washington’s School of Public Health, according to CNN. 

The attempt to keep the fear high and the injection rate higher is ongoing. The ruling class has already seen how easy it is to panic the masses into domination and grab totalitarian control over them.

Fauci Warns: The Scamdemic Isn’t Over Yet

Dr. Fauci: “New Variants” Are Coming Soon & The Point Of Lockdowns

Fauci: The “Full Blown” Scamdemic Is “Almost Over” In The U.S.

We’ve been told time and time again that this scamdemic is not over, to expect more variants, and to prepare for the dystopia of lockdowns once again.

Coupled with the food shortages, adding more COVID restrictions could be detrimental to both the economy at large and individuals just trying to get by, and feed their families.



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Psaki Walks Back Biden’s Comment That It’s Up to Individuals on Whether They Wear Masks on Airplanes (VIDEO)


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday ‘clarified’ Joe Biden’s comment that it’s up to individuals on whether they wear masks on airplanes.

The Biden regime’s DOJ on Tuesday announced they will appeal Monday’s mask mandate ruling for commercial air travel if the CDC decides to keep the mask mandates in place.

Just a couple hours before the DOJ made the announcement on Tuesday, Biden told reporters, “I don’t know” if we will appeal the federal ruling that struck down the mask mandate on planes.”

Earlier Tuesday however, a reporter asked Biden if people should continue to wear masks on planes after a Trump-appointed federal judge declared his mandate unlawful.

TRENDING: Sen Cruz Humiliates Woke Yale Student… Makes Her Wish She Never Called Him a “Racist” [VIDEO]

“That’s up to them,” Biden said.


Clown show.

Now Psaki is walking back Biden’s comment.

“The president was answering the question quite literally,” Psaki said reiterating the Biden Regime’s stance that Americans should wear masks on planes.


Who is really calling the shots?

More Than 8 Million Acres of Public Land in the West Is “Corner-Locked” and Inaccessible to Hunters


Hunters all around the country use onX Hunt to identify and access public land. Now, a new report by the mapping company shows just how much land in the American West is technically public, but in a legal gray area when it comes to accessing that land.

The detailed report reveals that there are 27,120 “controversial corners,” or points where two parcels of private land and two parcels of public land meet corner to corner, in the Western United States. Because of this checkerboard arrangement, roughly 8.3 million acres of public lands in the West are currently corner-locked. As the report points out, that’s almost four Yellowstone National Parks, or roughly 9,845 Central Parks, that can’t be accessed freely by the public.

Read Next: Public Raises More Than $50,000 to Defend Hunters Ticketed for Corner Crossing in Wyoming

The report shows that Wyoming has the largest amount of landlocked public land—around 4.19 million acres worth—of any state in the West, with 2.4 million of those acres locked behind 8,159 property corners. Nevada and Arizona have the second- and third-largest amounts of corner-locked land, with 1.93 million and 1.33 million acres, respectively. Idaho, meanwhile, has the least amount of corner-locked land of any Western state with roughly 57,000 acres—which is no small sum either.

The onX report also takes a closer look at who owns these parcels of private land. According to the report, there are approximately 11,000 private landowners who share a property corner with a corner-locked tract of public land. And one-fifth of those landowners are oil, gas, energy, timber, and mining companies. This breakdown is revealing because, as onX points out, it “dispels the notion that this issue simply boils down to individual private landowners trying to keep the public out.”

The report touches on the complicated and confusing legal history of corner crossing in the West, and it offers up a few potential tools for “unlocking” controversial corners. These solutions would benefit private landowners as well as public lands users, and they include land swaps, corner easements, and state-run programs like Montana’s Block Management program, which unlocked 618,330 acres of state- and federally-managed public land during the 2020 hunting season.

The timing of the report is also important, as the issue of corner-crossing is currently in the national spotlight thanks to a high-profile court case that is underway in Wyoming and is due in court as soon as next week.

The case involves four out-of-state hunters who used a stepladder to cross from one parcel of public land to another in October 2021 without setting foot on private land. The parcels bordered private lands on Elk Mountain Ranch in southern Wyoming. The four men were initially charged with criminal trespassing by the Carbon County Attorney; they have pled not guilty.

The owners of Elk Mountain Ranch also filed a lawsuit seeking civil damages from the four hunters. That lawsuit was transferred earlier this month to a federal court, where federal laws favoring public access may have a greater influence on the decision.

