Get The Shots Into More Arms: FDA Says You Can Mix and Match Boosters


The Food and Drug Administration has said it’s ok to mix and match the difference booster shots for the COVID-19 scamdemic. But remember, it’s also an important part of their agenda to get people to take the first shots too.

Getting People The First Shots Is “More Important” To The Ruling Class Than Giving Boosters

The FDA says it’s perfectly fine for Americans to “mix and match” their COVID shots. Meaning a person can receive a different Covid-19 vaccine as a booster than the one they initially received, a move that could “reduce the appeal of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and provide flexibility to doctors and other vaccinations.” 

This massive psychological operation is an attempt to get more shots into more humans. It’s yet another attempt at pushing this shot on everyone. The easier the rulers make it for everyone to take these things, the more the gullible will participate. However, there is also an attempt to discredit the Johnson and Johnson “one-shot” vaccine too.  The rulers seem to need people to inject the mRNA.

In the latest example that money talks and what was scientific consensus until this morning walks, the government would not recommend one shot over another, and may instead note that using the same vaccine as a booster when possible is preferable, but vaccine providers could use their discretion to offer a different brand, the freedom that state health officials have been requesting for weeks. Maybe one should check if the bank accounts of said state health officials have suddenly seen a mysterious inflow of outside funds that prompted their agitation. -ZeroHedge

On Friday, when so-called “researchers” presented the findings of a federally fundedmix and match” study to an expert committee that advises the Food and Drug Administration. The study found that recipients of Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose shot who received a Moderna booster saw their antibody levels rise 76-fold in 15 days, compared with only a fourfold increase after an extra dose of Johnson & Johnson, according to the report by ZeroHedge. 

The fact that this study was “federally funded” shouldn’t shock anyone. We all know they need to get these shots into everyone in order to get their agenda through. “Why” is still the big question that begs to be answered. Sadly, all we have is speculation still. Is it genocide? Maybe. Slowe genocide? Maybe. Dependence on boosters for a big pharma profit? Maybe. A DNA change that will eliminate critical thinking? Maybe. Damage to the pineal gland? Maybe.  Is it all of those? Maybe.

The fact that not many are asking these questions is a bigger problem than the master telling the slaves to mix and match a cocktail of shots that won’t protect them from the common cold.


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SNAP: Woman Uses Microphone to Rant About Covid Mid-Flight (VIDEO)


An unidentified female passenger snapped and used a microphone headset to rant about Covid mid-flight this week.

I brought my microphone, I’m going to use it,” the woman said to flight attendants trying to subdue her. “The pandemic started because humans have lost a little bit of faith.”

“You’re going to cuff me?” the woman repeatedly asked as flight attendants confronted her. “I’m completely harmless.”

The unruly passenger said the pandemic was a result of people being glued to the internet and the overuse of electronic devices.

“My dog has better sense than any of you,” the woman said as flight attendants escorted her to the rear of the plane.



someone come get her

♬ original sound – JAWNY

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Psaki Snaps at Newsmax Reporter Emerald Robinson For Suggesting Transportation Secretary Buttigieg Come Back to Work From Paternity Leave (VIDEO)


Newsmax reporter Emerald Robinson on Tuesday pointed out the absurdity of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg taking paternity leave during a supply chain crisis.

Buttigieg has been on extended paid paternity leave since August, his office revealed Thursday night to Politico, finally answering the question of “Where is Mayor Pete?” that has been being asked as the nation is in a supply chain crisis.

A Buttigieg spokesman told Politico that while he is doing some work, Buttigieg intends to “continue to take some time over the coming weeks to support his husband and take care of his new children.”

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki snapped at Emerald Robinson and defended Buttigieg despite a poll showing more than 65% of voters think he should get back to work.

“Wouldn’t it be wise for [Buttigieg] to…come back to work. A new poll found that 65% of voters think that given what’s going on, he should come back to work,” Emerald Robinson said.

“He’s at work,” Psaki retorted.

“He’s on paternity leave,” Emerald Robinson said.

“Uh, I was on a conference call with him this morning,” Psaki said clearly flustered.

“He’s in the department now?” Robinson asked.

Psaki snapped and went off on Emerald Robinson after she pointed out a man with a cabinet position should not be taking time off during a supply chain crisis.


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Fully Vaccinated DHS Chief Mayorkas Tests Positive For Covid – Days After Attending Event with Joe Biden


Alejandro Mayorkas

Fully vaccinated DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas tested positive for Covid-19 on Tuesday.

Mayorkas had to cancel a planned trip to Colombia because of his Covid infection.

“Secretary Mayorkas tested positive this morning for the COVID-19 virus after taking a test as part of routine pre-travel protocols. Secretary Mayorkas is experiencing only mild congestion; he is fully vaccinated and will isolate and work at home per CDC protocols and medical advice. Contact tracing is underway,” Espinosa said in a statement.

Mayorkas was with Joe Biden on Saturday at the 40th Annual National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service.

Joe and Jill Biden stood next to Mayorkas during the service at the US Capitol this weekend.


