Nurse Secretly Records Superintendent Mask Nazi Segregating Non-Compliant Students


“This is government-sanctioned child abuse”

States in lockstep with the federal government continue to mandate unconstitutional COVID restrictions and bombard the public with an all-encompassing campaign to coerce compliance.

Masks and experimental gene therapy “keep people safe,” the illegitimate president and his Chi-com comrades incessantly warn.

October marks the 20th month of the COVID bio-war in the United States – the unprecedented censorship of free speech and air, the inability to safely or legally show your face in public and concerted effort to replace inalienable rights with global conformity.

The jig is up.

Americans realize the COVID-19 pandemic is a bio-war is being orchestrated by installed politicians and uniting to force corrupt coronavirus charlatans to scurry like roaches in the light.

When Jynaia Badie, a registered nurse and mother of five, dropped her son off at Durham Highschool to begin 9th grade in September, she happened to drive around the campus moments later to find him sitting outside, alone, at a desk in front of the school.

No one from the school called to notify her about her son, Jeremiah Badie, being punished.

“My son, without my knowledge, was sat – for the whole neighborhood to see –  that he is wearing a scarlet letter because he’s choosing freedom,” Badie told the Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interview.

Prepared to torpedo truth at a wall of lies, Jynaia immediately demanded answers.

Unaware that the Badie family was surreptitiously recording him, Durham Unified School District Superintendent John Bohannon lashed out at Badie, warning the concerned mom that Jeremiah was no longer allowed in the classroom unless he “conforms” and complies with the COVID policy and agenda.

Jynaia wasn’t “allowing it to be” a good morning upon discovering her son is being deprived of school attendance because she has “a lot of – a couple of kids who are not following the mandate,” Bohannon scoffs.

Pressed on the legality of segregating, shaming, penalizing and isolating her sons, who claim religious exemption from the mandate, Bohannon instructed Badie to find her non-compliant children another school to attend.

“I encourage you, if you don’t like the rules here to go find a school in your home district where you can take your kids.” the superintendent continued. “We’re not going to argue. you need to leave. You are not allowed to be on campus.”

Pressed on the legality of segregating, shaming and isolating Jeremiah, the only non-white student enrolled in Durham High who claims religious exemption, Bohannon resorted to threatened to criminally hold Jynaiah accountable for trespassing on school grounds.

“Your son was perfectly safe, right here being supervised by staff. You guys need to leave. I’m going to go call the police right now,” he admonished. “Let me make this very clear. I will not call the cops on a student, but I will on adults who are not allowed on campus if you are interrupting education you are not allowed to be here.

“You are interrupting the work of my staff that’s here.”

Durham Highschool principal Robbin Perdett assured Jeremiah on Sept. 7, the first day of school, that he would only have to sit outside for the day after claiming a religious exemption from the mask mandate and that he would be marked “present” for attending the Jim Crow era-like “classroom.”

Yet, on Wednesday, Jeremiah attended school to sit outside by himself in front of the school as he has for the past five weeks later, while enduring intimidation and condescension from the school officials who mark him as absent each day.

“We are being segregated,” Jeremiah contends in an exchange he secretly recorded with the principal. “We’re not wearing the masks because we have an exemption.”

“You need to follow the policy. We’re not accepting those. You have to wear a mask,” the principal shot back, after warning Jeremiah to wear a mask or complete his freshman year alone on the lawn. “I really don’t want you here. So, everything that you want, is what I want.”

Meanwhile, Jynaia received notice on Wednesday morning that her five-year-old daughter is now banned from attending school in the Durham school district.

The nurse suspects Bohannon and the Durham school districts staff are eager to target her Trump-supporting family with the modern-day Jim Crow mandates.

“Racial slurs have been used. Someone called my son a  f**ing n**ger. [Bohannon] told [my son] he’s not allowed to be upset,” she explained. “My son had a Trump sticker on his truck and the teacher told him a black man voting for Trump is like a chicken walking themselves to KFC.

Durham High School physics teacher David Atkinson: “A black man voting for Trump is like a chicken walking themselves to KFC.”

“This same teacher is a teacher who locked my son out of the classroom – telling children in the classroom you better wear your Fucking masks. Being the only black parent in the Durham Unified school district and it’s really hard because I am teaching my children to love beyond color.”

