Dinesh D’Souza and Salem Media are set to release their historic film “2000 Mules” to the American public next week.
The documentary reveals the ballot trafficking conspiracy to steal the 2020 presidential election for Joe Biden.
The film features Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips from True the Vote and their investigation into the massive ballot trafficking efforts by Democrats in all of the 2020 battleground states.
On Tuesday night The Gateway Pundit sat for a pre-screening of the film “2000 Mules.” The film describes how Democrats, using traffickers and stash houses, were able to manufacture and distribute approximately one million illegal ballots during the 2020 election.
The numbers are astonishing. The election integrity group believes hundreds of thousands of votes were dumped into drop boxes in Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona and Pennsylvania — enough ballots to flip the election in each state to Joe Biden!
Texas – Far-left Harris County judge Lina Hidalgo, who is currently under investigation for awarding a political crony an $11 million ‘vaccine outreach’ contract, raised more red flags when she granted a private security company a no-bid contract.
Hidalgo granted XMI Protection, a brand new company, a $120,000, 3-month no-bid contract and it appears the security detail is based in a mailbox.
“Motion carries 3-2. Thank you guys so much,” Judge Hidalgo said on Tuesday after a majority of the Harris County Commissioners Court approved the contract.
XMI Protection will provide security for Judge Hidalgo for 3 months at a cost of $121,000.
According to an investigation by KHOU 11, the security company is listed as a suite in a Spring-area shopping center, but it’s actually based in a mailbox inside of a shipping store.
We’re learning more about XMi Protection a day after a majority of the Harris County Commissioners Court granted the company a no-bid contract.
“I want to make sure that it’s clear that the firm has the experience required,” Hidalgo said. “That, ethically, there are no issues here. … That it’s cost-effective.”
Hidalgo’s office chose XMi after ending a security agreement with the Precinct 1 Constable’s Office earlier this month.
The Precinct 1 Constable’s Office chief of staff unsuccessfully challenged Hidalgo in the March 1 Democratic primary, although no one in Hidalgo’s office has said whether that played a role in the decision.
“Why a public company?” Precinct 3 Commissioner Tom Ramsey said about the new security deal. “Why a no-bid contract? Why the urgency?”
Ramsey voted against the contract along with fellow Republican, Precinct 4 Commissioner Jack Cagle.
XMi is a brand new company that lists its address as a suite in a Spring area shopping center. But it actually appears to be a mailbox inside a shipping store.
“This isn’t about the judge. This isn’t about her security,” Precinct 3 Commissioner Tom Ramsey said on Wednesday afternoon. “This is about why couldn’t we use Constables? Why couldn’t we use Harris County Sheriff’s deputies? We have a lot of options other than a private company with a P.O. Box.”
More from KHOU 11:
Hidalgo has a history of corruption and awarding contracts to political cronies.
Three of Judge Lina Hidalgo’s staffers were indicted a couple weeks ago after prosecutors expanded the investigation into an $11 million ‘vaccine outreach contract’ awarded to one of the judge’s political cronies.
Hidalgo ultimately panicked and canceled the $11 million vaccine contract after questions were raised that it was with a one-person firm with no experience.
Photo Of The Day: TFB’s favorite shots (pun intended) served on a daily basis. Today we have various images from 3E EOS, or 3E Elektro Optik Sistemler, from Turkey. Above you can see a “boosted” Heckler & Koch HK417 with a PARS thermal sight and a DLIRIL multifunction laser device.
Below: HK417 on a tripod. Note the drone to the left.
The PARS 635 is an advanced thermal weapon sight with the latest technological innovations, specially designed for direct or plug-and-disconnect use in residential combat and medium range marksmanship. The PARS thermal weapon scope family, which has proven itself in the field, offers the opportunity to dominate the night with high image quality. It is designed to give the highest performance even in the toughest combat conditions with its reinforced and light body structure.
Below: A picture from Steadfast Defender 2021. Do you recognize the rifle? It’s the Turkish National Infantry Rifle MPT-76. The PARS Thermal Weapon Sight is the choice of the Turkish Armed Forces.
