Confirmed: Radical Leftist Public Defender Assigned to Represent Jan. 6er Lied to Judge to Keep Him in DC Gitmo! PLEASE HELP THIS MAN FIGHT FOR HIS FREEDOM!


*Guest Post by Annie Lee

David Dempsey was arrested by the FBI last August for his involvement in the January 6th Capitol protest. Dempsey had no idea that the horrific morning would be the last time he would see the faces of his wife and young daughter for a very long time.

It’s been 235 days and counting since David was arrested and unconstitutionally detained. Due to lack of finances and his radical left-wing public ‘defender’ (who literally lied to a judge to keep him in DC Gitmo), Dempsey spends his days and nights locked away in a small square box in unconstitutional pretrial detainment.

Alone. Completely alone.  

 ***Click here to help this man get legal help and out of DC Gitmo.***

TRENDING: SECRET RECORDING: Kevin McCarthy Told Liz Cheney He Would Tell Trump To Resign In Shocking Leaked Audio

Like many other January 6th Political Prisoners, Dempsey has reached out to Americans for help in the form of a letter pleading to be heard and for help in a shot at a fair trial. (All January 6th defendants represented by public defenders have been found guilty, and many have been misadvised to take horrible plea deals.)

Trump Supporter David Dempsey before his unconstitutional detainment at DC Gitmo as a political prisoner of The Biden Regime.

The J6 inmates detained in Washington do not reside in the central jail- they are being held in a nearby annex called the Correctional Treatment Facility.  David and the other D.C. J6 Political Prisoners endure unfathomable conditions on a daily basis, and are being labeled as Domestic Terrorists. During the U.S Marshals Service’s unannounced inspection last November, they found evidence of “systemic” mistreatment of detainees, including unsanitary living conditions. Inspectors found “large amounts of standing human sewage” in toilets in multiple cells, and cells that had been lacking water for days. Staff members “were observed antagonizing detainees” and “directing detainees not to cooperate.”  

 ***Click here to help David obtain a qualified attorney to defend himself against The Biden Regime.**

There is black mold infested along the walls and throughout the ventilation system. Often times food and water are withheld from inmates, and when it is served, it’s substandard at best. Many meals consist of moldy bologna sandwiches, laced with pubic hair.  Due to the fact that these men are Trump supporters, David and the other J6 inmates experience daily abuse and violence among the prison guards. These men are being denied their basic human and Constitutional rights such as not being able to speak to their attorneys, attend religious services, being denied basic hygienic rights, and going months without access to a haircut or shave. The DC Jail has also denied David medical treatment for kidney stones, IBS, and Crohn’s disease. Many of these men still haven’t been presented with the charges against them, and have been denied the chance for a bond hearing. Please read David’s heart wrenching letter, written from behind the walls of the DC Gulag- “A hell of its own space” as David calls it.

David Dempsey enjoying freedom with his baby girl before his pretrial detainment in a tiny box for 235 days and counting.

Here is Dempsey’s full statement:

Dear Fellow Americans,  

It’s taken me a great deal of mental strength to write this letter. I really wish that I didn’t have to but I feel compelled to do so, so that I can help shed some light on my current situation. I hope that this letter reaches all of you in good health and spirits. My name is David Dempsey. I’m thirty four years old, a husband to a wonderful wife, a Father to a beautiful daughter, and I’m a freedom loving Patriot. I’m a huge supporter of our true President, Donald J Trump, and I love this country nearly more than anything. It would seem that love has now attracted the full wrath and rage of the federal government. Many people have horror stories about the abuses they suffered at the hands of our corrupt government and I am unfortunately now part of this group. Our country is the one place on Earth where you can have any belief system he so chooses; I am now a political prisoner for mine. As someone who wanted only to voice his opinion and to help wake up the masses to the possibility of losing our once great nation to those who would relish in it’s destruction, I am very disheartened to see the fear coming to life by the direction we are being forced into by the ruling elites. I can assure you that we did not vote for this, we did not ask for this, and we sure in the hell are not okay with it. The problem for me is that I’m powerless to do anything to stop it. Not only am I in jail but the DOJ wants me to remain here for years on end. Not for days, not for months, not for a couple of years, they want to keep me here for many years.It’s not to punish me for any wrong doing, but rather to serve as a message to anyone who’s thinking about standing up to our corrupt government. With that being said, I will now divulge my personal experience into this hell that I am now being forced to call my reality.

My nightmare began on an early morning in Southern California. I’m an early riser and I happened to be awake when my cell phone started to ring with a number that I didn’t recognize. I turned the volume down so it wouldn’t wake my wife and daughter. I ignored the number three times and turned my phone on silent.