Jynaia is urging all parents in her district to join her in filing a class-action lawsuit against the school district as she seeks legal representation and begins mounting the case on her own.

“We are all under attack but we are more strongly united. United we stand, divided we fall – we have to stand for what’s right even if we are standing alone. Right now, it feels like I am standing alone in my community, but I am willing to fight this fight,” she said. “I’ve called 200 attorneys trying to find a civil rights attorney is very hard in this day and age.

“I know there is someone who is going to fight and if not, I’ve got a God and a mouth big enough to make this fight myself. I am an American and I will stand on my God-given freedoms and my constitution. Give me liberty or give me death.”

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New NBC Show Equates Founding Fathers’ Slogans “Don’t Tread on Me” and “Unite or Die” to the Nazis (VIDEO)


In case you missed it-
In the new NBC show “The Lost Symbol” by the creators of The DaVinci Code, the season opens equating our Founding Fathers and their slogans to the Nazis.

They don’t even attempt to hide their hatred for this country anymore.

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Hat Tip Chris

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TOMORROW: Dr. Shiva Will Testify before House Oversight Committee in Hearing Organized by Democrats to Attack Arizona Forensic Audit


The House Committee on Oversight and Reform will hold a hearing Thursday to attack the Arizona audit and label it a “hyper-partisan” election subversion effort that “failed to find any fraud.”.

Of course, this is a lie.

The Arizona audit found hundreds of thousands of ballots cast that were possibly fake, and numerous law violations occurred before, during, and after election day.

The audit was a non-partisan mission to find out what really happened. Democrats, Republicans, and Independents volunteered for this historic full forensic audit.

Chairwoman of this committee, hyper-partisan, and radical leftist New York Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney fought vigorously to impeach President Trump again after he left office.

Now, Maricopa County Supervisors Jack Sellers and Bill Gates will speak at this hearing tomorrow in Washington DC.

The announcement of tomorrow’s hearing was presented in a press release slandering the Arizona audit and those involved, citing George Soros’s Brennan Center For Justice and other Soros News Propaganda for evidence.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, an expert in pattern recognition and computer science, will also be heard at this presentation to defend his findings and the work of the Arizona audit. 

Oversight Committee to Hold Hearing on Partisan Arizona Election “Audit” and Threats to Democracy

Washington D.C. (October 6, 2021)— On Thursday, October 7, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. ET, The Committee on Oversight and Reform will hold a hearing to assess the election “audit” in Maricopa County, Arizona, conducted by Cyber Ninjas, Inc., and how this and similar audits undermine public confidence in elections and threaten our democracy.

In April 2021, the Arizona State Senate hired Cyber Ninjas to conduct an audit of the 2020 election results in Maricopa County, Arizona, even though the company had no prior federal election audit experience.  Since then, significant questions have been raised regarding the “dark money” organizations funding the audit, the impartiality of the company, and the mismanagement and insecure audit practices that have jeopardized the integrity of ballots and voting machines.

After six months and nearly seven million dollars spent, Cyber Ninjas’ final audit report failed to find any fraud, contrary to the conspiracy theories from the audit’s backers.

The hearing will examine how, despite failing to find any fraud, Cyber Ninjas’ audit has already inflicted grave damage to our democracy.  The audit has threatened the integrity of Arizona’s elections, inspired similar hyper-partisan audits in other states, and been used to justify dangerous state election subversion laws.

At the hearing the Committee will hear from two elected Republican officials from Maricopa County, Arizona, who refused to accept the “Big Lie” and are speaking out about the dangers of this partisan audit.

The Committee also invited the CEO of Cyber Ninjas, Doug Logan, to testify.  Mr. Logan informed the Committee less than two days before the hearing that he was unwilling to testify, declining the opportunity to defend his company’s highly questionable, partisan audit under oath.




