Beautiful Sage Steele from ESPN will no longer be on the air after comments she made about the COVID vaccine mandate and former President Barack Obama.
NPR reported today:
Sports anchor Sage Steele is off the air at ESPN after she called vaccine mandates “sick” and “scary” and questioned why former President Barack Obama identifies as Black even though he was raised by his white mother.
In a statement, the network said: “At ESPN, we embrace different points of view – dialogue and discussion makes this place great. That said, we expect that those points of view be expressed respectfully, in a manner consistent with our values, and in line with our internal policies. We are having direct conversations with Sage and those conversations will remain private.”
ESPN also shared a statement from Steele. “I know my recent comments created controversy for the company, and I apologize,” she said. “We are in the midst of an extremely challenging time that impacts all of us, and it’s more critical than ever that we communicate constructively and thoughtfully.”
A week ago on the podcast, Steele told Cutler, a former NFL quarterback, that she had just gotten her COVID-19 vaccine after being required to by Disney, which owns ESPN.
“I respect everyone’s decision. I really do. But to mandate it is sick, and it’s scary to me in many ways,” she said. “But I have a job, a job that I love and, frankly, a job that I need.”
If she would have called President Trump a Russian puppet and those who don’t take the COVID vaccine losers, she would be fine and maybe get a raise. This country is in deep trouble.
Retired ICE Special Agent and author of “Agent Under Fire,” Victor Avila, is a hero.
100 Percent Fed Upspoke exclusively with the retired federal agent, who regularly travels to our southern border to help boost US Border agents’ morale and report the truth to the American public about what is really happening with our open border with Mexico.
I spoke with the retired ICE Special Agent Victor Avila yesterday to discuss his most recent trip to the border in Texas. What he shared with me should make every American citizen furious.
During our conversation, the highly-respected, retired federal agent revealed that illegal aliens are coming across our border with COVID and are then being shipped across the country. And it’s not just COVID-19 that the massive influx of illegal immigrants is bringing to America; they’re also bringing a variety of additional viruses and deadly diseases with them to the United States.
On July 15, Avila bought a ticket to fly on an American Airlines partner, One World from McAllen, TX. While waiting in a room filled with illegal aliens waiting to be shipped to their new homes in various communities across America, he struck up a conversation with a woman from Uganda. According to Victor Avila, “The women from Uganda spoke perfect English and was more than happy to share” information on how she made it from Uganda to the United States.
The Ugandan woman, who was preparing to board the American Airlines flight in McAllen, TX, told Avila that she, her husband, and toddler were headed for Portland, Oregon. Victor asked her how they got from Uganda to McAllen, Texas? The Ugandan woman explained that she and her family flew directly from Uganda to Mexico City, Mexico, where they met with a smuggler who they paid $5,000 per family member to secure their passage across the Mexican border to Texas. She mistook the Spanish-speaking Avila for someone interested in helping other illegals to make their way across the border and shared the phone number of the man who smuggled them into America.
The photo below shows the Ugandan woman, her husband, and her son preparing to go through “security” before boarding their American Airlines flight. According to Avila, neither the woman, her husband, or her son had any identification and were given a yellow packet containing boarding passes and paperwork from the US Border Patrol that allowed them to bypass the identification process with TSA.
When the retired ICE special agent reached the TSA agent, he was asked for identification. Avila asked why he should have to show identification to fly when the entire family in front of him didn’t have to provide any identification? The TSA agent became hostile and demanded he provide ID or they would refuse to allow him to pass through security. Avila asked the TSA agent, “Do you remember 9/11? You are the DHS! You just allowed three people from Africa that are illegal in this country, but you won’t allow me, a US citizen and retired federal agent, to board without an ID? This is upside down and backwards!”
The video below shows the Ugandan family passing through security without having to provide a passport, visa, or any type of required identification.
Ugandan family that paid a smuggler $5K per person to cross border from Mexico City to TX are caught on camera boarding American Airlines plane in McAllen, TX w/ NO ID, Passport or Visa.
TSA allows them to pass through security w/ only processing paperwork from US Border Patrol.
— @SassyConservativeGirl45 (@SassyConservat1) October 6, 2021
Victor Avila confirmed that the illegal alien family “did not have any identification” and that the envelope they gave to the TSA agent contained “processing paperwork from US Border agents like Notice To Appear, etc.”
Here’s another photo of the family boarding the American Airlines One World partner plane.
