Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro Celebrates Musk’s Deal on Twitter

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and President Donald Trump during a visit to the White House, in 2019. (Photo by: Alan Santos/Planalto Office)

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and President Donald Trump during a visit to the White House, in 2019. (Photo by: Alan Santos/Planalto Office)

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has celebrated the sale of Twitter to Tesla CEO Elon Musk. About an hour after the confirmation of the change of command of the social network, Bolsonaro retweeted a message from Musk in which he defends freedom of speech on Twitter.

In another message, Bolsonaro shared an article from a website explaining how to deactivate a Twitter account. “Good article,” Bolsonaro said.

TRENDING: PAYBACK: MI House Speaker Jason Wentworth OUSTS Trump Endorsed Candidate For Speaker, Rep. Matt Maddock, From House GOP Caucus Only 3 Days After Establishment GOP Bloodbath

Brazil’s Minister of Communications, Fábio Faria, was also congratulated on Musk’s acquisition.

“Congratulations, @elonmusk! Once again you are two steps ahead of the other players and now you are gesturing to the world and in defense of freedom!”, Faria said.

Jair Bolsonaro has already been a victim of censorship on Twitter. In March 2020, the network deleted two posts by the Brazilian President in which he criticized the quarantine and argued that people should work, because isolation would cause economic crisis and leave poor families in a bad situation.

In another post, which was also deleted by Twitter, Bolsonaro appeared to be meeting with supporters criticizing the quarantine and advocating the use of hydroxychloroquine against the Chinese virus. Twitter said that Bolsonaro’s message “violated Twitter rules.”

The New 9mm Garrison 1911 from Springfield Armory


Springfield Armory has announced the latest addition to their growing family of 1911 pistols – the 9mm Garrison 1911. This new configuration of the Springfield Garrison combines the classic 1911 look and feel with the more affordable and more popular 9mm cartridge. The new 9mm Garrison will be available in a stainless steel configuration as well as a more classic hot salt blued carbon steel version. Both pistols will feature forged frames, slides, and barrels, as well as low profile sights, extended safety controls, Thinline grips, and 9-round magazines.

More from Springfield Armory @ TFB:

The New 9mm Garrison 1911 from Springfield Armory

The New 9mm Garrison 1911 from Springfield Armory

The Garrison in 9mm is designed to appeal to those who respect tradition and appreciate the flat-shooting aspects of a full-size 9mm 1911,” says Springfield Armory’s Vice President of Marketing, Steve Kramer. “With a forged steel foundation for strength and heirloom-quality construction, this is a pistol that offers a modern take on a proven classic.

Specifications 9mm Garrison 1911 Handgun:

  • Barrel: 5″ Forged Stainless Steel, Match Grade, Fully Supported Ramp, 1:16
  • Frame and Slide: Forged Stainless or Forged Carbon Steel Blued
  • Grips: Thinline Wood
  • Length: 8.6″
  • Height: 5.5″
  • Weight: 38 oz
  • Recoil System: GI Style
  • Sights: Low Profile Combat 3-Dot
  • Magazines: (1) 9-Round Magazine
  • MSRP: Stainless: $899 Blued: $849

The New 9mm Garrison 1911 from Springfield Armory

The Garrison is a more classic representation of your typical 1911 pistol. The 9mm Garrison is similar with the notable exception of the chambering. Like the 45 ACP version, the 9mm Garrison feature a traditional barrel bushing system and wood grips. Enhancements made to the Garrison line include a skeletonized hammer, a match-grade stainless steel barrel, and an extended beavertail grip safety with a memory bump. In essence, it is similar to a Restomod in that it keeps the classic charm of the 1911 platform alive but also adds modernized performance and comfort features.

The New 9mm Garrison 1911 from Springfield Armory

The 9mm Garrison 1911 handgun is available now through all of Springfield’s dealers which include big box stores like Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shops.

What are your thoughts on the new 9mm version of the Garrison? Have you had experience with the 45 ACP version? If so, what have your thoughts been on it so far? If you’re looking for a good review of the .45 ACP version of the Garrison 1911, TFB writer Rusty S did a great 1,000-round review on the piece back in November of 2021, be sure to check that out if you’re curious!

The New 9mm Garrison 1911 from Springfield Armory

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“There is as Much a Plan to Win the Midterms as There Was to Airlift Afghans Out of Kabul”: Dems, Biden White House Have No Plan As Midterms Approach: WH Sources — Another Steal in the Works?


The ship is taking on water, and fast.

With the 2022 midterms on the horizon and their poll numbers falling like an asteroid, the Democrats and the Biden Administration are reportedly in full-blown-panic mode with no plan, at all, to right the ship.

