One of the more insidious examples of cancel culture in America are efforts by the woke left to erase Christopher Columbus from memory. Now a pair of Tennessee Democrats want to continue this vile endeavor by replacing the holiday celebrating him discovering America, with helping folks recover from a Super Bowl hangover.
Two Tennessee Democratic lawmakers from Memphis introduced a bill this week seeking to make the first Monday after the Super Bowl a national holiday and abolishing Columbus Day in the process. The bill would take effect immediately upon enactment.
Usually, the efforts to cancel Columbus Day entail replacing his holiday with something called “Indigenous Peoples’ Day.” So at least these two Democrats have an original thought as bad as it is.
Here is the story from WKRN-TV:
Two Democratic lawmakers are seeking to remove Columbus Day as an official holiday in Tennessee in favor of a different day of celebration: the day after the Super Bowl.
Rep. Joe Towns Jr. (D—Memphis) and Sen. London Lamar (D—Memphis) introduced a bill this week that would designate the first Monday after the Super Bowl as a legal holiday while removing the official recognition of Columbus Day.
The bill would delete the language in the current Tennessee Code Annotated that designates “the second Monday in October, known as ‘Columbus Day,’” as a holiday while inserting “the first Monday after the Super Bowl,” as a new holiday, known as “Super Bowl Monday” in the bill text.
If passed, the change would take effect immediately, per the bill.
As TGP’s Jim Hoft has previously pointed out, the once-venerated Columbus has been defamed as a lunatic and murderer. In reality, he was a devout Christian determined to serve God and all mankind.
Here are two accounts of Columbus’s honorable character courtesy of the TGP’s Hoft:
Columbus also reached the islands of Cuba and Hispaniola. He stayed four months in the New World and arrived home to fanfare on March 15, 1493. Unfortunately, the Santa Maria ran aground on Hispaniola so was forced to leave forty-two men behind, ordered to treat the indigenous people well and especially to respect the women. But as Columbus discovered on his second voyage, that order was not heeded.
On his second voyage, Columbus and his men encountered the fierce tribe of the Caribs, who were cannibals, practiced sodomy, and castrated captured boys from neighboring tribes. Columbus recognized the Caribs’ captives as members of the peaceful tribe he met on his first voyage, so he rescued and returned them to their homes.
All efforts by the radical left to brainwash Americans against our nation’s most indispensable historical figures must be resisted with the upmost legal force. Americans deserve the real truth about heroes like Christopher Columbus.