EXCLUSIVE: Numerous Chinese Manufacturers Are Working Only 1-Day a Week As China Faces an Economic Crisis – 20 of 31 Provinces Roll Out Electricity Rationing


China’s manufacturing is shrinking faster than China or the media will let on.  Mixed with the corporate and government solvency issues in the trillions, the country is facing a financial crisis.

We’ve reported on the solvency crisis of numerous companies involved in China real estate are facing of late.  It started with Evergrande and now multiple companies with billions in debt have been identified with solvency issues.

Three More Companies Join Evergrande – Unable to Meet Debt Obligations – Total Debt of Nearly Half a Trillion USD Facing Solvency Issues in China

The Gateway Pundit also reported on the solvency issues local governments are facing.  Another $8 trillion is reportedly hidden in the books of local governments throughout the country.

China’s Local Governments Have ‘Hidden’ Debt Estimated at $8 Trillion or Nearly Half of the Country’s GDP

We also learned that China stopped providing electricity to its manufacturers to one day a week.

More Woes for China as It Institutes Nationwide Power Cuts Negatively Impacting Its GDP

But there may be more to this.  Per recent information we received from inside China, manufacturing concerns in some areas, like Dongguan, near Shenzhen and across from Hong Kong, are down to working only 3 days a week or less.  (This city is located in the Pearl River Delta where some 50 million people are reportedly living, making it the most populous place on the planet.)

But it might actually be worse.  According to the South China Morning Post:

China’s army of small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMEs) have been hit hard by the nationwide power crisis, with outputs slashed and sweltering working conditions taking their toll, while panic buying of raw materials and goods is becoming commonplace over fears prices are set to soar.

Some producers are stockpiling inventory or buying equipment that uses less power, with Chinese media reporting on Tuesday that at least 20 out of 31 provincial jurisdictions have rolled out electricity-rationing measures in recent weeks, crippling businesses and households.

Candle factories are among those rushing to meet orders as demand soars, but most factories and manufacturers are facing slowing production, rising costs and lower profits as the crisis which has escalated over the past month worsens.

“Our output is down by at least a third, and we can only work from midnight to 8am. Workers are dozing off, and their efficiency is much lower than during the day,” said Wang Jie, a footwear manufacturer in Dongguan, Guangdong province…

…“Some factories are even being banned from producing [any goods] for six days after operating for only one day. It sounds so ridiculous, but it‘s true.”

China is facing an economic crisis or is already in a crisis, either way, this is a serious development.

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It’s Spreading: Kids In School Bus Chant “F*ck Joe Biden” in Michigan as They Pass Massive Anti-Biden Rally (VIDEO)


Joe Biden traveled to Howell, Michigan on Tuesday to pitch his unpopular $3.5 trillion socialist ‘infrastructure’ spending plan.

THOUSANDS of Trump supporters lined the streets and greeted Joe Biden with “F**k Joe Biden” flags and gestures as he rode by.

But it wasn’t just the adults.

A Gateway Pundit reader sent in this video from a school bus in Howell near the protests.

The school kids were ALSO chanting “F**k Joe Biden!”

Maybe there is hope for America?

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EXPLOSIVE VIDEO Emerges of Fauci and HHS Officials Plotting for ‘A New Avian Flu Virus’ to Enforce Universal Flu Vaccination (VIDEO)


Alex Jones of Infowars made a special broadcast on Monday night regarding an explosive video of Fauci with HHS officials and other health experts discussing how to enforce Universal Flu Vaccination in a summit organized by Milken Institute in Washington, DC last October 2019.

Alex Jones highlighted three clips from the hour-long video of the summit from C-SPAN which proved the COVID-19 pandemic was planned and the Big Pharma worked with the UN and other corrupt government officials to develop and release the COVID-19 virus ahead of ‘Great Reset’.

The first clip featured  Michael Specter, a journalist from The New Yorker and also an adjunct professor of bioengineering at Stanford University, Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Rick Bright, the director of HHS Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA).

In this video, they conceptualized having a new outbreak of novel avian flu virus from China so they can bypass the method of FDA approval and enforce mRNA vaccine to the masses.

