ONE DOWN: Former Good Place Actress Turned Annoying Activist Jameela Jamil Quits Twitter Over Elon Musk Purchase


Former Good Place actress turned obnoxious leftist activist Jameela Jamil has quit Twitter over Elon Musk purchasing the platform.

Jamil specifically cited her anti-free speech sentiments as the reason for her departure.

“Ah he got twitter. I would like this to be my what lies here as my last tweet. Just really *any* excuse to show pics of Barold. I fear this free speech bid is going to help this hell platform reach its final form of totally lawless hate, bigotry, and misogyny. Best of luck. ❤️” Jamil tweeted, along with four photos of herself appearing to play with her dog in her bra.

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Earlier in the day, Jamil had tweeted hinting at her upcoming rage quit.

“One good thing about Elon buying twitter is that I will *FINALLY* leave and stop being a complete menace to society on here. So it’s win win for you all really,” Jamil wrote, as Twitter users waited for the announcement.

Jamil previously used the platform for important endeavors such as getting a small business’ contract with Macy’s cancelled because she found portion control jokes offensive.

Deputy AG Lisa Monaco – In on Obama’s Secret Russia Meetings in 2016 in White House – Caught Using a Pseudonymous Email Likely Against the Law


The DOJ’s Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco was caught using a pseudonymous email while in office.  This comes as no surprise since Monaco was part of Obama’s secret team that met in the White House basement in 2016 to discuss Trump-Russia collusion sham. 

The Daily Caller reported today that Deputy AG Lisa Monaco has been using a pseudonymous email while in her current role.  This is illegal.

Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco’s alleged use of a “pseudonymous email account” may be breaking “clearly applicable laws,” a lawyer responsible for uncovering Obama EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson’s false identity told the Daily Caller on Monday.

Monaco, confirmed by the Senate in April 2021 with bipartisan support, holds the Justice Department’s (DOJ) number two gig and in part focuses on the DOJ’s Jan. 6 riot investigation.

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Buried in an early-Monday morning New York Times article about Attorney General Merrick B. Garland was a revelation about how Monaco conducted business – and Washington, D.C., lawyer Chris Horner says it raises questions similar to those asked when he learned Jackson used “alias” email accounts.

Does this really come as any surprise?  Monaco is involved in the Jan 6 indictments which are the most egregious actions taken by the DOJ against innocent Americans in decades, if not ever.  Monaco is also famous for being a member of Obama’s team in 2016 that met in the basement behind closed doors to talk about the Trump-Russia collusion scam.

We reported on the secret Obama meetings in June of 2018.  These meetings were attended by various Obama lackeys per Yahoo.

For the usual interagency sessions, principals and deputies could bring staffers. Not this time. “There were no plus ones,” an attendee recalled. When the subject of a principals or deputies meeting was a national security matter, the gathering was often held in the Situation Room of the White House. The in‑house video feed of the Sit Room — without audio — would be available to national security officials at the White House and elsewhere, and these officials could at least see that a meeting was in progress and who was attending. For the meetings related to the Russian hack, Susan Rice, Obama’s national security adviser, ordered the video feed turned off. She did not want others in the national security establishment to know what was under way, fearing leaks from within the bureaucracy.

Rice would chair the principals’ meetings — which brought together Brennan; Comey; Kerry; Director of National Intelligence James Clapper; Defense Secretary Ash Carter; Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson; Treasury Secretary Jack Lew; Attorney General Loretta Lynch; and Gen. Joseph Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — with only a few other White House officials present, including White House chief of staff Denis McDonough; homeland security adviser Lisa Monaco, and Colin Kahl, Vice President Joe Biden’s national security adviser. (Kahl had to insist to Rice that he be allowed to attend so that Biden could be fully briefed.)

John Kerry and Tony Blinken from the State Department were also present but not the country’s National Security Director at that time, General Mike Rogers, who could not be trusted to push the Trump Russia lie.  See more on this below.

Obama Held ‘Russia Meetings’ in the White House and Invited John Kerry but Not NSA’s Honorable Admiral Rogers

BREAKING: Trump-Appointed Federal Judge Issues Temporary Restraining Order Barring Joe Biden From Lifting Title 42


A Trump-appointed federal judge on Monday granted a temporary restraining order to prevent the Biden Regime from lifting Title 42, a Trump-era order blocking asylum seekers at the US border.