Full Committee hearing entitled, “Assessing the Election ‘Audit’ in Arizona and Threats to American Democracy”


WHEN: Thursday, October 7, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. ET




Jack Sellers

Chairman, Board of Supervisors, Maricopa County, Arizona

Bill Gates

Vice Chairman, Board of Supervisors, Maricopa County, Arizona

David Becker

Executive Director and Founder, The Center for Election Innovation and Research

Gowri Ramachandran

Senior Counsel, The Brennan Center

Doug Logan (Invited)

Chief Executive Officer and Principal Consultant, Cyber Ninjas, Inc.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai (Minority Witness)


A livestream will be available on YouTube and the Committee on Oversight and Reform website.

The Senate has hundreds of witnesses and evidence of criminal wrongdoing to combat the lies and smears that will come out of tomorrow’s hearing.

This hearing will be live-streamed tomorrow at 10 a.m. ET. 

All unredacted evidence from the Arizona audit has been turned over to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich.

It is now his job to save America.

Contact Attorney General Mark Brnovich now and tell him to do the right thing.

Contact Arizona AG Mark Brnovich

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AZ State Senator Wendy Rogers: “New Declaration Of Independence” – 92 Legislators From 31 States Sign Letter Calling For Audits In All 50 States And Decertification


Our “New Declaration of Independence”, drafted by Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers has now been signed by 92 legislators in 31 states. 

Our new founding fathers seek to form a more perfect union through securing elections and taking back state sovereignty from our massive.

Less than two weeks ago, Senator Rogers announced that this letter had 41 signatures from 15 states, moments after the Arizona audit final presentation.

“This is Our New Declaration of Independence” – Wendy Rogers Unveils Letter Signed by 41 State Legislators From 15 States Calling For a Nationwide Audit and Decertification

Those numbers have more than doubled.

This letter, signed by 31 states calls for nationwide full forensic election audits, decertification where appropriate, and a possible U.S. House session to address the fraudulent election.

Rogers tweeted this update on Monday.

92 Legislators from Multiple States Write a Letter to the American People Calling for a 50-State Audit, Decertification Where Appropriate, and Possible Convening of the US House of Representatives

Letter From State Legislators To The American People Reference The 2020 Election

To the citizens of the United States of America,

We the undersigned state legislators of the United States are vested with the plenary power by our US Constitution (Article 2 Section 1 Clause 2) to oversee the election of the president of the United States.

It has come to our attention from an audit of 2.1 million ballots in Arizona complemented by an in-depth canvass of votes in Arizona, as well as through multiple different data reviews of voting by independent experts; that our representative republic suffered a corrupted 2020 election.

In addition to Arizona, sworn affidavits have accumulated from many states detailing rampant corruption and mismanagement in the election process. Fraud and inaccuracies have already been shown through multiple audits and canvasses in multiple states, as well as through lawsuits challenging the validity of election results in several counties in multiple states.

We have come to the conclusion that all 50 states need to be forensically audited. Voter rolls should be scrubbed with a canvass of the voters to ensure future integrity of our elections.

If results from these measures prove an inaccurate election was held, as has been shown in Arizona, and is being shown in many other states; then it is clear that certification of many electors was improperly rendered in January 2021 of the November 2020 United States presidential election.

We call on each state to decertify its electors where it has been shown the elections were certified prematurely and inaccurately.

If it is shown that either Joe Biden would receive fewer than 270 tallied electoral votes, or Donald Trump would receive more than 270 electoral votes, then we call for the US House of Representatives to convene and vote per the US Constitution by means of one vote per state to decide the rightful winner of the election in accordance with the constitutional process of choosing electors.

This is our historic obligation to restore the election integrity of the vote as the bedrock of our constitutional republic.

If we do not have accurate and fair elections, we do not have a country.

Some legislators told Rogers that watering the letter down would help with signatures but this letter is only for the real warriors.

Rogers said in a statement on Monday,

Rogers: Thank you all for helping our movement get more people on board with this letter! Please read the letter, see who is on, and who is not on. Those who are not on, please ask them to sign. If they don’t sign, start working on primarying them,

Sign Senator Rogers’ nationwide citizen petition to decertify this fraudulent election HERE!

Contact your legislators and tell them to sign on to protect our voting rights.

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“I Refer You to the Gallerist” – Psaki When Reporter Points Out Ambassador-Designate to India Seen at Hunter Biden Art Show in LA (VIDEO)


White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Wednesday once again refused to answer questions about Hunter Biden’s new influence peddling scheme under the guise of selling his garbage artwork.

