Plane Crashes Near General Mills Food Plant Amid Outbreak Of Fires In Food Processing Facilities Across The Nation


A small plane killed two people as it crashed miles away from a General Mills plant in Georgia on Thursday night, exploding on impact and nearly demolishing the cereal manufacturer’s facility.

“Obviously this was a devastating crash and there are no survivors,” Covington police Capt. Ken Malcolm told reporters following the collision. “We are working on a lead to determine who the victims were in the crash.”

“According to witnesses, they believe the plane was having trouble gaining altitude. They could hear that there was engine trouble,” he continued. “Suddenly the plane veered to the right and immediately came straight down and crashed into the lot behind us. This is the General Mills plant that produces cereal here in our area. The plane went down in an isolated area here on the lot behind us in an area where they store tractor-trailers. The plane came down into four, what appear to be empty, trailers.”

“The fact that it didn’t crash into the plant, saved many lives,” Malcolm added. “Our job is to contain the scene, turn over the scene to the [Federal Aviation Administration].”

TRENDING: SECRET RECORDING: Kevin McCarthy Told Liz Cheney He Would Tell Trump To Resign In Shocking Leaked Audio

General Mills issued a statement following the incident, assuring, “No employees were harmed and we’re partnering with the FAA and local law enforcement.”

According to law enforcement officials, the aircraft, a Cessna twin-engine plane, crashed approximately 35 miles east of Atlanta in an isolated parking lot near an industrial plant off Interstate 20, nearly demolishing the General Mills plant.

The FAA issued a statement noting that the incident is undergoing investigation.

The plane crashed at around 7 pm, the FAA confirmed, adding, “We don’t have additional information at this time.”

The crash near the General Mills plant comes after a string of food processing plants have been set ablaze across the United States over the past six months amid soaring food prices and historic inflation.


On  August 11, Tyson Foods Inc TSN.N meat-processing plant in Kansas caught fire causing significant damage. The plant was subsequently indefinitely shut down despite providing approximately 6 percent of the US supply chain’s beef. Analysts warned the closure of the facility would catastrophically impact market prices nationwide.

Days later, on August 23, Patak Meat Products, a meat processor in Cobb County, Georgia was set ablaze. The temporary closure of the facility, a family-owned business had minimal impact on the national food supply chain.

On Sept 13, a third food plant was set on fire. JBS beef production plant in Grand Island, Nebraska, which processes 5 percent of the nation’s beef, was reportedly aflame for nearly 15 hours. Firefighters resorted to employing aerial devices and three engine companies to isolate the fire.

On February 22, Shearer’s Food Processing Plant in Hermiston, Oregon, which supplies a large portion of the western United States with potato chips, burned down.

A boiler fueled by natural gas allegedly exploded,  setting the plant on fire and injuring several employees.

On March 16, a Walmart facility in Indianapolis, Indiana was set aflame. The Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives bureau’s National Response Team is reportedly investigating the cause and origin of the fire.

On April 11, a fire demolished East Conway Beef & Pork. Just two cows were killed. Firefighters spent 16 hours hosing down the rubble, the Conway Daily Sun reports.

On April 13, a massive fire at the Talyor Farms Processing Facility in Salina, California was ignited, burning down nearly 85 percent of the 225,000 square foot building. The California agriculture company supplies salad kits in grocery stores nationwide.

On April 15, China-owned US pork producer, Smithfield Foods, shut down its operations in South Dakota. the plant Chinese billionaire owner Wan Long, claimed the US facility warranted closure amid the threats presented by COVID-19.

China Billionaire Undermines US Food Supply – Shuts Down Pork Plants in Multiple States – But Beef Packers Not Affected for Some Strange Reason?

Earlier this week, on April 19, a fire destroyed the headquarters of Azure Standard, the nation’s primary supplier of organic and healthy food. The cause of the fire remains unclear.

Azure Standard founder and CEO David Stelzer issued a statement warning the temporary shutdown of production would have a major detrimental impact on the supply chain.