Here’s the transcript:

Michael Specter: Why don’t we blow the system up? I mean obviously, we can’t just turn off the spigot on the system. We have and then say, hey everyone in the world should get this new vaccine that we haven’t given to anyone yet. But there must be some way that we grow vaccines mostly in eggs the way we did in 1947.

Fauci: In order to make the transition from getting out of the tried-and-true egg growing which we know gives us results that can be beneficial, I mean we’ve done well with that. There must be something that has to be much better. You have to prove that this works and then you’ve got to go through all of the clinical trials: phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, and then show that this particular product is going to be good over a period of years. That alone, if it works perfectly, it’s going to take a decade.

Bright: There might be a need or even an urgent call for an entity of excitement out there that’s completely disruptive, that’s not beholden to bureaucratic strings and processes.

Fauci: So we really do have a problem of how the world perceives influenza and it’s going to be very difficult to change that unless you do it from within and save.. I don’t care what your perception is, we’re going to address the problem in a disruptive and in an iterative way because she does need both.

Bright: But it is not too crazy to think that an outbreak of novel avian virus could occur in China somewhere. We could get the RNA sequence from that.. to a number of regional centers if not local, if not even in your home at some point, and print those vaccines on a patch of self-administer.

Watch the clip (full video below):

More from Medical Kidnap:

Joining Fauci, Rick Bright, and Michael Specter at this event were: Margaret Hamburg, Foreign Secretary, National Academy of Medicine, Bruce Gellin, President, Global Immunization, Sabin Vaccine Institute, Casey Wright, CEO, FluLab.

In short, this panel discussion focused on what they perceived as the need for a universal flu vaccine, but they admitted that the old way of producing vaccines was not sufficient for their purposes, and that they needed some kind of global event where many people were dying to be able to roll out a new mRNA vaccine to be tested on the public.

They all agreed that the annual flu virus was not scary enough to create an event that would convince people to get a universal vaccine. And as we now know today, about 2 years after this event, that “terrifying virus” that was introduced was the COVID-19 Sars virus.

And so now we know why the flu just “disappeared” in the 2020-21 flu season. It was simply replaced by COVID-19, in a worldwide cleverly planned “pandemic” to roll out the world’s first universal mRNA vaccines.

This was always the goal, and previous efforts through various influenzas, AIDS, Ebola, and other “viruses” were all unsuccessful in leading to the development of a universal vaccine to inject into the entire world’s population.

Margaret Hamburg stated regarding getting a “Universal Vaccine” into the market: “It’s time to stop talking, and it’s time to act… I think it is also because we haven’t had a sense of urgency.”

Michael Specter asked: “Do we need lots of people to die for that sense of urgency to occur?”

Hamburg replied that: “There are already lots of people dying” from the flu each year.

Bruce Gellin stated that basically people just are not afraid enough of the term “the flu.”

There are so many things that are revealed about how Big Pharma and government health authorities think in this panel discussion. For example, they bemoan the fact that if they do too good of a job in public health, then they lose funding to develop products that fight viruses.

Michael Specter states: “It seems to me that one of the curses of the public health world is, if you guys do your job well, everyone goes along well and healthy.”

Hamburg: “And they cut your funding.”

Rick Bright complains that the yearly distribution of flu vaccines is inefficient in terms of collecting data, and in the process actually admits that some vaccines just don’t work well:

“We distribute 150 million doses of the seasonal (flu) vaccines every year, we don’t even know how many people are being vaccinated from the doses that are delivered to the people, which doses they got, and what the real outcome was, so that we can learn from that knowledge base on how to optimize or improve our vaccine. So there are opportunities that we have today…

I think if we uncloaked the poorest performing vaccines in the market place today, it might be very revealing to tell us which of the technologies we have, and allow us to go deeper into those technologies to determine why they are more effective. There are vaccines licenses today that are more effective. I think that we’re just afraid to admit the truth.”

