Afghan Gun Dealers Are Selling American Weapons Seized By the Taliban #BidenEffect


Afghan gun dealers are buying and selling American weapons that were seized from American-trained Afghan soldiers by the Taliban, according to a new report.

Three weapons dealers spoke to the New York Times about the market.

The Times reports, “in interviews, three weapons dealers in Kandahar said that dozens of Afghans have set up weapons shops in Afghanistan’s south, selling American-made pistols, rifles, grenades, binoculars and night-vision goggles. The equipment was originally provided to the Afghan security forces under a U.S. training and assistance program that cost American taxpayers more than $83 billion through two decades of war.”

“During the insurgency, the Taliban eagerly sought out American-supplied weapons and gear. But now much of that weaponry is being sold to Afghan entrepreneurs because Taliban demand has eased with the end of combat, the gun merchants said.” They say that many gun dealers have smuggled the weapons to Pakistan, where demand for American-made weapons is strong,” the report details.

While the Pentagon said that all advanced weaponry was disabled prior to the withdrawal, thousands of smaller weapons were left behind.

“Since 2005, the U.S. military has provided the Afghan national defense and security forces with many thousands of small arms, ranging from pistols to medium machine guns,” Maj. Rob Lodewick, a Defense Department spokesman, said in a statement to The Times.

Some of the weapons are reportedly even being sold in Pakistan.

The Taliban’s official spokesperson has denied selling the weapons, however.

In an interview with The New York Times, a Taliban spokesman, Bilal Karimi, said that weapons were not for sale. “I totally deny this; our fighters cannot be that careless,” he said. “Even a single person cannot sell a bullet in the market or smuggle it.”

Karimi added that captured weapons “are all listed, verified and are all saved and secure under the Islamic Emirate for the future army.”

Other members of the Taliban have admitted that the weapons made their way to the market.

As reported earlier the Biden administration left billions in US weapons in Afghanistan that went to the Taliban after the US withdrew from the country.

It’s Worse Than We Thought: Complete List of Armaments US Is Leaving to Taliban and Islamist Groups — Enough to Fortify Them for Years – Secret Warehouse of US Equipment Captured?

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SAR USA Introduces SAR9 Compact Pistol


SAR USA Introduces SAR9 Compact PistolSarsilmaz’s US arm SAR USA have announced the introduction of the SAR9 Compact Pistol. The full-size and carry versions of the SAR 9 were released back in 2017. The striker-fired SAR9 Compact has a 4 inch barrel, an overall length of 7.2 inches and a weight of 26.8 oz. The new pistols are available in black with […]

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Brave Parents Fire Back at DOJ and National School Board Association After Categorizing them “Domestic Terrorists” (VIDEO)


The growing backlash at school board meetings from outraged parents who use their constitutionally protected rights to speak out against tyrannical covid mandates and the poisonous, anti-American critical race theory that is being taught to their children has prompted the National School Boards Association to send a letter to Biden.

NSBA begged Biden to use federal law enforcement agencies against parents and investigate them for “domestic terrorism and hate crime threats.” They shamelessly claim the situation is so dire that he should use the Patriot Act, among other “enforceable actions” against them.

The Parents Defending Education Organization that has 427,000 members from several parents organizations, has responded and released an epic joint letter to NSBA. The letter, written on behalf of its members, made clear that the NSBA’s claims of “hate” and “terrorism” were shameful and it is a “thinly veiled threat, intended to intimidate into silence and submission the very constituents that your members ostensibly represent.”

Here’s an excerpt from the letter:

Citizens are angry that school boards and school officials around the country are restricting access to public meetings, limiting public comment, and in some cases conducting business via text messages in violation of state open meetings laws. They are angry that schools are charging them thousands of dollars in public records requests to view curriculum and training materials that impact their children and that should be open to the public by default. They are angry that pandemic-related learning losses have compounded the already-low reading, writing, and math proficiency rates in America’s schools. They are angry that rather than focusing on declining student achievement, large numbers of districts have chosen to fund, often with hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxpayer money, “social justice” and “diversity, equity, and inclusion” programs with finite resources.

Your members refuse to listen to these concerns – and your association has chosen to smear their constituents rather than engage with them in good faith. It is appalling that you would choose to threaten your fellow Americans for having the courage to hold you accountable for your failures.

We will not be bullied. We will not have our speech chilled. We have a constitutional right to petition our elected officials, and we will continue to do so.

We ask that your organization – and your members – engage respectfully and constructively with the country’s parents, grandparents, and concerned citizens so that we might work together to address and improve the quality of America’s public education system for all children.

Asra Nomani, vice president of investigations and strategy at Parents Defending Education, changed her Twitter handle by adding “Domestic Terrorist” to her name. She then posted a video where she accused Biden’s DOJ of criminalizing parenting, and they owe the people of America a swift apology.