“For our customers, three primary product groups are affected due to the destroyed automated liquid pour facility, fruit packing facilities and carob products facilities,” Stelzer said.  “Because of this, we will experience out-of-stock status for Azure Market oils, honey and vinegars – basically any Azure Market liquid product – as well as our carob products for the short term. We are not yet at fruit harvest, so no immediate impact will be experienced from the loss of our fruit packing facility. None of the products we distribute for our vendors will be affected.”

This is what America happens to the United States when anti-American Democrats get away with stealing federal elections, weaponizing the intelligence agencies against the American people and relinquishing the U.S. Consitution to the World Health Economic Forum and Big Pharma.

Biden Does His Creepy Whisper Thing Again… Then Starts Shouting in Earth Day Remarks (VIDEO)


Joe Biden on Friday delivered remarks on Earth Day from Seward Park, Seattle in Washington state.

Biden flew his gas-guzzling jumbo jet over 3,000 miles from DC to the Pacific Northwest to lecture Americans on the virtues of making sacrifices to tackle climate change.

Makes sense.

Joe Biden went off-script said the quiet part out loud: “This crisis is a genuine opportunity…an opportunity to do things we wanted to do,” he said of the environment.

TRENDING: HE’S FINISHED: GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Released Statement Saying NYT Authors Misquoted Him on Pushing Trump from Office — THEN THEY RELEASED THE AUDIO

“Every vehicle in the United States military, every vehicle, is going to be climate friendly,” said Biden.

Biden leaned forward and did his weird creepy whisper thing again – then he began shouting out of no where.


Truckers Shutdown LA Freeway In Protest Of Biden’s Fuel Prices


With signs airing complaints about the impact of rising fuel costs and freight brokerage companies ‘ripping off’ both customers and carriers, a group of about ten big-rigs ground traffic to a halt in Glendale, California.

Stu Mandel, an Aerial photojournalist with FoxLA, was the first to report on the protest that took place just outside of Los Angeles.

From his SkyFox vantage point, he captured pictures and video of the gridlock traffic. In a tweet posted to his account, he stated that the truckers were shutting down lanes in protest of fuel prices.

TRENDING: HE’S FINISHED: GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Released Statement Saying NYT Authors Misquoted Him on Pushing Trump from Office — THEN THEY RELEASED THE AUDIO

The nationwide quarantines of the COVID-19 pandemic have seemingly alerted truckers to the critical role they play as the backbone of interstate commerce and how they are often left out of the minds of those that depend on them.

NBC Los Angeles reports:

Big rigs, some with banners demanding lower diesel fuel prices, were stopped on the southbound 5 Freeway near the 134 Freeway interchange. Traffic was crawling past in one last of the 5 Freeway.

The California Highway Patrol incident log indicated some drivers were out of their vehicles and walking on the freeway with banners.

Some of the big rigs pulled to the side of the road later Friday morning, allowing traffic to resume.

Still, questions remain. Will this show of discontent and desperation inspire other truckers to take similar action? How long had this protest been planned? Have the truckers appointed a spokesperson to further elaborate on their grievances?

The Gateway Pundit will keep you apprised of any developments.

Every Day Is Earth Day When You’re a Deer Hunter


As I sat in my deer stand last fall on a still, lonely October afternoon, I heard a sound behind me. I rotated my head at a speed best measured in inches per hour until I could see motion out of the corner of my left eye. Something grayish moving through dry broomsedge. I continued rotating until the movement was in better focus. What I saw was not a deer but a sight just as thrilling to me. A huge, silver-bodied, black-headed southern fox squirrel.

I grew up here on my family’s farm in southeast Georgia. I learned to fish, shoot, and hunt here. I was outdoors every day I could be. Yet I did not see my first southern fox squirrel on this land until I was in my late 40s. The last couple years, I’ve seen as many as three at once. I’ve even caught them on my trail cameras.

Why are native fox squirrels returning to our land after decades of absence? Because of deer hunting.