Title 42 was used by President Trump in 2020 to expel migrants seeking asylum during the Covid pandemic.

Biden ordered Title 42 to be lifted on May 23, but a federal judge just barred him from ending the Trump-era order.

Earlier this month, Arizona Louisiana, and Missouri filed the lawsuit against Biden’s decision to end Title 42 on May 23.

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US District Judge for the Western District of Louisiana Robert Summerhays, a Trump appointee, granted a temporary restraining order on Monday.

“In a lawsuit originally filed by Missouri, Louisiana, and Arizona, our Office just obtained a temporary restraining order to keep Title 42 in place. This is a huge victory for border security, but the fight continues on.” Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt said.

The following states have, so far, joined the lawsuit:

Arizona, Louisiana, Missouri, Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming.


Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis Signs Election Integrity Bill Dedicated to Voter Fraud Prevention – Makes Ballot Harvesting a Felony (VIDEO)


Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signed election integrity legislation into law on Monday to improve election security, transparency, and administration.

Governor DeSantis signed Senate Bill 524, Election Administration, in Spring Hill to guarantee Florida continues to have secure and accurate elections, according to the news release.

“Twenty years ago, nobody thought Florida was a prime example of how to conduct elections, but we have become a national leader by running the most secure elections in the country,” said Governor Ron DeSantis. “We need to do more to ensure our elections remain secure. We have ended ballot harvesting, stopped drop boxes and the mass mailing of ballots, and banned Zuckerbucks, and this bill will give us more resources to make sure bad actors are held accountable.”

“When Covid hit, we did not change unconstitutionally, changed procedures. We followed the law. We applied the law just like it was. And the result was on election night. You counted 99% of the votes by midnight on election night in Florida. And you look at these other States, and it took them days, weeks. Some of them, like New York and California, it takes them over a month just to count the votes from one election. And so, that does not inspire confidence,” DeSantis said before signing the bill.

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“I think people see especially you have one candidate winning on election night and then three days later the other candidate wins with all these votes that are done. So that’s not the way to do it,” DeSantis added.

Governor DeSantis posted more details on the bill, SB 524 takes FIVE KEY STEPS to ensure that Florida Elections remain SECURE:

  • Creates an Office of Election Crimes and Security to investigate allegations of voter fraud.
  • Increases the penalty for ballot harvesting from a first-degree misdemeanor to a third-degree felony, punishable by up to 5 years in prison, a $5,000 fine, and up to 5 years probation.
  • Requires the Department of State to strengthen ID requirements for mail-in ballots.
  • Requires supervisors of elections to check voter rolls every year for ineligible voters.
  • Broadens the prohibition of election supervisors from receiving “Zuckerbucks.”

You can read the summary of the bill here and below:

“I Don’t Have Any Information on That” – Psaki When Asked Why Hunter Biden’s Closest Business Partner Visited Obama’s White House 19 Times and Met with Joe Biden (VIDEO)


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Monday dodged a question about a New York Post report revealing Hunter Biden’s closest business partner visited the White House while Joe Biden was Vice President.

Hunter Biden’s business partner, Eric Schwerin, visited the Obama White House 19 times, according to visitor logs reviewed by The New York Post:

Hunter Biden’s closest business partner made at least 19 visits to the White House and other official locations between 2009 and 2015, including a sitdown with then-Vice President Joe Biden in the West Wing.

Visitor logs from the White House of former President Barack Obama reviewed by The Post cast further doubt over Joe Biden’s claims that he knew nothing of his son’s dealings.

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Eric Schwerin met with Vice President Biden on November 17, 2010 in the West Wing, when he was the president of the since-dissolved investment fund Rosemont Seneca Partners.

The logs also reveal that Schwerin met with various close aides of both Joe and Jill Biden at key moments in Hunter’s life when he was striking multi-million dollar deals in foreign countries, including China. Yet President Biden has long insisted he had no involvement in his son’s foreign affairs. “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” he said in 2019.

Psaki dodged a PBS reporter’s question about why Hunter Biden’s business partner Eric Schwerin had access to the White House and why he had a sit-down meeting with then-VP Joe Biden.

“The New York Post is reporting, looking at White House visitor logs, there were 19 visits to the White House while the President was Vice President by Hunter Biden’s business partner…Can you help us understand why that business partner had access and what those meetings were about?” PBS reporter Lisa Desjardins asked Psaki.

“I don’t have any information on that,” Psaki said.