Asra Nomani went on and accused Merrick Garland of conflict of interest. His daughter is married to the co-founder of Panorama Education which is criticized for its multimillion contracts with school boards. According to its website, Panorama provides classroom-level, school-level, and district-level reports that provide teachers and school leaders with individualized data they can use to improve their support for students’ academic, social, and emotional learning.

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NOW THIS… Fauci’s Henchman Daszak Applied to Develop Novel Corona Virus with DARPA Dollars in Wuhan in 2018


Fauci-funded British scientist Peter Daszak submitted a grant application to create a novel corona virus in 2018, the group of critical scientists named Drastic revealed to the Telegraph.

The proposal was filed to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) by Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance, the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), the University of North Carolina and Duke NUS in Singapore, the Telegraph reports.

The proposal was rejected, but similar research at WIV could explain why no natural ancestor of the Coronavirus has been found.

An unnamed WHO expert told The Telegraph that the process in the application would create “a new virus sequence, not a 100 percent match to anything.”

‘They would then synthesize the viral genome from the computer sequence, thus creating a virus genome that did not exist in nature but looks natural as it is the average of natural viruses.  Then they put that RNA in a cell and recover the virus from it.  This creates a virus that has never existed in nature, with a new ‘backbone’ that didn’t exist in nature but is very, very similar, as it’s the average of natural backbones,” the anonymous expert said.

A Freedom of Information request by The Intercept revealed that Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance funded the Wuhan Institute of Virology with at least $599,000. EcoHealth Alliance received a five-year grant of $666,000 a year for five years ($3.3 million) from the a National Health Institute (NIH).

Fauci has repeatedly denied funding so-called  ‘gain-of-function’ research at WIV.

Yesterday, Fauci’s boss Francis Collins at NIH announced he is stepping down at the end of the year.

Rutgers University microbiologist Richard Ebright tweeted: “The documents make it clear that assertions by the NIH Director, Francis Collins, and the NIAID Director, Anthony Fauci, that the NIH did not support gain-of-function research or potential pandemic pathogen enhancement at WIV are untruthful.”


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SHOCKING: Soros-Funded Scout Troop Pushes Underage Girls and Boys to Strip and Perform Sexually Explicit “Games” in Macedonia


“Sex Scouts”: Minors were pressured to expose their private parts before the Troop

The parent of a teenage girl blew the whistle on a horrific case of abuse in a scout group where adult instructors had underage children conduct sex games.

The children were instructed to get nude in front of each other, to paint their genitals and leave imprints, and adult instructors would commend them about the size of their private parts.

We are talking about 16 year old children, some not even that old. They were asked to name how many types of condoms they can identify. Then, they were asked about the number of their sexual partners. It was taken that a “correct answer” will be more than two sexual partners at 16 years of age. A bizzare “game” had them soak female hygiene products in red paint and then drain them. The children were then asked to put paint on a part of their body and leave an impression on paper – an imprint of a hand was ranked 10 points, the buttocks were valued 40 points, the breasts at 60 and the genitals – 80 points, the enraged father of one of the children told Sloboden Pecat in an interview. The father remained anonymous to protect his daughter.

After the shocking interview, two other parents joined in and revealed what their children were exposed to, while seven children in total left the group. They claim that the children were practically forced to participate in such activities, since the camp was set up far away from Skopje.

The children were accosted by older men and urged to undress during the events. ‘You’re too shy’, one of them told the children who wouldn’t get undressed during one of the activities that took place in a remote part of the country, meaning that the children were scared of being kicked out and left alone if they wouldn’t participate.

The scouting group – the First Skopje Scout Group – is a major recipient of funds from both the city of Skopje and the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia (FOSM), which is the main George Soros funded organization in Macedonia. FOSM already funds a number of organizations that promote a far leftist ideological curriculum of sexual education among children but the organization insisted that it didn’t know the scouting organization would use its funds for this type of activities.

Then, when the story broke, a Soros Foundation funded “fact-checker” slapped “fake news” labels on reports that revealed the child abuse.

Read the whole shocking story on Republika Macedonia (in English)

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Top 5 Freest and 5 Least Free States in the U.S.


Do you ever grow irrationally angry just contemplating how far the tentacles of government reach into our lives? Does the notion that you are governed by a stack of laws as thick as a man’s leg every second of your life drive you crazy? I know how you feel.

America is famously known as the land of the free, but in reality we are really the land of litigation. Laws, laws and more laws, stretching to the Moon and back, wait to restrict your behavior, take your money, and potentially separate you from your loved ones.

quarter horse

Gone are simple, common sense laws founded on ancient and steadfast moral principles, and installed instead are laws designed to pad the government’s pocketbook.

Only the most radical escape from society can truly free you from the influence of said laws, but if you just want to be left alone to live your life in peace with minimum of government interference, you still have options.

Mercifully, some states in our Union still seem to be at least nominally friendly to the idea that a man should be able to live as he pleases with a minimum of interference.