According to the Washington Post, the current messaging strategy for the democrats has as much substance as Jen Psaki “circling back,” with the coherence of a typical Biden speech – zero and zero. It’s so bad, that the Dems apparently can’t even begin to come up with a plan to dig them out of the hole Biden, and their destructive policies, have put them in.

TRENDING: “I’ve Been a Victim of All of This” — Chris Wallace Says He’s Unsure of What the Future Holds After His CNN+ Gig Is Junked

At this point, “there is no finalized, comprehensive strategy,” according to numerous White House sources who spoke to WaPo. So, for now, the playbook seems to be to prop Biden up on the podium and cross your fingers.

From the Washington Post:

“As an anxious Democratic Party hurtles toward the midterm elections led by a president whose approval ratings have dropped precipitously, Biden is beginning to put the pieces together for an aggressive campaign to help limit Democratic losses in November.

But it’s an effort some in the party say is long overdue, and despite Biden’s ramped-up efforts, there is no finalized, comprehensive strategy for the midterms inside the White House. There’s no overarching document that outlines the president’s involvement in key races, nor a set message that will carry the party through November, according to multiple people familiar with the situation who spoke on the condition of anonymity to talk candidly.”

One staffer who spoke freely on the condition of anonymity absolutely blasted the current state of the Democrat’s messaging strategy as they prepare for November’s election, comparing the situation to Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

From WaPo:

“‘There is as much a plan to win the midterms as there was to airlift Afghans out of Kabul,’ said one Democratic political adviser who remains close to the White House. ‘They’re putting us all in a bad place.’ The adviser, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to speak candidly about the party’s prospects, was referring to the chaotic, deadly withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan last summer.

The adviser said the White House’s top-down political decision-making process is often impeded by bottlenecks, which hinder coordination with party committees, state parties, advocacy groups and donors. Information reaches stakeholders at the last minute, the adviser said, which results in resources being wasted or misdirected.”


As for Biden, he acknowledged that his message is not resonating with voters in comments late last week, and even admitted that he would be focusing on campaigning across the country instead of doing his job and fixing the crisis he and his policies have created.

Yes, really.

WaPo continued:

Even the president has acknowledged he is struggling to convey to voters what his administration has accomplished, including a covid relief package, an infrastructure bill, and creating millions of jobs.

“I admit to you, what I haven’t done — and the reason I’m getting out on the road again instead of dealing with the day-to-day emergencies in my office — is making the case of what we’ve done,” Biden said Thursday at a Democratic fundraiser in Portland, Ore.

Unfortunately for Biden and the Dems, he struggles to get more than a dozen people to show up to his incoherent speeches. There are often more protesters than attendees at Biden events. So, if this is the best plan they have, the expected red wave in November might be bigger than originally thought.

That is, of course, if we have a fair election. Although, with the current state of the polls and reports like this, it’ll be nearly impossible to believe if there is anything but a mass shakeup in favor of Republicans come November. So, if there is any rigging, it should be even more obvious than it was in 2020.

PAYBACK: MI House Speaker Jason Wentworth OUSTS Trump Endorsed Candidate For Speaker, Rep. Matt Maddock, From House GOP Caucus Only 3 Days After Establishment GOP Bloodbath


100 Percent Fed Up Exclusive – Late in the day on Tuesday, the MI House Republican Caucus, under the leadership of Speaker Jason Wentworth and House Caucus Chair Matt Hall, have expelled the popular conservative MI State Representative Matt Maddock (R).

MI House Speaker Jason Wentworth and Wanna-be Speaker, Caucus Chair Matt Hall

Local far-left media was elated to see the establishment Republicans attacking one of the most popular and consistently one of the top fundraising Republican lawmaker’s in Michigan. Jonathan Oosting of the Detroit Free Press cites sources “familiar with the situation” to accuse Maddock of “allegedly violating caucus rules.”

We spoke with Rep. Matt Maddock, who said he was “never given a reason” for the decision to expel him from the caucus.

TRENDING: “I’ve Been a Victim of All of This” — Chris Wallace Says He’s Unsure of What the Future Holds After His CNN+ Gig Is Junked

So, what was Rep. Maddock’s crime? Why was he expelled from the House Caucus?

Rep. Maddock’s crime was supporting President Trump and Trump-endorsed candidates in Michigan. Instead of supporting candidates simply because they’re incumbents, Maddock has taken a more thoughtful approach and has thrown his support behind America-first candidates who will fight to support Trump’s agenda.