A southern fox squirrel on trail camera.
A southern fox squirrel, captured on the author’s trail cam. Lindsay Thomas Jr.

Other things are returning lately, too. While I was hunting shed antlers a couple of springs ago, something on the ground caught my eye. I stopped, backed up, and squatted. Growing low to the ground beneath other grasses and forbs was a small plant with a spray of little exploding fireworks for flowers. I’d never seen anything like it before.

I took a photo with my phone and later, with the help of knowledgeable folks on social media, identified the wildflower as candyroot (Polygala nana), a Coastal Plain native. Other native wildflower discoveries followed: the showy, yellow, pea-like flowers of gopherweed (Baptisia lanceolata); the almond-sized fruit of the low-growing gopher apple (Licani michauxii); the outlandish flowers of a plant with an equally outlandish name: rattlesnake master (Eryngium yuccifolium).

Why are these and other wildflowers appearing on our land now when I’d never seen them before? Because of deer hunting.

To convince you, I’ll back up to the 1990s when we began to use thinning of pine timber to restore sunlight to the forest floor along with prescribed fire to stimulate and maintain the understory plant growth that fed on the sunlight. All this work was designed to produce deer forage so we could hunt the deer attracted to and fattened on that forage.

Deer habitat work by hunters on earth day.
Killing Chinese tallow tree to help native biodiversity. Lindsay Thomas Jr.

Fire worked so well for this that around 2001 my dad committed 125 acres of remaining farmland to restoration of a native, slow-growing but fire-tolerant tree species – longleaf pine. You can burn young longleaf stands with slow, “cool” prescribed fires that would kill loblolly pines of the same age. We are now planting longleaf seedlings in the understory of thinned loblolly to eventually convert those stands and continue restoring a nearly vanished ecosystem of longleaf and fire. Given sunlight again, and the natural stimulant of fire, wildflower seeds that have lain dormant in the soil for decades are finally sensing their opportunity.

Meanwhile, we’ve also worked to control invasive plant species. Chinese privet had established large patches where all other native plants were choked out, but we’ve got it nearly under control now. Chinaberry, Chinese tallow trees, and Japanese climbing fern are also invading, and we’re working to remove them now.

Fox squirrels. Wildflowers, and the butterflies they draw. Bobwhite quail. Swallow-tailed kites hunting among the tops of pine trees. Hooded pitcher plants. I hope we soon see gopher tortoises and indigo snakes return here, too, filling in more of the iconic species of the longleaf sandhills. None of this was in our vision when we started lighting fires and planting trees like longleaf pines and swamp chestnut oaks. We had deer on our minds. We’ve produced great deer hunting, but we accidentally produced forest and wildlife diversity in the process.

Pitcher plants and gopher apples scaled.
Hooded pitcher plants (left) and gopher apple, both of which are native to the author’s deer property. Lindsay Thomas Jr.

The longleaf pine community is unique to the Southeast, but switch it out with any other iconic plant and animal communities and you’ll find our story playing out all over the United States by other deer hunters. The proof is in the industry we spawned. Many regional and national real estate agencies now have the sole mission of selling rural lands to deer hunters. “Wildlife consulting” is now a profitable career option for wildlife biologists, exterior decorators of sorts who guide deer and habitat management on many private acres.

Deer hunters are signing up for conservation incentive programs and protecting their natural lands with conservation easements. They are using fire, killing non-native invasive plants, selectively thinning forests to call down sunlight, and in the process restoring native plants, birds, insects, reptiles, amphibians, small mammals, and more on millions of acres. For some of us, it’s no longer accidental, but wholly intentional.

Many North American animals and plants, including some that are threatened, are doing quite well by riding the coat-tails of the whitetail, and we deer hunters should take a bow on Earth Day for our habitat and biodiversity work. Scientists worldwide are concerned about the scope of extinction in our time, but because of deer hunting, they have a lot less to worry about in whitetail country.