Today, we will be sharing with you a list of the top five freest States along with the five that are the despicably least free in our Union.

Just. Leave. Us. Alone!

An old aphorism reminds us that “just because you aren’t interested in the government doesn’t mean the government isn’t interested in you,” and now as in eras past the government shows its interest in you by passing laws to govern your behavior.

And not only that, they pass laws to help extort money out of you in the form of taxes, fees, licenses, stamps, permits and more.

Want to build a deck on the back of your house? You’ll need to get a permit for that, and probably an inspection also. Failed to get the permit, or fail to get the inspection?

You are likely to be fined, your deck condemned and potentially even arrested. What a pain, lucky for you you just want to catch some rain water to have on hand in case you need to water your garden during a drought.

Not so fast, citizen! That rain water doesn’t belong to you, it belongs to the state first and you can only catch a paltry amount and use it only for what the government says is okay.

Not to mention, your catchment system must be of a pre-approved type, and then inspected for your safety.

Also, inspections must be done to ensure that the catching of that rain water will not unduly harm nearby lakes, streams and tributaries, to say nothing of neighboring properties.

This is not hyperbole, reader. The above scenarios are entirely real and happen all the time around the nation. But, they only happen in lesser, tyrannical states.

What Do You Mean, “Free?”

Before we get to the list proper, we need to clear up a few things. It is a tricky, tricky thing to make a list of the most free and least free states considering that each and every one of these states is still jam-packed laws.

When I talk about freedom, I’m not talking about a place that is devoid of laws where you can, hopefully, go and live in pleasant, pastoral anarchy.

Furthermore, everyone has their own idea of what makes for intolerable laws. Some people, mostly filthy status, are entirely content to hand over most of their earned income to the state so long as the lies the state tells them about what they’ll spend it for press their virtue button.

Other folks can put up with a lot but cannot countenance any tyrannical infringement on their second amendment rights. Still others don’t care about anything except having devil-may-care property, zoning and building codes.

Ultimately, what is the most freeing for you may not be the most freeing for me depending upon our lifestyles. Keep that in mind.

I have not assembled this list with any sort of strict scientific metric, but have instead relied upon my own values that I believe are shared among the majority of preppers out there: the right to keep what I earn, the right to use my land how I see fit, the right to keep and bear arms and a general attitude of self-determinism and freedom and how I order and structure my life.

Accordingly, my top five freest states will reflect that. Conversely, the five dogs bringing up the tail end of the list as the least free states stand staunchly against those values and then some.

The 5 Freest States in the United States

Texas flag


Texas is a state that practically bleeds freedom. Seen as one of the most ruggedly individualistic out of all the states in our union, residents of Texas will enjoy minimally restrictive building codes in most places, and particularly in the remote, northern and western parts of the state meaning it is perfect for building your home and developing your property your way.

Even better, the state has ample opportunities for off-grid or personal power generation and will even incentivize you to do so.

Excellent knife and gun laws that have recently been improved, generally low taxes in most domains, and definitively pro freedom culture throughout means Texas takes Best in class on our list.

Tennessee flag


Tennessee is another superbly free state, and something of a sleeper compared to its southern neighbors, Alabama and Georgia. This is another state that emphasizes individual responsibility, self-sufficiency and minimal government intrusion into the lives of its citizens.

You’ll find that most places in Tennessee are suitable for farming and homesteading alike, and laws concerning use or development of property outside of major metropolitan areas are few and far between.

This is another state that is definitively and defiantly pro-gun, pro-knife, pro self defense and anti-criminal, meaning you’ll have little to fear from greasy, gun grabbing politicians. The cost of land is usually low, too, though prices are beginning to creep up in response to an influx of refugees from other states.

Alabama flag


Alabama is a true gem of the American deep south, one with varied and typically pleasant weather, but more pertinent to our purposes one with land that is extremely affordable that comes bundled with superb property rights and state laws throughout that are highly amenable to living well and truly off grid in a community of like-minded people that you assembled yourself.

It should go without saying that Alabama is another pro gun and pro self-defense state, with fair knife laws, and decent trespassing laws, but it is also a state with mild taxes and generally few restrictions on the economic activity of citizens.

There are only a few isolated settlements that decidedly go against this grain, and the state enjoys sweeping powers of preemption against such places that would unduly burden citizens with laws that exceed the state’s own lax standards.

Louisiana flag


Louisiana has a reputation for being a remote and willow shaded swamp territory, but the state is actually an ecologically varied, beautiful and highly amenable place to live when you just want to be left alone.

Citizens of Louisiana enjoy excellent hunting seasons and fishing opportunities year-round, and most communities are very tight-knit by virtue thanks to minimal state level intrusion into the day to day running of things.

You’ll find no small lack of land for nearly any purpose, and if you are anywhere outside of major cities you can build pretty much anything you want, however you want to.

For folks who want to live an alternative lifestyle in an alternative dwelling, Louisiana has much to recommend it, though there is a fly in the ointment: compared to other states in our top five, administrative property and water rights are only middling.