Seconds after I did this, bright lights suddenly filled the area where I was and a voice on a loud speaker screamed, “DAVID DEMPSEY, THIS IS THE FBI, WE HAVE THE PROPERTY SURROUNDED!” COME OUTSIDE WITH YOUR HANDS UP NOW!” Somehow no one else was woken up by this and it took me waking them up for them to realize what exactly was happening. My wife asked me what the hell was going on and I told her that FBI agents were outside. By this time my daughter had woken up. My daughter gets real quiet whenever she gets scared and she was pretty much silent except for saying, “Mommie” once or twice. A friend of mine went to the front door, attempted to ask what was going on, and was forcefully pulled out by the FBI agents outside who were armed to the teeth. They were in full body armor, had automatic weaponry, concussion grenades, CS gas canisters, and some even had K-Bar knives. Upon seeing me they became completely belligerent and enraged. Drawing down their sights, they took aim at me and they all started to yell different commands at a fever pitched tone. During all of this I noticed that none of them were wearing masks. Understand that the reason for the masks isn’t for the Covid lie but rather to hide their identities from whoever they’re arresting. Which led me to believe that these people had little to no intention of actually arresting me. The whole event was surreal and has been imprinted on my mind forever. In all of this as I was trying to figure out how to safely have my wife and daughter get out without being shot, I ignored their commands. I told my wife that the pedo protectors were there to hurt or kill me. I screamed at them that I was unarmed and that there was a woman (my wife) and a baby (my daughter)  inside the house with me.

Everyone knows that the FBI has a seedy history, filled with very controversial outcomes when it involves high-profile people and the events surrounding them. This was no exception and had all the marks of ending very badly if they perceived any false threats towards them. Therefore I feared for the safety of my wife and child, just as much for myself. As my body was covered in laser sights from the grotesque amount of agents out front, I told my wife to call my brother. It served two purposes, the first being to have an additional witness of sorts to lessen the chances of the FBI killing me and the second being, that if they did, at least I would have gotten to say I love you to my big brother one last time. During the course of me talking with my brother, my daughter had slipped by me unnoticed right towards the possibly trigger happy men in war fatigues. As I looked at my daughter, I noticed that multiple FBI agents had their guns pointed at my baby girl. They took aim at a four year old as if my precious little girl was some type of threat to these people. My wife screamed, “Why are you pointing guns at my baby!”  

She went to our daughter and scooped her up and I embraced them both and tried to console my terrified little girl. After I let them go and told them to go outside, the FBI proceeded to throw my wife, while still holding our baby, into the living room wall and then jammed a rifle barrel into her side with such force it actually left a barrel shaped bruise on her ribcage. Before I went to go outside I tried to grab my Trump 2020 hat to walk out of there with my head held high and the FBI threatened to shoot me if I grabbed it. I  too was then slammed against the living room wall, handcuffed, pushing my arms up while they pulled my hair down and led me to a waiting undercover vehicle.  

My treatment only got worse after I went to jail. I was treated like I was a terrorist and looked down on by those controlling my movement in the jail. I was left in the dark in regards to the charges against me and my questions went unanswered in relation to my case. As soon as I was housed, I was thrown on seventy one and one. Meaning they only allowed me out of my cell once every three days for one hour to shower and make a phone call. Three weeks later I was flown out to Oklahoma for another month. That place was disgusting and not once in a month did I ever see the sun. I had already heard of the God forsaken conditions at the DC jail, to where I was heading and I thought to myself, “There’s no way it could be worse than here.” I was wrong on so many levels. DC Jail is a hell of it’s own space. From raw sewage spewing out of toilets, mold festering on the walls and on the inside of the ventilation systems, rodents and cockroaches running rampant, gross mistreatment and abuse at the hands of the DOC staff, a culture of violence that has festered inside the jail that stems from decades of failed policies from administration personnel, resulting in; rapes, stabbings, inadequate medical treatment, civil, human, and constitutional right violations. They also work hand and hand with the district courts to prevent anyone here from mounting a proper defense for themselves by depriving them of their discoveries and violating their due process rights.

As a Trump supporter, I have personally dealt with a variety of these stated issues. Though some staff members treat us with respect, if it is found out by other staff members, they face internal repercussions from administration personnel. Sitting in solitary confinement makes all of these issues that much worse. You wouldn’t believe the toll it takes on you as a human being having to go through this day in and day out. The worst part about all of this is that I haven’t seen my family since I was arrested. My daughter is starting to forget who I am and as a Father that hurts me more than anything. All in all this is how I feel these days while I sit and rot away in the DC Gulag Hopeless, helpless, distraught, worried, depressed, anxious, upset, outraged, livid, silenced, forgotten, unduly prosecuted, hated, and vilified. Why these things?

Hopeless, because I can’t afford a private attorney to really fight on my behalf. Helpless, because as a Father I’m not able to be near my daughter to protect her. Distraught, because the country is being destroyed by the radical left while I’m stuck in here. Anxious, because the government does as it pleases with it’s political opponents. Upset, because my name has been tarnished by the Fake News media. Outraged, because the government is getting away with mistreating it’s own citizens. Livid, because my fellow Patriots are being held with me and prevented from being with their families. Silenced, because the truth of the political prisoners is suffocated by people who hate us. Forgotten, because when you’re out of sight, you’re out of mind and it feels like nobody remembers us. Unduly prosecuted, because the government allows the laws to be violated against the Patriots. Hated, because we are considered domestic terrorists. Vilified, because being a Patriot to the Fake News is now synonymous with being called a radical extremist. You know these aren’t words that I would use to describe myself. Unfortunately, these are now commonplace in my life due to my unjust arrest and continued incarceration.