Public lands advocates hope that one (or both) of these court cases can resolve the issue of corner crossing, which has been a legal gray area for as long as these controversial corners have existed. Hunters have long known that solving the corner-crossing issue is important to the future of hunting in the West. Now we have a better idea of just how big this problem really is.

WaPo Supports Their Reporter Taylor Lorenz Despite Horrible Record of Doxing Innocent Children Including Endangering Lives of Pamela Geller’s Children


Taylor Lorenz was in the news this week after doxing some more innocents who are outside the far-left agenda.  Lorenz previously risked the lives of Pamela Geller’s children by doxing them a few years ago.

In July of 2020 Taylor Lorenz played the victim after some venture capitalists tweeted about her, something she does with impunity.

Taylor Lorenz, the former Daily Beast reporter who doxed Pamela Geller’s children, causing them to lose their jobs, is now complaining that venture capitalists want to “destroy her career” — because they criticized Lorenz on social media.

Tech censorship supporter Lorenz, who now writes for the New York Times posted a long twitter thread complaining about criticism from venture capitalists, in particular the angel investor Balaji Srinivasan.

TRENDING: Emails Reveal Secret Service Agents Furious Over Biden White House Lies Over Their Dangerous German Shepherd: Judicial Watch

Lorenz says Srinivasan is “constantly trying to destroy my career” because he criticizes her on the internet.

However, back in 2018 while at the Daily Beast, Lorenz wrote about Pamela Geller and her family.  She doxed Geller’s children and then wrote the following about Geller:

But there is one family member in particular who is conspicuously absent from the Oshry sisters’ social-media posts: their mother, the anti-Islam activist, hate-monger, and diehard Trump supporter Pamela Geller.

Pamela Geller has built a career off leveraging the media to incite outrage with her racist, Islamophobic comments. She is widely regarded as an alt-right troll; the Southern Poverty Law Center described her rhetoric as “hate speech.”

In 2013, she was banned from entering England after the British government said having her in the country would “not be conducive to the public good.” In 2015, she hosted a “Draw the Prophet Muhammad” contest in Garland, Texas—the site where two gunmen were killed by a security guard after plotting an attack at the event.

None of the girls have spoken out or denounced their mother’s extremist views.

This report by Lorenz came after Pamela Geller herself was the target of Islamic terrorists in the US who were shot dead outside Geller’s event in Garland, Texas in May of 2015.

Born to a Jewish family and raised on Long Island near New York, Geller is the president of two anti-Muslim groups: the American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) and Stop the Islamization of America (SIOA).

It was the former organization that put on the cartoon contest, which came under attack Sunday by two men with assault rifles. They were shot and killed by a Garland, Texas policeman providing security for the event.

Responsibility for the attack was claimed by the Islamic State group Tuesday, although it remained unclear whether the claim was credible.

“Clearly what happened is indicative of how very vital this conference was needed,” Geller told Fox News.

“The idea that there is a violent war, (that) there is a violent assault on freedom of speech, clearly was brought home.”

Lorenz seemed to care less about the well-being of Geller’s family in 2018 even after Pamela Geller was stalked and attacked by Muslim extremists a couple of years prior.

Now Lorenz is with the Washington Post and she is still doing what she does best, doxing innocents who are outside the liberal left mindset.  The New York Post reported the following:

The Washington Post came out in support of its internet culture beat reporter Taylor Lorenz after she came under fire on social media for allegedly “doxxing” the woman behind the controversial Twitter account “Libs of TikTok.”

“Taylor Lorenz is a diligent and accomplished journalist whose reporting methods comport entirely with the Washington Post’s professional standards,” the Post’s senior managing editor Cameron Barr said in a statement.

“Chaya Raichik, in her management of the Libs of TikTok Twitter account and in media interviews, has had significant impact on public discourse and her identity had become public knowledge on social media.”

Barr added: “We did not publish or link to any details about her personal life.”

Supporters of Raichik claimed that the Post’s statement was inaccurate as the initial story published by Lorenz contained a link to the woman’s work address and other work details.

A later version of the story had the link removed.

Do you need any more evidence that the far-left media, and especially the WaPo and their reporter Lorenz, don’t care about the safety or privacy of those they write about?  To WaPo’s Lorenz, if you don’t push liberal thinking, you are not safe.