Nonetheless, compared to most other places in the country it is still first class, so don’t let that dissuade you!

Read more on Louisiana’s laws here.

Utah flag


Utah is a state of contrasts. Greatly varying weather, tremendous variety in terrain, and equally variable local cultures depending on where you are.

But there are quite a few things that remain uniform throughout: excellent privacy rights, dependably solid gun rights and strong personal property rights concerning use, access and zoning. If minding your own business is your personal code, you’ll probably love Utah.

However, there are a few things to be aware of. Both the federal government and the state own an awful lot of land throughout, meaning that in the future even more purchases will be likely.

If you own property next to an existing government parcel, or wind up owning property next to one of their recent acquisitions, you could be at risk of eminent domain.

Also, a few areas throughout the state level have bafflingly high taxes, though these are few and far between. If you aren’t too worried about the notion of getting caught up in a government land grab there’s a lot to love about Utah.

Check out Utah’s knife laws here.

The 5 Least Free States in the United States

New York state flag

New York

You probably knew what was going to be leading the list on the list free states as soon as you clicked onto this article.

Every, single bad thing that freedom loving people say about the state of New York is all true, and then some. This is a state that is absolutely drowning in tax, every interaction, everything you buy, everything you own, do, or don’t do will have the government picking your pocket, and gleefully so.

What’s worse, there is no facet of life that is not utterly controlled in the state, from positively draconian gun land knife laws to stringent building codes, restrictions and tax on the alcohol and tobacco and scandalous roadblocking of homeschooling initiatives.

You live in New York, and you are a subject, not a citizen. At least things are nominally better if only slightly outside of New York City and surrounding boroughs. Head for the hills, literally, if you’re going to make a go of it here.

New Jersey flag

New Jersey

New Jersey only just tails New York when it comes to tyrannical intrusion into citizens’ lives, and in some ways it is even worse than its Yankee neighbor.

New Jersey is a state that is rightly infamous for corruption; severe gun and knife rights issues, including restrictions all the way down to what type of ammunition you can carry legally loaded into magazines or chambers, taxes for every conceivable action you might take and more.

Particularly egregious, the state heavily taxes personal vices like alcohol and tobacco and has strict requirements concerning land and water use as well as your rights to both on your very own property.

New Jersey is also infamous for its byzantine, expensive and inefficient department of motor vehicles, meaning that licensing, inspection and even more tax grafting is coming your way if you want the privilege of owning and operating a car in the state. Avoid, unless you hate yourself.

flag Maryland


Maryland is known for many things, but for those of us who love freedom it is most known for economic and business restrictions, stringent building codes with harsh penalties for even the most cursory violations, rampant taxation on personal vices, smoking in particular and restrictive gun laws.

That is a shame, too, because Maryland is certainly a beautiful state with many pleasant and idyllic remote wildernesses that would be perfect for setting up your own patch.

Unfortunately, you should admire them from afar because even if you do buy land and this exorbitantly expensive state your options for developing and using it according to your wins will be sharply limited. Visit for the seafood, then return to America.

Its knife laws are surprisingly decent, though, more on that here.

California flag


Ah, California. The poster child for big government run amok, and the darling of leftists who just want to be stepped on harder, and worse, want to inflict this level of government control on the rest of the nation.

California might be beautiful and stereotypically a laid-back surfer or hippie culture, but this candy shell veneer of relaxation cannot hide a government that is ever growing and impossibly busy when it comes to draining wealth from its citizenry.

California is notorious for constant and big spending at the state level on insane projects both large and small. This means that taxation is constant in every facet of citizens’ lives, and always increasing.

What’s worse, though the government is byzantine and impenetrable when citizens need it for any purpose, it is frighteningly centralized and efficient when it comes to expanding and cementing its own power.

The sprinkles on top of this shitty sundae are the state’s unbelievably restrictive gun laws, getting worse by the year. The major cities in California are all dystopian hellscapes, and the rest of the state will be right behind it if this government largesse cannot be arrested.

Knife laws may seem OK, but that’s not exactly the case. I explain why right here.

Rhode Island flag

Rhode Island

Rhode Island is bringing up the rear on our list of least free states, and does it mostly by being less oppressively terrible than its competitors. On the surface, nothing is particularly wrong with

Rhode Island, and even after reviewing the state statutes you might not see too much objectionable about it. But, regrettably, you’d be wrong as the state has a well-earned reputation for being consistently restrictive when it comes to citizens’ economic practices, and it is only so-so when it comes to personal freedoms.

Gun laws, knife laws, alcohol, tobacco and personal property rights laws are all fairly stiff, and this is another state that is tax crazy, although not quite to the same extent as its neighbors in New England.

Additionally, the laws are written in such a way and organized accordingly to make them virtually impenetrable to those without a law degree.