California Is Building the World’s Largest Wildlife Crossing. It Could Prevent Mountain Lion Inbreeding


Construction crews broke ground Friday on a new 200-foot wildlife crossing in the suburbs of Agoura Hills, a city just north of Los Angeles. The $90 million crossing, scheduled for completion in 2025, will pass over one of the busiest freeways in Southern California to connect wild lands in the Santa Monica Mountains.

The 210-foot long and 165-foot wide crossing will be fitted with vegetated barriers and native plants to block sound and light pollution from the highway as wild species like snakes, deer, and mountain lions cross over the highway. That price tag may seem hefty, but it’s less than a tenth of the $1 billion wildlife-vehicle crashes have cost California in the last five years.

Roughly 300,000 cars pass through this stretch of the 101 freeway in Agoura Hills every day. The freeway, which spans 10 lanes, is a barrier to wildlife in the Santa Monica Mountains, which can support an estimated population of 10 to 12 mountain lions. 

“This is a vital crossing in one of the last undeveloped areas on the 101, and building a safe passage gives us a chance to ensure the future of the mountain lions in the Santa Monica Mountains,” said Seth Wiley, wildlife branch chief of the Santa Monica Mountains Recreation Area. 

A gps-collared mountain lion in Santa Monica will eventually benefit from wildlife crossings.
The mountain lions in Santa Monica are currently suffering from a lack of genetic diversity which researchers say is tied to habitat fragmentation. NPS

At least 26 lions have been killed on Los Angeles freeways since 2002, according to the NPS. Two of these incidents have recently highlighted the issue, including one in March when a lion was struck on Highway 1 and another the day before the crossing ceremony on the 405 freeway. 

These vehicle strikes are only part of the problem. During the ground-breaking ceremony, NPS wildlife biologist Jeff Sikich touched on the bigger issues plaguing the local populations of mountain lions, including low genetic diversity and inbreeding.

A recent study by the University of California Los Angeles confirmed these issues. The study found the two populations of lions in the Santa Monica and Santa Ana mountains averaged an astounding 93 percent abnormal sperm rate and displayed physical marks of inbreeding like deformed tails or testicular defects. These issues are due to low connectivity between habitats, says Sikich.

An NPS study from 2016 supports Sikich’s theory. Researchers determined mountain lions in the region were susceptible to local extinction due to habitat connectivity issues and a rapid decline in genetic diversity. The study model predicted a 99.7 percent chance of extinction within 50 years if inbreeding depression occurred in the populations.

A tail issue on a sub-adult male mountain lion.
A sub-adult male mountain lion in the Santa Monica mountains suffers from tail and reproductive defects.

In recent years, one of the local lions has been at the center of this issue with connectivity. P-22, a local 12-year-old male lion who lives just outside downtown Los Angeles, has been tracked by local officials for nearly 10 years. The lion famously went on a 50-mile pilgrimage around Los Angeles in 2012, crossing two major freeways before ending up in Griffith Park. 

Since then, the lion has gained a reputation for frequent visits to local residences and is considered to have the smallest home range of any mountain lion in the world. P-22 even gained international fame when he was a camera trap photographed him in front of the Hollywood Sign. The image elevated the issue of disappearing habitat in the region, and underscored the need for wildlife crossings in southern California.

“It’s not just a solution for P22 to get across the road, as much as P22 is the face of the campaign,” says Robert Rock, the crossing’s lead design architect. “This is restoring a piece of lost habitat, putting it back across the mountains.”

The Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing has received nearly $77 million in donations, covering 60 percent of the project’s cost. This wildlife crossing is just one that will be built in the coming years; the massive Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that passed last year included $350 million in funding for a program that will facilitate the construction of more wildlife crossings to reconnect fragmented migration corridors.

January 6 Committee Leaks 2,319 Text Messages Mark Meadows Sent Between Election Day and Inauguration Day to CNN


Mark Meadows

Another day, another leak from the January 6 Committee.

The sham January 6 Committee leaked 2,319 text messages Trump’s former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows sent and received from Election Day and Inauguration Day to CNN.

Mark Meadows provided the text messages to the January 6 Committee and they leaked the trove of messages to CNN.

Once again, there is no “bombshell” information in the text exchanges but the Democrat-media complex is frothing over Mark Meadows’ texts.