As a Patriot I still believe that there is hope for our wonderful nation. I can say that I, along with millions of my fellow Americans, were shocked and dismayed by the results of the 2020 election, but by God, WE THE PEOPLE can change that outcome and reelect the greatest President we’ve ever had. I wish everyone out there the best, despite Biden trying to destroy us. Thank you for lending me your hearts, ears, and eyes. May God bless you, God bless the United States, and God bless our President Donald J Trump!  

-David Dempsey  

Prisoner #378838  

***David DESPERATELY needs help raising funds for a private Conservative attorney!!!! PLEASE help this man get the justice he deserves. Donate now and send prayers here.

David Dempsey living his life before his unlawful detainment in DC Gitmo.

Here is a heartbreaking audio conversation with David Dempsey as he speaks to J6 Patriot News from the D.C Gulag. 

A radical left wing public defender by the name of Sabrina Shroff was assigned to Dempsey’s case. She is most known for representing Susan Rosenberg who set off a bomb in the U.S capitol building in 1983. Shroff also represented a man named Colinford Mattis, a fellow lawyer in New York, charged with attacking an empty police vehicle with a Molotov cocktail during a protest over George Floyd’s death.  In October 2021 Shroff spoke to Judge Royce Lamberth (the assigned judge in Dempsey’s case), according to an article posted on last November.

Shroff urged Judge Lamberth in a court filing to prevent D.C. officials from moving her client out of the District after she was informed he was going to be transferred. Hours later, Shroff said Dempsey had already been moved before the judge could act, and prosecutors viewed it as a moot point. Shroff proceeded to check in with the judge yet again several days later to say that, in fact, Dempsey had not been moved, and still remained housed in the Central Treatment Facility.  

***David Dempsey is still being held in the dark walls of the D.C Gulag, and he needs your help NOW.  Please donate and help David *HERE*  as he fights this battle for his life and his freedom!  


Annie Lee is an advocate for January 6th Detainees, and a proud American who loves her country wholeheartedly. Please feel free to email comments or tips to:[email protected]  

Visit to meet the J6 Patriots, and donate to their legal funds. 

Safety Recall Issued for Slim Frame Glock Apex Action Enhancement Kits


A mandatory safety recall was issued on April 19th, 2022 by Apex Tactical Specialties regarding a limited amount of their Apex Action Enhancement Kits for slim frame Glock pistols like the Glock 43, Glock 43X, and the Glock 48. The issue with these flawed trigger kits is that some of the trigger bars (which are manufactured by Apex and not Glock) are out of spec and can cause a failure to reset the trigger after firing. Apex is asking that customers who have purchased an Apex Action Enhancement Kit for their Glock pistol between October 2021 and March 2022 immediately cease using their trigger kit and visit to arrange for an immediate replacement at no cost to the customer. Full details and relevant links regarding the Glock Apex Enhancement Kit recall are posted below.

More from Apex Tactical Specialties @ TFB:

Safety Recall Issued for Slim Frame Glock Apex Action Enhancement Kits

Safety Recall Issued for Slim Frame Glock Apex Action Enhancement Kits

Apex Tactical Specialties announces a mandatory recall of a limited number of Apex Action Enhancement Kits for the Slim Frame Glock pistols sold between between October 2021 through March 2022. These specific kits are assembled with an Apex in-house manufactured trigger bar – NOT a Glock factory trigger bar – and were sold through Apex’s dealer and distributor network.

Apex has identified an issue with the Apex trigger bar where under certain circumstances the dimensions of the trigger bar are out of spec resulting in a failure to reset the trigger.

Apex is instructing customers to discontinue the use of these trigger kits, part numbers 102-117 (Black) and 102-157 (Red), and contact Apex Tactical Specialties to return the affected kits for replacement.

Please note that Apex kits assembled with a Glock made factory trigger bar and sold prior the identified timeframe are NOT at issue and not subject to the recall. Apex’s ‘No Bar’ kits, part numbers 102-114 and 102-154, are also NOT at issue.

Only those kits featuring the Apex in-house manufactured trigger bars are being recalled(see identifying photos below)

April 2022 Apex SAFETY RECALL

Product Name:
Apex Action Enhancement Kits for the Slim Frame Glock pistols

Product Numbers:
102-117, 102-157

Black, Red

All Apex kits (102-117 and 102-157) sold through distribution between October 2021 and March 2022, are affected by this recall. Therefore, Apex customers that purchased either kit are asked to please visit the Apex Slim Frame Kit Safety Recall webpage for detailed instructions on returning the trigger kit for replacement.

Note: Please do not ship any affected product to Apex Tactical Specialties until an RMA and shipping label has been generated by Apex and sent to you. In the interim, Apex asks that customers remove the Apex kit and return their pistol to the factory configuration.


