GLOBAL GOV’T ALERT: Threat to national sovereignty set to go down May 22-28 at WHO World Health Assembly


The World Health Organization is attempting a power grab’ — quietly setting up a single globalized response to all future pandemics

As previously reported at, the deep state predators in the U.S. and Western governments have decided the world needs a centralized pandemic response controlled and run by the United Nations World Health Organization via an international treaty.

According to the WHO’s website, on March 30, 2021, it announced an “urgent call for an International Pandemic Treaty,” stating that such a treaty is needed to orchestrate a single globalized response to pandemics. And, “25 heads of government and international leaders” have come together in a joint call to form the treaty.

Don’t forget that Yuval Noah Harari, the chief advisor to Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, has stated that globalist elites will use “crises” to bring about world government.

TRENDING: BREAKING: IT’S OFFICIAL! TWITTER IS SOLD! Twitter Shares Halted Pending News of Sale – Company Sold to Elon Musk for $44 Billion

“Catastrophe opens the door” to massive changes that people would otherwise never accept, Harari has said.

Even more pressing than the treaty itself right now, is something almost no one is paying attention to in U.S. political, religious or media circles, and that involves a set of amendments that will set the parameters and define the scope of the proposed new global health treaty. The U.S. government has submitted 13 amendments that it would like to see folded into the treaty, and these amendments are seen by many as sovereignty killers.

A UN report from May 2021 called for more powers for the WHO stating that, “In its current form, the WHO does not possess such powers […]To move on with the treaty, WHO therefore needs to be empowered — financially, and politically.

The WHO will be hosting its annual meeting, the 75th World Health Assembly, May 22-28 in Geneva, Switzerland, attended by delegates from 192 nations. It is during this meeting that members will be voting on the 13 amendments that will hand over additional sovereignty, control and legal authority to the World Health Organization. The WHO, if these amendments are approved, will obtain the authority to declare an international health emergency, overriding national governments.

In a sense, that already happened in 2020 and 2021, when many of the strictest lockdowns were advised by the WHO and most nations went along with them. But if this treaty is adopted, Katy bar the door because the lockdowns could become even more rigid and more often. Think about the possibilities for a “climate” lockdown.

This means nations will be giving up their sovereignty and rights to control their own healthcare, handing that authority over to an international organization affiliated with the United Nations and run by tyrants like Dr. Tedros.

James Roguski, a researcher and activist who has been studying these amendments, has referred to them as a “five alarm fire” that must be dealt with or they will become part of international law.

These regulations govern the activity of the U.N. World Health Organization.

He says the core of these changes go back to China. Watch the video below:

In the video, Roguski states:

“Whatever we think happened in Wuhan in 2020, the WHO seems to be of the mindset that none of what came afterwards would have happened if they had only been given the power to unilaterally declare an emergency and override the Chinese opposition…. We’re saying it’s an emergency. We’re going to lock everybody down. We’re stepping in…They want to grab power. They’re changing article 12, section 2 and it effectively wipes out 192 nations’ sovereignty to decide whether or not they allow an international organization to step in.”

It is important to note that the International Pandemic Treaty will be far more expansive than these amendments, but these amendments are more urgent because they will be voted on next month.

And no U.S. politician is talking about this. Nor is any mainstream media outlet reporting on it. No pastors are alerting anyone to these monumental, some would say biblical, changes.

Roguski set up the website to document the drive to establish this one-world health treaty. The following points are his summary of the draft treaty amendments:

  • The International Health Regulations would be legally binding and supersede the United States Constitution.
  • The United States has proposed amendments to the legally binding International Health Regulations that will be voted upon at the next World Health Assembly May 22 to May 28. CLICK HERE FOR OFFICIAL DOCUMENT
  • These proposed amendments will cede additional sovereignty, control and legal authority over to the World Health Organization.
  • These amendments will NOT require approval by 2/3 of the United States Senate. If they are approved (as submitted by the United States) by a simple majority of the 194 member countries of the World Health Assembly countries), these amendments would enter into force as international law just six months later (November 2022). The details of this are not crystal clear.
  • It is not known if the amendments will be voted upon individually or as a complete package.
  • The amendments will give the director general of the WHO the power to unilaterally declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) even over the objection of the country dealing with an outbreak of disease.
  • According to changes made to U.S. regulations that were published one day before Donald Trump was inaugurated (January 19, 2017), the definition of a “Public Health Emergency” in the United States now includes the declaration of a PHEIC by the WHO.
  • A unilateral declaration of a PHEIC by the WHO will enable the declaration of a Public Health Emergency by the U.S. Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.
  • The amendments proposed by the United States would also give the director general of the WHO the legal authority to unilaterally issue an “intermediate public health alert (IPHA).” The criteria for the issuance of an IPHA is simply that “the Director-General has determined it requires heightened international awareness and a potential international public health response.”
  • The amendments will also give “regional directors” within the WHO having the legal authority to declare a Public Health Emergency of Regional Concern (PHERC).