American Airlines is currently firing employees for refusing to receive the COVID jab. Yet, according to Avila, once the plane filled with illegal aliens took off, many of them removed their masks. The former federal agent was shocked to see the lack of concern flight attendants had for passengers wearing masks or standard safety procedures. Avila explained that a young girl seated next to him was “standing in her seat and jumping up and down as the plane was taking off.” The retired ICE special agent suggests the language barrier might have been an issue, but claims that all COVID protocol passengers flying on commercial airlines are forced to abide by on typical flights were thrown out the window for the plane filled with illegal aliens.
Retired ICE Special Agent Avila, who risked his life for our nation was furious to discover that the illegal aliens are not even being asked for identification before boarding a plane and are being shipped to locations across America, using commercial airlines provided by the American taxpayer.
Help support an American hero who continues to fight for our nation by exposing the truth about our southern border and helping to boost the morale of the US Border agents, who Avila claims “has never been lower.” You can purchase retired ICE Special Agent Victor Avila’s book by clicking HERE.
Today’s Photo Of The Day shows a Bulgarian sniper, looking for targets from a tower during the range estimation event of the European Best Sniper Team Competition held in Hohenfels, Germany in August 2021. The 7th Army Training Command hosted a contest of skill that included 14 participating NATO allies and partner nations. The Bulgarian sniper is […]
An AR-pattern firearm that shoots shotshells is sort of a holy grail for some. Many try making it but there is always some drawback or compromise. ATI had their Omni chambered in .410ga. But the true goal is an AR platform that shoots 12ga. Genesis Arms has achieved that goal with their Gen-12. They lent […]
Australia attorney Tony Nikolic is representing individuals in Australia against the state’s COVID tyranny. We discussed the situation in Australia and the similarities with the US captured in the audio.
Attorney Tony Nikolic is the Managing Director at Ashley, Francina, Leonard & Associates in the Greater Sydney, Australia area. He has recently been heavily involved in cases in Australia related to COVID and vaccination policies.
For example, Nikolic is representing Kristian Pulkownik who was arrested following Sydney’s lockdown protests. The media claimed that Pulkownik hit a horse when protesting against harsh freedom-limiting COVID policies.
The picture captures Mr Pulkownik in a yellow singlet emblazoned with the words “free speech” making contact with the horse “Tobruk”.
During a successful bail hearing last month, Mr Pulkownik’s lawyers claimed he did not instigate any act of violence against the horse and that he was fending it off as it moved towards him amid the scuffle between police and protesters.
He was held at Parklea Correctional Centre for two-and-a-half weeks after his bail application was held up because he refused a Covid test in jail and was put in isolation for a fortnight.
But Nikolic is more famous for his phrase #HoldTheLine that he made famous and for his letter to Australian New South Wales Minister for Health and Medical Research, Minister Brad Hazzard. Nikolic’s letter is provided below.
Nikolic told us that COVID mandates in beautiful Sydney have closed down numerous businesses, sounding similar to large cities across the US. Nikolic also shared that Aussies are fed up and standing up. The idea of mandated vaccines by executive order has never happened before in the country’s history.
Nikolic took much of his work from individuals across the US. He calls the vaccines the ‘World’s Biggest Clinical Trial’. He also claims you cannot be experimenting on people with vaccines that have not been fully vetted, which is what is going on now and goes against the Nuremberg Code.
In our discussion with Nikolic he shared this message to the US:
Hold the line. In the spirit of our two countries in working and forging our relationships. Like I said, Australia looks to the US as like a big brother big sister type. This is how we look at you guys. And you know we’re always with you guys and always have been. And as far as I’m concerned we always should be. And we have the utmost deepest respect.
I say this, “Hold the line, ok.” Because our people have political rights that should never be infringed and we should never, ever allow this to happen again. We need to stand up. This is a call to action. We all need to unite. We need to hold that line.
Listen to the audio of our discussion below:
You can assist attorney Tony Nikolic by donating to help his work with Aussies fighting against insane COVID laws at –
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT Ph.D. SMVS, SMME, SBEE, and the inventor of the email as we know it today, released a response to Maricopa County, exposing them and their media cronies at Arizona Mirror.
Dr. Shiva recently responded to a shady explanation from Maricopa County in regards to “Verified & Approved” stamps on the ballot envelopes that appeared to be doctored onto the images. Their poor answers only raise more questions about the procedures.
In a 67-page case study, Dr. Shiva puts Maricopa County Officials and their dark money propaganda outlets to shame.