Safety Recall Issued for Slim Frame Glock Apex Action Enhancement Kits

Safety Recall Issued for Slim Frame Glock Apex Action Enhancement Kits

The pictures above and below demonstrate how to tell the differences between an Apex manufactured trigger bar and a Glock factory trigger bar. Glock trigger bars will have two small recess cuts out of the length of the right-hand side of the trigger bar and will also feature a serial number stamped on the top side of the trigger bar that interacts with the striker as the pistol cycles. Let us know if you’ve purchased one of these aftermarket enhancement kits from Apex and if you’ve personally encountered any problems with any of their products before. Stay safe out there everyone!

Safety Recall Issued for Slim Frame Glock Apex Action Enhancement Kits

Safety Recall Issued for Slim Frame Glock Apex Action Enhancement Kits

Food Production Is Going To Be Substantially Lower Than Anticipated All Over The Globe In 2022


This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog. 

I don’t think that people realize how severe this crisis will eventually become.  Never before in modern history have we seen global food production being hit by so many major problems all at once.

It truly is a “perfect storm”, and hundreds of millions of people are going to deeply suffer as a result.  I would very much encourage you to share this article with as many people as you can because everyone needs this information.  As I discussed yesterday, things may be somewhat bad right now, but conditions will eventually get much worse as the months roll along.

I am going to share a lot of statistics in this article, and each number is important.

But ultimately it is the collective impact of all of these factors together that is really going to hammer us.

Let me start by talking about rice.  According to Bloomberg, the global fertilizer crisis is going to result in a loss of production worldwide that is the equivalent of enough food to feed “500 million people”…

From India to Vietnam and the Philippines, prices of crop nutrients crucial to boosting food production have doubled or tripled in the past year alone. Lower fertilizer use may mean a smaller crop. The International Rice Research Institute predicts that yields could drop 10% in the next season, translating to a loss of 36 million tons of rice, or the equivalent of feeding 500 million people.

We don’t eat that much rice in the western world, but in Asia, it is a core staple of their diets.

How will all of that food be replaced?

Well, they could eat more wheat, but there is going to be a lot less wheat produced in 2022 as well.  In fact, one agricultural commodity expert is warning that the war in Ukraine alone could mean that “between 19 million and 34 million tons of export production could disappear this year”…

Globally, there are six breadbaskets that together supply roughly 60 to 70 percent of global agricultural commodities. The Ukraine–Russia region is responsible for roughly 30 percent of global exports of wheat and 65 percent of sunflower, in a context where those markets are increasingly tight and interconnected—so a slight disruption in supply creates some impact on price.

Of course, we don’t know what the length and scale of this conflict will be. We ran some scenarios, and from our perspective, between 19 million and 34 million tons of export production could disappear this year. If we fast-forward to 2023, the figure could be between ten million and 43 million tons. To translate, that represents caloric intake for 60 million to 150 million people.

I don’t know about you, but I regularly eat a lot of things that contain wheat, and so do hundreds of millions of others.

So this is going to be a huge issue.

And we are already seeing wheat prices go completely insane.  From early March to early April, the price of wheat jumped almost 20 percent

Global food prices rose to their highest-ever level in March, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization reported April 8, with wheat prices up nearly 20% from a month earlier.

Unfortunately, the outlook for the months ahead is very troubling due to bizarre weather patterns all over the planet.

Here in the United States, much of our winter wheat has been devastated by persistent drought

According to the USDA, 69 percent of total U.S. winter-wheat production is in an area experiencing drought, including hard-red winter, soft-red winter and soft white. That includes 82 percent of the production area in Kansas, 82 percent in Colorado, 99 percent in Texas and 99 percent in Montana.

On the other side of the globe, parts of northern Africa are experiencing their “worst drought in decades”

Morocco’s agriculture minister said the North African country would likely lose 53 percent of its cereals harvest after experiencing the worst drought in decades. Rainfall was 41 percent less than average this season.

So how will all of that food be replaced?

Well, I suppose that we could all eat more corn, but the outlook for corn is not good either.

Russia and Ukraine are normally two of the largest global exporters of corn, but now the war has changed everything, and there have been very serious planting delays here in the United States…

Chicago corn was largely unchanged on Wednesday and near a decade-high scaled in the previous session, as traders fretted over planting delays in the United States and a lack of supplies from war-torn Ukraine.

On top of everything else, there will be a lot fewer eggs produced this year, there will be a lot less chicken meat produced this year and there will be a lot less turkey meat produced this year because of the nightmarish bird flu pandemic which just keeps getting worse.

According to NPR, the total death toll has now risen to “more than 28 million”

More than 28 million poultry birds, like chickens and turkeys, have been lost in the U.S. because of a new bird flu. The virus either made the birds sick or they were culled to prevent its spread. Unlike previous bird flus, this one is also affecting a lot of wild birds. As NPR’s Nell Greenfieldboyce explains, that could keep the virus in circulation for a long time.

The vast majority of the time, most of us never even think about where our food comes from.

But that needs to change because food production systems are collapsing all over the world.