Maddock’s most serious crime, however, might be his happy marriage to the intelligent, outspoken, conservative, and beautiful MI GOP Co-chair Meshawn Maddock, who has never wavered in her steadfast support for President Trump.

On Saturday, Michigan establishment Republican lawmakers were humiliated when 2,000 GOP delegates voted at the state convention to choose Kristina Karamo as their secretary of state candidate and Constitutional Attorney Matt DePerno as their candidate to run in the general election. Both are grassroots candidates, and with a few exceptions, like Rep. Matt Maddock, they got no support from members of the GOP majority Republican House.

MI GOP candidate for SOS Kristina Karamo and MI GOP candidate for Attorney General Matt DePerno

The majority of House and Senate Republicans in Michigan fought hard to convince delegates to support DePerno’s strongest opponent, Tom Leonard, for the AG spot. Leonard is a fellow establishment Republican who ran for AG in 2018 and lost to Dana Nessel, giving Michigan America’s most lawless attorney general.

Michigan GOP delegates, who’ve openly expressed their frustration with Republican leadership in Lansing for refusing to conduct a forensic audit of the 2020 election, rebuffed attempts by establishment Republicans, and overwhelming chose the Trump, and Meshawn Maddock endorsed candidates, leaving GOP leadership in Lansing with egg on their faces.

The Maddocks, whose influence has grown exponentially in the Michigan Republican Party over the years, are not afraid to rock the boat with establishment Republicans. But on Tuesday, House Speaker Jason Wentworth and House Speaker wanna-be Matt Hall put the couple on notice—do it our way—or we will strip you of any power or influence, and we’ll publicly shame you in front of fellow lawmakers.

It’s worth noting that House Speaker Wentworth, who is term-limited, and House Speaker wanna-be Matt Hall are keenly aware that by stripping one of the most popular grassroots lawmakers in Lansing from the House Caucus, they can also prevent the Trump-endorsed Maddock from running for Speaker in 2022.

Their plan is eerily reminiscent of the Democrats’ plot to impeach President Trump for the Jan. 6 incident, when they hoped their demonization of Trump would cause him to lose favor with his base. Speaker Wentworth and Caucus Chair (Speaker wanna-be) Hall may have overplayed their hand this time, however, as their scheme is relatively transparent and will likely cause Maddock to become even more popular with members of the House after they realized the dirty tactics employed by Wentworth and Hall in an attempt to take Maddock out of the running for Speaker.

President Trump’s endorsement of Rep. Matt Maddock for Speaker of the MI House.

The MI GOP Caucus meets three days a week before they go onto the floor to discuss legislation. Every elected GOP Rep. is a member of the caucus. Being excluded from the caucus means you are alienated from discussing or debating bills with members of your own party before voting, essentially stripping members of the ability to better understand bills they’re voting for or against. In the very rare case that a lawmaker is expelled from the caucus, they are expected to simply show up and vote.

Maddock’s expulsion from the House Caucus means he can no longer communicate with other members of the MI GOP about upcoming bills or any other issues on a private caucus thread. Maddock’s name was also removed from the MI GOP House website. What that means is that spiteful MI lawmakers have made it impossible for Maddock’s taxpaying constituents to locate him on the MI GOP House website.

Only twice in the last 7 seven-year has a member been removed from the GOP House Caucus.

Three Democrats have been in serious trouble over the past year-and-a-half. Not one of them has been removed from their House Caucus.

Only one year ago, MI State Rep. Jewell Jones (D) was pulled by Michigan State Police officers for suspected drunk driving after crashing his vehicle in a ditch. His blood alcohol of more than .19, nearly twice the legal limit. Rep. Jones and the woman in the passenger seat both had their pants pulled down when he was pulled over. Jones fought back against police officers resisted arrest, was tased by police officers and repeatedly name-dropped MI Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer.

Rep. Jewell Jones was never removed from the Democrat House Caucus.

MI State Rep. Mary Cavanaugh (D) was arrested in February for drunk driving. She was seen by officers driving on two flat tires when she was pulled over. When asked how much she had to drink, MI Dem Rep. replied, “two glasses.” Her blood-alcohol level of .20 was even higher than her fellow Dem Rep Jewell Jones. This was Rep. Cavanaugh’s second drunk driving arrest.

Dem. Rep. Mary Cavanaugh is still a member of the Democrat House Caucus and is now running for a position as a MI State Senator.