How Election Officials Use Media Proxies to Disseminate Misinformation & Disinformation to Avert Investigations of Election Malfeasance
A Case Study of Maricopa County Election Officials Effectively Using a Local Blog Purporting “Independent Journalism” to Malign An Auditor Who Reported Anomalies in 2020 U.S. Election
Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, MIT PhD SMVS, SMME, SBEE 701 Concord Avenue Cambridge, MA 02138
This extensive report outlines Dr. Shiva’s impressive credentials as an expert in multiple fields, justifications for a full forensic audit, “the playbook” that was followed, Arizona Mirror’s absolute worst “independent journalism”, and he provides detailed responses to misinformation and disinformation pushed by Maricopa County through their Arizona Mirror proxy.
Shiva also denounces the County and the State media for their racist ad hominems and their refusal to look at his extraordinary qualifications as an exceptional computer software, and pattern recognition expert.
Dr. Shiva’s “two concrete next steps” are as follows
a. An open forum where a dialog takes place publicly between the Maricopa
County officials and myself to review each anomaly and key finding documented in the Report; and,
b. An investigation on whether the 501 (c) not-for-profit named STATE NEWSROOM d.b.a Arizona Mirror, effectively serving as a proxy for Maricopa County election officials to execute a “hit job” on me – a member of the audit team of the 2020 Maricopa County, Arizona general election results -, was aimed to support one political candidate (Biden) over another (Trump).
Dr. Shiva’s investigation concluded,
Arizona Mirror: “Independent Journalism” At Its Worst
Maricopa County election officials chose to unleash their misinformation and disinformation, not in any formal manner such as responding to the anomalies and key findings, but rather effectively through a proxy, a unknown blog, which misrepresents itself as “independent journalism.”
He goes on to expose these “local and decentralized independent media blogs” for what they really are, centrally managed, dark money misinformation outlets, designed to control local narratives.
Key players including Mark Zuckerburg, founder of Arabella Advisors and Clinton appointee Eric Kessler, and Pierre Omidyar’s Democracy Fund are behind this fake news propaganda operation.
All evidence has been turned over to Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich and the fate of our Country now lies in his hands.
Since receiving the evidence Mark Brnovich has placed a litigation hold notice on the County requesting the preservation of all elections evidence.
At Rock Island Auctions (RIA) up for auction today is John Wayne’s .44WCF chambered Colt Single Action Army with a custom cut barrel and Catalin (a thermoset polymer) grips custom molded to John Wayne’s hands. This particular revolver was carried and used by John Wayne in 1969’s True Grit, 1975’s Rooster Cogburn, and 1972’s The Cowboys. Also included […]
“But whether the Constitution really be one thing or another, this much is certain – that it has either authorized such a government as we have had or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case, it is unfit to exist.” ― Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority
“Rights aren’t rights if someone can take them away. They’re privileges.”—George Carlin
You think you’ve got rights? Think again.
All of those freedoms we cherish—the ones enshrined in the Constitution, the ones that affirm our right to free speech and assembly, due process, privacy, bodily integrity, the right to not have police seize our property without a warrant, or search and detain us without probable cause—amount to nothing when the government and its agents are allowed to disregard those prohibitions on government overreach at will.
This is the grim reality of life in the American police state.
In fact, in the face of the government’s ongoing power grabs, our so-called rights have been reduced to mere technicalities, privileges that can be granted and taken away, all with the general blessing of the courts.
This is what one would call a slow death by a thousand cuts, only it’s the Constitution being inexorably bled to death by the very institution (the judicial branch of government) that is supposed to be protecting it (and us) from government abuse.
Court pundits, fixated on a handful of politically charged cases before the U.S. Supreme Court this term dealing with abortion, gun rights, and COVID-19 mandates, have failed to recognize that the Supreme Court—and the courts in general—sold us out long ago.
With each passing day, it becomes increasingly clear that Americans can no longer rely on the courts to “take the government off the backs of the people,” in the words of Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas. When presented with an opportunity to loosen the government’s noose that keeps getting cinched tighter and tighter around the necks of the American people, what does our current Supreme Court usually do?
It ducks. Prevaricates. Remains silent. Speaks to the narrowest possible concern.
More often than not, it gives the government and its corporate sponsors the benefit of the doubt, seemingly more concerned with establishing order and protecting government interests than with upholding the rights of the people enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.
Rarely do the concerns of the populace prevail.
Every so often, the justices toss a bone to those who fear they have abdicated their allegiance to the Constitution. Too often, however, the Supreme Court tends to march in lockstep with the police state.
As a result, the police and other government agents have been generally empowered to probe, poke, pinch, taser, search, seize, strip and generally manhandle anyone they see fit in almost any circumstance.
