TFB B-Side Podcast: New Primers? Richie with Expansion Industries


TFB B-Side Podcast: New Primers? Richie with Expansion IndustriesThose who reload will know all too well the struggles we’ve faced over the last couple of years when it comes to finding primers for our home-rolled ammunition. Near the start of the global pandemic, a combination of factors led to a bum-rush on reloading components and while projectiles, powder, and press remained more or […]

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Russia Tests Nuclear-Capable ICBM As Putin Warns Enemies It’s “Food For Thought”


Tyler Durden
April 21st, 2022

This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge. 

The new heavy Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), Wiki Commons.

In a new ‘message’ aimed at the West, Russia on Wednesday test-launched a new intercontinental ballistic missile, the Sarmat, according to Interfax citing the Russian defense ministry.

President Vladimir Putin said in a statement that accompanied the announcement that the new Sarmat missile will provide “food for thought for those who try to threaten Russia.” He congratulated the armed forces on the successful test launch. According to another translation, he said that the Sarmat will “make the madmen who attempt to threaten Russia think.”

“Sarmat is the most powerful missile with the biggest hitting range in the world. It will significantly strengthen the combat power of the Russian strategic nuclear armed forces,” the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The test took place in Russia’s far north, reportedly at the Plesetsk spaceport which lies about 800 km north of Moscow.

According to a state media description, “The missile was developed as a replacement for the ICBM R-36M2 (NATO Reporting Name SS-18 Satan). It is expected to be effective in destroying enemy strategic targets around the globe with kinetic impact energy and without the use of the nuclear warhead.”

The Kremlin released footage of the Wednesday launch of the “Satan”…

Lately, there’s been widespread speculation over whether Putin would be “willing” to use tactical nukes in Ukraine – something which Foreign Minister Lavrov categorically rejected in Tuesday’s statements.

On Tuesday Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was asked in an interview with India Today about the possibility of using nukes, to which he responded that Russia will only use conventional weapons in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, in another alarming development picked up by Russian observers…

And in Washington…



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LAWRENCE SELLIN: No COVID-19 Is Not a Snake Venom – Only Snake Oil Salesmen Would Tell You That


In an April 11, 2022 video interview, entitled “Watch the Water,” former chiropractor Dr. Bryan Ardis made the astounding claim that COVID-19 is not a virus, but a snake venom.

It is a sign of the times that a theory so scientifically flawed and factually baseless should receive so much attention.

After two years of government officials, scientists and the media lying about COVID-19 and the pandemic, it should surprise no one that the American people seek alternative sources of information.

Unfortunately, there are those, who, whatever their motives, are eager to fill that void with misinformation.

TRENDING: VIDEO INTERVIEW: Gateway Pundit and 100% Fed Up to Interview Investigators Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips Behind Upcoming “2000 Mules” Movie

They are people who add 2 + 2 and get 5, who connect unconnectable dots of information and draw faulty conclusions.  They are people who traffic in half-truths.

At the very beginning, Ardis misrepresents what is published in the scientific literature.

There was never any serious consideration that snakes were the origin or an intermediate host for the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Genetic and protein sequence comparisons always indicated bat coronaviruses as the most likely backbone for a laboratory-created COVID-19.

Ardis does not seem to understand the action of cobra venom, which is fundamental to his argument.

First of all, cobra venom is a cocktail of several different active proteins with multiple effects, the alpha-neurotoxin being the primary component.

Ardis refers to the action of cobra venom on the brain, specifically the neurotoxin. He claims that people die of respiratory failure, not from a viral lung infection and the inflammation it causes, but from the cobra neurotoxin’s depression of the respiratory center in the brain.

Unfortunately for Dr. Ardis’ argument, cobra neurotoxin doesn’t act on the brain because it doesn’t pass through the blood-brain barrier and doesn’t enter the brain.

The neurotoxin in cobra venom blocks respiration peripherally, where the phrenic nerve meets the diaphragm muscle at the neuromuscular junction.

Dr. Ardis attempts to buttress his snake venom theory by referring to a University of Arizona scientific article, not by citing the actual scientific article, but a news article about it entitled:

“Like Venom Coursing Through the Body: Researchers Identify Mechanism Driving COVID-19 Mortality.”

The actual scientific article is:

“Group IIA secreted phospholipase A2 is associated with the pathobiology leading to COVID-19 mortality.”