During the testimony on voter fraud in Detroit, House Oversight Committee member, Dem. Rep. Cynthia Johnson attempted to doxx one a City of Detroit whistleblower. The next day, the Democrat state rep. made a threatening Facebook video warning, “You Trumpers—be careful—walk lately,” following up with a video calling on her supporters, “Those of you who are soldiers,” she said, “You know how to do it—make them pay!” MI GOP leadership stripped Johnson of her committees, while Democrat Governor Gretchen Whitmer asked the GOP leadership to reinstate her, saying her crime didn’t fit the punishment.

Dem Rep. Cynthia Johnson is still part of the Democrat House Caucus.

Trump lawyer Christina Bobb nailed it with this tweet:

And then, we have Emily Lawler, the Free Press politics editor, who reported Rep. Matt Maddock to AP fact-checkers for a quote she found on his Facebook page tonight. LOL! This has to be one of the sorriest “reporters” in America.

Will Elon Musk Keep Vijaya Gadde, Twitter’s Executive Who Led the Company’s Censoring and Banning of Patriotic Americans?


Will Elon Musk keep the top person at Twitter who censored and banned conservatives on the Big Tech giant once he takes over?  

Vijaya Gadde is responsible for the censorship and banning policies at Twitter.  She is famous for this and apparently took great pride in it.  In her role she allows the Ayatollah of Iran to promote hate speech on the platform but she took down the account of the leader of the free world, President Donald Trump.

Ms. Gadde through her actions has little regard for the first amendment in the US Constitution which protects free speech.  The far-left Democrat Party and communists around the world praise her work.  She took down Trump – the biggest and best Twitter user in history – because she and her top management colleagues just didn’t like him.  She didn’t hide it.

TRENDING: “I’ve Been a Victim of All of This” — Chris Wallace Says He’s Unsure of What the Future Holds After His CNN+ Gig Is Junked

Vijaya tweeted openly about President Trump who beat the corrupt Clinton and Obama machines and made America prosperous and the world safe again.  But she didn’t like him and those who supported him.

Breitbart noted:

Writing for the Jeff Bezos-owned Washington Post in 2015, Gadde argued that certain users were trying to “silence discourse in the name of free expression.”

“I’m often inspired by the vigorous debates on controversial issues that occur on Twitter, but I’ve also been seriously troubled by the plight of some of our users who are completely overwhelmed by those who are trying to silence healthy discourse in the name of free expression,” she wrote.

As Breitbart News previously profiled, Gadde has a history of donating to Democrats and even publicly defended Yoel Roth, a Twitter official responsible for fact-checking policy, when he called members of the Trump administration “Nazis.”

“No one person at Twitter is responsible for our policies or enforcement actions,” she said. “We are a team with different points of view and we stand behind our people and our decisions to protect the health of the public conversation on our platform.”

Far-left Politico reported on Gadde’s response to Musk’s purchase of Twitter:

Shortly after billionaire Elon Musk bought the powerful social media platform, top Twitter lawyer Vijaya Gadde called a virtual meeting with the policy and legal teams she oversees to discuss what the new ownership could mean for them.

Gadde cried during the meeting as she expressed concerns about how the company could change, according to three people familiar with the meeting. She acknowledged that there are significant uncertainties about what the company will look like under Musk’s leadership.

Twitter spokesperson Trenton Kennedy said Gadde became emotional when discussing her team’s impact and the pride she feels in them.

Under Gadde’s tenure, Twitter got further and further left, eventually banning the President of the United States.  When confronted on Twitter’s rules that go against US free speech law three years ago, Gadde ignored the fact that Twitter was a US company and instead claimed its users were global.   This appeared to be the justification for banning conservatives on the site.

Ms. Gadde was behind the company’s policies that banned huge numbers of conservatives. President Trump was banned because Twitter determined that the President was behind the violence at the US Capitol on Jan 6, 2021. Yet, the site took down the President’s tweet condemning the violence and telling people to go home.

President Trump Shares Tweet He Released on Jan 6 that Twitter Took Down in 5 Minutes

When others shared documents from Hunter’s laptop they were banned claiming this was basically Hunter’s material and therefore the person sharing the material needed to obtain his approval before sharing, totally discounting the fact that Hunter lost that ownership when he signed a contract with a PC repairman.

Americans hope and pray that the company under Elon Musk addresses Twitter’s bias and protects free speech while censoring Twitter’s bias.

New Rizzini USA BR110 Sporter IPS (Improved Performance System)


Italian firearms are often nothing short of pieces of artwork as much as they are guns, especially when it comes to shotguns. Rizzini USA is the Utah-based importer of fine handcrafted Italian shotguns and rifles that range from legendary firearms like the Rhino Express chambered in .500 Nitro Express to their new BR110 Sporter IPS (Improved Performance System) 12-gauge O&U shotgun. This new shotgun is made from a combination of a Rizzini BR110 frame and handcrafted Turkish walnut stock featuring a fully adjustable rib that requires no tools.