New Razor Tek Fixed Blade Stainless Steel Knives from Cold Steel


Fixed blade knives seem to be back in vogue these days and I think that’s a good thing. Cold Steel has just unveiled their new Razor Tek fixed blade knives that will come in three different lengths ranging from smaller 4″ blades suitable for everyday carry all the way up to the larger 6.5″ Razor Tek for tasks that require a more meaty blade. Each of these new blades will be made from 4116 stainless steel and will come equipped with a specially designed Secure-Ex sheath.

More Knife Content @ TFB:

New Razor Tek Fixed Blade Stainless Steel Knives from Cold Steel

New Razor Tek Fixed Blade Stainless Steel Knives from Cold Steel

The first two knives in the Razor Tek series will feature a 3mm thick 4116 fine-grain stainless steel blade in 4″ and 5″ lengths. The 4″ Razor Tek takes on a clip point blade shape with no jimping along the length of the spine of the blade until after the sharpened portion ends. Cold Steel says this option is great for self-defense, bushcraft, and field dressing of small game animals. The Razor Tek 4″ blade will be sold for $99.99.

New Razor Tek Fixed Blade Stainless Steel Knives from Cold Steel

4″ Razor Tek

Slightly longer and featuring a different blade style than its 4″ brother is the 5″ Razor Tek. This longer version still features a 3.2mm thick blade but uses a recurve blade style instead of a clip point. Recurve blades are often favored by many as they give you a similar function to blade serrations but without the extra difficulty of sharpening them. The 5″ blade will be sold for $129.99.

New Razor Tek Fixed Blade Stainless Steel Knives from Cold Steel

5″ Razor Tek

Finally, we have the largest of the three new knives. The 6.5″ Razor Tek. Like the 5″ version, the 6.5″ features a recurve blade but in a slightly thicker 4.5mm configuration. This blade is intended to be used for wilderness survival by being a great chopping tool while still being extremely resistant to corrosion due to its stainless steel blade material. The large 6.5″ blade is $199.99 with its dedicated sheath.

New Razor Tek Fixed Blade Stainless Steel Knives from Cold Steel

6.5″ Razor Tek

All three knives feature an ergonomically designed GFN (Glass-Filled Nylon) handle that has what looks like a very aggressive texture which would be good for a secure grip even if your hands are a little sweaty or covered in other liquids that you encounter in the wild. All three blades are available now from the Cold Steel website and currently only come in one handle color. What do you guys think of these new blades? Let us know down in the comments!

Mathematician: Governments Manipulated COVID Data To Panic The Masses & Create “Crisis”


A mathematician and professor of risk information management at Queen Mary University of London has started warning the public about how government officials manipulated the COVID-19 data and lied to the public when implementing testing, lockdown, mask, and vaccine protocols throughout the plandemic.

Dr. Norman Fenton, Ph.D., says that almost from the very start of the scamdemic, he could see that health officials were manufacturing “proof” of a crisis in order to mislead the public into accepting wide-scale tyranny and medical abuse under the guise of getting “vaccinated”. Fenton spoke with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., on his “RFK Jr. The Defender Podcast” about this subject, revealing that most governments were willing to not “let a crisis go to waste,” so they created nonsensical propaganda and peddled it to their people.

“It was clear I think from the start that most of the data that governments put out – not just the UK government, but most governments around the world … were kind of misleading because it was based on very easily manipulated statistics,” Fenton told Kennedy when asked about the challenges he saw when the plandemic first emerged. “There was an immediate rush to draw conclusions, which were sort of based on over-simplistic data on case numbers and deaths,” he added. “The problem was that that data was very easily used by influencers and decision-makers to fit particular narratives that exaggerated the scale of the crisis.”

It is now apparent, according to Fenton, that the alleged virus was nowhere near as dangerous as the government and media were claiming. The use of PCR tests was also misguided since the tests are inherently fraudulent, and were never intended or designed to function as a diagnostic tool for the disease.

Fenton has long understood this, but since most of the public simply believed what social media or the television was telling them, there was no getting through to many people about the anti-scientific nature of pretty much everything that came down the pike.