The Taurus G3XL is one of the latest offerings in the market of double-stack 9mm concealed carry pistols. While the pistol isn’t as slim as the Glock 48 or as refined as the SIG P365XL, it’s extremely affordable and still reliable enough for concealed carry on a budget. Taurus made the correct decision to step away from its own proprietary sights and the G3X and the G3XL now offer Glock sight compatibility. This allows you much wider access to a variety of OEM and aftermarket options for sight augmentation including dovetail mounts for red dot optics, night sights for low light shooting, and sometimes even just more aesthetic-looking sights. Tyrant Designs sent me out a pair of their new Two-Piece Glock aluminum sights so I thought it might be fun to replace the factory Taurus G3XL sights with the Tyrant Designs Glock sights to see how well the two products could be melded together and to see if Taurus’ claims of Glock sight compatibility measured up.
TFB Review: Upgrading the Taurus G3XL with Tyrant Designs Glock Sights
Sight Replacement
Replacing the sights on the G3XL is a pretty similar affair to replacing the sights on a Glock pistol. You first should clear the gun, make sure your work area is free from ammunition then take the slide off of the gun so you can more easily drift out the rear sight and also have access to the screw for the front sight post.
The rear factory sight that the G3XL uses is a slim and low profile design featuring very small horizontal serrations that are supposed to cut down on glare. The rear sights on the G3XL are pretty easy to remove when compared to other pistol rear sights and I didn’t have much trouble at all drifting them out using a punch and a small hammer. I covered the business end of the punch with some masking tape so that I wouldn’t damage the finish on the sights or pistol’s slide.
TFB Review: Upgrading the Taurus G3XL with Tyrant Designs Glock Sights
I found that the rear sight was perhaps a tiny bit loose when compared to the factory sight but I think this isn’t entirely the fault of Tyrant Designs and their CNC machined sights which are almost always very precise. Instead, I think this has more to do with the G3XL’s rear dovetail perhaps being slightly out of spec. I think this is the case because the factory sights came out pretty easily like I said before. However, I added in a bit of Loctite thread locker tape inside of the dovetail and drifted the new sights to the correct location over the tape which made them very secure.
TFB Review: Upgrading the Taurus G3XL with Tyrant Designs Glock Sights
The factory Taurus hardware makes use of a 5/64 hex wrench bit to remove or tighten the sights down. Very useful for routine maintenance
One minor but very important difference between factory Glock sights and Taurus sights is that Glock sights use a 3/16 socket head screw that has a very slim head meaning you’ll need a specialized Glock sight tool to add or remove the front sight post. Taurus on the other hand uses a 5/16″ hex bit head screw which makes removing and replacing the sights much easier. Since this is the case, I opted to use the hardware from the Taurus sight instead of the one that came with the Tyrant Designs sights and this worked out just fine as the threads were the same pitch and the screws roughly the same length. I also added a bit of thread locker tape to the hardware just in case.
After the Replacement
One thing you’ll note above is that the sights are in fact two pieces. Not just in the respect that there is a front and rear sight, but the front sight is also two pieces featuring a polymer inner white insert with a machined aluminum post that attaches to the hardware through the slide. This indicates to me that you’ll be able to buy the different colored or tritium inserts separately from Tyrant Designs and have easier access to a wider variety of front sight posts depending on what type of shooting you’re planning to do. I think this is a neat feature although I don’t know exactly how useful it’d be to me since I mostly shoot red dots these days and only use iron sights as backup sights.
TFB Review: Upgrading the Taurus G3XL with Tyrant Designs Glock Sights
I don’t often bring the G3XL to the range but I do actually use it for one specific purpose at home and it’s something that the G3XL and the rest of the G3 lineup do better than any other striker-fired pistol on the market – it works great with the Mantis Laser Academy training system because of its re-strike capability. This makes it perfect for getting in a lot of reps with the Mantis laser training system and you’re also not limited in your practice by having to re-rack the slide every single time.