More Italian Firearms @ TFB:

New Rizzini USA BR110 Sporter IPS (Improved Performance System)

New Rizzini USA BR110 Sporter IPS (Improved Performance System)

The new Rizzini BR110 Sporter IPS will feature a Grade 2 Turkish walnut stock with 26 LPI checkering and adjustable comb, a Rizzini clean grey anodized steel Sporter frame, a fully tool-less adjustable rib capable of giving you a 50/50 (flat), 60/40 for sporting clays and skeet shooting, as well as the popular 70/30 ratio for use with trap shooting. This turns this one shotgun into a jack of all trades without sacrificing its inherent durability and capability.

New Rizzini USA BR110 Sporter IPS (Improved Performance System)

The Rizzini BR110 Sporter IPS is currently only being offered in a 10-gauge configuration with either a 30 or 32″ barrel length (this is Razzinis XL bore) black bored barrel and will include 5 extended choke tubes for various applications including a Cylinder, Improved Cylinder, Modified, Improved Modified, and Full chokes. The BR110 will also come with a limited lifetime warranty which should come as no surprise with the shotgun’s $3,450 MSRP price tag.

New Rizzini USA BR110 Sporter IPS (Improved Performance System)

Reviews from customers who own the previous release of the BR110 Sporter (which comes with a standard vent rib and a nonadjustable stock) have said that their shotguns have run flawlessly and that the fit and finish are characteristic of a quality handmade shotgun with some saying that the BR110 is just as good as comparable Beretta shotguns. As always, we’d like to hear your thoughts on this new shotgun. Let us know what you think down in the comments.

In Major Reversal After Warning Of Nuclear War, Germany Approves Tanks For Ukraine


This article was originally published by Tyler Durden at ZeroHedge.

Flakpanzer Gepard tank file

In a major reversal following Chancellor Olaf Scholz only days ago voicing strong resistance, it appears Berlin has bowed to the mounting pressure among allies and approved new tank deliveries to Ukraine from Germany’s own stock, which Scholz had previously said was depleted.

The German Ministry of Defense announced Tuesday that the delivery of Gepard anti-aircraft tanks to Ukraine has been approved. As part of Scholz’s earlier rejection of sending heavy weapons systems, he had cited the potential for the West and Russia sliding into a WW3 and nuclear war scenario.

Axios reports that “The new shipment of the German-made Flakpanzer Gepard was announced by Germany’s Minister of Defense Christine Lambrecht during a meeting with more than 30 defense officials from dozens of NATO and non-NATO countries at Ramstein Air Base.”

Among the officials there at Ramstein for the meeting which was focused on how to help Ukraine defeat the Russian invasion were US Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin – the latter fresh off his trip with Secretary of State Blinken to Kyiv where they met with President Zelensky. Representing Ukraine at the Ramstein meeting was Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov.

As for Scholz’s prior very clearly articulated warnings against sending items like tanks direct from Germany to the Ukrainians, here’s what he told Spiegel in an interview published only last Friday…

“We need to do everything to avoid a direct military confrontation between NATO and a heavily armed superpower such as Russia, a nuclear power,” the chancellor said at the time. “I will do everything to avoid an escalation that could lead to World War III – there can be no nuclear war.”

Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht made the announcement at Ramstein…

“That’s why it is all the more important that we consider each step very carefully and coordinate closely with one another,” Scholz had stressed.

He added: “To avoid an escalation towards NATO is a top priority for me,” and “That’s why I don’t focus on polls or let myself be irritated by shrill callsThe consequences of an error would be dramatic.” But given this fresh reversal it seems he did in fact, in his own prior words, let himself “get irritated by shrill calls”.

And certainly, the risks he previously laid out haven’t suddenly or somehow become mitigated, given Monday’s alarming comments out of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who said the risk of nuclear war remains a “serious, real” danger and that “we must not underestimate it.”



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Reckless Associations: The Ruling Class Creates New Legal Theory to Stifle Free Speech


This article was originally published by Mitch Nemeth at the Mises Institute. 

In a forthcoming article in the Harvard Journal of Law and Technology, three law professors propose a novel, legal tort theory of liability. This liability is referred to as “reckless associations,” and it has the effect of allowing a victim to sue a third party for assuming a leadership position in an association if a member of the association intentionally caused harm to the victim.