Colorado State Rep. Suing to Have ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ Added to His Name on the GOP Primary Ballot


Colorado State Rep. Dave Williams has filed a lawsuit to have “Let’s Go Brandon” added to his name on the upcoming Republican congressional primary ballots.

The lawmaker is suing Democrat Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold in his attempt to be listed as Dave “Let’s Go Brandon” Williams.

The lawsuit claims that Rep. Williams has been using the phrase as his nickname since December.

In his filing, Rep. Williams also pointed out that less than a year ago, Blake Law ran for District Director E of the Thompson School District in Larimer County, Colorado using the nickname, “No Mandates.” As a result, he was listed as Blake “No Mandates” Law.

TRENDING: Sen Cruz Humiliates Woke Yale Student… Makes Her Wish She Never Called Him a “Racist” [VIDEO]

In an  interview with The Hill, Williams “acknowledged Griswold might take offense to the phrase but claimed Colorado state law had limited restrictions on using nicknames on ballots.”

“It represents a disgust out-of-control government,” Williams told The Hill, adding, “it means we’re not going to take it anymore.”

If elected to Congress, Williams intends to continue using the nickname.

The Colorado Secretary of State’s office said in a statement that Williams is not using the nickname rules in “good faith.”

“While Colorado statute does permit the use of nicknames on the ballot, our office does not believe this is a good faith use of that statute and will cause confusion for voters. The Secretary of State’s Office looks forward to defending our practice of ensuring the ballot remains clear and accessible for all Colorado voters,” the office said in a statement.

Rapper A$AP Rocky Arrested at LAX in Connection to 2021 Shooting


Rakim Athelaston Mayers, known professionally as rapper A$AP Rocky, was arrested at LAX as he returned from Barbados with his girlfriend on Wednesday morning in connection to a 2021 shooting.

A$AP Rocky is expecting a child with his girlfriend, the singer Rihanna.

According to LAPD, an argument between acquaintances escalated and resulted in the suspect (Mayers) firing a handgun at the victim.

The victim sustained a minor injury and sought medical treatment, according to police.

TRENDING: Sen Cruz Humiliates Woke Yale Student… Makes Her Wish She Never Called Him a “Racist” [VIDEO]

NBC News reported:

Rakim Mayers, better known as A$AP Rocky, was detained on Wednesday at Los Angeles International Airport in connection to a November 2021 shooting, according to multiple law enforcement sources familiar with the matter.

Mayers was arriving on a private plane from Barbados, where he had been on vacation with his girlfriend, the singer Rihanna.

According to the law enforcement sources, Rihanna was with Mayers when he was arrested, and a search warrant has been executed at Mayers’ residence in Los Angeles.

Mayers had been under investigation by the Los Angeles Police Department for a Nov. 6 shooting near Vista Del Mar and Selma Ave. around 10:20 pm. The shooting victim later told police that Mayers, who was walking with two others, approached him with a handgun on the street. The victim claimed Mayers shot at him three to four times and believed one of the bullets grazed his left hand, according to police reports.

Recall, A$AP Rocky was arrested in Sweden after getting into a fight in 2019.

A$AP Rocky was released from the Swedish prison thanks to President Trump.

BREAKING: Florida Senate Passes Legislation to End Disney’s Tax Privilege and Special Self-Governing Status


Florida Senate passed legislation on Wednesday to end Disney’s special tax privilege and self-governing status on a 23-16 vote.

On Tuesday, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced he was calling on the Special Session to file legislation to terminate all special districts that were enacted in Florida prior to 1968 and removal of exemptions from the big tech accountability law.

The Florida Legislature will be meeting this week to consider the congressional reapportionment plan for Florida for the next ten years. Gov. Ron DeSantis considered getting rid of special districts enacted before 1968.

“I am announcing today that we are expanding the call of what they are going to be considering this week. And so yes, they will be considering the congressional map, but they also will be considering termination of all special districts that were enacted in Florida prior to 1968, and that includes the Reedy Creek Improvement District,” DeSantis said at a news conference in The Villages.

TRENDING: Sen Cruz Humiliates Woke Yale Student… Makes Her Wish She Never Called Him a “Racist” [VIDEO]

The Reedy Creek Improvement District, which was created by state lawmakers in 1967, is the governing jurisdiction and special taxing district for the land of Walt Disney World Resort.