Once you take away national sovereignty and start holding America up against a global standard, that opens up endless opportunities for the elites running the global system to confiscate whatever they believe is “bad for our health.”

What if the WHO decides we all need jabs and digital passports? Wait a minute, the WHO has already decided that! All it lacks is the power to override national governments.

This treaty could also be used to take away Americans’ First and Second Amendment rights. What about the Bible? Is it a matter of your religious faith or is it a tool for “hate speech?” Guns, the Bible and too much free speech are bad for our collective “health” and therefore must be regulated by the WHO.

Kit Knightly, in an article for Off Guardian, also raises the question of countries being punished for “non-compliance” with the new global health treaty. According to the WHO documents:

[The treaty should possess] An adaptable incentive regime, [including] sanctions such as public reprimands, economic sanctions, or denial of benefits.

In other words, Knightly explains:

  • If you report “disease outbreaks” in a “timely manner”, you will get “financial resources” to deal with them.
  • If you don’t report disease outbreaks, or don’t follow the WHO’s directions, you will lose out on international aid and face trade embargoes and sanctions.

As Patrick Wood reminds us, harsh punishments were already meted out during the Covid pandemic.

“The presidents of Burundi and Tanzania banned the WHO from their borders, refusing to go along with the pandemic narrative: Both died unexpectedly within months and were replaced with pro-WHO Presidents,” Wood writes. “Obviously, the WHO doesn’t care about global health or the life or death of any particular citizen. The warning has been sent out to national leaders: take our deal or we will eliminate you.”

This is a spiritual war, and we are living in a time when all of the prayer warriors must be engaged and called into battle. Pray for people’s eyes to be opened and all deceptions and delusions to be smashed in the name of Jesus Christ.

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Far-Left Idiots Freak Out as Their Bots Jump Ship After Musk Buys Twitter


Soon after it was announced that Elon Musk purchased Twitter far-left users of Twitter saw their accounts begin to diminish and they freaked. 

The announcement of Elon Musk includes many exciting happenings.   Many of these weren’t imaginable one day ago.  For one the left went crazy knowing that they will be destroyed by conservatives in policy arguments and smarts once Musk takes over.

THE MELTDOWN IS GLORIOUS: Democrats, Thugs and Fascists React to Elon Musk Purchase of Twitter with Predictable Fury

But another reaction by the left is watching them freak because the number of followers on their accounts is decreasing by the thousands. Perhaps these bots are getting out now before Musk takes over as he has mentioned getting rid of these fake accounts.

TRENDING: BREAKING: IT’S OFFICIAL! TWITTER IS SOLD! Twitter Shares Halted Pending News of Sale – Company Sold to Elon Musk for $44 Billion

David Hogg (the anti-gun activist) tweeted:

Neera Tanden reported the same.

Mark Hamill from Star Wars fame reported the same loss of followers.

BTW – A couple of days ago Hamill reported getting a COVID booster shot showing off his tiny shoulder – it was the size of a child’s.

And another…

(from the Midnight Rider Channel)

The left is freaking out as the bots bail on Twitter.  Better to get out now before the bot purge occurs.  The left never had the followers they thought they did.  It was another far-left lie. 

What will the real number of followers be when conservatives are allowed back at the table and bots are gone and free speech from the Constitution is back in force?

Wisconsin Democrats Using Dark Money Front Group To Attack Republican Senator Ron Johnson

Democrats have been going after Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin for months. Now there is a new development in that story. Despite constantly claiming that they want dark money out of politics, Democrats in Wisconsin are using a dark money front group to attack Johnson. The Washington Free Beacon reports:

Wisconsin Dems Rely on Front Group To Attack Republican Incumbent While Decrying Dark Money

A “coalition of Wisconsin residents” that has been running TV attack ads against Sen. Ron Johnson (R.) is a front for a massive dark money group based in Washington, D.C., according to corporate registration records.