Again, Ardis misdirects. The scientific article only refers to snake venom indirectly, that phospholipase A2, which is naturally-occurring in the human body and elevated in some COVID-19 patients, also happens to be an enzyme found in rattlesnake venom. In the University of Arizona article, no suggestion is made that the elevated phospholipase A2 found in COVID-19 patients is from rattlesnake venom.

Ardis also doesn’t provide an adequate explanation for human-to-human transmission of COVID-19, other than to suggest without providing any evidence that the snake venom might be passed between humans through the water supply, which is epidemiologically impossible based on the actual data.

Furthermore, the theory that a biological toxin could be distributed by terrorists to a population via the water supply was actually mathematically simulated at Fort Detrick in the 1980s, in that case using the far more lethal botulinum toxin as a model. The theory was found to be implausible due to dilution factor alone.

Bryan Ardis’ claim that COVID-19 is a snake venom is not even scientific speculation, because that requires some basis in reality.

It is snake oil.

Watch an interview with retired Col Sellin on this subject of COVID and its origins on the Joe Hoft Show on the Real Talk Radio Network.

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is retired U.S. Army Reserve colonel and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. He had a civilian career in international business and medical research. Dr. Sellin is the author of Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution. His email address is [email protected].

Rudy Giuliani Jumps Out of the Jack-In-the-Box Costume and Masked Singer Crew Is Shocked (VIDEO)


Rudy Giuliani uncovered himself as the man in the jack-in-the-box costume on Wednesday’s Masked Singer Show and the judges and the crowd never saw it coming.  

Yahoo reported on Rudy Giuliani’s performance:

Rudy Giuliani, the former New York City mayor and onetime personal attorney to ex-President Donald Trump, was unmasked on Wednesday’s episode of “The Masked Singer.”

It was first reported in February that Giuliani was a contestant on the Fox competition show and that two of the four judges, actor Ken Jeong and singer Robin Thicke, left the stage in protest when his identity was revealed during the taping of the episode.

TRENDING: VIDEO INTERVIEW: Gateway Pundit and 100% Fed Up to Interview Investigators Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips Behind Upcoming “2000 Mules” Movie

In the version that aired Wednesday, Giuliani was revealed as the inhabitant of the Jack in the Box costume.

The Daily Mail reported on Rudy’s coming out like this:

Lightning-rod attorney Rudy Giuliani‘s long-anticipated appearance on The Masked Singer has finally aired.

Giuliani’s appearance on the show was first reported in February when the episode was taped, but it was unclear when – or whether – the footage would actually run until he was unveiled on Wednesday night’s show.

Wearing a ‘Jack in the Box’ costume, Giuliani revealed himself to the confusion and consternation of the judges, including comedian Ken Jeong, who said ‘I’m done’ before storming off the stage.

Here is a video of Rudy on the show:

What is the deal about comedians being so sensitive when an American hero and statesman is put in their midst?

ROGER STONE: Please Help Jan 6er Bobby Gieswein – Held in DC Gulag for 15 Months – Never Committed a Crime In His Life


Guest post by Roger Stone

Left-Wing Activists for Public Defenders: Cases look grim for Jan 6 defendants without counsel

Attempts to tie me baselessly to the events of January 6th , particularly by  ABC News, the Washington Post , the New York Times and MSNBC  have failed spectacularly. Now it is my intention to speak out for those who’s rights are being trampled on and who’s lives are in danger,

All-American Bobby Gieswein has been held on federal charges in the DC Gitmo for fifteen months—forced to waive his right to a speedy trial and facing delay after delay in a backlogged crooked court as the political battle overhead wages on.

TRENDING: VIDEO INTERVIEW: Gateway Pundit and 100% Fed Up to Interview Investigators Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips Behind Upcoming “2000 Mules” Movie

“He has never been so much as suspended from school before this,” his mother Sherry told the Gateway Pundit.

“It is so hard as a mother to have someone torturing and abusing my son, and I am powerless to help him. I miss my son more than words can express.”

***BOBBY NEEDS OUR HELP! Please support fundraiser for proper counsel:***

Despite a crystal-clear record and zero history of violence or “extremism”, the 24-year-old’s understanding of the Constitutional principles of checks and balances, the right to petition grievances, and an awareness of the left’s tendency toward political violence are being used against him in the court of lawlessness. (His protective apparel and desire to root out corruption, having been cited in motions to deny bond.)