In recent years, for example, the Court has ruled that police officers can use lethal force in car chases without fear of lawsuits; police officers can stop cars based only on “anonymous” tips; Secret Service agents are not accountable for their actions, as long as they’re done in the name of “security”; citizens only have a right to remain silent if they assert it; police have free reign to use drug-sniffing dogs as “search warrants on leashes,” justifying any and all police searches of vehicles stopped on the roadside; police can forcibly take your DNA, whether or not you’ve been convicted of a crime; police can stop, search, question and profile citizens and non-citizens alike; police can subject Americans to virtual strip searches, no matter the “offense”; police can break into homes without a warrant, even if it’s the wrong home; and it’s a crime to not identify yourself when a policeman asks your name.
The cases the Supreme Court refuses to hear, allowing lower court judgments to stand, are almost as critical as the ones they rule on. Some of these cases have delivered devastating blows to the rights enshrined in the Constitution.
By remaining silent, the Court has affirmed that: legally owning a firearm is enough to justify a no-knock raid by police; the military can arrest and detain American citizens; students can be subjected to random lockdowns and mass searches at school; police officers who don’t know their actions violate the law aren’t guilty of breaking the law; trouble understanding police orders constitutes resistance that justifies the use of excessive force; and the areas immediately adjacent to one’s apartment can be subjected to warrantless police surveillance and arrests.
Make no mistake about it: when such instances of abuse are continually validated by a judicial system that kowtows to every police demand, no matter how unjust, no matter how in opposition to the Constitution, one can only conclude that the system is rigged.
By refusing to accept any of the eight or so qualified immunity cases before it last year that strove to hold police accountable for official misconduct, the Supreme Court delivered a chilling reminder that in the American police state, “we the people” are at the mercy of law enforcement officers who have almost absolute discretion to decide who is a threat, what constitutes resistance, and how harshly they can deal with the citizens they were appointed to ‘serve and protect.”
This is how qualified immunity keeps the police state in power.
Lawyers tend to offer a lot of complicated, convoluted explanations for the doctrine of qualified immunity, which was intended to insulate government officials from frivolous lawsuits, but the real purpose of qualified immunity is to rig the system, ensuring that abusive agents of the government almost always win and the victims of government abuse almost always lose.
How else do you explain a doctrine that requires victims of police violence to prove that their abusers knew their behavior was illegal because it had been deemed so in a nearly identical case at some prior time?
It’s a setup for failure.
A review of critical court rulings over the past several decades, including rulings affirming qualified immunity protections for government agents by the U.S. Supreme Court, reveals a startling and steady trend towards pro-police state rulings by an institution concerned more with establishing order, protecting the ruling class, and insulating government agents from charges of wrongdoing than with upholding the rights enshrined in the Constitution.
Worse, as Reuters concluded, “the Supreme Court has built qualified immunity into an often insurmountable police defense by intervening in cases mostly to favor the police.”
For those in need of a reminder of all the ways in which the Supreme Court has made us sitting ducks at the mercy of the American police state, let me offer the following.
To sum it up, we are dealing with a nationwide epidemic of court-sanctioned police violence carried out with impunity against individuals posing little or no real threat.
So where does that leave us?
For those deluded enough to believe that they’re living the American dream—where the government represents the people, where the people are equal in the eyes of the law, where the courts are arbiters of justice, where the police are keepers of the peace, and where the law is applied equally as a means of protecting the rights of the people—it’s time to wake up.
We no longer have a representative government, a rule of law, or justice.
Liberty has fallen to legalism. Freedom has fallen to fascism.
Justice has become jaded, jaundiced and just plain unjust.
Given the turbulence of our age, with its government overreach, military training drills on American soil, domestic surveillance, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture, wrongful convictions, profit-driven prisons, corporate corruption, COVID mandates, and community-wide lockdowns, the need for a guardian of the people’s rights has never been greater.
In early August 18 RINO Senators led by Mitch McConnell voted in favor of the Democrat Party’s infrastructure bill, something Democrats never allowed to reach President Trump’s desk. The vote opened the door for the Democrat’s $3.5 trillion legislation to reshape American society and destroy the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
The RINOs gave Joe Biden a rare win at a time when the illegitimate president was sinking in the polls and continues to struggle with his diminishing faculties.
Mitch McConnell led the charge of the RINOs.
On Wednesday Joe Biden’s approval sunk to a record low 38% in the left-leaning Quinnipiac Poll.
And just like clockwork Mitch McConnell caved and agreed to a short-term debt ceiling extension to bail out Joe Biden.
They really are the uniparty.
It should be clear at this point that these creatures do not represent their voters.