This can put lay people at a decided disadvantage when it comes to figuring out their rights, necessitating expensive legal counsel for even the most mundane conflicts of interest.


Getting out from beneath the government’s thumb entirely is a pipe dream for most of us, but that doesn’t mean you have to stay in a place where government overreach and intrusion into every, single facet of citizens’ lives is as much a part of your day as the rising and setting of the sun.

The bottom line is that some states are significantly freer than others, and unless you have personal or familial obligations keeping you in a state with a reputation for being decidedly unfree, you should pack your bags and head for greener pastures.

You could hardly go wrong with any of the free states listed above.

top free states USA Pinterest image

PSA: Double-Check Your State Laws Before Buying the FN502


The new FN502 Tactical 22LR pistol was announced recently and I’m sure many of you are trying to get your hands on one. However, you should be forewarned that if you live in certain states, the FN502 could run you afoul of the law due to its construction. In an email put out to distributors […]

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How a Kel-Tec KSG is Made: The Kel-Tec Factory Tour


In this episode of TFBTV, James Reeves tours Kel-Tec to find out how the Kel-Tec KSG is made. James takes you through the entire factory, from receiving (where raw materials are accepted) through machining, to assembly, and quality control. This is an interesting look at one of the most intriguing and innovative companies in the […]

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Now That You Have Survived The Facebook “Mini Apocalypse”, Are You Ready For A Real One?


This article was originally published by Michael Snyder at The End of the American Dream. 

Where were you when Facebook and Instagram went down for six hours?  For many Internet addicts, the trauma of the “mini apocalypse” that Facebook and Instagram experienced on Monday will linger for quite some time to come.

Millions of users suddenly cried out in terror when they tried to log in to their accounts and the sites were seemingly gone.  Before too long, the entire world was in an uproar and everyone wanted to know when Facebook and Instagram would finally be restored.  Of course, Twitter was still up, and so hordes of social media denizens quickly rushed over there to share what they were feeling

mini social media apocalypse unfolded Monday morning, and people were freaking out. With Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp all hit by a massive global outage, everyone flooded Twitter to complain, commiserate and, of course, share memes.

Even officials from Facebook and Instagram were using Twitter to update everyone on the crisis, and a lot of people found that to be quite humorous.

Initially, we were told that it was a DNS issue, but it turns out that it actually went deeper than that

The problem goes deeper than Facebook’s obvious DNS failures, though. Facebook-owned Instagram was also down, and its DNS services—which are hosted on Amazon rather than being internal to Facebook’s own network—were functional. Instagram and WhatsApp were reachable but showed HTTP 503 failures (no server is available for the request) instead, an indication that while DNS worked and the services’ load balancers were reachable, the application servers that should be feeding the load balancers were not.

A bit later, Cloudflare VP Dane Knecht reported that all BGP routes for Facebook had been pulled. (BGP—short for Border Gateway Protocol—is the system by which one network figures out the best route to a different network.)

The longer Facebook and Instagram were down, the more people started to hyperventilate, but Mark Zuckerberg had his best people working to resolve the crisis.

Of course, this outage came at a very peculiar moment.

Just one day earlier, an interview on 60 Minutes with a Facebook whistleblower had made headlines all over the globe

The outage comes at a particularly strange time, after a Facebook whistleblower who recently released incriminating internal documents revealed her identity on 60 Minutes on Sunday. The whistleblower, Frances Haugen, was a product manager working on civic integrity at Facebook until she left in May. “Over and over again … there were conflicts of interest between what was good for the public and what was good for Facebook,” she said during her interview. “Facebook over and over again chose to optimize for its own interests.”

Perhaps the timing of this outage was just a “coincidence”, but that seems unlikely.

In my opinion, it appears that someone was trying to send Facebook a message.

In the bigger picture, however, the fact that Facebook was down for six hours was not really that big of a deal.  In fact, the world would probably be a much better place if Facebook were to disappear on a permanent basis.

Meanwhile, real “apocalyptic events” continue to happen all over the globe.

Many Americans may not have noticed, but crazy natural disasters just keep happening at a very alarming rate.  The volcanic eruption in the Canary Islands has been spectacular, and it is being reported that it is “now erupting even more aggressively”

The Cumbre Vieja volcano on the Spanish island of La Palma is now erupting even more aggressively after weeks of gushing lava, Spain’s Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) said Sunday.

The volcano’s activity “continues to be intense” and a new crater was discovered Saturday, the Canary Islands government and IGN said in a joint statement.

We are being told that the volcano is ejecting “millions of cubic meters of lava”, and nobody can tell us when the eruption will finally be over.

Of course, we have seen lots of other seismic activity all over the globe so far in 2021, and I expect to see a lot more in the months ahead as our planet continues to become increasingly unstable.

On the other side of the world, China set a brand new record by flying 52 military aircraft into Taiwanese airspace on Monday…

China flew an unprecedented 52 warplanes near Taiwanese airspace on Monday, Taiwan’s Ministry of Defense reported, marking a troubling escalation as Beijing boasts of sending record numbers of attack aircraft at a time of heightened tensions.