TFB Review: Upgrading the Taurus G3XL with Tyrant Designs Glock Sights
Now the Tyrant Designs sights aren’t just an aesthetic upgrade. The “dot” on the front sight is noticeably bigger than the standard factory dot that the G3XL comes with and this allows for faster and more precise sight alignment due to the trapezoidal configuration of the “dot” that matches up with a similar shape cut into the rears.
Tyrant Designs Sights | TFB Review: Upgrading the Taurus G3XL with Tyrant Designs Glock Sights
Factory Taurus Sights | TFB Review: Upgrading the Taurus G3XL with Tyrant Designs Glock Sights
As a final note, the rears on the Tyrant Design’s two-piece sights have a pretty aggressive angle on them that extends past the rear of the top of the pistol’s slide. For me, this caused some occasional snagging on clothing when drawing from concealment, so I think these sights are probably better suited to just range practice, and since I use the G3XL for indoor dry fire practice with the Mantis Laser Academy system, I didn’t feel pressured to put the factory sights back on the gun.
Closing Thoughts
I don’t think I’ve actually heard of anyone replacing their factory Taurus sights with aftermarket sights before so I was morbidly curious to see how well that actually works out in reality. As it turns out, I think that Taurus pistols have a slight dimensional difference in their dovetail cuts than OEM Glock pistols but it could also be that my G3XL was slightly out of spec since its factory sights came out just as easily. Nothing that a clever person can’t fix with a little thinking and $3 worth of thread locker tape.
The white sight insert and the aluminum front sight post.
The sights don’t really offer me anything other than a bigger front dot and maybe slightly better sight alignment. While it’s cool that you can swap out the insert on the front sight post, I don’t really know of anyone currently doing this but it might be useful down the road if you’re planning on customizing your pistol with lots of aftermarket parts and want a front sight to match the rest of your flashy hardware. It would certainly be cool if Tyrant Designs offered a tritium insert for the front sight and I think that would be an upgrade worth buying to increase your low light visibility for concealed carry applications.
Factory Taurus rear sight side by side with the Tyrant designs rear sight
In conclusion, I think these aftermarket sights from Tyrant Designs are built well but have a limited amount of uses that aren’t simply dressing up your pistol for a gilded party. For a price of $69.95, you’re really just paying for a luxury appearance upgrade rather than a functional one over the factory sights which do just fine. However, that being said, I’ve enjoyed using them on the Taurus G3XL which has so far been a great host for them after a bit of extra fitting done on my part. What I’m looking forward to down the road from Tyrant Designs are their upcoming Glock compatible tritium night sights. When those come out, we’ll see how they hold up to other aftermarket night sights already on the market!
A Twitter source leaked an internal slack channel reconfirming shadowbanning is indeed real.
Twitter executives have used Orwellian doublespeak to explain their ‘Terms of Service’ and how they moderate content on their platform.
In 2018, Project Veritas released an undercover video showing Twitter engineers bragging about how they target pro-Trump accounts by banning them or hiding their content.
Steven Pierre, Twitter engineer explains “shadow banning,” says “it’s going to ban a way of talking”
Former Twitter software engineer Abhinav Vadrevu on shadow banning: “they just think that no one is engaging with their content, when in reality, no one is seeing it”
Former Twitter Content Review Agent Mo Norai explains banning process: “if it was a pro-Trump thing and I’m anti-Trump… I banned his whole account… it’s at your discretion”
This week’s Wheelgun Wednesday has us looking at an ungainly, unconventional late 19th century Romanian-designed and partially British produced revolver: The Gatling Dimancea.
Gatling Dimancea. All Photos Credit: Galerie De Mars
The Dimancea was designed and patented in 1885 by Haralamb Dimancea, a Romanian Army officer. First prototypes were produced by Kynoch, and then small-scale production (roughly one thousand pieces) was done by the “Gatling Arms & Ammunition Co.” This was a British company based in Birmingham that was previously formed to produce copies of the Gatling gun for European sales.