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CNN reported:

CNN has obtained 2,319 text messages that former President Donald Trump’s White House chief of staff Mark Meadows sent and received between Election Day 2020 and President Joe Biden’s January 20, 2021 inauguration.

The vast trove of texts offers the most revealing picture to date of how Trump’s inner circle, supporters and Republican lawmakers worked behind the scenes to try to overturn the election results and then reacted to the violence that effort unleashed at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The texts include everything from plans to fight the election results to surprising and unexpected reactions on January 6 from some of Trump’s staunchest allies. At 2:28 p.m., Greene, the conservative firebrand who had helped to plan the congressional objections that day, texted Meadows with an urgent plea for help as the violence was unfolding at the Capitol.

“Mark I was just told there is an active shooter on the first floor of the Capitol Please tell the President to calm people This isn’t the way to solve anything,” Greene wrote. Meadows does not appear to reply.

More messages flooded in.

“Mark: he needs to stop this, now. Can I do anything to help?” Mick Mulvaney, Trump’s former acting White House chief of staff, texted Meadows.

“It’s really bad up here on the hill. They have breached the Capitol,” Georgia Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk wrote.

“The president needs to stop this ASAP,” texted GOP Rep. William Timmons of South Carolina.

“POTUS is engaging,” Meadows sent in response to Loudermilk. “We are doing it,” he texted to Timmons.

“Thanks. This doesn’t help our cause,” Loudermilk replied.

Shortly after, Donald Trump Jr. weighed in: “This his(sic) one you go to the mattresses on. They will try to fuck his entire legacy on this if it gets worse.”

“TELL THEM TO GO HOME !!!” texted Trump’s first chief of staff, Reince Priebus.

This isn’t the first time Pelosi’s unconstitutional Jan. 6 Committee has released private text messages to the public.

Earlier this month the January 6 committee selectively leaked Don Jr.’s text messages with Mark Meadows to CNN.

The January 6 Committee previously leaked Ginni Thomas’ text exchanges with Mark Meadows to the Washington Post as her husband, Justice Clarence Thomas was hospitalized with an infection.

In December, Liz Cheney read Mark Meadows’ private text messages with Fox News hosts out loud.

Democrat Rep. Clyburn Requests Briefing on How Soon the FDA Can Approve COVID Vaccines for Children Under Five


Democrat House Majority Whip and Chairman of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis James Clyburn has requested a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) briefing on how soon they will be able to approve COVID vaccines for children under five-years-old.

Clyburn made the request to FDA Commissioner Robert Califf on Monday, while expressing his concern about reports that Moderna’s vaccine for young children will not be approved by the FDA until the summer.

In his letter, Clyburn complained that waiting that long could delay vaccines for the youngest children “by weeks.”

“The Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) authorization and approval of safe and highly effective vaccines for the majority of Americans have been critical to saving millions of lives and allowing the country to safely emerge from the crisis phase of the coronavirus pandemic. However, millions of young children still remain unprotected because no vaccine has yet been authorized for children under five,” Clyburn wrote. “During the surge of the Omicron variant, children younger than five were hospitalized at approximately five times the rate of the previous peak during the height of the Delta variant. I therefore write today to request a staff briefing on the status of coronavirus vaccine candidates for young children.”

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In a press release, the Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis wrote, “The Select Subcommittee’s briefing request follows recent reports indicating that FDA is considering postponing its decision on whether to authorize Moderna’s vaccine for children under six until early summer, so that it can be evaluated—and potentially authorized—at the same time as Pfizer’s vaccine for children five and younger.  Such a decision could delay the potential authorization and administration of the Moderna vaccine by several weeks.”

“Chairman Clyburn requested that FDA brief Select Subcommittee staff by May 9, 2022, on the status of vaccines for young children, including whether recent reports of a potential delay of FDA’s decision are accurate and the scientific basis or other rationale for any such delay,” the press release continued.

Children are extremely unlikely to have severe symptoms even if they are exposed to COVID-19. It remains unknown what side effects we will see from rushed vaccines.

STUDY: Vaccinated Up to 15X MORE LIKELY Than Unvaxxed to Develop Heart Inflammation Requiring Hospitalization: Peer Reviewed Study


A new study out of Europe has revealed that cases of heart inflammation that required hospitalization were much more common among vaccinated individuals compared to the unvaccinated.

A team of researchers from health agencies in Finland, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway found that rates of myocarditis and pericarditis, two forms of potentially life-threatening heart inflammation, were higher in those who had received one or two doses of either mRNA-based vaccine – Pfizer’s or Moderna’s.