Before I end this article, I wanted to share the tragic news that the headquarters of Azure Standard just burned to the ground

Dear friends, the headquarters of Azure Standard, the nation’s premier independent distributor of organic and healthy food, was destroyed by fire overnight. There were no injuries. The cause of the fire is unknown and under investigation. The loss of the facility and the impact on company-wide operations is being assessed and expected to be limited and temporary. No other Azure Standard facilities were affected.

I personally know people that get food from Azure Standard, and many of my readers regularly shop with them.

Let us hope that authorities can discover how the fire was caused.

Until we know more, I will refrain from saying too much about what happened.

For years, we have been warned that a global food crisis was coming, and now it has officially arrived.

And with each passing day, more things are happening which threaten to make it even worse.

For now, we are still eating food that has already been produced.  The real problem will come in the months ahead when total global production of food drops well below the total global demand for food.

***It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***

About the Author: My name is Michael and my brand new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available on  In addition to my new book, I have written five other books that are available on including  “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”“Get Prepared Now”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned)  When you purchase any of these books you help to support the work that I am doing, and one way that you can really help is by sending digital copies as gifts through Amazon to family and friends.  Time is short, and I need help getting these warnings into the hands of as many people as possible.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream, and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial, or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and anyway that you can share these articles with others is a great help.  These are such troubled times, and people need hope.  John 3:16 tells us about the hope that God has given us through Jesus Christ: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”  If you have not already done so, I strongly urge you to ask Jesus to be your Lord and Savior today.

RT Interviews Larry Johnson On Ukraine


RT sent an email and asked to interview Gateway Pundit contributor on the situation in Ukraine. He consented. Here is the result. It ran 13 minutes plus:

The post RT Interviews Larry Johnson On Ukraine appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

“If Elon Musk Gave Me a Piece of the Deal, I’d back Him Because of Executional Performance” – Shark Tank’s Mr. Wonderful BLASTS Twitter, Backs Musk Takeover Bid (VIDEO)


Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary, also known as Mr. Wonderful, doesn’t mind telling it like it is and saying the harsh part out loud – that’s why they call him Mr. Wonderful.

This week, O’Leary did not hold back when he was asked about Elon Musk’s bid to purchase Twitter, slamming the company’s board for being completely inept and announcing his support for the Tesla founder to take over the social media platform so its shareholders can finally start to see a profit after a decade-plus of stagnant stock prices.

According to O’Leary, the entire Twitter board should be fired immediately and changes are drastically needed because the company has been the “most miserable investment” in the tech market, and it’s directly related to their woke censorship practices, to boot.

From O’Leary’s appearance on MSNBC’s Squawk Box this week:

TRENDING: SECRET RECORDING: Kevin McCarthy Told Liz Cheney He Would Tell Trump To Resign In Shocking Leaked Audio

“It’s horrific what this company has done to their shareholders. I weep like a baby for them. I wouldn’t touch this stock. However, if Elon Musk gave me a piece of the deal … I’d back him because of executional performance on everything he touches.

The rest of this board and those employees have done a horrifically bad job. I think they should be fired.”

In other words, as Mr. Wonderful frequently puts it, “take this thing behind the barn and shoot it.”

That is… unless Musk steps in and takes over the reins. He may be the only person who can right this sinking ship, according to the billionaire investor. After all, the Twitter board as it sits now has had almost 10 years to make a profit, so it’s time to go.

The company’s stock value has only risen minimally since its introduction in 2013. At the close of markets last week, Twitter’s stock was at 45.08, less than $4 above its initial price of $41.65 – which is abysmal growth over nearly a decade, especially in tech.

O’Leary continued:

“This is the most miserable investment you could have put your dollars into in social media. It has totally lagged all its other competitors… [The reason] this thing has underperformed is [because] they’ve tried to do this curation by canceling voices and losing millions of followers.”

The best way to look at this is, you gave them a decade, why not get the whacking stick out and just start all over again? And that’s what Elon Musk is proposing.

“The biggest risk for shareholders here – whether you believe in the free speech issue or not – is if Musk goes away, then they’re back in the same miserable place they are now… When you start to try and figure out who should have a voice and who shouldn’t, you’re stepping on the basic principles of free speech in America – and that really doesn’t sit well with a majority of the population.”

The mention of free speech triggered MSNBC host Andrew Sorkin, who at this point pushed back on O’Leary’s favorable view of these principles. In defense of Twitter’s censorship tactics, Sorkin pushed for Twitter’s current status quo because it blocks material like pornography, conveniently ignoring the real issue at hand – which is the censorship of dissenting thought and so-called “misinformation.”

O’Leary, to his credit, doubled down in favor of the first amendment, telling the uptight, virtue-signaling Sorkin to “get over that” tyrannical anti-free speech thought process.

“The cost of free speech, the cost to society, is allowing the lunatic fringe to have a voice, and that’s always been the case – back to when they were writing newspapers by hand. You gotta get over that, Andrew.”



Any way you slice it, Musk taking over Twitter would be for the better.

BIDEN ECONOMY: Now Fannie Mae Says the US Is Facing a ‘Modest’ Recession


We’ve been warning of a potential recession coming.  Now Fannie Mae says the US is facing a ‘modest’ recession within the next year. 