You can watch the full video here:

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Durham’s Investigation Should Go to the Top of Obama’s Administration


I wrote the following in March 2017. That is four-plus years ago. Unfortunately, not too many paid attention. But recent developments, such as Special Prosecutor Durham’s indictment of one of Hillary’s attorneys make it still relevant:

A fascinating and disturbing time in Washington. An anti-Russian propaganda campaign is running at full tilt and we find Democrats, most of the media and some Republicans spreading innuendo and outright lies about Donald Trump and his alleged ties to Vladimir Putin. I thought Sean Spicer’s quip from yesterday’s (Tuesday) press conference captured the absurdity:

“If the President puts Russian salad dressing on his salad tonight, somehow that’s a Russia connection,”

That’s a joke. At least one would think. But the insanity of the anti-Trumpers knows no boundaries. You need only take a look at a diatribe at the Huffington Post put up by Carly Ledbetter, who attacks Spicer for being so cavalier about such a serious matter. Here are a couple of examples from that she cites to reinforce her point that Spicer sinned against the nation:

Sean Spicer equating ‪#RussiaGate to dressing is beyond ludicrous. Trump is under FBI investigation! ‪@PressSec‪#RussianDressing

Spicer: If Pres used Russian Dressing that’s a Russian connection.  Yet I’m pretty sure WH wouldn’t obstruct justice to prove he used ranch 1:46 PM – 28 Mar 2017

Spicer also apparently forgot to research the origins of Russian dressing, as it was actually invented in Nashua, New Hampshire by a man named James E. Colburn, according to the Portland Press Herald.

But the facts about Russian influence over Trump are non-existent. Not my opinion. That’s a fact that even the truth challenged Jim Clapper acknowledged in early March:

In an exclusive interview with Meet the Press, Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper says that there wasn’t evidence of collusion between Russia and Trump earlier this year.

But the real news is the emerging evidence that Obama Administration obtained classified intelligence reports that mentioned Donald Trump and members of his campaign and distributed that information.  House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes already has confirmed in writing and in interviews that the Obama Administration conducted the following activities against President-Elect Trump and his team between November 2016 and January 2017:

On numerous occasions, the Intelligence Community “incidentally” collected information about U.S. citizens involved in the Trump transition.

Details about U.S. persons associated with the incoming Trump administration — details with little or no apparent foreign intelligence value—were widely disseminated throughout the government, and apparently leaked to Obama administration allies in the media.  Those leaks are felonies.

Names of Trump transition team members were “unmasked” – their identities revealed and circulated – again, more felonies.

None of this surveillance was related to Russia or any investigation of Russian activities or of the Trump team.

One of the earliest people to inadvertently spill the beans was former Obama Department of Defense official, Evelyn Farkas, who went on MSNBC and admitted that the Obama Administration was spying on Trump:

I was urging my former colleagues, and, and frankly speaking the people on the Hill [Democrat politicians], it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can – get as much intelligence as you can – before President Obama leaves the administration.

Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left; so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy, um, that the Trump folks – if they found out HOW we knew what we knew about their, the Trump staff, dealing with Russians – that they would try to compromise those sources and methods; meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence.

So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more. We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians].

That video has now been hidden from the public (you can search for. yourself at the following link)

Evelyn Farkas Says Obama Was Spying on Trump – MSNBC 3/27 3/28

But there is still a video showing Farkas trying to do damage control. (Note, she left the Government in October 2015 but still was claiming to have access to info in 2016):

Sundance (who posts at The Conservative Tree House) provided some additional key points and linked to analysis originally provided by Patrick Lang:

  • Evelyn Farkas has stated freely on TV that she and a group of associates from the Obama Administration went to congressional staffers who did not have access to these COMINT products and urged them to seek to gain access to them. At some point in the recent past Farkas was de-briefed (cut off) from access to the various kinds of compartmented information she had been given as a requirement of her prior job.  When that occurred she signed some papers in which she accepted the responsibility to protect the secrecy of that information. (link)

  • Evelyn Farkas is also a senior fellow of the Atlantic Council –SEE HERE– the Atlantic Council is funded in part by the US State Department, NATO, the governments of Latvia and Lithuania, the Ukrainian World Congress, and the Ukrainian oligarch Victor Pinchuk. The Atlantic Council has been among the loudest voices calling for a new Cold War with Russia. And guess who else is a senior fellow of the Atlantic Council? Dimitri Alperovitch – the founder and CTO of CrowdStrike! Alperovitch is head honcho of the Atlantic Council’s “Cyber Statecraft Initiative”.