Opportunity Wisconsin said it has pumped at least $4 million into negative Johnson ads—including one on Friday blasting him for benefiting from a tax cut he helped pass—making it the most prevalent anti-Johnson group on the state’s airwaves. On its website, Opportunity Wisconsin bills itself as a “coalition of Wisconsin residents fighting for an economy that works for all Wisconsinites, not just the wealthy few” and touts a steering committee composed of state-level progressive activists.

But Opportunity Wisconsin doesn’t actually exist on paper. The name is a business alias for the North Fund, which is more than 600 miles away in Washington, D.C. The North Fund filed to conduct business under the name “Opportunity Wisconsin” in January 2020, according to D.C. corporate records. Opportunity Wisconsin did not respond to a request for comment.

Meanwhile, Ron Johnson is talking to working people in Wisconsin. And first responders. Democrats have nothing to run on, so they’re just attacking people. Cross posted from American Lookout.

Wisconsin Democrats Using Dark Money Front Group To Attack Republican Senator Ron Johnson


Democrats have been going after Republican Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin for months.

Now there is a new development in that story.

Despite constantly claiming that they want dark money out of politics, Democrats in Wisconsin are using a dark money front group to attack Johnson.

The Washington Free Beacon reports:

TRENDING: BREAKING: IT’S OFFICIAL! TWITTER IS SOLD! Twitter Shares Halted Pending News of Sale – Company Sold to Elon Musk for $44 Billion

Wisconsin Dems Rely on Front Group To Attack Republican Incumbent While Decrying Dark Money

A “coalition of Wisconsin residents” that has been running TV attack ads against Sen. Ron Johnson (R.) is a front for a massive dark money group based in Washington, D.C., according to corporate registration records.

Opportunity Wisconsin said it has pumped at least $4 million into negative Johnson ads—including one on Friday blasting him for benefiting from a tax cut he helped pass—making it the most prevalent anti-Johnson group on the state’s airwaves. On its website, Opportunity Wisconsin bills itself as a “coalition of Wisconsin residents fighting for an economy that works for all Wisconsinites, not just the wealthy few” and touts a steering committee composed of state-level progressive activists.

But Opportunity Wisconsin doesn’t actually exist on paper. The name is a business alias for the North Fund, which is more than 600 miles away in Washington, D.C. The North Fund filed to conduct business under the name “Opportunity Wisconsin” in January 2020, according to D.C. corporate records. Opportunity Wisconsin did not respond to a request for comment.

Meanwhile, Ron Johnson is talking to working people in Wisconsin.

And first responders.

Democrats have nothing to run on, so they’re just attacking people.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

Shaun King Rage Quits Twitter Over Elon Musk’s Purchase

Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter is already the gift that keeps on giving.

Shortly after news broke that the platform would once again respect the freedom of speech, far-left activist Shaun King deleted his entire account. King, or “Talcum X” as he is often referred, had tweeted earlier in the day that Musk “wanting to purchase Twitter is not about left vs right. It’s about white power.” “The man was raised in Apartheid by a white nationalist,” King added, referring to Musk being South African. “He’s upset Twitter won’t allow white nationalists to target/harass people. That’s his definition of free speech.” Speaking of targeting and harassing, King previously threatened the Kenosha police and blasted an individual member of the police department so they he could be intimidated by the violent left. He is known for spreading hate hoaxes, which almost always have a victim that becomes subjected to his hate mobs. Former Good Place actress turned obnoxious leftist activist Jameela Jamil also quit the platform, though she did not delete her account. “Ah he got twitter. I would like this to be my what lies here as my last tweet. Just really *any* excuse to show pics of Barold. I fear this free speech bid is going to help this hell platform reach its final form of totally lawless hate, bigotry, and misogyny. Best of luck. ❤️” Jamil tweeted, along with four photos of herself appearing to play with her dog in her bra.

Jeff Bezos Suggests China May Gain Influence After Musk’s Twitter Purchase — Forgets His Garbage WaPo Rag Gets Paid Millions by China to Promote Its Propaganda


Jeff Bezos bought the far-left Washington Post in 2013 for $250 million. He got took.

On Monday Jeff Bezos suggested that China may gain influence after Elon Musk’s Twitter purchase for $45 billion.