We first warned about a Biden recession in March.  The economy was getting smaller, it was not growing.

BIDEN ECONOMY: Leading Independent Economic Indicators Show GDP Is Contracting – US in Early Stages of Recession

However, after the COVID shutdowns which arguably were not necessary and which created a major self-induced economic downturn, the Trump economy rebounded quickly, much quicker than anyone thought.  By September of 2020, the Trump economy was back and nearly to the levels before the shutdowns were put in place.

TRENDING: SECRET RECORDING: Kevin McCarthy Told Liz Cheney He Would Tell Trump To Resign In Shocking Leaked Audio

GREATEST RECOVERY EVER: “The Recession Is Over” – GDP Estimates Show July GDP Only 4% Less than Peak in February

But then came the 2020 Election and Joe Biden.  After massive government spending, on God knows what, the economy began to contract late last year.  The highest the US GDP has been was last October according to the latest IHS Markit data.


Now Fannie Mae, the US mortgage giant, is saying the US will be in a recession next year.  This was reported yesterday by multiple news outlets.  FOX Business reported:

The U.S. economic outlook is dimming and a downturn could be on the horizon as the Federal Reserve moves to tame the hottest inflation in four decades, according to Fannie Mae economists.

The mortgage lender said in a new economic and housing forecast that the economy faces a “modest recession” in 2023 as a result of the Fed’s aggressive monetary policy tightening trajectory, fallout from the Russian war in Ukraine and the worst inflation in a generation.

“We continue to see multiple drivers of economic growth through 2022, but the need to rein in inflation, combined with other economic indicators, such as the recent inversion of the Treasury yield curve, led us to meaningfully downgrade our expectations for economic growth in 2023,” Doug Duncan, Fannie Mae’s chief economist, said in a statement.

We’ll have to see about those drivers of economic growth in 2022 but it certainly does look like a recession is in the works.

“Without Freedom of Speech, Everything Else Is Irrelevant… Without Freedom of Elections All of This is Just Chatter” – Pamela Geller on the Global Left’s Attack on Freedom


Pamela Geller was on The Joe Hoft Show on the Real Talk Network on Thursday to discuss current events and the current social and political landscape.  

Pamela has been fighting the radical left and brutal Islamist threat for over two decades.   She was famously targeted by jihadists who issued a fatwa for her death numerous times over the years.

During Thursday’s interview she shared the horrific experience on how two Islamists attempted an attack on her free speech event in Texas in 2015.  These radical Islamists traveled from Arizona to Texas to kill Pamela.  They were shot dead before they could kill others.

Pamela then survived another jihadist plot on her life.  This time an ISIS devotee planned to kill her at her home.  He was caught on his way to her residence.  She testified at his trial  where he was sentenced to 28 years in prison for the attempt on her life.

TRENDING: SECRET RECORDING: Kevin McCarthy Told Liz Cheney He Would Tell Trump To Resign In Shocking Leaked Audio

In 2018 Pamela’s daughters were doxxed by a writer at the Daily Beast.  The writer Taylor Lorenz doxed her lovely and successful young daughters.   This was only a couple of years after Pamela was nearly killed in Texas.  Lorenz was rewarded following her disgusting hit piece on Geller’s daughters with a position at The New York Times.

Lorenz, who is now at the Washington Post. She continues to dox individuals she does not agree with, often targeting their family members and minors.

WaPo Supports Their Reporter Taylor Lorenz Despite Horrible Record of Doxing Innocent Children Including Endangering Lives of Pamela Geller’s Children

Pamela discussed this situation and what it was like as a parent to have her children put in mortal danger by Taylor Lorenz and the liberal media.  This was after Pamela was put on a list of targets by ISIS.

If you can’t share a piece of artwork or you can’t share a cartoon then anything is verboten.  Yes, I’ve known Jim, it’s got to be going on 20 years and we’ve always shared the vision that our age was witnessing the ultimate climax of the long process of destruction at the end of the road by really, the global left.

Yes, I focused on jihad, because that was what I saw as the imminent threat to our freedom.  I felt without freedom of speech, everything else is irrelevent…

…Without freedom in elections, all of this is just chatter.  It’s flapping tongues.  Why that is not the preeminant issue for every Republican Congressman, Senator, etc.  Everyone who has not made this the priority is part of the problem.

Next Pamela talked about Taylor Lorenz “who attempted to destroy another effective Twitter account, another effective voice.”

Her first casualty as you know were my children.  When they were unsuccessful in taking me down no matter how they targeted me, no matter what they did, no matter what they said, they went for my kids who were completely apolitical… I was living under a very serious fatwa, which is an Islamic death ruling under Sharia, under Islamic law.  We had a joint terrorism task force in my house, almost every day for a while.  It was a very terrifying situation and she [Lorenz] outed them.

Pamela then talked about the takeover of our institutions and how the monsters claim they are the victims. The rest of the interview was amazing.

Listen to the entire discussion below.