  • CrowdStrike, aka Dimitri Alperovitch was the organization that initially claimed they had evidence the Russians were connected to the Trump organization.  A claim they have subsequently walked back – SEE HERE

We now know with the benefit of time that Ms. Farkas was an active agent helping feed the lie that Russia’s tenterhooks ensnared Donald Trump. We know from the Sussmann indictment that the Obama Administration was circulating obtained through intelligence methods and was not the product of a FISA warrant. FISA material is not put into intelligence reports that can be disseminated.

We also know, thanks in part to the Sussmann indictment, that the intelligence information came from collection efforts carried out by the NSA. I also am told that some of the intelligence information came from a foreign collector–specifically the Brits–and that information was passed to the U.S. intelligence community and distributed as liaison reporting.

The revelations about Farkas, Pinchuk and Alperovitch are further evidence that he effort to take out Donald Trump was part of a broader anti-Russian propaganda campaign. At a minimum, Durham’s team is interviewing these people to find out how they knew what they claimed to know.

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CNN Suffers Another Massive Drop In Prime-Time Ratings


CNN’s ratings are still circling the drain.

The far left network has suffered a drop in ratings for months. Specifically, since Trump has left office. They spent four years trying to get him out of office and it turns out he was the best thing that ever happened to them.

Meanwhile, FOX News is still doing very well. Especially Tucker Carlson.

Forbes reports:

CNN Drops 68% In Prime As Fox News Channel Crushes Competition In Q2 Cable News Ratings

Fox News Channel dominated the cable news competition in the second quarter of 2021, winning across all metrics: among total viewers in prime time and daytime, and among viewers 25-54, the demographic group most valued by national advertisers.

FNC’s Tucker Carlson Tonight was the most-watched show in cable news for the quarter, with a total audience of 2.924 million viewers. Tucker Carlson also finished first in the key demo, with an average audience of 487,000 viewers.

Overall, Fox News had four of the top five most-watched shows in cable news, with Tucker Carlson Tonight in first place among total viewers, followed by Hannity (2.653 million viewers), The Five (2.632 million viewers), MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show (2.504 million viewers) and FNC’s The Ingraham Angle (2.071 million viewers).

In the key demo, Tucker Carlson Tonight was first, followed by Hannity (420,000 viewers), The Five (385,000 viewers), The Ingraham Angle (361,000 viewers) and MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show (349,000 viewers)…

All of the cable news networks saw ratings declines compared to the second quarter of 2020, with CNN experiencing the biggest year-over-year drop in prime time, down 57%.

Is anyone at CNN embarrassed by their numbers?

At what point does CNN try to change course?

Cross posted from American Lookout.

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Senator Josh Hawley Calls Out DOJ For Trying to Sic FBI on Parents Livid at School Boards


Senator Josh Hawley rose to the challenge today and excoriated Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco for Attorney General Garland Merrick’s order for the FBI and US Attorneys to investigate parents who “harass or intimidate” members of school boards.

If I did not know better I would be thinking that a secret cabal of Trump supporters are paying Biden and his team to propose one stupid, insane policy after another. This move by AG Merrick has nothing to do with actual attacks and threats against school administrators. It is pure politics:

Garland fired off his memo days after the National School Boards Association (NSBA) claimed in a letter to President Biden that “America’s public schools and its education leaders are under an immediate threat,” as parents grow frustrated with mask mandates being imposed on their children and critical race theory being injected into their curricula.

And this will enrage every parent with a brain in their head and love for their child. Tucker Carlson, as expected, stepped up to the plate and flayed the Biden Administration for this attempt to intimidate parents who keen to fight the encroaching communist ideology that is supplanting America’s traditions and values.

There is a silver lining–Biden’s repeated embrace of wrong-headed policies that assault the majority of Americans who still love this country is making Demented Joe more unpopular with each passing day.