Last week nearly 200 people attended Hunter Biden’s art show in Hollywood.

Hunter Biden mingled with potential buyers for his art.

The gallerist, George Bergès, is charging up to $500,000 for Hunter’s artwork.

There is no way an artist could ever command $500,000 for a piece of art at their first art exhibition.

LA Mayor Eric Garcetti, who is the ambassador-designate to India, was among the people who attended Hunter’s art show in Milk Studios last Friday.

Psaki brushed off a reporter who asked about Garcetti’s attendance.

“I refer you to the gallerist,” Psaki said.


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University of Colorado Hospital System Denies Woman’s Life-Saving Kidney Transplant; Will No Longer Provide Organ Transplants to Unvaccinated Patients


One of Colorado’s largest hospital systems has implemented a new policy that denies organ transplants to patients who have not taken the experimental Covid-19 vaccine under “almost all situations.”

All organ donors will also have to be vaccinated under the new policy, and it has already stopped one woman from receiving the life-saving treatment she needs.

Last month, the University of Colorado Health sent a letter to Leilani Lutali informing her that her status on the waiting list for a kidney transplant was “inactivated” for “non-compliance” because she has chosen not to take the jab. She was given 30 days to take the shot, or else she would be removed from the transplant list completely.

Lutali, who has stage 5 renal failure, was told by the hospital in August that she wouldn’t need to be vaccinated to get her new kidney and was only made aware of the hospital’s new segregation policy when she received her letter in the mail – and only AFTER she was able to find a donor she knew who was willing to give her a kidney.

CBS4 Denver spoke with Lutali about the hospital’s policy and their reasoning behind foregoing the rushed vaccine, which she says has “too many unknowns.”

“I said I’ll sign a medical waiver. I have to sign a waiver anyway for the transplant itself, releasing them from anything that could possibly go wrong.

It’s surgery, it’s invasive. I sign a waiver for my life. I’m not sure why I can’t sign a waiver for the Covid shot.”

They also spoke with her donor – Jaimee Fougner – who was outraged that the hospital could decide not to operate when there is a kidney available that will save her friend’s life.

Like Lutali, Fougner is also not vaccinated.

“It’s your choice on what treatment you have. In Leilani’s case, the choice has been taken from her. Her life has now been held hostage because of this mandate. 

Here I am, willing to be a direct donor to her. It does not affect any other patient on the transplant list. How can I sit here and allow them to murder my friend when I’ve got a perfectly good kidney and can save her life?”

The University of Colorado Health (UCHealth), which operates dozens of medical facilities and hospitals throughout the state, confirmed the segregation policy to the New York Post on Wednesday and claimed they were making the change because transplant patients are 20% more likely to die if they catch Covid-19.

But, how much more likely are they to die if they catch Covid before getting a life-saving transplant? Or even without catching covid?

Higher than 20%, that’s for sure. Many of the people on the waiting list are also most likely medically exempt from taking the vaccine.

Not to mention the vaccine is so bad at preventing breakthrough infections that the tyrannical US health order is about to force a third booster dose, which will be most likely followed by perpetual doses every six months – Being vaccinated doesn’t even provide immunity (just check the CDC’s updated definition). Vaccinated patients waiting for an organ are about just as likely to contract a breakthrough case after a transplant as the non vaccinated.

UCHealth doubled down on their refusal to operate on the unvaccinated, saying that several other surgery centers have covid vaccine mandates for their patients in place already, and many more are following suit.

“In almost all situations, transplant patients and living donors are now required to be vaccinated against Covid-19 in addition to meeting other health requirements and receiving additional vaccinations.

Physicians must consider the short and long-term health risks for patients as they consider whether to recommend an organ transplant.”

The hospital’s policy has forced Lutali to search elsewhere for her operation. Unfortunately, she has checked with every surgery center in Colorado who would be able to perform a kidney transplant and none of them will provide care to her because she is unvaccinated. She is now looking outside the state for a hospital that will be willing to take her.

Like Lutali’s donor said, her life is being held hostage over this vaccine mandate.

How many others will be denied care and left to perish because of these policies?

So much for that “if we save just one life” nonsense. That was never the case.