Function and Design
The Dimancea is a rather bulky six-shot .38 caliber revolver, and has some very unique design aspects. First and foremost, it is “hammerless”. The revolver fires via an internal sprocket actuated by the trigger that both turns the cylinder via one set of arms and cocks/releases an internal striker with the other.
Gatling Dimancea. All Photos Credit: Galerie De Mars
What looks like a shrouded hammer on the rear of the frame is actually a release latch to twist the cylinder and barrel portion 90 degrees to the left. One would then pull the barrel portion forward to eject the cartridge cases and reload.
Gatling Dimancea. All Photos Credit: Galerie De Mars
Gatling Dimancea. All Photos Credit: Galerie De Mars
The trigger and sear group is a removable unit, much like on some more modern rifles and shotguns. The sear has a dual function as the cylinder indexing stop when the trigger is fully pulled to the rear.
If that sounds confusing at all, that’s because it is! It’s a very unique, though perhaps overly complex design concept, for a revolver. To get a better visualization of it, one can see a full disassembly at Ian McCollum’s Forgotten Weapons channel.
Gatling Dimancea. All Photos Credit: Galerie De Mars
Short-Lived and Unsuccessful
The Dimancea revolver was intended for Romanian Army trails, and was also looked at by the French Army, but neither chose to adopt this strange revolver. Production ceased in 1890 when the Gatling Arms and Ammunition Co. ceased operations due to debts.
Gatling Dimancea. All Photos Credit: Galerie De Mars
Grenfell and Accles, the new company formed to acquire the production facilities, chose to no longer manufacture this sprocket-powered revolving oddity, likely due to its manufacturing complexity, and instead chose to only produce ammunition and improved versions of the Gatling Gun.
The latest figures from the UK Health Security Agency show that covid jab effectiveness has dropped to minus-391 percent among triple-jabbed people aged 60-69. For those aged 30-59, covid jab effectiveness is between minus-298 percent and minus-324 percent.
All other age groups saw similar drops in jab effectiveness, the conclusion being that fully jabbed people are somewhere between three and five times more likely than the unvaccinated to test “positive” for the Fauci Flu. (Related: Deaths are skyrocketing in the fully injected.)
Currently, “cases” of the Wuhan Disease are the highest they have been since at least the beginning of the year, the data shows. It is clear from the figures that not only do the jabs not protect against infection, but they actually appear to cause more of it.
“The figures show that the case rates are highest among the triple vaccinated in all age groups,” reports the Daily Exposé (UK). “But not just by a little bit, instead by a million miles. And the gap between the unvaccinated and triple vaccinated has been getting worse by the month.”
“Therefore, these figures indicate the Covid-19 injections make recipients more likely to be infected with Covid-19 than the unvaccinated population.”
Pfizer’s mRNA injections are nowhere near 95 percent effective: Where did the company come up with this figure?
One of the things the Exposé is really good at is extrapolating the data to read between the lines, which almost always exposes the injections as doing the opposite of what they are claimed to do.
In the case of Pfizer’s mRNA (messenger RNA) injection, it is nowhere close to being 95 percent effective as the company claims, based on the data.
“Vaccine effectiveness was as low as minus-391.43% among 60-69-year-olds in Week 13, falling from minus 114.8% in week 5,” the Exposé explains about how real-world data directly contradicts Pfizer’s efficacy claims.
“The most concerning declines here seem to be among the 60-69-year-olds and 70-79-year-olds because it looks like they have fallen off a cliff between week 9 and week 13. Thankfully the fall among 18-29-year-olds seems to have slowed between week 9 and week 13, but still sits at minus-231.22% after being minus-29.8% in week 5.”
The data is so damning that it makes sense why the UK Health Security Agency stopped publishing weekly figures as of April Fools’ Day in 2022. It busts apart the narrative, and they simply cannot allow that to happen.
“I have had three people I know (fully vaccinated) recently tell me they have new heart issues,” wrote someone who reads the Exposé.
“None of them have even considered to link it to these Covid-19 vaccines? Even my son who is 6 understands the issues and asked me after carefully watching a drug advertisement, ‘Daddy, why does the commercial explain how the drug can kill you?’ Amazing times we live in.”