North Carolina’s New River Oyster Highway Turned a Dead Zone Into a Seatrout Fishing Hotspot


The New River Oyster Highway started as an innovative way to clean sea water along North Carolina’s central coast, but it’s turned into a seatrout and redfish fishing hotspot. Located just south of the storied Outer Banks region, the New River had been so horribly polluted that people didn’t fish it or swim in it. It was a barren, dead zone. In fact, in the mid-1990s, a huge waste spill from a commercial pig operation didn’t appreciably degrade the New River because it was already devoid of life. But that sad story took a happy turn with the reintroduction of live oyster reefs, which were the idea of marine biologist Pat Donovan-Brandenburg, the stormwater manager for Jacksonville, North Carolina.

“She had the idea that the only way to revise the New River was stocking it with millions of fresh, live oysters,” says Rocky Carter, president of the Coastal Conservation Association (CCA) of North Carolina. “Oysters are a natural water cleanser, and they provide choice habitat for many inshore saltwater fish.”

Funding for the initial project came from private donors, Duke Energy and other clean water and habitat groups. Several million live oysters from commercial farms were bought and delivered by barge to six chosen sites. Volunteers sunk the oyster clusters in water four to five feet deep. A first phase of six reefs was finished in spring 2019. Each is about the size of a football field and they are spaced about a quarter-mile apart. Another six reefs are being completed now, and more reefs are planned. Other coastal Carolina rivers might also receive reefs to improve water quality and fishing.

“The sites were carefully chosen so that when oysters have spats or young, they drift and flow to nearby oyster reefs to continue the rejuvenation of the coastal habitat that we were creating,” says Carter, who was one of the reef-building volunteers.

Carter says the reefs have about a foot of water over them, and while fishing directly in the oysters can be challenging because of line cut-offs, seatrout and red drum fishing in the nearby areas can be exceptional. Carter fishes the reef areas and has caught trout to 4 pounds, and even bigger redfish.

“I know some very good trout have been caught around the New River Oyster Highway, including some fish in the 6- to -8-pound range,” Carter says.

The New River Oyster Highway is being monitored by state marine biologists and by University of North Caroline marine biology personnel who, at least so far, are pleased with the project. It’s wide open to fishermen and is well marked by signs showing reef locations. The oysters on the reefs are protected, however, with no harvesting allowed.

Swiss KUGS FATBOY Single-Shot Rifle


KUGS is a firearms manufacturing company located in Geneva, Switzerland. The company was established in 2015 by a gun designer named Florian Kohli. Their latest product is a rather unusual-looking minimalistic single-shot rifle called FATBOY. The KUGS FATBOY rifle was designed to be a lightweight firearm for long-range shooting. Let’s take a closer look.

Swiss Firearms @ TFB:


The KUGS Fatboy rifle has an extremely simple and quite a strong design that will be available in a variety of calibers up to and including the .50 BMG. The action is locked via a laterally sliding breech block – similar to an artillery piece. The free-floated barrels are almost completely threaded externally to allow installing barrel harmonics tuning nuts. The barrels are also user-removable for ease of transportation and caliber changes. The lower receiver / trigger housing is made of 6061 aluminum. The stock consists of a pair of steel tubes and a composite buttplate. The LOP is not quick adjustable but it can be changed using different-length stock tubes. The overall weight of the configuration shown in the pictures (chambered in 7.5x55mm, with a 720mm (28.34″) bull barrel), is 3.450kg (7.6 lbs).


The open breech


The breech block


The trigger housing

Here is a video showing how the KUGS FATBOY rifle is loaded and fired.

KUGS claim that the FATBOY rifle is extremely accurate.  According to the company, the rifle has been tested with military 7.5x55mm SWISS (GP11) ammunition and at 300 meters (328 yards), it printed 1/2 MOA 5-shot and 1/3 MOA 3-shot groups.



I think an addition of some bipod attachment interface, a stock adjustment mechanism, a cheekpiece and AR pistol grip compatibility should not complicate the design too much but would definitely make it much more user-friendly. Let us know what you think about the KUGS FATBOY rifle in the comments section.

Pictures and video by KUGS,

A Synopsys of the 2022 Golden Bullseye Awards: Guns Optics and Gear


The firearms industry equivalent of the Oscars or the Grammys is undisputedly the Golden Bullseye Awards which is put on by the National Firearms Association (NRA) every year. The Golden Bullseye Awards picks their top choices every year for various categories including everything from pistols, rifles, and other firearms, all the way out to some more ancillary firearms gear like optics and hearing protection. The 2022 Golden Bullseye Awards has just celebrated its 20th anniversary and have selected its award-winning products based on a combination of factors including innovation, utility, reliability, outstanding performance, and value to the consumer. So today we’ll check out what their top picks were and what the NRA had to say about each of them.