China’s English language Global Times, considered a mouthpiece of the Chinese Communist Party, confirmed the deployment and that the Chinese military set new records for the scale of the aerial provocations on both Friday and Saturday over the Taiwan Straits. It said the deployments helped mark the country’s National Day on Oct. 1, the annual celebration of the party’s founding, but indicated they are also in response to a U.S.-led armada of allied ships that sailed through the contested Philippine Sea late last week.

The Chinese military has become increasingly aggressive in recent weeks, and a CCP media outlet just described the ruling political party in Taiwan as “an evil force the mainland must crush”

Chinese warplanes operating in the skies near Taiwan in record numbers prompted a statement of concern from the State Department on Sunday, as a Chinese Communist Party media outlet hailed what it called “a clear and unmistakable declaration of China’s sovereignty over the island.”

Global Times in an editorial described Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) as “an evil force the mainland must crush.”

Many believe that it is just a matter of time before China invades, and when that happens it really will have “apocalyptic” consequences.

And as I pointed out yesterday, Israel and Iran are very close to going to war as well, and such a conflict could easily spark World War 3.

These are such troubled times.  We are in the midst of the worst global supply chain crisis in modern history, inflation is starting to spiral out of control all over the planet, and global food supplies are getting a lot tighter.  Meanwhile, the pandemic and the response to the pandemic have killed millions, and now we are being told that this health crisis is never going to have an end.  So we are facing year after year of tyranny, and we are already seeing wild protests against mandates and restrictions all around the world.

Sadly, what we have been through so far is just the early chapters.  What is still ahead of us is going to be far, far worse.

So please excuse me if I don’t have too much sympathy for those that “suffered” because Facebook was down for six whole hours.

If people can’t handle that, how in the world are they going to handle everything else that is eventually coming?

***It is finally here! Michael’s new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.***

About the Author: My name is Michael Snyder and my brand new book entitled “7 Year Apocalypse” is now available on  In addition to my new book, I have written five others that are available on including  “Lost Prophecies Of The Future Of America”“The Beginning Of The End”“Get Prepared Now”, and “Living A Life That Really Matters”. (#CommissionsEarned)  By purchasing the books you help to support the work that my wife and I are doing, and by giving it to others you help to multiply the impact that we are having on people all over the globe.  I have published thousands of articles on The Economic Collapse BlogEnd Of The American Dream, and The Most Important News, and the articles that I publish on those sites are republished on dozens of other prominent websites all over the globe.  I always freely and happily allow others to republish my articles on their own websites, but I also ask that they include this “About the Author” section with each article.  The material contained in this article is for general information purposes only, and readers should consult licensed professionals before making any legal, business, financial or health decisions.  I encourage you to follow me on social media on Facebook and Twitter, and anyway that you can share these articles with others is a great help.  During these very challenging times, people will need hope more than ever before, and it is our goal to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with as many people as we possibly can.

The post Now That You Have Survived The Facebook “Mini Apocalypse”, Are You Ready For A Real One? first appeared on SHTF Plan – When It Hits The Fan, Don’t Say We Didn’t Warn You.

Mike Lindell Explains Coming Landmark Supreme Court Case and Class Action Dominion Lawsuit: “We’ve Got To FIX 2020 FIRST”


Mike Lindell is laser-focused on fixing 2020 before another election can be stolen from the American people ever again.

In addition to his $1.6 billion Dominion lawsuit, Mike Lindell is onboarding State Attorneys General for a massive Supreme Court case aimed at looking into the vast evidence of fraud in the 2020 election.

Sign the petition to encourage the Supreme Court to accept the bill and save America at!

The audit volunteers and election fraud witnesses are also taking on Dominion with a major class-action lawsuit.

Dominion is serving regular, everyday people, with legal documents for doing the right thing and speaking up. They are intimidating Americans with threats of lawfare and intentionally placing them under duress.

Professor David Clements told The Gateway Pundit that the Arizona Senate and the auditors are also under duress, and it is depriving everybody of the truth. This is a serious issue.

WATCH: Professor David Clements On AZ Audit Presentation: “We Should Be Calling For Decertification… What I’m Hearing Is An Element Of Duress”

They’ve even put regular people under duress with the fear of internet censorship, government watchlists, and an army of fake news propagandists to bully, scare, and silence us.

If the election was stolen, which it was, Dominion doesn’t even want us talking about it. 

Conradson: Mike Lindell recently dropped a huge class-action lawsuit against Dominion. Can you tell us what happened?

Lindell: Yeah, the Dominion lawsuit, that was actually all of the poll watchers and stuff. These are regular everyday people, they were volunteers and they got Dominion served them papers. Threatening letters and papers, using law fair basically to try and scare them and so they’re actually the plaintiffs. All these great patriots and anyone that was a poll watcher, that was part of it got a threatening letter. There were hundreds of them from Dominion to stop them from speaking out. They say you need to stop right now and that’s what this class action suit is all about.