The professors proposed this secondary liability to crack down on social network agitators that have escaped legal punishment for their content, which they allege falls short of conspiracy and/or incitement. This theory’s immediate effect would be to flood the judicial system with lawsuits purporting to hold wrongdoers accountable. The secondary effect would be to pressure social networking platforms to maintain key network surveillance data readily available for plaintiffs’ attorneys.

The obvious flaw in this legal theory is that it attempts to fix a problem that only affects a very small fraction of all social network users. Though these users make up a fraction of the entire network, they were “central and active nodes in a dysfunctional network—one that has actually and foreseeably caused epistemic failure and resulted in conduct that harmed people outside the network” before the platform’s content moderators banned their accounts. For years, the platforms have maintained community standards and other policies to address content that may be illegal or objectionable. These policies exist to deter the types of content being addressed by the tort.

Progressives and many legal professionals claim that the existing social network environment is inadequate and does not address the real-world harms caused by a small fraction of highly engaged users. This secondary theory of tort liability was drafted to address this perspective and to work around the existing obstacles within the legal system. The First Amendment protects a wide range of speech and association, and section 230 of the Communications Decency Act protects platforms from civil liability.

While individuals may already be prosecuted for conspiracy and incitement, these legal theories “often fail when applied to group leaders who were not giving explicit orders in real-time, or themselves committing crimes.” This tort similarly targets the inherent challenges of imposing civil liability on platforms rather than on individuals. Section 230 was implemented, in part, as a response to the challenges of content moderation on platforms. Congress’s intention was to “allow online services to moderate content on their platforms in good faith, removing harmful or illegal content while still providing a forum for free speech and a diversity of opinions.” Congress attempted to balance content moderation to deter civil liability and the fostering of an open, digital “public square.”

While the existing legal ecosystem is imperfect, it has allowed a wide range of perspectives to flourish. Institutions, individuals, and ideas that were once not notable now are given an equal playing field with more established institutions, individuals, and ideas. Of course, this can be problematic to established institutions, as it creates necessary competition in the battle of ideas. The article authors call out right-wing influencers like Alex Jones, Infowars, and members of QAnon, saying that platforms like Twitter essentially create an even playing field between them and legacy authority figures. Though this may be true, the “marketplace of ideas” is foundational to the First Amendment right to free speech.

“Reckless association” would cause two major externalities: 1) this secondary theory of liability would deter “intensive participation and engagement in online networks” and 2) the social networks would be required, under court order, to provide extensive metadata to plaintiffs’ lawyers.

Reckless Associations as a Deterrence Mechanism

The most obvious implication to free speech is that social network leaders “will be less inclined to take or remain in a position of influence” if “leaders know that there is a chance that they will incur the costs of litigation and a possible damages award.” As the authors state, “The implicit logic of contemporary debate is that courts cannot reach central nodes of a radicalized network without causing a chilling effort…. While this is true—l[i]ability will cause individuals to avoid becoming authority figures in groups that aggressively traffic in zany theories.” The authors intend to use tort liability to deter even a mere association with what they determine to be a “radicalized network.”

As an example, let’s say that a prominent Austrian economist is a central node within a network that opposes central banks. There may be individuals within that network that oppose central banks to such a level that they discuss ways to dismantle the central banks. A small fraction of those individuals may even consider violent action or perform violent acts against prominent central bankers.

Under this theory of liability, victims of such violence may be able to sue that Austrian economist for speaking in devout terms against the continued existence of central banks. If this were allowed, it would have a “chilling effect that would inhibit speech and free association.” Central actors or nodes would have to individually vet nodes within their network to deter radicals; this is unlikely to happen, so the effect would be to deter association with controversial ideas entirely and thus stifle debate within a small Overton window.

Surveillance Powers Handed over to Plaintiffs’ Attorneys

As the authors acknowledge, this theory of liability is possible because of advancements in artificial intelligence and network analysis. The platforms would have to share metadata with the plaintiff’s attorney through a court order. The attorney would have to prove each element (language bolded below) of the tort using that metadata.

The tort’s specific language is as follows: “A defendant is subject to liability for a plaintiff if the defendant assumed a position of leadership within an association that recklessly caused a member of the association to intentionally harm the person of the plaintiff.” Proving causation could present a challenge, but “this problem could be overcome with the right sort of data—if plaintiffs’ lawyers are able to access and analyze a meta-network of the third-party actor’s communications across multiple media and platforms,” write the authors. This analysis could prove technically and legally challenging, though it is likely that this same type of analysis is being done by intelligence agencies and law enforcement.