In all, researchers studied a total of 23.1 million records on individuals aged 12 or older between December 2020 and October 2021. In addition to the increased rate overall, the massive study confirmed the chances of developing the heart condition increased with a second dose, which mirrors other data that has been uncovered in recent months.

From the *peer-reviewed study, which was published by the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA):

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“Results of this large cohort study indicated that both first and second doses of mRNA vaccines were associated with increased risk of myocarditis and pericarditis. For individuals receiving 2 doses of the same vaccine, risk of myocarditis was highest among young males (aged 16-24 years) after the second dose. These findings are compatible with between 4 and 7 excess events in 28 days per 100 000 vaccinees after BNT162b2, and between 9 and 28 excess events per 100 000 vaccinees after mRNA-1273.

The risks of myocarditis and pericarditis were highest within the first 7 days of being vaccinated, were increased for all combinations of mRNA vaccines, and were more pronounced after the second dose.”

Also mirroring other data, the study confirmed that young people, especially young males, are the ones who are suffering the worst effects of the experimental jab. Young men, aged 16-24 were an astounding 5-15X more likely to be hospitalized with heart inflammation than their unvaccinated peers.

But it isn’t just young men, all age groups across both sexes – except for men over 40 and girls aged 12-15 – experienced a higher rate of heart inflammation post-vaccination when compared to the unvaxxed.

From The Epoch Times, who spoke with one of the study’s main researchers, Dr. Rickard Ljung:

“‘These extra cases among men aged 16–24 correspond to a 5 times increased risk after Comirnaty and 15 times increased risk after Spikevax compared to unvaccinated,’ Dr. Rickard Ljung, a professor and physician at the Swedish Medical Products Agency and one of the principal investigators of the study, told The Epoch Times in an email.

Comirnaty is the brand name for Pfizer’s vaccine while Spikevax is the brand name for Moderna’s jab.

Rates were also higher among the age group for those who received any dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, both of which utilize mRNA technology. And rates were elevated among vaccinated males of all ages after the first or second dose, except for the first dose of Moderna’s shot for those 40 or older, and females 12- to 15-years-old.”

Although the peer-reviewed study found a direct link between mRNA based vaccines and increased incident rate of heart inflammation, the researchers claimed that the “benefits” of the experimental vaccines still “outweigh the risks of side effects,” because cases of heart inflammation are “very rare,” in a press conference about their findings earlier this month.

However, while overall case numbers may be low in comparison to the raw numbers and thus technically “very rare,” the rate at which individuals are developing this serious condition has increased by a whopping amount. When considering the fact that 5-15X more, otherwise healthy, young men will come down with the condition – especially since the chances of Covid-19 killing them at that age are effectively zero (99.995% recovery rate) – it’s downright criminal for governments across the world to continue pushing mass vaccinations for everyone.

Dr. Peter McCullough, a world-renowned Cardiologist who has been warning about the long-term horror show that is vaccine-induced myocarditis in young people, certainly thinks so. In his expert opinion, the study does anything but give confidence that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks. In “no way” is that the case, he says. Actually, it’s quite the opposite.

From McCullough, via The Epoch Times:

“In cardiology we spend our entire career trying to save every bit of heart muscle. We put in stents, we do heart catheterization, we do stress tests, we do CT angiograms. The whole game of cardiology is to preserve heart muscle. Under no circumstances would we accept a vaccine that causes even one person to stay sustain heart damage. Not one. And this idea that ‘oh, we’re going to ask a large number of people to sustain heart damage for some other theoretical benefit for a viral infection,’ which for most is less than a common cold, is untenable. The benefits of the vaccines in no way outweigh the risks.”

It’s also worth pointing out that the new study’s findings could be an indicator as to what is driving the massive spike in the excess death rates in the United States and across the world. Correlating exactly with the rollout of the experimental mRNA Covid-19 vaccines, people have been dying at record-breaking rates, especially millennials, who experienced a jaw-dropping 84% increase in excess deaths (compared to pre-pandemic) in the final four months of 2021.