Rep. Randy Fine filed HB3C on Tuesday to end six of 1,844 special districts, including the Reedy Creek Improvement District.

“Disney is a guest in Florida. Today, we remind them. @GovDeSantis just expanded the Special Session so I could file HB3C which eliminates Reedy Creek Improvement District, a 50 yr-old special statute that makes Disney to exempt from laws faced by regular Floridians,” Rep. Fine tweeted.

Today, Florida lawmakers passed legislation ending Disney’s tax privilege, self-governing power & special exemption status. The new bill is now heading to the House.

WATCH: Louisiana Teacher Says That if Educators Can Teach Her Children About ‘Gender Identities’ She Should Be Allowed to Teach Them God Doesn’t Make Mistakes


A viral TikTok video from a Louisiana elementary school teacher has gone viral after she insisted she should be allowed to teach her students that God did not make a mistake when he created them.

Kristan Whann, a 4th grade teacher at Doyle Elementary in Livingston, argued that if other teachers can talk to her children about “gender identity” she should have the liberty to counter it in her own classroom.

TRENDING: Sen Cruz Humiliates Woke Yale Student… Makes Her Wish She Never Called Him a “Racist” [VIDEO]

“I should be able to teach them about Jesus and how God created them a boy or a girl on purpose and for a purpose. If you have the freedom to teach my child that they might be confused about their gender, then I should also have the liberty to teach your child that God did not make a mistake when he created them. I think it’s time we even out the playing ground,” Whann says.

The video has sparked complete meltdowns from the left, many of whom mocked her accent or religious beliefs. They have also been bombarding the school with complaints in order to try and get her fired.

In the comments on her video, Whann responded to a user who said “bring back Jesus in schools!!!!” by saying it is her “heart’s desire.”

As of Wednesday, the school had not commented on the video or leftist meltdown.

SIG Sauer Comment on NGSW Win


Yesterday, the US Army announced the selection of SIG Sauer’s weapons and 6.8 hybrid metallic cased ammunition as the Next Generation Squad Weapons System (NGSW). Read the US Army’s selection announcement and our round-up of the NGSW program in full here. SIG Sauer have shared their first public statement since the announcement of the contract […]

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The post SIG Sauer Comment on NGSW Win appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

Pfizer Knew Their mRNA Injection Caused Immunosuppression or AIDS


Mac Slavo
April 20th, 2022

Another batch of Pfizer documents was released by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on April 1, 2022.  The data shows that Pfizer and the FDA knew that people of all ages experienced suppression of immune function for a week after the first dose.

Based on other data compiled from the other ruling classes around the world, we know that immunosuppression and complete immune system degradation is occurring in those who have taken more shots at a much more rapid pace.

New Zealand Ruling Class Data Suggests The Fully “Vaccinated” Are Getting AIDS

Comparison of Official Government Reports Suggest Fully Vaccinated Are Developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

The Pfizer trial data showed that natural immunity was as effective as the “vaccine” and that side effects of the jab were more severe in those under 55 years old. And Vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED) is recorded as an “important potential risk” and as of February 28, 2021, Pfizer had 138 cases of suspected VAED, 75 of which were severe, resulting in hospitalization, disability, life-threatening consequences, or death.

Further data shows that immune function is being degraded much more quickly in those who take more than one shot. In fact, many ruling classes have simply stopped publishing data because it is showing that the shots are giving people VAIDS. Pfizer’s own trial showed that infection was significantly more common in the vaccine group than in the placebo group — 409 versus 287 — within the first seven days of the jab.

The fact that Pfizer and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration were aware the shot caused immunosuppression is incriminating. But data released by the U.K. government, which compared the unvaccinated to those who have received two doses of the “vaccine” is also rather damaging. The data shows that those “fully vaccinated” are:

  • Up to three times more likely to be diagnosed with COVID-19
  • Twice more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19
  • Three times more likely to die of COVID-19

The Pfizer documents admit there was a temporary drop in immune function after the first dose, but the real-world data shows an increased and sustained risk of severe infection and death due to COVID among the double jabbed. The documents also suggest ADE may indeed be at play later on as well.

Scientific Data Shows That The Fully Vaccinated Have Become COVID “Super Spreaders”



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