Social networks have been key actors in law enforcement investigations into terrorist activities and other illegal/illicit activities. As Lawfare notes, “Platforms now collect and analyze intelligence on a variety of threats, often in cooperation with law enforcement.” This partnership is strong, in part, because of constitutional and legal constraints, as well the fact that “private companies are generally nimbler than government agencies.” In a sense, these social networks are already captured as tools of the national security state. Expanding their surveillance capabilities to the domain of civil litigation should not present a challenge.

These platforms are well equipped to receive and share data in large quantities. As previously discussed, the platforms maintain processes to share relevant information with law enforcement. Platforms such as Meta’s Facebook have sought to partner with financial institutions such as JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, and US Bancorp. Public reporting has disclosed that these platforms have similarly cooperated with “keyboard warrants” and “geofence warrants.” These instances demonstrate that the platforms cooperate with law enforcement with minimal pushback. This level of cooperation raises concerns about the platforms’ willingness to share sensitive data with external actors.

Market Forces Have Handled the Issues Being Discussed

Aside from the two major consequences discussed above, this legal theory is unnecessary. The authors express a clear intention to target individuals like Infowars’ Alex Jones and former president Donald Trump. For years, both Jones and Trump have been under intense scrutiny and have undergone costly litigation. Separately, both individuals have been effectively blackballed from all prominent platforms. While one may disagree with the platforms’ rationale for banning these two individuals in lockstep, the market has proven to be responsive.

The platforms have responded to pressure from a wide variety of sources, ranging from elected officials to advertisers to special interest groups to their own employees. Unfortunately, the pressure has been to adopt increasingly censorious positions on content that does not conform to the mainstream narrative. Tesla CEO Elon Musk has taken note of this problem; Musk recently acquired a 9.2 percent stake in Twitter as a means to press the platform to adhere to fundamental free speech principles. Musk has previously stated, “Given that Twitter serves as the de facto public town square, failing to adhere to free speech principles fundamentally undermines democracy.”

Democracy requires individuals to be able to freely exchange ideas, which is why Congress drafted Section 230 as a shield against overreaching civil liability concerns. To address content that may pose a risk, the platforms already maintain community standards and other policies intended to moderate content. Facebook and Twitter employ thousands of content moderators, in conjunction with algorithms, to review content that may be in violation of policy.

The platforms partner with fact-checking outlets to assess the validity of viral claims made on the platforms. “It became a necessary feature of the new journalistic industrial complex in order to inoculate large tech platforms from government regulatory pressure and the threat of ‘private’ lawsuits from the NGO sector,” writes Tablet. Content shared on these platforms that is flagged as false or misleading gets downgraded by the platforms’ algorithms. While fact-checking organizations are frequently (and appropriately) labeled as partisan, this partnership supports the market-oriented approach to moderating content on these platforms.

This series of imperfect practices is best encapsulated in Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal’s recent statement: “Our role is not to be bound by the First Amendment, but our role is to serve a healthy public conversation and our moves are reflective of things that we believe lead to a healthier public conversation. The kinds of things that we do to work about this is to focus less on thinking about free speech but thinking about how the times have changed.” While imperfect, these market-led practices are preferrable to civil litigation and the accompanying surveillance architecture.


Civil liberties advocates would be keen to oppose this legal theory of secondary liability for the three reasons stated above: 1) reckless associations would cause a “chilling effect that would inhibit speech and free association,” 2) the theory would require platforms to provide a significant amount of sensitive network data to plaintiffs’ attorneys (many of whom could be politically motivated), and 3) the market has already taken steps to address the challenges of radical actors who may cause real-life damage.

This new theory will likely never become law in the United States, but it presents a useful visual of how First Amendment protections could be limited without direct encroachment. Separately, it demonstrates the authoritarian urge to use surveillance mechanisms to punish those deemed to be radical by the progressive establishment. Reckless associations is another attempt to stifle “arguments by people who believe they have a mandate of heaven, and the truth is whatever they say it is.”

Elon Musk Called Twitter’s Banning of NY Post’s Reporting of Hunter Biden’s Laptop “Obviously Incredibly Inappropriate” – It Was When Twitter Banned TGP Too


This evening Elon Musk opined on Twitter’s banning of the New York Post’s reporting of Hunter Biden’s laptop.  Musk labeled the actions “obviously incredibly inappropriate”.

The New York Post released stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop.  Twitter banned the New York Post.  [I also released stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop and my account was shut down.]

TRENDING: Swamp Rat Mitch McConnell Said He Was “Exhilarated” on Jan 6 that President Trump “Had Finally Tarnished His Reputation”

The Gateway Pundit’s account was shut down for questioning the stolen 2020 Election results.