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Biden Blasts Republicans From Production Set Near White House: “Raising the Debt Limit is Paying Our Old Debts, It Has Nothing to do with New Spending” (VIDEO)


Joe Biden on Wednesday met virtually with business leaders on the debt limit crisis the Democrats created.

Biden spoke to JP Morgan’s Jamie Dimon and Nasdaq CEO Adena Friedman from a stage in the South Court Auditorium near the White House.

Biden blamed Republicans for the impending default and said, “Raising the debt limit is paying our old debts, it has nothing to do with new spending,”

McConnell eventually caved to Biden and agreed to a short-term emergency debt ceiling extension into December.


Biden also got his Covid booster shot on this stage in the South Court Auditorium.

Dave Rubin blasted “fake president” Joe Biden.

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“Maricopa At Its Worst Literally Should Be Decertified, At Its Best Could Easily Be Redone.” Jovan Pulitzer Discusses 700,000 Ballot Issues In Arizona


Jovan Pulitzer joined Joe Hoft and Kell Brazil this morning at Real Talk 93.3 for their morning show ‘Tomorrow’s News Today’.  In his interview, Pulitzer described the one-page summary he provided online to describe the issues identified in the Maricopa County audit. 

A few weeks ago we summarized the number of ballot issues in Arizona as a result of the audit and canvassing in the state.  We came up with nearly 700,000 issues with ballots.

BREAKING: THE LIST – Nearly 700,000 Maricopa County Ballots Identified with Issues from the Audit and Separate Canvassing Work to Date

Jovan Pulitzer provided the following diagram online a couple of days ago that describes the status of the results from the audit and canvass work in Maricopa County Arizona.  He also identified 700,000 ballots with issues identified in Maricopa County alone.  Reminder, Biden was given Arizona with a 10,800 vote margin or a margin of 0.04%.

Pulitzer was on the radio this morning and he addressed and summarized all the circles above and noted that the total was more than 700,000 ballot issues.  He also noted that these items were from the audit report to the Senate and the work of the canvassers in the county.  Here are some of his comments:

I think people need to visually see all the errors, all the information that shows, hey, Maricopa at its worst literally should be decertified, at its best could easily be redone…

…I just charted out a very simple way to understand how bad is the bad.  If they’re just pie charts, if you think here in this election was won on .049047%, right?  It’s such a small margin that it could have swung any way…

…There are eight charts across the top, those are just the low hanging fruit that show this election has serious issues because any one of these would demand that it can’t be certified or it needs to be rerun.

Listen to more below on the details and the results of the audit and canvass work.

Arizona should never have been certified. 

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Ruling Class: Get The Vax, Even Though There’s A Pill Now


The ruling class wants the masses to take the shots necessary to complete their totalitarian takeover of the world even though Merck has created a pill that helps “cut deaths.”  Dr. Anthony Fauci emphasized the need for the 70 million Americans who are eligible for a vaccine to get immunized during interviews on Sunday morning talk shows.

But there’s a pill now that helps, right? Sure. I guess. If you believe what the mainstream media and big pharma companies are telling you. But they still need you to take the shot, because whatever is in there is going to advance the cause of their New World Order, and that’s become utterly apparent.

“Many of those deaths were unavoidable but many, many are avoidable, were avoidable and will in the future be avoidable,” Dr. Fauci, who is also director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”

Dr. Fauci was enthusiastic about the development of the new Merck anti-viral pill, describing it as “extremely important.” In announcing the results of its clinical trial last Friday, Merck said the pill was able to cut the risk of hospitalization and death from the virus by half.

But he also warned that Americans should not wait to be vaccinated because they believe they can take the pill. While the new medicine may decrease a person’s risk, the best way to be protected is avoiding infection, he said. New York Times

If we continue to fall for this hoax, our bodies are going to be destroyed by all the chemical and gene concoctions they want to put in us.

COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines

Oh How Surprising: Big Pharma Company Says It New Pill Works On All The COVID Variants

Merck said it would seek emergency authorization from the Food and Drug Administration for its drug, known as molnupiravir, as soon as possible. The pills could be available by late this year.