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Psaki Makes Light of Supply Chain Crisis, Laughs About “the Tragedy of the Treadmill That’s Delayed” (VIDEO)


The incompetent and corrupt Biden Regime is laughing at Americans concerned about the supply chain crisis.

Last week Biden’s Chief of Staff Ron Klain said he believes inflation and the supply chain crisis are “high class problems.”

On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki made light of the supply chain crisis and mocked a New York Times reporter asking about the timing of the disruption.

“People couldn’t get dishwashers and furniture and treadmills delivered on time, not to mention all sorts of other things…” New York Times reporter Michael Shear said before being interrupted by Psaki.

“The tragedy of the treadmill that’s delayed,” Psaki said mocking the reporter.


It’s not just treadmills.

The Today Show on NBC Monday morning featured a stunning report on the auto industry, with reporter Tom Costello saying shortages of parts and labor is crippling the car repair business, adding to the woes of a shortage of new cars and skyrocketing prices for used cars.

One analyst cited in the report said the situation was the worst since World War II when the U.S. was emerging from the Great Depression and was under mandatory rationing for the all-out war effort against the Axis powers Germany, Italy and Japan.

Oil filters, wiper blades, brake parts, engine parts, even entire engines are in short supply according to Costello. The report closed with a warning that tires could be in short supply this winter due to a rubber shortage.

The Biden Regime and DC media cabal is out-of-touch with middle America.

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America First Candidate For Congress in Ohio’s 9th District Paints Trump “SOS” on His Front Lawn


J.R. Majewski seeks to unseat Democrat Marcy Kaptur in Ohio’s 9th district.

J.R. Majewski, a Port Clinton native, U.S. Veteran, and nuclear energy executive, has decided that when it comes to big, pro-America statements, the third time’s the charm.

After first painting a large American flag on his football field sized front lawn, he doubled down by painting a huge Trump flag on the same lawn during the 2020 campaign.

Now, after what J.R. Majewski describes as “a colossal failure in leadership by the Biden Administration,” he painted what he describes as an “SOS,” reaching out to President Trump.

When asked what specifically prompted him to paint this mural, J.R. made no qualms about it.

“The Biden Administration demonstrated a colossal failure of leadership in Afghanistan, a willingness to kowtow to the Taliban, and a traitorous lack of care for America’s technology, citizens stranded abroad, and her allies. This would have never happened under President Trump.”

J.R. believes this puts a fine point on the reason he is campaigning for Congress in Ohio’s 9th district against Marcy Kaptur, a long-standing Congresswoman that J.R. describes as “a California Democrat that got lost in Ohio.”

“I have family members that have fought in every war that America has ever fought. So when I see Socialists like Marcy Kaptur stand by a Biden Administration that has done everything but usher in America’s immediate destruction, I know she has to go.”

J.R. feels that he brings significant real-world experience to an office that has become over-saturated with career politicians looking for a cushy government pension and a pay raise. If you ask him, J.R. will say he is taking a pay cut to run for office, not unlike President Trump.

Having managed multi-million dollar deals in the nuclear industry, having served in Afghanistan, and having already experienced what he describes as “living the American Dream,” he believes it is time to give back to a district that he has seen crumble under the failed leadership of Marcy Kaptur.

He says that not everyone needs to paint a “Trump SOS” in their front lawn. But, maybe if every patriot speaks up and is just a little bit louder, then Ohio’s 9th won’t be the only district to turn Red in 2022.

If you want to learn more and want to support JR, click here.

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MR-30 Precision Rifles Custom Built From D&L Sports


D&L Sports MR-30 riflesThe long range precision market has exploded in the past decade, but Dave Lauck of D&L Sports has been building and improving his MR-30 Precision Rifle over the past four decades. The MR-30 is built in-house, and is made in different configurations and calibers according to the end-user’s needs. Dave explained that they’ve chambered guns […]

Read More …

The post MR-30 Precision Rifles Custom Built From D&L Sports appeared first on The Firearm Blog.

The Delta “Sub Variant” Is Taking Center Stage


The mainstream media has been quick to report that it isn’t just the Delta variant people should fear, but now the new Delta Plus sub-variant.  Apparently, the Delta scariant is still to be feared in the United States, but Delta Plus should be feared if you’re in the United Kingdom.

I don’t know about any of you, but I can’t be bothered to be afraid of the common cold or the flu. I never have been before, so the endless rollout of new scariants isn’t panic-inducing for me. However, the mainstream media desperately needs to keep people in a constant state of fear.  It’s the fuel the elitists run off of and use to coerce people into taking the shots that they need to get in everyone for complete control over the human race.

The delta variant is still the overwhelmingly dominant coronavirus strain in California and the U.S., but one of its descendants is starting to gain traction overseas, according to The San Franciso Chronicle. 