“For over a year they are not allowed to get haircuts or shave, they have to use harsh chemicals on their faces for hair removal.  They don’t have good food or sunshine.  They don’t get proper medical care.  They are being held pretrial indefinitely. Where is the help?  Where is the humanity?” Sherry told TGP.  “Why is there such an obvious two-tiered justice system when it comes to our loved ones?”

From the bench at his preliminary hearing, Denver Magistrate Judge Varholak swept Bobby into an originating cause of melee, some kind of guilt by association without individualized cause: “Five people died,” the judge said, ignoring who. “The actions of the mob led to that result.”

The case was transferred to the notorious Judge Emmet G Sullivan, who is known for “running the clock out” in DC district court and going rogue on more cases than General Flynn’s. And so Bobby sits, stripped of rights, in a 6×9 cell, awaiting trial for over 400 days.

***Please donate to Bobby’s fundraiser for legal and living expenses here:***

As if court corruption, prosecutorial misconduct, and swirling media sensation weren’t enough, Gieswein—who’s mother has been the full-time caretaker of his sister with a disabling autoimmune disease since his father’s sudden passing in 2018—relies on two heavily unsympathetic public defenders to represent him.

In the past several years, both of Gieswein’s lawyers have donated more than $20,000 to Democrat causes—hundreds since taking on his case—including the Hillary Victory Fund, left-wing dark-money funnel ActBlue (with its known loopholes for election interference), and Progressive Turnout Project. (‘Sign the Petition to Prosecute Trump!’, on its website, for his role in ‘inciting an insurrection’.)

But their defense strategy has swung from apathy to downright disdain.

They acknowledge the double-standard in the legal system and continue it in perpetuity—spending time pushing their client to plead to BS charges instead of crafting a defense. (Misleading him, hiding information, and—by their own volition—attempting to blame the President for entrapment in a motion for bond.) Just roll over and repent.

Although Bobby is accused of “assaulting or impeding” officers with a deadly weapon—an unidentified aerosol spray—there is no evidence that he aimed it at any officers, nor are there any officers identified as contacted.


His other seven charges include the already-disproven and widely-flung charge of obstruction, civil disorder, aiding and abetting, entering a restricted building, and destruction of government property (for climbing through an already broken window but not for actually destroying anything).

For someone who has never committed a crime—and in light of the child molesters and murderers who are let out as the justice system tends to allow—continued detention seems somewhat severe.


“They are by UN standards being tortured, many of their constitutional rights are being violated.  The system is failing and abusing these people and no one is helping,” his mother said.

Even Trump Inauguration Antifa rioter and avowed anarchist Dane Powell—who, with a gas mask and hammer and face intentionally obscured, admitted to breaking multiple glass windows and throwing bricks at a police officer’s head during the riot—was let out on personal recognizance after five days in jail.

Despite the similarity of the storyline by the prosecutor’s estimation and the judge’s acknowledgment that he was “deliberately trying to hurt people,” Powell was sentenced to four months in prison. His behavior—credibly worse than Gieswein’s though not classified as “terrorism” because of the abstract nature of the Antifa “idea”—was merely social discontent amid a “festival of resistance” and a “net positive for the country” according to Dervish-grade media spins.

(In fact, of the entire “DisruptJ20” ordeal of 2017—with over 200 arrested and charged, and of those over 200 flatly dismissed—Powell was the only one to spend more than five days in jail or be sentenced.)

“The state unintentionally helped to create stronger infrastructure in the radical/left scene,” said one “they/them” J20 rioter about the aftermath of the flatline of a left-wing case, tried in a left-wing city by a left-wing prosecutorial team.

After all of the fiery violence and rage, threats of acid attacks and flying cement blocks from that chaotic inaugural scene four years prior—can the court blame Bobby for wearing a helmet and vest to the Capitol on January 6th?

This is a sham arrest for show trial. He is being abused. It is time to restore justice.

In the past 15 months of life-disrupted—including her daughter’s exacerbated autoimmune condition, her son publicly vilified, and financial fatigue—Bobby’s mother said, “I have gotten to know many of the people locked up in the patriot pod in DC, and they are some of the best people that you could ever hope to meet.  True patriotic Americans, who still sing the National Anthem every night with such passion and love for our country. Who hold their own religious services, since they are denied these services through the jail.”