The real question is what the hell is in those pills? More gene therapy? Worse? Who even knows at this point. All we know is that we are being lied to so they can convince us to medicate ourselves into their New World Order,

Things continue to ramp up and shockingly, have not reached a breaking point. Once it does, we will begin to see why they are trying so hard to vaccinate the world against a disease that’s not even a common cold based on their own numbers.

Stay prepared and alert. The propaganda and lies continue. The illusion of freedom is crumbling.  Many won’t take it well when the SHTF. Make sure you are ready.

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‘Incompetent’ Biden Crashes to 38 Percent Approval in Brutal Quinnipiac Poll


Joe Biden crashed to a new low of 38 percent approval in a Quinnipiac Poll released Wednesday. The brutal poll shows Biden losing support across the board on issues with his numbers on immigration and the border in the 20s and a solid majority (55 percent) saying the Biden administration is not competent in running the government.

Excerpt from Q-Poll press release:

…Joe Biden receives a negative 38 – 53 percent job approval rating, the lowest score he’s received from the American people on his job performance since taking office, according to a Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pea- ack) University national poll of adults released today. In Quinnipiac’s last national poll released 3 weeks ago, he received a negative 42 – 50 percent job approval rating.

Today, Republicans (94 – 4 percent) and independents (60 – 32 percent) disapprove of the job Biden is doing, while Democrats approve 80 – 10 percent.


Biden received negative scores in the double digits on all but one key issue when Americans were asked about his handling of …
the response to the coronavirus: 48 percent approve, while 50 percent disapprove;
the economy: 39 percent approve, while 55 percent disapprove;
his job as Commander in Chief of the U.S. military: 37 percent approve, while 58 percent disapprove;
taxes: 37 percent approve, while 54 percent disapprove;
foreign policy: 34 percent approve, while 58 percent disapprove;
immigration issues: 25 percent approve, while 67 percent disapprove;
the situation at the Mexican border: 23 percent approve, while 67 percent disapprove.

When it comes to Biden’s personal traits, Americans were asked whether or not Biden …

cares about average Americans: 49 percent say yes, while 48 percent say no, compared to 58 – 37 percent yes in April;
is honest: 44 percent say yes, while 50 percent say no, compared to 51 – 42 percent yes in April;
has good leadership skills: 41 percent say yes, while 56 percent say no, compared to 52 – 44 percent yes in April.
More than half of Americans say 55 – 42 percent that the Biden administration is not competent in running the government.

1,326 U.S. adults nationwide were surveyed from October 1st – 4th with a margin of error of +/- 2.7 percentage points.

The Quinnipiac University Poll, directed by Doug Schwartz, Ph.D. since 1994, conducts independent, non-partisan national and state polls on politics and issues. Surveys adhere to industry best practices and are based on random samples of adults using random digit dialing with live interviewers calling landlines and cell phones.

The internals show Biden losing support among African-Americans with 66 percent approval and 19 percent disapproval, with 15 percent offering no opinion indicating a transition from approve to disapprove. In contrast, only seven percent of Whites and Hispanics offered no opinion of Biden. Whites’ approve/disapprove of Biden is 32/61 while Hispanics’ is 42/51.

Biden’s strongly disapprove numbers are high across the board, except for Democrats and Blacks, showing a hardening of opposition.

Strongly disapprove among groups: Men: 49, Women, 39; Independents 48; Ages 18-34: 35; Ages 35-49: 41; Ages 50-64: 53; Over 65: 45.

White and Hispanic views on Biden’s handling of the border and immigration are remarkably similar: Approve/disapprove on Biden’s handling of the border: Whites: 18/73, Hispanics: 24/68; on Biden’s handling of immigration: Whites: 20/73, Hispanics: 23/69.

There is also close concurrence among Whites and Hispanics on Biden’s deporting illegal aliens:

Question: “In your opinion, has the Biden administration been too aggressive in deporting undocumented immigrants, not aggressive enough, or has the Biden administration been acting appropriately when it comes to deporting undocumented immigrants?”

Too aggressive: Whites: 16, Hispanics: 20; Not aggressive enough: Whites: 54, Hispanics: 41; Acting appropriately: White: 24, Hispanics: 29.

On Covid, a majority oppose vaccine mandates for K-12 school children: 52 percent oppose, 44 percent approve.

More details at Q-Poll site.

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