More from the NRA and the Golden Bullseye Awards @ TFB:

A Synopsys of the 2022 Golden Bullseye Awards: Guns Optics and Gear

Photo Credit: Trijicon

A Synopsys of the 2022 Golden Bullseye Awards: Guns Optics and Gear

Accessory of the year | Axil Ghost Stryke Extreme

A Synopsys of the 2022 Golden Bullseye Awards: Guns Optics and Gear

A Synopsys of the 2022 Golden Bullseye Awards: Guns Optics and Gear

I was surprised to learn that one of my favorite range items made the list this year and it isn’t even a firearm. The NRA selected Axil’s Ghost Stryke Extreme digital hearing protection earplugs. They selected this model of hearing protection for its “Bluetooth connectivity capabilities, non-interference with a cheek weld, extended hearing range capabilities, and superior sound quality.” I use Axil Ghost Stryke Extreme earbuds for most shooting applications that happen outdoors and I do find that they are quite useful. They normally MSRP for around $199.99 so they are quite pricey if you’re used using regular in-ear “foamies”.

Optic of the Year | Trijicon RMRcc

A Synopsys of the 2022 Golden Bullseye Awards: Guns Optics and Gear

A Synopsys of the 2022 Golden Bullseye Awards: Guns Optics and Gear

This is another item that I still personally use on my daily carry gun but this time I am less surprised that it has made the list. The NRA picked the RMRcc based on the following criteria: “Legendary reliability, Ease of use, long battery life, fits a multitude of pistols.” I personally like the RMRcc because it just makes sense for today’s micro-compact pistols and for the fact that it gives people with diminishing eyesight a better option for aiming pistols over iron sights. RMRcc optics generally retail for around $699.00.

Handgun of the Year | Kimber R7 Mako

A Synopsys of the 2022 Golden Bullseye Awards: Guns Optics and Gear

Photo: Nick C TFB | A Synopsys of the 2022 Golden Bullseye Awards: Guns Optics and Gear

I’ve never actually handled one of these before but from what I’ve heard about them so far, Kimber’s first venture into the non-1911 market has been a huge success. The NRA picked the R7 Mako as the 2022 Golden Bullseye award winner for Handgun Of The Year for its availability with a pre-installed crimson trace optic, flat-faced trigger, one-inch width, and beveled edges for enhanced comfort. TFB Writer Nick C reviewed the Kimber R7 Mako in the fall of 2021 and he liked it for its concealed-carry focused design which makes use of a closed top slide that helps prevent foreign objects like lint from getting inside of the gun, and as a secondary bonus, also protects the micro red dot lens from carbon fouling. The Kimber R7 Mako retails for an MSRP of $599 without the optic or $799 with the optic installed.

Rifle of the Year | Rock River Arms RBG-1S

Photo Credit: Rock River Arms | A Synopsys of the 2022 Golden Bullseye Awards: Guns Optics and Gear

I’ll let American Rifleman Field Editor Bryce M. Towsley explain this one: “… for a serious long-range aficionado who does not want to spend six or seven grand on a full-blown custom rifle, the RBG-1S is an excellent alternative.” The NRA selected the RBG-1S rifle chambered in 6.5 Creedmoor for its KRG Whiskey-3 chassis, its 20-MOA canted optics rail, threaded barrel, and the inclusion of an adjustable Trigger Tech trigger. These precision rifles retail for an MSRP of $4,235.00

Shotgun of the Year | EAA Churchill Optics Tactical

A Synopsys of the 2022 Golden Bullseye Awards: Guns Optics and Gear

Photo Credit: EAA/Akkar | A Synopsys of the 2022 Golden Bullseye Awards: Guns Optics and Gear

EAA/Akkar released the Churchill Optics Tactical 220 about midway through 2021 and it is basically a semi-auto version of the pump-action EAA 620 which was released around the same time. The NRA liked this shotgun for its enlarged loading gate, breached choke, fiber-optic front sight, and pre-installed red-dot sight. EAA imports these shotguns from the Turkish firearms company Akkar and if you’re interested in picking one up, they are $427 for the pump-action and $561 for the semi-auto 220. TFBTV Executive Producer James Reeves has been doing a lot of Turkish Shotgun torture test videos so feel free to head on over to the TFTV YouTube page to check out those videos if you’re interested.

Ammunition Product of the Year | Federal Force X2 Buckshot

A Synopsys of the 2022 Golden Bullseye Awards: Guns Optics and Gear

Photo Credit: Federal Ammunition | A Synopsys of the 2022 Golden Bullseye Awards: Guns Optics and Gear

This unique take on buckshot changes the game up a bit over normal solid lead buckshot and instead uses split pellets that are supposed to break into more pieces as they begin to penetrate with the intention of creating more wound cavities. The NRA selected this ammunition as the Golden Bullseye winner for the Ammunition category based on its high-antimony-content lead core, split pellet design, its 12% lighter weight over traditional buckshot, and its use of copper-plated shot. This ammunition is currently available for $27.99 for a box of 10 shells.

Do You Agree with These Picks?

Some of the picks on this list seem completely justified to me but others are somewhat questionable in my opinion. But I’d rather hear what you guys have to say about the selections for the 2022 Golden Bullseye Awards. Do you use any of the products that won awards this year? If you don’t agree with the choices, which product would you have picked instead? Let us know down in the comments!