Newsmax reported:

Amazon founder and executive chairman Jeff Bezos raised the specter of possible Chinese influence Monday, after Tesla founder and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk purchased Twitter for $44 billion earlier in the day.

TRENDING: BREAKING: IT’S OFFICIAL! TWITTER IS SOLD! Twitter Shares Halted Pending News of Sale – Company Sold to Elon Musk for $44 Billion

On Twitter Monday, Bezos — reportedly the second-richest man in the world — responded to a tweet from New York Times reporter Mike Forsythe, outlining the links between China and Musk (reportedly the World’s Richest Man).

What a hypocrite.
Bezos must have forgotten that his far-left rag gets paid millions by the Chinese Communists to publish its propaganda!

Via Ed Driscoll at Instapundit.

And not surprisingly, there’s plenty of projection involved: Amazon Deleted Reviews of Chinese President’s Book Per CCP’s Demand.

UPDATE: China Daily paid US papers $19 million in advertising, printing. “China Daily, which is a Chinese state-owned English-language newspaper, is required by U.S. law to disclose its business dealings with the Justice Department under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), according to a report by Freedom House. The Chinese paper’s most recent filings were submitted on June 1 and include expenses from November 2016 to April 2020, the Daily Caller reported. The Justice Department records show that over the past four years, China Daily has paid the Washington Post over $4.6 million, and The Wall Street Journal almost $6 million, in advertising expenses. The state-run media outlet also paid The New York Times $50,000, Foreign Policy $240,000, The Des Moines Register $34,600, and CQ-Roll Call $76,000 for ads, according to the records.” (Emphasis mine.)

THE MELTDOWN IS GLORIOUS: Democrats, Thugs and Fascists React to Elon Musk Purchase of Twitter with Predictable Fury

Twitter finally agreed to Elon Musk’s offer on a takeover bid deal for $44 billion on Monday. Twitter was reportedly re-examining Elon Musk’s $43 billion takeover supply after the billionaire lined up financing for the bid over the weekend. They reached an agreement on Monday. Twitter is well-known for stifling, censoring and banning free speech in America. Twitter silenced The Gateway Pundit, Joe Hoft, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones and even the President of the United States. Only conservatives get banned. There should be laws against this. Elon Musk previously said his interest in Twitter was not so much to make money as it was to restore free speech on the internet. He now has that opportunity. Already there are calls to reinstate prominent conservative accounts banned by the social media giant. Alex Bruesswitz released a video earlier calling on Twitter to reinstate top conservatives who were banned from the platform: President Donald Trump, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Babylon Bee, The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones, James O’Keefe, and Juanita Broadrick. Max Boot. Joy Reid says she’s leaving. Here are her earlier tweets. Howard Dean. NBC hack Ben Collins Brian Stelter. More… Via Andy Ngo. Fascist Charles Blow. and more!!! Keep them coming

Hunter Biden Begged His Dead Brother’s Widow Hallie Biden to Get HIV Test During Affair

Meanwhile at Camp Biden… Hunter Biden told his dead brother’s widow Hallie Biden to get tested for HIV while they were having an affair in 2018. Recall, a married Hunter Biden started ‘dating’ his brother’s wife Hallie whilst Beau was on his death bed with brain cancer. According to Hunter Biden’s ex-wife Kathleen Biden, Hunter began the extramarital affair with Hallie Biden while Beau was still alive. And Joe Biden said he ‘fully supported’ this filth. “We are all lucky that Hunter and Hallie found each other as they were putting their lives together again after such sadness. They have mine and Jill’s full and complete support and we are happy for them,” Joe Biden said in a previous statement to Page Six. Emails from 2018 show a “sick scared” Hunter Biden begging Hallie Biden to get screened for HIV and inform him of the results. Hunter Biden had impregnated Lunden Roberts, a DC stripper at the time and was “sick scared” he had contracted HIV. The Daily Caller reported:

First son Hunter Biden begged his brother’s widow, Hallie Biden, to get screened for HIV during his affair with his ex-sister-in-law, according to emails obtained by the Daily Caller.

Biden begged Hallie to undergo HIV screening roughly a month before he fathered a child with a former stripper, Lunden Roberts, in 2018. Emails uncovered on the laptop he abandoned in Delaware show that he was “sick scared” of having contracted the chronic illness.