She helps to maintain a GETTR and TruthSocial account (both @Jan6_Detainees) to share their messages from inside of the jail, which she encourages readers to follow and share.

“We are desperate, many of us are losing everything, many of us need help,” she said. “We want our loved ones home, we need our loved ones home!”

***Please help Bobby retain a lawyer to defend him in this unholy battle. Time is running out until his trial in October. He cannot do it with these public defenders, and he cannot do it without our help!!!***

CENSORED: LinkedIn Removes Investigator Gregg Phillips’ Invite to Mark Zuckerberg to Preview Screening of “2000 Mules” Ballot Trafficking Film


On Wednesday The Gateway Pundit founder Jim Hoft and Patty McMurray from 100% FedUp interviewed Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, the investigative team behind the ballot trafficking investigation into the 2020 presidential election.

Catherine Engelbrecht is the founder of True the Vote, an election integrity project launched in 2009.  Gregg Phillips is the senior adviser with Get Georgia Right PAC.  Gregg has been in conservative politics for 40 years, working with committees, parties, campaigns and election intelligence operations. He has built political apps including GROUND, ARC and IV3. Gregg was also a founder and Managing Partner of the pro-Gingrich SuperPac, Winning Our Future, and election intelligence company, OPSEC Group. Gregg is currently working with Catherine Engelbrecht from True the Vote in their historic investigation of Democrat ballot trafficking in the 2020 election.

The two investigators have been working with Dinesh D’Souza on his latest movie project “2000 Mules” that will be released early next month.  The movie will uncover the massive ballot trafficking operation in several states during the 2020 election.

Catherine and Gregg told The Gateway Pundit that they discovered that 7% of mail-in ballots were trafficked during the 2020 election.   This is an enormous number and will have significant implications They also told us on Wednesday that their evidence will be released following the movie launch next month.  We will post more on this later.

TRENDING: VIDEO INTERVIEW: Gateway Pundit and 100% Fed Up to Interview Investigators Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips Behind Upcoming “2000 Mules” Movie

On Wednesday Gregg Phillips also shared with us that LinkedIn was censoring his posts on the movie “2000 Mules.”

Gregg Phillips invited Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to view the movie before its release.  LinkenIn removed the post from public viewing.

Here is the invite to Mark Zuckerberg — “who did more to destroy free, fair and legal elections than any person in American history.”

The invite was too hot for the LinkedIn leftists.

This LinkedIn post by Gregg Phillips was also removed from public viewing.  Gregg called out Zuckerberg for lying about funding the next election in 2022.

Zuckerberg already invested $80 million into this year’s midterm elections.

This fact was too much for LinkedIn is now in the business of defending the tech tyrants.

This was censored from the public view.

The elites will not allow you to see the truth anymore.  Only approved opinions will be allowed.

Germany’s Inflation Surpasses 30 Percent – Highest Since 1949


The world elites have destroyed the world economy.  Inflation is reaching historical rates after the mismanagement of COVID. 

First the US, now Germany is reporting massive inflation rates.

The US is at historical inflation highs not seen in 50 years.  Some inflation measurements we have never seen before.

BIDEN ECONOMY: Producer Price Index (Another Measurement of Inflation) Reaches 11.2% – Surpassing Its All-time High

TRENDING: VIDEO INTERVIEW: Gateway Pundit and 100% Fed Up to Interview Investigators Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips Behind Upcoming “2000 Mules” Movie

Now Germany is reaching inflation at historic amounts.  The Conservative Treehouse reports:

The German government released their version of the producer price index for inflation, and they are reporting 30.9% inflation for products leaving German factories.  [DETAILS HERE] That’s the highest rate of inflation since shortly after the second world war.

The inflation rate is being driven mostly by energy costs which are more than 80% higher than last year.   However, each nation’s overall inflation rate is also driven by the amount of central bank spending they used during the COVID economic lockdowns.  The more any govt spent on subsidies, the more money they printed, the more they devalued their money and subsequently, the higher their current rate of inflation.

Germany will have to import more Russian oil to keep prices down.  Ukraine will not like that.

The US and the world are in a mess. 

80 Year Old Bernie Sanders Open To Running AGAIN If Biden Doesn’t Run In 2024


Bernie Sanders is apparently open to running for president in 2024 if Biden doesn’t run.