SHOCKING: Millennials Experienced the “Worst-Ever Excess Mortality in History” – An 84% Increase In Deaths After Vaccine Mandates Introduced (VIDEO)

With all the data that has been made available up to this point, there is no denying that the vaccine is at least partially to blame for the spike in severe illness and death, if not entirely. Nevertheless, the CDC, Fauci, Biden, and the rest of the corrupt establishment continue to push mass vaccines, just approved another booster jab (with plans for another already in the works), and are licking their chops to unleash another round of Covid hysteria and crippling restrictions come this fall.

This madness must come to an end.

Why I’m Killing My Lawn and Turning My Yard Into Wildlife Habitat


While I was lost in the peaceful hum of my John Deere tractor, mowing neat lines through my lawn, I had a revelation. Or, maybe, call it an existential crisis. I, just like most other hunters, consider myself a conservationist. I write lawmakers on conservation legislation, I pick up trash from public lands and I buy hunting licenses in multiple states, happily knowing that my money is going toward wildlife habitat. However, I have a glaring contradiction in my identity as a conservationist—my own front yard. 

Even though my front yard is lush and green, it’s a biological wasteland. I’ve nuked the soil killing the bacterial and fungal life as well as all other living things that aren’t tall fescue. If the impacts were localized to my slice of lawn, I wouldn’t feel so bad, but unfortunately the herbicide, pesticide, irrigation, and fertilizer I use in bulk twice a year, have far reaching effects.

Why I’m Killing My Lawn and Turning My Yard Into Wildlife Habitat
Lawn surface area in the United States (2005). NASA

Those effects hit one of my favorite outdoor playgrounds, the Chesapeake Bay. The fertilizer I apply doesn’t all make its way into the soil. A lot of it runs off and eventually finds its way into ecosystems like the bay. Nitrogen and phosphorous runoff in particular contributes to algal blooms that create dead zones in waterways. I spend a lot of time fishing the bay and it’s insane that while I’m out fishing my lawn is polluting the same water. Yes, I realize the little bit of phosphorus from my yard isn’t creating mass extinction events. But, if you consider that we have more than 40 million acres of lawn in the country, making it the largest irrigated crop in America, there’s a lot of potential for fertilizer runoff to create issues. Add in lawn mower gas consumption, exhaust fumes, and noise pollution from cutting those 40 million acres every week and you can see how the negatives start to stack up. 

Not only am I contributing to water pollution, I’m also using a ton of water to keep my grass looking good when it’s a dry 90 degrees. According to the EPA, one third of residential water use goes to lawns, accounting for 9 billion gallons per day. 

Why I’m Killing My Lawn and Turning My Yard Into Wildlife Habitat
American lawns use 9 billion gallons of water per day. ftwitty

I’ve decided I have to change something about my lawn care practices so that I can sleep at night. Last year, I stopped trying to force grass to grow in my backyard. Not because of any moral reason, but because about half my backyard is dedicated to organic fruit and vegetable production, and I didn’t want any grass chemicals ending up in my food. Since I’ve let the clover, dandelions, and chickweed come back, that little bit of diversity has invited native honey bees and more birds. It’s also brought in insects like parasitic wasps, lady bugs, and lacewings, which are all beneficial to my garden. After seeing those benefits, I decided to create more habitat and planted out some native meadow plants, like coneflowers.

The concept that diverse habitat attracts more wildlife is familiar to all hunters and anglers. A featureless lake isn’t going to support a large population of fish and a property of all one type of tree doesn’t have the edges all wildlife enjoy. Other benefits are that I don’t have to water or fertilize the “lawn” in the back anymore and I’ve learned that weeds actually work to improve soil by mining minerals with their deep tap roots. Dandelions for example bring calcium from deep below the topsoil layer. Once they’ve done their work, they stop being prolific. 

Seeing my backyard transform into a diverse, life-supporting habitat that’s also relatively carefree has me turning my eye toward the front yard, which is still growing beautiful, destructive grass. It’s hard to let go of the curb appeal, and I take a lot of pride in having a nice lawn. But, I obviously can’t carry on with what I’ve been doing. My solution is to stop irrigation, herbicide, pesticide, and chemical fertilizer use. Meanwhile I’m looking into grass alternatives like a perennial clover mix. Clover is a great compromise because it has a similar look and utility as a lawn, but it requires far fewer inputs. 

It’s easy to get stuck doing what we’ve always done. Growing grass seemed like such a natural part of being an American homeowner that I never stopped and thought about its effects. Now that I have, I’m committed to making a change. As a public land hunter I spend so much of my time searching for diverse, productive land. But now it’s time to grow some of that land at home.