“We were initially led to believe that the PCR test was an accurate diagnostic test,” Fenton told Kennedy. “But later, of course, we discovered that wasn’t true. And the impact of that has been catastrophic.” -Natural News

The CDC ADMITS: PCR Tests CANNOT Differentiate Between Coronaviruses!

Fenton has faced constant attacks that began in the early fall of 2020 when he publicly challenged the way COVID deaths were being calculated. People dying in motorcycle accidents or dying from choking on asparagus are not “COVID deaths,” but in so many cases, they were being logged as such. “That was when we were finding the real problems about the false positives and the scale of the false positives,” Fenton reminds the world about the timeline of all this.

Post-injection deaths were also being falsely categorized as “unvaccinated deaths” if they occurred within the first two weeks, this being another sleight-of-hand by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

More Government Data: Almost 70% Of COVID Deaths Were Among The “Vaccinated”

Lies & Data Manipulation: NYC Adds 3,700 Who Never Tested Positive To COVID-19 Death Toll

This scamdemic has been about stoking fear and panicking the masses into taking a shot. The ruling classes knew they would never be able to convince people to take a gene therapy injection for the common cold, so they panicked the gullible and in turn, those people subjected themselves to shot because they were terrified.



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DEVELOPING: Texas National Guard Soldier Drowns in Rio Grande Trying to Rescue Illegal Aliens


Joe Biden has blood on his hands.

A new record 221,203 illegal alien apprehensions were recorded in March.

This was a 33% increase from the previous year.

And, as The Gateway Pundit previously reported, once Title 42 is lifted in May the numbers could double. This is what you call an open border. This is how Joe Biden and the Democrats destroy the country.

TRENDING: HE’S FINISHED: GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Released Statement Saying NYT Authors Misquoted Him on Pushing Trump from Office — THEN THEY RELEASED THE AUDIO

A Texas National Guard soldier on Friday drowned in the Rio Grande trying to rescue illegal aliens in Eagle Pass.

Via Fox News reporter Bill Melugin: “Multiple sources tell me a Texas National Guard soldier has just drowned in the Rio Grande here in Eagle Pass while trying to save migrants in the water. Texas DPS confirms, and tells me a body has been recovered. I’m told a statement will be coming out soon.”

Video from the scene:

DEVELOPING…please check back for updates.

Holosun Introduces the New SCS-MOS-GR Solar Charging Sight


If you were all paying close attention to SHOT Show 2022, you’ll remember that Holosun introduced the SCS or Solar Charging Sight which uses the sun to power its diode and keep its internal 2-year capacity battery topped off. While red versions were initially proposed during SHOT Show 2022, Holosun just announced today that they would only be releasing the sight in a green variant at this time dubbed the SCS-MOS-GR. More details are below but if you’re looking for a good primer on this topic, go ahead and check out the link below to see TFB writer Nick C’s coverage of the SCS from SHOT Show 2022.

More from Holosun @ TFB:

Holosun Introduces the new SCS-MOS-GR Solar Charging Sight

HOLOSUN is excited to announce the innovative SCS-MOS-GR with our Super Green LED technology. The SCS-MOS-GR features indefinite power when light is applied to the solar cell, and the ability to maintain an internal reserve of two years of battery life for low or no light conditions. Holosun’s Auto Mode programming coupled with multiple photo sensors adjust the reticle intensity to match any lighting scenario.

SCS also features a low battery indicator when powered on, a high brightness override mode for special scenarios, and the Holosun Multi-reticle System. With no need to replace batteries and Holosun’s Solar /Auto Mode innovations, the SCS-MOS-GR is the pinnacle of pistol optic technology.

Due to the stringent requirements of the SCS, the red LED does not meet the battery life performance standards we have set with the SCS green. Therefore, we have decided to release the green model only rather than release two models with substantially different performance. Be sure to follow @holosunoptics for more details on the upcoming SCS-MOS-GR.