Bernie is already 80 years old. Is he planning to retire? Ever?

Is there anyone on the left under the age of 80 who is capable of running for office?

The Hill reports:

TRENDING: VIDEO INTERVIEW: Gateway Pundit and 100% Fed Up to Interview Investigators Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips Behind Upcoming “2000 Mules” Movie

Sanders open to running for White House again if Biden doesn’t

Sen. Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) top political adviser said in a recent memo that he is open to running in the 2024 election if President Biden declines to seek reelection.

The Washington Post first reported the news of the memo, adding it was shared with his allies on Wednesday.

A source directly familiar with the memo confirmed to The Hill on Wednesday that the document exists.

“In the event of an open 2024 Democratic presidential primary, Sen. Sanders has not ruled out another run for president, so we advise that you answer any questions about 2024 with that in mind,” the outlet said, quoting the memo from Sanders’s former campaign manager Faiz Shakir.

If he were to run, Sanders, who turned 80 last year and is a year older than Biden, would be among the oldest candidates in the running for the U.S. presidency in 2024…

Sanders spokesman Mike Casca told the Post that “While it’s frustrating this private memo leaked to the media, the central fact remains true, which is that Senator Sanders is the most popular officeholder in the country.”

Bernie should step away from politics and enjoy his golden years.

Does he think he’s going to live forever?

Cross posted from American Lookout.

UPDATE: Audio Provided by Trump’s Team Reveals Piers Morgan Deceptively Edited Interview — Made It Appear It Had a Contentious Ending — A COMPLETE LIE!


As reported earlier by Cristina Laila, President Trump sat down for a one-on-one interview with Piers Morgan earlier this week.

The full 75-minute interview will air on April 25th on Piers Uncensored on TalkTv at 8 eastern.

Morgan’s team released a 30 second clip promo on Wednesday.  The audio appears to show President Trump walking out of the explosive interview after a back-and-forth with Piers Morgan over the stolen election.

However, later today the Trump Team released the full

TRENDING: VIDEO INTERVIEW: Gateway Pundit and 100% Fed Up to Interview Investigators Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips Behind Upcoming “2000 Mules” Movie

Evidently, Morgan’s team deceptively edited the clips together to make it as nasty as possible for Trump—and to drive up the ratings for Morgan’s new show.

Here is the full audio via Breitbart of the final 7 minutes from the interview.

The full audio shows Trump ended the interview discussing his hole in one… NOT the election. It was very cordial.

The earlier video was completely edited.

The two DID NOT discuss the election in the final five minutes of the interview.

Breitbart · Ending Audio of Donald Trump Interview with Piers Morgan

Reporter RIPS Lori Lightfoot: “How Could You Possibly Even Consider Running for Re-election as Mayor of Chicago After All the Harm You’ve Caused?” (VIDEO)


Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot got taken to task by a reporter on Tuesday during a press conference.

Chicago has really gone to hell under Mayor Lori Lightfoot – the same woman who claimed she has the biggest dick in Chicago.

“Every time you have a press conference you say crime is down, the economy is booming,” the reporter, “Rob,” said before being interrupted by Lightfoot.

The reporter continued, “Across the street we had a police officer on duty, the victim of a hit and run, we have Michigan Avenue, the Magnificent Mile, now referred to as the ‘mile of fear’ and the Water Tower Place has thrown the keys back to the lender, they say they don’t want to be in Chicago anymore.”

TRENDING: VIDEO INTERVIEW: Gateway Pundit and 100% Fed Up to Interview Investigators Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips Behind Upcoming “2000 Mules” Movie

“Real Chicagoans are asking me, how could you possibly even consider running for re-election as mayor of the city of Chicago after all the harm you’ve caused?” the reporter said.

“Well, I disagree with you fundamentally and I don’t think I need to address and dignify your comments one second further,” Lightfoot said trying to keep calm.


Overall crime is up in Chicago under Lori Lightfoot’s leadership.

chart courtesy of Daily Mail

Lori Lightfoot also crushed businesses by imposing a mask mandate and a vaccine passport system.

During the pandemic Lightfoot threatened to jail and fine people who violated her Covid rules while she secretly got her hair done.

Lightfoot defended her visit to the salon: “I’m the public face of this city and you know, I’m a person who [takes] personal hygiene very seriously and I felt like I needed to have a haircut. So I got a haircut.”