Conradson: What kind of threat was it?

Lindell: For one thing, they wanted to you know some of them said, preserve all the evidence that you have, and they’re going what? What did I do? They didn’t even know what they did. A lot of them said, hey, don’t talk anymore. They’re going, well what do you mean don’t talk? You know, I mean it’s beyond imagination what Dominion did to these people back then in November, December, January. You know these were volunteers that came out and a lot of them had to get security systems for their houses. They felt threatened therefore their families, and they had never gotten anything like this before. I actually was one of them way back when but with my background and stuff, I’m going, Oh, yeah this looks like something right out about mafia letter I used to get when I bet football back in the day. “Pay by tomorrow, or else.” You know. And my letter says, “You quit talking about us!”, basically. And “or else I’m going to…” you know. But for everyday people, this was very threatening. And then right after that, they serve us all these letters, and then they started putting out billion-dollar lawsuits against people, that you’ve never heard of anything like in history. It’s like, we’re suing you for 1.3 billion, and you for 1.3 billion and, and then as using lawfare. So these people lived in fear now for about 7, 8, 9 months, some of them, and they’ve had it. They’ve all came together and there’s even more and more jumping on board this class action lawsuit.

Conradson: I saw a great video from the volunteers at They were all able to break the silence now that their NDA period is over. They said that they saw a lot of things that weren’t presented in the final audit presentation.

Lindell: Yeah, they didn’t put up how fast stuff was in yesterday, you know, and there was stuff that was cut out of there. Dominion, whether Dominion removed the logs from the 2020 election, and or somebody did. And actually, they have it on video, they actually know who did it, but they’re keeping their names out of it. For now, hoping they flip you know, we’ve got a lot of whistleblowers too that used to work for dominion and, you know, Dominion also deleted all the logs in Colorado. That’s, another huge case going on. Mesa County, and it’s called the trusted build. They go around, delete all the 2020 election, which they’re supposed to, it’s a federal crime, and a state crime. You know, they have to preserve evidence for 22 months. And all of the lawsuits that Dominion and Smartmatic, all of them have, they have to preserve evidence. Remember, I sued Dominion for 1.6 billion. You know, okay, you sue me for this. I’ll sue you too. This isn’t a countersuit. This is an actual lawsuit. What they’ve done with our first amendment rights of free speech is disgusting.

Conradson: Why was the report watered down?

Lindell: You know, I don’t know. And that that’s terrible, too. They never gave up the routers, I don’t believe they still have. You know, the router show who did it and everything. All the evidence I’ve had for months now, with the packet captures and the data from the 2020 election would match up to what those routers exactly. But they didn’t put the routers out there. They didn’t even put down, it’s very strange, because let me tell you, I use this analogy. Let’s say I gave you $1,000 and I have $200 we count our money and it’s $1200. Well, then, they did this recount of the paper. Well, it came out this $1,000 in $200. But then we looked at your money, and you have Monopoly money. And now and now you really only had $100! That’s what happened in Arizona. That’s what happened across our country. Well, they’re counting the monopoly money again instead of, they’re leaving it out that these were fake ballots. They were printed on little pieces of paper like this. They weren’t printed on a ballot paper. Remember Arizona had one whole week before they turned in their last 1% of Maricopa County. It doesn’t take you a week to count it. But it does take a week to try and hide the corruption. Then also they had months, a couple of months when that audit, when they got subpoenas and everything else ordered for that audit. Well, I think it was a night before, they show up people in there deleting the logs. But also leading up to that, it’s easy to make sure that the actual paper matches what they’re going to count.

You got to realize the media is the biggest part of this too. When you got Fox,  I have a new saying,”don’t go Fox on me”. That means don’t go silent on me. Fox doesn’t talk about anything. As you guys know, Fox suppresses the election. They did it. They’ve done it since November when they called Arizona early. And they’ve been part of this. They’ve been part of the cover-up and it’s disgusting.

Conradson: The media is running with, “This was a recount and Biden won.” But no, this was a full forensic audit. So this massive evidence of fraud, it’s been turned over to Arizona Attorney General Brnovich. He needs to do the right thing. I knew that you’ve been onboarding Attorneys General across the nation. Can you tell us what you have going on?

Lindell: Yeah, well we have going on everybody, is what I’ve been telling everyone since February. Since I came out with the movie Absolute Proof. If you haven’t seen it, I encourage everybody to watch it at But at now, we’ve just put up a new petition. It’s called That petition you can sign up for the Supreme Court to accept this case. This is the case, this has nothing to do with my Dominion lawsuits. This is the case I’ve been telling everyone about since February. This is the Attorneys General and the states going to the Supreme Court, which is going to happen before Thanksgiving. We keep getting more and more Attorneys General on board here. And to get this election looked at and pulled down. The whole thing is, will they look at it? That’s the big key. Supreme Court you need to protect our country and look at this. We cannot make it to 2022.