“TODAY. I am getting tested today. I have been sick scared Hallie and [hang] up on me,” Biden wrote in one email to his brother’s widow, whom he then accused of hurting his mental health. “The love you give is so disturbing,” Biden wrote to Hallie in an email under the subject line “YOU NEED TO GET TESTED FOR HIV HALLIE.”

FDA Approves First and Only Covid-19 Treatment for Pediatric Patients as Young as 28 Days Old


Remdesivir bottles with a syringe for treatment of Covid-19 (Getty Images)

The Food and Drug Administration on Monday granted its full approval of the COVID-19 antiviral treatment Veklury (remdesivir) for infants and young children. The treatment was previously under emergency use authorization for children.

According to the news release, FDA would expand the treatment of Remdesivir to include pediatric patients 28 days of age and older weighing at least 3 kilograms (about 7 pounds) with positive results of direct Covid-19 viral testing, and are either hospitalized or at high-risk of severe illness.

More from FDA, read here and below:

This action makes Veklury the first approved COVID-19 treatment for children less than 12 years of age. As a result of today’s approval action, the agency also revoked the emergency use authorization for Veklury that previously covered this pediatric population.

TRENDING: BREAKING: IT’S OFFICIAL! TWITTER IS SOLD! Twitter Shares Halted Pending News of Sale – Company Sold to Elon Musk for $44 Billion

Before now, Veklury was only approved to treat certain adults and pediatric patients (12 years of age and older who weigh at least 40 kilograms, which is about 88 pounds) with COVID-19.

“As COVID-19 can cause severe illness in children, some of whom do not currently have a vaccination option, there continues to be a need for safe and effective COVID-19 treatment options for this population,” said Patrizia Cavazzoni, M.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Drug Evaluation and Research. “Today’s approval of the first COVID-19 therapeutic for this population demonstrates the agency’s commitment to that need.”

Veklury is not a substitute for vaccination in individuals for whom COVID-19 vaccination and booster doses are recommended. The FDA has approved two vaccines, and three vaccines are available for emergency use, to prevent COVID-19 and the serious clinical outcomes associated with COVID-19, including hospitalization and death. The FDA urges the public to get vaccinated and receive a booster when eligible. Learn more about FDA-approved and authorized COVID-19 vaccines.

Given the similar course of COVID-19 disease in adults and pediatric patients, today’s approval of Veklury in certain pediatric patients is supported by efficacy results from phase 3 clinical trials in adults. Information on the trials in adults can be found in the FDA-approved drug labeling for Veklury. This approval is also supported by a phase 2/3, single-arm, open-label clinical study of 53 pediatric patients at least 28 days of age and weighing at least 3 kilograms (about 7 pounds) with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection and mild, moderate or severe COVID-19. Patients in this pediatric phase 2/3 trial received Veklury for up to 10 days. The safety and pharmacokinetic results from the phase 2/3 study in pediatric subjects were similar to those in adults.

The only approved dosage form is Veklury for injection.

Possible side effects of using Veklury include increased levels of liver enzymes, which may be a sign of liver injury; and allergic reactions, which may include changes in blood pressure and heart rate, low blood oxygen level, fever, shortness of breath, wheezing, swelling (e.g., lips, around eyes, under the skin), rash, nausea, sweating or shivering.

The FDA granted approval to Gilead Sciences Inc.

POTD: Heckler & Koch 40mm Grenade Machine Gun in Poland


Welcome to TFB’s own Photo Of The Day. As the name implies, this page is dedicated to rare and unique pics which are updated daily. Behind the Heckler & Koch 40mm Grenade Machine Gun (GMG) we have British Army Pte. Warren from Poacher Troop waiting for a firing order. With a weight of almost 30 kilograms, the GMGs are usually mounted to a vehicle.

Below you see a British Army soldier from Poacher Troop firing at a simulated tank target with a .50 caliber machine gun, mounted on a Mobility Weapon-Mounted Installation Kit “Jackal” during a live-fire exercise.

The location is the Bemowo Piskie Training Area, Poland, and the images are from last September 2021.

Heckler & Koch 40mm Grenade Machine Gun in Poland

Poacher Troop’s mission is to scout where the enemy is and then delay them with speed and lethality, enabling Battle Group Poland to be prepared to respond in a time of crisis.

40mm grenades linked.

Photo and captions: U.S. Army, Spc. Osvaldo Fuentes. Enhanced Forward Presence Battlegroup Poland