Known as AY.4.2, it’s on the rise in the United Kingdom. Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former U.S. Food and Drug Administration commissioner, in a tweet Sunday noted that it now accounts for 8% of sequenced coronavirus cases in that country and said “urgent research” is needed. – The San Franciso Chronicle

Remember to never put anything past them. Just because they renamed all common colds and the flu as COVID-19, does not mean they won’t try to pull off something more sinister, like an actual real sickness that’s going to harm a lot of people.  That’s why we need to stay alert and aware of what’s going on. Discernment and critical thinking are still key and vital to your preparedness arsenal.  All the food and water in the world won’t save you if you don’t know what’s really going on.

Gottlieb (who sits on Pfizer’s board and previously ran the Food and Drug Administration) and other experts lying tyrants, including in the Bay Area, are keeping an eye on AY.4.2, which is being dubbed “Delta Plus.” They claim it is an offshoot of AY.4, which itself is an offshoot of the main “parent” delta variant.

As the virus makes copies of itself, some small mistakes happen that lead to slight variations, which result in sublineages, said UCSF infectious disease expert Peter Chin-Hong. According to variant tracker, the delta variant now has 55 sublineages, including AY.4.2. In recent days, AY.4.2 has been “almost coming up from nowhere,” said Chin-Hong in an email. While only a handful of cases have occurred in the U.S. so far, it is something to watch, he said.

Stay alert. Stay prepared. They haven’t gotten all of humanity convinced to take the shots yet, and we are well aware that they need close to 100% for whatever they have planned. Those seeking total domination and control over all human beings have not given up. In fact, they may just be getting started.

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Italians Protesting COVID Mandate in Trieste Chant “Vigano, Vigano, Vigano” After Catholic Arch-Bishop Carlo Maria Vigano Offered Them Support


Protesters of Italy’s COVID mandate in Trieste listened to a message from Arch Bishop Vigano during their protest.  After his message, the people began to chant “Vigano, Vigano, Vigano!”

We’ve heard from Catholic Arch Bishop Vigano before.  He warned the world after the 2020 Election of the forces of evil.

Archbishop Viganò: America is in midst of ‘Colossal Electoral Fraud,’ ‘Do Not Think the Children of Darkness Act with Honesty – We Must Pray NOW to Defeat Enemy

Arch Bishop Vigano recently warned of the evil behind the COVID viruses.

Archbishop Vigano: “Vaccine Victims are Sacrificed at the Altar of Moloch” (VIDEO)

Yesterday the Arch Bishop sent words of encouragement to those in Trieste, Italy protesting Italy’s COVID mandates.  The government in Italy mandated that all workers be vaccinated.   The unvaccinated are ineligible for work.  Italians across the country find this an infringement of their God-given rights.

Arch Bishop Vigano backs the protesters in Trieste.  The protesters cheered his name after hearing his remarks.

The translation of the below tweet is as follows:

Puzzer returned to speak to communicate a message from Mgr. Viganò for the square of Trieste. I think it’s the last video I can shoot because honestly the atmosphere around here is too overwhelming on an emotional level. I enjoy this magnificent, unrepeatable square.

The people of Italy are against evil.  They have friends in Arch Bishop Vigano and America.

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BREAKING: FBI Raids Home of Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska This Morning in DC – He’s Connected to the Steele Dossier


FBI Agents reportedly swarmed the home of Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska this morning in Washington DC.  There’s no mention in today’s reporting of the FBI’s efforts to have Deripaska work for them in 2016.

NBC News reports:

FBI agents on Tuesday swarmed the home of Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska in Washington, D.C., an agency spokesperson confirmed to NBC News.

The reason for their presence wasn’t immediately clear. The spokesperson said the agency is conducting “law enforcement activity at the home,” but wouldn’t elaborate.

Deripaska is a billionaire oil tycoon with close ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. He was among two dozen Russian oligarchs and officials who were sanctioned by the Treasury Department in April 2018.

We’ve reported on Deripaska in the past. Deripaska was reportedly visited by FBI Agents in the summer of 2016 pitching the Trump-Russia collusion garbage theory.  It looked like they were trying to get Deripaska to work with them in setting up the future President Donald Trump.

JOHN SOLOMON BOMBSHELL: Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska Visited by Three FBI Agents Pitching ‘Trump-Russia Collusion’ Weeks Before 2016 Election

We also reported on Deripaska when portions of the Steele dossier were released to the public.  Steele claimed that his work for Deripaska was not part of his work related to his reporting of Carter Page.  Steele also claimed Deripaska had no interaction with his main source for his garbage Steele dossier which the corrupt FBI used to spy on President Trump.

However, it was later reported that Steele’s main source in the Carter Page set up was pictured with Deripaska in June 2016 and with John McCain below.

A Source for Christopher Steele’s Garbage Dossier Was Subject of “Open FBI Counterintelligence Investigation” But DOJ Did Not Tell the FISA Court

A Russian hooker who hung out with Deripaska claimed she had Trump-Russia collusion information in an effort to get out of jail.  It worked because the Mueller gang sprung her from jail as soon as they found out.

ANOTHER Junk #FakeNews Report Implodes: Russian Hooker Admits She Made Up Trump-Russia Collusion So Mueller Would Spring Her from Jail

Who knows what the FBI was looking for today in DC.  Maybe they planted something they will come back later to retrieve.  This is today’s FBI.

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