Everyone, the polls are out now and over 40% of Democrats believe his election was stolen. Their eyes are getting more open every day because of the terrible things that this administration is doing to our country and for that matter the world. I mean they’re just destroying things.

Conradson: The County Recorder and one of the County Supervisors, we found out in leaked audios that they also support getting rid of Dominion before the next election cycle. It’s absolutely insane. What does President Trump think of the Arizona audit results and just the massive resistance to the election integrity movement?

Lindell: Well, obviously he was looking forward to Arizona coming out. He knew the media was going to try and suppress it, like they did. They went Fox on us. But one of the things he’s been very, very outspoken on, is we’ve got to fix 2020 first. Everyone keeps saying, Are you running in 2024? He’s not going to give you that answer. Because if he did say that, think about this, that’d be like giving up on 2020. If we don’t fix 2020 first, 2022 doesn’t even make any difference. All the money that’s spent on campaigns and stuff will mean zero. And I’m telling you that, it will mean absolutely zero. This wasn’t just a one time steal, they took our country. They took senators, they took down tickets, we would have the houses if you’re a Republican. You’d have the House, the Senate, and the President right now. other senators, both senators in Georgia are won by Republicans. John James in Michigan, Jason Lewis in Minnesota, the list goes on and on.

When you have a cyber attack, and you have a cyber attack, everybody. And when you have like gas lines, and you have computers, or you have companies, or you have credit card companies, they happen every day in our country, all over the world. That’s what they do. It’s good guys, bad guys. Hack, we put a block up. Hack, we put a block up. That can also all be covered with money, it’s all a money thing. But when you take an election, when you hack an election, using computers, in the age we’re living in, it’s over. That means you took the country, the freedoms or their country, we’re all seeing it happening. Now, everyone’s going, Biden this and Biden that, because everything goes back to November 3rd. They have this plan, everything goes back to November 3, you took it all and they’re not let up. You think if I’d have been their marketers, you know what I would have said on integration day I would have said, “Let’s not do anything stupid now to hurt the country until they shut up about 2020.” Because they could have just started opening up states. Instead, on the first day they lay off 50,000 union jobs, raise our gas so that everyone else overseas makes the money, and destroy our economy. We got double digit, we have inflation coming like you’ve never seen before. I’m in business, and I’m telling you the shipping and everything else that goes with it. The raw materials, we got some bad stuff coming. But you know what, in a way, it’s a good thing because everyone’s getting their eyes opened up and they’re looking at it going, “Wow, Maybe we should look at the 2020 election. What do we have to lose over here?” Because I don’t care if you’re a Democrat or Republican. If there’s never a fair election again, ever, It’s over for everybody. our freedoms are gone. I have liberal, conservative, liberal friends, conservative friends, and they’re all saying the same thing right now. This is horrible.

Election integrity is the number one issue in our country and we can never move on from 2020. This ultimate violation of our rights must be archived in history as The Big Lie.

Mike Lindell makes a great point, we still do not know what happened with the physical ballots in Arizona. The matching hand count does not mean that the machines were not hacked. They had internet access after all.

They had months to make sure the paper matched the machine count before this audit happened.

Auditors originally found deficiencies in the number of ballots per box. They later found that boxes were missing ballots, but other boxes contained excess ballots. The final ballot count was discovered to be even with Maricopa County’s count.

How did the boxes become this way with such often incorrect pink sheet totals?

Were they removing trump votes from some boxes and stuffing boxes with fake Biden votes?

Or are our elections are so mismanaged and messy that we can’t trust them to count our votes accurately, even if they tried?

The Arizona audit volunteers revealed disturbing issues that they witnessed on the floor. They say many ballots appeared to have been filled out by a machine, they were printed on “very, very thin” paper, and “odd patterns” by which the ballots were placed in the boxes.

“There Were Large Pieces Torn Off – Bubbles Being Filled Absolutely Perfect – 60,000 Illegal Ballots” – AZ Audit Volunteers Speak Out on Disturbing Findings — MUST SEE VIDEO


Push the Supreme Court to intervene and check the power of the fraudulently elected leaders at

Contact your State Attorney General, and tell them to meet with Mike Lindell and to jump on the Supreme Court case on behalf of your state.

Last Friday, Lindell told a crowd of honest media creators in Tulsa, Oklahoma that he only needs one AG, but he may have six already. And maybe another when Mark Brnovich sees how he’s been lied to.

The Arizona audit investigation is in the hands of Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich, who now needs to decide if he will save our Country.

Contact Mark Brnovich and demand a criminal investigation AND his support in Lindell’s Supreme Court case. 

The post Mike Lindell Explains Coming Landmark Supreme Court Case and Class Action Dominion Lawsuit: “We’ve Got To FIX 2020 FIRST” appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.