Orwellian! Twitter Suspends Gateway Pundit Account for Violating “Civic Integrity” Rule — No Questioning of Election Results Allowed!

Another Gateway Pundit’s Editor’s account was banned for tweeting about Twitter’s censorship.

Twitter Bans TGP’s Associate Editor Cristina Laila After Tweetstorm Calling Out Twitter Censorship

All of this was wrong.  All of it.  It all was obviously incredibly inappropriate.  We hope and pray this soon ends and free speech is given its proper place on the Twitter platform. 

Russia Ratchets Up the Pressure – Cuts Off Gas Pipeline to Poland


Western military leaders are doing a poor job of hiding their growing consternation about the progress of Russia in achieving the “de-militarization” of Ukraine. Following Poland’s announcement it was sending T-72 tanks to Ukraine Russia upped the ante:

Russia has suspended gas supplies to Poland under the “Yamal contract” – Polish portal Onet

According to the newspaper, the Russian Federation did not inform the Polish side about the reasons for the suspension of supplies. A crisis group has already been urgently convened in the Polish government.

This is not only a blow to Poland but to other European countries that rely on the gas that travels through the pipelines in Poland. The Germans and French will be taking more cold showers in the coming days. Even in the summer, icy water is not always refreshing.

TRENDING: Swamp Rat Mitch McConnell Said He Was “Exhilarated” on Jan 6 that President Trump “Had Finally Tarnished His Reputation”

Besides turning the economic screw on Europe, Russia is sending a clear message with bombs and missiles–the Russians blew up key railroad junctions west of Kyiv, effectively cutting the ability of moving any tanks or heavy equipment to the east. Here is the map of the latest strikes (confirmed by the Ukrainians):

Railroad Junctions Destroyed

There are three ways to move military materiel to the Ukrainian soldiers getting pounded in the Donbas–air, railway and trucks. Ukraine has no air assets to move such equipment. So scratch that option. Rail transport was a possible option until today. But the eight railroad junctions suffered serious damage and are inoperable for the near term. Can they be repaired? Sure, with time and the necessary material. But Ukraine and NATO have yet to come up with a solution to stop the Russian aerial onslaught of cruise missiles. If we rebuild it the Russians will destroy it again.

That leaves trucks. Forget about it. The Ukrainians do not have enough trucks to carry out a significant resupply and any sizeable column of trucks will face the same fate as the railroad junctions. They will be destroyed enroute. The only hope for Ukraine is that Russia runs out of precision-guided missiles. If that happens then Russia will have to rely on dumb bombs. But that silver lining is not so shiny. Trucks are still a big fat target and are not accompanied by mobile air defense systems. The Russians still have de facto air supremacy in Ukraine.

POLITICO, in a surprising act of journalism, provides a gripping first-hand account of what it is like to be on the receiving end of Russian artillery and aerial bombardment in the Donbas. It ain’t pretty:

Eighty miles north of the city, First Lt. Ivan Skuratovsky, serving in the 25th Airborne Brigade, told POLITICO that help needs to come immediately.

“The situation is very bad, [Russian forces] are using scorched- earth tactics,” the 31-year-old married father of two said via text. “They simply destroy everything with artillery, shelling day and night,” he said via text.

He fears that if reinforcements in the form of manpower and heavy weaponry — particularly air support — don’t arrive in the next few days, his troops could find themselves in the same position as those in Mariupol.

Skuratovsky described his soldiers’ situation as “very desperate.”

“I don’t know how much strength we will have,” he said, adding that the troops under his command around the city of Avdiivka, near Donetsk, have gone without rest since the start of the war. At least 13 of them have been wounded in recent weeks, he said, and they are running dangerously low on ammunition, reduced to rationing bullets.

The day before, he told POLITICO his soldiers were being bombarded with Russian howitzers, mortars and multiple-launch rocket systems “at the same time.” Just hours earlier, he said, they had been attacked by two Su-25 warplanes, “and our day became hell.”

Skuratovsky had a message for the United States and other NATO countries: “I would like to tell them that grenade launchers are good, but against airstrikes and heavy artillery we will not be able to hold out for long. People can no longer endure daily bombardments. We need air support now. We need drones.”

First Lieutenant Skuratovsky clearly does not understand the capability of Russian air defense systems, which have been shooting down Ukie drones in devastating numbers. And drones do not solve the problem of resupplying troops that are being encircled by the Russians. As I noted in previous posts, the Russians are cutting key lines of communications (i.e., roads) that are needed for trucks hauling needed supplies.

Desperate me do stupid things. The Russians do not appear desperate to me. The same cannot be said for the Ukrainian troops in the Donbas.