Over at Natural News, another warned that billions of fully injected people have now become “the seeds for the next plandemic,” as they will more than likely do whatever they are told and roll up their sleeves for even more injections.
“Their aim is to topple governments as they toppled the monarchies,” this person wrote about the seeded. “They truly think that self-governance doesn’t work.”
“Self-governance would work worldwide with a minimal amount of education and hard enough enforcement of serious wrongs early on. Now, though, it would literally take arresting and making them do hard labor every last drug lord, CEO, every politician that has taken money from multi-national corps, almost all the heads of organized religion.”
There’s Little Time Left Before the REAL DISASTER occurs!
Joe Biden, the head of the Biden Crime Family, AKA, “The Big Guy” actually said he got involved in politics because he thinks the greatest sin anyone can commit is the abuse of power.
Joe and Jill Biden on Wednesday hosted the Council of Chief State School Officers’ 2022 National and State Teachers of the Year in the East Room of the White House.
Biden told the room of teachers that he got into politics because he was sick of politicians abusing their power.
Following Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter last week, which was a triumphant victory in the ongoing war over free speech, the Biden Regime announced the creation of a “Disinformation Governance Board” that will be tasked with silencing anything deemed to be misinformation that’s related to homeland security. And, yes. It’s just as dystopian and creepy as it sounds.
The new board will operate under the authority of the Department of Homeland security with a special focus on Russia and “irregular migration,” according to the Post Millennial.
President Biden has decided the federal government will launch a Disinformation Governance Board under the authority of the Homeland Security Department
Did you just think they would let you have free speech back?
As we have seen over the past 6-plus years now, the term ‘Russian misinformation’ is frequently used as a wide catch-all that includes most of what goes against the liberal establishment, so the fact that they are specifically targeting this kind of “misinformation” is that much more concerning.
News of the board was first announced by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas while speaking at a House Appropriations DHS Subcommittee hearing on Wednesday:
“Our Undersecretary for Policy, Rob Silvers is co-chair with our Principal Deputy General Counsel, Jennifer Gaskell, in leading a just recently constituted misinformation disinformation governance board. So we’re bringing — the goal is to bring the resources of the department together to address this threat.”
The disinformation board will be led by executive director Nina Jankowicz, who, as Posobic reveals in a series of tweets, is an anti-free speech crusader and committed member of the radical left. She has even made her stance clear about crucial issues like the censorship of the Hunter Biden laptop and the stolen, rigged 2020 election. Unsurprisingly, Jankowicz has publicly slandered 2020 election concerns as damaging lies, backed the proven-false claim that the laptop from hell was Russian misinformation, and openly admitted to being just as concerned about “domestic misinformation” as she is about “foreign misinformation.”
In other words, the worst (or best) person for the job, depending on which side you are on.
From Posobic:
Another massive red flag uncovered by Posobic’s digging – Jankowicz, while working as a member of the Fulbright-Clinton fellowship, was an advisor to the Ukraine Government on “strategic communications” – Aka. Propaganda.
Jankowicz also oversaw Russia and Belarus programs at the National Democratic Institute, per the Post Millennial.
Clinton Ukraine, Biden, strategic communications… Jankowicz’s ties to the DC Swamp run deep. Putting her in charge of this board, let alone its existence, is a nightmare in and of itself.
Jankowicz is a former advisor to the Ukrainian government, under a Fulbright-Clinton Fellowship pic.twitter.com/rgBWklyERb
As for Jankowitz, she took to Twitter to celebrate the dystopian censorship board’s public announcement. Apparently, she has been hard at work behind the scenes for months working on their plans.
Clinton attacked Trump and warned ‘Fascism’ could take over the US if we don’t defend against “dictators and demagogues from the battlefields of Ukraine to the halls of our own Capitol.”
Then she went on a woke, feminist rant.
“So, the angels better be wearing their best pins and putting on their dancing shoes because if, as Madeleine believed, there’s a special place in hell for women who don’t support other women, they haven’t seen anyone like her yet,” Clinton said.