Holosun Introduces the new SCS-MOS-GR Solar Charging Sight

According to the product listing on Kenzie’s Optics, the red dot version of the SCS-MOS is still listed on the site but is marked as “out of stock” with an “Indefinite Release Date”. The SCS-MOS-GR will still feature the same 2-MOA center dot paired with the 32-MOA outer dot. The SCS-MOS-GR should be released sometime in early to mid-May according to the product page. The new green dot sight will feature a Grade 5 titanium housing, parallax-free viewing window, self-adjusting brightness controls, and per its namesake will feature direct mounting capability with serrations to match the Glock MOS system.

I’d like to hear your thoughts on this new sight. Is this one you’d pick up for your Glock MOS pistol or do you think that having an internal self-charging battery is asking too much for a pistol-mounted red dot?

Holosun Introduces the new SCS-MOS-GR Solar Charging Sight

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“We’ve Done a Hell of a Job,” It’s Just “Hard For People” to Understand – Biden to Democrat Elitists at Portland Yacht Club Fundraiser (AUDIO)


Joe Biden attended a ritzy fundraiser and rubbed elbows with DC elites Thursday evening after incoherently babbling in Portland.

Biden attended a fundraiser at the Portland Yacht Club hosted by Win McCormack, the owner of the Communist rag, “The New Republic.”

Biden said Democrats have done such a great job that it’s just hard for people to understand how well things are going.

“What I’m worried about now is that we’ve done one hell of a job, but the fact is things have moved so rapidly, so profoundly, it’s hard for people to understand…let me just give you a few statistics…” Biden said to a group of out-of-touch elitists.

TRENDING: SECRET RECORDING: Kevin McCarthy Told Liz Cheney He Would Tell Trump To Resign In Shocking Leaked Audio

The statistics are just too confusing.

  • Inflation rates are at a 40-year high
  • Gas prices are at record highs
  • Covid vaccine mandates
  • Endless mask mandates for airplanes
  • Millions of illegals flooding over the US border
  • Russia-Ukraine conflict
  • 13 dead US service members in Afghanistan

According to Biden, that’s one hell of a job.


Obama and Hillary Push for Government Censorship Claiming This Will “Bolster World Democracy”


Barack Obama and Hillary are pushing for government censorship.  To hell with individual rights and the Constitution. 

In a speech at Stanford, Obama called for more government oversight over the Big Tech industry that is already trampling all over Americans’ rights to free speech.  Obama was a big part of this censorship.  The New York Times reported:

TRENDING: SECRET RECORDING: Kevin McCarthy Told Liz Cheney He Would Tell Trump To Resign In Shocking Leaked Audio

Former President Barack Obama on Thursday called for greater regulatory oversight of the country’s social media giants, saying their power to curate the information that people consume has “turbocharged” political polarization and threatened the pillars of democracy across the globe.

Weighing in on the debate over how to address the spread of disinformation, he said the companies needed to subject their proprietary algorithms to the same kind of regulatory oversight that ensured the safety of cars, food and other consumer products.

He then went on to use a lie to make his point:

Mr. Obama spoke at a conference organized by Stanford’s Cyber Policy Center, which is dedicated to the challenges the digital world has created for democracy in the United States and beyond. He cited his own effective use of social media as a candidate but also his frustration with how Russia’s president, Vladimir V. Putin, used social media to influence the outcome of the 2016 presidential election.

After the 2016 Election, Big Tech totally censored conservative opinions.  Project Veritas confirmed Facebook’s bias and actions.  Most Americans hate the communist policies and attitudes that Obama portrays and that Big Tech uses against Americans.

New Project Veritas Video Confirms Without a Doubt Facebook Has been Targeting Conservatives and Interfering with Elections on a Global Scale

Hillary also is calling for government censorship.  This time she calls out Europe to get the government involved to “bolster global democracy”.  This proves Hillary is not so smart and totally corrupt.

Most Americans know Hillary and Obama are corrupt.  They don’t care what they say.  Also, most Americans want free speech, not more censorship.