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John Kerry Claims Joe Biden “Literally Had Not Been Aware” US-Australia Submarine Deal Would Anger France (VIDEO)


Special Climate Envoy John Kerry on Monday sat down for an interview with French TV hosts and gave a rare glimpse of a behind-the-scenes look into the Biden Regime.

Kerry told the interviewers that Joe Biden had no idea about the fallout with the French from the US-Australian submarine deal.

The government of French President Macron announced last month it was recalling their ambassadors to the United States and Australia for consultations in the wake of a defense agreement with the U.S., Australia and the United Kingdom that shut out France and cancelled a multi-billion dollar submarine deal between France and Australia.

This is the first time France has recalled its U.S. ambassador in the well over 200 years of close relations dating to France’s support for the American Revolution.

France was angry after they learned about Joe Biden’s unilateral decision to freeze France out of the deal with Australia.

France learned about the deal in the media.

Joe Biden didn’t even contact France about the deal ahead of time, a move the country’s Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Drian blasted as “unpredictable.”

John Kerry said Joe Biden had no idea the submarine deal with Australia would anger France.

“And President Biden asked me about it, and I told him and expressed the–-” Kerry said before being interrupted by the interviewer.

“You told Joe Biden that it was not the right- –?” the interviewer said before being cut off by John Kerry.

“He asked me. He said, what’s the situation? And I explained exactly. He was — he had not been aware of that. He literally had not been aware of what had transpired. And I don’t want to go into the details of it, but suffice it to say that the president — my president, is very committed to strengthening the relationship and making sure that this is a small event of the past and moving on to the much more important future,” Kerry said.


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VA Dem Gov. Candidate Terry McAuliffe Admits, ‘Joe Biden Is Unpopular Today Unfortunately Here in Virginia’ (VIDEO)


Joe Biden is hated by the American people which is why Democrats running for office are distancing themselves from him.

Virginia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe said the quiet part out loud and admitted Joe Biden is unpopular during a zoom call.

Terry McAuliffe is an old Clintonite.

The Clintons are funding McAuliffe’s gubernatorial run…AGAIN.

McAuliffe is in a tight race against Republican Glenn Youngkin and he knows that Joe Biden, with such abysmal poll numbers, cannot help his campaign.

“We gotta get Democrats out to vote. We are facing a lot of headwinds from Washington as you know. The president is unpopular today unfortunately here in Virginia, so we have got to follow through,” Terry McAuliffe said.


While Terry McAuliffe is distancing himself from Joe Biden because he is unpopular, Joe Biden is out bragging about being the most popular US president ever.

Earlier Tuesday Joe Biden claimed he’s the most popular president in US history.

Thousands of Trump supporters holding “F*ck Joe Biden” signs lined the streets on Tuesday to greet Biden as he arrived in Howell, Michigan.

Biden was triggered by the signs and said the thousands of Trump supporters carrying ‘F*ck Joe Biden’ signs is why he got 81 million votes.

“And not withstanding some of the signs that I saw coming… that’s why 81 million Americans voted for me. The largest number of votes in American history,” said Biden.

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POTD: U.S. & Swedish Marines in Exercise Archipelago Endeavor


Exercise Archipelago EndeavorIn today’s Photo Of The Day, we offer an experience from Exercise Archipelago Endeavor. Above you see a Swedish Marine with the 204th Rifle Company, 2nd Marine Battalion, 1st Swedish Marine Regiment, providing security aboard a Combat Boat 90 near Berga Naval Base, Sweden, September 2021. Below: A Swedish Marine with the 1st Swedish Marine […]

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TFB Review: SIG Sauer TANGO6T 1-6x24mm LPVO


TFB Review: The Sig Sauer TANGO6T 1-6x24mm LPVOOver the last half-decade, Low-Power Variable Optics (LPVO) have exploded in popularity. Although the ever-popular red dot and magnifier combo still remains popular and perhaps a favorite for many, there is no disputing the LPVO platform has many advantages and unique capabilities and applications with regards to shooting. SIG Sauer invited me out in November […]

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